Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Princess Sarah

             In a kingdom far from Arcanum, there lives a very kind royal family consisting of a king, queen, prince, and princess who look very identical to Sarah and her brother and parents. With the princess heir to the throne, the king spends most of his time showing and teaching her how to run the kingdom.

“One day, my child, our people will look to you.” said the king.

“But father, there’s so much to know. How would I be able to do such work?” asked the princess.

“That is why I’m teaching you these lessons right now. So you’ll be ready when the time comes. We’ve seen enough for the day. Run along now and get some rest. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” answered the king. The princess and the king enter their rooms and go straight to sleep in their beds while a silhouette sneaks into their castle. As the king and queen sleep, they are suddenly awakened by the prince and princess screaming.

“Our son and daughter! It sounds like they’re in trouble!” exclaimed the queen.

“Stay here, love. I will go check on them.” responds the king while getting out of bed. The king enters the princess’ room and looks for the missing princess to no avail while subsequently entering the prince’s room.

“This is no time for fun and games, children. It is very late.” says the king while searching in the prince’s room. The king suddenly hears the door to the prince’s room creak open, followed by a menacing laugh with the king turning around and angrily asking, “Who are you? What business do you have here?” The queen waits in bed and suddenly hears the king angrily shout, “Unhand me at once, you vile creature!” The queen gets out of bed and enters the princess’ room, searching for the king to no avail while subsequently entering the prince’s room.

“Love, where are you?” asks the queen while searching in the prince’s room. Guards on duty at the front gate of the castle suddenly hear the queen screaming and rush to the scene, finding the royal family nowhere in sight. They search the whole castle with no luck finding the royal family, subsequently approaching the captain of the guards with one guard saying, “Captain! The royal family is missing! We’ve searched the whole premises!”

“Blimey! This is an outrage! Keep looking, men! They could be anywhere!” responded the captain.

“Yes, captain!” replies the guard while continuing his search with his group. The captain whistles loudly with another group of guards approaching him.

“The royal family has gone missing! Find them at once!” said the captain.

“Yes, captain!” responds a guard while going out to search with his group.

“You there!” says the captain while turning his attention and pointing at another group of guards.

“Yes, captain?” responded a guard.

“Search off-land for the royal family as far as possible!” replied the captain.

“Yes, captain!” says the guard while leading his group off castle grounds.

“Oh, magnificent King Arsan, Queen Milcah, Prince Caspian, and Princess Adela. Where are you?” asked the captain to himself. The next day, Micah swings on a swing set with Wesley and Sarah at recess during school while talking to one another, going on about their day and getting dismissed later on. Some time later, Sarah and her brother and parents eat out together at a nearby restaurant in Greenville until they hear a voice saying, “Your Majesty!” Sarah and her brother and parents turn their attention to the voice and see guards standing before them.

“I’m sorry, fellas. You’ve got the wrong person.” said Sarah’s father.

“You must return to Arcadia at once. Your leadership is crucial.” said a guard.

“I don’t want to be rude, but we have no idea who you guys are or where you’re from. We’re trying to spend quality time together as a family, so if you guys don’t mind, we would like to be left alone, thank you very much.” responded Sarah’s mother.

“But Your Majesty. If the four of you don’t return to Arcadia this instant, we’re all doomed!” replied a guard.

“What are you guys talking about?” asked Sarah annoyingly. The guards grab Sarah and her brother and parents, escorting them out of the restaurant with one guard saying, “Make way for the royal family of Arcadia!” The guards forcefully take Sarah and her brother and parents to the kingdom of Arcadia with Sarah’s brother asking, “What is going on here?”

“I don’t know, Eric. But don’t worry. We’ll get to the bottom of this.” answered Sarah’s father. The guards escort Sarah and her brother and parents to the captain of the guards with one guard saying, “Sir! We found the royal family! I repeat! We have found the royal family!”

“Good work, men!” responded the captain.

“Would somebody please tell us what’s going on here?” asked Sarah’s mother annoyingly.

“We’re just doing our jobs, Your Majesty.” responded a guard.

“Hold on a second.” says the captain while pulling out a photo of the real royal family of Arcadia. The captain thoroughly observes the photo, followed by Sarah and her brother and parents while saying, “Yep! That’s them, all right! Job well done, men! Keep up the good work!”

“We’ll do our best, sir!” responds a guard while escorting Sarah and her brother and parents to the throne room. The guard hands Sarah and her brother and parents crowns and royal clothing with Sarah asking, “What do you want us to do with all this.”

“You must put all that on.” answered the guard.

“We’re not wearing any of this! We don’t anything about running a kingdom!” responded Eric annoyingly.

“I’m sorry, Prince Caspian. You, Adela, Milcah, and Arsan are required to wear those at all times. It’s a symbol of your leadership. I am forbidden to leave the throne room until you are all dressed in your proper attire.” replied the guard.

“Come on, guys. Let’s do what he says, just to get him out of our hair.” says Sarah’s father while leading them behind curtains. Sarah and her brother and parents dress in the royal clothing and crowns while subsequently presenting themselves to the guard with Sarah’s father annoyingly asking, “Are you happy now?”

“Quite satisfied, Your Majesty! Carry on!” answers the guard while exiting the throne room. After the guard walks out of the throne room, Sarah’s father observes his surroundings and finds a windows while subsequently saying, “Now’s our chance, everyone! Quick, to the window!” Sarah and her brother and parents run to the window and attempt to exit the castle out of it until a voice shouts, “Your Majesty!” Sarah and her brother and parents draw their attention to the voice, seeing a guard standing before them with Sarah’s father annoyingly asking, “What?”

“There are intruders invading the castle! What should we do?” asked the guard.

“I don’t know! Go fight them off, or something!” answered Sarah’s father annoyingly.

“Great idea, sir!” responds the guard while saluting. The guard exits the throne room while Sarah and her brother and parents attempt to exit through the window again, hearing another voice shout, “Your Majesty!” Sarah and her brother and parents turn their attention to the voice and see a crowd of people standing before them with Sarah’s father annoyingly saying, “Oh, jeez!” The next day, Micah and Wesley go about their day at school during Sarah’s absence with Wesley asking, “I wonder why Sarah’s not here?”

“I’m sure she’s just a little under the weather. She’ll get over it.” responded Micah. Micah and Wesley return to school the following day with Sarah still not being present while Wesley asks, “Sarah’s still not here?”

“Perhaps she caught something that requires more than one day to pass.” responded Micah. Micah and Wesley go through the whole week at school without one day seeing Sarah with Wesley saying, “Sarah hasn’t been in school all week. I’m beginning to worry about her. You would think we’d know if anything were to happen to her.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go over to her house right now.” responds Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah and Wesley warp to Sarah’s house and ring the doorbell with no response, subsequently knocking on the door with no response either. Wesley looks at Micah, who says, “Maybe she and her family stepped out for a moment. Why don’t we come back later?” Micah summons his Warp Machine and prepares to warp himself back home while Wesley observes his surroundings and notices a vehicle parked inside the garage of Sarah’s house.

“Look! One of their vehicles is still here!” says Wesley while pointing it out. Micah turns around and looks at the vehicle while responding, “Perhaps they’ve gotten another vehicle, or they walked to their destination.”

“No more, Micah. Something’s isn’t right here. I just know it.” responded Wesley. Wesley walks into Sarah’s house with Micah saying, “Wesley, don’t! You can’t just barge right into someone’s house unannounced! That’s trespassing!”

“I’ll take any chance that I’ve got. I need to know if my friend is all right.” responds Wesley while searching the house.

“Hello? Sarah? Are you in here? It’s us, Micah and Wesley. We’re sorry to intrude, but we just wanted to check on you and see if you’re all right.” says Micah while helping Wesley search the house. Micah and Wesley leave the house some time later without any luck finding Sarah or her family with Wesley saying, “I told you something isn’t right here. I’m going to my lab to see what’s going on.” Wesley summons his Warp Machine and warps to his laboratory with Micah following while Wesley approaches his computer.

“Computer, locate Sarah.” said Wesley.

“Locating Sarah…” responds Wesley’s computer while scanning the globe.

“Sarah located.” says Wesley’s computer while showing live surveillance of Sarah and her family struggling to run the kingdom of Arcadia.

“What in the laboratory is going on here?” asked Wesley.

“My sensors indicate that Sarah and her family have been mistaken for the rulers of this here kingdom called ‘Arcadia’.” responds Wesley’s computer while showing a photo of the real rulers of Arcadia.

“So let me get this straight. The people of this Arcadia kingdom think that Sarah and her family are their rulers?” asked Micah.

“Affirmative.” answered Wesley’s computer.

“Well, at least she’s not in danger. But still. Sarah? A princess? She’s not royalty at all.” said Wesley.

“I’m afraid Sarah and her family ARE in danger.” responds Wesley’s computer while showing live surveillance of the real rulers being held hostage by Trekker in a dungeon. Micah and Wesley watch as Trekker assembles an evil army and approaches the Arcadian Castle with Micah saying, “Oh! We’ve got to do something!”

“And I now just the thing.” responds Wesley while leading Micah to his Warp Machine. Micah and Wesley warp to Arcadia and appear outside the entry gate to the castle in the midst of chaos caused by Sarah and her family’s poor leadership, approaching the gate with two spears lowering and blocking their path.

“Halt! Who goes there?” asked a guard.

“I am Micah, and this here is my best friend, Wesley. We wish to see the princess.” answered Micah. The guards observe Micah and Wesley thoroughly with one guard responding, “I’ve never seen you two before in my life. Access denied.”

“With all due respect sir, we come in peace. There’s been a mistake. Your so-called ‘rulers’ are not who you think they are. The real rulers are being held hostage at a dungeon somewhere around here. We’ve seen it ourselves.” replied Wesley.

“We never forget a face. You kids have no business being here. Leave this kingdom forthwith.” said a guard.

“We’re friends with the princess.” said Micah.

“That changes nothing! Now, leave!” responded a guard. Micah angrily grunts and rolls his eyes while walking away with Wesley following.

“Looks like we’re going to have to find the dungeon ourselves.” said Micah annoyingly. Micah and Wesley search the grounds for a while and find some of Trekker’s minions entering and exiting from a place underground.

“That must be the dungeon!” said Micah. Micah and Wesley head to the entrance and immediately hide after seeing some of Trekker’s minions exit, subsequently sneaking inside and hearing a voice say, “You there! Guard the prisoners! Do not let them out of your sight!” Micah and Wesley sneak over to the source and find Trekker giving orders to some of his minions in front of a prison cell.

“That must be where the royal family is.” whispered Micah.

“This is mutiny! Release us at once, vile fiend!” shouts the king angrily while approaching the prison bars.

“Yep. That’s them.” whispered Wesley.

“We need a plan to get them out of there.” whispered Micah.

“I’ll distract Trekker’s minions while you free the royal family.” responds Wesley while pulling out his Biking Power Wesley Gloves. Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley and rides his dirtbike a short distance to the minions guarding the cell, revving up the engine with the minions turning their attention to Wesley, who blows a raspberry at them and rides off.

“Intruder!” says a minion while chasing after Wesley. Another minion joins the chase while unknowingly dropping the key to the prison cell with Micah picking it up and releasing the royal family from their cell.

“Thank you, young lad, for rescuing us. I must know your name.” said the king.

“No time for that. We need to get out of here first.” responds Micah while leading the royal family out of the dungeon. Wesley continues driving off with the minions on his tail, entering a hallway with a minion coming after him from both sides.

“There’s nowhere to run, kid! We’ve got you trapped!” said a minion menacingly. Wesley waits for the minions to inch closer to him and drives up the wall, onto the ceiling, and down the opposite wall in a loop, causing the minions to run into each other and collapse to the floor unconscious.

“You guys will never learn.” taunted Wesley. An army of minions suddenly approach Wesley with the leader of the group saying, “Don’t move!”

“Sorry, guys. I got places to be. Sayonara!” taunts Wesley while riding off.

“Hey! I said don’t move, punk!” says the group leader angrily while chasing after Wesley with the rest of the minions following. Micah exits the dungeon with the royal family, who observes the kingdom in the midst of chaos with the king exclaiming, “My word! What is happening here?!”

“I’m afraid there’s been a case of mistaken identity.” responded Micah.

“What do you mean?” asked the queen.

“Well you see, someone allegedly saw a friend of mine and her family, thinking they were you guys.” answered Micah.

“We have to get Arcadia back under control! We’ll take it from here.” responded the princess. Wesley exits the dungeon and approaches Micah while subsequently saying, “We need to move! Trekker’s minions are hot on our tail!”

“There they are!” said a distant voice. Micah, Wesley, and the royal family draw their attention to the source and find Trekker’s minions standing right outside the dungeon entrance, staring them down angrily with the prince saying, “Good call!” Micah and Wesley take off with the royal family following while the minions give chase, catching up with Micah saying, “You guys go on without me! I’ll hold them off!” Micah turns himself into Power Micah and fights off the minions, who retreat sometime later while a voice says, “Well, well! What do we have here?” Micah draws his attention to the source and finds Trekker standing before him with an evil grin on his face.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Trekker! I know what you’re up to!” said Micah angrily.

“Is that so?” asked Trekker menacingly. Minions approach Micah from behind Trekker, who shouts, “Attack!” Micah gets into a battle with Trekker and his army, fighting off the minions to the point of them retreating with Trekker angrily shouting, “Get back here and help me destroy this broken bolt, you cowards!”

“Give it up, Trekker! It’s just you and me…again!” said Micah.

“I’m going to tear you limb from limb for what you’ve done!” said Trekker angrily.

“Come and get me, you rusty bolt!” taunted Micah. Micah and Trekker begin fighting each other while Wesley makes it back to the castle safely with the royal family, who approach the entry gate with one guard exclaiming, “Your Majesty?!”

“But…which one is which?” asked the other guard.

“No time for questions. Let us in at once.” responded the king.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” replies a guard while opening the gate. The royal family make their way onto castle grounds with Wesley following, only to be stopped by the guards.

“Let him go. He’s with us.” said the queen. The guards allow Wesley to enter the castle grounds and makes his way into the throne room with the royal family.

“Wesley! You’re here!” says Sarah excitedly while running up to Wesley and embracing him. Wesley embraces Sarah back while responding, “I’m so glad you’re safe Sarah. These guys are the real rulers of this kingdom.”

“We can explain.” said Sarah’s father.

“No need. This young lad here told us everything. It is not your fault.” says the king while holding out his hand and subsequently gesturing over to Wesley. Guards suddenly enter the throne room with one of them saying, “Your Majesty, we…”

“Wait! There’s two of them?!” exclaimed another guard.

“Who’s the real one?” asked another guard.

“He is.” answers Sarah’s father while gesturing over to the king.

“He’s right, men. Time to put an end to all of this madness!” said the king. Micah suddenly bursts into the door, still as Power Micah, and drops off Trekker (who is tied up) in front of everyone.

“You!” said the king angrily.

“Oh! What a pleasant surprise, Your Majesty. What do you say we forget this ever happened and start over?” asked Trekker nervously.

“Guards!” said the king.

“Your Majesty?” asked a guard.

“Take him away!” responded the king. The guards drag Trekker away, who angrily shouts, “You haven’t seen the last of me! I’ll get you!!!!!”

“Excellent work, young man! We are truly in your debt!” said the queen.

“You too, lad!” says the king while looking at Wesley. Micah and Wesley revert themselves back to normal with Micah saying, “We don’t ask for anything in return, Your Majesties. We just wish to have our friend back.” Sarah and her family come out from behind curtains dressed back in their street clothes and approach Micah and Wesley.

“If you don’t mind us asking, we still haven’t gotten your names.” said the king. Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and her family all introduce and share about themselves to the royal family, who introduce and share about themselves in return.

“It was lovely meeting each and every one of you! Micah! Wesley! Thank you so much for stopping Trekker and saving our kingdom!” said the queen.

“No problem, Your Majesty. It’s what we do.” responded Micah.

“Do you guys need help cleaning up and restoring your kingdom.” asked Wesley.

“No. We have someone else in mind to do the job.” answers the king while smirking at the queen. The queen smirks back at king while Micah says, “In that case, I think we should be on our way.”

“Safe travels, everyone!” responds the king while waving at Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and her family. Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and her family wave back with the queen saying, “You guys are all welcome here anytime!”

“We’ll keep that in mind.” responds Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Wesley, Sarah, and her family all warp home while Micah prepares to step in with the princess saying, “Micah, wait!” Micah stops and turns around to see the princess walking up and kissing him.

“You are the bravest boy I’ve ever met. I’m going to miss you.” said the princess.

“Thank you. I’m going to miss you too.” responds Micah while blushing. Micah returns home and carries on with his life while Wesley, Sarah, and her family do the same. The royal family order Trekker and his minions to fix everything they’ve destroyed, living happily ever after.


The End

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