Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Micah meets Debbie the Fairy Princess

            Day after day, Micah stops Trekker and his accomplices from wreaking havoc all across the world. The villains continuously go in and out of jail and constantly commit crime with Micah (sometimes with the help of his two brothers, older brother Matthew and younger brother Christopher, and his best friend, Wesley) foiling their plans. On one day, Micah and his brothers stop Trekker and his accomplices from destroying their hometown of Arcanum, OH, getting them arrested and hauled off to jail with Micah brushing off his forehead while asking, “Whew! These guys don’t know when to quit, do they?”

“It’s never-ending.” responded Matthew.

“They’re going to have to get tired of doing this sometime.” replied Christopher.

“That will be the day.” said Micah.

“But, what about the possibility of another villain taking their place?” asked Matthew.

“Oh, right.” responded Christopher. Micah and his brothers join the cleaning crew, helping them clean up the rubble left behind from Trekker and his accomplices while they serve their time in jail. In a matter of days, Trekker and his accomplices get released from jail with Trekker angrily pouting while sitting down at his computer with his arms folded. Trekker’s son, Trekker Jr., approaches Trekker with Trekker angrily asking, “I am so sick and tired of Micah ruining my plans! What do I got to do to get rid of that broken bolt?!”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something. You’re Trekker, afterall.” responded Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. walks away while Trekker thinks for a moment, getting an idea and subsequently laughing, “I got it! Micah, you’re in for a big surprise! Ha ha ha ha!” The next day, Micah works in his laboratory until his computer starts ringing.

“What is it, computer?” asked Micah. The computer shows surveillance footage of Micah’s friend, Jessica, tied to a chair at Trekker’s mansion.

“Help me, Micah! I’ve been captured by Trekker!” said Jessica.

“Hang on, Jessica! I’m on my way!” responds Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. With his Warp Machine on the fritz, Micah turns himself into Power Micah and flies off to Trekker’s mansion while Trekker unties Jessica from the chair.

“Good going, Jr.! We really had him fooled!” said Trekker. Jessica removes a Decoy Chip from her pocket, revealing herself to be Trekker Jr. in disguise with Trekker Jr. responding, “He won’t know what’s hit him!”

“And now, for the pièce de résistance!” replies Trekker while heading to his Trekkercopter. Trekker starts up his Trekkercopter and flies away while Trekker Jr. watches from outside. En route to Trekker’s mansion, Micah flies through the sky while angrily saying, “Trekker’s really done it this time! Wait until he gets a taste of my fury!” While Micah continues to fly through the sky, Trekker comes up from behind him in his Trekkercopter, which now has guns exposed on its exterior.

“Steady...” says Trekker to himself while locking the guns onto the boosters of Micah’s rocket and shoes.

“Fire!” says Trekker to himself while pressing a button. Missiles start flying out of the Trekkercopter’s guns and head right towards Micah, striking the boosters of his rocket and shoes. Micah suddenly goes spiraling down out of control while Trekker laughs, “Direct hit! Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker flies away from the scene while Micah braces for impact towards a castle that comes into his view. Inside, a crowned fairy dressed in a light purple t-shirt and a purple skirt, armed with a Star Wand, sits on a throne and observes her surroundings until Micah crash lands through the roof of the castle in front of her. Micah lifts himself up off the floor and onto his knees while coughing and asking, “Wow! What in the world just happened?” The fairy jumps out of the throne and floats toward Micah with her wings, pointing her wand at him while angrily asking, “Who are you?! State your business!” Intimidated, Micah quickly removes his Power Micah Mask and puts it back into one of his pockets, subsequently holding up both of his hands.

“I am Micah, and…where am I?” asks Micah while observing his surroundings.

“Why should I tell you?! You’re just another accomplice sent by Hole-lution to spy on me, aren’t you?!” asked the fairy angrily.

“I beg your pardon?” asks Micah while squinting his eyes in confusion.

“Oh, you’re good. Guards!” shouts the fairy while subsequently snapping her finger. A group of guards, armed with Staffs, rush into the room and approach the fairy with one of them asking, “Your Highness?”

“Seize him!” answers the fairy while pointing at Micah with her wand. The guards shackle Micah’s wrists and ankles with Micah subsequently saying, “With all due respect ma’am, this is all a huge misunderstanding. I was just…”

“Silence! I will not hear any more of your lies! Take him away!” responds the fairy while pointing at the hallway door with her wand. The guards drag Micah away with Micah pleading, “Ma’am, please! I don’t know who you are or where I am…I don’t even know who this Hole-lution being is!”

“I said SILENCE!” responded the fairy angrily.

“But…” pleaded Micah.

“You heard the princess! Now, move it!” says a guard while another fairy dressed in lime green observes Micah being dragged out. After the doors close, the crowned fairy floats towards a closet door while the fairy in lime green approaches her.

“Um, Debbie?” asked the fairy in lime green.

“Not now, Angela. Just get a broom and help me clean up this mess.” responds the crowned fairy angrily while grabbing a broom and approaching the rubble inadvertently left behind by Micah. Angela grabs a broom and begins helping Debbie sweep up the rubble with the two floating towards a trash can afterwards with a dust pan full of rubble.

“I think we can trust that kid. He don’t seem like a threat to Candy Forest.” said Angela.

“Oh, please! Hole-lution and Déjà Dew have terrorized Candy Forest thousands of times! You can’t trust anyone!” responded Debbie angrily.

“Do you have to be so hard on everyone?” asked Angela.

“If it means protecting the kingdom, yes!” answered Debbie angrily. Annoyed with Debbie’s attitude, Angela thinks for a moment and floats toward the hallway door while saying, “I’m going to go talk to that kid right now.” Debbie rushes into Angela’s path, stopping her while worriedly responding, “Angela, don’t! You don’t know what you’re up against!”

“It’s ok, Debbie. I know what I’m doing.” replied Angela.

“No! I am not going to sit here and watch my little sister get killed!” said Debbie worriedly.

“Don’t worry, Debbie. I’ll be fine.” responded Angela.

“Angela, I forbid you to see that boy!” replied Debbie angrily.

“But…” said Angela.

“THAT, is an order!” responds Debbie angrily while casting magic on the door with her wand. Debbie’s magic causes chains locked together with a padlock to appear on the door. Annoyed with Debbie’s order, Angela reluctantly returns to her duties with Debbie until nighttime when the two head off to bed.

“Alright, baby sister. Time to hit the sack. We got a big day tomorrow.” says Debbie while exiting the room with Angela following. After waiting for Debbie to fall fast asleep, Angela sneaks out and into the dungeon where Micah is being kept.

“Good evening, Angela. Awfully late to be coming here, aren’t we?” asked the guard in charge of the dungeon.

“Never mind that. I wish to speak to the prisoner this instant.” responded Angela.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that. Princess Debbie’s orders.” replied the guard. With a frown on her face, Angela casts a sleeping spell on the guard with her Star Wand and approaches Micah’s cell.

“Pssst! Hey, kid!” whispers Angela while giving Micah the beckoning finger. Micah walks up to his cell’s gate with Angela subsequently whispering, “Hi, I’m Angela. Sorry about what happened earlier. My older sister, Debbie, has been left in charge of our kingdom while our parents are away on other business.”

“Good to know. The name’s Micah. But, why are you here?” asked Micah.

“You seem like a nice kid, and I want to get to know you more. So, what brings you here to Candy Forest?” asked Angela.

“Oh, I’m not here to visit. You see, I was after this evil troll scientist named Trekker because he had kidnapped my friend, Jessica. And next thing I know, I’m shot down and wind up here.” answered Micah.

“Did you say you were after somebody? Somebody…evil?” asked Angela.

“Yeah. Why?” asked Micah.

“I hope you can stay because Candy Forest is in danger. Do you think you could help us out?” asked Angela.

“Oh, boy. You got be stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I don’t rescue Jessica soon, she could be killed.” responded Micah.

“Hey, Micah.” said a voice. Micah and Angela draw their attention to the source of the voice with a silhouette of Jessica walking out of a dark area of the dungeon, revealing herself while approaching Micah’s cell.

“Jessica! Thank goodness you’re alright! How did you make it out?” asked Micah. Jessica reaches into one of her pockets and pulls out a Decoy Chip, revealing herself to be Trekker Jr. in disguise.

“Trekker Jr.?!” exclaimed Micah.

“That’s right. You’ve fallen right into my trap.” said another silhouette from another dark area of the dungeon. The silhouette walks out of the darkness, revealing itself to be Trekker with Micah exclaiming, “Trekker!”

“This is Trekker?” asked Angela.

“Nice to meet you. Say hello to my new friends!” responds Trekker while holding out his hand to the side towards another dark area of the dungeon. A thick cloud of black smog and a large water droplet emerge from the darkness with Angela exclaiming, “Hole-lution! Déjà Dew!”

“Now, is that any way to treat an old friend?” asked the smog menacingly.

“Hole-lution’s right, you know. Show some respect.” said the water droplet menacingly.

“So, this is that Hole-lution being that Debbie mentioned earlier?” asks Micah while gesturing with his hand towards Hole-lution.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance.” responded Hole-lution menacingly. Angela frowns at the water droplet and angrily asks, “Well? Is there anything else you’d like to add, Déjà Dew?”

“Nope. I’ve had my fun…for now.” answered the water droplet menacingly.

“Good. Now that we’ve gotten all introductions out of the way…LEAVE CANDY FOREST AT ONCE!” shouted Angela angrily. Shocked, Angela quickly covers her mouth with her hand while the guard subsequently wakes up and points his staff at Micah, Angela, Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew.

“Huh? Hey! What’s going on here?!” asked the guard angrily.

“Looks like somebody needs to be sent down the river himself.” responds Déjà Dew menacingly while summoning a body of water. The body of water carries the guard away with Trekker subsequently responding, “Now, then. We have something for the two of you.” Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew all step to the side, revealing Jessica and Debbie both tied to chairs with their mouths taped shut.

“Jessica!” exclaimed Micah.

“Debbie!” exclaimed Angela. Debbie looks at Angela and Micah, frowning and groaning angrily with Angela glancing at Micah while holding out her hands and subsequently saying, “It’s ok. He’s with us.”

“Candy Forest is as good as ours!” said Hole-lution menacingly.

“I can see it now!” said Déjà Dew menacingly.

“First, Candy Forest. Then…the world!” responded Trekker menacingly.

“Even better!” replied Hole-lution.

“I’m in!” said Déjà Dew.

“Why don’t you two get some shut-eye? We got a big day tomorrow.” says Trekker menacingly while pulling out a Star Wand from one of his pockets. Trekker casts a sleeping spell on Micah and Angela, subsequently leaving the dungeon while laughing menacingly with Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew with Jessica and Debbie in their clutches. The next day, Angela wakes up and quickly realizes the danger that Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew are about to put Candy Forest into.

“Micah, wake up! There are lives at stake!” says Angela worriedly while shaking Micah. Micah wakes up and asks, “Huh? What’s that?”

“Debbie? Candy Forest? Jessica? All in danger?” responded Angela.

“Oh! Right! But, how am I going to get out of here?” asks Micah worriedly while looking around frantically in his cell.

“You just leave that to me!” answers Angela while casting a spell on the cell gate. The cell gates opens with Micah walking out and saying, “Now, let’s stop those fiends!” Micah reaches into his pockets, but feels nothing and says, “Oh, I forgot. The guard took all my power-ups.”

“Where did he put them? I’ll get them back for you.” asks Angela while looking around at the front desk. Angela quickly discovers a box containing Micah’s masks and other inventions with Angela showing them to Micah and asking, “Is it these you’re looking for?”

“Yes! Now, hurry! We don’t have much time!” answered Micah. Angela throws the power-ups at Micah, who catches them all and quickly places them back into his pockets while the guard (still wet from Déjà Dew’s flood) gradually returns to the dungeon. Micah and Angela inconspicuously exit the dungeon and make their way back to civilization while the guard approaches Micah’s cell and says, “What a wash! Now, where was I?” The guard looks at Micah’s cell and exclaims, “What the!? The prisoner escaped! And Angela helped him! I should have thrown her out when I had the chance!” The guard angrily stomps towards the front desk and discovers a letter, which reads:


Dear Dungeon Guard,

The prisoner is one of us, the good guys. I know. I talked to him last night. He didn’t

mean any harm. He was shot down by this evil being named Trekker while trying to

rescue a friend he thought was in need. It really was just a misunderstanding. I’m sorry

to have violated your orders against speaking to him, but I just can’t take my sister’s

strict behavior anymore. She must learn to get to know someone before she judges them.

So, I’ve released the prisoner myself so that he could help us stop Hole-lution and Déjà

Dew from taking over Candy Forest with the help of Trekker and his son, Trekker Jr. I

hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.




The guard crumples up the letter into a paper wad and throws it down on the ground while walking out of the dungeon and saying, “Wait until I get my hands on her!” Micah and Angela approach Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew, who are all standing in front of the Candy Forest fairies while accompanied by an army of minions.

“Attention, fairies! You are looking at the new rulers of Candy Forest! From this moment on, you will do exactly what we say, when we say!” said Trekker.

“You guys aren’t our rulers! Princess Debbie is…for another moment, that is. Where is she, anyway?” asked a fairy angrily.

“Funny you should ask.” answers Trekker Jr. menacingly while holding Debbie up. The fairies gasp in horror with Hole-lution menacingly saying, “That’s right! We’ve got your princess!”

“If you know what’s good for you, you will listen to every word we say!” said Déjà Dew menacingly. Micah and Angela step in front of Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew with Micah angrily saying, “We will never listen to you four rusty bolts! Unhand Princess Debbie and Jessica this instant…or face our wrath!” Debbie smiles at Micah and Angela with Trekker responding, “That’s our queue! Hole-lution, Déjà Dew, do what you do best!”

“With pleasure!” replies Hole-lution while summoning a cloud of pollution. The pollution cloud moves towards the fairies, who all fly away in horror while Déjà Dew summons a body of water.

“Where are you all going? It’s time for your bath…of DOOM! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Déjà Dew. With Déjà Dew’s rapids heading towards the fairies, Micah turns himself into Power Micah and begins fighting Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew with Angela’s help. Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew quickly capture and imprison Micah and Angela in a cage with Trekker menacingly saying, “Fools! You’re both powerless against us!”

“Not on my watch!” said a male voice behind Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew. Trekker, Trekker Jr., Hole-lution, and Déjà Dew turn around and see a crowned adult male fairy and crowned adult female fairy floating behind them with folded arms and frowns on their faces while Angela excitedly shouts, “Mama! Papa!”

“Oh! King Stewart and Queen Donna! Home so soon?” asked Hole-lution nervously.

“Yes, and it’s time for you and Déjà Dew to go back home yourselves.” answers Queen Donna angrily while waving her Star Wand with King Stewart. King Stewart and Queen Donna both cast a spell on Hole-lution and Déjà Dew, making them vanish while subsequently casting another spell that gets rid of Hole-lution’s pollution cloud and Déjà Dew’s rapids, returning Candy Forest to its former glory. King Stewart and Queen Donna free Debbie, Angela, Micah, and Jessica afterwards while subsequently embracing Debbie and Angela.

“Are you two alright?” asked Queen Donna.

“We are now!” answered Angela. A giant net suddenly falls on top of King Stewart and Queen Donna, imprisoning them while Micah looks up the net’s rope and notices Trekker and Trekker Jr. at the top in their Trekkercopter.

“Thought that everything was over? Think again!” says Trekker menacingly while flying off. Micah and Angela fly after Trekker and Trekker Jr., stopping in front of them with Angela waving her wand and saying, “Not so fast, you two! Time to go back from whence you came!” Angela casts a spell on Trekker and Trekker Jr. that makes them disappear and re-appear in a jail cell with Trekker angrily groaning and shouting, “BLAST YOU, ANGELA!!!!!” Angela casts another spell that makes the Trekkercopter disappear, freeing King Stewart and Queen Donna from the net. King Stewart and Queen Donna embrace Angela with King Stewart saying, “Thank you, my child! You have done wonderfully!”

“We’re so proud of you for being so brave and courageous!” said Queen Donna.

“You two have done the same for me.” responded Angela.

“Come on. Let’s head back down and let everyone know your mother and I are home.” says King Stewart while flying back down to the ground with Queen Donna and Angela. Micah follows them while King Stewart and Queen Donna rally up the fairies, subsequently meeting Micah and Jessica while listening to Angela talk about Debbie imprisoning Micah and running the kingdom afterwards. After hearing Angela talk, Debbie approaches Micah and says, “Micah, I’m so sorry I misjudged you.”

“It’s ok. We just got off on the wrong foot. Happens all the time.” responded Micah.

“Just remember, my child. Great power comes great responsibility.” said King Stewart.

“Yes, papa.” responded Debbie. Everyone suddenly hears panting and draw their attention to the source, seeing the dungeon guard arrive while leaning forward and catching his breath. After catching his breath, the dungeon guard points his staff at Angela and Micah, who both hold up their hands nervously with the guard angrily saying, “Angela! Young man! I’m going to have to place you both under arrest for the jail break!” King Stewart floats in front of Angela and Micah while responding, “That won’t be necessary, Ivan. Our daughter, and this young lad, are both heroes.”

“King Stewart? Queen Donna? Home already?” asked the dungeon guard.

“Please lower your staff, Ivan. My husband and I got it all taken care of.” said Queen Donna.

“Oh! Yes, your majesty! My mistake!” responds Ivan while dropping his staff. Ivan grovels at Angela’s and Micah’s feet while asking, “Oh, forgive me, you two! Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

“You might want to return to the dungeon this instant, Ivan. Word in the forest is, two new prisoners have just arrived.” says King Stewart while smirking at Queen Donna, who smirks back. Ivan jumps back up onto his feet while picking up his staff, saluting to King Stewart and Queen Donna while saying, “Yes, sir!” Ivan proudly marches off back to the dungeon while King Stewart jokingly asks, “What would we do without good old Ivan?” Jessica looks over at Micah and asks, “Can we go now? I miss home.”

“Sorry you guys, but we’d best be on our way. Our work here is done.” said Micah.

“Safe travels, young lad.” responded King Stewart.

“It was nice meeting you, and thanks again for all that you’ve done. You and your friend are welcome here anytime.” said Queen Donna.

“We’ll be sure to visit.” says Micah while taking off into the sky with Jessica in his arms.

“Toodle-oo!” says Angela while waving goodbye to Micah and Jessica with Debbie, King Stewart, Queen Donna, and the rest of the fairies. Micah and Jessica wave back to everyone while flying back to Arcanum, returning to their lives while Debbie and Angela return to theirs.


The End

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