Friday, August 2, 2024

Ingenious Pranksters

             Micah has had romantic feelings for Sarah for quite some time now. He hangs out with her on a regular basis and has become tempted into pranking Wesley as a result, much to his anger. There comes one evening where Sarah goes over to Micah’s house, wearing a black dress and impressing Micah.

“You certainly look beautiful tonight. Ready for the dance?” asked Micah.

“Ready when you are.” answers Sarah while following Micah to his mother’s vehicle. Micah dances with Sarah while Wesley sits in the bleachers watching everyone else dance until Micah approaches him.

“What’s the matter, Wesley? Scared?” taunted Micah.

“No. I just don’t like to dance. That’s all.” responded Wesley.

“Chicken!” taunted Micah.

“I’m not chicken! I just don’t like dancing! There’s a difference!” responded Wesley angrily. Micah begins clucking to Wesley like a chicken with Wesley angrily saying, “Stop it, Micah! It’s not like that, and you know it!”

“Suit yourself, Scaresley!” taunts Micah while dancing back to Sarah. Wesley angrily rolls his eyes and continues watching everyone else dance while Micah and Sarah have the time of their lives until arriving home and turning in for the night. The next day, Sarah shows up in Micah’s laboratory with braided hair, a white tanktop, and black shorts while saying, “Ready to climbing when you are, Micah.” Micah turns around and observes Sarah, subsequently saying, “Looking adventuriffic!” Micah and Sarah warp to some cliffs and climb until tiring themselves out with Sarah saying, “That was fun!”

“You can say that again!” responded Micah. Micah and Sarah warp home and live out their lives until one day, Wesley mails an invitation to Micah. Micah opens up the envelope and pulls out Wesley’s invitation to his upcoming birthday party, reading the details and subsequently going into his laboratory to build his next prank, which is a wolf costume and mouth spray to make him sound like a wolf. On the day of Wesley’s birthday party, Micah dresses in his wolf costume and sprays his mouth with his wolf spray, heading off to Wesley house while he takes attendance.

“Has anyone seen Micah?” asked Wesley. Wesley suddenly hears snarling behind him and turns around to find a wolf staring at him menacingly with Wesley and the rest of the party guests backing up nervously. The wolf suddenly pounces on Wesley, knocking him down to the ground while staring at him in the face snarling. The wolf suddenly starts to laugh and removes its mask, revealing itself to be Micah.

“Gotcha! Happy birthday, Wesley!” said Micah.

“Micah! You about gave us heart attacks!” said Wesley angrily.

“Aw, come on Wesley. It was a joke.” responded Micah.

“Well…it’s not funny!” replied Wesley. Wesley’s father approaches him and says, “Don’t let it get to you, Wesley. Let’s just focus on celebrating your birthday and having fun. Micah? No more pranks, please.” Micah joins the rest of the party guests and has fun at Wesley’s birthday party, returning home later and living out his life. One night, Micah sneaks into Wesley’s house while he and his family are asleep, sneaking into his sister’s room and pulling out one of her night gowns. While Wesley sleeps, Micah dresses Wesley into his sister’s night gown and places hair curlers in his hair, green clay mask on his face, cucumbers on his eyes, and pulls out a Telekinesis Remote afterwards, transferring Wesley and his bed far down the road from his house. Micah then goes back to the bedroom of Wesley’s sister and removes all her clothes from her drawer, placing them in Wesley’s drawer while putting Wesley’s clothes in his sister’s drawer. Wesley wakes up in the morning and is astonished to see himself a matter of distance down from his house.

“How did I end up here?” asked Wesley to himself. Wesley runs back to his house while motorists drive by and honk at him while laughing.

“What’s so funny?” asked Wesley to himself. As Wesley reaches his house, he crosses the road with a motorist pulling up and laughing at him.

“WHAT is so funny?!” asked Wesley annoyingly. Wesley suddenly looks at his reflection on the motorist’s car and screams in horror, running into his house out of embarrassment.

“Wesley!” shouted Wesley’s sister.

“Coming.” responds Wesley while heading to his sister’s room.

“What are YOUR clothes doing in MY room? And WHY are you wearing MY night gown?!” asked Wesley’s sister angrily.

“Faith, you’re barking up the wrong tree here. I didn’t have anything to do with this.” responded Wesley.

“Oh, sure. All of this just magically happened. Is that it?” asked Faith angrily.

“I didn’t say that.” responded Wesley.

“Just take your clothes and get out of here!” says Faith angrily while throwing Wesley’s clothes at him. Wesley goes to his bathroom and removes the hair curlers and clay mask while dressing into his clothes, subsequently going through his drawer and finding Faith’s clothes stored in them.

“Faith, what are YOUR clothes doing in MY room?!” asked Wesley angrily.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t put them there!” responded Faith angrily. Wesley and Faith argue to each other while Micah watches on surveillance in his laboratory, laughing uncontrollably until Wesley’s mother intervenes.

“Enough!” shouted Wesley’s mother angrily. Wesley and Faith stop arguing and freeze while subsequently looking at their mother, who continues with, “I don’t know what has gotten into you two, but fighting about it isn’t going to solve anything! Now, put everything back where they belong!” Wesley gives Faith her clothes back while Wesley enters his laboratory with Micah showing up.

“Rough morning?” taunted Micah.

“Micah, I’m not in the mood right now.” responded Wesley.

“As you wish.” responds Micah while holding in his laugh. Wesley hears the laugh and asks, “You were behind all this, were you?” Micah bursts out laughing while Wesley angrily continues with, “I knew it! Why do you keeping doing this to me, Micah?!”

“No reason.” answered Micah.

“Forget it. Just go.” says Wesley while pointing to his Warp Machine. Micah heads to Wesley’s Warp Machine and heads home while Wesley starts conducting scientific experiments.

“What am I going to do about Micah?” asked Wesley to himself angrily. One evening, Micah finishes up a lion costume in his laboratory and mouth spray to make him sound like a lion, subsequently packing them up and bringing them with him as he enters his mother’s vehicle. Micah rides with his mother and brothers to the YMCA in Greenville, where Micah’s younger brother (Christopher), has basketball practice. Micah enters the walking track and sprays his mouth with his lion spray while dressing in his lion costume, running laps on the track while watching Wesley practice karate with his father and younger brother (Jason) during a class that’s going on. Micah stops at one point and observes Wesley listening to his sensei while one of his classmates looks up at Micah and shouts, “Lion!” Wesley, his father, Jason, and the rest of the class draw their attention to Micah with Wesley’s father, Jason, and the rest of the class fleeing the scene in a state panic while Wesley climbs a rope and jumps toward Micah, who roars at him loudly.

“Go back to the jungle where you belong, vile beast!” says Wesley while jumping on top of Micah. Micah laughs and removes his lion mask with Wesley angrily saying, “This is the last straw, Micah! I can’t take these pranks anymore!” Wesley heads back to his class and tells them everything with the sensei contacting the front desk. Two staff members approach Micah and remove him from the building while Wesley angrily says to himself, “All right, Micah! If it’s pranks you want, it’s pranks you’ll get!” The next day (while heading to school), Micah feels remorseful for pranking Wesley, approaching him in the elementary/high school gym while saying, “Hey, Wesley?” Wesley suddenly throws a pie in Micah’s face and laughs while Micah brushes the pie off of his face.

“I’m sorry for all the pranks I’ve done to you lately.” said Micah.

“Sure you are.” responds Wesley while dropping a live rat down Micah’s shirt. Micah freaks out and starts struggling to get the rat out of his shirt while Wesley continues to laugh. Later at lunch, Micah gets some silverware while Wesley tops his food with hot sauce. Micah takes a bite and starts feeling the burn in his mouth, struggling to find water until Wesley gives him a glass. Micah takes a drink of the water given to him by Wesley and feels even more burn while Wesley laughs with Micah rushing to a drinking fountain and relieving the burn with some of its water. Micah returns to the cafeteria while Wesley laughs with Micah saying, “Wesley, I know you’re mad at me for all the pranks I’ve done. I get it. But I promise those days are over.”

“You’re just saying that.” taunted Wesley.

“I’m serious!” responded Micah angrily. Wesley takes Micah’s tray and dumps the food onto Micah, who then shouts, “STOP IT, WESLEY! I’M DONE PRANKING YOU, OK?!!!????!?”

“Oh, no. We’re just getting started.” taunts Wesley while taking a classmate’s milk carton and throwing milk into Micah’s face.

“Food fight!” shouts the classmate. All the students in the cafeteria start throwing food at each other until Principal Graves enters the cafeteria with a stern look on his face and his arms folded.

“He started it!” says the students while pointing to Wesley. Principal Graves turns his attention to Wesley, who says, “Oh, jeez.” After getting off the bus at the elementary/high school building, Wesley enters a classroom to serve detention while Micah tells Sarah what triggered the pranks.

“So you see, my feelings for you is what prompted me into doing this.” says Micah while walking with Sarah.

“I got to admit, Micah. I’m very disappointed in you.” responded Sarah.

“I know, and I don’t blame you. If you don’t want to talk to me again, I completely understand. I’ll just leave you alone now.” replies Micah while parting ways from Sarah.

“Wait, Micah!” shouted Sarah. Micah stops and turns his attention to Sarah, who approaches him and continues with, “Yes, I’m mad at you. But not THAT mad. Just promise me you won’t prank Wesley anymore, especially if it has to do with how you feel about me.”

“I pinky promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.” responds Micah while locking pinky fingers with Sarah and crossing his heart. The next morning, Micah enters the elementary/high school gym with Wesley asking, “Hey, Micah. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure. What’s up?” asked Micah.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for all the pranks I did to you yesterday. I got a little carried away. I hope you’re not still mad at me.” responded Wesley.

“No, it’s ok. All is forgiven.” replied Micah.

“Thanks, buddy. Now, let’s get ready for school.” says Wesley while heading to the bleachers. Micah walks with Wesley and sits with him and Sarah at the bleachers until getting dismissed to their bus, ready to take on a new day.


The End

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