Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Quest to Save Sarah

Hello!!! My name is Micah, and I would like to tell you a little about myself.

I’m 12 years old, currently in 6th grade, and (not to brag) I have an extensive IQ that’s off the charts. I’ve got my very own laboratory right here at my house, just a few feet below the ground. How do I get in and out, you ask? I enter using my Entry Cube that’s sitting on top of my dresser. With the push of a button, I get sucked in (literally) and slide on down. It’s not so bad, once you get used to it. Think of it as the slides you go down at playgrounds, except longer and loopy. Don’t worry, I’ve thought of everything. It is my number one priority to keep everyone safe. And now, to show you all how I exit (with my Exit Lamp). Similar to the Entry Cube, I push a button..and it transports me back to my room. Oh! I almost forgot! The reason for my lab is, I invent high-tech gadgets and gizmos to help those in need. Not everything goes to plan, though. Again, every effort is made to ensure the safety of others. Nobody’s perfect, so…if at first you don’t succeed, try…try…try…try…try… (eh, you get the idea) until... Speaking of safety, my life mostly involves keeping the world safe from the evil clutches of my archnemesis, Trekker. He’s this power-crazed troll scientist who wants to take over the planet. He and his son, Trekker Jr., are always going around wreaking havoc. Not the proper way for a father and son to bond, but…all relationships got to start somewhere, right? Moving on. Where there’s evil afoot, good will step in and save the day. And that good…is me. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. I’ve created five super-powered alter egos to get the job done:


Power Micah – My go-to transformation. I also use this ego to survive in intense heat.

Water Micah – As the name suggests, I use this ego in the wettest (or even the coldest) conditions.

Thunder Micah – If power is scarce (or when encountering electrical environments), this ego is right for the job.

Leaph Micah – The transformation needed to respond to danger lurking in the deep wonders of wooded areas. Can also survive in areas where deadly poison is present.


And last, but not least,


Klaw Micah – This ego may not be very pleasant to look at, but I’m still my gentle self. Because of my giant size during this form, I have strength that exceeds the limits of my other egos. I can easily pick up a house right off its foundation with my bare hands! Remember, I’m the good guy here. So, I use this ego (along with the rest of my transformations) to help people. Don’t judge a book by its cover (figuratively and literally).


I have two brothers: an older one named Matthew and a younger one named Christopher. Matthew is very intelligent, but hey. He’s the oldest, which means it’s his job to set the examples for his younger siblings when the parents or guardians aren’t around. He’s even a big help with my experiments and saving the day (with his own super-powered alter egos, of course). Christopher can be a bit of a handful, but he’s family. He’s very skilled in the athletic department. And (unbelievably), it’s made him a great crimefighter. I can always count on him when the going gets tough. And I must say, I’m very impressed with his super-powered alter ego. We live with our mom and stepdad, Tina and Kyle, in a nice, quiet village in Ohio called Arcanum. Our dad and stepmom, Jeff and LJ (Linda Jo), have shared custody of us. So, we stay over at their house every other weekend in Union City, Indiana. I have three friends: Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica. Wesley and I have been best friends since the 4th grade. I still remember the day I met him. He too is a genius with a laboratory. He too invents high-tech gadgets and gizmos to assist those in need. And, he too fights crime on a regular basis with his own super-powered alter egos. He never hesitates to back me up during the hardest of challenges. And then there’s Sarah. I fell in love with her not too long after meeting her in my 1st grade class. She’s not into all the science and hero stuff like Wesley and I are, but she still asked for super-powered alter egos. Wesley and I were more than happy to oblige. What else are friends for? Sarah is very timid when it comes to fighting crime, but oftentimes, she’ll just suck it up and stare death in the face. And just like that, she springs into action! Jessica is someone I’ve just met recently at school. We’ve attended the same school throughout our elementary years, but never had class together…until now. She and Sarah have actually been really good friends for quite a while, especially throughout elementary. Hey, any friend of Sarah’s is a friend of mine. Jessica does very well in science, but she has no desire to invent things like Wesley and I do. And (like Sarah), she’s not into crimefighting either. Despite this, she too asked Wesley and I to help create her desired super-powered alter egos to gain the upper hand. Crimefighting scares Jessica, just like it does Sarah. But, when it comes time to take drastic measures…boom! Jessica is ready to roll, similar to what happens with Sarah. Well, that’s it for now. It was nice meeting you all, and, I’ll see you around!


It is a fine, peaceful morning in the village of Arcanum. All the residents wake up from a good night’s sleep, eat a well-balanced breakfast, and prepare to go on about the day. The kids happily play with their toys or at their nearest playground with their mothers nearby, spending time with them while their fathers work to cover the finances. As for Micah, he works quietly in his laboratory. Being a young inventor is a never-ending job. Unfortunately, not everyone spends days like this playing, spending time with their families, or even conducting scientific research for the troubled. Unbeknownst to Micah and the rest of Arcanum, Trekker schemes a dastardly agenda at his mansion thinking, “What evil should I do today?” Trekker subsequently hatches a plot, reacting with, “I got it!” He walks over to his Warp Machine (a device used to travel from one location to another at hyperspeed or even travel back or forward in time) and heads for Sarah’s house. Trekker appears above Sarah’s home inside his Trekkercopter, his own personal helicopter that he uses for sneaky attacks. With his Trekkercopter hovering at a standstill, Trekker walks over to a button and pushes it to drop a net stored inside the bottom hatch. He walks back to the cockpit and watches as the net descends. Completely unaware of the danger that’s coming to her, Sarah exits her house and heads over to Micah’s, subsequently getting caught in the net dropped by Trekker.

“Somebody, help me!” cries Sarah. Sarah frantically looks for a way out while being hoisted up into the Trekkercopter. Just after the net stops, Trekker peaks his head out the window, greeting Sarah menacingly with, “How’s it ‘hanging’ down there?”

“Trekker, get me out of here right now!” shouted Sarah angrily.

Sorry—no can do. I’ve got a job to finish. Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while flying back to his mansion. Trekker opens the roof of his mansion and calls Trekker Jr. upon arriving.

“Yes, dad?” says Trekker Jr.

“Hey, Jr. We got a live one.” responds Trekker while viewing Sarah.

“Bring her in nice and steady.” said Trekker Jr.

“Roger that.” responded Trekker. Trekker lowers Sarah into his mansion directly above a slab of concrete and opens the net, causing Sarah to fall out and land on the slab. Trekker Jr. quickly cuffs Sarah’s wrists and ankles to the slab and gives Trekker a thumbs-up afterwards. Trekker lands his Trekkercopter and walks into his mansion.

“Let me go, you hooligans!” angrily yells Sarah while struggling to break free.

“Yell all you want, Sarah. There is nothing you can say or do to make me change my mind. Ready, Jr.?” asks Trekker.

“Ready when you are, dad.” answers Trekker Jr. while holding up a remote.

“Excellent! Let the fun begin! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker Jr. points the remote at himself and presses its red button, causing him to disappear. Meanwhile, Trekker heads over to his computer and makes a phone call. Still working in his lab, Micah suddenly hears his computer ringing. He turns around and sees “Incoming message” displayed on his monitor screen with Trekker appearing shortly afterwards.

“What is it this time, Trekker?” asked Micah angrily.

“Not ‘what.’ ‘Who?’ Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while viewing Sarah.

“Sarah!” shouts Micah worriedly.

“That’s right. I have your friend, Sarah. If you ever want to see her again, make your way over to my mansion at once.” responds Trekker menacingly.

“I’ll be there faster than replacing a broken lug nut. If you do anything, ANYTHING, to harm Sarah in any way possible…you’ll be one sorry son of a loose bolt.” replied Micah angrily.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” responds Trekker sarcastically. Trekker hangs up while Micah prepares to depart for his mansion. With his Warp Machine still underway, Micah turns himself into Power Micah and rockets out the emergency chute of his lab. Trekker watches on his computer as Micah makes his way over to the mansion.

“Look at that, Trekker. Micah’s coming for you right now.” taunted Sarah.

“Is he?” asks Trekker menacingly. Trekker presses a key on his keyboard, summoning a warp hole just feet in front of Micah. Unable to stop in time, Micah flies directly into the warp hole and crash-lands in another world during its sunrise. Micah looks around in a daze when suddenly, he hears his Micah Phone ring. He takes the call, only to find Trekker yet again on his screen, much to his anger.

“Trekker, you have three bolt-tightening seconds to tell me where the heck I am!” shouted Micah angrily.

“I’ll only need two. You’re in a world I’ve made myself. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Micah looks around some more and then sees a sign that reads, “Welcome to Original Village”.

“Pretty cool, right?” asked Trekker sarcastically.

“Nice try, Trekker. It’s going to take a lot more than…whatever this is all about, to keep me from getting to Sarah. As long as I have my...” says Micah while his Power Micah Mask fades away. Micah reverts to his general form with Trekker saying, “Ha! It’s not as easy as you think, kid.” Micah pulls out his Water Micah, Thunder Micah, Leaph Micah, and Klaw Micah masks while saying, “Well, I least I have my…” His other masks fade away.

“No problem. I still have my other inventions.” says Micah while pulling out various gadgets and gizmos. They too fade away with Trekker saying, “Don’t bother, kid. You can’t use any inventions or superpowers as long as you’re stuck here. I programmed my worlds to detect that stuff and to ‘confiscate’ them the bolt-crushing second they emerge. Face it, you’re helpless. So, just try and find your way back to my mansion. Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker hangs up with Micah pressing onward to Original Village, sightseeing for a way out with no activity going on whatsoever.

“It’s a ghost town here. How am I supposed to escape?” asked Micah to himself. Micah suddenly spots a warp hole at the end of the street.

“Oh! I bet that’s it! Only one way to find out.” continued Micah while running towards the warp hole. Just inches from the warp hole, Micah is suddenly grabbed and pulled away by ground and flying monsters. While struggling to break free, Micah hears his Micah Phone ring again and answers it.

“I see you’ve met my army of Treksters and Traksters.” said Trekker.

“Don’t remind me.” responded Micah.

“Did you really think that town was deserted? Think again.” replied Trekker.

“Yeah, I got that.” said Micah angrily.

“Ciao!” responded Trekker. Trekker hangs up while the Treksters and Traksters continue to drag Micah away from the warp hole. At one point, a Trekster trips over a stone, causing all the other Treksters to fall in the process. Micah finally breaks free and grabs a Trakster in the air, throwing it at the Treksters and making a run for it to the warp hole. The Treksters and Traksters quickly recover from their mishap and give chase to Micah. Micah jumps into the warp hole and ends up in another part of Original Village during its sunset.

“What in the laboratory is going on here?” asks Micah to himself in a daze while looking around. Once again, Micah’s Micah Phone rings with Micah angrily asking, “Now what?” Micah takes the call, only to find Trekker yet again on his screen.

“I almost forgot. Those warp holes don’t take you back to my mansion right away. They just take you to another part of whatever world you’re in.” said Trekker.

“Gee, thanks Trekker!” angrily responds Micah sarcastically.

“The pleasure’s all mine.” replied Trekker. Trekker hangs up the call yet again with Micah searching for the warp hole to escape. As Micah walks around, Treksters and Traksters emerge from all over and make their way towards him, crowding around him in a tight circle. Micah jumps (performing a front flip) and bounces off the heads of all the Treksters and Traksters in his path. Micah makes a run for it while the Treksters and Traksters give chase. As he evades the monster army, Micah spots the warp hole unexpectedly, quickly heading towards it. Just as Micah is about to enter, the warp hole is snatched by a Trekster and races off with it. Micah gives chase to the Trekster, but it quickly gets away and vanishes.

“Darn! Where did that rusty bolt go?” asked Micah in frustration. Micah suddenly hears a crash and draws his attention to the direction it came from. He spots the Trekster, who had run into a brick wall, and goes after it. The Trekster runs off with the warp hole still in his hands, outrunning Micah yet again. Coincidentally, Micah stops at the Trekster’s crash sight.

“Boy, he’s faster than a conveyor belt at super speed. How am I going to catch him?” asks Micah while looking around for a solution. Micah looks down and finds some bricks (which have fallen off the building that the Trekster had crashed into) laying on the ground.

“Ah! This ought to do the trick.” reacted Micah while picking up a brick. The Trekster suddenly peaks out of the corner of a building with Micah quick to notice. Micah rushes over to a nearby building and hides behind it while the Trekster tiptoes past. Right when the Trekster comes into his view, Micah throws the brick at its head, knocking it unconscious and causing it to drop the warp hole.

“Direct hit! It’s nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.” says Micah in excitement while making his way towards the warp home. Just then, the army of Treksters and Traksters from earlier show up and attempt to stop Micah again. Micah makes a safe getaway and successfully reaches the warp hole. To his surprise, Micah shows up to yet another part of Original Village at sundown. Just after he began walking forward, Micah is suddenly snatched and carried off by a Trakster. He manages to grab a flaming torch during the flight, burning the Trakster’s leg in the process. The Trakster growls in pain and subsequently drops Micah, who lands on the ground safely with the torch still in his hand. Micah begins to press onward in total darkness with the torch as his only source of light. The fire suddenly goes out with Micah hearing snarls afterwards from crowds of Treksters and Traksters.

“Fools! It’s going to take a lot more than darkness to scare me!” said Micah. Micah slowly backs away while swinging the doused torch to fend for himself. As he continues, Micah suddenly backs into a flaming barrell.

“Perfect!” said Micah in excitement. Micah lights up his torch and finds a crowd of Treksters and Traksters in front of him, growling at him menacingly. Then, the Trakster that had carried him off earlier crash-lands behind the crowd with its leg still on fire. The other Treksters and Traksters turn around and observe the burning Trakster for a moment, immediately fearing for their lives, and draw their attention back to Micah with the look of terror still in their eyes.

“Uh-huh. That’s what happens when you touch me. You’re going to get burned…BAD!” taunted Micah while presenting the flaming torch to the Treksters and Traksters. The Treksters and Traksters quickly flee out of fear while Micah continues walking. He finally finds the warp hole and jumps into it after setting down the torch. The warp hole takes Micah just outside of Original Village, still at sundown, with Trekker Jr. present.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Micah.” said Trekker Jr. menacingly. Micah looks past Trekker Jr. and finds another warp hole behind him, shoving Trekker Jr. aside while saying, “I don’t have time for this. You rusty bolts have Sarah and I’m not going to tolerate that.” Trekker Jr. grabs Micah just before he could touch the warp hole while saying, “Leaving so soon? You just got here.”

“Look, this was fun and all, but I really have to go.” responded Micah. Trekker Jr. swings Micah over to the other side while saying, “Sit down!” Micah tries again to reach the warp hole, only to be stopped by Trekker Jr. once more.

“How about you make this worth your while before things get ugly?” said Trekker Jr.

“Never!” responded Micah angrily.

“Well, in that case…” replied Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. then starts growling and snarling while Treksters and Traksters emerge and make their way towards Micah.

“You thought I was alone, didn’t you?” asked Trekker Jr. menacingly. Trekker Jr. snaps his finger and a Trakster grabs the warp hole, flying off with it.

“Ha! There’s no escape. You’re stuck here with me.” said Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. growls and snarls again, making the command to the Treksters and Traksters to attack. Micah jumps (performing a back flip) and narrowly misses the Treksters and Traksters, causing them to attack Trekker Jr.

“Get off me, you fools! Attack him!” said Trekker Jr. angrily while pointing at Micah. The Treksters and Traksters quickly turn around and charge towards Micah, who runs off while he thinks of a plan. At one point, Micah goes behind Trekker Jr. with a Trekster near him. Micah provokes the Trekster with a taunt, causing it to charge. The Trekster then opens its mouth and clamps it shut just before Micah steps back, causing it to bite Trekker Jr.’s tail.

“YYYEEEOOOWWW!!!” yelled Trekker Jr. in pain. Trekker Jr. hits the Trekster off his tail and says, “Do I look like Micah to you?!” The Trekster worriedly shakes it head with Trekker Jr. subsequently responding, “Good! Now, get your act together and stop that broken bolt!” The Trekster nods and resumes chasing Micah while he tries to evade some Traksters. Micah runs past a building and quickly hides behind it, causing the Traksters to continue flying forward. Micah then tiptoes over to Trekker Jr. and whistles to the Traksters that chased him. The Traksters turn their attention to Micah and fly directly towards him.

“Just got to position myself...” says Micah while standing his ground. Micah jumps and front flips over the Traksters as soon as they became inches from him. The Traksters pick up and fly away with Trekker Jr. by mistake.

“What are you doing?! It’s me!” shouted Trekker Jr. angrily. The Traksters quickly drop Trekker Jr., who falls face down on the ground.

“You lug nuts are useless! Get out of my sight, now!” continued Trekker Jr. in rage. The Treksters and Traksters flee for their lives, including the Trakster that had possession of the warp hole. The Trakster drops the warp hole with Micah subsequently running towards it. Trekker Jr. grabs Micah by the shirt just when the warp hole becomes barely out of reach.

“Oh no you don’t!” says Trekker Jr. angrily. Micah frees himself and grabs Trekker Jr.’s wrist.

“Oh yes I am!” taunted Micah. Micah flips Trekker Jr. over and successfully reaches the warp hole, ending up in a different world.

“Now where am I?” asked Micah to himself. Micah proceeds to sightsee while saying, “I’m certainly not in Original Village anymore.” Micah stumbles upon a sign that reads, “Welcome to Spooky Village! Enter at your own risk!”

“This place isn’t spooky.” said Micah to himself. Treksters and Traksters suddenly emerge from up out of the ground.

“Eh, could be worse.” continued Micah to himself. Some Treksters and Traksters suddenly grab Micah from behind and drag him to a pit full of spikes.

“I’m not going in. You are!” taunted Micah while breaking free. Micah kicks a Trekster, sending it flying back and into the pit with the other Treksters and Traksters like bowling pins. Micah wipes his hands together and continues walking, searching for the warp hole. Without knowing, Treksters and Traksters are following Micah as he continues his search for the warp hole. He finally finds it on top of a building with a ladder leading to it. Micah climbs the ladder, but it immediately disintegrates upon contact.

“Great! How am I supposed to get up there?!” asked Micah to himself in frustration. Micah then hears growls and snarls and turns his attention to it, noticing the crowd of Treksters and Traksters that have been following him the whole time.

“What are you looking at?” asked Micah angrily. The Treksters and Traksters charge towards Micah while he stands his ground. Just inches from a Trakster, Micah jumps up and the Trakster crashes into a building.

“Hmmm…” thought Micah as he landed on the Trakster. He positions himself again while the Treksters and Traksters continue going after him. Another Trakster swoops in and crashes into the building after Micah ducks. Micah climbs up on top of the Trakster and notices another one coming his way. The Trakster holds out its feet in an attempt to grab Micah, who grabs it instead and shoves it into the building. Micah climbs up onto the Trakster, finally reaching the top of the building.

“Thanks for the lift, you guys.” taunted Micah. Micah makes his way into the warp hole and is sent to a different part of Spooky Village.

“You got to be kidding me.” said Micah to himself in frustration. The ground suddenly shakes with large clumps of dirt falling out from underneath Micah’s feet and into an abyss.

“Oh! No time for lollygagging!” exclaims Micah while making a run for it. As Micah makes his way across the crumbling ground, Traksters emerge and attempt to attack him. Micah eventually makes it onto a steady ledge with the warp hole right in front of him. He then sees two Traksters, one in front of him and the other behind him, heading right towards him. Micah ducks just as the Traksters could grab him, causing the two to crash into each other and fall to the ground.

“You two ought to ‘face’ off more often.” taunted Micah. Micah enters the warp hole and is sent to another part of Spooky Village, where flaming meteors are crashing everywhere. Micah quickly runs through the meteor shower as Treksters and Traksters begin chasing him.

“Oh, so you want to make this a ‘hot’ pursuit, huh? I’m in!” taunts Micah as he continues running. A meteor then heads right towards Micah, who ducks and slides across the ground just inches underneath the meteor. The meteor crashes into the Treksters and Traksters with Micah taunting, “Warm enough for you?” Micah finds the warp hole, but meteors come crashing in and block it from all around while still in flames.

“That’s not good.” said Micah worriedly. A Trakster reaches out its hand from underneath the meteor that it was struck by and emerges, subsequently going after Micah as he thinks of a way to get into the warp hole. Micah suddenly spots the Trakster coming after him.

“That’s it!” said Micah excitedly. Micah stands his ground as the Trakster gradually get closer to him. He then jumps straight up into the air, jumping off the Trakster and right for the warp hole.

“I bet it’s just going to take me to another part of this darn town.” says Micah in annoyance as he falls into the warp hole. Micah enters the warp hole and is taken back to the real world, exactly where he left off in the sky on the way to Trekker’s mansion with Sarah and Trekker watching from surveillance.

“Hooray! Micah’s back!” said Sarah excitedly.

“Rust buckets! How did he make it through my worlds?!” asked Trekker to himself angrily. Upon re-entering the real world, Micah falls right out of the sky.

“Oh, I hope it’s back.” said Micah worriedly as he reaches into one of his pockets. He pulls out his Power Micah Mask while excitingly saying, “Yes! Next stop, Trekker’s mansion!” Micah transforms into Power Micah and flies off to Trekker’s mansion. Later, he lands on the trail leading to the main entrance and anxiously makes his way towards it. Micah kicks the doors open with Sarah excitingly shouting, “Micah!”

“Grrr!!!” groans Trekker angrily while turning his attention to Micah.

“Don’t you ‘Grrr!!!’ me, you rusty bolt! You have my friend, and I want her back. NOW! I’m sure her parents are worried sick about her.” responded Micah.

“It’s not over yet, you broken bolt! I still got one more trick up my sleeve!” replies Trekker as he pulls out a remote from his pocket. Trekker points the remote at Micah and presses its red button, causing Micah’s Power Micah Mask and all other masks and inventions to vanish. Micah reverts to his normal self with Trekker saying, “There! I have made you powerless…again!”

“Not as long as I have this.” responds Micah while pointing to his head. Micah suddenly rushes up to Sarah, only to be stopped by Trekker with his remote.

“Now wait just a bolt-crushing second! You and I have some unfinished business to attend to.” says Trekker while taking Micah upstairs. Trekker goes up onto the roof of his mansion and subsequently frees Micah.

“What are we doing up here?” asked Micah angrily while observing his surroundings.

“You want Sarah back, don’t you?” asked Trekker.

“Well, duh! That’s what I came here for.” answered Micah angrily.

“Too bad! Because nobody’s leaving without a fight.” responded Trekker.

“If you say so.” replied Micah reluctantly. Trekker subsequently punches Micah in the face. He then attacks some more while Micah dodges. At one point during the fight, Trekker looks and points up in the sky asking, “Hey, what’s that?” Micah draws his attention to where Trekker was pointing his finger, only to get kicked in the stomach. Trekker continues attacking while Micah continues dodging. Micah suddenly gets an idea and gives a blank stare at Trekker’s belly, creeping Trekker out.

“What’s with the look?” asked Trekker out of intimidation.

“You got something on your belly. Looks pretty bad.” answered Micah while pointing at his belly.

“Where?!” asked Trekker worriedly while frantically looking down at his belly.

“Here!” answers Micah while punching Trekker in the stomach. As a result, Trekker becomes stunned with Micah subsequently punching him off the roof. Micah then runs back into the mansion, grabs a key off of a wall rack, and rushes over to Sarah. He frees Sarah by unlocking all the cuffs holding her in place on the concrete slab.

“Thank you so much, Micah! I thought I was done for!” says Sarah in relief while hugging Micah.

“You’re welcome, Sarah. What else are friends for?” replied Micah while hugging Sarah back. Micah and Sarah begin walking out of the mansion with Sarah saying, “I was on my way over to your house until Trekker caught me. Your parents won’t mind that I still come over, will they?”

“I don’t see why not. Any friend of mine is a friend of theirs.” replied Micah. After exiting the mansion, Micah turns himself into Power Micah, picks up Sarah, and flies home. Later, Micah arrives back at his house with Sarah while his mother works outside on her garden. He sets Sarah down and removes his Power Micah Mask afterwards, reverting himself back to normal.

“Hi mom.” greeted Micah.

“Hi Micah.” responded Micah’s mother.

“Sorry to ask you on such short notice, but is it ok that Sarah hangs around here for a while?” asked Micah.

“Sure! Any friend of yours is a friend of mine.” answered Micah’s mother. Micah and Sarah happily look at each other with Micah asking, “Well…what do you want to do?”

“Want to go to the park?” asked Sarah.

“That’s an excellent idea!” answered Micah. Micah and Sarah begin heading off with Micah saying, “Bye mom! Sarah and I are going to the park!”

“Have fun, you two!” responded Micah’s mother. Meanwhile (back at Trekker’s mansion), Trekker Jr. appears and looks around for Trekker while asking, “Dad? Dad? Where are you?” Trekker, covered in wounds, suddenly opens one of the front doors with Trekker Jr. approaching him.

“Dad? What happened to you?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Micah! That’s what!” answered Trekker angrily.

“There’s still time. Let’s get him!” responds Trekker Jr. while rushing over to Trekker’s computer. Trekker places his hand onto Trekker Jr.’s shoulder while saying, “Nah. I’ve had a long and hard day. Maybe another time.”

“Well, what should we do?” asked Trekker Jr.

“How about we go get ice cream? My treat.” answered Trekker.

“Oh boy!” responded Trekker Jr. in excitement.

“To the Trekkercopter, away!” says Trekker while running to his Trekkercopter with Trekker Jr. The two jump into their seats, strap themselves in, and put on their headsets while Trekker fires up the engine and says, “Testing. Testing. Jr., do you read me?”

“Loud and clear, dad!” responds Trekker Jr. while giving a thumbs up. Trekker and Trekker Jr. take off into the sky and head to their destination, merrily enjoying the remaining time left in the day.


The End

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