Thursday, September 5, 2024

Parental Lessons

             Today is the first day of Micah’s senior year of high school, and a new teacher named Mrs. Ellie Leando has just joined the Arcanum High School staff teaching World Studies, Government, and Economics. Mrs. Leando is young and immediately takes a liking to Micah, who takes a liking back to her. Two weeks later, Micah attends an open house one evening at the school with his mother and stepfather, who meet all of Micah’s teachers, including Mrs. Leando, who tells Micah’s mother and stepfather that Micah is one of her star students, giving Micah butterflies in Micah’s stomach. Another two weeks later, Mrs. Leando and her husband find out that they’re expecting a child while going about their lives. Due to his high I.Q., Micah inadvertently shows boredom in Government while maintaining his high grades for the class. As her child develops more, Mrs. Leando begins to experience illness and moodiness while showing some signs to Micah whenever he asks questions. One day, Micah’s mother and stepfather receive mail containing reports by Micah’s teachers, talking about his performance. While it lies on the kitchen counter, Micah looks at it and finds Mrs. Leando’s report, who says Micah doesn’t show interest in the class and doesn’t ask questions.

“How could Mrs. Leando say these things about me? I ask questions when I have one.” asked Micah to himself. Micah takes the letter and approaches his mother while asking, “Hey, mom? Can I talk to you for a little bit?”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Well, it’s about this report. I really don’t like what Mrs. Leando is saying about me.” answers Micah while showing the letter. Micah’s mother looks over the report and responds, “Don’t take it personal. You do very well in school. I’m sure it’s all just a misunderstanding.”

“I hope you’re right.” replies Micah while entering his room. Micah proceeds with his life, dealing with Mrs. Leando on a daily basis as her baby develops more and more, which makes her even more moody. One day in class, Mrs. Leando leads Micah’s class to the library for a group project with Micah and his partner (Natalie) heading over to the computers, oblivious to Mrs. Leando wanting to tell them something. Angered, Mrs. Leando lashes out in anger at Micah and Natalie, instructing them to navigate their computers in a specific way.

“What did Natalie and I do wrong?” asked Micah.

“You guys didn’t listen to me!” answered Mrs. Leando angrily.

“What do you mean ‘we didn’t listen to you’?” asked Micah.

“I was trying to tell you guys something and you just took off to the computers!” answered Mrs. Leando.

“Why didn’t you stop us? We would have listened.” responded Micah. Mrs. Leando sighs angrily and replies with, “Forget it! Just do your project!” Micah and Natalie proceed with their assignment until the end of the class period with Micah, Natalie, and the rest of their class logging out of their computers and heading over to their tables with Micah sitting next to Mrs. Leando, who angrily says, “Micah.” Micah turns his attention to her while she angrily asks, “Why haven’t you been showing interest in this class?”

“I really don’t know how to answer that. You either like the class or you don’t. Whatever I did to upset you in any way, Mrs. Leando, I can assure you it wasn’t on purpose. To be honest though, I’m only taking this class because it’s required for graduation.”

“That is not an answer! I want to see you show interest in this class and ask questions!” responded Mrs. Leando.

“I’m afraid I can’t live up to that expectation. And the only reason I don’t ask questions is because I don’t have any. I’ll ask questions when I have them. I can’t just force them out.” replied Micah.

“You are not making any sense!” said Mrs. Leando. Mrs. Leando continues her rant towards Micah, who gets his feelings hurt and begins to grow angry at Mrs. Leando after it passes. One day in class, Micah and his class work on an assignment with Micah struggling to find out an answer, asking Mrs. Leando for help.

“I can’t figure this out. Can you help me?” asked Micah. Mrs. Leando starts to help Micah to no avail, angering Mrs. Leando and causing her to rant to Micah again.

“Are you going to help me with this or just keep whining about my ‘lack of interest’ in this class?!” asked Micah angrily.

“Don’t talk to me like that!” responded Mrs. Leando angrily.

“It’s a free country! I can say what I want!” replied Micah angrily.

“That’s it! Office, now!” says Mrs. Leando angrily while pointing to the door.

“Fine! You’re not helping me out anyway! Just wasting my time is all!” responds Micah while heading to the principal’s office. Micah sits in front of the secretary until Mrs. Leando enters and sits down next to him until the principal peaks out his office door and says, “I’m ready for you, Micah.” Micah and Mrs. Leando enter the principal’s office with the principal asking, “So, what seems to be the trouble here?”

“He’s not showing any interest in my class and not asking questions!” responded Mrs. Leando angrily.

“So, what do you want me to do about it?” asked the principal.

“Whatever’s appropriate! Give him a detention, suspend him…anything!” answered Mrs. Leando angrily.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Mrs. Leando. The situation has to be much more serious in order to issue a punishment like that.” responded the principal.

“There’s more! He backtalked me!” replied Mrs. Leando angrily.

“Is this true, Micah?” asks the principal while drawing his attention to Micah.

“I’m afraid so, Mr. Gray. She made me so mad. I couldn’t help myself.” answered Micah.

“How do you think I feel with you not showing interest and not asking questions in the class?!” asked Mrs. Leando angrily.

“Please! Not that again!” responded Micah angrily.

“Hey, guys. Let’s not cause a ruckus here, ok? Just get back to class and try to control yourselves.” said Principal Gray. Micah and Mrs. Leando head back to class while Mrs. Leando continues ranting to Micah to his annoyance with Micah angrily asking, “What do you want from me?!”

“You know exactly what I want from you, Micah! You’re not listening!” answers Mrs. Leando while entering the classroom with Micah. Micah carries on with the school year tolerating Mrs. Leando, who ends up in the hospital for a week at one point due to complications with her pregnancy. Some of Micah’s classmates tell Micah about it, who responds with “Good riddance!”

“Micah! How could you say that? She could lose her child!” asked one of the classmates.

“She’s nothing but a great big snot! All she does is rant, rant, rant! Over nothing!” answered Micah angrily.

“I don’t like her moody attitude either, Micah. But that’s no reason to wish her harm.” responded Jessica.

“I don’t need this. I hope she never comes back.” replies Micah angrily while parting ways from Jessica and his classmates. Mrs. Leando eventually checks out of the hospital and resumes teaching, continuing to mistreat Micah to his anger. One night, two silhouettes sneak into Mrs. Leando’s house while she and her husband sleep. The silhouettes pick up and carry Mrs. Leando to a Warp Machine while she sleeps soundly, disappearing afterwards. The following morning, Mrs. Leando wakes up while yawning and stretching, finding herself inches from a cliff to her horror. Mrs. Leando then hears menacing laughing and turns around to find Trekker and Trekker Jr. standing behind her.

“Good morning! How are we today?” asked Trekker menacingly.

“Who are you?!” asked Mrs. Leando in horror.

“Oh, where are my manners? I’m Trekker, and this is my son, Trekker Jr.” answers Trekker while placing his hand on Trekker Jr.’s shoulder.

“Pleased to meet you!” said Trekker Jr. menacingly.

“Now then…” said Trekker. Near the area, a Warp Machine appears with Micah and his father emerging from it with Micah talking about his issues with Mrs. Leando. Micah’s father gives Micah advice while hiking with Micah until Trekker and Trekker Jr. run into them.

“Trekker!? What are you doing here?!” exclaimed Micah.

“Oh, nothing.” answers Trekker menacingly while looking around.

“You guys are up to something, aren’t you?” asked Micah annoyingly.

“You could say that.” answers Trekker menacingly while smirking. Micah and his father suddenly hear cries for help from a distance behind Trekker and Trekker Jr.

“Dost mine ears deceive me, dad? I think there’s trouble afoot.” says Trekker Jr. menacingly while cupping his hand over his ear.

“I’ll deal with you two later!” says Micah angrily while shoving Trekker and Trekker Jr. out of the way. Micah’s father catches up to Micah, who draws closer to the cry for help while Trekker Jr. goes after them.

“Let them go, son. This is the only beginning.” says Trekker while stopping Trekker Jr. Micah and his father inch closer to the cry for help while Micah shouts, “Hang on! Help is on the way!” Micah and his father arrive at the edge of the cliff, hearing the cry for help right in front of them. Micah and his father draw their attention to the source and find Mrs. Leando hanging onto the edge for dear life.

“Oh! Mrs. Leando! What a nice surprise!” said Micah angrily.

“Please help me up, Micah! I’m about to lose my grip here!” said Mrs. Leando worriedly.

“No way! After what you’ve done to me!?” responded Micah angrily.

“How could you be mad at a time like this?! Can’t you see I’m in grave danger here?!” asked Mrs. Leando worriedly.

“Help yourself up, you cold-hearted rusty bolt!” responds Micah while walking away. Micah’s father stops Micah and angrily says, “Micah!”

“She’s been very hostile to me lately! Remember?” asked Micah angrily.

“I know, but we must live by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” responded Micah’s father.

“I’m still not helping her up!” replies Micah while folding his arms and turning his back on Mrs. Leando.

“Oh yes you are! What if that was you right now?” asked Micah’s father. Micah thinks for a moment while Mrs. Leando’s hands slowly slip off the edge.

“Oh all right!” says Micah annoyingly while approaching Mrs. Leando with his father.

“Give me your hand!” says Micah annoyingly while reaching out his hand. Mrs. Leando grabs Micah’s hand while subsequently grabbing the hand of Micah’s father. Micah and his father pull Mrs. Leando up onto the ground with Mrs. Leando hugging Micah afterwards while saying, “Thank you, Micah! One second later and I would have been a goner!” Micah shoves Mrs. Leando away while annoyingly saying, “Don’t get all mushy on me, ok? I did what I had to! This changes nothing!” Micah turns his back on Mrs. Leando, who looks at Micah remorsefully and asks, “Micah?”

“Now what?” asked Micah annoyingly.

“I’m sorry for how I treated you lately. My pregnancy has been driving me crazy, and I care so much about your future success. Do you even know what it’s like to be pregnant or be a teacher?” asked Mrs. Leando.

“No, but is being kind to others too much to ask for?!” asked Micah annoyingly.

“Don’t be rude, Micah. She just said she was sorry.” said Micah’s father.

“She’s not sorry at all! She just wants me to think she is!” responded Micah angrily.

“No. I want you to KNOW that I am.” replied Mrs. Leando.

“Well I’m not buying it! I saved your life, which means you and your unborn child live to see another day! Now go!” said Micah angrily.

“Micah, forgive her! She’s already forgiven you! Now it’s your turn!” said Micah’s father angrily.

“But…” responded Micah.

“This is not how your mother and I raised you! You know what you must do!” replied Micah’s father.

“Ok. I guess I can let bygones be bygones.” said Micah annoyingly.

“Thank you, Micah. I promise never to mistreat you again. Hanging over that edge has taught me a lot about being kind to others, no matter what I go through. So, is it ok to finish my hug?” asked Mrs. Leando.

“Bring it in.” answers Micah while extending his arms. Mrs. Leando hugs Micah, who hugs her back while Trekker and Trekker Jr. arrive in front of Micah, his father, and Mrs. Leando.

“How sweet.” said Trekker menacingly.

“Those are the guys that tried to kill me!” said Mrs. Leando worriedly.

“That’s right! And it’s high time we finish the job! Heh heh heh heh!” laughs Trekker Jr. menacingly while grabbing Mrs. Leando with Trekker’s help. Trekker and Trekker Jr. drag Mrs. Leando away while she cries out for help again with Micah and his father coming to her aid.

“Hold on, Mrs. Leando! We’re coming!” shouted Micah. Before Micah and his father could rescue Mrs. Leando, Trekker and Trekker Jr. ascend into the sky with Mrs. Leando still in their grip. Trekker and Trekker Jr. board their spaceship and take off for outer space with Micah turning himself into Power Micah and taking off after them, accessing the engine compartment and destroying it with his lasers. The spaceship gives Trekker a warning with the computer saying, “Warning! Engine failure!”

“Engine failure?! Jr., go take a look!” says Trekker while pointing out the way. Trekker Jr. accesses the engine compartment, finding it in ruins and returning to Trekker.

“Dad! Somebody destroyed the engine!” said Trekker Jr.

“Now who could have done such a thing?!” asked Trekker angrily. Trekker suddenly hears a knocks on one of his windows and draws his attention to it, finding Micah outside with Mrs. Leando in his grip. Micah tauntingly waves at Trekker and Trekker Jr. and makes a face at them while flying off with Trekker angrily shouting, “BLAST YOU MICAH!!!!!” The spaceship comes crashing down while Micah returns to his father with Mrs. Leando.

“Wow, Micah! There’s a lot I don’t know about you! I was so wrong to judge you.” said Mrs. Leando.

“Fret not, Mrs. Leando. It’s a judgmental world out there.” responded Micah. Micah’s father puts his hand on Micah shoulder and says, “I’m proud of you, son.”

“Thanks, dad.” responded Micah. Micah, his father, and Mrs. Leando look at each other with smiles on their faces for a moment with Mrs. Leando subsequently saying, “Sorry to break up the reunion, but I’d better be getting back home.”

“Oh! Right!” responds Micah while summoning his Warp Machine.

“What’s this?” asked Mrs. Leando.

“It’s my Warp Machine. Just type in your destination and it’ll take you there at warp speed.” answered Micah.

“Impressive!” responds Mrs. Leando while approaching the Warp Machine. Mrs. Leando enters in her destination and steps inside while saying, “See you in class, Micah!”

“See you then!” responded Micah. Micah, his father, and Mrs. Leando all wave to each other while Mrs. Leando disappears and reappears back at her house while Micah reverts himself back to normal.

“See, Micah? As Helen James once said, “Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference.” said Micah’s father.

“I hate to admit it, but it actually felt good helping Mrs. Leando out like that.” said Micah.

“That’s how you’re supposed to feel. So, shall we continue our hike?” asked Micah’s father.

“With pleasure!” answers Micah while walking off with his dad. Micah finishes out his senior year with Mrs. Leando being nothing but kind to him, graduating and planning out his adult life while Mrs. Leando gives birth to a healthy, happy, baby girl. Meanwhile, Trekker and Trekker Jr. emerge from their destroyed spaceship with Trekker saying, “I’ll get you, Micah! If it’s the last thing I do!”


The End

Friday, August 2, 2024

Ingenious Pranksters

             Micah has had romantic feelings for Sarah for quite some time now. He hangs out with her on a regular basis and has become tempted into pranking Wesley as a result, much to his anger. There comes one evening where Sarah goes over to Micah’s house, wearing a black dress and impressing Micah.

“You certainly look beautiful tonight. Ready for the dance?” asked Micah.

“Ready when you are.” answers Sarah while following Micah to his mother’s vehicle. Micah dances with Sarah while Wesley sits in the bleachers watching everyone else dance until Micah approaches him.

“What’s the matter, Wesley? Scared?” taunted Micah.

“No. I just don’t like to dance. That’s all.” responded Wesley.

“Chicken!” taunted Micah.

“I’m not chicken! I just don’t like dancing! There’s a difference!” responded Wesley angrily. Micah begins clucking to Wesley like a chicken with Wesley angrily saying, “Stop it, Micah! It’s not like that, and you know it!”

“Suit yourself, Scaresley!” taunts Micah while dancing back to Sarah. Wesley angrily rolls his eyes and continues watching everyone else dance while Micah and Sarah have the time of their lives until arriving home and turning in for the night. The next day, Sarah shows up in Micah’s laboratory with braided hair, a white tanktop, and black shorts while saying, “Ready to climbing when you are, Micah.” Micah turns around and observes Sarah, subsequently saying, “Looking adventuriffic!” Micah and Sarah warp to some cliffs and climb until tiring themselves out with Sarah saying, “That was fun!”

“You can say that again!” responded Micah. Micah and Sarah warp home and live out their lives until one day, Wesley mails an invitation to Micah. Micah opens up the envelope and pulls out Wesley’s invitation to his upcoming birthday party, reading the details and subsequently going into his laboratory to build his next prank, which is a wolf costume and mouth spray to make him sound like a wolf. On the day of Wesley’s birthday party, Micah dresses in his wolf costume and sprays his mouth with his wolf spray, heading off to Wesley house while he takes attendance.

“Has anyone seen Micah?” asked Wesley. Wesley suddenly hears snarling behind him and turns around to find a wolf staring at him menacingly with Wesley and the rest of the party guests backing up nervously. The wolf suddenly pounces on Wesley, knocking him down to the ground while staring at him in the face snarling. The wolf suddenly starts to laugh and removes its mask, revealing itself to be Micah.

“Gotcha! Happy birthday, Wesley!” said Micah.

“Micah! You about gave us heart attacks!” said Wesley angrily.

“Aw, come on Wesley. It was a joke.” responded Micah.

“Well…it’s not funny!” replied Wesley. Wesley’s father approaches him and says, “Don’t let it get to you, Wesley. Let’s just focus on celebrating your birthday and having fun. Micah? No more pranks, please.” Micah joins the rest of the party guests and has fun at Wesley’s birthday party, returning home later and living out his life. One night, Micah sneaks into Wesley’s house while he and his family are asleep, sneaking into his sister’s room and pulling out one of her night gowns. While Wesley sleeps, Micah dresses Wesley into his sister’s night gown and places hair curlers in his hair, green clay mask on his face, cucumbers on his eyes, and pulls out a Telekinesis Remote afterwards, transferring Wesley and his bed far down the road from his house. Micah then goes back to the bedroom of Wesley’s sister and removes all her clothes from her drawer, placing them in Wesley’s drawer while putting Wesley’s clothes in his sister’s drawer. Wesley wakes up in the morning and is astonished to see himself a matter of distance down from his house.

“How did I end up here?” asked Wesley to himself. Wesley runs back to his house while motorists drive by and honk at him while laughing.

“What’s so funny?” asked Wesley to himself. As Wesley reaches his house, he crosses the road with a motorist pulling up and laughing at him.

“WHAT is so funny?!” asked Wesley annoyingly. Wesley suddenly looks at his reflection on the motorist’s car and screams in horror, running into his house out of embarrassment.

“Wesley!” shouted Wesley’s sister.

“Coming.” responds Wesley while heading to his sister’s room.

“What are YOUR clothes doing in MY room? And WHY are you wearing MY night gown?!” asked Wesley’s sister angrily.

“Faith, you’re barking up the wrong tree here. I didn’t have anything to do with this.” responded Wesley.

“Oh, sure. All of this just magically happened. Is that it?” asked Faith angrily.

“I didn’t say that.” responded Wesley.

“Just take your clothes and get out of here!” says Faith angrily while throwing Wesley’s clothes at him. Wesley goes to his bathroom and removes the hair curlers and clay mask while dressing into his clothes, subsequently going through his drawer and finding Faith’s clothes stored in them.

“Faith, what are YOUR clothes doing in MY room?!” asked Wesley angrily.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t put them there!” responded Faith angrily. Wesley and Faith argue to each other while Micah watches on surveillance in his laboratory, laughing uncontrollably until Wesley’s mother intervenes.

“Enough!” shouted Wesley’s mother angrily. Wesley and Faith stop arguing and freeze while subsequently looking at their mother, who continues with, “I don’t know what has gotten into you two, but fighting about it isn’t going to solve anything! Now, put everything back where they belong!” Wesley gives Faith her clothes back while Wesley enters his laboratory with Micah showing up.

“Rough morning?” taunted Micah.

“Micah, I’m not in the mood right now.” responded Wesley.

“As you wish.” responds Micah while holding in his laugh. Wesley hears the laugh and asks, “You were behind all this, were you?” Micah bursts out laughing while Wesley angrily continues with, “I knew it! Why do you keeping doing this to me, Micah?!”

“No reason.” answered Micah.

“Forget it. Just go.” says Wesley while pointing to his Warp Machine. Micah heads to Wesley’s Warp Machine and heads home while Wesley starts conducting scientific experiments.

“What am I going to do about Micah?” asked Wesley to himself angrily. One evening, Micah finishes up a lion costume in his laboratory and mouth spray to make him sound like a lion, subsequently packing them up and bringing them with him as he enters his mother’s vehicle. Micah rides with his mother and brothers to the YMCA in Greenville, where Micah’s younger brother (Christopher), has basketball practice. Micah enters the walking track and sprays his mouth with his lion spray while dressing in his lion costume, running laps on the track while watching Wesley practice karate with his father and younger brother (Jason) during a class that’s going on. Micah stops at one point and observes Wesley listening to his sensei while one of his classmates looks up at Micah and shouts, “Lion!” Wesley, his father, Jason, and the rest of the class draw their attention to Micah with Wesley’s father, Jason, and the rest of the class fleeing the scene in a state panic while Wesley climbs a rope and jumps toward Micah, who roars at him loudly.

“Go back to the jungle where you belong, vile beast!” says Wesley while jumping on top of Micah. Micah laughs and removes his lion mask with Wesley angrily saying, “This is the last straw, Micah! I can’t take these pranks anymore!” Wesley heads back to his class and tells them everything with the sensei contacting the front desk. Two staff members approach Micah and remove him from the building while Wesley angrily says to himself, “All right, Micah! If it’s pranks you want, it’s pranks you’ll get!” The next day (while heading to school), Micah feels remorseful for pranking Wesley, approaching him in the elementary/high school gym while saying, “Hey, Wesley?” Wesley suddenly throws a pie in Micah’s face and laughs while Micah brushes the pie off of his face.

“I’m sorry for all the pranks I’ve done to you lately.” said Micah.

“Sure you are.” responds Wesley while dropping a live rat down Micah’s shirt. Micah freaks out and starts struggling to get the rat out of his shirt while Wesley continues to laugh. Later at lunch, Micah gets some silverware while Wesley tops his food with hot sauce. Micah takes a bite and starts feeling the burn in his mouth, struggling to find water until Wesley gives him a glass. Micah takes a drink of the water given to him by Wesley and feels even more burn while Wesley laughs with Micah rushing to a drinking fountain and relieving the burn with some of its water. Micah returns to the cafeteria while Wesley laughs with Micah saying, “Wesley, I know you’re mad at me for all the pranks I’ve done. I get it. But I promise those days are over.”

“You’re just saying that.” taunted Wesley.

“I’m serious!” responded Micah angrily. Wesley takes Micah’s tray and dumps the food onto Micah, who then shouts, “STOP IT, WESLEY! I’M DONE PRANKING YOU, OK?!!!????!?”

“Oh, no. We’re just getting started.” taunts Wesley while taking a classmate’s milk carton and throwing milk into Micah’s face.

“Food fight!” shouts the classmate. All the students in the cafeteria start throwing food at each other until Principal Graves enters the cafeteria with a stern look on his face and his arms folded.

“He started it!” says the students while pointing to Wesley. Principal Graves turns his attention to Wesley, who says, “Oh, jeez.” After getting off the bus at the elementary/high school building, Wesley enters a classroom to serve detention while Micah tells Sarah what triggered the pranks.

“So you see, my feelings for you is what prompted me into doing this.” says Micah while walking with Sarah.

“I got to admit, Micah. I’m very disappointed in you.” responded Sarah.

“I know, and I don’t blame you. If you don’t want to talk to me again, I completely understand. I’ll just leave you alone now.” replies Micah while parting ways from Sarah.

“Wait, Micah!” shouted Sarah. Micah stops and turns his attention to Sarah, who approaches him and continues with, “Yes, I’m mad at you. But not THAT mad. Just promise me you won’t prank Wesley anymore, especially if it has to do with how you feel about me.”

“I pinky promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.” responds Micah while locking pinky fingers with Sarah and crossing his heart. The next morning, Micah enters the elementary/high school gym with Wesley asking, “Hey, Micah. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure. What’s up?” asked Micah.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for all the pranks I did to you yesterday. I got a little carried away. I hope you’re not still mad at me.” responded Wesley.

“No, it’s ok. All is forgiven.” replied Micah.

“Thanks, buddy. Now, let’s get ready for school.” says Wesley while heading to the bleachers. Micah walks with Wesley and sits with him and Sarah at the bleachers until getting dismissed to their bus, ready to take on a new day.


The End

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Leech Reach

             One day, Micah works in his laboratory, conducting Science experiments until his neighbor, Chris W., enters and says, “Micah, I need your help!”

“What’s wrong, Chris?” asked Micah.

“I got leeches on me!” answers Chris while showing his arm.

“This ought to do the trick.” says Micah while pulling out a can of spray. Micah sprays the leeches, causing them to release their grip on Chris’s arm and crawl away.

“Thanks, Micah! What is that stuff?” asked Chris.

“It’s a new formula I invented. I call it…Leech-Be-Gone!” answers Micah while presenting the spray.

“That’s awesome! Matthew and Christopher are over at my house right now. You’re welcome to come over and join them if you’d like.” responded Chris.

“Sure! Just give me a minute. I’m almost done with my experiments.” replies Micah while finishing up his experiment. After finishing his experiment, Micah walks with Chris over to his house with Micah, his brothers, and Chris all going down to a nearby creek. Micah’s younger brother (Christopher) reaches into the water and pulls out a rock while leeches stick to his arm.

“Ewww! Leeches!” says Christopher while attempting to pull them off.

“Oh! Don’t do that, Christopher! Here, let me help you!” says Micah while pulling out his leech spray. Micah sprays the leeches on Christopher’s arm with the leeches falling back into the water.

“You should probably keep your hands out of the water.” said Micah.

“What is that stuff you sprayed them with?” asked Christopher.

“It’s some kind of leech spray. He made it himself.” responded Chris. Micah and his brothers continue hanging out with Chris while Trekker conducts a diabolical experiment with leeches. Trekker Jr. approaches Trekker and asks, “What are you working on, dad?”

“I found a new way to get rid of Micah and his pesky family and friends!” answered Trekker.

“How are leeches going to stop Micah?” asked Trekker Jr.

“These are no ordinary leeches.” answers Trekker while snapping his fingers. The leeches bunch up and form a giant leech monster while Trekker continues, “With this monster, nothing will stop us! Ha ha ha ha!” The next day, Micah and his brothers walk through town with Chris, talking with one another until they hear panicking. Citizens suddenly start running for their lives as Micah, his brothers, and Chris notice large groups of leeches infesting every area they lay their eyes on.

“Leech-Be-Gone, don’t fail me now!” says Micah while pulling out his leech spray. Micah shakes the can and runs up to a group of leeches, spraying them with the leeches not being affected.

“Fool! These leeches are no match for your so-called Leech-Be-Gone!” said a voice menacingly. Micah, his brothers, and Chris turn their attention to the source and find Trekker standing before them.

“I should have known you were behind all this.” said Micah annoyingly.

“Watch this!” says Trekker menacingly while subsequently snapping his fingers. The leeches bunch up and turn themselves into the giant leech monster while Trekker laughs menacingly.

“We’re going to need a lot more Leech-Be-Gone.” said Chris.

“That won’t do. We got to find something else.” responded Micah.

“Make my day, you broken bolts. Until then…my little friend and I will be running Arcanum. Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while boarding the leech monster. Trekker and the leech monster begin wreaking havoc on Arcanum as Micah watches with his brothers and Chris.

“So, you’re Leech-Be-Gone has no effect on those leeches, huh Micah?” asked Chris.

“I’m afraid not. But luckily, there are other ways to get rid of leeches. We just have to find the right one.” answered Micah.

“I hear salt is pretty good at getting rid of leeches.” said Christopher.

“Ok. Let’s try it.” says Micah while leading his brothers and Chris home. Micah, his brothers, and Chris gather up as much salt as they can find and bring it uptown with Micah turning himself into Power Micah. Matthew turns himself into Electricew and Christopher turns himself into Fantom with Micah sprinkling the salt on the leech monster, which has no effect.

“Not even salt will stop my little leech friend! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while continuing to wreak havoc on Arcanum with the leech monster. Micah fires lasers at the leech with Matthew casting lightning bolts and Christopher casting spells on the leech monster, which are all rendered useless. Micah and his brothers try out the rest of their attacks on the leech monster to no avail with Trekker menacingly saying, “My little buddy is impervious to even the strongest attacks! He has no weakness!”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Trekker! Everyone’s got a weakness, including your so-called ‘little buddy’, and we’re going to find out what it is!” responded Micah.

“That’ll be the day!” replied Trekker. Micah and his brothers attack the leech monster on different parts of its body with no luck taking it down until they get stopped by Trekker Jr., who is in his Anti-Super Trekker Jr. form.

“Good work, Jr.! Now, take them away!” said Trekker.

“Yes, sir!” responds Trekker Jr. while carrying Micah and his brothers away. Chris watches as Micah and his brothers get carried off by Trekker Jr. while saying, “There’s got to be a way to stop that monster!” Chris heads home and does some research on leeches, finding possible solutions that stop leeches. Chris finds a bottle of vinegar in his kitchen and takes it uptown, pouring it on the leech monster to no avail.

“You think vinegar is going to stop my friend here? Go home, kid! You’ll live longer!” taunted Trekker. Chris heads home while Micah and his brothers continue being carried off by Trekker Jr., who unknowingly flies over a body of saltwater. Micah fires lasers at Trekker Jr.’s cape, engulfing it in flames and disintegrating it while subsequently reverting Trekker Jr. back to normal.

“You broken bolt. Look what you’ve done!” says Trekker Jr. angrily while trying to grab Micah while falling. Micah blows a raspberry at Trekker Jr. and catches his brothers, carrying them off back to Arcanum with Matthew asking, “You see that ocean down there, Micah?”

“Yes. Why?” asked Micah.

“Oceans contain saltwater, which can also get rid of leeches.” answered Matthew.

“Really?” asked Micah.

“It wouldn’t hurt.” responded Matthew.

“Hang on, guys! We’re going back to the lab!” says Micah while flying off fast with his brothers in his grip. After arriving in his laboratory, Micah grabs buckets and warps back to the ocean with his brothers following, subsequently scooping up some of the ocean water with help from his brothers and warping back to Arcanum. Meanwhile, Chris heads back up town with a bottle of turpentine in his grip while Trekker taunts, “Oh, yeah! Like that’s going to stop us! Go ahead! Make my day!” Before Chris could dump the turpentine on the leech monster, Micah and his brothers arrive with buckets of ocean water, in which Micah dumps onto the leech monster while swooping in back and forth. The leech monster gradually becomes more and more relaxed, eventually breaking up and reverting back to the smaller segments of leeches, who are also too relaxed to do any further damage.

“This isn’t over yet!” said Trekker angrily.

“How about some of this for added measure?” taunts Chris while presenting the bottle of turpentine. The leeches retreat and carry Trekker off with them while Trekker shouts, “BLAST YOU BROKEN BOLTS!!!!!”

“Good work, Chris!” said Micah.

“You did most of the work, Micah.” responded Chris.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” said Micah.

“Thanks, Micah.” responded Chris.

“Well, now that things are back to normal, what do you guys want to do?” asked Christopher.

“Want to just go back to my house?” asked Chris.

“Fine with me.” answered Micah.

“Same.” answered Matthew.

“Ok then. Chris?” asked Christopher.

“Right this way, gentleman.” answers Chris while leading Micah and his brothers home. After arriving back at his house, Chris puts away the bottle of turpentine and joins back up with Micah and his brothers, playing and having the time of their lives. Meanwhile, the leeches arrive at a creek and continue to carry Trekker with them while Trekker Jr. arrives with the leeches snatching him after attempting to free Trekker from their grip.

“We’ll get you, Micah! If it’s the last thing we do!” said Trekker and Trekker Jr. angrily.


The End

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Pastries of Evil

             One day, Micah works on a shovel in his laboratory until his friends (Wesley and Sarah) show up.

“Hey, Micah. What do you got there?” asked Sarah.

“Behold! The Muscle Shovel! With this invention of mine, you’ll be able to scoop bigger piles of dirt and speed up production by 50%!” answers Micah while presenting his shovel.

“Neato! Shall we give it a try?” asked Wesley.

“You bet! All inventions need a test run, right?” asks Micah while tossing shovels to Wesley and Sarah.

“Where are we going to try it out?” asked Sarah.

“Let me take a look here…” answers Micah while researching on his computer. Micah suddenly finds live surveillance of a person buried alive deep down underground with the digging crew struggling to get him out.

“Oh no! That’s gentleman is in trouble!” exclaimed Wesley.

“Not for long. Come on, guys! We got a life to save, and an invention to try out!” responds Micah while leading Wesley and Sarah to his Warp Machine. Micah and his friends arrive at the scene with one of the digging crews saying to his supervisor, “It’s no use, sir! Our equipment just can’t take it anymore!”

“We have to get him out of there fast!” said the supervisor.

“Yeah, like a miracle’s just going to show up before our very eyes.” said another crew member worriedly. Micah and his friends suddenly arrive and walk towards the area with the buried man.

“Stand back, everyone! Muscle Shovels coming through!” said Micah.

“You guys are just kids! There’s no way you’re going to get that man out of there in time with those…whatever you call them!” said a crew member.

“Au, contraire, amigos! These are no ordinary shovels!” responds Micah while digging with Wesley and Sarah. Micah and his friends quickly save the man with everyone cheering for them.

“Thank you, kind kids! One more minute and I would have been a goner!” says the man while shaking hands with Micah and his friends.

“Don’t mention it, kind sir! I’m glad my Muscle Shovels work!” responded Micah.

“I’ve never seen those kinds of shovels before.” replied the man.

“I invented them myself.” said Micah.

“Really? Well, I must say, they were very useful in my hour of need. Thanks again for all your help!” responds the man while walking away.

“Sorry we ever doubted you three.” said the crew member.

“Not a problem. It happens all the time. Our work here is done, so…carry on.” responds Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah and his friends warp back to Micah’s laboratory with Wesley saying, “These are the coolest shovels I’ve ever used!”

“I agree! Can we keep them?” asked Sarah.

“Of course! I’ve made plenty!” answered Micah.

“Gee, thanks Micah!” said Wesley.

“What else are friends for, huh?” asked Micah.

“With all that out of the way, how about we go to the park?” asked Sarah.

“You got it!” answers Micah while joining his friends again. Micah and his friends all go to the park and hang out until the end of the day, all returning home to their respective houses later and turning in for the night. The next day, Micah works on some balloons and takes one as it fills with helium, inhaling it while Sarah shows up.

“What are you up to today, Micah?” asked Sarah.

“Why, working on a new balloon flight, thank you for asking!” answered Micah with a high-pitched voice from the helium. Sarah laughs and subsequently says, “You’re so silly, Micah!” The helium in Micah’s vocal cords wears off with Micah saying, “These balloons contain the equivalent amount necessary to carry a person. I call it…the ‘Superloons’!”

“Sounds like fun!” responded Sarah.

“And it will be! Just a little bit more and we’ll be able to try these out!” replied Micah. After a short while, Micah and Sarah head outside with the balloons, grabbing onto them while Micah activates them. The balloons inflate with helium and lift Micah and Sarah off the ground with Sarah shouting, “Weeeee!!!!!”

“Wee is right.” said Micah.

“How do we get down?” asked Sarah.

“Like this…” answers Micah while pressing a button on a remote. The balloons drain out the amount of helium necessary to land Micah and Sarah safely down on the ground.

“Wesley’s already at the park. Want to join us?” asked Micah.

“Sure!” answered Micah.

“Awesome! Bring those balloons, if you don’t mind.” responded Sarah.

“Ok! I’ll be right back!” replies Micah while heading back to his laboratory. Micah grabs some more balloons and heads off to the park with Sarah, where he gives some of his balloons to Wesley. Micah tells Wesley how his balloons work while Wesley subsequently tries them out with Micah and Sarah joining him. Later in the day, Micah arrives home and sees a cooking show on TV that his mother is watching with the chef talking about jelly-filled donuts. As the chef lists the ingredients, Micah pulls out a notepad and pencil, quickly writing down what the chef is saying and going into his laboratory afterwards, baking a dozen jelly-filled donuts in the shape and design of his head. The next day, Wesley arrives in Micah’s laboratory with Micah saying, “Ah, Wesley! You’re just in time to try out my jelly-filled donuts!”

“Mmm!” responds Wesley while taking a donut off the tray and eating it.

“Wow! These are delicious!” said Wesley.

“I’m glad you like them. Let’s see if my family feels the same way.” responds Micah while taking the tray to the kitchen.

“Mom? Kyle? Care to try my jelly-filled donuts?” asked Micah.

“He made them himself!” said Wesley.

“Absolutely!” answers Micah’s mother while taking a donut. Micah’s stepfather also takes a donut and eats it with Micah’s mother doing the same thing.

“Very good, Micah!” said Micah’s stepfather.

“I agree with Kyle! These are probably the best donuts I’ve ever had!” said Micah’s mother. Micah’s brothers come out to the kitchen with Micah’s mother saying, “Boys! You got to try this!” Micah’s brothers take a donut and eat it with Micah’s older brother (Matthew) saying, “Yum! These are good!”

“I think I’m going to have another!” says Micah’s younger brother (Christopher) while taking another donut.

“You know? I think I’ll sell these as part of a bake sale for Arcanum’s upcoming Old Fashioned Days festival.” said Micah.

“Not a bad idea. I’m sure you’ll do great.” responded Micah’s mother.

“Then so be it!” says Micah while heading back to his laboratory with Wesley. Micah bakes dozens of donuts with Wesley’s help until tiring himself out.

“It’s getting late. I’d better get back home before my family starts to worry.” says Wesley while heading to Micah’s Warp Machine. The following day comes with Wesley and Sarah showing up in Micah’s laboratory with Sarah saying, “So, Micah. Word on the street is, you’ve made some scrumptious donuts.”

“You heard that right! But first, care to try my spaghetti?” asks Micah while presenting Wesley and Sarah a plate of pasta.

“Sure! Lunch first! Then dessert!” answers Wesley while taking a plate and eating the spaghetti. Sarah also takes a plate and begins eating her spaghetti with Micah joining in.

“This is very good spaghetti, Micah! I can’t stop eating it!” said Wesley.

“You should be a chef!” said Sarah.

“I’m afraid that’s not in my passion.” responded Micah.

“It’s all good. It serves no interest to me either.” replied Wesley. Micah and his friends finish off their spaghetti with Micah bringing a dozen donuts to Wesley and Sarah.

“Can’t wait to try these!” says Sarah while taking a donut. Sarah takes a bite and says, “You were right, Wesley! These are scrumptious!” Trekker watches live surveillance of Micah and his friends eating the donuts from his computer at his mansion, angrily pounding the keyboard and saying, “I hate that brat! Always getting all the glory and whatnot! Time to fight donut with donut! Jr.!” Trekker snaps his finger with Trekker Jr. approaching him and asking, “Yes, dad?”

“Get your toque and apron, son. We’ve got some baking to do!” said Trekker.

“You got it, dad!” responds Trekker Jr. while rushing to his room. Trekker heads to his kitchen and puts on a toque and apron while Trekker Jr. arrives with his toque and apron on. Trekker and Trekker Jr. begin baking dozens of jelly-filled donuts in the shape and design of Trekker’s head, taking them to Arcanum afterwards and asking people to try them. One citizen takes a bite and spits it out afterwards while saying, “Gross! What did you put in these?”

“Jelly. Why?” asked Trekker. Trekker Jr. pulls out a jar of jelly and sees the expiration date on the bottom.

“Uh, dad? You might want to take a look at this.” says Trekker Jr. while showing the expiration date. Trekker looks at the expiration date and disregards it while saying, “Those tell you nothing. We’re just off to a slow start is all. There’s got to be at least one person in this town that will like these.” Trekker and Trekker Jr. approach more citizens, who all take bites out of Trekker’s donuts and spit them out afterwards with Trekker and Trekker Jr. later returning to their mansion.

“I don’t get it! How does Micah make his donuts so good?” asked Trekker angrily.

“Maybe because he’s…” said Trekker Jr.

“Don’t say it! I know! I’ll just taint his donuts with this! Just one bite and everybody will be mine to control! Ha ha ha ha!” responds Trekker while pulling out an ingredient. While Micah and his family sleep at night, Trekker arrives in Micah’s laboratory and injects his ingredient into Micah’s donuts while saying, “All right, Micah! Let’s see you get out of this mess!” Trekker returns to his mansion while Micah and his family continue to sleep soundly. The next day at school, Micah brings his donuts to school and presents them to his teachers and classmates, who all take a bite and find them delicious.

“Wow, Micah! These are better than ever! Did you add in a new ingredient or something?” asked Wesley.

“No. I used the exact same ingredient.” answered Micah baffled. Micah suddenly hears monstrous groaning and a voice asking, “What’s happening to me?!” Micah draws his attention to the source and sees one of his classmates turning into a Trekster.

“That can’t be good.” said Micah to himself. The rest of Micah’s class and teachers turn into Treksters, Traksters, Trekkersauruses, Trekkerdactyls, Trekbominabers, Trekrats, Trakrats, Goldy Birds, Trekians, Treaniedactyls, and Troulkers, staring menacingly at Micah while growling, chirping, squeaking, or groaning.

“What’s going on here?” asks Micah while backing up to a corner. The monsters inch closer to Micah while Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch the live surveillance from the mansion.

“We did it, Jr.! Everybody’s a monster! Now for my next plan!” says Trekker while heading to his Warp Machine with Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. arrive in Micah’s classroom with Trekker saying, “Attention, minions!” The monsters turn their attention towards Trekker, who then says, “I am your master, Trekker! And as your master, I order you to destroy that brat you see before you!” The monsters turn their attention back to Micah while exposing their teeth and extending their arms menacingly. Micah runs through the entire school to find help, only to find Trekker’s monsters in every single classroom he could find. Micah later returns home and finds his mother, stepfather, and brothers as monsters as well, running uptown to find help. Micah goes up and down every street and finds Trekker’s minions everywhere he goes.

“What’s happening?!” asked Micah worriedly.

“Isn’t it obvious? My minions and I have taken over Arcanum.” answers Trekker while approaching Micah.

“Trekker, you no-good son of a loose bolt! What did you do?” asked Micah angrily.

“Oh, nothing…except I added an extra ingredient to your donuts!” answers Trekker menacingly while showing Micah his ingredient. Micah reads the label and angrily draws his attention back to Trekker while asking, “Why?!”

“I can’t stand watching you get all the attention while my son and I are forced to live in hiding!” answered Trekker angrily.

“You know why that is!” responded Micah angrily.

“Don’t remind me. But now that I have what I want, it’ll be me getting all the attention…while you have to live in hiding! Ha ha ha ha! Get him, minions!” replies Trekker menacingly while pointing Micah out. The monsters chase after Micah, who flees to his laboratory while saying, “I need to find an antidote, fast! Or I’ll be stuck living under Trekker’s dictatorship for the rest of my life!” Micah takes one of his donuts and analyzes it, receiving the data for Trekker’s ingredient and researches to find an antidote. After a long period of researching, Micah creates his antidote and injects it into his newly-baked donuts while saying, “I hope this works.” Micah turns himself into Power Micah and flies uptown with his donuts, feeding them to every monster he encounters. The monsters eat the donuts and revert back to normal with Micah saying, “Success!”

“No!” exclaimed Trekker.

“Give it up, Trekker! As long as I’m around, you’ll never win!” taunted Micah.

“That’s where you’re wrong, you broken bolt!” responds Trekker while approaching Micah. Micah and Trekker get into a fight with Micah winning in the end.

“All right, Trekker. Time to put you behind bars!” says Micah while flying off to jail.

“No! Please! I’ll do anything!” begged Trekker.

“ANYthing?” asked Micah tauntingly. Later on at Arcanum’s Old Fashioned Days festival, Micah sells his donuts like hotcakes at his own stand until selling out.

“Hey, patissier! More donuts!” hollered Micah. Trekker reluctantly bakes up dozens of donuts while quietly saying to himself, “Blast you, Micah!”

“Less talk, more work!” responded Micah. Trekker continues baking Micah’s donuts while Micah smirks at him and continues to sell his donuts, making a big profit.


The End