Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Shockingly Learning

             Micah and his friends have just started their first year of high school, and have been assigned to Mrs. Willcox for Math class. Each day, their class gets disrupted by rebellious classmates misbehaving to no end and angering Mrs. Willcox, who has tried everything in her power to keep them under control, whether it’d be sending them out into the hallway, to the principal’s office, or even giving them detentions. One day, Micah takes notes in his class while Mrs. Willcox teaches her lesson with some classmates firing spitballs at Micah, who brushes them off and directs his attention to the classmates responsible. Micah gives the classmates a stern look while they laugh at him, subsequently rolling his eyes and returning his attention to his notes as Mrs. Willcox continues teaching. As Micah continues taking notes, he is suddenly hit by a wad of paper and hears laughter, drawing his attention to the source and sees the same classmates laughing at him. Micah picks up the wad of paper and raises his hand with Mrs. Willcox asking, “Yes, Micah?”

“May I go throw this away, please?” asked Micah.

“I’ll take it. Thank you.” responds Mrs. Willcox while approaching Micah. Micah gives the wad of paper to Mrs. Willcox, who throws it away on Micah’s behalf and goes on with her lesson. Micah is once again hit with spitballs and wads of paper fired by his classmates, brushing them off and activating an invisible barrier that deflects projectiles.

“Try that again. I dare you.” whispers Micah tauntingly while drawing his attention to his classmates. The classmates fire more spitballs and throw more wads of paper at Micah with the spitballs and wads of paper deflecting off of him and hitting the classmates instead.

“Ewww!” shouted the classmates out of disgust.

“Excuse me! I’m trying to teach here!” said Mrs. Willcox angrily.

“He just hit us with spitballs and wads of paper!” responds one of the classmates angrily while pointing at Micah.

“Technically, I didn’t.” says Micah while deactivating his barrier. After seeing Micah’s barrier deactivate, Mrs. Willcox draws her attention to the classmates and angrily asks, “So, you guys like shooting spitballs and throwing wads of paper, huh? You can do that all you want…OUT IN THE HALL!” The classmates angrily make their way out into the hallway with one of them angrily saying to Micah, “Thanks a lot, punk!”

“Thank yourselves! Micah had nothing to do with this!” responded Mrs. Willcox angrily. After the classmates make their way out into the hall, Mrs. Willcox resumes teaching her lesson until the bell rings, dismissing the students to their next class with Micah approaching Mrs. Willcox.

“My apologies about today, Mrs. Willcox. I didn’t mean to disrupt class.” said Micah.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, Micah. I knew it was them all along. I got to admit, though. That’s a pretty nifty invention you got there.” responded Mrs. Willcox.

“Thank you, Mrs. Willcox.” replied Micah.

“You’re welcome. See you tomorrow.” said Mrs. Willcox. Micah heads to his next class and finishes out his day at school, walking home with his friends as they talk about Mrs. Willcox and their day.

“I pity Mrs. Willcox for what she has to go through. Why can’t our class just grow up?” asked Jessica annoyingly.

“That’s a good question, Jessica. If you ever find out the answer to that, let me know.” responded Micah.

“They’ll grow out of it eventually.” said Wesley.

“Yeah, but not soon enough.” responded Sarah annoyingly. Micah and his friends go their separate ways and conclude their day at their respective homes, doing homework, playing, or conducting scientific experiments. The next day in Math class, Mrs. Willcox teaches her lessons to Micah’s class while Micah takes notes.

“Hey, Micah.” whispered a voice. Micah draws his attention to the source and sees some of his classmates staring at him.

“Real mature, you guys.” whispers Micah annoyingly while drawing his attention back to his notes.

“Micah.” whispered another voice. Micah once again turns his attention to the source and sees the same classmates staring at him again. Annoyed, Micah stares back at them mockingly for a brief moment and goes back to taking his notes until one of the classmates whispers, “Micah.” Micah activates a hologram of a scary monster staring at the classmates to their horror.

“AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!” screamed the classmates.

“Guys, what did I tell you about disrupting my class?!” asked Mrs. Willcox angrily.

“But…there was a monster!” responded one of the classmates terrifyingly.

“Oh, please! Just get out of my class!” replied Mrs. Willcox. The classmates storm out of the classroom with one of them shaking their fist at Micah, who smirks at them while he continues taking notes. After being dismissed for the day, Micah enters his laboratory and begins inventing a gadget, completing it right before bedtime. Micah brings his invention to school the next day and approaches Mrs. Willcox, who has yet again dealt with Micah’s disruptive classmates, after being dismissed from her class.

“I’ve got something for you, Mrs. Willcox.” says Micah while reaching into one of his pockets. Micah pulls out a remote and hands it over to Mrs. Willcox while saying, “I call it, the ‘Willcox Shocker’. Whenever a student is misbehaving, just point this at them and press the button to shock them mildly enough to get them under control. I hope it’ll come in handy.”

“I’ll give it a try. Thank you.” responds Mrs. Willcox while taking the remote. Micah goes off to his next class while Mrs. Willcox prepares for her’s. While Mrs. Willcox teaches her lesson, some of the students in the class start to misbehave with Mrs. Willcox pulling out Micah’s remote and pointing it at them, pressing the button and shocking the respective students.

“Ow! What was that?” asked a student.

“There’s going to be some changes around here! Everytime I catch either one of you misbehaving and disrupting my class, I’m going to shock you with this!” answers Mrs. Willcox while presenting the remote. Another student starts misbehaving and laughing while Mrs. Willcox points the remote at him and presses the button, shocking him while subsequently and angrily asking, “Anybody else?” The entire class nervously gives Mrs. Willcox their full, undivided attention while shaking their heads.

“Good! Now, let’s get back to the lesson in a mature and respectful manner…without any further interruptions!” says Mrs. Willcox while returning to her lesson. A short while later, Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class get dismissed from school for the day with Micah walking home with his friends while they talk about Mrs. Willcox.

“I can’t take it anymore! If my class gets out of control again, I’m going to scream!” said Sarah frustratingly.

“It’s no use, Sarah. They’re not going to listen. Just let them do their thing and get in trouble. That’s all on them.” responded Wesley.

“Don’t worry, guys. I have a feeling that all our troubles are over.” said Micah.

“What makes you say that?” asked Jessica.

“Because, I made a little something for Mrs. Willcox.” responded Micah. The next day in school, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica make their way into Mrs. Willcox’s class during their respective periods, going on about their time learning their lesson until getting disrupted by misbehaving classmates. As the classmates misbehave, Mrs. Willcox points Micah’s remote at them and presses its button, shocking the classmates and getting them under control to the impression of Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica during their time in her class. Later in the day, Micah makes his way into Mrs. Willcox’s class and goes on about his time learning until also being disrupted by his class. Mrs. Willcox once again points Micah’s remote at the misbehaving classmates and presses its button, shocking and getting them under control while Micah smirks at them.

“There’s no way this could possibly go wrong.” whispered Micah to himself. As the days pass, Mrs. Willcox shocks her misbehaving students with Micah’s invention, successfully keeping them under control until one day, it all goes to her head and she starts abusing her power to the dismay of Micah and his friends. One day, while taking a test in class, Micah gets hit by a wad of paper thrown by one of his classmates and picks it up off the floor, subsequently raising his hand with Mrs. Willcox shocking him with his invention.

“No talking!” said Mrs. Willcox angrily. Disappointed, Micah lowers his hand and finishes up his test, subsequently working on other school assignments until the bell rings to dismiss the students to their next class. Micah approaches Mrs. Willcox and says, “I need to talk to you, Mrs. Willcox.”

“Make it quick. I haven’t got all day.” responded Mrs. Willcox.

“I’m glad my invention is working out for you, but…don’t you think you might be taking it a little too far?” asked Micah.

“You gave it to me. I can do whatever I want with it.” responded Mrs. Willcox.

“You’re becoming just like them, the uncooperative students. What if Principal McBride finds out about this? What’s he going to say?” asked Micah.

“Nothing’s ever happened and nothing ever will happen! Now, go off to class!” responded Mrs. Willcox angrily.

“You were a great teacher, Mrs. Willcox…until you changed.” replies Micah angrily while heading to his next class. Mrs. Willcox prepares for her next class and begins teaching her lessons until the bell rings to dismiss students for the day. Micah walks home with his friends while Jessica angrily says, “Micah, you should never have given Mrs. Willcox that invention of yours. Now she’s worse than ever.”

“I was only trying to help. How was I supposed to know this was all going to happen?” asked Micah.

“You’ve helped enough. Now, leave us alone.” responds Sarah angrily while walking home with Jessica. Micah sadly watches Sarah and Jessica walk off together while Wesley approaches him from behind.

“Don’t take it personal, Micah. Some people just don’t understand how hard it is being an inventor.” says Wesley while putting his hand on Micah’s shoulder.

“I messed up big time. Perhaps I should have just done nothing and let the problem resolve itself.” responded Micah remorsefully.

“Nah. Something good will come out of this. You’ll see. You know…I bet Mrs. Willcox is seeing the error of her ways right now.” replies Wesley while walking home with Micah. Mrs. Willcox packs up her belongings and begins to head out the school building until a voice says, “Vickie.” Mrs. Willcox stops and turns her attention to the source, seeing Principal McBride peaking out the doorway to the secretary’s office and beckoning her while saying, “I need to have a word with you.” Principal McBride leads Mrs. Willcox to his office and gestures his hand to the two chairs sitting in front of his desk while saying, “Have a seat.” Mrs. Willcox sits down in one of the chairs while Principal McBride sits down at his desk.

“I’ve been receiving many complaints about you mistreating your students recently. What have you been doing?” asked Principal McBride.

“Micah gave me this. Whenever the kids are out of control, I just press this button and they get shocked into paying attention.” answers Mrs. Willcox while presenting Micah’s invention to Principal McBride.

“He didn’t tell you to abuse it, did he?” asked Principal McBride.

“Well…no. In fact, he tried to me about how I’ve been acting lately, but…I wouldn’t listen.” answered Mrs. Willcox.

“You’re an excellent teacher, Vickie. But your actions towards the students, including the misbehaving ones, is unacceptable. It pains me to say this, but I’m placing you on unpaid suspension until further notice.” said Principal McBride.

“I understand.” responds Mrs. Willcox remorsefully while walking out of the office.

“Vickie?” asked Principal McBride. Mrs. Willcox stops and looks back at Principal McBride, who then says, “Good luck.” Mrs. Willcox heads home while in tears, talking to her husband about what all has happened. The next day in school, Principal McBride enters all Math classes of Micah and his friends and explains what has happened. After talking about Mrs. Willcox’s absence in Micah’s class, Principal McBride asks, “Are there any questions?” Micah raises his hand with Principal McBride asking, “Yes, Micah?”

“Will Mrs. Willcox be back?” asked Micah.

“I can’t answer that for you right now. Only time will tell.” answered Principal McBride. Principal McBride then asks, “Are there any other questions?” Nobody in Micah’s class raises their hands with Principal McBride saying, “Ok then. Good luck to you all and listen to your substitute teacher. And remember, he will send any of you to my office if you give him a hard time, just like you did with Mrs. Willcox. So, please behave yourselves. You may proceed, Mr. Tester.” Principal McBride exits the classroom while the substitute teacher teaches the class with some of the students misbehaving mildly.

“If I catch any of you goofing off again, I’m sending you out in the hall. Now, pay attention.” said the substitute teacher angrily. The students continue misbehaving while the substitute teacher points at them respectfully and points to the hallway with the students exiting the classroom. After sending some of the students out into the hall, the substitute teacher continues with his lesson while Micah and the remaining students pay attention and take notes. During her suspension, Mrs. Willcox visits a counselor on a weekly basis, gradually making progress with her attitude. Day by day with the substitute teacher, all classmates in the classes of Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica respectively begin to simmer down with Principal McBride one day calling Mrs. Willcox.

“Hello?” asked Mrs. Willcox.

“Hi, is this Vickie?” asked Principal McBride.

“Yes it is. Who am I speaking to?” asked Mrs. Willcox.

“Hi, Vickie. It’s Principal McBride. I just wanted to check in on you and see how you’re doing.” responded Principal McBride.

“I’m doing great! I’ve been seeing a counselor lately and she’s really turned my life around! I couldn’t be much happier!” replied Mrs. Willcox.

“I’m glad to hear that. It sounds to me you’ve had quite a change of heart. I’d say you’re ready to get back to teaching, which is the whole reason why I called. To lift your suspension.” said Principal McBride.

“Even better!” responded Mrs. Willcox.

“Great! I’ll see you first thing in the morning.” replied Principal McBride. Mrs. Willcox and Principal McBride hang up while Mrs. Willcox tells her husband about the news she’s received. The next day in school, a lot of the teachers, staff, and students welcome Mrs. Willcox back as she responds with gratitude and heads into Principal McBride’s office.

“We’re glad to have you back on staff, Vickie.” said Principal McBride.

“It’s great to be back, Mr. McBride. I don’t suppose any of my classes have made any progress during my time off, have they?” asked Mrs. Willcox.

“They have, actually! Your replacement, Mr. Tester, has really done a number on your students! There’s been a huge drop in the chaos lately! However, I have something even better for you in case anything does go wrong.” responds Principal McBride while pulling open of the drawers to his desk. Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica go through their day at school in Mrs. Willcox’s class, having little to no disruptions from their classes. Later in Micah’s class, Mrs. Willcox hands Micah his invention back with Micah asking, “You finished with this?”

“Yes. I have something even better.” answers Mrs. Willcox while pointing at a hidden camera set up in her classroom. Micah takes the invention back and proceeds learning in Mrs. Willcox’s class, also having little to no disruptions from his class as the hidden camera monitors their every move. At the end of the day, Micah walks home with his friends while Jessica says, “Micah, I owe you an apology for the way I acted a while back.”

“Me too.” said Sarah.

“It’s all in the past. Times are different, now.” responded Micah.

“Let’s go home and hang out. What do you say?” asked Wesley.

“I’m in! Sarah? Jessica?” asked Micah.

“We’re there!” answered Sarah. Micah happily walks home with his friends while Mrs. Willcox packs up her belongings and walks out the school building, happily looking forward to the next day.


The End

Friday, January 5, 2024

Carol of the Sarah

             With Christmas fast approaching, Micah and his friends sing Christmas carols with their class outside in a snowfall during music class, all bundled up and viewing the lyrics thoroughly.

“Excellent job, everyone! Keep up the good work!” said the teacher. Micah and his friends head back to their homeroom with the rest of the class and finish out their day, preparing for the next day. The following day comes and Micah and his friends practice their Christmas carols with their class during music in the gym.

“Another job well done! Keep practicing! We have a lot of work to do in so little time!” said the teacher. Micah and his friends head back to their homeroom with Sarah saying, “I can’t believe how fast Christmas is coming. I just hope I can play my parts well in our Christmas program.”

“You’ll do great. I know you will.” responded Micah.

“Just do your best and have fun with it.” said Wesley. Micah and his friends enter their homeroom class and proceed with their lessons until lunchtime, subsequently going to recess until their time was up and head back to class, where they finish out their day. After getting dismissed for the day, Micah and his friends head home with Sarah practicing her parts for the upcoming Christmas program while Micah and Wesley work on homework and practice their singing afterwards. While sleeping at night, Sarah has a nightmare about the Christmas program, where she messes up her lines and queues with the audience booing and throwing tomatoes at her, causing everyone (including her entire class, along with Micah and Wesley) to laugh at her to her embarrassment. Sarah wakes up in shock and begins crying until her mother knocks on her door and asks, “Sarah, is everything ok?”

“Everything’s fine.” answered Sarah weepingly.

“You don’t sound fine to me. Do you want to talk about it?” asked Sarah’s mother.

“No. I…just had a bad dream. That’s all.” answered Sarah.

“I’ll tell you what. We’ll talk about it in the morning. Will that make you feel better?” asked Sarah’s mother.

“Sure, mom. Goodnight.” answered Sarah. Sarah goes back to sleep while Sarah’s mother shrugs her shoulders and heads back to bed. The next morning, Sarah gets dressed and brushes her teeth while subsequently making her way to the kitchen for breakfast, unknowingly sitting next to her mom.

“So, what’s on your mind?” asked Sarah’s mother.

“Nothing. Nothing at all. Well, something. But, I don’t want to talk about it.” answered Sarah.

“Is this about the Christmas program?” asked Sarah’s mother. Intimidated, Sarah stays silent for a moment with her mother asking, “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”

“Nervous? Me? Why would I be nervous? I’m not nervous.” responded Sarah.

“Sarah, it’s ok to be nervous. It’s a natural emotion.” said Sarah’s mother.

“Yeah, until you screw up! Ha ha ha!” laughed Sarah’s brother.

“Eric, please!” responded Sarah’s mother annoyingly. Sarah drops her head on the table and begins crying with Sarah’s mother saying, “Don’t listen to your brother. He’s just picking on you.”

“But what if he’s right? What if I do screw up at the Christmas program and get laughed at?” asked Sarah weepingly.

“That’ll never happen. You’d better run along now. The bus will be here any minute.” responded Sarah’s mother. Sarah grabs her backpack and waits for the school bus at the end of her driveway with her brother standing right next to her. Later at lunchtime, Sarah plays with her food while sitting with Micah and Wesley.

“You’ve been awfully quiet today, Sarah. Everything ok?” asked Micah.

“Can I ask you guys something?” asked Sarah.

“Sure, Sarah.” answered Micah.

“Before I ask, do you guys promise not to make fun of me after doing so?” asked Sarah.

“Of course, Sarah. We could never make fun of you. You’re our friend.” answered Wesley.

“Ok. Well, I’ve been thinking…maybe I shouldn’t go through with the Christmas program.” responded Sarah.

“Why’s that?” asked Wesley.

“I’m worried about screwing up and getting laughed at!” responds Sarah while dropping her head down on the table and crying. Micah and Wesley look at each other remorsefully while Micah subsequently lifts Sarah’s head up off the table and says, “Sarah, there’s nothing wrong with having stage fright. It’s quite common in society. I’m sure our fellow classmates feel the exact same way.”

“But there’s so many things that could go wrong! I don’t want you guys or the rest of Arcanum making fun of me!” responded Sarah weepingly.

“Now why would we do that?” asked Wesley.

“I don’t want anybody to think I’m stupid!” responded Sarah.

“Nonsense. If it makes you feel any better, Wesley and I are nervous about the Christmas program, too.” replied Micah.

“We’re just not as open about it. That’s all.” said Wesley.

“The most common reason why people make fun of one another…is because they’re either insecure or jealous.” said Micah.

“Making fun of one another is just their way of hiding all that.” said Wesley.

“Yeah. Wesley and I get made fun of all the time.” said Micah.

“And that’s because they’re jealous of our high intelligence or our heroism.” said Wesley.

“But you guys take it very well.” responded Sarah.

“Well, after some time, you get used to it and you learn to ignore it.” replied Micah.

“We all cope with certain issues differently.” said Wesley.

“Well, ok. I’ll give it a shot. Do you guys think you could watch me perform?” asked Sarah.

“Of course.” answered Micah.

“Thank you so much. That makes me feel so much better.” responded Sarah. After getting dismissed from school for the day, Wesley and Sarah arrive in Micah’s laboratory with Sarah practicing her parts while Micah and Wesley watch. Sarah sings some songs off-key and performs physical acts poorly, nearly damaging or destroying anything in her path with Micah and Wesley clapping afterwards.

“Why are you guys clapping? I did horrible! I was way off-key and almost destroyed some stuff!” asked Sarah.

“So? What’s wrong with that?” asked Micah.

“Nobody’s perfect, Sarah. What matters the most is the effort you put into it.” said Wesley.

“Can’t one of you invent something that will get rid of my stage fright?” asked Sarah.

“We could, but that would be cheating, which, of course, would get us in trouble.” answered Micah.

“I’m sorry Sarah, but this is something you’re going to have to overcome on your own.” said Wesley.

“Just keep practicing, ok? The more you do it, the better it’ll get.” said Micah.

“I’ll try.” responds Sarah while heading to Micah’s Warp Machine. Sarah warps home with Wesley doing the same thing while Micah practices the songs himself. After arriving home, Sarah goes into her bedroom and sets up some dolls and stuffed animals on her bed, practicing her parts for the Christmas program. Sarah once again sings off-key and performs her physical acts poorly to the point of damaging some of her belongings and knocking over the dolls and stuffed animals.

“Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll never be good enough in time for the Christmas program!” said Sarah. Sarah drops to the floor and begins crying while Micah and Wesley continue practicing for the Christmas program themselves. The next day in music class, Sarah approaches the teacher after the class gets dismissed for the day and asks, “Mrs. Hootman, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, Sarah! What do you need help with?” asked Mrs. Hootman.

“I don’t want to do the part anymore. I’m too nervous. Can’t you just have somebody else do it?” asked Sarah.

“I can’t do that, I’m afraid. The program’s tomorrow. If you didn’t want the part all along, you should have told me sooner.” answered Mrs. Hootman.

“I thought I did in the beginning, but then…” responded Sarah.

“You had a nightmare about it, didn’t you? And in it, you were laughed at.” replied Mrs. Hootman.

“I know it was just a dream, but it felt so real.” says Sarah while subsequently crying. Mrs. Hootman hugs Sarah and responds, “You’re going to do just fine. I promise. You’re not the only one with stage fright. Trust me. A lot of people have it. But in the unlikely event anything bad does happen in the audience, my husband and I will handle it. No matter what happens, just do your best, ok? That’s all you can do. I’m really glad we had this talk. Run along back to class now, and remember what I told you.”

“I’ll try.” replies Sarah while exiting the music room. On the night of the Christmas program, Sarah waits nervously with Micah, Wesley, and the rest of the class in the hallway right outside the gym with Micah and Wesley comforting her.

“You got this, Sarah!” said Micah.

“You’ll do great! I know you will!” said Wesley.

“Ha ha ha! Look at the scaredy cat afraid of a little Christmas concert!” taunted a classmate.

“Get over it, you coward! You’re just embarrassing yourself, and the rest of us!” taunted another classmate.

“How do we know you two aren’t nervous yourselves?” asked Micah annoyingly.

“She’s not a coward! You are!” said Wesley. The two classmates suddenly become very nervous with Sarah sighing while Micah says, “Don’t listen to them, Sarah. They’re just being jerks.”

“Hey!” said one of the classmates annoyingly.

“Thank you all for coming out tonight to see our Christmas program. The kids have all worked very hard to put on a great show for you. So, let’s bring them on out now.” said Mrs. Hootman into the microphone in the gym. Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class begin making their way to a set of bleachers inside the gym with Sarah saying, “Let’s just get this over with.”

“It’s going to be ok. I promise.” responds Micah while patting Sarah on her shoulder. Mrs. Hootman makes her way to her music sheet stand and gestures for the kids to stand up, subsequently conducting her husband to play the piano and the kids to sing. A little while later, Sarah’s part comes in with Sarah nervously making her way onto the gym floor, performing her physical acts very well to the crowd’s amazement. Another short while later, Sarah’s solo comes in with Sarah hesitantly beginning to sing while looking at her family, Mrs. Hootman, Micah, and Wesley, who all smile at her and give her a nodding gesture. After taking a deep breath, Sarah begins to sing her heart out into the microphone, singing her solo very well with the crowd cheering for her at the end of the song. Sarah looks at the crowd with a smile on her face, looking at her mother, who waves to her.

“Wow! That young lady is a great singer!” said a woman sitting next to Sarah’s mother.

“That’s my daughter!” responds Sarah’s mother while pointing at Sarah.

“Really? You certainly have a talented daughter!” replied the woman. Sarah takes a bow and makes her way back to their respective seat. At the end of the program, Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class head to Mrs. Hootman’s classroom to wait for their parents to pick them up while everyone crowds around Sarah.

“Wow, Sarah! You did great!” said a female classmate.

“Thank you! And I couldn’t have done it without my two bestest friends, Micah and Wesley.” responds Sarah while gesturing her hand over to Micah and Wesley.

“And me!” said Mrs. Hootman.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Hootman. I didn’t forget about you.” responded Sarah.

“Don’t forget about me!” said an adult female voice at the door. Sarah draws her attention to the source and finds her mother, father, and brother standing at the doorway.

“Mommy!” says Sarah while running to her mother. Sarah hugs her mother with her father and brother joining in while Sarah’s mother says, “You did great! I’m so proud of you!”

“I got to admit, Sarah. You were amazing!” said Sarah’s brother.

“Thank you, Eric! I’m so glad you’re my brother!” responded Sarah. Sarah beckons Micah and Wesley over while saying, “I have these two to thank. I couldn’t have done it without them.”

“There’s just one more person you need to thank.” responds Micah while beckoning Mrs. Hootman over.

“You have an amazing daughter. Keep raising her well.” said Mrs. Hootman.

“We will. Thank you.” responded Sarah’s mother.

“Micah? Wesley? Keep up the good work!” says Mrs. Hootman while looking at Micah and Wesley.

“We won’t let you down, Mrs. Hootman!” responded Micah.

“What he said!” said Wesley. Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class go home with their families, happily returning to their lives and awaiting Christmas day.


The End

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Aviation Dedication

             One day in school, Micah and his friends are working on a science project with their class revolving around force and other topics with aircrafts as the prime example. They build a model styrofoam plane with modifications and give it a test run afterwards, fixing any errors they make whenever seeing the plane’s flight fail in certain areas. After being dismissed for the day, Micah and his friends all go home to conclude the day by chilling out or doing homework. The next day, Micah and his friends continue their aviation project after learning new lessons taught by their teacher, Mrs. Pitzer. Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class do test flights outside after a certain period of time, making any modifications that needed to be done whenever their projects fail in certain areas.

“For homework tonight, find a plane flying through the sky and explain it in great detail. Any questions?” asked Mrs. Pitzer. Sarah raises her hand with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Yes, Sarah?”

“What if we don’t find any planes flying through the sky?” asked Sarah.

“Oh! I didn’t think of that! Good question! In that case, you can just research it with the right resource, such as a book or the internet. It can be one or the other. Your choice. Any other questions?” asked Mrs. Pitzer. Micah raises his hand with Mrs. Pitzer calling, “Yes, Micah?”

“This may seem like a silly question, but I have a plane for a vehicle while in my Power Micah form. Are you ok with me flying it as part of this assignment?”

“I don’t see why not. Just be careful. Any more questions?” asks Mrs. Pitzer while observing the class. Nobody raises their hand with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Ok, next lesson.” Mrs. Pitzer moves on with her teaching agenda until lunchtime, continuing on after Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class return from recess. Late afternoon, Micah and his friends get dismissed from school with the rest of their class, immediately getting started on their assigned homework. Wesley and Sarah sit outside at their houses with pencils and papers in their hands, staring up into the sky to find planes flying while turns himself into Power Micah and summons his Power Mobile, turning it into the Power Plane. Micah turns on the Power Plane and takes off into the sky, flying around for a bit until collecting enough information to get his homework done. Wesley and Sarah eventually find passenger planes flying through the air and begin writing down their observation on it, completing their homework. The following day comes with Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class presenting their assignments with Wesley asking, “So Micah. Did you get your flight in on the Power Plane.”

“You bet!” answers Micah while presenting his paper.

“Micah, how about you present your assignment next?” asked Mrs. Pitzer.

“Sure, Mrs. Pitzer!” answers Micah while making his way to the front of the class. Micah presents his assignment, talking about what he’s learned about aviation while flying his Power Plane, receiving an applause from his class afterwards with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Thank you, Micah! That was excellent!” Micah makes his way back to his seat with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Who would like to go next?” Wesley raises his hand with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Wesley, would you like to go next?”

“Yes I would, Mrs. Pitzer!” answers Wesley while making his way to the front of the classroom. Wesley begins discussing what he’s learned about aviation, receiving an applause from the class with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Good work, Wesley! Keep it up!”

“Thank you, Mrs. Pitzer.” responds Wesley while making his way back to his seat.

“Next?” asked Mrs. Pitzer. Sarah raises her hand with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Sarah!” Sarah goes up to the front of the class and begins talking about what she’s learned about aviation, also receiving an applause from the class with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Very good, Sarah!” Sarah makes her way back to her seat while the rest of the class presents their assignments one-by-one until lunchtime. After coming in from recess, Micah and his friends finish out their day at school with Mrs. Pitzer assigning another project.

“For homework this weekend, videotape a plane flying through the sky and we will watch them on Monday. If you do not have a video camera or do not find a plane flying through the sky, then you can rent a video from the public library to present to the class. You may all go.” said Mrs. Pitzer. Micah and his friends make their way home with Micah and his brothers packing up clothes, homework, and supplies to spend the weekend with their father and stepmother. Micah’s father and stepmother arrive at Micah’s house while Micah packs up a video camera and some cassettes he had stored in his laboratory, entering his father’s vehicle afterwards with his brothers. Micah rides off with his brothers to their father’s and stepmother’s house, unpacking their belongings and settling in their respective bedrooms. The next day, Micah prepares his video camera and goes outside to look for planes, recording with his camera until suddenly hearing a sonic boom. Micah draws his attention to the source and finds three F-14 Tomcats flying through the sky, quickly panning his camera onto them. As Micah videotapes the jets, one of the pilots looks at Micah, who asks, “Hey, fellas! We’ve got someone videotaping us! What do you say we give him a little show?”

“Copy that!” responds another pilot. Micah’s father comes outside and approaches Micah while asking, “Hey, Micah. What are you doing?” One of the pilots watches on surveillance from his aircraft as Micah answers, “I’m videotaping those fighter jets up there for a school assignment.”

“Come in, pilots!” said a pilot.

“I hear out loud and clear! What’s your situation?” asked another pilot.

“That kid videotaping us is doing it for a school assignment.” answered the pilot.

“Oh, neat! Get in formation, everyone!” responded another pilot. The three fighter jets get on formation as Micah continues talking about his assignment to his dad.

“Ok. Have fun with that.” says Micah’s father while entering the house. The pilots begin leaving smoke trails as they fly around, using it to draw Micah holding his camera and the word “Hello” underneath it.

“Wow! I didn’t know they could see me from that high up!” said Micah surprised. The pilots fly around for a little longer until the leader of the fleet says, “Ok, boys! Time to wrap it up!”

“Roger that! Returning to base!” responds another pilot while making his way back to their base with the other two jets.

“That should do it!” says Micah while stopping his camera and going back inside his dad’s house. Micah connects his video camera to his bedroom TV and views the footage he captured while his father enters the room.

“Do you get what you need?” asked Micah’s father.

“We’re about to find out.” answered Micah. Micah and his father watch the video, viewing the smoke trails with Micah’s father asking, “Wow! Did they really do that?”

“Sure did.” answered Micah. The video ends with a knock subsequently coming from the front door of the house with Micah’s father answering it and seeing the three pilots of the fighter jets standing before him.

“Hi there. We’re looking for the kid who videotaped us.” said the lead pilot.

“Micah! You’ve got some visitors!” hollered Micah’s father. Micah makes his way to the front door and sees the pilots while asking, “Oh, hello. Is there a problem?”

“Not at all. Did you get your shots in?” asked one of the pilots.

“Oh, yes I did. Thanks for asking.” answered Micah.

“Mind if we watch it?” asked one of the pilots.

“As long as my dad and stepmom are ok with it.” answered Micah.

“Of course. Honey?” asked Micah’s father.

“Yeah! Go right ahead!” answered Micah’s stepmother. Micah leads his father and the pilots to his bedroom and plays the tape with the lead pilot subsequently asking, “Nice shots! Will this work for your school assignment?”

“Yes. You guys heard me talking about it with my dad?” asked Micah.

“Yep! We were able to see and hear you on surveillance from our aircrafts during our training.” answered one of the pilots.

“Hmmm. Interesting.” responded Micah.

“Well, we’d better get going. See you guys later, and thanks for showing us the video! Good luck with your assignment!” says the lead pilot while exiting the house. Micah and his brothers finish out their weekend at their father’s and stepmother’s house and return home the following Sunday evening, unpacking all their belongings and settling in at their primary home with their mother and stepfather. The next day, Micah and his friends make their way to their class with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Good morning, class! I hope you all had a nice weekend! Let’s start the day off by watching your videos of airplanes! Who wants to go first?” Micah raises his hand with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Micah! What do you have to show us?”

“Prepare to be amazed!” responds Micah while playing his tape. Mrs. Pitzer and the rest of the class watch Micah’s footage, seeing the smoke trails outlining the image of Micah and his camera, along with the word “Hello” underneath it, with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Wow! Did they really see you from that high up?”

“We sure did!” answered a voice. Micah, Mrs. Pitzer, and the rest of the class turn their attention to the source and see the three pilots standing in the doorway with the lead pilot saying, “Sorry to drop in uninvited like this. We thought maybe we could educate you all in your lesson about aircrafts.”

“Are you the ones that did this?” asks Mrs. Pitzer while pointing at Micah’s video.

“Yes, ma’am!” answered the lead pilot.

“Excellent job, Micah! Class, let’s hear it for Micah and what he’s offered us!” says Mrs. Pitzer while clapping with the rest of the class. Micah makes his way back to his seat with the rest of the class presenting their videos while the pilots subsequently go up to the front of the class and teach them about aviation, learning many new things about flight.


The End