Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Leech Reach

             One day, Micah works in his laboratory, conducting Science experiments until his neighbor, Chris W., enters and says, “Micah, I need your help!”

“What’s wrong, Chris?” asked Micah.

“I got leeches on me!” answers Chris while showing his arm.

“This ought to do the trick.” says Micah while pulling out a can of spray. Micah sprays the leeches, causing them to release their grip on Chris’s arm and crawl away.

“Thanks, Micah! What is that stuff?” asked Chris.

“It’s a new formula I invented. I call it…Leech-Be-Gone!” answers Micah while presenting the spray.

“That’s awesome! Matthew and Christopher are over at my house right now. You’re welcome to come over and join them if you’d like.” responded Chris.

“Sure! Just give me a minute. I’m almost done with my experiments.” replies Micah while finishing up his experiment. After finishing his experiment, Micah walks with Chris over to his house with Micah, his brothers, and Chris all going down to a nearby creek. Micah’s younger brother (Christopher) reaches into the water and pulls out a rock while leeches stick to his arm.

“Ewww! Leeches!” says Christopher while attempting to pull them off.

“Oh! Don’t do that, Christopher! Here, let me help you!” says Micah while pulling out his leech spray. Micah sprays the leeches on Christopher’s arm with the leeches falling back into the water.

“You should probably keep your hands out of the water.” said Micah.

“What is that stuff you sprayed them with?” asked Christopher.

“It’s some kind of leech spray. He made it himself.” responded Chris. Micah and his brothers continue hanging out with Chris while Trekker conducts a diabolical experiment with leeches. Trekker Jr. approaches Trekker and asks, “What are you working on, dad?”

“I found a new way to get rid of Micah and his pesky family and friends!” answered Trekker.

“How are leeches going to stop Micah?” asked Trekker Jr.

“These are no ordinary leeches.” answers Trekker while snapping his fingers. The leeches bunch up and form a giant leech monster while Trekker continues, “With this monster, nothing will stop us! Ha ha ha ha!” The next day, Micah and his brothers walk through town with Chris, talking with one another until they hear panicking. Citizens suddenly start running for their lives as Micah, his brothers, and Chris notice large groups of leeches infesting every area they lay their eyes on.

“Leech-Be-Gone, don’t fail me now!” says Micah while pulling out his leech spray. Micah shakes the can and runs up to a group of leeches, spraying them with the leeches not being affected.

“Fool! These leeches are no match for your so-called Leech-Be-Gone!” said a voice menacingly. Micah, his brothers, and Chris turn their attention to the source and find Trekker standing before them.

“I should have known you were behind all this.” said Micah annoyingly.

“Watch this!” says Trekker menacingly while subsequently snapping his fingers. The leeches bunch up and turn themselves into the giant leech monster while Trekker laughs menacingly.

“We’re going to need a lot more Leech-Be-Gone.” said Chris.

“That won’t do. We got to find something else.” responded Micah.

“Make my day, you broken bolts. Until then…my little friend and I will be running Arcanum. Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while boarding the leech monster. Trekker and the leech monster begin wreaking havoc on Arcanum as Micah watches with his brothers and Chris.

“So, you’re Leech-Be-Gone has no effect on those leeches, huh Micah?” asked Chris.

“I’m afraid not. But luckily, there are other ways to get rid of leeches. We just have to find the right one.” answered Micah.

“I hear salt is pretty good at getting rid of leeches.” said Christopher.

“Ok. Let’s try it.” says Micah while leading his brothers and Chris home. Micah, his brothers, and Chris gather up as much salt as they can find and bring it uptown with Micah turning himself into Power Micah. Matthew turns himself into Electricew and Christopher turns himself into Fantom with Micah sprinkling the salt on the leech monster, which has no effect.

“Not even salt will stop my little leech friend! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while continuing to wreak havoc on Arcanum with the leech monster. Micah fires lasers at the leech with Matthew casting lightning bolts and Christopher casting spells on the leech monster, which are all rendered useless. Micah and his brothers try out the rest of their attacks on the leech monster to no avail with Trekker menacingly saying, “My little buddy is impervious to even the strongest attacks! He has no weakness!”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Trekker! Everyone’s got a weakness, including your so-called ‘little buddy’, and we’re going to find out what it is!” responded Micah.

“That’ll be the day!” replied Trekker. Micah and his brothers attack the leech monster on different parts of its body with no luck taking it down until they get stopped by Trekker Jr., who is in his Anti-Super Trekker Jr. form.

“Good work, Jr.! Now, take them away!” said Trekker.

“Yes, sir!” responds Trekker Jr. while carrying Micah and his brothers away. Chris watches as Micah and his brothers get carried off by Trekker Jr. while saying, “There’s got to be a way to stop that monster!” Chris heads home and does some research on leeches, finding possible solutions that stop leeches. Chris finds a bottle of vinegar in his kitchen and takes it uptown, pouring it on the leech monster to no avail.

“You think vinegar is going to stop my friend here? Go home, kid! You’ll live longer!” taunted Trekker. Chris heads home while Micah and his brothers continue being carried off by Trekker Jr., who unknowingly flies over a body of saltwater. Micah fires lasers at Trekker Jr.’s cape, engulfing it in flames and disintegrating it while subsequently reverting Trekker Jr. back to normal.

“You broken bolt. Look what you’ve done!” says Trekker Jr. angrily while trying to grab Micah while falling. Micah blows a raspberry at Trekker Jr. and catches his brothers, carrying them off back to Arcanum with Matthew asking, “You see that ocean down there, Micah?”

“Yes. Why?” asked Micah.

“Oceans contain saltwater, which can also get rid of leeches.” answered Matthew.

“Really?” asked Micah.

“It wouldn’t hurt.” responded Matthew.

“Hang on, guys! We’re going back to the lab!” says Micah while flying off fast with his brothers in his grip. After arriving in his laboratory, Micah grabs buckets and warps back to the ocean with his brothers following, subsequently scooping up some of the ocean water with help from his brothers and warping back to Arcanum. Meanwhile, Chris heads back up town with a bottle of turpentine in his grip while Trekker taunts, “Oh, yeah! Like that’s going to stop us! Go ahead! Make my day!” Before Chris could dump the turpentine on the leech monster, Micah and his brothers arrive with buckets of ocean water, in which Micah dumps onto the leech monster while swooping in back and forth. The leech monster gradually becomes more and more relaxed, eventually breaking up and reverting back to the smaller segments of leeches, who are also too relaxed to do any further damage.

“This isn’t over yet!” said Trekker angrily.

“How about some of this for added measure?” taunts Chris while presenting the bottle of turpentine. The leeches retreat and carry Trekker off with them while Trekker shouts, “BLAST YOU BROKEN BOLTS!!!!!”

“Good work, Chris!” said Micah.

“You did most of the work, Micah.” responded Chris.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” said Micah.

“Thanks, Micah.” responded Chris.

“Well, now that things are back to normal, what do you guys want to do?” asked Christopher.

“Want to just go back to my house?” asked Chris.

“Fine with me.” answered Micah.

“Same.” answered Matthew.

“Ok then. Chris?” asked Christopher.

“Right this way, gentleman.” answers Chris while leading Micah and his brothers home. After arriving back at his house, Chris puts away the bottle of turpentine and joins back up with Micah and his brothers, playing and having the time of their lives. Meanwhile, the leeches arrive at a creek and continue to carry Trekker with them while Trekker Jr. arrives with the leeches snatching him after attempting to free Trekker from their grip.

“We’ll get you, Micah! If it’s the last thing we do!” said Trekker and Trekker Jr. angrily.


The End

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