Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Fighting Wars to The End

Micah and Wesley are two best friends who right crime on a regular basis, a lot of which are caused by an evil troll genius named Trekker. His goal in life is to rule the world. But thankfully, Micah and Wesley risk their lives to foil Trekker’s plans for the sake of all mankind. Trekker does take time off every now and then, leaving the destruction all up to some of his henchmen, such as Adam, Butch, and Chris of the Trekker Gang, evil clones of Micah and Wesley, and so on. Sometimes, even giant monsters come stomping into town and destroy anything they touch with Micah and Wesley sending them back from whence they came. With five different powerups, Micah and Wesley can save the world from different environments. Micah’s go-to powerup is usually Power Micah, who can also be used to survive in areas of excessive heat, while Wesley’s go-to is Biking Power Wesley, outsmarting his foes with his super-fast dirtbike. Like Micah, Wesley also has a powerup that allows him to tolerate intense heat, and this form is Westense. Micah and Wesley also have powerups to rescue those in danger at sea, with Micah’s form being Water Micah and Wesley’s being Wesunami. In areas where electricity is a concern, Micah uses his Thunder Micah form to save the day at ease while Wesley uses his Westricity form to lend a helping hand. In poisonous areas, Micah and Wesley have no problem surviving with their Leaph Micah and Wesid forms respectively. When it comes to dealing with something big, like a building falling down or a 50-foot tall monster, Micah can take care of it with the use of his Klaw Micah form. For giant monsters, talk about picking on somebody their own size. Jumping to the present day, summer vacation has just started with 10-year old Micah and Wesley being dismissed from their class, leaving the 4th grade and preparing for their 3-month long break.

“Wow! Summer break at last! Can’t believe it’s here already!” said Micah excitedly.

“I know, right? And we’re one step further to graduating!” responded Wesley.

“So, what do you have planned for summer?” asked Micah.

“My family and I have a few trips in mind. How about you?” asked Wesley.

“I don’t know yet. But, I do know that every year, my mom takes my brothers and I to some water parks.” answered Micah.

“I’ll probably be making some stops at some water parks myself with my family. Well, see you later!” responds Wesley while parting ways and waving at Micah. Micah parts ways from Wesley, waving back at him while walking home with his two brothers, older brother (Matthew) and younger brother (Christopher). After arriving home, Micah and his brothers put away their backpacks for the summer and go outside in their yard to play, enjoying the rest of their day and awaiting summer break. For the first few weeks of summer, Micah and his family go on trips and water parks together, spending all day having fun and taking advantage of what their destinations have to offer. One night, after arriving home from another trip with his family, Micah enters his house and goes off to bed after dressing in his PJs. As Micah and his family sleep, a silhouette enters the house and pulls out a remote, pressing a button on it and subsequently entering Micah’s laboratory, entering Micah’s Warp Machine while holding a giant bag over its shoulder and disappearing afterwards. The next day, Micah awakens to find his mom, stepdad, Matthew, and Christopher gone.

“Mom? Kyle? Matthew? Christopher? Is this a trick? You know I don’t like it when you guys do this.” says Micah while searching his whole house. After searching the house, Micah enters his laboratory and searches for his family some more while saying, “Hello? This isn’t funny, you guys.” Micah looks over at a cabinet, finding it empty while exclaiming, “My powerups!” Micah’s computer suddenly rings with Trekker appearing on screen and saying, “Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Take a look at this!” Micah’s computer shows live footage of Micah’s family cuffed onto some concrete slabs along with other people at Trekker’s mansion.

“Guys!” exclaimed Micah.

“And that’s not all!” says Trekker while showing live footage of Micah’s powerups.

“My powerups!” exclaimed Micah.

“That’s right! I’ve got your family, and your powerups! You want them? Come and get them. Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while holding out a remote. Trekker presses the remote’s button, making Micah disappear and reappear somewhere in open land.

“Where am I? asks Micah while walking around and observing his surroundings. Micah suddenly runs into another person, who (to his surprise) reveals to be Wesley.

“Micah!” said Wesley.

“Didn’t expect to see you here.” responded Micah.

“Let me guess. Trekker teleported you here.” said Wesley.

“How’d you know?” asked Micah.

“Same thing happened to me.” answered Wesley.

“Does Trekker have your family, too?” asked Micah.

“Yes! And yours?” asked Wesley.

“Yep.” answered Micah.

“Well, we’re not getting anywhere just by standing around. Let’s move.” says Wesley while walking forward with Micah. Micah and Wesley walk forward while talking to each other until they bump into another person. After falling to the ground, Micah and Wesley look up to see a tall kid with blonde hair and glasses standing before them.

“Aaron? Is that you?” asked Micah.

“Micah? Wesley?” asked the tall kid.

“Nice to see another familiar face.” said Wesley.

“What are you guys doing here?” asked the tall kid.

“We were teleported here by Trekker. We’re on a journey to rescue our family. He’s holding them hostage at his mansion.” answered Micah.

“What’s going on with you, Aaron?” asked Wesley.

“The exact same thing.” answered the tall kid.

“You mean…Trekker teleported you here and kidnapped your family too?” asked Micah.

“Yep.” answered Aaron.

“Wow. Trekker’s been busy.” said Wesley.

“May I tag along?” asked Aaron.

“I don’t see why not. Three heads are better than two.” answered Micah.

“Join the club, Aaron. We could sure use an extra hand around here.” says Wesley while walking forward with Micah and Aaron.

“Trekker’s got all my powerups. I don’t know how we’re going to stop him.” said Micah.

“Oh, that reminds me!” says Aaron while pulling out a skateboard.

“Oh, you skateboard, Aaron?” asked Wesley.

“You could say that. But this is no ordinary skateboard. With it, I become…Skateboarding Power Aaron!” responds Aaron while becoming powered up.

“Oh, wow! You’ve got your own powerup?” asked Micah.

“Yep! I made it myself. I’ve watched you guys power up and fight crime so much, I decided to take a whack at it. You two are such an inspiration!” answered Aaron.

“We’re glad to be of service! Oh! Trekker forgot one of my powerups!” responds Wesley while pulling out his Biking Power Wesley Gloves.

“Hey! Those are mine also!” said Aaron.

“You made these?” asked Wesley.

“Yeah! I’ve been looking for them. I lost them while working on my powerups. How are they working out for you, Wesley?” asked Aaron.

“They’re a big help! I use them all the time! Great powerup!” answered Wesley.

“Thanks! I’m glad to see one of my powerups is really benefitting you!” responded Aaron.

“Do you want them back?” asks Wesley while handing over the gloves to Aaron.

“No. I made them just for you, Wesley. So, by all means, keep them.” answered Aaron.

“How very thoughtful of you, Aaron.” responds Wesley while putting on the gloves. Wesley becomes Biking Power Wesley with Micah asking, “You don’t suppose you have any other powerups with you, do you Aaron?”

“I’m glad you asked, Micah. These are for you. I hadn’t had a chance to see them in action yet.” answers Aaron while pulling out a pair of roller blades. Micah puts on the roller blades and becomes powered up with Aaron saying, “With those roller blades, you become Power Rollerblading Micah!”

“Well, as long as it gives me the upper hand, I’ll take what I can get.” said Micah. Micah looks behind him and sees a yellow rodent behind him in roller blades with electrical powers.

“Who’s that?” asked Micah.

“Oh. That’s Pstachu. He’s your companion in this form.” answered Aaron.

“Hi, Pstachu!” said Micah.

“Pstachu greet Power Rollerblading Micah and ready to help!” responded Pstachu.

“That’s our queue! Wesley! Aaron! Let’s go kick Trekker’s butt and save our family!” said Micah.

“Teamwork makes the dream work!” responded Wesley.

“Trekker, you’re in for a big surprise!” said Aaron.

“All right, team! Let’s move out!” said Micah. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu rocket away in their powerups, encountering monsters as they traverse while working together to clear their path. Later on, Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu encounter a group of monsters and begin fighting them off while a giant blue bird flies over and lands a short distance away from them, squawking in pain as it holds its belly with its wings. At one point, a monster grabs Aaron’s skateboard with Aaron trying to pull it away from it to no avail, unknowingly approaching the bird from behind. While Aaron continues to try and pull his skateboard away from the monster’s grip, Micah gets punched by the monster he’s fighting and goes flying backwards, colliding with the monster Aaron’s fighting. The monster fighting Aaron gets knocked back by Micah with Aaron successfully getting his skateboard back while inadvertently hitting the bird’s back with it. The bird screeches in pain, lays a giant egg, and flies away in terror while Micah, Wesley and Aaron watch.

“Sorry, Antarco! I didn’t mean to do that!” shouted Aaron.

“You know that bird?” asked Wesley.

“Yes. I’ve seen her around quite a bit.” answered Aaron.

“Where at?” asked Micah.

“Mostly in cold places, like glaciers or mountains.” answered Aaron. As Micah, Wesley, and Aaron continue watching Antarco fly away, the monsters grab and continue fighting them with Micah, Wesley and Aaron fighting them off to the point of them retreating. As Micah, Wesley, and Aaron watch the monsters retreat, they hear mumbling coming from behind them and turn around to observe the egg laid by Antarco. They watch as the egg wiggles around frantically and continue to listen in on the mumbling with Micah exclaiming, “It sounds like somebody’s in there!”

“Only one way to find out.” responds Aaron while lifting up his skateboard. Aaron slams his skateboard down on the egg a number of times, cracking it open and freeing a kid with Micah exclaiming, “Eric?”

“Thanks, guys. I was worried I wasn’t going to make it out.” said the kid.

“How did this happen?” asked Aaron.

“That dumb bird ate me, all because I was playing with it by taking away a worm as it was about to eat it!” answered Eric.

“Sounds more like you were teasing it.” responds Wesley annoyingly while frowning.

“Come on, it was just a joke!” replied Eric.

“Pstachu no like Eric! Eric mean to Antarco!” said Pstachu angrily.

“Pstachu’s right, Eric! There is nothing funny about taking away an animal’s food, especially Antarco!” said Aaron annoyingly.

“How would you like it if someone did that to you?” asked Micah.

“I would be pretty angry.” answered Eric.

“What makes you think you can do that to an animal?” asked Wesley.

“Ah, I don’t need this! I’m out of here!” responds Eric annoyingly while walking away. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu watch Eric walk away and continue on with their journey to Trekker’s mansion with Micah annoyingly asking, “What are we going to do with Eric?”

“I don’t know. We’ll just hope and pray he’ll change his ways sooner or later.” responded Wesley. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu continue encountering monsters and fighting them off during their journey until they reach Trekker’s mansion.

“We made it!” said Micah excitedly.

“Let’s just hope we’re not too late!” said Wesley.

“There’s no time to lose! Quick, to the mansion!” said Aaron. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu rocket into the mansion with Trekker turning around and menacingly saying, “Well, it’s about time you meddling kids showed up!”

“Trekker, release our family…now!” said Micah angrily.

“You want them? Come and get them!” responded Trekker menacingly. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu rocket towards Trekker, who begins fighting them and calling for reinforcements. The reinforcements immediately join in on the fight and knock Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu down to the ground, holding them in place while Trekker places a giant ray gun in front of his hostages.

“You broken bolts can never stop me! Get ready to live out the rest of your lives as helpless orphans! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while powering up and preparing the ray gun. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu watch in horror as the hostages await their imminent doom. Before Trekker could fire the laser from the ray gun, a brick flies in like a frisbee and bounces off the heads of Trekker’s reinforcements (knocking them unconscious) and over to Trekker’s hands.

“Ow! Who threw that?!” asks Trekker angrily while jumping up and down and shaking his hands.

“I did.” answered a distant voice. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu look behind them and see Eric with a handful of bricks standing at the main entrance of the mansion.

“You’re going to pay for that, you broken bolt!” responds Trekker while charging towards Eric. Eric throws another brick at Trekker’s head, knocking him unconscious while subsequently approaching Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu.

“You’re saving us?” asked Micah. Eric nods with a remorseful look on his face with Wesley asking, “Why?”

“I feel pretty bad about teasing Antarco and the way I treated you guys. So, I’ve come to set things right. I’m sorry for all that I’ve done.” answered Eric.

“Apology accepted, Eric. Out of all the kids that pick on us, you’re ok.” responded Aaron.

“Thanks, Aaron.” replies Eric while shaking hands with Aaron.

“Don’t mention it.” said Aaron.

“Pstachu forgive and now love Eric!” says Pstachu while hugging Eric. Eric hugs Pstachu back and places him back down on the ground while saying, “I’ve learned my lesson, little buddy. I promise I will never be mean to animals again.”

“Pstachu trust Eric and expect great things.” responded Pstachu.

“You will not be disappointed. None of you will. Have a good summer!” replies Eric while leaving the mansion and waving to Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu wave back to Eric and free the hostages afterwards with the respective relatives showing gratitude towards Micah, Wesley, and Aaron while subsequently meeting Pstachu. Micah, Wesley, Aaron, and Pstachu all go home with the relatives and turn in for the night to await the next day of summer vacation. While in town the following day, Micah, Wesley, and Aaron hang out with each other with Aaron talking about a coin he invented himself after Micah mentioning and showing his Micah Coin.

“I call it…the ‘Aaron Coin’. I haven’t decided yet on what I’m going to use it for.” says Aaron while showing Micah and Wesley a gold coin with his image engraved on the front and Micah’s and Wesley’s images engraved on the back.

“That’s pretty cool, Aaron! I’m sure you’ll be able to find some use for it.” responded Micah.

“Think long and hard, my friend!” said Wesley. Micah, Wesley, and Aaron begin to see people panicking and running away from a giant monster destroying everything in its path.

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” asks Micah while pulling out his Power Rollerblading Micah rollerblades. Wesley pulls out his Biking Power Wesley Gloves while Aaron pulls out his Skateboarding Power Aaron skateboard with Aaron responding, “Let’s kick that monster’s butt!” Micah, Wesley, and Aaron power up and fight the monster, risking their lives to restore peace to Arcanum.


The End

Friday, May 26, 2023

Bow to the Pow

On one nice day, Micah works in his laboratory building a vehicle for Power Micah, spending hours on it and completing the project at bedtime.

“What a day! Sadly, the real test will have to wait until tomorrow. I’m beat!” says Micah to himself while exiting his laboratory. The next day, Micah goes into his laboratory and gets on his computer while saying, “All right! Now to find the appropriate course to test out my new Powermobile!” Micah’s computer brings up an image of open land containing a race course with Micah saying, “Perfect! Computer, warp me there immediately with the Powermobile!” Micah’s computer summons a ray gun from a hatch and aims it at Micah and the Powermobile, zapping and warping them to the destination.

“Let’s burn rubber!” says Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Power Micah and enters the Powermobile, starting it up and driving it on the race course while testing out its features.

“Everything looks to be fully functional. On to the other vehicles!” says Micah while pressing a button labeled “Morph”. The Powermobile transforms into a helicopter with Micah saying, “Powercopter is a go!” Micah flies the Powercopter around for a little while, testing out its features until he sees a helicopter in the shape of Trekker’s head cross his path.

“Uh-oh! The Trekkercopter!” exclaimed Micah. The Trekkercopter approaches the Powercopter with speakers emerging from it and a voice menacingly saying, “Well, well! If it isn’t Power Micah and his cute little helicopter! Here, let me enhance it for you!” Guns suddenly emerge from the Trekkercopter with Micah responding, “You want my Powercopter so badly, Trekker? Come and get it!” Micah flies off with Trekker chasing after him, firing the guns at the Powercopter with every shot missing.

“You’re going to have to do better than that, Trekker!” taunted Micah. Micah unknowingly leads Trekker to a body of water with Trekker running out of ammo.

“Curses! I’m all out of ammo!” shouted Trekker angrily.

“I can fix that!” taunted Micah. Trekker looks up at the window and sees the Powercopter right in front of him, facing him with a gun exposed. Micah fires a missile from the gun, which makes direct contact with the Trekkercopter and causing it to spiral down out of control into the water.

“I’ll get you Micah!!!!!” shouts Trekker angrily while plummeting. Micah watches as Trekker and the Trekkercopter fall into the water, subsequently flying off with Micah saying, “Well, that’s all said and done. Now I can test out the Power Plane.” Micah presses the Morph button again, making the Powercopter transform into an airplane with Micah testing out the features.

“All right! Just one more vehicle to test out!” says Micah while flying towards the body of water from earlier. Inches from above the water’s surface, Micah presses the Morph button once more and makes the Power Plane transform into a boat, driving it around and testing out its features while unknowingly making laps around Trekker, who is angrily watching Micah while sitting on top of the Trekkercopter as it sits in the water badly damaged. After seeing all his tests, Micah stops the boat in front of Trekker and says, “Power Boat is good to go!”

“Hey! Micah!” shouted Trekker angrily. Micah turns his attention to Trekker and annoyingly asks, “What is it now, Trekker?”

“Look what you did!” responds Trekker angrily while presenting his Trekkercopter. Micah observes the Trekkercopter’s damage and replies, “Yeah? So?”

“You’re going to pay for this!” said Trekker angrily.

“How?” asked Micah annoyingly.

“I challenge you to a race! But not just any race! One that involves the last vehicle you’ve used, which I clearly see is a boat!” answered Trekker.

“A boat race? You’re on!” taunted Micah.

“But…there’s a catch. If you win, I repair the Trekkercopter and everyone remains free. But if I win, I take over the world, which means YOU will have to repair my Trekkercopter and become my own personal slave, along with everyone else, for the rest of your life! And, I get to destroy your dumb vehicle! Don’t even think about backing out because I will count that as me winning!” responded Trekker menacingly.

“I guess I have no choice. Trekker, you got yourself a deal!” sighs Micah angrily while shaking hands with Trekker.

“Excellent! Now, go home and get your beauty sleep! I’ll see you here tomorrow at the crack of dawn, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!” responded Trekker. Micah drives off in the Power Boat while Trekker watches him and menacingly says, “Micah, my boy! You’re in for a big surprise tomorrow! I’m going to make sure you don’t win…by cheating! Ha ha ha ha!” As soon as Micah arrives home, he tells his whole family about Trekker’s plan while Trekker arrives back at his mansion and begins building traps with the help of his son (Trekker Jr.). The next day, fans of Micah and Trekker arrive at the water race course where Micah tested out his Power Boat the day before, taking their seats on the bleachers while Micah arrives in his Power Boat as Power Micah and Trekker arriving in his.

“May the best racer win.” says Trekker while holding out his hand to Micah. Micah reaches out to grab Trekker’s hand with Trekker pulling it away and taunting, “Ha! Too slow!”

“Save it for the race, you rusty bolt!” responded Micah angrily. Micah’s Physical Education teacher (Miss Zimmer) appears in front of Micah and Trekker, presenting a green flag while saying, “I want this to be a fair race. No pushing, no shoving, no fighting…all that stuff. Three laps.” Micah and Trekker tighten their grips on their steering wheels as Miss Zimmer raises the flag and says, “Ready…set…go!” Miss Zimmer waves the flag with Trekker rocketing out onto the course, drenching Micah in water as he makes his way out. With Micah on his tail, Trekker pulls out a walkie-talkie and holds in a button while subsequently asking, “Jr.?”

“Yes, dad?” asked Trekker Jr. on the other line.

“Release the Trekbombs!” responded Trekker.

“Copy that!” replied Trekker Jr. The trunk of Trekker’s boat opens up, revealing Trekker Jr. inside and throwing out sea mines (designed to resemble Trekker’s head) in front of Micah, who miraculously swerves in and out of the sea mines as they explode.

“Curses! I missed!” says Trekker angrily while looking in his rearview mirror. Trekker picks up his walkie-talkie, changing its frequency channel and asking, “Trekker Gang?” The leader of the Trekker Gang (Adam) responds with, “This is Adam responding, Trekker. What are your orders?”

“Unleash the Baskers!” replied Trekker.

“Done and done!” says Adam while opening up an underwater cage. A school of aggressive bass swim out of the cage and make their way towards Micah’s boat, getting blown away from the propeller powering Micah’s boat after he increases speed.

“Really, Trekker? A school of bass aren’t going to stop me.” said Micah to himself. Trekker, followed by Micah, crosses the finish line and completes the first lap with Trekker continuing to place traps on the course while Micah’s family watches from afar.

“Trekker’s cheating! Why are they allowing this?” asked Micah’s younger brother (Christopher) angrily. During the final lap, a fishing net underwater floats towards the propeller of Trekker’s boat and becomes entangled, preventing Trekker from going any further.

“Come on, you stupid boat! Go! What’s going on here?!” asks Trekker angrily while attempting to get his boat going. Trekker pulls out his walkie-talkie and says, “Jr.?”

“Yes, dad?” asked Trekker Jr.

“See what the problem is, please.” responded Trekker annoyingly.

“On it!” replies Trekker Jr. while putting on a pair of goggles. Trekker Jr opens the trunk of Trekker’s boat and sticks his head underwater, finding the entangled fishing net on the propeller while Micah catches up and passes Trekker as he remains stationary. Trekker Jr. pulls his head out of the water and picks up his walkie-talkie while subsequently saying, “It appears a net has gotten caught on the propeller.”

“Well, don’t just sit there! Fix it! Micah just passed me!” responded Trekker angrily.

“On it!” replies Trekker Jr. while picking up a pocket knife. Trekker Jr. jumps into the water and cuts the net off of the propeller, climbing back into the trunk and picking up his walkie-talkie.

“You’re clear for takeoff, dad!” said Trekker Jr. Trekker rockets back into the race with Micah on the homestretch, having a huge lead on Trekker.

“Oh, no! I’m not letting you win that easy!” says Trekker angrily while pressing a button. A giant ray gun emerges from Trekker’s boat and fires a laser at Micah, hitting the water on one side of Micah and causing a massive wave that turns Micah upside down. Trekker crosses the finish line and walks towards the podium with Miss Zimmer presenting a trophy while saying, “And the winner is…”

“Hold it right there!” shouted a voice. Christopher walks up to Trekker and turns towards the crowd while subsequently saying, “Trekker’s a cheater! He and his henchmen were putting traps around the course during the race!”

“Please go back to your seat, Chris. Let us get on with the ceremony. Besides, you have to provide proof in order for us to take action.” responded Miss Zimmer. A cart with a TV on top suddenly rolls into view with a man approaching it and saying, “I broadcasted the whole race. Let’s have a look, shall we?” The man plays the tape and shows his shots, which reveal Trekker and his henchmen trying to hinder Micah’s progress during the race with Trekker nervously attempting to grab the trophy and run away.

“My word, Chris! You’re right!” exclaims Miss Zimmer while Micah makes his way to shore. Before Trekker could grab the trophy, Miss Zimmer angrily turns towards him and takes it away while subsequently saying, “Trekker is hereby disqualified! The winner is…Micah!” Micah’s fans cheer while Micah makes his way to the podium and accepts the trophy awarded to him by Miss Zimmer, holding it up while smiling.

“No fair! I won this race fair and square! Now, give me that trophy and let me get on with my world domination!” shouted Trekker angrily.

“Well you certainly are one to talk! You were putting traps around the course to try and make Micah lose! I saw the whole thing!” responded Christopher angrily.

“What?! I would never do such a thing!” replied Trekker angrily.

“That’s not what this says.” says the broadcaster while playing his captured video. Trekker watches the video as it shows him and his henchmen attempting to hinder Micah’s progress with Trekker saying, “That’s preposterous! It could be anyone!” The broadcaster pauses the video and zooms in on Trekker, providing more proof of his heinous deeds.

“That’s not me! That’s someone else! They just look and behave exactly like me!” said Trekker.

“Give it up, Trekker. We all know you’re lying.” responded Micah. Trekker angrily snatches Micah and runs away with him while saying, “Phooey on you broken bolts! Say hello to your new supreme ruler of Earth!” Trekker suddenly runs into a man and falls to the ground, causing him to lose his grip on Micah and look up to find a police chief and his squad standing before him.

“Stand up!” said the chief. Trekker gets up with the chief subsequently saying, “Now, hands behind your back!” Trekker places his hands behind his back with the chief handcuffing him and saying, “You’re under arrest for your criminal activity. Anyone who has helped Trekker cheat is all under arrest!” Police officers approach Trekker Jr., the Trekker Gang, and other henchmen of Trekker’s, handcuffing and escorting them to their cruisers while the chief escorts and loads Trekker into his cruiser.

“BLAST YOU MICAH!!!!!!!!!!” shouts Trekker furiously while being hauled away with his henchmen. Micah turns towards Trekker’s fans and taunts, “Any of you want to join him?” Trekker’s fans nervously sprint home while Micah’s fans celebrate, carrying Micah over their shoulders and going home afterwards.

“Congratulations, Micah! You’ve earned it!” says Miss Zimmer while shaking hands with Micah.

“Thanks, Miss Zimmer.” responded Micah.

“See you in gym class tomorrow.” says Miss Zimmer while walking away with Micah’s fans. A hand places itself on Micah’s shoulder with Micah drawing his attention to the source, seeing his stepdad smiling at him and asking, “What do you want to do now?”

“Let’s all go home.” answered Micah.

“Good idea!” says Micah’s older brother (Matthew) while walking away with Micah and the rest of the family. After arriving home, Micah places his trophy on his dresser and goes outside to play with his brothers, enjoying the rest of his day without a care in the world.


The End