Friday, May 5, 2023

The Invent-tory of Science

On a beautiful Saturday morning, Micah works in his laboratory by inventing some more high-tech gadgets and gizmos that are for fun, as well as help people out. At one point during the day, Micah’s two friends (Wesley and Sarah) enter Micah’s laboratory through Micah’s Warp Machine, approaching Micah as he continues building his gadgets.

“Hey, Micah!” said Wesley.

“Oh! Hey, guys!” responded Micah.

“Working hard or hardly working?” asked Sarah jokingly. Micah and his friends all laugh with Micah responding, “Oh, I’m working hard, all right! Look what I made!” Micah leads his friends to a table containing five items: a bracelet, belt, jar of pills, and two pink glass balls (one small and one big). Micah steps in front of the bracelet and says, “This is the Levitation Bracelet. This will allow you to walk on air and water.”

“Wow!” responded Wesley.

“Cool!” responded Sarah. Micah then approaches the belt and says, “Feast your eyes on the Water Belt. Whenever you need to walk underwater, just slip this on and it will get the job done.”

“Interesting.” responded Wesley. Next, Micah approaches the jar of pills and says, “These are Breathing Pills. They will allow you to breathe in places you couldn’t normally breathe.”

“Underwater?” asked Wesley.

“Yep!” answered Micah.

“In outer space?” asked Sarah.

“You guessed it!” answered Micah.

“Awesome!” responded Sarah. Micah finally approaches the glass balls and says, “These are Shield Balls. Just one press of their red buttons and you will be protected by a force field that will deflect projectiles. The small one is for humans, like us. Whereas the big one, which I’m calling, the ‘Big Shield Ball’, is for residential buildings, like our houses for example.”

“Neato!” responded Wesley.

“Can the Big Shield Ball be used to protect people?” asked Sarah.

“Yes. But unfortunately, it will not move along with them. They are programmed to remain stationary until deactivated.” answered Micah.

“Oh.” responded Sarah.

“I’m sure the small Shield Ball is good enough. We don’t need too much space, after all.” replied Wesley.

“I’ve made plenty of each. So, you guys can have one of your own if you’d like.” says Micah while placing boxes in front of Wesley and Sarah.

“Thanks, Micah! These will definitely come in handy!” responds Wesley while grabbing one of all five inventions. Sarah begins taking one of all five inventions while saying, “I can’t wait to try these out!”

“Wait no more! Because that’s exactly what we’re going to do right now!” responds Micah while taking one of all five inventions. Micah walks to his Warp Machine with his friends following, warping to a cliff and subsequently putting on the Levitation Bracelet. Wesley and Sarah put on their Levitation Bracelets with Micah presenting his and saying, “Here are your settings. Press ‘Air’ to be able to walk off the edge without having to worry about falling.” Micah presses the “Air” button on his bracelet and walks off the edge of the cliff, successfully walking on air with Wesley and Sarah joining in.

“This is awesome!” said Sarah.

“I know, right?” asked Micah. Wesley observes his surroundings and sees another cliff on the other side of the abyss, pointing at it with this thumb and asking, “Who’s up for a race?” Micah and Sarah look at the cliff on the other side and begin running towards it with Wesley joining in and Micah taunting, “Last one there’s a rusty bolt!” Micah and his friends run towards the other cliff while laughing and taunting each other with Sarah being the first to arrive and Micah being the last.

“You’re the rusty bolt! You’re the rusty bolt!” taunts Wesley and Sarah while pointing at Micah.

“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I’m going to get you both next time!” responded Micah jokingly.

“Can we try these out on water now?” asked Sarah.

“Ready when you are.” answers Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah and his friends step into the Warp Machine and warp to a pier with Micah saying, “Press ‘Water’ to be able to walk on the surface without sinking.” Micah and his friends press the “Water” button on their Levitation Bracelets and walk off the edge of a dock, falling and landing onto a body of water and walking out yonder.

“Far out! I feel like the Lord, Jesus Christ!” said Wesley.

“Well, He does live in us after all.” responded Micah. After walking on water for quite some time, Micah pulls out his Water Belt and jar of Breathing Pills and says, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ready to test out the Water Belt and Breathing Pills.”

“Let’s do it!” responds Wesley while pulling out his Water Belt and jar of Breathing Pills. After Sarah pulls out her Water Belt and jar of Breathing Pills, Micah and his friends all open up their jar of Breathing Pills and swallow one pill with Micah saying, “We have approximately one hour and forty minutes to breathe underwater and other places where we can’t normally breathe before our bodies digest the pill.”

“That should be more than enough time to enjoy the wonders of underwater.” responded Wesley. Micah and his friends remove their Levitation Bracelets and place them back into their pockets, falling into the water while Micah presents his Water Belt and says, “To make your belt heavy, just press this button here.” After Micah and his friends slip on their Water Belts, they all press the “On” button located underneath the “Heavy” text printed on the belt, causing them to sink to the bottom. Once on the sea floor, Micah and his friends start walking around aimlessly with Sarah saying, “Micah, these inventions of yours are incredible!”

“I couldn’t agree more, Sarah! I’m having so much fun with these!” responded Wesley.

“Thanks, guys! Even I’m having fun with these!” replied Micah. A few minutes before the Breathing Pills begin to wear off, Micah and his friends walk back up onto land and press the “Off” button on their Water Belts, making them light again while subsequently removing and placing them back into their pockets.

“Last test of the day: the Shield Balls!” says Micah while pulling out his Shield Balls. Micah summons his Warp Machine and warps with his friends to an open farmland where a tornado is underway, pulling out his Shield Ball and saying, “Like I mentioned earlier, just press this here red button to be surrounded by a force field that will deflect projectiles.” After Wesley and Sarah pull out their Shield Balls, Micah and his friends press the red button on their respective Shield Balls and become surrounded by a glass barrier, walking towards the tornado.

“Uhhh, Micah? Why are we going TOWARDS the tornado when we should be going AWAY from it?” asked Sarah nervously.

“We have to see if the debris will deflect off the barriers.” answered Micah.

“How else are we going to know if these work, Sarah?” asked Wesley. Sarah gulps nervously while following Micah and Wesley towards the tornado, stopping just meters from the tornado. Debris starts flying towards Micah and his friends, who stand their ground with Micah saying, “Brace for impact!” Sarah cowers in fear while debris bounces off the barriers of Micah and Wesley with Micah saying, “Success!”

“It’s ok, Sarah. Get up.” said Wesley. Sarah stands up and sees debris coming her way, which bounces off her barrier and causes her to pass out. Micah and Wesley deactivate their Shield Balls and rush to Sarah’s aid with Micah asking, “Sarah, are you all right?” Micah and Wesley fan Sarah off with their hands while she gains consciousness with Wesley saying, “That’s it, Sarah. Stay with us.”

“Am I dead?” asked Sarah.

“Nope. There’s not even a scratch on you, thanks to your Shield Ball.” answered Micah. Sarah observes her surroundings and sees three houses out in the distance with the tornado heading right towards them.

“Oh no! Those houses are about to be destroyed!” shouts Sarah while pointing at the houses.

“Come on! Now’s our chance to test out the Big Shield Balls!” responds Micah while rushing towards the houses with Wesley and Sarah following. Micah and his friends arrive in time to activate their Big Shield Balls and protect the three houses with giant glass barriers as debris heads their way. The debris bounces off the barriers protecting the houses with the owners walking out and observing their surroundings.

“What is this thing?” asks one of the home owners while knocking on the barrier. Micah and his friends approach the home owner with Micah responding, “It’s ok! Thanks to my new invention, the Big Shield Ball, you and your home are protected!”

“Hmmm. Very interesting.” replied the home owner. The tornado suddenly comes to an abrupt halt with another home owner asking, “How do we turn these things off?”

“See that red button?” asks Micah while pointing at the red button.

“Oh! Yes.” answered the home owner.

“Press it.” responded Micah. All the home owners press the red buttons on their respective barriers, deactivating the Big Shield Ball with one of the home owners saying, “Thank you, kind children, for protecting our families and homes!”

“Not a problem, sir. I’m glad to see my Big Shield Ball works.” responds Micah while retrieving his Big Shield Ball with Wesley and Sarah following suit.

“That’s quite an invention you got there! Keep up the good work!” replied another one of the home owners.

“I’ll do my best, sir!” says Micah while saluting to the home owner. After picking up their Big Shield Balls, Micah summons his Warp Machine and warps back home with Wesley and Sarah.

“Thanks again for these inventions, Micah!” said Wesley.

“All in a day’s work!” said Sarah.

“No problem, guys! See you all in school on Monday!” responds Micah while waving goodbye to Wesley and Sarah as they part ways. On the following Monday, Micah goes into his laboratory after getting ready for school to get his Levitation Bracelet while saying, “I don’t want to forget this for Show and Tell.” Micah exits his laboratory and heads off to school with his brothers and thinks to himself, “I wonder what Wesley and Sarah plan to show for Show and Tell?” Micah suddenly hears his Micah Phone ring and answers it.

“Hello?” asked Micah.

“Hey, Micah. It’s Wesley. I won’t be at school today. I’m feeling under the weather.” said Wesley.

“Oh. Sorry to hear that. I’m guessing you caught something while out testing my inventions with me over the weekend. I probably shouldn’t have done that.” responded Micah.

“No, you’re fine. I wanted to come with you. Besides, how were you supposed to know I was going to get sick? These things happen Micah, so you have nothing to be ashamed of.” replied Wesley.

“Well, but still…” said Micah.

“Just go enjoy your day and I’ll see you later, ok?” asked Wesley.

“Ok. Get well soon!” responded Micah. Micah and Wesley disconnect from one another with Micah immediately receiving another call from his Micah Phone, answering it while asking, “Hello?”

“Hey, Micah. Sarah. I don’t feel so good, so I’m afraid I won’t get to see you at school today.” responded Sarah.

“You too?” asked Micah.

“What do you mean ‘you too’?” asked Sarah.

“Wesley just called me a little bit ago saying he was sick. And now you’ve got it?” asked Micah.

“It must have happened over the weekend while we were trying out your new inventions.” responded Sarah.

“This is all my fault. I’m so sorry, Sarah. If I hadn’t brought you and Wesley along with me, you guys wouldn’t be going through with this. I shouldn’t have been so eager to test out my inventions.” replied Micah.

“It is not your fault, Micah. Wesley and I didn’t know this was going to happen either. This isn’t the first time any of us got sick, and it probably won’t be the last. We’ll be fine, I promise! Enjoy your day and Wesley and I will come see you as soon as we both feel better. Sound good?” asked Sarah.

“Ok. I hope you feel better soon enough.” responds Micah while disconnecting from Sarah. Micah and his brothers arrive at school, parting ways from one another with Micah heading to his locker to get his supplies and subsequently entering his classroom. A little while later, Micah’s teacher (Mrs. Pitzer) begins Show and Tell with some of Micah’s classmates going first. A number of students later, Mrs. Pitzer looks at her class asks, “Who wants to go next?” Mrs. Pitzer looks back and forth at her class and draws her attention to Micah while asking, “Micah! Would you like to present your Show and Tell next?”

“Sure, Mrs. Pitzer!” answers Micah while walking up to the front of the class. Micah pulls out his Levitation Bracelet and presents it to the class while saying, “This is one of five of my latest inventions! I call it, the ‘Levitation Bracelet’! I just made it over the weekend! Let me show you how it works! Mrs. Pitzer, may I borrow your step stool?”

“Uhhh, sure.” answers Mrs. Pitzer while sliding her step stool over to Micah. Micah steps up onto the first step of the step stool and puts on the Levitation Bracelet while saying, “I just put this on, hit this button here, and voila!” After pressing the “Air” button on his Levitation Bracelet, Micah walks off the step stool and walks all around the classroom on air to the amazement of Mrs. Pitzer and the rest of the class.

“It can also be used to walk on water. I wish I could give you all a demonstration to prove it.” said Micah.

“Don’t worry about it, Micah. We all believe you. That is amazing!” responded Mrs. Pitzer. Mrs. Pitzer and the rest of the class clap for Micah, who switches off his Levitation Bracelet and returns to his desk while Mrs. Pitzer finishes up Show and Tell and then moves on to the next lesson. Later on at recess, Micah swings by himself until two bullies approach him with one of them saying, “Hey, Micah!” Micah looks at the bullies with one of them saying, “We don’t know why, but we feel like picking on you!”

“Don’t you two have anything better to do?” asked Micah annoyingly.

“Picking on weaklings, like yourself, is what we live for!” responded the second bully.

“Ok. I’ll play along. But, you’ll have to catch me first.” replies Micah while putting on his Levitation Bracelet. Micah takes off running while the bullies chase after him, eventually leading them on top of one of the decks of the playground equipment. Micah stops at the edge of the deck, almost falling off while pressing the “Air” button on his Levitation Bracelet. Micah stands his ground while the bullies come after him with the main bully saying, “We got you now!” Just feet away from the bullies, Micah runs off the edge of the deck and onto air with the main bully asking, “Whoa! How did he do that?”

“It must be another deck, perhaps transparent.” said the bully’s friend. The bullies walk off the edge of the deck they’re standing on and fall to the ground with Micah stepping in on top and looking down at them.

“Get down here and fight, you worthless punk!” says the main bully angrily while jumping up to catch Micah with his friend to no avail. With a smirk on his face, Micah casually walks away on air while the bullies follow him until the recess aids blow the whistle. Micah deactivates his Levitation Bracelet and returns to solid ground, lining up with the rest of the class with the two bullies approaching him and the main one angrily saying, “This isn’t over yet, punk!”

“We’re going to get you! You’ll see!” said the bully’s friend angrily. Micah finishes out his day at school and later exits the building with the rest of the students after getting dismissed. As Micah begins to walk home, the two bullies approach him with the main bully angrily asking, “Where do think you’re going?!”

“We have some unfinished business to take care of!” said the bully’s friend angrily. Micah immediately makes a run for it with the two bullies chasing after him and the main bully angrily saying, “Get back here, you no-good nerd!”

“You can run, but you can’t hide!” said the bully’s friend angrily. As Micah evades the bullies, he pulls out his Levitation Bracelet and puts it on, pressing the “Air” button and leading the bullies to a set of stairs outside the school building. Micah gets to the top of the stairs and then runs off onto air with the bullies continuing to chase after him.

“Show off!” shouted the main bully angrily. Micah eventually leads the bullies to a nearby creek, pressing the “Water” button on his Levitation Bracelet as soon as he arrives on top of the water. Micah falls from the air while the bullies laugh at him with Micah sarcastically asking, “Oh, no! What ever shall I do?” Micah lands on the surface of the water and begins running off on top of it with the main bully exclaiming, “What the!?” The bullies continue to chase Micah as he continues to run on the surface of the water, eventually stopping and taunting, “Ok, you win! Come and get me!”

“Now that’s more like it!” responds the main bully while jumping into the creek with his friend. Micah sidesteps from the bullies’ path, causing them to land in the water while Micah runs off home and taunts, “Enjoy your bath, you cowards!” The main bully groans in anger with his friend saying, “Don’t worry, dude. We’ll get him next time.” The main bully angrily splashes water into his friend’s face and walks out of the creek while responding, “Shut up!” The bully’s friend follows the main bully out of the creek while Micah arrives home with his mother asking, “Where have you been?”

“I had a little run-in with some bullies today. But don’t worry. I’ve outsmarted them, like I always do, and let’s just say…they’ve cleaned up their act.” answered Micah. Micah and his mother suddenly hear the doorbell ring with Micah answering it, seeing Wesley and Sarah right outside with Micah excitedly saying, “Wesley! Sarah! You’re all better!”

“It’s a miracle. We didn’t think it would go away this soon.” responded Wesley.

“So, how was school today?” asked Sarah.

“Oh, the usual.” answered Micah. Micah walks out of the house and says, “I’m going to be gone for a while, mom.”

“Have fun. Don’t stay out too late.” responds Micah’s mother while waving goodbye to Micah. Micah and his friends walk off and hang out with one another, finishing out their day and waiting for the next one to come.


The End

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