Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Aviation Dedication

             One day in school, Micah and his friends are working on a science project with their class revolving around force and other topics with aircrafts as the prime example. They build a model styrofoam plane with modifications and give it a test run afterwards, fixing any errors they make whenever seeing the plane’s flight fail in certain areas. After being dismissed for the day, Micah and his friends all go home to conclude the day by chilling out or doing homework. The next day, Micah and his friends continue their aviation project after learning new lessons taught by their teacher, Mrs. Pitzer. Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class do test flights outside after a certain period of time, making any modifications that needed to be done whenever their projects fail in certain areas.

“For homework tonight, find a plane flying through the sky and explain it in great detail. Any questions?” asked Mrs. Pitzer. Sarah raises her hand with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Yes, Sarah?”

“What if we don’t find any planes flying through the sky?” asked Sarah.

“Oh! I didn’t think of that! Good question! In that case, you can just research it with the right resource, such as a book or the internet. It can be one or the other. Your choice. Any other questions?” asked Mrs. Pitzer. Micah raises his hand with Mrs. Pitzer calling, “Yes, Micah?”

“This may seem like a silly question, but I have a plane for a vehicle while in my Power Micah form. Are you ok with me flying it as part of this assignment?”

“I don’t see why not. Just be careful. Any more questions?” asks Mrs. Pitzer while observing the class. Nobody raises their hand with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Ok, next lesson.” Mrs. Pitzer moves on with her teaching agenda until lunchtime, continuing on after Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class return from recess. Late afternoon, Micah and his friends get dismissed from school with the rest of their class, immediately getting started on their assigned homework. Wesley and Sarah sit outside at their houses with pencils and papers in their hands, staring up into the sky to find planes flying while turns himself into Power Micah and summons his Power Mobile, turning it into the Power Plane. Micah turns on the Power Plane and takes off into the sky, flying around for a bit until collecting enough information to get his homework done. Wesley and Sarah eventually find passenger planes flying through the air and begin writing down their observation on it, completing their homework. The following day comes with Micah, his friends, and the rest of their class presenting their assignments with Wesley asking, “So Micah. Did you get your flight in on the Power Plane.”

“You bet!” answers Micah while presenting his paper.

“Micah, how about you present your assignment next?” asked Mrs. Pitzer.

“Sure, Mrs. Pitzer!” answers Micah while making his way to the front of the class. Micah presents his assignment, talking about what he’s learned about aviation while flying his Power Plane, receiving an applause from his class afterwards with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Thank you, Micah! That was excellent!” Micah makes his way back to his seat with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Who would like to go next?” Wesley raises his hand with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Wesley, would you like to go next?”

“Yes I would, Mrs. Pitzer!” answers Wesley while making his way to the front of the classroom. Wesley begins discussing what he’s learned about aviation, receiving an applause from the class with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Good work, Wesley! Keep it up!”

“Thank you, Mrs. Pitzer.” responds Wesley while making his way back to his seat.

“Next?” asked Mrs. Pitzer. Sarah raises her hand with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Sarah!” Sarah goes up to the front of the class and begins talking about what she’s learned about aviation, also receiving an applause from the class with Mrs. Pitzer saying, “Very good, Sarah!” Sarah makes her way back to her seat while the rest of the class presents their assignments one-by-one until lunchtime. After coming in from recess, Micah and his friends finish out their day at school with Mrs. Pitzer assigning another project.

“For homework this weekend, videotape a plane flying through the sky and we will watch them on Monday. If you do not have a video camera or do not find a plane flying through the sky, then you can rent a video from the public library to present to the class. You may all go.” said Mrs. Pitzer. Micah and his friends make their way home with Micah and his brothers packing up clothes, homework, and supplies to spend the weekend with their father and stepmother. Micah’s father and stepmother arrive at Micah’s house while Micah packs up a video camera and some cassettes he had stored in his laboratory, entering his father’s vehicle afterwards with his brothers. Micah rides off with his brothers to their father’s and stepmother’s house, unpacking their belongings and settling in their respective bedrooms. The next day, Micah prepares his video camera and goes outside to look for planes, recording with his camera until suddenly hearing a sonic boom. Micah draws his attention to the source and finds three F-14 Tomcats flying through the sky, quickly panning his camera onto them. As Micah videotapes the jets, one of the pilots looks at Micah, who asks, “Hey, fellas! We’ve got someone videotaping us! What do you say we give him a little show?”

“Copy that!” responds another pilot. Micah’s father comes outside and approaches Micah while asking, “Hey, Micah. What are you doing?” One of the pilots watches on surveillance from his aircraft as Micah answers, “I’m videotaping those fighter jets up there for a school assignment.”

“Come in, pilots!” said a pilot.

“I hear out loud and clear! What’s your situation?” asked another pilot.

“That kid videotaping us is doing it for a school assignment.” answered the pilot.

“Oh, neat! Get in formation, everyone!” responded another pilot. The three fighter jets get on formation as Micah continues talking about his assignment to his dad.

“Ok. Have fun with that.” says Micah’s father while entering the house. The pilots begin leaving smoke trails as they fly around, using it to draw Micah holding his camera and the word “Hello” underneath it.

“Wow! I didn’t know they could see me from that high up!” said Micah surprised. The pilots fly around for a little longer until the leader of the fleet says, “Ok, boys! Time to wrap it up!”

“Roger that! Returning to base!” responds another pilot while making his way back to their base with the other two jets.

“That should do it!” says Micah while stopping his camera and going back inside his dad’s house. Micah connects his video camera to his bedroom TV and views the footage he captured while his father enters the room.

“Do you get what you need?” asked Micah’s father.

“We’re about to find out.” answered Micah. Micah and his father watch the video, viewing the smoke trails with Micah’s father asking, “Wow! Did they really do that?”

“Sure did.” answered Micah. The video ends with a knock subsequently coming from the front door of the house with Micah’s father answering it and seeing the three pilots of the fighter jets standing before him.

“Hi there. We’re looking for the kid who videotaped us.” said the lead pilot.

“Micah! You’ve got some visitors!” hollered Micah’s father. Micah makes his way to the front door and sees the pilots while asking, “Oh, hello. Is there a problem?”

“Not at all. Did you get your shots in?” asked one of the pilots.

“Oh, yes I did. Thanks for asking.” answered Micah.

“Mind if we watch it?” asked one of the pilots.

“As long as my dad and stepmom are ok with it.” answered Micah.

“Of course. Honey?” asked Micah’s father.

“Yeah! Go right ahead!” answered Micah’s stepmother. Micah leads his father and the pilots to his bedroom and plays the tape with the lead pilot subsequently asking, “Nice shots! Will this work for your school assignment?”

“Yes. You guys heard me talking about it with my dad?” asked Micah.

“Yep! We were able to see and hear you on surveillance from our aircrafts during our training.” answered one of the pilots.

“Hmmm. Interesting.” responded Micah.

“Well, we’d better get going. See you guys later, and thanks for showing us the video! Good luck with your assignment!” says the lead pilot while exiting the house. Micah and his brothers finish out their weekend at their father’s and stepmother’s house and return home the following Sunday evening, unpacking all their belongings and settling in at their primary home with their mother and stepfather. The next day, Micah and his friends make their way to their class with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Good morning, class! I hope you all had a nice weekend! Let’s start the day off by watching your videos of airplanes! Who wants to go first?” Micah raises his hand with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Micah! What do you have to show us?”

“Prepare to be amazed!” responds Micah while playing his tape. Mrs. Pitzer and the rest of the class watch Micah’s footage, seeing the smoke trails outlining the image of Micah and his camera, along with the word “Hello” underneath it, with Mrs. Pitzer asking, “Wow! Did they really see you from that high up?”

“We sure did!” answered a voice. Micah, Mrs. Pitzer, and the rest of the class turn their attention to the source and see the three pilots standing in the doorway with the lead pilot saying, “Sorry to drop in uninvited like this. We thought maybe we could educate you all in your lesson about aircrafts.”

“Are you the ones that did this?” asks Mrs. Pitzer while pointing at Micah’s video.

“Yes, ma’am!” answered the lead pilot.

“Excellent job, Micah! Class, let’s hear it for Micah and what he’s offered us!” says Mrs. Pitzer while clapping with the rest of the class. Micah makes his way back to his seat with the rest of the class presenting their videos while the pilots subsequently go up to the front of the class and teach them about aviation, learning many new things about flight.


The End

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