Thursday, March 28, 2024

A Not-So-Cute Couple

            One day, during the 2009 Great Darke County Fair, Micah visits the Dog Barn, petting and playing with the dogs and chatting with Bethany, someone whom he went to school with and who once had a crush on him. At one point, Micah leaves the barn and accidentally steps on a dog’s tail, causing it to yipe in pain.

“I am so sorry! Is your dog ok?” asked Micah worriedly.

“She’s fine. Thank you.” answers the dog’s owner while smiling. Hannah, Bethany’s best friend, angrily approaches Micah and says, “Get out! You’re not allowed in here anymore!” Bethany angrily approaches Hannah and responds, “Now hold on a second, Hannah! He didn’t do it on purpose! Let’s not jump to conclusions, ok?”

“You stay out of this, miss goody-goody two-shoes!” replies Hannah angrily while shoving Bethany down to the ground.

“You can’t kick me out! You’re not the boss of me and you don’t own this barn!” said Micah angrily.

“I’m on the junior fair board…” responds Hannah angrily.

“You are not!” said Bethany angrily.

“What did I tell you about interfering?!” asked Hannah angrily.

“I don’t need this! I’m out of here!” says Micah angrily while walking away.

“Good! And stay out!” responded Hannah angrily. Micah approaches his mother and stepfather, telling him about the incident with Micah’s mother angrily saying, “We’d better go talk to them! That’s monotonous!” Micah’s mother heads to the board office with Micah and his stepfather following, subsequently exchanging information of the incident and being lead to the dog barn.

“I thought I told you to stay out!” said Hannah angrily.

“Hannah, why did you lie to Micah about being on the junior fair board?” asked the board leader angrily.

“Because he was mean to the dogs!” answered Hannah angrily. The dog’s owner approaches the board leader and says, “It was an accident.”

“Shut up, lady! This is none of your business!” responded Hannah angrily.

“Hannah, that kind of behavior will not be tolerated. I’m afraid we’re going to have to remove you from our club, and ask you to leave this instant. Pick up your dog and get out.” replied the board leader angrily. Hannah angrily stomps back to her chair and picks up her dog while saying, “Beth, please! Back me up here!”

“No. I don’t appreciate you treating Micah like that. I’m sorry to say this, but I’m not your friend anymore.” responded Bethany angrily.

“Whatever!” replies Hannah angrily while leaving the barn with her dog.

“We’re very sorry for the inconvenience, Micah. You are welcome here anytime.” said the board leader.

“Thank you, miss. I greatly appreciate the help.” responded Micah.

“Us too.” said Micah’s mother. The board leader leaves the barn and returns to her duties with Bethany approaching Micah afterwards.

“So, how’d it go?” asked Bethany.

“I think it went quite well. Don’t you, mom and Kyle?” asks Micah while drawing his attention to his mother and stepfather.

“Of course. It’s all been taken care of.” answered Micah’s mother.

“Good! I’m glad you guys were able to sort everything out. Even I couldn’t stand Hannah with the way she was treating everyone. I ended my friendship with her just now. I hope to see you back here, Micah.” responded Bethany.

“Thanks, Bethany. You too!” replies Micah while leaving the barn with his mother and stepfather. As Micah walks around the fair with his mother and stepfather, Hannah turns around and angrily approaches Micah while shouting, “Hey, Micah!” Micah stops and draws his attention to Hannah, who inches closer to him.

“What do you want, Hannah?” asked Micah angrily.

“You and I have some unfinished business to take care of!” answered Hannah angrily.

“It’s over, Hannah! Leave me alone!” responds Micah while attempting to catch up with his mother and stepfather. Hannah grabs Micah by the shirt and pulls him towards her while angrily asking, “Where do you think you’re going?!”

“Away from you!” answered Micah angrily. Micah’s mother suddenly realizes Micah’s absence and asks, “Where’s Micah?” Micah’s mother and stepfather start observing their surroundings and suddenly find Micah being confronted by Hannah.

“That does not look good. We’d better head on over there right now.” says Micah’s stepfather while walking to the scene with Micah’s mother following.

“This is all your fault! If you hadn’t been in the dog barn in the first place, none of this would have ever happened!” said Hannah angrily.

“You brought this upon yourself! We wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t taken everything out of context! It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt!” responded Micah angrily.

“How dare you call me stupid! I’m going to kill you for that!” replies Hannah angrily while fighting Micah. Hannah attacks Micah while everyone circles around and attempts to break up the fight to no avail.

“Stay here. I’ll go get the police.” says Micah’s stepfather while walking off. Hannah continues attacking Micah until a voice angrily asks, “What’s going on here?” Hannah stops attacking Micah and draws her attention to the source, seeing two police officers standing before her with frowns on their faces. Hannah suddenly releases her grip on Micah while nervously saying, “Hi, guys. This isn’t what it looks like.”

“Hands behind your back…now!” said one police officer angrily.

“What?!” exclaimed Hannah.

“You heard him.” said the other police officer.

“No way! I did nothing wrong!” responded Hannah angrily. The officers grab Hannah and attempt to cuff her while she fights them off.

“Get your hands off me! I didn’t do anything!” said Hannah angrily.

“Stop resisting!” says an officer while attempting to cuff Hannah. Hannah fights the officers for a while until they get her in the cuffs.

“You’re under arrest for assault and resisting.” says an officer while attempting to escort Hannah to a cruiser with the other officer.

“I’m not going to jail! Get off me, you jerks!” shouts Hannah angrily while subsequently kicking one of the officers in the gut. The officer holds his gut in pain while Hannah runs back to Micah while shouting, “You’re dead, Micah!” The other officer grabs and stops Hannah while subsequently saying, “Congratulations. You’ve just added assault on a police officer to the charges.” The officers escort Hannah to their cruiser while Hannah angrily says, “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer! You’re the one who should be in jail, not me!”

“Tell it to the judge, you rusty bolt!” responded Micah angrily. Hannah screams angrily inside the police cruiser while being hauled away. Micah, his mother, and stepfather enjoy their time at the fair until it closes down for the year. Not soon after the fair ends, Micah, his mother, and stepfather appear in court with Hannah.

“The case of Hannah against Micah regarding animal abuse is now in session.” said the judge. Hannah approaches the bench and states her case with Micah approaching the bench afterwards, stating his case. Micah sits back down next to his lawyer while Hannah subsequently says, “Your honor, my opponent was being mean to the dogs at the fair.”

“Objection!” said Micah’s lawyer.

“Sustained. Has the jury reached a verdict?” asked the judge.

“Yes, your honor. We find the defendant not guilty.” said a juror.

“All in favor?” asked the judge.

“I.” answers the rest of the jurors while raising their right hands.

“The court finds in favor of Micah. Hannah will continue her prison term as planned. Thank you, Jury for your service today. Court is adjourned.” responds the judge while subsequently striking his gavel. Everyone leaves the courtroom while Hannah gets escorted away by her lawyer and police officers.

“I’m going to get you, Micah, if it’s the last thing I do.” whispered Hannah to herself angrily. Micah and his family live out the rest of their lives while Hannah serves her prison term and gets released at a later point in time. Present day, in 2024, Micah (now 34 years old) lives in Redmond, Washington, and works for Nintendo making video games, whereas his older brother, Matthew (now 36 years old), lives in London, England, and works as a Software Engineer. Matthew is also married to a woman from Japan named Kazane. Micah’s younger brother, Christopher (now 32 years old), lives in Los Angeles, California, and works as an Office Production Assistant, where he helps make commercials and other films. Micah and his brothers are all visiting their mother and stepfather, who are both semi-retired now and are living in Saint Augustine, Florida, spending time with one another at a beach 10 minutes away from the condo that Micah’s mother and stepfather are living in. At one point, Micah enters the water and begins swimming around until accidentally bumping into a woman.

“Oh! Sorry about that, ma’am.” said Micah. The woman looks up and reveals herself to be Hannah.

“You!” says Hannah angrily while pointing at Micah.

“Hannah?” asked Micah.

“Time for you to sleep with the fishes!” said Hannah angrily.

“Hannah, what happened between you and I was 15 years ago. Let it go. It’s all water under the bridge now.” responded Micah annoyingly. Hannah suddenly grabs and pulls Micah underwater, submerging him until he loses consciousness. Micah floats on the surface of the water face down while Hannah swims away and says, “Good riddance!” A green hand suddenly appears out of the surface of the water and pulls Micah under while Hannah continues to swim away until getting hit across the head by a wrench held by the same green hand. With Hannah now unconscious and floating face down on the surface of the water, the green hand pulls her under and suddenly reveals itself to be Trekker, who walks off with Micah and Hannah in his hands. After arriving at his mansion, Trekker puts on his Hypno-Hat and spins its wheel while saying, “Micah! Hannah! Listen to the sound of my voice! When I snap my finger, you will what I say, when I say!”

“Yes, master!” said Micah and Hannah. Trekker snaps his finger and puts Micah and Hannah under his control.

“I order you two to get married!” said Trekker.

“Yes, master!” responded Micah and Hannah. Trekker rallies up some of his henchmen and starts the wedding at his mansion with Trekker Jr. serving as the officiant, opening up a book and reading the vows.

“Micah, do you take Hannah to be your lawfully wedded wife?” asked Trekker Jr.

“I do.” answered Micah.

“And Hannah, do you take Micah to be your lawfully wedded husband?” asked Trekker Jr.

“I do.” answered Hannah.

“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may punch the bride.” says Trekker Jr. while closing the book. Micah and Hannah punch each other in the face and both fall to the ground while the crowd menacingly cheers and laughs. The next day, Micah and Hannah wake up right next to each other at Trekker’s mansion with Hannah angrily asking, “Micah?! You’re alive?! How is this even possible?!”

“Don’t even think about it! I don’t want any trouble!” responded Micah angrily.

“Well, you got trouble!” replies Hannah angrily while attacking Micah.

“Hey, now!” said a distant voice. Hannah stops attacking while she and Micah subsequently draw their attention to the source and find Trekker walking towards them menacingly.

“Is that any way to treat your husband, Hannah?” asked Trekker menacingly.

“HUSBAND????!!!!?????!” exclaimed Hannah.

“WE’RE MARRIED????!!!!?????!” asked Micah.

“You sure are!” answers Trekker menacingly while showing the marriage license. Micah and Hannah read the license with Micah saying, “I don’t remember doing this!”

“Computer!” shouted Trekker. Trekker’s computer suddenly shows footage of Micah’s and Hannah’s wedding with Hannah angrily asking, “When did this happen?!”

“Yesterday! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker menacingly.

“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Trekker! How did you marry us?!” asked Micah angrily.

“Take a closer look.” answers Trekker while showing footage of him hypnotizing Micah and Hannah.

“Imagine that.” said Micah annoyingly.

“I do not want to be married to this jerk!” said Hannah angrily.

“That makes two of us.” responded Micah angrily.

“Too bad. You guys are going to be a couple, and like it. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“All right, start talking! How are we going to get out of this?!” asks Hannah angrily while drawing her attention to Micah.

“Uh, hello?! Divorce!?” answered Micah annoyingly.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” responds Trekker menacingly while showing Micah and Hannah a contract. Micah and Hannah read the contract, stating that getting divorced will cause Trekker’s world domination. Micah and Hannah eventually reach the end of the contract and find their names signed on it.

“So let me get this straight. If Hannah and I get divorced, you take over the world?” asked Micah annoyingly.

“Yes, indeed.” answered Micah. Micah thinks for a moment and says, “Ok, Trekker. You win. Hannah and I will live happily ever after, as you request. Come on, honey bunch. Let’s start living our lives.” Micah grabs Hannah’s hand and walks her away with Hannah angrily asking, “What are you doing?!”

“Play along.” whispered Micah. Hannah looks back at Trekker (who stares at them menacingly) and then looks at Micah and says, “Oh, Micah! You are so strong and handsome! How ever did I get so lucky?” Micah and Hannah show up at Trekker’s Warp Machine and warps themselves back to Florida, appearing at the beach.

“All right, playtime’s over. Now, let’s get started on our divorce.” says Micah while running off. Hannah catches up to Micah and angrily responds, “Are you crazy?! Trekker’s going to take over the world!”

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take. Besides, I’ve dealt with Trekker all my life. This isn’t the first time he’s ruled the world.” responded Micah.

“First, the dogs at the fair! And now, the entire human race?! You’re crazier than I thought!” replied Hannah angrily. Micah suddenly stops and angrily asks, “Do you want out of this marriage?”

“Is that a trick question?” asked Hannah angrily.

“Do you want out of this marriage?!” asked Micah angrily.

“Yes, I want out of this marriage! I hate you!” answered Hannah angrily.

“Then quit your complaining and put aside your differences! This is going to take teamwork, ok? You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours! We’ll both get what we want in the end! You’ll see!” responded Micah angrily.

“I hope you know what you’re doing!” sighs Hannah angrily while following Micah. After arriving at a courthouse, Micah and Hannah enter the Clerk of Courts division with a woman approaching the counter and asking, “Hi. What can I help you with?”

“We would like to file for divorce.” answered Micah.

“Ok. I’ll be right back.” responds the woman while going to a drawer. The woman pulls out a divorce form and hands it to Micah and Hannah with Micah saying, “Thank you, ma’am.”

“You’re welcome. Just bring that back in when you’re ready.” responded the woman. Micah and Hannah leave the courthouse and go their separate ways with Micah heading to his mother and stepfather’s condo and Hannah heading back to her hotel suite.

“Micah! Where have you been?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Don’t ask.” answers Micah while sitting at a table and filling out the divorce form. Micah’s mother observes the form and asks, “What’s this?”

“Do you remember Hannah from the fair? The girl who wrongly accused me of mistreating the dogs at the 2009 fair?” asked Micah.

“Yes.” answered Micah’s mother.

“Her and I are married.” responded Micah.

“What?!” exclaimed Micah’s mother.

“How did that happen?” asked Micah’s stepfather.

“Trekker. He hypnotized us. And to make matters worse, he’s going to take over the world if Hannah and I get divorced. Before you guys say anything, I would rather Trekker rule the world than be married to someone I don’t like.” answered Micah.

“That’s horrible! We’re with you all the way.” responds Micah’s mother while sitting down next to Micah and watching him fill out the divorce form. Micah later returns to the courthouse with Hannah and hands in the divorce form.

“How long will it take for us to be divorced?” asked Hannah.

“I would say about 30 days to 6 weeks.” answered the woman taking the divorce form.

“Thank you for your help, ma’am.” said Micah.

“Anytime.” responded the woman. Micah and Hannah leave the courthouse and go their separate ways with Micah spending the rest of his time with his mother, stepfather, and brothers in Florida and Hannah spending the rest of her time vacationing in Florida herself. A number of days later, Micah returns home to Redmond with his brothers returning home to their respective locations while Hannah does the same, resuming their lives after their vacation comes to an end. Later on down the road (without Trekker’s knowledge), Micah’s and Hannah’s divorce becomes finalized with Micah and Hannah no longer being a married couple. Meanwhile, Trekker calls Micah and Hannah to his mansion and menacingly says, “Ah, welcome Micah and Hannah! You’re just in time for the party!”

“What party?” asked Hannah.

“To celebrate the anniversary of your wedding.” answered Trekker.

“Wedding?” asked Hannah.

“That’s right! You two are married! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Not anymore.” responds Micah while holding out a folder.

“What do you mean, ‘not anymore’?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“Take a closer look, you rusty lugnut.” taunts Micah while throwing the folder at Trekker. Trekker reviews the documents and subsequently throws the folder down onto the floor and angrily says, “Big mistake, Micah! Do you realize what you’ve done?!”

“Go ahead, Trekker. Make my day and take over the world.” taunted Micah.

“Oh, I’m about to!” responds Trekker angrily while pulling out his Trekker phone. Trekker dials Trekker Jr.’s number and says, “Hello, Jr.? It’s dad! Meet me here at the mansion at once! The world is finally ours!”

“Oh, happy day! See you in a bit, dad!” replied Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. disconnect their lines while Trekker subsequently pulls out a remote and presses its button, causing a hatch in the mansion floor to open up and reveal a spaceship. Trekker Jr. suddenly appears at the mansion and approaches Trekker, who then says, “Micah! Hannah! Say hello to your new world leaders! Ha ha ha ha!”

“You know, dad? I could sure use an empress on board. What do you think?” asked Trekker Jr.

“I don’t see why not, and I think I’ve found the perfect one.” answered Trekker.

“Who’s this so-called ‘empress’ you seek out?” asked Hannah. Trekker Jr. pulls out a remote and points it at Hannah, pressing its button and forcing Hannah towards him with Trekker laughing, “Just try and stop us! Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. ride a lift up into the cockpit of the spaceship while Hannah screams in terror.

“Help me! Anyone!” screamed Hannah.

“Hang on, Hannah!” responds Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah transforms himself into Power Micah and takes off into the sky while Trekker and Trekker Jr. launch themselves into space.

“You’re not stopping us that easy!” says Trekker while pressing a button on the control panel. Guns suddenly emerge from the spaceship and shoot Micah’s boosters on his rocket and shoes, causing Micah to spiral down out of control and go for a crash-landing.

“Auf wiedersehen, loser! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. make their way into outer space with their spaceship and Hannah as their hostage while Micah crash-lands back at Trekker’s mansion.

“Care to do the honors, Jr.?” asked Trekker.

“With pleasure!” answers Trekker Jr. while pressing another button on the control panel. Trekker suddenly appears on virtual surveillance around the world and says, “Attention, habitants of earth! I am Trekker, your new world leader! Bow before me or I will destroy your planet!” Trekker disconnects the surveillance with everyone around the world panicking while Micah removes his Power Micah Mask and pulls out his Leaph Micah Mask. Micah transforms himself into Leaph Micah and heads back up into outer space, entering Trekker’s spaceship with Trekker exclaiming, “How the…!?”

“You may be smart, Trekker! But I’m smarter! One of the top priorities of being a hero? Always have a back-up plan!” taunted Micah. Trekker groans in anger and stomps towards Micah while saying, “Jr., take over the controls! This could be a while!”

“Roger, dad!” responds Trekker Jr. while taking over the controls. Micah and Trekker begin fighting each other until Micah pulls out his Leaph Shot and fires a seed at Trekker’s head, knocking him unconscious.

“Hey, Trekker Jr.! I got a surprise for you!” taunted Micah. Trekker Jr. turns around with Micah firing another seed at his head and knocking him unconscious. Micah then activates the virtual projector around the world and says, “Attention, habitants of earth! I am Micah, and I come in peace! I have saved each and every one of you from imminent doom! So, you may all carry on with your lives as you please!” Micah shows live surveillance of Trekker and Trekker Jr. unconscious to everyone, who then cheers for Micah while Micah proceeds to tie Trekker and Trekker Jr. up and bring them and Hannah out of the spaceship after initiating the self-destruct sequence. With Hannah, Trekker, and Trekker Jr. in his hands, Micah flies back down to earth while the spaceship continues its countdown and eventually explodes. Micah lands at Trekker’s mansion while Trekker and Trekker Jr. gain consciousness.

“Huh? Where are we?!” asks Trekker angrily while looking around frantically.

“Home sweet home, Trekker!” taunted Micah.

“Where’s my spaceship?!” asked Trekker angrily. Pieces of the spaceship suddenly begin raining down on Trekker, who then shouts, “NOOOOO!!!!!” Some time later, police show up and arrest Trekker and Trekker Jr., loading them into their cruisers and hauling them away.

“Another job well done, Micah! Keep up the good work!” says the police chief while walking back to his cruiser.

“I won’t let you down, sir!” responded Micah. Hannah suddenly approaches Micah and nervously says, “Micah, I…..I…..” Micah puts his hand on Hannah’s shoulder and responds, “Apology accepted.” Hannah sighs in relief while Bethany shows up with Micah pointing her out to Hannah.

“Looks like you got a visitor.” said Micah. Hannah draws her attention to Bethany and asks, “Beth? What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to see you.” answered Bethany.

“After all I’ve done? But…why?” asked Hannah.

“You know what they say: ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’.” answered Bethany.

“I thought you weren’t my friend anymore.” said Hannah.

“You are now. My BEST friend!” responded Bethany. Hannah embraces Bethany, who embraces her back while laughing.

“I’m so sorry I was mean to you!” said Hannah.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. That was 15 years ago. Do you want to do something?” asked Bethany.

“Do I?” asked Hannah. Bethany and Hannah begin to walk off while Micah watches for a moment and begins to leave himself. As Micah and Hannah part ways, Hannah looks back at Micah and says, “Hang on a sec, BFF. I have something else to take care of.” Hannah runs off to Micah while Bethany happily watches.

“Micah!” shouted Hannah.

“Yes?” asks Micah while drawing his attention to Hannah. Hannah arrives in front of Micah and gives him a big hug with Micah hugging her back.

“Thank you…for everything. You’ve taught me a valuable lesson. I’m not sure what it is, but I’ll find out sooner or later. And saving me from Trekker? That was pretty cool! I don’t how you do it!” said Hannah.

“It’s been a pleasure knowing you, Hannah. Now, go have fun with your BFF!” responded Micah.

“You got it!” replies Hannah while walking back to Bethany. Micah, Bethany, and Hannah go about their lives with Bethany and Hannah hanging out with each other more often and Micah continuing his work at Nintendo, developing a new video game revolving around his latest adventure.


The End

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