Saturday, July 20, 2024

Jessica on Dangerous Vacation

             In the city of La Paz is a very dangerous road high above the mountains called the “Yungas Road”. With its one-car width, two-way traffic, little to no guardrails, and certain weather patterns, it has been nicknamed the “Road of Death”, and is considered the most dangerous road on the planet. So many accidents have occurred and many lives have been lost as a result of this road, but many still bear the risk. Some have a job to do, while others seek thrills. One day at his mansion, Trekker is watching activity going on at the Yungas Road on surveillance while chuckling menacingly to himself.

“This road could be quite useful for my next diabolical plan. Hey, Jr.! Come here for a minute!” hollered Trekker. Trekker Jr. approaches Trekker and asks, “Yes, dad?”

“I got a job for you…” responds Trekker while leaning in on Trekker Jr.’s ear. Meanwhile, Micah and his friends are finishing up an assignment in their final class for the day at school with only one minute left before they get dismissed for a three-month summer break. After the bell rings, Micah and his classmates excitedly rush out of the school building, cheering as they make their way towards the bus.

“So, guys. What do you all have planned for summer?” asked Micah.

“I don’t know. It’s too soon to tell.” answered Wesley.

“I’m sure something will come to our minds eventually.” said Sarah. As Jessica follows Micah, Wesley, and Sarah out of the building and onto the bus, a strange-looking man in a suit approaches her and asks, “Are you Jessica?”

“Why, yes I am.” answered Jessica.

“Congratulations!!! You’ve just won a free, all-expense paid vacation to La Paz!” responded the man.

“Pinch me! I must be dreaming!” replied Jessica. The man pinches Jessica hard with Jessica responding, “Ow!!!!!”

“This is a dream, all right. A dream come true!” said the man.

“When do I leave?” asked Jessica.

“Immediately!” answered the man.

“Immediately?” asked Jessica.

“You bet! Your dream vacation awaits!” answered the man.

“What about the rest of my family?” asked Jessica.

“The more, the merrier!” answers the man while handing Jessica a brochure and rushing away. Jessica glances at the brochure and catches up to Micah, Wesley, and Sarah while excitingly saying, “Guys! Guys! Guys! You’re not going to believe this, but I just won a free vacation to La Paz!”

“No kidding?” asked Micah.

“I don’t mean to put a damper on the mood, but how did you win this?” asked Wesley.

“Who cares? I’m going on vacation!” answers Jessica while boarding the bus with Micah, Wesley, and Sarah.

“Wesley’s right, you know. Normally, you have to do something in order to win a prize as big as this. Who awarded you this free vacation?” asked Micah.

“Oh, some guy in a suit. He just came up to me and said I won! Can you believe it?” asked Jessica excitedly.

“That’s great, Jessica! I hope you have fun! You deserve it!” responded Sarah.

“No, not great! Did you even know the guy?” asked Micah.

“No, but still! A free, all-expense paid vacation to La Paz! I can hardly wait!” answered Jessica. Jessica continues talking about her vacation to Sarah while Wesley turns to Micah and says, “Something’s definitely off here.” Micah and Wesley discuss their concern towards Jessica while the man in the suit watches them ride off in their bus, subsequently removing his suit and revealing himself to be Trekker Jr. in disguise, who pulls out a walkie-talkie and contacts Trekker.

“Dad? It’s Jr. Jessica has taken the bait! I repeat! Jessica has taken the bait!” said Trekker Jr.

“Excellent! Rally up some of the henchmen! We’re going to give Jessica a permanent vacation…of doom! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. After arriving home, Jessica rushes up to her mother and sister, telling them about her vacation to La Paz.

“How exciting! We’d better start packing!” said Jessica’s mother. Jessica begins packing up her suitcase with her mother and sister while Micah arrives home with his mother in the kitchen and stepfather on his computer.

“You guys should come see this. This is a real highway.” said Micah’s stepfather. Micah and his mother approach the computer, in which Micah’s stepfather has pulled up photos of the Yungas Road to Micah’s dismay.

“Where is this highway located?” asked Micah.

“La Paz. Why?” asked Micah’s stepfather.

“Oh no! That’s where Jessica’s headed! I knew something was off about that contest!” responded Micah worriedly.

“Contest? What contest?” asked Micah’s mother.

“A complete stranger awarded Jessica a vacation to La Paz right out of the blue. That’s all I can explain right now! I’d better get there fast!” answers Micah while rushing to his room. Micah enters his laboratory and does some research on La Paz and the Yungas Road, gathering up as much information as possible while Jessica and her mother and sister board a plane departing to La Paz.

“Boy, I can’t wait to get to La Paz!” said Jessica.

“Me too!” responded Jessica’s sister.

“Though I can’t help feeling…something very suspicious is going on here. I mean…why would a complete stranger just come up and give you a free vacation like this? A prize like that is usually complicated. I think we’re making a huge mistake here.” said Jessica’s mother.

“You worry too much, mom. We’re in this as a family, so let’s enjoy it as a family.” responds Jessica while flying off in the plane with her mother and sister. After hours of researching La Paz and the Yungas Road, Micah grows tired and sleepy while Wesley enters his laboratory from Micah’s Warp Machine.

“Micah? You don’t look so good.” said Wesley.

“I’ve been doing a lot of research on La Paz. Turns out…it’s the home of the Yungas Road, the most dangerous road on the planet!” responds Micah while pulling up photos of the Yungas Road on his computer. Wesley looks at the photos in dismay and asks, “A road like that actually exists?”

“I’m afraid so.” answered Micah.

“Looks like we’re going to La Paz ourselves, or Jessica’s a goner! But first…you’d better get some sleep.” says Wesley while walking Micah to his room. Jessica arrives in La Paz with her mother and sister, being escorted to a hotel by a staff member. After arriving in their room, Jessica unpacks her belongings with her mother and sister while Micah and Wesley arrive near the hotel with Micah saying, “This must be where Jessica is.” Micah pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks through them, seeing Jessica spending time with her mother and sister in their hotel suite.

“No danger to report…yet.” said Micah. Later in the day, Jessica goes out sight-seeing with her mother and sister while Micah and Wesley keep an eye on them with Wesley saying, “Well, at least she’s not alone.” Jessica spends her whole day with her mother and sister going on tours, swimming in pools and rivers, hiking, and doing other activities they can find in the city of La Paz while Micah and Wesley continue to keep watchful eyes on them.

“Boy, this is fun! I wish I could stay here forever!” said Jessica.

“I have to admit. This was a fun day, but...still…” said Jessica’s mother.

“Oh, stop it mom! Nothing’s happening!” responded Jessica annoyingly.

“You listen to me, young lady! I am your mother! It’s my job to look after you! I sense that we’re in danger here!” replies Jessica’s mother angrily while Micah and Wesley eavesdrop on the argument that commences.

“Oh, you guys are in danger, all right.” said Micah to himself.

“I’m really glad Jessica’s mom is aware of the pending danger that’s coming their way.” said Wesley. Jessica continues arguing with her mother while her sister tries to break them up.

“Guys, don’t fight! We’re on vacation! We should be spending quality time with one another as a family!” said Jessica’s sister.

“You know what?! I wish I didn’t even have a mom!” said Jessica angrily. Jessica’s mother, Micah, and Wesley all gasp in horror with Micah saying, “This is not going to end well.”

“You take that back right now!” said Jessica’s mother angrily.

“Dream on, you snot! I’m going to enjoy my vacation here, whether you like it or not!” says Jessica while going to bed. Jessica’s mother groans in anger and goes to bed herself with Jessica’s sister following suit. The next day, Jessica and her mother refrain from talking to each other until a staff member approaches them and says, “Come on, you guys! You don’t want to be late for your tour!”

“Another tour? Of what?” asked Jessica excitedly.

“Of the Yungas Road, of course!” answers the staff member while escorting Jessica and her mother and sister to a bus. Micah and Wesley hear the staff member inform them of the tour with Micah saying, “I knew this was going to happen!”

“I think it’s high time we come out of hiding.” says Wesley while approaching another bus. Jessica, her mother, and sister board a bus, which takes off to the Yungas Road while a tour guide talks about it.

“See, Jessica? Thanks to you, we’re now touring the most dangerous road on the planet! None of this would be happening if you would have just listened to me!” said Jessica’s mother angrily.

“Shut up, you snot! I’m still not talking to you!” responded Jessica angrily.

“That’s it! You are so grounded when we get back home! That is…if we ever make it home!” replied Jessica’s mother angrily.

“Jessica, please listen to mom. Even I have second thoughts about this vacation. This Yungas Road is really giving me the heebie-jeebies. What if we fall off?” asked Jessica’s sister.

“We’ll be fine. The bus driver and tour guide know what they’re doing.” responded Jessica annoyingly. The bus driver and tour guide quietly chuckle to each other with the bus driver quietly saying to himself, “Oh, don’t worry. We know exactly what we’re doing.” Micah and Wesley board another bus with Micah pointing out Jessica’s bus while saying to the bus driver, “Follow that bus!” The bus driver takes off quickly and catches up to Jessica’s bus while the tour guide on it says, “We’re reaching the end of the road. But I have one question. Are you Jessica?” The tour guide points at Jessica, who then answers, “Yeah! How did you know my name?”

“Excuse me for a minute.” responds the tour guide while walking to the back of the bus and ducking down behind the seats. The man in the suit pops up in the tour guide’s place and asks, “Hey there, Jessica? Remember me?”

“Yes! You’re the guy that gave me this vacation! What are you doing here?” asked Jessica.

“THAT’S the guy that got us into this?” asked Jessica’s mother dismayed.

“Are you enjoying your vacation?” asked the man.

“You bet! I don’t ever want it to end!” answered Jessica.

“Good. Because you’re in for a surprise…” responds the man while throwing off his suit. The man reveals himself to be Trekker Jr., who laughs manically while Jessica exclaims, “Trekker Jr.???!!!???!!!”

“That’s not all.” replies Trekker Jr. while pointing to the bus driver. After Jessica, her mother, and sister draw their attention to the front, the bus driver gets up out of his seat and throws off his uniform, revealing himself to be Trekker with Jessica, her mother, and sister exclaiming, “TREKKER!!!!!?????!!!!!?????”

“That’s right, and you’ve all fallen right into my trap! You can thank Jessica for making this all possible!” said Trekker menacingly. Jessica’s mother and sister give Jessica a stern look with Jessica nervously responding, “Heh heh heh! Whoops!” The bus approaches the edge with Trekker saying, “Ah, this is where we get off! Enjoy your vacation, you broken bolts! Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. turn themselves into Anti-Super Trekker and Anti-Super Trekker Jr., subsequently flying out of the bus and watching from in the air as the bus inches closer to the edge. Jessica’s mother starts another argument with Jessica while Jessica’s sister pays attention to the road.

“Uh, guys?” asked Jessica’s sister. Jessica and her mother disregard Jessica’s sister and continue arguing while Jessica’s sister asks, “Guys?!” Jessica and her mother still don’t hear Jessica’s sister and keep on arguing to each other back and forth with Jessica’s sister shouting, “Guys!”

“What?!” asks Jessica and her mother angrily while drawing their attention to Jessica’s sister with stern looks on their faces. Jessica’s sister points to the front of the bus, which then drives off the road and begins to fall with Jessica, her mother, and Jessica’s sister all screaming in terror while still inside the bus. As they fall, Jessica, her mother, and Jessica’s sister hug each other and close their eyes while screaming. With the bus just inches above the ground, it stops in the air with Jessica, her mother, and Jessica’s sister opening their eyes.

“Are we dead?” asked Jessica’s mother.

“I don’t think so…” answers Jessica while approaching the front of the bus. Jessica looks out the front window and sees Micah (in his Power Micah form) holding the bus by the front bumper with one hand while smiling.

“Micah?!” shouted Micah excitedly. Micah nods and places the bus back where it departed from while Jessica, her mother, and Jessica’s sister subsequently exit.

“You saved us! Thank you!” says Jessica while embracing Micah tightly.

“Don’t mention it. Wesley and I have been keeping an eye on you guys the whole time.” responds Micah while struggling for air. Wesley, in his Biking Power Wesley form, suddenly shows up next to Micah while Jessica’s mother asks, “So, all this time, you guys have been looking after us?”

“Is that a problem?” asked Wesley.

“No! No problem at all! You guys are like guardian angels! Thank you!” answered Jessica’s mother.

“Well, they do save the world on a regular basis, after all.” said Jessica’s sister. Trekker and Trekker Jr. suddenly show up with Trekker saying, “Well, look who decided to crash the party.”

“Them?! Crashing YOUR party?! You guys are the ones who tried to crash us into the cliff!” responded Jessica angrily.

“I knew you guys were behind this!” said Micah angrily.

“Micah? Wesley? I have something to tell you! That man in the suit I told you about was Trekker Jr. the entire time!” said Jessica.

“You mean the guy that gave you this so-called ‘vacation’?” asked Micah.

“Yes!” answered Jessica.

“And now, it’s time to take care of some unfinished business! Jr., Plan B!” says Trekker while grabbing Jessica. Trekker Jr. grabs Jessica’s mother and sister, who scream and attempt to fight off Trekker Jr. while Jessica does the same with Trekker.

“I’ll meet you there!” says Wesley while taking off to the Yungas Road. Micah takes off into the air and chases after Trekker and Trekker Jr., who eventually stop high above ground and hold Jessica, her mother, and sister over, preparing to drop them.

“Guys, let’s not go this route.” said Micah.

“It’s too late for that, you broken bolt! You must choose who you will rescue, starting…now! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while dropping Jessica. Trekker Jr. subsequently drops Jessica’s mother and sister, who all plummet toward Earth while screaming with Jessica doing the same. Wesley watches as Jessica, her mother, and sister fall to their doom with Micah trying to catch up to them, subsequently driving his dirtbike off the road and onto a very steep edge into the forest below. Micah manages to catch Jessica and her sister while failing to catch her mother, who disappears in the forest with Jessica shouting, “Mom! No!” Micah lands on the ground and releases Jessica and her sister from his grip while Jessica starts mourning the loss of her mother with Micah comforting her. Micah, Jessica, and Jessica’s sister suddenly hear a dirtbike gradually getting louder and draw their attention to the source, seeing Wesley riding towards them with Jessica’s mother safe and sound riding on the dirtbike.

“Mom!” shouts Jessica excitedly while running up to her mother. Jessica embraces her mother while Micah and Wesley happily watch until Trekker and Trekker Jr. show back up.

“This isn’t the end! We will get you guys!” shouts Trekker while swooping in with Trekker Jr. Micah stops Trekker and Trekker Jr. in their path just inches away from Wesley, Jessica, her mother, and sister, fighting them off and flying them out of distance. A short while later, Micah returns to Wesley, Jessica, her mother, and sister, subsequently returning them to their hotel with Wesley’s help.

“Mom, I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you, and for calling you a snot.” said Jessica remorsefully.

“That’s ok, sweetheart. But, you’re still grounded.” responded Jessica’s mother.

“Fair enough. I deserve that.” replied Jessica. Micah summons his Warp Machine while saying, “Last call for the Warp Machine Express!” Jessica, her mother, and sister head to their suite and pack up their belongings while subsequently heading to Micah’s Warp Machine.

“Micah…Wesley…thanks again for all that you’ve done.” said Jessica’s mother.

“All in a day’s work.” responded Micah.

“You guys take it easy, all right?” asked Wesley. Jessica, her mother, and sister enter Micah’s Warp Machine and warp themselves home, returning to their normal lives while Jessica copes with her grounding. Micah and Wesley both warp back to Micah’s laboratory with Wesley asking, “What happened to Trekker and Trekker Jr.?”

“Let’s just say…they’re smooth sailing.” answered Micah. Back in Bolivia, Trekker and Trekker Jr. gain consciousness and find themselves tied to a makeshift raft floating down a river, which eventually goes down a waterfall with Trekker and Trekker Jr. screaming.

“BLAST YOU, MICAH!!!!!” shouts Trekker while plummeting into the stream.


The End

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