Sunday, April 21, 2024

Class Monster

             Micah and his friends (Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica) not only put up with Trekker on a regular basis, they also put up with his son (Trekker Jr.), who really takes after his father. They even deal with Trekker’s divorced wife (Momma Trekker) from time to time. Due to Trekker’s vast knowledge of Science and countless inventions for his own personal gain, he homeschools Trekker Jr., who enjoys it for a while. One day, Trekker and Trekker Jr. wreak havoc on the village of Arcanum with Micah and Wesley stopping them to their anger. Then comes another day when Trekker Jr. is wreaking havoc with his mother, getting stopped by Micah and Wesley again. After getting warped back to their respective locations, Momma Trekker and Trekker Jr. both contemplate on their next plan.

“Jr., I need to talk to you.” says Trekker while entering Trekker Jr.’s room. Trekker sits down next to Trekker Jr. on his bed and holds up a report card marked with F’s in all listed subjects while asking, “Is there something you’d like to tell me?”

“I hate being homeschooled! It’s boring!” answered Trekker Jr.

“How can you not like being homeschooled? You get to stay home all day instead of being in a crummy building with a bunch of low-watts.” asked Trekker.

“I need excitement and adventure. You’re not going to find it here.” answered Trekker Jr.

“Hey, come on. Home is where the heart is.” responded Trekker.

“True, but doesn’t it get a little tedious after a while?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Hmmm. Good point. What can I do to help you bring your grades up?” asked Trekker.

“Hmmm…” responds Trekker Jr. while contemplating.

“Just think about it, ok? Let me know when you’ve got an idea.” says Trekker while exiting Trekker Jr.’s room. Trekker heads to his kitchen and prepares dinner for Trekker Jr., suddenly saying, “I’ve got it!” Trekker suddenly hears his phone ringing and answers it.

“Hello?” asked Trekker.

“Hi, Trekker. It’s Jr.’s mother. How’s his schooling going?” asked Momma Trekker.

“Horrible! He’s failing all of his classes!” answered Trekker.

“I thought so. Well, I’ve been thinking…why don’t we enroll him in public school like all the other kids?” asked Momma Trekker.

“What a coincidence! I was thinking the same thing!” responded Trekker.

“Just think of all the trouble he could cause. He could even get Micah and his friends expelled.” said Momma Trekker menacingly.

“Crazy, but it just might work. Let’s do it!” responds Trekker menacingly while hanging up. Trekker walks back up to Trekker Jr.’s room and knocks on the door with Trekker Jr. answering it.

“Back your bags, Jr.! You’re going to public school!” said Trekker. The next day in school, Trekker, Momma Trekker, and Trekker Jr. arrive at Micah’s school and enter the office with Trekker and Momma Trekker filling out some papers while Trekker Jr. excitedly says, “Oh, boy! My first day of public school! I can’t wait to cause trouble! I mean, learn.”

“Settle down, son. We got to get these papers filled out first.” responds Momma Trekker while continuing to fill out papers with Trekker. After Trekker and Momma Trekker get done filling out the papers, they turn them into the office and wait for Principal Graves to receive Trekker Jr.’s schedule being made by Guidance Counselor Mr. Taylor. A little while later, Trekker Jr. receives his schedule and heads off to his first period class with Trekker and Momma Trekker both saying, “Have a great day at public school, son. Cause as much trouble as you can. I mean, LEARN as much as you can.”

“Don’t worry, mom and dad. I’m bound to ‘learn’ as much as possible.” responds Trekker Jr. while winking at Trekker and Momma Trekker. Trekker and Momma Trekker leave the premises while Trekker Jr. makes it to his first period class which is Miss Shadley’s Art class with Micah and Jessica.

“Oh! You must be our new student! Come on in!” said Miss Shadley. Trekker Jr. makes his way into the classroom with Miss Shadley saying, “Class, we have a new student joining us today. Say hello to…”

“Trekker Jr.?!” exclaimed Micah.

“Do you and Micah know each other?” asked Miss Shadley.

“Nope. Never seen him before in my life.” answered Trekker Jr.

“Liar!” responded Micah angrily.

“Now Micah, that is not how we treat new students. Show some respect.” replied Miss Shadley.

“Yeah! What she said!” taunted Trekker Jr.

“Take your seat, Trekker Jr.” said Miss Shadley. Trekker Jr. finds an empty seat next to Micah, who angrily stares at him and whispers, “I’m onto you, Trekker Jr.! You’re not fooling anyone!”

“All right, class! Start drawing your masterpieces!” said Miss Shadley. Micah and the rest of the class begin drawing their pictures with Jessica dropping one of her colored pencils. Micah bends down to pick it up for her while Trekker Jr. swaps his picture with Micah’s, who quickly realizes it and swaps the pictures back.

“Miss Shadley, Micah stole my picture.” says Trekker Jr. while raising his hand.

“What?! He swapped them! I was just swapping them back!” said Micah.

“Micah, what did I tell you about respecting new students?” asked Miss Shadley angrily.

“He did nothing of the sort, Miss Shadley. I dropped one of my colored pencils and Micah was just picking it up for me.” said Jessica.

“Don’t get involved, Jessica. Get back to work.” responded Miss Shadley annoyingly.

“Yes, ma’am.” sighs Jessica angrily while continuing her project.

“And Micah, you can just march straight to the office.” says Miss Shadley while pointing out in the hall.

“But…” responded Micah.

“No buts. Just go.” replied Miss Shadley. Micah groans angrily and storms out of the classroom while Trekker Jr. chuckles menacingly with Jessica looking at him angrily.

“You’re not going to get away with this.” said Jessica angrily.

“I already am.” responded Trekker Jr. menacingly. Micah arrives at Principal Graves’ office and gets punished with a detention, subsequently making it back to his class with Jessica asking, “So, how’d it go?”

“Does this answer your question?” asks Micah angrily while showing Jessica his detention slip.

“Seriously?” exclaimed Jessica.

“Awww. Did little Micah get a detention?” taunted Trekker Jr. Micah ignores him and continues working on his project until the end of first period. Micah and his friends head off to their next class with Trekker Jr. having the same class as Wesley. In Science class, Wesley conducts experiments with the rest of his class and drops his pencil on the floor, leaning over to pick it up while Trekker Jr. contaminates his chemicals with one drop of his own formula. After picking up his pencil, Wesley drops another chemical into his beaker, causing an explosion and angering his teacher, Mrs. Bowser.

“Wesley, office!” says Mrs. Bowser angrily while pointing out to the hallway.

“I don’t understand. I had everything properly mixed together.” said Wesley.

“Not another word! Go straight to the office, now!” responded Mrs. Bowser. Wesley angrily pounds his desk and storms off to Principal Graves’ office while Trekker Jr. shows him his bottle of formula.

“So that’s what happened!? Trekker Jr. tampered with my experiment! Wait until I get my hands on him!” says Wesley to himself angrily while entering Principal Graves’ office. Wesley is also assigned a detention and heads back to his class, continuing his experiment while Trekker Jr. laughs menacingly to himself. Third period starts a short while later with Trekker Jr. making his way to his next class with Sarah. In music class, Sarah grabs some instruments and carries them to her seat while Trekker Jr. holds out his leg and trips her, causing her to fall to the floor and break the instruments in front of her teacher, Mrs. Oldham, who gives her a stern look.

“It was an accident! Honest!” pleaded Sarah. Sarah hears Trekker Jr. laughing behind her back and draws her attention to him.

“You! Why I ought to…” says Sarah angrily while taking one of the broken instruments and prepares to hit him. Before Sarah could hit Trekker Jr., Mrs. Oldham clears her throat and points out to the hall with Sarah angrily making her way to Principal Graves’ office. Sarah also receives a detention and returns to Music class, playing music with the rest of her class angrily while Trekker Jr. gives her a menacing look. Later on at lunchtime, Micah and his friends all sit and show one another their detention slips with Micah asking, “You guys, too?”

“Trekker Jr. tainted my experiment with his own formula!” responded Wesley angrily.

“And, he tripped me in Music class, causing me to break some expensive instruments!” said Sarah angrily.

“There must be something we could do.” says Jessica while sitting down with Micah and his friends.

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out. Somehow, we need to prove that Trekker Jr.’s behind all this and clear our names.” responded Micah.

“Hey, Jessica. May I borrow your tray, please?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Uhhh…sure.” answers Jessica while giving Trekker Jr. her tray with all her food and beverages on it. Trekker Jr. throws the food and beverages at Principal Graves, who has his back turned. All students in the cafeteria start laughing at Principal Graves while Trekker Jr. shouts, “Food fight!” The students begin throwing food at each other with Micah and his friends ducking and covering underneath their table while Principal Graves struggles to control the chaos.

“Enough!” shouted Principal Graves angrily. The students quickly stop throwing food at each other with Principal Graves angrily asking, “Who’s responsible for all this?” Principal Graves angrily looks at every student and suddenly sees Jessica standing in the middle of the cafeteria with food in her hand.

“It’s not what it looks like. I was just going to throw this away. Trekker Jr.’s the real culprit.” says Jessica while pointing at Trekker Jr. Principal Graves looks at Trekker Jr., who stares off into space with a smile on his face and a halo over his head while Principal Graves pulls out a detention slip and gives it to Jessica. After school, Micah and his friends head to a classroom and serve their detention.

“What are we going to do about Trekker?” asked Jessica quietly.

“I don’t know, but we’re going to get to the bottom of it one way or another.” responded Micah.

“Shhh! No talking in detention.” said the teacher angrily. Micah and his friends angrily work on some of their school assignments until their detention is up, going home afterwards and explaining everything to their parents. The next day, Trekker Jr. causes more mischief with all his victims taking the fall and serving detentions before heading home.

“Micah, please tell me you’ve figured out a way to stop Trekker Jr.” said Sarah.

“I believe I have.” responded Micah.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” asked Wesley.

“Hidden cameras?” asked Micah.

“Way ahead of you!” responded Wesley. As soon as arriving home, Micah and Wesley both begin constructing hidden cameras and place them all over the school early morning the next day before class starts. Trekker Jr. continues his mischief with his victims once again taking the blame and serving detentions at the end of the day with Micah and his friends entering Principal Graves’ office.

“Principal Graves, we have something to show you.” says Micah while showing his Micah Phone. Principal Graves watches footage of Trekker Jr. causing his mischief with Wesley subsequently saying, “Micah and I took the liberty of hiding cameras all over the school to prove everyone’s innocence. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. I’m glad you guys did. I’m sorry for ever doubting you all. I’m going to give Trekker Jr. a serious talking to first thing tomorrow morning.” responded Principal Graves. The next in school, Trekker Jr. heads to his first period class with Principal Graves stopping him and saying, “Trekker Jr., I’d like to have a word with you.” Principal Graves leads Trekker Jr. to his office and angrily says, “What’s the big idea causing mischief in our school?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” responded Trekker Jr.

“Perhaps these four could explain everything.” replies Principal Graves while pointing out Micah and his friends as they head into the office. Micah pulls out his Micah Phone and plays surveillance footage of Trekker Jr.’s mischief captured by the hidden cameras he and Wesley placed throughout the school.

“How did you…” asked Trekker Jr. astonishingly. Wesley shows Trekker Jr. a book containing one of the hidden cameras with Wesley answering, “We hid them everywhere.”

“My, my. How the tables have turned.” taunted Micah.

“Trekker Jr., you are hereby expelled from Arcanum-Butler Middle School.” said Principal Graves.

“Ah, whatever! My work here is done anyway!” responds Trekker Jr. angrily while summoning Trekker’s Warp Machine. Trekker Jr. warps back to Trekker’s mansion with Principal Graves saying, “Well, that takes care of that. You guys can go to class now.” Micah and his friends head to their first period class while Trekker Jr. makes it back to Trekker’s mansion with Trekker asking, “Son! Shouldn’t you be in school?”

“I got expelled.” responded Trekker Jr.

“Ha ha ha ha! I’m so proud of you!” laughed Trekker.

“You mean, you’re not mad?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Of course not. You’ve had your fun making everyone suffer, especially Micah and his rude friends.” answered Momma Trekker.

“It was fun while it lasted. I want to go back to homeschooling and make everyone suffer the old fashioned way: causing destruction with you guys!” said Trekker Jr.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Get to work!” says Trekker while pointing out Trekker Jr. to his room.

“On it, dad!” responds Trekker Jr. while heading up to his room. Trekker and Momma Trekker watch as Trekker Jr. restarts homeschooling with Trekker asking, “We sure raised a fine little monster, didn’t we?”

“We sure did. You’re a great father, Trekker. I can see why Jr. looks up to you so much.” responded Momma Trekker.

“I got to admit, you’re a swell mother, even if we are split apart.” replied Trekker. Trekker and Momma Trekker smile at each other for a brief moment and part ways with Momma Trekker blowing a kiss to Trekker Jr. as she heads out of the mansion.

“Bye, Jr.! I love you!” hollered Momma Trekker.

“Love you too, mom!” responded Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. continues on with his homeschooling while Momma Trekker makes it back home, continuing to cause destruction with Trekker’s help and once again being stopped by Micah and his friends.


The End

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Jessica the Genius

             Today is the first day of middle school (6th grade) for Micah and his two friends, Wesley and Sarah. Not long into the day, they meet and befriend a girl (whom Micah develops a bit of a crush on) in some of their classes named Jessica, who shows great interest in Science and Art. After the first day concludes, Micah and Wesley show Jessica what they do, which is invent gadgets and gizmos to help those in need and fight crime, especially from Trekker, who will stop at nothing until he has the world in the palm of his hand. The next day in school, Sarah bonds with Jessica more, showing her what hobbies and subjects she admires most. On the third day of school, Micah, Wesley, and Sarah do an experiment together in Science class with Jessica paired up with them. Using their vast knowledge of Science, Micah and Wesley help Jessica out with everything she struggles with, whether it’d be mixing the right chemicals, describing their results, whatever the situation brings.

“I wish I were as smart as you guys.” said Jessica.

“Give it time, Jessica. We can help you with that.” responded Micah.

“Just try not to get ahead of yourself, ok?” asked Wesley.

“But I love Science.” responded Jessica.

“I know, but not everybody’s cut out to be a genius.” replied Micah.

“Can you guys build something that would make me as smart as you?” asked Jessica.

“We could, but it wouldn’t be very ideal.” answered Wesley.

“He’s got a point.” said Micah.

“We like you just the way you are, Jessica. Don’t try to be something you’re not.” said Sarah. Jessica continues working on her experiment with Micah, Wesley, and Sarah while contemplating on having a vast knowledge like Micah and Wesley. The coming Saturday, Jessica goes over to Micah’s house with Micah giving her a tour of his lab. As Micah has his back turned on Jessica, Jessica observes her surroundings and finds a remote sitting on top of one of Micah’s tables, pressing its button out of curiosity and getting zapped with electricity that expels from its nozzle.

“I respectfully ask that you not touch anything. Ok, Jessica?” asks Micah while turning his attention towards Jessica. Micah sees Jessica in her electrical shocked state and asks, “This is exactly what I’m talking about. Are you ok?”

“Affirmative. Nothing more than a shock of electricity is all.” answered Jessica.

“Jessica? Are you…a genius like Wesley and I?” asked Micah.

“It appears I am.” answered Jessica.

“How’d this happen?” asked Micah.

“Oh, silly me. I pressed this here button and next thing I know…boom!” answers Jessica while presenting the remote to Micah.

“Well, I’m afraid you can’t cheat your way into geniusness. I’m going to have to undo this right away.” responds Micah while taking the remote. The remote suddenly malfunctions with Micah pressing its button to no avail.

“Looks like I’ve got a few bugs to work out. Shall we continue the tour?” asks Micah while placing the remote back down on the table.

“Affirmative. I find your lab quite intriguing.” answered Jessica.

“Ok then. Just don’t touch anything this time, understand?” asked Micah.

“I solemnly swear to abide by your rules and not touch anything else.” answers Jessica while holding up her right hand.

“Thank you for your cooperation. Now, on with the tour.” responds Micah while leading Jessica around. At the end of the tour, Jessica proceeds to warp herself home using Micah’s Warp Machine with Micah saying, “I’m going to get to work on my IQ Remote pronto. In the meantime, use your newfound knowledge wisely.”

“Nonsense. This is going to be quite satisfactory. I just know it.” responded Jessica.

“Being a genius is not as easy as you think. Maybe you don’t see that now, but you will eventually.” replied Micah.

“You worry too much. How hard could it be?” asks Jessica while warping herself home.

“I hope she knows what she’s doing.” says Micah to himself while getting to work on his IQ Remote. After arriving home, Jessica begins building a laboratory of her own in her bedroom, conducting scientific experiments of her own while Micah struggles to fix his IQ Remote. Later that night, Micah tries one more time to fix the remote, but still has no success.

“It’s no use. Perhaps a goodnight sleep will help jog my memory.” says Micah to himself while heading off to bed. Micah spends the rest of his Labor Day weekend trying to fix his IQ Remote with no success while Jessica conducts scientific experiments in her own bedroom. On the day after Labor Day, Micah, Wesley, and Sarah hang out with Jessica on and off during school. After school, Jessica invites Micah, Wesley, and Sarah over to her house and shows them her laboratory in her bedroom as well as some of the inventions she’s made, subsequently giving Sarah five pairs of shoes in their own boxes that grant superpowers to those who wear them.

“I made these myself. They will all turn you into a superhero.” said Jessica.

“Thanks, but I’m not much of a crimefighter.” responded Sarah.

“Nonsense. If Micah and Wesley can do it, so can you. Besides, I’ve already created superpowers for my own personal use.” replies Jessica while showing Sarah five stickers. Jessica suddenly takes a remote and presses its button, warping herself, Sarah, Wesley, and Micah onto Planet Venus.

“Hurry! Everyone turn into your fire-based superheroes! Planet Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system!” said Jessica. Micah transforms himself into Power Micah while Wesley transforms himself into Westense.

“Which of these shoes will help me?!” asked Sarah worriedly.

“The orange ones.” answered Jessica. Sarah quickly places on the orange shoes and ties them, transforming herself into a fire-based superhero while Jessica pulls out a volcano sticker and places it on her shirt, transforming herself into a fire-based superhero as well.

“With those shoes, you become Hot-Head Sarah!” said Jessica.

“Awesome! Wait, what’s this?” asks Sarah while pulling out a golf club.

“That is your weapon of defense, the Fire Wood!” answered Jessica.

“What are you supposed to be?” asked Micah.

“Oh, my apologies. I am Volcanica! Check this out!” answers Jessica while tucking herself into her dress. While tucked inside her dress, Jessica erupts like a volcano with lava spewing out while subsequently coming out of her dress.

“I can erupt anytime, anywhere!” said Jessica. A monstrous hand suddenly taps Sarah on her shoulder with Sarah turning around and seeing a martian making a scary face at her. Sarah screams and swings her Fire Wood like a golf club, hitting the martian and sending it flying while engulfed in flames.

“Uhhh…what just happened?” asked Sarah.

“Your Fire Wood, when in contact with someone or something, will engulf its victims in flames when used properly. Next area!” answers Jessica while warping herself, Sarah, Wesley, and Micah to a beach.

“Let us test out our water superpowers, shall we?” asks Jessica while pulling out a hurricane sticker. Micah turns himself into Water Micah with Wesley turning himself into Wesunami while Sarah observes her shoes, struggling to figure out what shoes will fit her best in the appropriate situation.

“The blue ones.” said Jessica. Sarah puts on the blue shoes and becomes a water-based superhero with Jessica saying, “You are now Aqua Sarah! The water is your oyster! Come, friends! Let us see what our water powers can do!” Jessica places her hurricane sticker on her shirt and becomes a water-based superhero herself while saying, “I am Hurricanica! I shall strike fear on all predators of the deep!” Jessica leads Sarah, Wesley, and Micah into the water and out into the deep, where Sarah and Jessica test out their swimming abilities.

“Wow! This is kind of fun!” said Sarah.

“I share the same opinion as you. Why not try out your weapon of defense?” asked Jessica. Sarah pulls out a frisbee with Jessica saying, “That is your Aqua Disk! When thrown, it will be surrounded by a cyclone that will vacuum up anything in its path!”

“What can we test it on?” asks Micah while Wesley observes his surroundings. Wesley suddenly sees a shiver of bull sharks swimming their way with menacing looks on their faces.

“Bull sharks, three o’clock!” shouts Wesley while pointing out the sharks.

“Yikes! Bull sharks are the most dangerous species of shark in the world!” said Micah.

“I thought the great white was the most dangerous.” responded Sarah.

“These guys can live in freshwater.” replied Wesley.

“Aaahhh!!! They’re getting closer!” screamed Sarah.

“Don’t panic, Sarah. You know what to do.” responded Jessica. Sarah throws her Aqua Disk, which summons a cyclone surrounding itself and sucks up the bull sharks, carrying them away and eventually returning to Sarah.

“I think our work here is done. Now it’s on to the next superpower!” says Jessica while warping herself, Sarah, Wesley, and Micah to a power plant. The power plant struggles to maintain its power with Jessica saying, “The perfect opportunity to try out our electrical powers!” After Micah transforms into Thunder Micah, Wesley transforms into Westricity with Jessica pulling out a battery sticker.

“Sarah, use the yellow shoes.” said Jessica. After Sarah puts on the shoes, she turns into an electric-based superhero with Jessica saying, “In this form, you are known as Static Sarah. Electricity has no effect on you.” Jessica puts on her battery sticker on her shirt and transforms into a superhero with electrical powers.

“You shall call be Batterica! I can feel the power coursing through my veins!” says Jessica while curling her hand up into a fist. Jessica leads Micah and his friends to the source of the problem causing the power plant to struggle maintaining its power, finding a battery at low level.

“Here’s the problem! The battery is about dead!” says Jessica while using her electrical powers on it to no avail.

“It’s not enough! We need more power!” continued Jessica. Micah and his friends expel electricity from themselves and onto the battery, which still fails to charge up.

“It’s still not enough! Sarah, use your Static Cables!” said Jessica.

“Static Cables?” asked Sarah.

“Your weapon of defense.” answered Jessica. Sarah pulls out the Static Cables and clamps one end onto the battery and the other end on herself, successfully charging up the battery and fixing the power supply of the power plant.

“Problem solved! Next power!” says Jessica while warping Micah and his friends to a jungle.

“Let me guess. The violet shoes?” asks Sarah while holding up the violet shoes.

“You got it!” answered Jessica. Sarah puts on the shoes and gains poisonous powers while asking, “What do you call this form?”

“Toxic Sarah.” answered Jessica.

“And my weapon of defense?” asks Sarah while pulling out a spray can.

“The Toxic Spray. Whatever living thing comes into contact with it will be counting sheep for quite some time.” answered Jessica. Micah and his friends suddenly hear a hissing sound coming from behind them and turn around to find a giant anaconda getting ready to eat them.

“Hit the dirt!” shouted Jessica. Micah and Wesley suddenly drop to the ground while Sarah sprays the anaconda with her Toxic Spray, causing it to fall asleep.

“Amazing!” said Sarah.

“Amazing is an understatement. Speaking of snakes…” responds Jessica while pulling out a snake sticker and placing it on her shirt.

“Feassssst your eyesssss on Sssssnayca! With thisssss form, I harnesssss the power of a sssssnake to ssssstrike fear into predatorsssss!” says Jessica while morphing into a snake.

“Nice, Jessica. But please, don’t be so dramatic with your speech.” responded Micah.

“Oh, sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.” replies Jessica while suddenly hearing a grunting noise. Jessica turns around and sees an anteater with its tongue stuck in a log, struggling to pull it out.

“Hang on, fella! I’ll save you!” says Jessica while slithering inside the log. Jessica locates the end of the anteater’s tongue underneath some rocks, removing them using her tail and freeing the anteater.

“There you go, fella! You’re free! Just try to watch where you aim that long tongue of yours, ok?” asked Jessica. The anteater grunts in gratitude and walks away with Jessica morphing back into her human form and saying, “Time for the last superpower!” Jessica warps Micah and his friends back to Arcanum with Micah asking, “What are we doing here?” People suddenly starting screaming and running away with Wesley spotting Trekker inside a giant robot destroying town.

“Ha ha ha ha! Run, you fools! Arcanum is mine!” laughed Trekker.

“Trekker!” said Wesley angrily.

“Now, now. Let us see what our last superpower can do.” responds Jessica while pulling out a guitar sticker and placing it on her shirt. Jessica transforms into a rockstar and pulls out a guitar while saying, “Give it up for the amazing Rockstarica! This is my go-to power in these kinds of situations! With my Rockstarica Guitar, I shall play a performance that my enemies cannot resist!” Sarah puts on pink-colored shoes and turns into a superhero with a violet cape and pink shirt with the letter “S” on it.

“I am…” said Sarah.

“Girl Power Sarah! This will be your go-to in situations like we’re in now!” said Jessica. Sarah and Jessica fly up to Trekker and use their powers to defeat Trekker and send him back to his mansion, saving Arcanum while everyone comes out of hiding and cheers for them. Sarah and Jessica make their way back to Micah and Wesley, reverting themselves back to normal with Micah subsequently saying, “Wow, Jessica! I’m impressed!”

“I must say, it was very thoughtful of you to create powers for Sarah!” said Wesley.

“I express my deepest gratitude to the two of you for your satisfactory words.” responded Jessica.

“You know…I could get used to this!” said Sarah.

“Take it slow, Sarah. Being a hero is not as easy as you think.” responded Micah.

“There’s so much responsibility involved.” said Wesley.

“The day has concluded! Farewell, friends…until tomorrow!” says Jessica while heading home. Micah, Wesley and Sarah all go their separate ways and make it back to their homes until the following day at school, where they work with Jessica on an assignment. During the assignment, Jessica answers a question wrong with Micah and Wesley helping her.

“Nonsense! I knew that myself! Your guys’ help is not necessary, as my IQ is off the charts!” said Jessica.

“Don’t be like that, Jessica. Geniusness is about helping others, not for showing off.” responded Micah annoyingly.

“Me, showing off? Why, I never!” replied Jessica.

“He’s right, you know. This is a group assignment, which means we must work together.” said Wesley.

“Someone as smart as me doesn’t need assistance. I can solve this entire thing with one hand tied behind my back.” responded Jessica. Annoyed, Micah, Wesley, and Sarah continue working on their assignment with Jessica, who makes selfish remarks about their actions and words. The next day after school, Micah and Wesley both receive an alert from their computers about Trekker destroying Arcanum, springing into action immediately with Micah as Power Micah and Wesley as Biking Power Wesley. Right when Micah and Wesley arrive uptown, the crowd begins cheering with Micah and Wesley seeing Jessica (as Rockstarica) standing on top of Trekker, who is laying on the ground unconscious.

“Well, look who decided to show up!” taunted Jessica.

“Why do you got to be like this, Jessica? This isn’t you!” asked Micah annoyingly.

“You’re just jealous because I got here first.” taunted Jessica.

“Geniusness has really gotten into your head.” said Wesley.

“Geniusness, schmeniusness. I saved the day!” responded Jessica tauntingly.

“Well, if you’re going to be a hero, you need to be doing it to help others. It is not for showboating. I’ve had this experience before with my brothers.” said Micah annoyingly.

“Nonsense! The people love me for what I’ve done! Am I right?” shouted Jessica. The people begin cheering for Jessica with Micah annoyingly saying, “Come on, Wesley. We don’t need to be a part of this.”

“My point exactly. Jessica has no idea what she’s getting herself into.” responds Wesley while parting ways from Micah. On Friday after school, Micah, Wesley, and Sarah go over to Jessica’s house with Sarah asking, “Hey, Jessica. We’re all going to a football game. Do you want to come with us?”

“I am very busy at the moment. There’s so much to do in so little time.” responds Jessica rudely while conducting experiments.

“It can wait, Jessica. Look at yourself. You’re letting your vast knowledge influence you.” replied Micah annoyingly.

“We don’t like this new you, Jessica. We want the old Jessica back.” said Wesley annoyingly.

“That Jessica is history! Now, please leave my presence at once! These experiments aren’t going to conduct themselves!” responded Jessica rudely. Micah and Wesley angrily roll their eyes and leave Jessica’s house with Sarah angrily replying, “So, is this it? After all we’ve been through? If your dumb experiments are more important to you than family and friends, then we’re not your friends anymore. Have fun with your stupid science stuff.” Sarah leaves Jessica’s house and catches up to Micah and Wesley while Jessica contemplates remorsefully for a quick moment and returns to her experiments.

“Some friends, huh?” asked a voice menacingly. Jessica turns her attention towards the source and sees Trekker and Trekker Jr. standing before her.

“Who needs friends when you’ve got high levels of intelligence?” asked Jessica rudely.

“Everybody’s got to have friends. Am I right, dad?” asked Trekker Jr. menacingly.

“Yeah! We’ll be your friends! Forever and ever!” answered Trekker menacingly.

“Looks like you could use a hand there with your experiments. What do you say?” asked Trekker Jr. menacingly. Jessica thinks for a moment and answers, “You know…you guys are right. What good is it to be smart when you’ve got no one to enjoy it with?”

“I know, right? Come on, Jr. Let’s help out our new friend.” responded Trekker menacingly. Trekker and Trekker Jr. begin helping Jessica with her experiments while Micah, Wesley, and Sarah arrive at the football game.

“I can’t believe how selfish and rude Jessica turned out to be! How could she just turn us away like that?!” asked Sarah angrily.

“That’s not Jessica. It’s the result of a mishap. I’ve tried and tried many times to fix my IQ Remote and undo the process, but I just can’t find the problem to its malfunction.” responded Micah.

“Why don’t we just enjoy each other’s company and watch the game? We’ll worry about all that later.” replied Wesley.

“Wesley’s right. Go Trojans!” says Micah while sitting down on the bleachers with Wesley and Sarah. Meanwhile, Jessica finishes up one of her experiments with help from Trekker and Trekker Jr. while saying, “Well, that should do it.”

“Meet us uptown tomorrow at noon. We got a big surprise for you.” said Trekker.

“And don’t forget to bring that experiment with you.” says Trekker Jr. menacingly while leaving Jessica’s house with Trekker. Jessica gets back to work on her experiments while Micah, Wesley, and Sarah all head home after the football game.

“Wow! What a game!” said Micah.

“You said it! We won!” responded Wesley.

“See you guys tomorrow.” says Sarah while parting ways from Micah and Wesley. Wesley also parts ways from Micah, who makes it home and turns in for the night. The next day at noon, Jessica makes it uptown with her experiment while Trekker and Trekker Jr. make their appearance with Trekker saying, “All right, Jessica. Hand over your experiment.” Jessica gives her experiment to Trekker, who suddenly summons a giant robot resembling his likeness and powers it up using Jessica’s experiment.

“Ha ha ha ha! Thanks to you, Jessica, our robot is more powerful than ever!” laughed Trekker menacingly.

“The world is as good as ours!” says Trekker Jr. while entering the robot with Trekker. Trekker and Trekker Jr. begin destroying Arcanum while Jessica asks, “What are you guys doing?”

“I’m glad you asked. Isn’t it obvious? We were only using you to take over the world.” answered Trekker menacingly.

“Now that we’ve gotten what we want, we’ve decided to double-cross you! Heh heh heh heh!” chuckled Trekker Jr. menacingly.

“I thought you guys were my friends! I trusted you!” said Jessica.

“Us? Friends with you? Please! Now, step aside while we destroy the village of Arcanum! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker menacingly while continuing to destroy Arcanum.

“What have I done?” asks Jessica to herself remorsefully while putting her hands on her head. Micah suddenly receives an alert from his computer while he works in his laboratory and says, “Show me what’s going on, computer.” Micah’s computer shows live footage of Trekker and Trekker Jr. destroying Arcanum with Micah saying, “Trekker! Up to his old tricks again!” Micah turns himself into Power Micah and flies uptown, getting into the robot’s face and shouting, “Trekker, stop this madness!”

“I got a better idea!” responds Trekker while subsequently smashing Micah between the robot’s hands. Micah falls to the ground unconscious with Trekker catching him just inches off the ground, bringing him inside the robot and tying him up while Wesley receives an alert from his computer. Wesley’s computer shows live footage of Trekker and Trekker Jr. in their destructive nature and Micah unconscious while inside the robot. Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley and heads uptown to Arcanum while subsequently saying, “You can’t win, Trekker! This ends now!” Using the robot, Trekker knocks Wesley unconscious and brings him inside the robot, subsequently tying him up while Sarah unknowingly makes her way uptown amidst the destruction.

“What’s going on here?” asked Sarah.

“Take a closer look!” taunted Trekker. Sarah looks up at Trekker and Trekker Jr. inside their giant robot, which has one foot on top of her and preparing to stomp down. Sarah screams as Trekker and Trekker Jr. bring down the robot’s foot with Sarah jumping out of the way in the nick of time.

“Micah? Wesley? Where are you?” asked Sarah worriedly.

“Does this answer your question?” asks Trekker menacingly while showing Micah and Wesley unconscious inside the robot.

“Ooohhh! Looks like it’s all up to me!” says Sarah worriedly to herself while pulling out her Girl Power Shoes. Right after Sarah turns herself into Girl Power Sarah, Trekker grabs her with the robot while taunting, “Fool! You can’t stop Jr. and I! Our robot is too powerful!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. begin walking away in the robot while Sarah screams frantically, getting Jessica’s attention while she mopes.

“Oh, dear! My friends are in trouble! They’re going to kill me for this, but I have no choice!” says Jessica to herself while pulling out her Rockstarica sticker. Jessica turns herself into Rockstarica and rides her guitar up to the robot’s face.

“Release my friends this instant, vile fiends!” said Jessica angrily.

“Oh, NOW they’re your friends?” taunted Trekker.

“They were always my friends, and I betrayed them. It’s time to make it right!” responded Jessica.

“If you say so!” taunts Trekker while curling up the robot’s other hand into a fist. Trekker swings the robot’s hand at Jessica, who dodges and attacks the robot with her powers.

“Give it up, kid! Our robot is indestructible, and it’s all thanks to you!” taunted Trekker.

“Don’t get your hopes up, pal!” responds Jessica angrily while firing a beam from her guitar at the robot’s window. The window shatters while Trekker and Trekker Jr. jump out of the way with Jessica subsequently entering it.

“Oh no! She’s inside our robot, dad! What are we going to do?” asked Trekker Jr. worriedly.

“We’re going to fight her the old fashioned way! That’s what! Remember, it’s two against one!” answered Trekker.

“Oh yeah!” responded Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. approach Jessica, who begins attacking them to no avail. Jessica continues on her fight with Trekker and Trekker Jr. for a while until eventually catching them in her grip while Micah and Wesley gain consciousness and watch as Jessica throws Trekker and Trekker Jr. out the robot and onto the ground. Jessica then brushes her hands off and turns around to find Micah and Wesley staring at her in astonishment.

“That was amazing, Jessica! You saved our lives!” said Micah.

“It’s the least I could do. I’m so sorry for the way I acted. I didn’t know what I had until it was gone. Can you ever forgive me?” asked Jessica.

“Already done.” answers Wesley while smiling. After releasing Sarah from the robot’s grip, Micah, Wesley, and Jessica exit the robot while police arrive and apprehend Trekker and Trekker Jr., hauling them away while everyone cheers for Micah and his friends. The cleanup crew begin working on restoring Arcanum while Micah turns himself into Klaw Micah and crushes the robot into tiny little pieces, tossing them into a garbage dumpster. Micah reverts back to normal with Jessica subsequently asking, “Have you fixed your IQ Remote yet, Micah?”

“No. I still can’t find the problem.” answered Micah.

“Mind if I help?” asked Jessica.

“Not at all. At this rate, I’m willing to try anything.” answered Micah.

“Take me to your lab at once.” responded Jessica. Micah leads his friends home and into his laboratory, giving Jessica his IQ Remote and watches as Jessica inspects it.

“Here’s the problem!” says Jessica while connecting a loose wire.

“That was it the whole time? How could I have missed that?” asked Micah. Micah and his friends briefly burst into laughter with Jessica giving him the IQ Remote afterwards.

“Ready when you are, Micah.” said Jessica.

“Are you sure you want to give up all this knowledge you have?” asked Micah.

“Absolutely! I’ve come to terms that I’m just not cut out to be a genius like you and Wesley, so I’ll leave all of that to the two of you. It’s so overwhelming, and if it makes me loose somebody important, like my family or you guys, then I don’t want that kind of power no more. I’m going to gain knowledge the way I’m supposed to…with help from family, teachers, friends…whatever resources are available! So, fire away!” answered Jessica. Micah presses the IQ Remote’s button, which then undoes Jessica’s mishap and restores her to her former state.

“You feeling all right, Jessica?” asked Micah.

“A little shocked, but I’ll be fine.” answered Jessica.

“Good to have you back, Jessica.” said Wesley.

“I’m glad to be back. If you guys don’t mind, I do want to hang on to my superpowers. You never know when I’ll need them.” responded Jessica.

“I want to keep mine, too, for the same reason.” said Sarah.

“I don’t see why not. After all, Wesley and I can’t save the world alone.” answered Micah.

“We’re always looking for help.” said Wesley. Micah and his friends group hug with Jessica subsequently saying, “No more showing off. I promise. I’m going to use my powers to help people, like you guys.”

“That’s the spirit!” responded Micah.

“So, what do you guys want to do?” asked Wesley. Micah, Sarah, and Jessica think for a moment with Micah asking, “I don’t know. Just hang?”

“I’m down!” said Sarah. Micah and his friends exit Micah’s laboratory and head uptown, hanging out and bonding with each other and later helping Jessica learn more science, improving her knowledge of the subject and how things work one step at a time.


The End