Monday, October 9, 2023

Missing Micah

On a Wednesday evening, Micah works in his laboratory, creating a backup disc of his computer’s contents and storing it away afterwards while saying, “Ok, computer! Your data is all backed up safe and sound onto this disc! No more worrying about having all your data fade to oblivion! Well, time to get a good night’s rest! See you tomorrow!” Micah exits his lab, dresses into his PJs, and goes off to bed. The next morning, Micah and his brothers wake up after hearing their alarms go off and head for the bathroom with Micah unknowingly opening the door on the face of his older brother, Matthew.

“Hey! Watch it!” said Matthew angrily.

“Oh! Sorry, Matthew!” responded Micah.

“Sorry’s not good enough!” replied Matthew angrily. Micah gets his shower, dresses into his clothes, and brushes his teeth while in the bathroom and heads to the kitchen for breakfast while Matthew and Micah’s younger brother (Christopher) take their turns using the bathroom. After getting ready, Matthew and Christopher head to the kitchen for breakfast with Christopher asking, “Could one of you pass the syrup, please?” Micah, who unknowingly used up the last of the syrup, hands the bottle to Christopher, who tries to pour the syrup onto his stack of pancakes to no avail. Christopher looks at Micah’s pancakes and angrily says, “Gee, thanks Micah! You’re so generous!”

“Whoops. Sorry, Christopher. I would have saved you some if I had known you were coming.” responded Micah. Christopher angrily throws the empty bottle of syrup at Micah and heads back to his bedroom to grab his backpack with Micah and Matthew doing the same thing after eating their breakfast. Micah walks off to school with his brothers, who angrily isolate themselves from Micah with Micah asking himself, “What’s with Matthew and Christopher today? Did they wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” After arriving at school, Christopher heads to his classroom while Micah and Matthew head to the gym to await their buses’ departure out to the middle school. As Micah enters the gym, his friends (Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica) all sit together with Wesley showing off a new pencil he got to Sarah Jessica. As Micah makes his way up the bleachers to his friends, a student sitting behind Wesley inadvertently shoves Wesley from behind, causing Wesley to drop his pencil. The pencil rolls down the steps while Micah continues to make his way up, unknowingly stepping on Wesley’s pencil and breaking it in half to Wesley’s horror. Micah looks down at the pencil and removes his foot from it, picking it up and carrying it to Wesley.

“Uh, Wesley? Does this belong to you?” asks Micah while presenting the pencil to Wesley.

“Yes…until you stepped on it!” answered Wesley angrily.

“I’m sorry, Wesley. I didn’t see it.” responded Micah.

“A pencil like this only comes around once in a lifetime! You should have been paying attention!” replied Wesley angrily. Micah begins to sit down next to Wesley, who blocks the seat with his hands and angrily says, “Not so fast, pencil breaker! This seat’s taken!” Micah finds another seat on the bleachers with another student filling the seat next to Wesley. After being dismissed to his bus, Micah walks out of the gym with the rest of the students and boards his assigned bus with Sarah sitting next to him. After the bus takes off, Sarah pulls out a mirror and begins working on her makeup while Micah looks over at some notes.

“I’m never going to figure this out!” says Micah to himself angrily while throwing out his hands and unknowingly hitting Sarah and messing up her makeup.

“Ow! Thanks a lot, Micah! Now I got to do this all over again!” said Sarah angrily.

“Oops. Sorry, Sarah.” responded Micah.

“Don’t talk to me! You’ve done enough!” replied Sarah. Later on in the school day, Micah conducts a lab experiment in science class with Jessica as his partner, dropping a single droplet of chemicals into a beaker full of them and accidentally causing an explosion in Jessica’s face.

“You idiot! Do you have any idea what this will do to our grade?!” asked Jessica angrily.

“Sorry, Jessica. I had no idea this would happen.” responded Micah. A detention slip is suddenly handed to Micah by his teacher, Mrs. Bowser. Micah serves his detention later on and exits the school building with his father and stepmother picking him up with Matthew and Christopher already on board.

“It’s about time you showed up, syrup stealer!” said Christopher.

“Yeah! Door slammer!” said Matthew. Micah’s father and stepmother take Micah and his brothers on a hike with Micah pushing back a branch at one point and accidentally causing it to hit his father and stepmother in the face.

“Ooh! Sorry, dad! Sorry, LJ!” said Micah.

“You better be! Now, watch what you’re doing!” responded Micah’s father angrily.

“Get behind us right now!” said Micah’s stepmother angrily.

“Yes, LJ.” responds Micah while remorsefully letting his father and stepmother go in front of him. After getting dropped off at home, Micah and his brothers join their mother and stepfather for dinner with Micah’s mother, at one point, asking, “Would someone pass the salt, please?” Micah picks up a salt shaker and hands it to his mom while accidentally knocking over a lit candle on the table, causing a small fire to break out. Micah grabs a pitcher of water and throws the water onto the flames, dousing them while getting his stepfather wet. Micah’s mother, stepfather, and brothers all stare angrily at Micah, who says, “Uhhh, I can explain…”

“I don’t want to hear it.” responded Micah’s stepfather angrily.

“Go to your room!” says Micah’s mother while pointing off with her finger. Micah looks at his family and suddenly frowns while angrily slamming down the pitcher and responding, “Fine! I see I’m not wanted! I won’t argue! You all will get your wish! Have fun without me, you rusty bolts!” Micah stomps off to his room while inadvertently stepping on one of the paws of the family dog, Kami, who yelps in pain and bites Micah’s ankle out of anger.

“Ow!” yelled Micah in pain.

“Micah!” said Micah’s mother angrily.

“It was an accident!” responded Micah angrily.

“Not another word! Go to your room now!” replied Micah’s stepfather angrily. Micah angrily groans at his mother and stepfather while subsequently saying, “That does it! You rusty bolts are not my family anymore!” Micah’s mother, stepfather, and brothers all look at each other astonishingly with Micah angrily saying, “Yeah! I said it! Now live with it…ex-family!” Micah storms off to his room while his mother, stepfather, and brothers watch remorsefully. Upon arriving at his bedroom, Micah slams the door shut and climbs up onto his bed, pressing a button on a wall that activates a decoy of Micah sleeping in his bed. Micah then enters his laboratory and pulls out a hard drive wipe disc, carrying it over to his computer with his computer asking, “Micah, what are you doing?”

“I’m wiping your hard drive, computer. Nobody wants me around, so I’m running away to satisfy their lives. I don’t want anyone to come looking for me.” answered Micah angrily.

“You’re making a big mistake, Micah. You just had a rough day. That’s all. Things will be better tomorrow. I promise.” responded Micah’s computer.

“Don’t talk me out of it, computer! My conscience is clear! I’m running away, and that’s final!” replies Micah angrily while inserting the disc into his computer.

“Listen to me, Micah. We all have bad days. We all make mistakes. None of us is perfect. Running away is not the answer. You just have to…” says Micah’s computer while suddenly losing all of her contents. The monitor of Micah’s computer suddenly shows a black screen with the message “Operating System not found” displayed with Micah subsequently powering it off, locating and pulling out his backup disc afterwards while saying, “And just for added measure…” Micah throws the backup disc onto the ground and stomps on it, breaking it up into tiny little pieces while locating and picking up a Brain Wipe Remote afterwards.

“Let’s see how everyone will like me when I won’t know a thing!” said Micah to himself. Micah walks to his Warp Machine with the Brain Wipe Remote in his hands, pressing the “?” key on the keypad and stepping in while hollering, “Micbot!” A robot resembling Micah’s appearance suddenly shows up and asks, “Yes, master?”

“Destroy my Warp Machine as soon as I’m gone.” responded Micah.

“Yes, master.” replied the Micbot. Micah disappears with the Micbot firing a laser at the Warp Machine and destroying it afterwards per Micah’s order with Micah appearing in the middle of nowhere. Micah steps out of his Warp Machine, which disappears, and holds up the Brain Wipe Remote to his head while saying, “Well, here goes nothing.” Micah activates the remote, which scans and begins wiping Micah’s brain to the point of Micah becoming motionless and drooling. After the remote completes its task, it falls out of Micah’s hand with Micah falling forward right on top of it, shattering it into little pieces while Micah lies face down on the ground. Meanwhile, Micah’s mother, stepfather, and brothers get ready for bed with Micah’s mother asking, “Hey, Kyle? Do you think we were a little hard on Micah?”

“I can’t help but feel that we have. We’d better go check up on him.” answers Micah’s stepfather while going to Micah’s room with his mother following. While Christopher brushes his teeth in the bathroom, Micah’s stepfather opens the door to Micah’s room and mistakes the decoy for Micah with his mother saying, “Oh. He’s sound asleep. We’d better wait until tomorrow to apologize.” Micah’s mother and stepfather head off to bed with Christopher exiting the bathroom and heading off to bed himself. The next morning, Micah’s brothers get out of bed with Christopher going up onto Micah’s bed and saying, “Hey, Micah? About yesterday…” Christopher grabs the decoy’s arm and turns it over while subsequently saying, “What in the world?” Christopher turns his attention to the decoy button on the wall, shrugging his shoulders while saying to himself, “Hmmm. Must have gotten an early start to school.” Christopher heads out to the kitchen and sits down at the table with his mother, stepfather, and Matthew while asking, “Have any of you seen Micah?”

“No. You mean he’s not here?” asked Micah’s mother.

“The last time we saw him, he was in his bed sleeping.” said Micah’s stepfather.

“You might want to take a closer look.” responds Christopher while leading his mother and stepfather to Micah’s bed. Christopher shows the decoy to his mother and stepfather with his mother asking, “That was a decoy all along?”

“Why would Micah do something like this?” asked Micah’s stepfather.

“I’m guessing he went off to school already. Hopefully, Matthew will see him there at some point today.” responded Christopher.

“Maybe. We can’t always assume the worst. Let us know if you or Matthew see him.” replied Christopher’s mother. Christopher and the rest of his family finish up breakfast and leave the house with Matthew and Christopher going off to school and their mother and stepfather going off to work.

“I’ll keep an eye out for Micah in case he shows up.” said Matthew. Matthew and Christopher arrive at their school with Matthew heading to the gym to await dismissal to his bus out to the middle school while Christopher heads to his classroom. Matthew heads to the bleachers while Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica sit together and contemplate about their actions the day before.

“You know, I’ve been thinking. I was pretty hard on Micah yesterday. Wouldn’t you agree?” asked Wesley.

“You’re not alone, Wesley. I did the same thing.” responded Sarah.

“Guilty as charged.” replied Jessica.

“We’ll apologize as soon as he gets here.” says Wesley while saving a seat next to him. After a while, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica observe their surroundings, looking for Micah with Wesley saying, “Strange…Micah should have been here by now.” Sarah finds Matthew sitting down and points him out while saying, “Look! There’s Matthew! Maybe he knows where Micah is!”

“Let’s go find out.” responds Wesley while leading Sarah and Jessica to Matthew.

“Hey, Matthew. Have you seen Micah anywhere?” asks Wesley while arriving in front of Matthew with Sarah and Jessica by his side.

“No. He’s not even with you guys?” asked Matthew.

“Nope.” answered Sarah.

“You don’t suppose he’s gone out to the school already, do you?” asked Jessica.

“It’s a possibility. We’ll just have to wait and see. Thanks for your help anyway, Matthew.” answers Wesley while leading Sarah and Jessica back to their seats.

“Anytime.” responded Matthew. A while later, Matthew, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica arrive at their school facility and go on about the day with the teachers of Micah’s first three classes reporting him absent. At lunchtime, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica find a seat and sit together with Wesley asking, “So, any luck finding Micah?”

“Nope.” answered Sarah.

“I’m getting very worried, you guys.” said Jessica.

“So are we. But we mustn’t give up hope. He’ll turn up eventually. Maybe he’s just running late.” responded Wesley.

“Whatever you say, Wesley.” replies Sarah while finishing her lunch with Jessica. Matthew, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica finish out their day at school with Micah’s remaining four teachers reporting him absent. After the students get let out for the weekend, the principal of the middle school dials the phone number of the job site of Micah’s mother. Micah’s mother hears her phone ring while working at her cubicle, picking it up and asking, “This is Tina. May I help you?”

“Hi, Tina. This is Principal Graves of Arcanum-Butler Middle School, calling on behalf of Micah. All of his teachers have reported him absent today, and we do not recall ever receiving a notification from you.” responded the principal.

“What?!” exclaimed Micah’s mother.

“Is everything ok with Micah?” asked Principal Graves.

“I don’t know! I hope so!” answered Micah’s mother worriedly.

“You don’t know where he is?” asked Principal Graves.

“No! I thought he was at school already!” answered Micah’s mother.

“Well, I’m afraid you thought wrong. Is there anything we can do to help?” asked Principal Graves.

“You could have the entire community keep an eye out for him.” answered Micah’s mother.

“That much, we can do, and will. We’ll keep you updated.” responded Principal Graves.

“Thank you so much.” replied Micah’s mother.

“Not a problem. Good luck!” says Principal Graves while hanging up the phone. Micah’s mother hangs up her phone and continues working while breaking down in tears with her supervisor approaching her.

“I couldn’t help overhearing that you’re in a bit of a pickle. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off. Go find your son.” said the supervisor.

“But it’s almost time for us to leave.” responded Micah’s mother.

“There’s not a minute to lose when it comes to missing children. Your son needs you. Don’t worry about your job, ok? We’ll find someone to fill in for you until you find your son.” replied the supervisor.

“So I can take as much time off as I need to find Micah?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Absolutely. Now, go find your son.” answered the supervisor.

“Thank you very much. I promise I won’t be gone for long.” responds Micah’s mother while leaving her cubicle. Meanwhile, Micah continues to lie face down completely motionless and drooling in the middle of nowhere while a group of burglars with bags of cash flee on foot from a squad of police officers from a nearby town. The burglars trip over Micah and drop the stolen bags of cash while subsequently being apprehended by the squad of police officers.

“Thought you could get away, huh?” asked a police officer.

“Stupid kid! Go find someplace else to sleep!” says a burglar angrily while being escorted to a police cruiser with the rest of his accomplices.

“How about you change your ways and give up your life of crime instead?” responded another police officer.

“You stupid police officers are just a bunch of jerks! A job like this should be against the law!” replies another burglar while being placed inside the police cruiser with the rest of the burglars.

“Well, you’re one to talk!” said a police officer.

“You’ll be hearing from our lawyers, and rue the day you put us behind bars!” said a burglar angrily.

“Tell it to the judge, punk!” responds a police officer while entering the cruiser. The cruiser drives off while the police officers remaining approach Micah.

“Thank you, young lad, for stopping those crooks! We owe it all to you!” said a police officer.

“I think we should appoint him our new chief!” said another police officer.

“Couldn’t agree more! We’ve been trying to get rid of our current one for quite a while now!” responded a police officer.

“Yeah! He’s a moron!” replied another police officer. One of the police officers turns Micah over and asks, “What is your name, young lad?” The officers wait a few seconds and receive no answer from Micah with another officer saying, “The strong, silent type. I like it.”

“It’s exactly what we need for our department!” responded an officer.

“We still don’t know what his name is.” said another officer.

“We’ll make one up.” responds an officer while observing Micah.

“I think I’ll call you…Ted! Chief Ted! What do you guys think?” asked the officer.

“I like it! It has a nice ring to it!” answered another officer.

“And it’s easy to remember, too!” responded an officer. The squad of police officers pick up and carry Micah over their shoulders and carry him off to the nearby town while chanting, “All hail Chief Ted!” At the police chief’s office, the current chief performs a series of unknowledgeable tasks with the squad of officers carrying Micah enter in and throw him out with one officer angrily saying, “Beat it, you moron! We found someone a lot smarter than you to take over!” Another officer steals the current chief’s uniform and dresses Micah up with it.

“Awaiting orders, sir!” says an officer while standing in position with the rest of the officers. Micah sits upright for a couple of seconds and drops down onto the desk with another officer asking, “You want us to resume our duties?”

“You got it!” says an officer while leaving the office with the rest of the police officers. Micah continues to lie down on the desk motionless and drooling while the squad of officers head back to the nearby town with one officer saying, “Come on, men! We have a town to protect and serve!” Meanwhile, Micah’s mother arrives home with Matthew and Christopher coincidentally arriving home themselves.

“Tell me you two have seen Micah today.” said Micah’s mother worriedly.

“I wish we could.” responded Matthew.

“Ooohhh! This is terrible! What are we going to do?” asks Micah’s mother worriedly while Micah’s stepfather arrives home from work.

“Is everything ok, Tina?” asked Micah’s stepfather.

“Absolutely not! Micah’s gone!” answered Micah’s mother.

“What do you mean ‘gone’?” asked Micah’s stepfather.

“His principal just called me! They haven’t seen him all day, and neither have the boys here!” answered Micah’s mother. The doorbell suddenly rings with Christopher answering the door and seeing his father and stepmother in his presence.

“Dad? LJ? What are you doing here?” asked Christopher.

“We want to apologize to Micah for being so hard on him yesterday.” answered Micah’s father.

“And we want to make it up to him.” said Micah’s stepmother.

“I hate to tell you guys this, but Micah’s gone missing.” responded Christopher.

“Come again?” asked Micah’s father.

“Come on, Jeff! We’d better go find him!” said Micah’s stepmother. Micah’s mother and stepfather notice Micah’s father and stepmother at their door with Micah’s mother saying, “Micah’s missing!”

“We just received the memo. Mind if LJ and I join the search party?” asked Micah’s father.

“Not at all. We’re going to need all the help we can get.” answered Micah’s stepfather. Micah’s father and stepmother enter the house while Micah’s mother gathers everyone up in a circle.

“Ok, here’s what we do…” said Micah’s mother. The doorbell rings again with Micah’s mother answering it and seeing Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica present.

“Hi, Tina. Is this a bad time?” asked Wesley.

“If you’re all here to see Micah, he’s not here.” responded Micah’s mother.

“We haven’t seen him at all either.” said Sarah.

“You guys, too?” asked Micah’s mother.

“I’m afraid so.” answered Jessica.

“Well, do you guys want to help us find him?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Count me in. I haven’t been nice to Micah yesterday, so I need to make amends.” answered Wesley.

“I’m in.” said Sarah.

“Don’t forget about me.” said Jessica. Micah’s mother invites Wesley, Sarah and Jessica into the house with Matthew saying, “You know, mom. We could just go into Micah’s lab and have his computer locate him for us.”

“Oh, right! Why didn’t I think of that before?” asked Micah’s mother. Micah’s mother leads her search party into Micah’s room and into his laboratory with Matthew powering on the computer and seeing nothing but a black screen displaying the message “Operating System not found” on the monitor.

“Oh, great! He wiped the hard drive!” said Matthew in aggravation.

“And he destroyed his backup disc, too!” says Wesley while observing the broken pieces of the backup disc. Micah’s mother and the rest of her search party gather round Wesley and observe the pieces of the backup disc scattered on the ground.

“What are we supposed to do?” asked Micah’s mother worriedly.

“Let’s go to my lab! My computer can pinpoint Micah in no time!” responds Wesley while leading the search party to Micah’s Warp Machine. Wesley and the rest of the search party stand in shock after noticing Micah’s destroyed Warp Machine.

“It’s ok! I got this!” says Wesley while summoning his Warp Machine. Wesley enters in the destination with everyone following him into the Warp Machine, appearing in Wesley’s laboratory. Wesley leads the search party to his computer with Wesley saying, “Computer, locate Micah, on the double!”

“Locating Micah…” says Wesley’s computer while scanning the world. Wesley’s computer suddenly crashes and powers off to everyone’s shock with Wesley powering it back on. The monitor of Wesley’s computer also displays a black screen with the message “Operating System not found” with Wesley saying, “Don’t panic. I too have a backup disc, which is still in one piece.” Wesley locates and pulls out his backup disc, carrying it to the computer while saying, “I just need to run this and…” Out of nowhere, a rat jumps through the air and steals the disc with Wesley angrily saying, “Hey! Give that back!” Wesley chases after the rat, which makes an escape through a hole in the floor with the backup disc in its clutches.

“Rats!” exclaimed Wesley angrily.

“Wow. We really got our work cut out.” said Matthew.

“Now what do we do?” asked Micah’s mother worriedly. Wesley contemplates for a moment and responds, “There is one other option…”

“No! No no no no!” replies Micah’s mother.

“I’m sorry, Tina, but we don’t have a choice.” says Wesley while leading the search party to his Warp Machine. Wesley enters in the destination and the Warp Machine subsequently with the search party following him, appearing at Trekker’s mansion. The search party approaches Trekker, who turns his attention to them while working on his computer and subsequently and menacingly asks, “Well, if it isn’t Micah’s family and friends! Come to surrender yourselves to me?”

“No, Trekker. Micah’s gone missing and we need your help to find him.” answered Wesley annoyingly. Trekker rubs the inside of his ears with his fingers and plucks them out while subsequently asking, “Did you just say Micah’s missing?”

“Yes!” answered Sarah worriedly. Trekker pauses for a moment and resumes his work while responding, “Good riddance!”

“So you won’t help us?” asked Jessica.

“Of course not! Why would I do such a thing? All Micah does is ruin my brilliant plans to take over the world! I hope he’s dead!” answered Trekker angrily. Micah’s mother begins to break down in tears with his stepfather angrily saying, “Don’t you talk about my stepson that way! You know what it’s like to be a parent!”

“He’s not my problem.” responded Trekker angrily.

“How would you feel if your son went missing?” asked Micah’s father angrily. Trekker pauses for a moment and resumes work while angrily responding, “The answer is still no.”

“Trekker, please!” said Micah’s stepmother.

“NO! That’s my final answer! Take it or leave it!” shouted Trekker angrily.

“Come on, guys. Let’s go find Micah ourselves.” says Micah’s mother while leading the search party back to Trekker’s Warp Machine. The search party warps themselves home with Trekker Jr. approaching Trekker and asking, “Did I just overhear what I think I did? You know, about Micah being gone and all?”

“You sure have, my boy! You know what this means?” asked Trekker.

“What?” asked Trekker Jr.

“The world is as good as ours! And the best part about it? That broken bolt Micah won’t be showing up to stop us! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker continues laughing manically with Trekker Jr. joining in while Micah’s family and friends search all over Arcanum for Micah while hanging missing posters with Micah’s photo on them on buildings and poles. The next day, Trekker and Trekker Jr. destroy Arcanum from inside a giant robot with Matthew, Christopher, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica trying to stop them as Electricew, Fantom, Biking Power Wesley, Girl Power Sarah, and Rockstarica respectively. Micah’s brothers and friends fail to stop Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Matthew asking, “How are we supposed to take them down? They’re too powerful!”

“If only Micah were here, he’d know what to do!” said Wesley. Micah’s brothers and friends continue fighting Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Trekker menacingly saying, “Look, Jr.! Without Micah, his brothers and friends have no chance of beating us!”

“We’ll be ruling the world in no time!” responded Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. suddenly knock Micah’s brothers and friends unconscious with Trekker laughing, “Victory is ours! Now, to squash the broken bolts! Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker lifts up one foot of the robot and positions it above Micah’s brothers and friends as they lie unconscious on the ground. Just as Trekker could stomp with the robot leg, he suddenly gets the urge not to do it. He tries again, but still couldn’t bring himself to do it. He then tries to destroy more buildings, but continues refraining from causing further destruction.

“Weird!” said Trekker baffled.

“What’s wrong, dad?” asked Trekker Jr.

“I got Micah’s brothers and friends right where I want them. Not to mention, Arcanum is practically in the palm of our hands. But for some reason, I just don’t feel like finishing the job.” answered Trekker.

“Here, let me try.” responds Trekker Jr. while taking over the controls. Trekker Jr. tries to stomp on Micah’s brothers and friends, but couldn’t bring himself to do it either. He then tries to cause more destruction, but hasn’t the urge to do so.

“I don’t feel like doing anything either! This is weird!” said Trekker Jr.

“I know what me must do...” responded Trekker. Micah’s brothers and friends gain consciousness with Trekker and Trekker Jr. exiting from the robot.

“Come on, guys! It’s now or never!” says Wesley while charging towards Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Matthew, Christopher, Sarah, and Jessica following. With Micah’s brothers and friends inches from Trekker and Trekker Jr., Trekker suddenly pulls out and waves a white flag with Wesley asking, “Uhhh, what’s going on here?”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but…we’ll help you guys find Micah.” responded Trekker.

“You’re kidding.” replied Sarah.

“I wish we were. But without Micah, what’s the point of trying to take over the world?” asked Trekker Jr.

“So, what do you say? Ready to put our differences aside and work together for once?” asked Trekker.

“Excuse us for a moment.” responds Wesley while gathering up Matthew, Christopher, Sarah, and Jessica into a circle.

“I don’t know, you guys. I don’t trust Trekker and Trekker Jr. Never have, never will.” said Sarah.

“I don’t trust them either, Sarah. But they’re our only hope in getting Micah back.” responded Wesley.

“He’s got a point, guys.” said Matthew.

“Fine.” said Sarah annoyingly.

“All in favor?” asked Wesley. Matthew, Christopher, Sarah, and Jessica all raise their hands with Wesley subsequently saying, “Ok then. It’s settled. They’re coming with us.” Trekker and Trekker Jr. talk to each other with Wesley asking, “Trekker? Trekker Jr.?”

“Yes, Wesley?” asked Trekker and Trekker Jr.

“You’re in. Welcome aboard.” responded Wesley.

“Matthew, Christopher, go get your parents. Time’s a-wasting!” said Trekker. Matthew, Christopher, Sarah, Jessica, Trekker, and Trekker Jr. all head to Micah’s house with Micah’s mother and stepfather heading out the door.

“Mom!” said Matthew.

“Boys! What are they doing here?” asks Micah’s mother angrily while looking at Trekker and Trekker Jr.

“It’s ok! They changed their minds! They’re going to help us find Micah!” responded Christopher.

“Is this a joke?” asked Micah’s stepfather.

“Afraid not.” answers Trekker with Micah’s father and stepmother arriving at the house. Micah’s father and stepmother park their vehicle and approach everyone while they chat with one other.

“Oh, good! Everyone’s here!” says Trekker while looking at Micah’s father and stepmother. Micah’s family and friends scatter out with Trekker placing himself in the center and subsequently paces back and forth while asking, “Listen up, everyone! Do not bond with Jr. and I! This is only until we find Micah! Got it?”

“We’ll take what we can get.” responded Micah’s mother.

“Any questions?” asked Trekker. Micah’s father raises his hand with Trekker drawing his attention to him.

“Do any of you mind telling us what’s going on here?” asks Micah’s father while lowering his hand.

“Were you even listening?! Never mind. I’ll explain on the way.” said Trekker angrily. Trekker subsequently looks at everyone else and asks, “Are there any other questions?” Micah’s family and friends stare at Trekker for a while with Trekker saying, “Ok then! Now, let’s get to work!” Trekker leads everyone uptown to his giant robot while explaining the plan to Micah’s father and stepmother. Meanwhile, Micah continues lying motionless and drooling on the chief of police’s desk with a squad of officers suddenly bursting in.

“Sir! We’ve got a real crisis going on! A little girl is drowning, and we have no way of reaching her! You must come quickly!” says an officer while grabbing and picking up Micah. The squad of officers carry Micah to the scene with a mother saying, “Hang on, Sally! The police will save you!”

“Help me! Help me!” shouted the little girl.

“Sir, what do we do?” asked an officer. Micah slips out of the officer’s grip and lies face up on the ground with another officer saying, “Good idea, sir!” The officers throw Micah into the water with Micah floating face up towards the little girl.

“Grab onto our new chief, young lady!” The little girl grabs onto Micah and kicks with her feet back to shore with all the surrounding citizens cheering for Micah.

“Let’s hear it for Chief Ted!” shouted an officer excitedly.

“Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!” shouts the crowd while tossing Micah up into the air. The celebration goes on while Micah’s family and friends arrive with Trekker and Trekker Jr. at their mansion. Everyone exits the robot and heads inside the mansion with Trekker leading everyone to his computer.

“Computer, locate Micah!” said Trekker.

“Locating Micah…” responds Trekker’s computer while scanning the globe. Trekker’s computer detects Micah and views live surveillance of Micah being praised while saying, “Micah located”.

“We’ve found him! We’ve found him!” shouted Micah’s mother excitedly.

“But…what is everybody praising him for?” asked Wesley. Micah’s family and friends, along with Trekker and Trekker Jr., listen in on the footage and hear everyone chant, “All hail Chief Ted! All hail Chief Ted!”

“Chief? Ted? What’s everybody blabbing about?” asked Sarah.

“And why isn’t Micah moving and just drooling?” asked Jessica.

“Computer, analyze.” said Trekker.

“Initiating analysis…” responds Trekker’s computer while scanning Micah’s location.

“Analysis complete.” says Trekker’s computer while viewing footage of Micah’s actions. Micah’s family and friends watch in remorse as they discover Micah wiping his brain with Micah’s mother saying, “We should never have been so hard on him.” They then watch as Micah falls on top of his Brain Wipe Remote with Micah’s stepfather responding. “You can say that again.” Trekker’s computer then views footage of Micah stopping the burglars and saving the little girl with Wesley asking, “That police department appointed Micah as their newest chief?!”

“Micah can’t do that kind of work! He’s too young!” said Sarah.

“Isn’t it obvious? These people are morons! He belongs with us, not them!” said Trekker.

“But how are going to get him back to normal?” asked Micah’s mother worriedly.

“Leave that to me.” answers Trekker while walking over to a workbench. Trekker pulls out some tools, a circuit board, buttons, and sheets of plastic material, constructing and programming everything into a remote while subsequently saying, “It…is…finished!” Trekker holds up the remote with Micah’s father asking, “What is it?”

“I’m calling it…the Brain Restore Remote. With this contraption, Micah will be back to normal faster than you can say, Mission accomplished!” answered Trekker.

“Oh, thank you, Trekker! What would we do without you?” asked Micah’s stepmother.

“What did I tell you about bonding with Jr. and I? I’m destroying this piece of junk as soon as Micah’s back to normal! So, don’t get mushy with us! Are we clear?” responded Trekker angrily. Micah’s stepmother pauses in shock with Trekker subsequently saying, “Well, what are we waiting for?! The sooner we get Micah back, the sooner Jr. and I can take over the world!” Trekker leads everyone to his Warp Machine and warps everyone to the middle of nowhere, entering the nearby town and subsequently into the office of the police chief, where they find Micah lying motionless and drooling on the desk.

“Ugh! Let’s get this over with!” says Trekker annoyingly while lifting up Micah’s head and activating his Brain Restore Remote. The remote scans Micah’s head, gradually restoring his memory and knowledge while Micah’s family and friends watch in excitement. After the Brain Restore Remote finishes scanning, Micah returns to normal and looks at his family and friends and angrily asks, “What are you rusty bolts doing here?! Haven’t you done enough?!” Trekker throws his Brain Restore Remote down onto the ground and stomps on it repeatedly with Micah’s mother responding, “Micah, we just wanted to say…we’re sorry.”

“Please come home, Micah. Where you belong.” said Micah’s stepfather.

“And please be yourself from now on. Don’t try to be something you’re not.” said Micah’s father.

“Accidents happen, Micah. Nobody’s perfect. Even we mess things up every now and then.” said Micah’s stepmother.

“We were wrong to scold you over your mistakes. We now realize that it’s just part of life.” said Matthew.

“We all need you, Micah. Even Trekker and Trekker Jr. need you. If it hadn’t been for them, we never would have found you.” said Christopher.

“Come on, you broken bolts! Let’s wrap this up and get back to our normal lives already!” said Trekker angrily.

“When it comes to saving the day, Micah, none of us are super without you.” said Wesley.

“Please don’t be mad at us anymore, Micah.” pleaded Sarah.

“So, what do you say? Can we put all this behind us and get our old buddy back?” asks Jessica while smiling. Micah looks at his family and friends while his eyes water up and begins crying while subsequently saying, “I can’t stay mad at you guys! Mom? Dad? Kyle? LJ? Matthew? Christopher? I’m so sorry I disowned you all! You’re the best family in the whole world, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Same goes for you too, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica! You guys are the greatest friends I’ve ever had!”

“Group hug!” says Micah’s mother while she and the rest of the search party gather round Micah and hug all together. A police officer suddenly bursts into the office and says, “Sir, we got another situation!”

“Uhhh, who are you talking to?” asked Micah.

“You, sir!” answered the officer.

“Me?” asked Micah.

“Yes! You, Chief Ted!” answered the officer.

“You must be mistaking me for somebody else. I’m not your chief, and my name’s not Ted either. It’s Micah.” responded Micah.

“Sir, if we don’t act fast, we’re all done for!” replied the officer. Micah looks at his clothes and asks, “What am I wearing?” Micah removes his outfit and says, “Look, officer. I’m not chief…whatever. However, I do fight crime on a regular basis with the help of my brothers and friends.” Matthew, Christopher, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica approach and stand next to Micah, who then says, “Just tell us what’s going on and we’ll be there in a flash!”

“It’s our ex-chief, Billy! He’s on a rampage!” responded the officer.

“Guys? Ready to save the day once more?” asks Micah while looking at his brothers and friends.

“And how!” responded Wesley.

“Lead the way, Micah!” said Matthew.

“All right, everyone! Move out!” responds Micah while leading his brothers and friends to the scene of the crime. The officer leads Micah and his family and friends to the chaos and says, “Billy is so upset about us overthrowing him! Not even we can stop him!” Micah’s family and friends watch in horror as the ex-chief terrorizes everyone by destroying everything and hurting everyone in his path. At one point, the ex-chief draws his attention to Micah and slowly approaches him while angrily saying, “You! Billy destroy Ted for stealing Billy’s job!”

“Whoa! Take it easy, big fella! Look, I turned down the job! So, it’s all yours now!” says Micah nervously while backing away.

“Billy no believe Ted! Billy crush Ted to pieces!” responds the ex-chief angrily while gradually inching towards Micah.

“We can work this out! Donut?” asks Micah while gradually backing away and grabbing a box of donuts from a nearby stand.

“BILLY HATE DONUTS! BILLY KILL TED!” responds the ex-chief angrily while charging towards Micah. Micah runs away while the ex-chief chases after him for a period of time until Micah trips over a log with the ex-chief catching up to him. The ex-chief picks up Micah and carries him to a hanging rope while angrily saying, “Billy hang Ted for stealing Billy’s job!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. talk to each other until Trekker suddenly draws his attention to Micah and says, “Hey! No one kidnaps that broken bolt but me!” Trekker marches his way toward the ex-chief, who gradually inches closer to the hanging rope while still holding onto Micah. Upon arriving at the rope, a finger taps the ex-chief on the shoulder with the ex-chief turning around and getting punched in the face by Trekker.

“If anybody’s going to kill this broken bolt, it’s going to be me!” says Trekker while subsequently grabbing Micah and taking off to his family and friends. Trekker brings Micah back to his family and friends while subsequently asking, “Trekker? You saved me!?”

“I did what I had to, ok? I don’t want anybody killing you! That’s my job!” responded Trekker angrily. Micah suddenly hugs Trekker, who shoves Micah away and angrily says, “Hey! Keep your filthy, life-saving hands off of me! I don’t do nice!”

“How about this instead?” asks Micah while holding out his hand.

“Ehhh…ok.” answers Trekker annoyingly while grabbing Micah’s hand. Micah and Trekker shake hands while the police department re-appoints the ex-chief while saying, “Here, Billy! You’re our chief again!” A police officer gives the ex-chief his uniform, in which the ex-chief dresses into and subsequently says, “Billy happy again!” Everyone cheers for the ex-chief, who then remorsefully says, “Billy sorry for all mean things!”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s great to have you back!” responded a police officer. Micah and his family and friends approach the officers and says, “If we may, I’m sure we can educate Billy to help him be a better chief.” Micah and his family and friends begin educating and training Billy until he becomes smarter and more professional at his job.

“Micah, I can’t thank you and your family and friends enough for what you’ve done to me and for our town!” said Billy.

“All in a day’s work.” said Micah.

“You sure you guys can’t stay?” asked Billy.

“Sorry, chief. I think we’ve had enough of this place for one day. Don’t worry. We’ll be sure to visit. Isn’t that right, everyone?” asks Micah while looking at his family and friends. Micah’s family and friends nod with Billy responding, “We’ll be here! Keep in touch!” responds Billy while waving to Micah and his family and friends as they part ways. Micah feels around in his pockets and worriedly says, “Shoot! I don’t have my Warp Machine Remote with me!” Wesley places one hand on Micah’s shoulder and responds, “We got this, Micah.” Wesley pulls out his Warp Machine Remote and summons his Warp Machine with it while Micah and his family and friends subsequently enter it.

“Hey! Wait for us!” shouts Trekker while running towards the Warp Machine with Trekker Jr.

“Better hurry!” responds Wesley while the Warp Machine gradually disappears. Trekker and Trekker Jr. barely make it into the Warp Machine and warp to Wesley’s laboratory with Micah and his family and friends.

“So, what do you want to do?” asks Wesley while looking at Micah.

“I know what we’re going to do! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while warping to his mansion with Trekker Jr. Micah and his family and friends look at Trekker and Trekker Jr. as they disappear with Micah’s family and friends subsequently looking at Micah with smiles on their faces as Micah contemplates.

“Well, I have some work to do in my laboratory, and I’m going to need each and every one of you to get it done. What do you say?” asks Micah while Wesley’s backup disc subsequently gets tossed back to him. Wesley looks at the disc and draws his attention in the direction that it came from, seeing the same rat from before brushing its tongue with its paws out of disgust.

“You all heard my best friend! Let’s get to work!” said Wesley. Micah and his family and friends head back to Micah’s house and go into his laboratory, where Micah’s family and friends help Micah rebuild his Warp Machine and restore his computer after Wesley cleans his backup disc.

“We did it! I’ve got my computer back, AND my Warp Machine! I couldn’t have done it without either one of you! I’m sorry I destroyed them in the first place.” said Micah.

“We know why you did it, Micah. We promise to never be so hard on you again.” responded Micah’s stepfather.

“But now you know to never run off, right?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Boy, do I? Lesson learned! Computer was right all along. I never should have left.” responds Micah while looking at his computer. Wesley looks at his watch and asks, “We still got some time left in the day. What do you want to do now?” Micah contemplates for a while and asks, “I don’t know. Any of you want to grab a bite to eat?”

“I sure could! All that work sure makes a girl hungry!” responded Sarah.

“Where would you like to eat?” asked Micah’s mother. Micah thinks for a while and smiles, leading everyone to his Warp Machine and warping everyone to Picnic’s Pizza & Grille.

“Excellent choice, my friend!” said Jessica. Micah and his family and friends eat out at the restaurant and finish out the day hanging out and making amends to one another. The following Monday, Micah enters Principal Graves’ office upon arriving at the middle school, knocking on his door with Principal Graves saying, “Come in!” Micah enters the office with Principal Graves saying, “Micah! You’re back!”

“I have a confession to make…” says Micah while sitting down in front of Principal Graves’ desk.

“I ran away last Thursday, which was why I wasn’t here Friday. I made everyone mad and got out of their site in hopes of making them happy. I don’t expect any pardons from you regarding this truancy, so do what you got to do. Write me up a detention, suspend me…whatever’s appropriate.” continued Micah.

“Awww, Micah! I’m not going to do any of that!” responded Principal Graves.

“You’re not?” asked Micah.

“No. We’re just glad to have you back safe and sound.” answered Principal Graves.

“Well, ok.” responded Micah confused.

“Thanks for being honest with me. Now, get to class.” said Principal Graves. Micah leaves Principal Graves office and heads off to his first period class, going out about his day at school. While walking home from school later on with his brothers and friends, Micah suddenly hears destruction and panic coming from uptown.

“Ready to save the day again, buddy?” asked Wesley.

“And how!” responds Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah and his brothers and friends turn themselves into their respective egos and head uptown to find Trekker and Trekker Jr. in their giant robot once more destroying the town.

“Stop right there, evil doers!” shouted Micah.

“Well, well, well! The gang’s all here!” said Trekker.

“Guys, let’s give these monsters what for!” said Micah. Micah and his brothers and friends fight Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Trekker saying, “It’s sure good to have Micah back.”

“You said it!” responded Trekker Jr. Micah and his brothers and friends continue their fight with Trekker and Trekker Jr., going on about their lives.


The End

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