Friday, January 29, 2016

How the Trekkers destroyed Christmas (An Adventures of Micah Christmas) Poem

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the lab,

Not a machine was running, without the slightest blab;

The stockings were hung above the back doorway right,

In hopes St. Nicholas wouldn’t put up a fight;


At the house of Micah, a party goes on,

With no plans of staying up until dawn;

The Trekkers are out to do some bad,

While Jr. just responds with, “Thanks, dad!”;


A plan is made to stop those mean Trekkers,

Before they become quite the homewreckers;

The Trekkers get on with their dastardly plot,

Which involves St. Nick being left to rot;


The Trekkers rush to finish the job,

Searching near and far for a house to rob;

In the street of darkness, four spotlights appear,

With the Micah Friends dancing to the Trekkers near;


And a punch! And a kick! The Trekkers get hit!

Then one final blow, to make them quit!

With Santa saved and down on the ground,

He can now deliver the presents he found;


Zoom! Santa flies and travels the earth,

After telling the story of Jesus’ birth;

The Micah Friends arise on Christmas morning,

While Trekker and Trekker Jr. receive without warning!