Friday, October 13, 2023

The Exiled Pair

Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica are in their sophomore year of high school, and throughout their lives, have made some new friends, which include David, Mike, and Mike’s girlfriend (Erica). Throughout their current year, they’ve met two new classmates, Milea and her boyfriend (Tony). Micah and Milea, however, do not see eye to eye due to Milea’s bad attitude, while going through the same thing with Tony. There has already been a number of times where Milea would struggle to figure out a problem in class with Micah offering her assistance, only to be rebuffed by Milea. One day in class, Milea studies for an upcoming test and struggles to solve a problem correctly.

“How do you do this?!” asked Milea to herself angrily. Micah approaches her and says, “I’d be more than happy to help you out.”

“I don’t need your help, Micah! Go away!” responded Milea angrily.

“Fine! If you get a bad grade on the test, don’t come crying to me!” replies Micah angrily while walking back to his desk. The next day in class, Micah and Milea take their test and hand in their papers, receiving their grades the following day with Micah getting an “A” and Milea getting an “F”. Milea starts crying and approaches Micah while saying, “I flunked the test!”

“I told you not to come crying to me if this were to occur! You had your chance of getting help and you rudely turned me down! Do us all a favor and get over yourself!” responded Micah angrily.

“Gee, thanks Micah! I feel so much better now!” replies Milea sarcastically while returning to her desk. Later on, after getting dismissed for the day, Micah walks home with Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica with Wesley asking, “Can I ask you something, Micah?”

“Sure, Wesley. What’s up?” asked Micah.

“What’s with you and Milea?” asked Wesley.

“I don’t know. I’ve tried to get along with her and she just keeps giving me a rude awakening. I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of this eventually.” answered Micah.

“It’s got to be something with Tony. It just has to!” says Sarah while unknowingly walking past Tony and Milea. Tony angrily approaches Sarah and turns her around while subsequently asking, “What did you say about me?!” Micah puts himself between Tony and Sarah while saying, “Back off, Tony. We don’t want any trouble.”

“Well, you’ve got trouble!” responds Tony while cracking his knuckles. Tony throws a punch at Micah, who pulls out a wrench in the nick of time and positions it in front of his face. Tony inadvertently punches the wrench and hurts his hand while shouting, “OW!!!!! That hurt!”

“You and Milea better learn to get along with the others, or they’ll be more where that came from.” says Micah angrily while walking off with Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica. Tony rubs his hand while Milea approaches him and says, “Pay no attention to those dweebs. As long as we’ve got each other, we don’t need anyone else in our lives.”

“Oh, Milea! I love you so much!” says Tony while cuddling with Milea. The next day in school, Micah and Milea get assigned to do a health project together to their disgust and Tony’s anger. Later in the evening, Micah’s mother hears the doorbell ring and answers the door, seeing Milea standing in her presence.

“Is Micah here?” asked Milea annoyingly.

“Micah! You’ve got a visitor!” hollered Micah’s mother. Micah approaches the door and angrily asks, “What are you doing here?!”

“Take a wild guess!” answered Milea angrily.

“Fine! If you need us mom, we’ll be in my laboratory, doing our stupid health project!” says Micah while leading Milea to his room. Micah enters his laboratory with Milea following him while angrily saying, “The sooner we get this dumb project done, the better!”

“Couldn’t agree more!” responded Milea sarcastically. Micah goes through some papers in his laboratory while Milea unknowingly rests her hand on a button off of a remote. After noticing the button, Milea quickly lifts her hand while she and Micah vanish and appear on a deserted island.

“What the!? Where are we?! Milea, what did you do?!” asked Micah angrily.

“I did nothing!” answered Milea angrily.

“What do you mean ‘you did nothing’?! I was busy starting our dumb project while you just stood around!” asked Micah angrily.

“Ok, my hand got tired! I wanted to rest it, and so I did…on some stupid remote you had lying around!” responded Milea angrily. Micah places his hands on his head and worriedly shouts, “My Transportation Remote!”

“I didn’t do it on purpose!” responded Milea.

“Couldn’t you have found a better place to rest your hand at?!” asked Micah angrily.

“You know what? This is all your fault!” shouted Milea angrily.

“MY fault?! You’re the one that tampered with my invention!” responded Micah angrily.

“You never should have had it lying around!” replied Milea angrily.

“You shouldn’t even be touching what’s not yours!” said Micah angrily.

“That’s it! I’ve had it with you! If this is my fate, I’m dying alone!” responded Milea angrily.

“The feeling’s mutual! I’d rather be stranded on this island with Trekker!” replied Micah angrily. Micah and Milea angrily part ways from each other and begin building shelter for themselves. At nighttime, Micah and Milea sit around a fire, keeping warm with Milea looking over at Micah remorsefully and approaching him.

“Hey, Micah?” asked Milea.

“Haven’t you done enough already?” asks Micah angrily while drawing his attention to Milea. Milea holds out her hand while subsequently responding, “I’m sorry about earlier.”

“No you’re not. You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” replied Micah angrily.

“This is no time to be acting like a jerk, Micah! If we’re going to get off this island, I need to get something off my chest first! So, please listen to reason! I’m begging you!” said Milea angrily. Micah angrily sighs and responds, “Go on.”

“I’ve been having issues with Tony lately. The guy’s crazy.” responded Milea.

“Is that so?” asked Micah angrily.

“Yes! And, I’m diabetic, which is very detrimental to my health!” answered Milea. Micah contemplates remorsefully for a while and asks, “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? I wouldn’t have been so quick to judge.”

“I’m worried that if the word gets out, it’s going to spread all over the school. And if Tony finds out…well…let’s just say it’s not going to end well, and leave it at that.” responded Milea.

“Your secret’s safe with me. I will tell you this, though. You can’t hide those feelings forever. At some point, you’re just going to have to come clean because bottling it up for so long is only making everything harder on yourself and others. I’m no counselor, but I do know this. You can’t run away from your problems. You’re just going to have to face them. It’s not easy. Trust me. It’s ok to be scared. But, ask yourself. Do you want to get back on the right track and start living a happier, healthier life? Or just keep running? Think about it.” replied Micah. Milea sits down next to Micah and says, “Thanks for listening, Micah.”

“Ah, don’t mention it. It’s been a long and crazy day.” said Micah.

“It sure has.” responded Milea.

“Don’t you feel a little better? You know, having gotten everything out of your system and all?” asked Micah.

“A lot better. Thank you. Boy, we really got off on the wrong foot, didn’t we?” asked Milea.

“Ah, it happens.” responded Micah.

“I’m going to make things right starting now. So, can we put all this behind us and start over?” asked Milea.

“Of course we can. Apology accepted.” responds Micah while smiling at Milea. Milea hugs Micah, who hugs her back and says, “I’m sorry for being such a jerk.”

“Don’t be. This is all my fault.” responded Milea remorsefully.

“No it’s not. You just made a mistake, which we all do every now and then. Nobody’s perfect. So don’t beat yourself up about it, ok?” asks Micah while placing his hand on Milea’s shoulder.

“Well, but still. We wouldn’t be in this mess if I hadn’t been so hostile to you and everyone else.” said Milea.

“But look at what we’re doing now as a result of this so-called ‘mess’ you speak of.” responded Micah.

 “And that is?” asked Milea.

“Bonding! If we were still back at home, we would still be butting heads! It just goes to show, good things come out of bad situations. I should be thanking you for this.” responded Micah.

“You really think so?” asked Milea.

“I know so!” answers Micah while smiling. Milea smiles back at Micah while subsequently returning to her campsite and responding, “Well, I think I’m going to turn in for the night. It’s getting late.”

“Me too. And Milea?” asks Micah while lying down in front of his fire.

“Yes, Micah?” asks Milea while stopping and turning her attention to Micah with a smile on her face.

“Thank you. If it wasn’t for us being stranded on this island together, I never would have gotten to see how great of a friend you are. You done good.” responds Micah while smiling.

“Thank you! Good night!” replied Milea.

“Good night!” says Micah while going to sleep. Milea makes it back to her area, lies down in front of her fire, and goes to sleep herself. The next day, a crocodile sneaks up on Milea while she sleeps, awakening to find the crocodile inches from her face. Milea screams at the top of her lungs, awakening Micah to find the crocodile getting ready to attack while Milea backs away slowly.

“Hang on, Milea!” shouts Micah while running to her aid. With Milea backed up against a tree, the crocodile lunges at her and gets intercepted by Micah, who fights it off and taunts, “Come and get me, you repulsive lizard!” Milea watches in horror as Micah fights the crocodile with Micah saying, “Go! Find a safe place to hide while I distract this thing!” Milea nods and runs off while Micah continues to fight the crocodile. At one point, Micah grabs some firewood and rubs them together on a torch, making a fire and swatting the torch back and forth in front of the crocodile while saying, “Back! Back! Don’t make me use this!” The crocodile gets frightened and retreats while Milea comes out of hiding and embraces Micah while saying, “You saved my life! Thank you!”

“It’s the least I could do. Now, to get off this island.” responds Micah while embracing Milea back. Micah and Milea begin building a raft out of tree bark and leaves, setting sail out in the ocean while Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica hang out at the park in Arcanum. As Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica mingle with one another, a fist suddenly punches Wesley in the face with the hand suddenly grabbing Wesley by his shirt. Wesley turns his attention towards the source and finds Tony giving him a stern look.

“Alright, start talking! Where’s Milea?!” asked Tony angrily.

“How should I know?” asked Wesley. Tony throws Wesley on the ground and angrily asks, “Where’s my girlfriend?!” Sarah positions herself in front of Wesley and angrily says, “We don’t know where she is! Now, leave us alone!”

“We can find out for you.” said Wesley.

“You’d better…or you’re all roadkill!” responds Tony angrily while picking Wesley up by his shirt.

“It won’t take long. Now, put me down, please.” replied Wesley. Tony sets Wesley down while Wesley subsequently summons his Warp Machine, warping himself, Sarah, Jessica, and Tony to his laboratory and approaching his computer.

“Computer, locate Milea.” said Wesley.

“Locating Milea…” responds Wesley’s computer while scanning the globe. Wesley’s computer pinpoints Milea’s location and shows live surveillance of her and Micah sailing away from the deserted island they got stranded on while saying, “Milea located.”

“What’s she doing with Micah?!” asked Tony angrily.

“Cool your jets, Tony! I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this!” responded Wesley annoyingly. Wesley’s computer shows surveillance footage of the events that led up to Micah and Milea getting stranded, from being assigned to work on a project together to Milea visiting Micah at his house to work on it.

“I still can’t believe Mr. Christ picked him to be her partner for that stupid health project!” said Tony angrily.

“I can see why he did it.” responded Sarah.

“Just listen to yourself, Tony. I’m starting to think your relationship with Milea isn’t very healthy.” said Jessica.

“Milea is the only one for me, and no one is taking her away from me…including Micah! When I get my hands on him, he’s going to wish he’d never been born!” responded Tony angrily.

“Question is, how are we going to get there?” asked Wesley.

“I can take you there!” answered a distant voice. Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, and Tony turn their attention to the source and find a classmate of theirs named Matt standing before them.

“Matt? How are you going to take us there?” asked Wesley.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way!” answers Matt while holding up a winged shirt. Matt puts the shirt on and transforms into a hybrid between a human and an eagle with Wesley asking, “Matt?”

“Oh, please. Call me…Eaglemon!!!” responds Matt while sprouting his wings.

“So…Eaglemon. How can you take all of us to rescue Micah and Milea? You can’t carry all of us…not by yourself.” asked Wesley. A few more hybrids of humans and eagles appear out from behind Matt, who then says, “Come, comrades! We have some friends to save!” The comrades sprout their wings with Tony angrily saying, “You birdbrains better take me with you! If anyone’s going to rescue Milea, it’s going to be me!”

“Very well! Comrades, move out!” responds Matt while flapping his wings and levitating into the air. Matt and his comrades pick up Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, and Tony and take off into the sky while Micah and Milea sit next to each other and talk about their lives as they continue sailing out into the ocean.

“So, you and Wesley invent stuff for people AND save the world, all on a regular basis?” asked Milea.

“We sure do.” answered Micah.

“Wow. That’s a big responsibility. You and Wesley sure got a lot on your plate.” responded Milea.

“It’s not so bad once you get used to it.” replied Micah. Micah and Milea pause for a moment with Micah suddenly saying, “I see we got a dance coming up. I was wondering…”

“Yes?” asks Milea while looking at Micah with a smile on her face.

“What kind of music do you like?” asked Micah.

“Michael Jackson! Sorry. Didn’t mean to get dramatic there. I’m just a huge fan of him.” answered Milea.

“It’s all good. I find his music quite danceable, if that’s even a word.” responded Micah. Micah and Milea pause for another moment with Milea saying, “You know something, Micah? I think this experience would make a great presentation for our health project.”

“I was thinking the same thing!” responded Micah. Micah and Milea smile at each other and suddenly hear a distant voice shout, “Micah!” They then hear another distant voice shout, “Milea!” Micah and Milea draw their attention to the source and find Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, and Tony coming to their aid while Matt and his comrades carry them.

“Guys!” shouted Micah excitedly.

“We’re saved!” shouted Milea excitedly. Tony lands on the raft and punches Micah into the water while angrily saying, “That’s for stealing my girl, punk!”

“Tony!” shouted Milea angrily.

“I’m the only man for you, and the first thing we’re going to do when we get back is make Mr. Christ assign me as your partner for that stupid project, instead of that loser!” responds Tony angrily while pointing at Micah.

“You know what, Tony? I think we should see other people.” replied Milea angrily.

“What are you saying?” asked Tony.

“Do I need to spell it out for you? We’re through!” responded Milea. Milea punches Tony in the water while subsequently helping Micah up back onto the raft.

“You ok?” asked Milea.

“I’ll be fine. Thanks.” responded Micah. Matt and his comrades release Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica onto the raft with Wesley saying, “We came as soon as we saw you guys on surveillance back at the lab.”

“How did you guys find out about this?” asked Micah.

“Tony.” answers Sarah while gesturing with her hand over to Tony. Micah draws his attention over to Tony and says, “Thank you, Tony.”

“Don’t thank me! I just want my girlfriend back!” responded Tony angrily.

“Hey, Tony! Are you deaf? I’m not your girlfriend anymore!” replied Milea angrily.

“Fine! Go ahead and hang out with those losers! See if I care!” said Tony angrily. Milea rolls her eyes and draws her attention to Micah, Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, Matt, and his comrades with Micah asking, “Well, since you’re all here, what do you say we all go home now?”

“Comrades, move out!” responds Matt while flapping his wings and levitating into the air. Matt and his comrades pick up Micah, Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, and Milea with Tony asking, “Hey! What about me?”

“I’ll handle this.” says Milea while releasing herself from the talons of one of Matt’s comrades. Milea lands in the water and swims to the bottom, plucking out seaweed and tieing Tony up with it.

“Ready!” hollered Milea. Some of Matt’s comrades pick up Tony and Milea and fly off home with Micah and his friends and Matt. Later, Micah arrives in Wesley’s laboratory with his friends, Tony, Milea, Matt, and his comrades with Micah saying, “Thanks, guys, for rescuing us. I don’t think Milea and I could have lasted another hour on that dreadful island.”

“Don’t mention it, buddy. We owe it all to Eaglemon here, and his flock.” responds Wesley while gesturing with his hand over to Matt and his comrades.

“You can stop calling me Eaglemon now.” replies Matt while removing his winged shirt. Matt reverts himself back to normal with Micah asking, “Matt? YOU’RE Eaglemon?”

“I sure am! Is that going to be a problem?” asked Matt.

“Not at all! Thank you for getting us off that island.” answered Micah.

“Anytime, Micah! Alright, comrades! Mission accomplished!” responds Matt while drawing his attention to his flock. Matt returns home while waving goodbye to Micah, his friends, and Milea, who all wave back while Tony angrily says, “All right! All right! You guys said your goodbyes! Now, get me out of this thing!”

“Why sure, you big hunk!” responds Milea sarcastically while untieing the seaweed from Tony.

“I knew you’d take me back.” said Tony.

“You were right all along. I am the only girl for you. Here, let’s spend some quality time together.” says Milea sarcastically while taking Tony to Wesley’s Warp Machine. Milea looks back and winks at Micah and his friends as she and Tony disappear. Tony and Milea arrive at Tony’s house with Milea sarcastically asking, “Why don’t we go into your room? You know, to be alone?”

“Right this way!” responds Tony while escorting Milea to his room. Tony and Milea enter Tony’s room with Milea sarcastically saying, “Give me about ten minutes to freshen up.”

“Hurry back!” responded Tony. After waiting ten minutes, as instructed by Milea, Tony gets suspicious and exits his room to look for her around his house, finding her nowhere.

“Milea? Milea? Where are you?” asks Tony while he continues looking for Milea. Unbeknownst to Tony, Milea makes it back to Micah’s house and rings the doorbell with Micah’s mother answering it.

“Hi, Micah’s mom. Remember me from yesterday?” asked Milea.

“Yeah! You’re Micah’s partner for his health project, right?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Yep! May I come in?” asked Milea.

“Sure thing!” answered Micah’s mother. Milea goes into Micah’s room and enters his laboratory, entering Micah’s Warp Machine and warping back to Wesley’s laboratory to reunite with Micah and his friends.

“Milea! You’re back!” said Micah.

“So, you ready to get started on our health project?” asked Milea.

“Ready when you are, partner!” answered Micah. Micah and Milea head to Wesley’s Warp Machine with Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica waving goodbye to them while Wesley says, “Good luck, you two!” Micah and Milea warp to Micah’s laboratory and begin working on their health project together, utilizing their experiences from being stranded on the deserted island. On the day that the project was due, Mr. Christ calls Micah and Milea up to the front of the classroom to present their project with Micah and Milea going on about what has happened to them and what they learned from their experience.

“So, let me get this straight. You two got stranded on a deserted island over the weekend?” asked Mr. Christ.

“Yep! If it hadn’t been for this, Milea and I never would have become friends.” answered Micah.

“It taught me a lot about forming healthy relationships with people, and to seek out help when needed.” said Milea.

“Interesting project, you two! A+!” responds Mr. Christ while applauding Micah and Milea with the rest of the class. Micah and Milea head back to their seats with a finger tapping on their shoulders while they subsequently draw their attention towards the source.

“Good job, you two.” says Tony while holding out his hand.

“Thanks, Tony.” responds Micah while shaking Tony’s hand.

“You’re not mad at us anymore?” asks Milea while shaking Tony’s hand.

“Nope. I’ve got a new girlfriend now! It’s my partner for the project.” answers Tony while showing his girlfriend to Micah and Milea.

“Good for you, Tony.” said Micah.

“I’m glad everything worked out between us.” said Milea. Micah looks at Milea and Tony while responding, “He who lives high above the Earth is smiling down on the both of you.” Micah and Milea sit down at their desks and watch the remaining classmates present their projects and finish out their day at school. After getting dismissed for the day, Milea walks home with Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica until they hear destruction and panic uptown.

“Milea, this is your chance to watch Wesley and I save the day!” says Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. After Micah turns himself into Power Micah, Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley and takes Sarah, Jessica, and Milea uptown with Micah’s help. Sarah, Jessica, and Milea watch as Micah and Wesley battle Trekker, who is destroying Arcanum using a giant robot. After Micah and Wesley stop Trekker, the police arrive and apprehend him, loading him into a cruiser with Micah, Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, and Milea watching him being hauled off. Micah and Wesley then revert themselves back to normal with Milea saying, “Impressive!”

“Thanks!” responded Micah.

“Hey, Micah Friends!” said a distant voice. Micah, Wesley, Sarah, Jessica and Milea draw their attention to the source and find David, Mike, and Erica approaching them.

“Oh! Hey guys!” responded Micah.

“Nice work, as usual!” said David.

“Just doing our jobs is all.” responded Wesley.

“It never ends, does it?” asked Mike.

“Isn’t that the truth?” responded Micah.

“So, Milea. What happened between you and Tony?” asked Erica.

“It’s a long story. Are you sure you’re up for it?” asked Milea.

“We can take it. Right, guys?” asked Erica.

“Sure.” answered Mike.

“We’re getting ready to grab a bite to eat. You want to come with us and just talk about it along the way?” asked David.

“That would be great!” answers Milea while joining David, Mike, and Erica. Milea heads off with David, Mike, and Erica while waving goodbye to Micah and his friends with Micah hollering, “Bye, Milea! Have fun with your new friends!” Micah and his friends head home with Wesley asking, “What’s next, Micah?” Micah contemplates for a moment and runs off while answering, “I’ll see you guys later. I’ve got some practicing to do.”

“Practicing? For what?” asked Jessica. On the night of the dance, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica hang out with David, Mike, Erica, and Milea with Wesley asking, “Have any of you seen Micah?” The DJ suddenly plays the song Baby Be Mine by Michael Jackson with a student dressed up like Michael Jackson taking the center of the dance floor with spotlights shining down on him. The student does some of Michael Jackson’s dance moves with Wesley saying, “Whoa!”

“Is that…?” asked Sarah. The student turns and faces Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, David, Mike, Erica, and Milea, revealing himself to be Micah, who then points at Milea like Michael Jackson and moonwalks to her. After approaching Milea, Micah grabs her hand and dances with her while twirling her towards Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, David, Mike, and Erica shortly afterwards with Milea subsequently saying, “This isn’t Michael Jackson! It’s MICAH Jackson!” Michael Jackson starts singing the lyrics to his song while Micah and Milea dance together with Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, David, Mike, Erica, and even Tony and his new girlfriend joining in and having the time of their lives with Wesley dancing with Sarah and Mike dancing with Erica. As the dance goes on, Micah and David periodically take turns dancing with Jessica and Milea respectively while Wesley and Mike periodically take turns dancing with Sarah and Erica respectively, happily making new friends.


The End

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