Sunday, November 26, 2023

in Egypt

             Micah and his brothers and friends have just been dismissed from their classes for Spring Break. However, Micah and his friends have been assigned a project revolving around ancient Egypt with the deadline being the first day back.

“So much to do, so little time to do it.” says Micah while walking home with his friends.

“The sooner we get started, the sooner we get done, let alone goof off.” responded Wesley.

“There’s not a minute to lose.” said Sarah. Micah parts ways from his friends and walks home with his brothers, who all put their backpacks away as soon as they arrive home while Micah gets to work on his project. While in his laboratory, Micah researches Egypt and gets a small start on his project until his computer starts ringing. Micah answers the call with Trekker appearing on screen and saying, “Hey, Micah! I got a surprise for you!” Trekker views the screen on Sarah, who is cuffed on Trekker’s concrete slab at his mansion.

“Really, Trekker?! This is not a good time to be kidnapping my friends!” said Micah angrily.

“According to my agenda, it’s the perfect time to be kidnapping your friends. Take a gander at this.” responds Trekker while showing Micah a remote.

“What about it?” asked Micah angrily.

“This!” answers Trekker while pressing a button. Micah, Sarah, and Trekker all vanish and appear in a desert in Egypt while dressed in Egyptian clothes.

“How about a little game of hide-and-seek? We’ll hide, you seek! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while running off with Sarah in his grip.

“Micah!” hollered Sarah worriedly.

“Sarah!” hollers Micah while running after Trekker. Trekker outruns Micah while a sandstorm rolls in and abruptly reduces visibility.

“Oh, great! How am I going to find Trekker in these harsh conditions?!” asked Micah to himself angrily. Micah goes on walking for a period of time, looking for Sarah until he gets overheated and tired.

“I got to find some water, or I’ll never see Sarah again.” pants Micah to himself while collapsing onto the ground. A water bottle suddenly lands on Micah’s lap, following by a voice asking, “Need some help?” Micah turns his attention towards the source of the voice and finds a woman riding a camel with loads of water bottles.

“Is this for me?” asks Micah while presenting the water bottle.

“You bet! And there’s plenty more right here!” answers the woman while showing Micah the rest of her water bottles.

“Thanks! I didn’t think I’d last another bolt-tightening second out here in this scorching heat!” says Micah while subsequently drinking the water.

“Don’t mention it. Can I give you a lift?” asked the woman.

“Sure, as long as your camel don’t mind.” answered Micah.

“Not at all. Sandy here just loves people ever so much. Don’t you, Sandy?” asks the woman while petting the camel. The camel closes its eyes and smiles while grunting happily.

“Hop on!” continued the woman. Micah climbs onto the camel, who helps Micah up with its head and begins walking.

“My name’s Micah, and I’m looking for my friend, Sarah. She’s been kidnapped by this hideous green monster named Trekker. You wouldn’t happen to have seen them around, have you?” asked Micah.

“Can’t say that I have. If I had to guess, they’re probably in town. That’s where all the action is.” answered the woman.

“Where am I?” asked Micah.

“Why, you’re in Cairo.” answered the woman.

“Oh! The capital of Egypt!” responded Micah.

“That’s right! Have you ever been here?” asked the woman.

“No, but I’m doing a school report on Egypt. I have to do it while on spring break, which I’m not looking forward to.” answered Micah.

“I’m sure it won’t be so bad. If you’re looking for facts though, you’re in luck.” responded the woman.

“Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?” asked Micah.

“Oh, sorry! Where are my manners? I’m Anna! Nice to meet you!” answers the woman while holding out her hand. Micah shakes her hand and subsequently asks, “What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a traveling saleswoman, selling water as you notice.” answered Anna.

“Interesting.” responded Micah.

“It’s not much, but it pays the bills.” said Anna.

“Where are we headed?” asked Micah.

“To the city. I have some deliveries to make.” answered Anna.

“Perfect! I got to get there as fast as possible, or Sarah’s a goner.” responded Micah. At nighttime, Anna sets up camp in the desert and hands Micah a heavy blanket while saying, “Here, you’re going to need this. Deserts can get awfully cold at night.”

“Thanks, Anna.” responded Micah.

“You’re welcome. Let’s get some shut-eye. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” replies Anna while lying down in her sleeping bag. Anna and Micah sleep soundly during the cold night and wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next morning, tearing down camp and loading it onto Sandy while boarding her. Anna and Micah continue traveling through the desert and set up camp later on at night, sleeping and waking up the next morning while making it to the city of Cairo not long after.

“We’re here! Now, go find your friend while I attend to my business!” said Anna.

“Thanks again, Anna! You’re a lifesaver!” responds Micah while walking off into the distance and waving goodbye to her. Anna waves back to Micah and parts ways with her camel while saying, “What a nice kid.” Micah searches through the city of Cairo while saying to himself, “Boy, Sarah could be anywhere in this place.” Micah suddenly hears a voice saying, “Step right up, folks! This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience! You don’t want to miss this!” Micah turns his attention to the source and finds Trekker, who is forcing Sarah to dance to exhaustion in front of a crowd while profiting off of it.

“There you are!” says Micah to himself angrily while approaching Trekker. Sarah collapses from exhaustion while asking, “Can we please stop? I can’t take much more of this!”

“I’m making a fortune here! Now, quit your complaining and start dancing!” responded Trekker. Sarah gets up and starts dancing while Micah worriedly watches her struggle. Micah approaches Trekker and angrily shouts, “Hey, Trekker!” Trekker draws his attention to Micah and angrily asks, “What the!? How’d you find me?!”

“Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we?” asked Micah angrily. Trekker angrily approaches Micah and says, “Look here, you broken bolt. I’m a little busy right now getting rich off of Sarah’s performance, and I’m not about to let you ruin it. Now, get lost!”

“Show’s over, Trekker! Can’t you see Sarah’s overworked?” asks Micah angrily while gesturing over to Sarah.

“I don’t care if it kills her. As long as I’m making money off the whole deal, I’m going to make her dance until she dies!” responded Trekker angrily.

“Then I’m going to put a stop to this.” replies Micah angrily while approaching Sarah. Trekker grabs Micah’s arm and says, “I don’t think so. You just gave me a new business idea. Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker drags Micah to the center of the crowd and shouts, “Hey, everyone! I’ve got a new show coming up! Please wait here while I make preparations!” Trekker drags Micah and Sarah to the back of the building while Sarah says, “It’s so good to see you, Micah!”

“You too, Sarah. Don’t worry. I’ll have you out of here faster than replacing a rusty bolt.” responded Micah.

“Oh, I doubt that.” replies Trekker menacingly while tieing Micah and Sarah together to a pole. Trekker starts a fire underneath Micah and Sarah and goes back out to the front of the building while saying, “All right, everyone! Showtime!” Trekker leads the crowd to the back of the building and subsequently hollers, “Be amazed as these two escape the burning pole!” Micah and Sarah struggle to escape the rope holding them onto the pole while Trekker watches with an evil grin on his face. Water suddenly splashes onto the flames, dousing them out completely with Trekker exclaiming, “Huh?!” Trekker draws his attention to the source and sees Anna holding a bucket while on her camel.

“Leave those two kids alone!” said Anna angrily.

“Who are you?” asked Trekker angrily.

“I’m your worst nightmare. Here comes the closing act.” answers Anna while untieing Micah and Sarah from the pole.

“How dare you interfere with my show!” said Trekker angrily.

“What show? All I see is a hideous green monster endangering children.” responded Anna.

“At least I’m getting rich off the whole deal.” replied Trekker.

“Wait a minute. Those two kids aren’t real stunt professionals?” asked a man in the crowd angrily.

“And we’ve been watching you torture them all this time?” asked a woman in the crowd angrily.

“Lies!” responded Trekker angrily.

“Sorry, everyone. We are not trained professionals. Not in a case like this, anyway.” said Micah.

“It’s true. I thought I was done for.” said Sarah.

“I knew something wasn’t right the minute I saw this guy.” says a man in the crowd angrily while drawing his attention to Trekker.

“Hey, you hideous green monster! I want my money back!” continued the man angrily.

“No refunds! Sorry!” responds Trekker angrily while running off with a bag of money. The crowd chases after Trekker with Micah, Sarah, and Anna joining in with Trekker entering an alleyway. The crowd continues running while Trekker hides from them and says, “I lost them!” Trekker turns around and sees Micah, Sarah, Anna, and her camel blocking his path and angrily says, “Out of my way, you rusty bolts! I have some evil projects to get started on!”

“If you insist…” taunts Micah while stepping to the side with Sarah. A squad of police officers approach Trekker and cuff him with one officer saying, “You’re under arrest for fraud and endangering children.” The officers escort Trekker to a police cruiser with Trekker furiously shouting, “BLAST YOU MICAH!!!!!” The crowd continues chasing down Trekker until they see the police officers loading him into their cruiser.

“Good riddance! Now, how do we get our money back?” asked a man angrily.

“Behind you.” answered a voice. The man and the rest of the crowd turn around and see Micah, Sarah, Anna, and her camel presenting the bag of money that Trekker stole, cheering and approaching Micah, Sarah, Anna, and her camel while receiving their refunds.

“Now THIS is a show!” said a man in the crowd.

“And it doesn’t even cost a penny.” responded Micah. The entire crowd receives their refunds a short while later with a man saying, “Boy, running a monster out of town sure is thirsty work. I could go for an ice cold bottle of water right about now! Who’s with me?”

“You want them? I got them!” responds Anna while setting up shop with her camel. The crowd lines up and purchases bottles of water with Micah and Sarah helping Anna pass them out. Anna sells out of water a short while later while saying, “Thanks, Micah and Sarah. This is the biggest sale I’ve ever made. I’m completely sold out!”

“It’s the least we could do. Sorry to leave you, but we have a school project to work on.” responds Micah while walking off with Sarah.

“Wait! Let me help you!” replied Anna. Micah and Sarah feel around in their pockets with Micah saying, “Shoot! I wish we had some paper and a pencil.”

“Wish granted!” responds Anna while paper and pencils to Micah and Sarah. Micah and Sarah accept the paper and pencil with Anna asking, “Shall we get started?” Anna and her camel lead Micah and Sarah to many different places of Cairo, talking about Egypt and what it has to offer while Micah and Sarah write down everything they hear. A few hours later, Micah and Sarah finish up collecting the information they need with Micah asking, “Anna, I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for Sarah and I. How can we ever repay you?”

“I do not ask for anything in return. All I want now is for you two to return home and ace that project.” responded Anna. Micah feels around in his pockets and worriedly says, “Darn! I don’t have my Warp Machine Remote with me!”

“How will we get home?” asked Sarah. A Warp Machine suddenly shows up in front of Micah and Sarah with Wesley, who is also dressed in Egyptian clothes, stepping out of it.

“Did somebody call for a Warp Machine?” asks Wesley while presenting his Warp Machine.

“Wesley? What are you doing with that outfit on?” asked Micah.

“Oh, I came here to get my project done. After all, what better way to collect info when you can just appear to and from places in an instant? That is, if you’re a boy genius with a laboratory who builds state-of-the-art gadgets and gizmos. You guys doing the same?” asked Wesley.

“It wasn’t the reason why we came here in the first place.” answered Sarah.

“Oh?” responded Wesley.

“Trekker brought us here. He kidnapped Sarah and, well…you know the rest.” replied Micah. The police drive by Micah, his friends, Anna, and her camel with Wesley seeing Trekker in the cruiser.

“I see.” said Wesley.

“But, we certainly made the best of it during our time here, thanks to…” responds Sarah while presenting Anna and her camel.

“Hi, Anna! Hi, Sandy!” says Wesley while waving to Anna.

“Hi there, Wesley! I didn’t think I’d see you again.” responded Anna.

“Uh, what?” asked Micah.

“I ran into them while I was here. They gave me some water while I was out of breath and helped me with my project.” responded Wesley.

“Is this true?” asks Micah while turning his attention to Anna and her camel.

“Every word.” answered Anna.

“That’s exactly what happened to me!” responded Micah.

“Don’t forget about the part where she saved us.” said Sarah.

“Or the part about me bringing you here, Micah.” said Anna.

“It’s ok. They can share their story with me later. We’d better not overstay our welcome.” responded Wesley.

“I understand. Take care, you crazy kids.” replies Anna while riding off on her camel. Micah and his friends watch Anna and her camel ride off with Wesley subsequently saying, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go home and get started on our project. Then we can enjoy the rest of spring break.” Micah and his friends warp home and begin working on their projects, getting it done in a short period of time and spending the rest of their spring break relaxing with some days where they hang out together with Micah and Sarah talking about their experiences with Egypt to Wesley. The first day back in school, Micah and his friends present their projects in front of their Social Studies class with their teacher and classmates clapping afterwards.

“Splendid work, you guys! And you’ve all gone there yourselves?” asked the teacher.

“It wasn’t part of our spring break plans, but yes.” answered Micah. The teacher drinks her remaining water and says, “Oh, darn. That was the last of my water. If I don’t get some more, I’ll burn up in this classroom.” A water bottle suddenly lands on the teacher’s lap with Micah saying, “Thanks, Anna!” Anna waves to Micah and his friends from outside the window and rides off with her camel while the teacher and class watch.

“I’m impressed with your guys’ work! A+!” said the teacher.

“Thanks, Mrs. Knipfer.” responds Micah while making his way to his seat with his friends. Micah and his friends watch as the rest of their class present their projects while Anna and her camel, Sandy, make their way back to Egypt, continuing on with their traveling drinking-water business.


The End