Thursday, June 6, 2024

Jessica's Lovely Experience

             Micah only has a month and a half left of his freshman year of high school, and continues to have romantic feelings for Jessica. Jessica, however, only likes him as a friend. But unfortunately, it is not stopping Micah from trying to win her over. Throughout the year, Jessica has dated one classmate named Coty, whom she and he broke up on good terms. Moving on, Jessica has set her eyes on another classmate named Dustin, who occasionally picks on Micah and easily gets offended by his antics and willingness to help out. One day in Science class, Jessica and Dustin work on a project together, struggling to get results and find answers.

“Ugh! This is so frustrating! We’re never going to figure this out!” said Dustin angrily.

“Never say never, Dustin. We just have to keep trying.” responds Jessica while Micah approaches them.

“I’d be happy to oblige.” said Micah.

“Go away, loser! Nobody asked you!” responded Dustin angrily.

“Now come on, Dustin. It’s the thought that counts. Thank you Micah, but we would like to figure this out ourselves.” said Jessica.

“No problemo!” responds Micah while heading back to his seat. Jessica, Dustin, and Micah continue working on their Science projects and finish out their day at school. The next day at school, Micah sits with Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica (who is sitting next to Dustin) during lunch with Jessica saying, “Guys, I have an announcement: Dustin and I are dating!!!” Astonished, Micah chokes on his food with Jessica worriedly asking, “Micah! Are you all right?” Micah shakes his head “no” and points at this throat, indicating he’s choking.

“Don’t worry, Micah. I got this.” says Wesley while going behind Micah. Wesley performs the Heimlich Maneuver on Micah, who eventually coughs up his food and gasps for air while saying, “Thanks, buddy. You…and Dustin?! You can’t be serious!”

“We’re DEAD serious! You snooze, you loose, chump!” taunted Dustin.

“Micah, how many times do I have to tell you? I only like you as a friend.” said Jessica.

“You can’t date this guy! He’s a jerk!” said Micah.

“You just have to get to know him.” responded Jessica. Jessica carries on with her conversation while Micah reluctantly listens in with Wesley and Sarah bonding with Dustin. After school, Micah, Wesley, and Sarah all hang out with Jessica and Dustin, who both talk and tell jokes, humoring one another. The next day at school, Micah gets up out of his table to throw away some trash and accidentally trips Dustin, who spills his food all over the floor.

“Oh! I am so sorry, Dustin! I didn’t see you coming!” said Micah.

“You’re going to pay for that, chump!” responds Dustin angrily while grabbing Micah’s shirt and lifting him up. Jessica witnesses Micah kick Dustin in the face to break free and subsequently goes to sit with her, Sarah, and Wesley at their table.

“I can’t believe you did that, Micah!” said Jessica angrily.

“It’s not what it looks like. You see…” responded Micah.

“I don’t care what happened! I have never been so angry with you in my whole life! How could you go to great lengths like that?!” asked Jessica angrily.

“All right, look. If it makes you feel any better, I’m sorry.” responded Micah.

“Sorry’s not going to cut it this time, Micah! I’ve had enough with you!” replied Jessica angrily.

“I see. If this is how it’s going to be, I’ll just get out of your sight.” says Micah angrily while taking his food to another table.

“Micah, wait…” said Jessica.

“There’s no room for waiting here! Have fun with Mr. Strong, Handsome, and Perfect!” responds Micah angrily while sitting at his desired table, isolated from everyone else. Jessica bows her head remorsefully and asks, “Where did I go wrong?”

“Forget him, sweetheart. He’s no good for you, anyway.” said Dustin. Wesley goes and sits with Micah while Sarah remains with Jessica and Dustin.

“Don’t let it get to you, Micah. There’s millions of fish in the sea.” said Wesley.

“I’m in no mood for your pep talk, Wesley. Just leave me alone, ok?” asked Micah annoyingly. Micah and Wesley finish up their lunch and proceed with their day at school. After arriving home, Micah storms into his laboratory with his older brother (Matthew) asking, “Hey, Micah. Want to play video games.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve got more important matters to attend to.” answers Micah annoyingly while entering his laboratory. Micah sets up a machine and steps inside it after making the following configurations:

No emotions

Invincibility (does not feel physical pain)

Knowledge boost (knows everything…literally)

No vocal cords (communicates by having holographic words appear in front of him)

No memory of Jessica (cannot see, hear, or feel physical contact from her, making her invisible to him)

Magical powers (can make things magically happen at will)

Strength boost (the strongest and fastest being in the world)

No interest of anything except for learning and working

No stomach (doesn’t require food or drinks to survive)

No need for sleep

Erased memory of experiment and how the configurations were done

After floating out of the machine, Micah magically disappears and reappears back in his room and picks up a book, reading it until school starts back up. After lunch, Micah and his friends head to the gym with Micah isolating himself from his friends and reading a book with Jessica looking at him remorsefully and approaching him.

“Hey, Micah? Listen, I’m sorry about snapping at you yesterday. I just got a little carried away. That’s all. So, what do you say? Can we let bygones be bygones?” asked Jessica. Micah ignores her due to his machine erasing his entire memory of her and not being able to see, hear, or feel physical contact from her.

“You’re still steamed about it, aren’t you?” asked Jessica annoyingly. Micah continues to ignore her and read his book with Jessica angrily continuing, “Look, Micah! Dustin and I are madly in love with each other, and that’s that! Why can’t you just be happy for us?!” Micah still doesn’t give a response with Jessica angrily continuing, “Whatever! Until you come to your senses, I don’t ever want to see or talk to you again!” Jessica storms away while Micah continues reading.

“Where were you?” asked Sarah.

“Patching things up with Micah.” answered Jessica.

“And?” asked Wesley.

“He wouldn’t even look at me! What is wrong with him?!” asked Jessica angrily.

“Let me try reasoning with him.” responds Wesley while approaching Micah.

“Hi, Micah.” said Wesley. Micah returns Wesley’s greeting with his holographic words with Wesley asking, “How are you feeling today?” Micah responds using words that inform Wesley that he cannot feel anything.

“What do you mean you can’t feeling anything? You don’t feel any physical or emotional pain?” asked Wesley. Micah answers with his holographic words while Wesley subsequently asks, “So, do you feel happy? Do you feel mad? Any of those emotions?” Micah responds once again with his holographic words with Wesley responding, “Ok. I’ll see you around.” Wesley head back to Jessica, who asks, “So?”

“He talked to me.” responded Wesley.

“No surprise there. You are his best friend, after all. How about we go together?” asked Jessica.

“I don’t see why not.” responds Wesley while heading back to Micah with Jessica following.

“Wait for me!” hollers Sarah while catching up. After approaching Micah, Wesley and Sarah both say hi to Micah, who returns both of their greetings with his holographic words. Jessica says hi to him also, but gets no response.

“See? Something’s wrong.” said Jessica.

“I’ll see if I can figure this out.” said Wesley. The bell rings with Micah, his friends, and the rest of their classmates going to their next class. After arriving home from school, Micah magically clones himself and has them magically appear at different businesses, filling out job applications and demonstrating their work abilities to the impression of their supervisors, who all hire the clones on the spot while Micah floats in his room reading books to no end. Day after day, Micah reads books nonstop at home and school, getting perfect scores on all assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests to the impression of his teachers. On the side, Micah magically resolves issues encountered by his classmates, who thank him while Micah returns the gratitude with his holographic words. To the dismay of his family and friends, Micah does nothing but read and work at home while the clones work their jobs and bring in the income. As Micah continues learning and working, Wesley struggles to research the cause of this behavior to his frustration.

“It’s hopeless! What is causing Micah to act like this?!” asked Wesley to himself angrily.

“I have a suggestion. Use this remote to scan Micah.” responds Wesley’s computer while presenting the remote.

“Oh yeah. The answer was right in front of me all along. Why didn’t I think of this before?” asked Wesley.

“Less research, more thinking.” responded Wesley’s computer.

“Don’t push it, computer.” replies Wesley while taking the remote. Wesley warps to Micah’s house and appears at the front door, ringing the doorbell.

“Hi, Tina. Is Micah home?” asked Wesley.

“He’s in his room, reading again.” answered Micah’s mother. Wesley heads to Micah’s room and subsequently says, “Hey, Micah. I just want to do a quick analysis on you here to see what’s gotten into you.” Wesley points the remote at Micah and presses a button, causing the remote to scan Micah and subsequently print off results. Wesley looks over at the results and astonishingly says, “Micah! You really shouldn’t have!” Wesley heads back to his house while Micah continues reading his book until school the next day, when Wesley shows Jessica the results with Micah not being in their presence. Jessica looks at the results and astonishingly asks, “So, this is why Micah’s acting so weird!?”

“I’m afraid so. It seems your angry outburst has really done a number on him.” responded Wesley.

“I didn’t think he’d take it so hard! What can we do to change him back?” asked Jessica.

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out.” answered Wesley. At lunchtime, Micah once again isolates himself from his friends, reading a book while Wesley and Jessica approach him.

“Now remember, talk to him like you normally would and I’ll tell him everything you said.” said Wesley.

“I sure hope it works.” responded Jessica. Wesley and Jessica arrive in front of Micah with Jessica saying, “I know you can’t see or hear me Micah, but you got to snap out of it. This has gone too far. I want you back...the way you’re supposed to be.” Wesley repeats everything Jessica said to Micah, who uses his holographic words to question their discussion.

“This isn’t like you, Micah. Just tell us how you made yourself like this.” said Wesley. Micah uses his holographic words to inform them that he doesn’t know.

“Don’t pretend you don’t remember, Micah.” said Jessica angrily.

“That’s enough. I’ll take it from here.” said Wesley. Jessica heads back to Dustin and Sarah while Wesley talks with Micah until the bell rings. Micah and his friends finish their day out at school with Wesley taking Micah to his laboratory and powering on his computer, searching through it and finding surveillance footage of Micah conducting his experiment. Wesley configures Micah’s machine and places Micah inside it, starting the process and reverting Micah back to his normal state.

“How do you feel, Micah?” asked Wesley.

“A little dizzy, but ok.” answered Micah.

“Micah! You’re back!” shouted Wesley excitedly.

“What do you mean ‘back’? I never left.” asked Micah.

“I mean ‘back’ as in, the way you’re supposed to be.” answered Wesley.

“Why did you change me back? I never asked you to do that.” asked Micah annoyingly.

“Because Micah…you were a really big jerk without your emotions, interests, knowledge, and so on. And for what? A girl? She’s not worth it, Micah. I’m sorry, but if it’s not meant to be…it’s not meant to be. You don’t need to know everything or have special powers to get someone to like you. You’re perfect just the way you are. Try to be happy with who you are and what you’ve got, ok? You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.” answered Wesley.

“What are you talking about? Everyone liked me until you changed me back, including Jessica.” asked Micah annoyingly.

“Guess again, Micah. Nobody liked you in that state, not even Jessica. Everybody was just taking advantage of your powers and abilities for their own personal gain. You may not see it, but this was for your own good.” responded Wesley.

“I’m changing myself back.” says Micah annoyingly while heading to his machine. Wesley pulls out and ignites a bomb, throwing it at the machine and destroying it into a million pieces.

“I can’t let you do that, Micah. You’re my best friend, and I care about you. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” asked Wesley. Micah angrily thinks for a moment with Wesley subsequently saying, “I see you need some time to collect your thoughts. If you ever come to your senses, you know where to find me.” Wesley heads to Micah’s Warp Machine and warps home while Micah continues contemplating with Trekker watching him, Jessica, and Dustin on surveillance from his mansion, chuckling menacingly. With Jessica sound asleep at her house later on, her door opens with a shadow being cast from it. The next day, Micah enters his laboratory and conducts experiments until his computer rings. Micah answers the call with Trekker appearing on screen.

“Well hi there, Micah! I have something to show you!” says Trekker menacingly while subsequently showing Jessica cuffed on a concrete slab at his mansion.

“Oh no. Jessica’s in trouble. What ever shall I do?” asked Micah sarcastically.

“I need your help, Micah! Really!” said Jessica worriedly.

“Why don’t you have your boyfriend save you? It’s his job after all!” responded Micah sarcastically. Micah’s computer suddenly shows Dustin cuffed next to Jessica on the concrete slab at Trekker’s mansion with Micah sarcastically saying, “You want to be a hero, Dustin? Here’s your chance! Make my day!”

“How do you suppose I do that?!” asked Dustin angrily.

“She’s your girlfriend! You think of something!” responded Micah sarcastically.

“Stop being like that, Micah! Look at us, for crying out loud! We can’t even move!” replies Jessica angrily while wiggling.

“You guys are no skin off my back! I’m out of here!” says Micah angrily while walking away. Micah suddenly runs into his mom, who is giving him a stern look while Micah asks, “Mom? What are you doing here?”

“Save those two right now or you’re grounded!” responded Micah’s mother angrily. Micah sighs angrily and turns his attention back to his computer, which has Trekker back into view.

“I’ll be right over.” says Micah angrily while heading to his Warp Machine. Micah warps to Trekker’s mansion and approaches Trekker while annoyingly saying, “All right, Trekker. Let’s get this over with.”

“And by that, you mean…” asked Trekker.

“You and me, one-on-one, now.” answered Micah annoyingly.

“Well, if you insist.” responds Trekker while starting to fight Micah. Still angry about his experience with Jessica, Micah intentionally gives Trekker the upper hand and allows himself to be attacked.

“Come on, you broken bolt! You’re not even trying!” said Trekker angrily. Micah carries on the fight with Trekker, but continues giving him the upper hand. The battle goes on for a while without Micah putting up a fight, eventually prompting Trekker to end it while subsequently saying, “I give up. This battle is so pointless. Here, take your friends and get out.” Trekker frees Jessica and Dustin from the concrete slab while Micah stands and observes. Jessica and Dustin approach Micah, who annoyingly says, “Let the insults commence.” To Micah’s surprise, Jessica hugs Micah while saying, “Thank you so much for saving us, Micah. I’m so sorry for being so hard on you.”

“I have to admit, that was some fight you put up there.” said Dustin.

“But I didn’t do anything.” responded Micah.

“That’s the beauty of it. I will never doubt your weirdness ever again. Way to go, dude.” replies Dustin while holding out his fist. Micah fist bumps Dustin, who turns to Jessica and says, “I have a confession to make. I think we should see other people.”

“Are you breaking up with me?” asked Jessica.

“Well…yes. I just don’t feel the same way about you. I never did. I only said ‘yes’ because I was too afraid to say ‘no’.” answered Dustin.

“Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? It probably would have disappointed me, but I’d rather you be honest than just pretend to feel something you really don’t.” asked Jessica.

“I was worried it wasn’t going to turn out well.” answered Dustin. Dustin leaves Trekker’s mansion while Jessica watches in heartbreak with Micah putting his hand on her shoulder and saying, “I am so sorry, Jessica.”

“You think you know a guy.” says Jessica while brushing off Micah’s hand. Jessica heads to Trekker’s Warp Machine and warps herself home while Micah does the same. Some time later, Micah approaches Jessica at lunch and asks, “How are you doing? You know, with being dumped and all?”

“Actually…I’m doing great! I just needed some time to adjust.” answered Jessica.

“Well, you know what they say: ‘Time heals all wounds’. See you after bit.” responds Micah while returning to his table.

“Wait, Micah.” said Jessica.

“Yes?” asks Micah while drawing his attention to Jessica. Jessica scoots down the table and presents a seat right next to her while asking, “Care to sit down?” Micah sits down next to Jessica at lunch with Wesley and Sarah later joining them. Micah and his friends proceed with their lives while bonding with Dustin, who remains friends with Jessica. While Micah may still like Jessica more than a friend, he has learned to acknowledge her decision and to take what he can get, never to try and be something he’s not ever again.


The End