Thursday, July 25, 2024

Waltz of the Guinea Pigs

             One day in school, Micah feeds the class guinea pig right before class starts with Principal Sarver activating the P.A. system and making his announcements. After Principal Sarver makes his announcements, Micah, Wesley, and Sarah start school with their teacher, Mrs. Pitzer, proceeding with her lessons. At the end of the school day, Mrs. Pitzer announces to her class that the class guinea pig needs a summer home.

“If any of you are interested, please let me know.” said Mrs. Pitzer. The bell rings to dismiss school for the day with Micah walking home with his friends.

“I could probably keep the guinea pig for the summer, just as long as my dog doesn’t eat him.” said Sarah.

“My cats eat whatever rodents they could find, including guinea pigs. So, I’m afraid I’m going to have to pass.” said Wesley.

“As much as I love animals, I’m not ready to take on that kind of responsibility yet. My dog, Kami, is enough for me, and it’s really my mom and stepdad who take care of her.” said Micah.

“Sorry, Sarah. Micah and I are just not into animals as much as you are. We’ve got more important things to worry about. So, if it’s no trouble…” said Wesley.

“No trouble at all. I don’t mind. I’ll see you guys later.” responds Sarah while parting ways from Micah and Wesley. Wesley also parts ways from Micah, who walks home with his brothers and begins working on homework as soon as arriving home. Later, while working in his laboratory, Micah’s computer sounds an alert while showing surveillance footage of Trekker destroying Arcanum with a herd of guinea pigs. Micah turns himself into Power Micah and flies uptown to confront Trekker.

“Oh no! Power Micah has come to stop me!” said Trekker sarcastically.

“That’s right! And your herd of guinea pigs are no match for me!” taunted Micah.

“I’ll be the judge of that!” responds Trekker while snapping his fingers. The guinea pigs band together and form a giant guinea pig monster that grabs Micah, who struggles to free himself from its grip.

“I’ve been training these little guys to help me destroy you and take over the world. And so far, things are working perfectly. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. As Micah continues to struggle freeing himself from the guinea pig monster’s grip, a girl walking her dog comes by with the dog’s tail brushing up against one of the guinea pigs’ nose, causing it to sneeze with the monster breaking back down into the herd.

“Drat! I got to work on that!” said Trekker annoyingly. Micah pulls out his Fire Whip and wraps Trekker with it, twirling him around and flinging him out of distance while subsequently gathering up the guinea pigs and returning them to Trekker. Micah and his friends proceed with their day at school the next day while Trekker works his guinea pigs to no end, wearing them out and causing them all to pant from exhaustion.

“I didn’t say you broken bolts could rest! Get back to work!” said Trekker angrily. The guinea pigs return to work, despite their exhaustion, while Trekker laughs menacingly and says, “Soon, the world will be mine!” After returning home from school, Micah goes into his laboratory and conducts science experiments while Trekker continues to work his guinea pigs too hard.

“You broken bolts keep working! I’m turning in for the night!” says Trekker while heading off to bed. After Trekker closes his bedroom door, one of the guinea pigs chuts to the group, making an escape to Trekker’s Warp Machine and unknowingly ending up in Micah’s laboratory. Micah turns around and carries a beaker full of chemicals to a table and sees Trekker’s guinea pigs standing before him to his surprise.

“What are you guys doing here?!” exclaimed Micah. One of the guinea pigs runs up to Micah’s computer and jumps onto the keyboard, typing in some letters while Micah says, “Hey! Get off of there!” Before Micah could grab the guinea pig, surveillance footage of Trekker mistreating the guinea pigs shows up on Micah’s computer.

“Awww! Sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I can’t keep any of you, but I promise to find each and every one of you loving homes. What do you say?” asked Micah. The guinea pigs all chut while Micah returns to work with the guinea pigs running around and inadvertently causing destruction.

“Hey! Careful! This is a very dangerous environment!” said Micah. Some of the guinea pigs pound their feet on some beakers, unknowingly making music and giving Micah an idea.

“You guys like music? Let me help you out with all of that.” says Micah while placing out a music sheet stand. Micah takes a baton and taps the music stand three times with it while the guinea pigs subsequently quiet down and prepare for Micah’s conduction. Micah points the baton at a group of guinea pigs, who pound their feet on some beakers and make music.

“Good work, you guys! It’s getting late. You guys stay here while I get some sleep. I got school tomorrow.” says Micah while exiting his laboratory. The next day, Micah wakes up to find the guinea pigs in front of his bed looking at him with smiles on their faces.

“How did you guys get out of my lab?!” exclaimed Micah. The guinea pigs follow Micah everywhere he goes with Micah sneaking them out.

“I’m sorry, guys. But I have to go to school. If you keep slowing me down like this, I’m going to be late.” says Micah while attempting to walk to school. The guinea pigs stop Micah in his path with Micah saying, “I guess I have no choice.” Micah pulls out his baton and starts conducting the guinea pigs, who all make music and march off to school with Micah. Mrs. Pitzer takes attendance and asks, “Has anyone seen Micah?” Micah suddenly opens the classroom door and conducts the guinea pigs in while approaching Mrs. Pitzer.

“Sorry I’m late, Mrs. Pitzer. These guys won’t leave me alone.” says Micah while handing Mrs. Pitzer his tardy slip.

“What is this? Some kind of marching band? You know pets aren’t allowed in here.” said Mrs. Pitzer.

“I know, I know. But, long-story short, Trekker’s mistreated them and came to me for help. I don’t know what else to do.” responded Micah.

“Here, Micah.” says Wesley while pulling out a remote. Wesley points the remote at the guinea pigs and presses a button, freezing the guinea pigs, digitizing them, and storing them away in a cube.

“That should hold them off.” said Wesley.

“Thanks, buddy.” responded Micah.

“Anytime, pal!” replied Wesley. Mrs. Pitzer proceeds teacher her lessons while Micah goes about his day at school with his friends. At the end of the day, Micah walks home with his friends while discussing his concern with the guinea pigs.

“One guinea pig is enough for me, but THAT many…there’s just no way.” said Sarah.

“So, what do you propose we do, Micah?” asked Wesley.

“We have to find them homes, good ones. They need someone who will love and care for them. We CANNOT return them to Trekker.” answered Micah.

“Ok. We’ll think of something.” responded Wesley. As Micah walks home with his friends, they start to hear panicking and destruction coming from uptown, heading in that direction to investigate. Upon arriving, Micah and his friends find Trekker causing destruction again with Trekker quickly turning his attention to Micah and saying, “Hey, Micah! You have something of mine!”

“You mean, these guys?” asks Micah while Wesley releases the guinea pigs.

“Yes! Now, give them back!” answered Trekker angrily.

“Certainly! But first…” responds Micah while preparing to conduct the guinea pigs. Micah begins conducting the guinea pigs, who all play music and follow Micah to Trekker’s dismay.

“Uhhh…what are you doing?” asked Trekker.

“Returning your guinea pigs, as you requested.” taunts Micah while marching towards Trekker with the guinea pigs.

“On second thought…you’d better keep them.” responds Trekker while attempting to run away. A police officer catches Trekker and handcuffs him, loading him into the cruiser and hauling him off to jail.

“Excuse me. Are these guinea pigs up for adoption?” asks a woman while approaching Micah.

“They sure are.” answered Micah.

“How much do you want for them?” asked the woman.

“Just take them. I don’t want your money.” answered Micah. The woman takes a guinea pig and walks home with it while other nearby citizens line up to adopt guinea pigs. After all the guinea pigs have been adopted, Micah walks home with his friends while saying, “Well, that worked out better than expected.”

“I didn’t think it’d work out that fast.” said Wesley.

“I wonder what will happen to Trekker?” asked Sarah. Not long after summer break starts, Trekker gets escorted to an office in jail by a security guard, who says, “Trekker, you’ve been chosen to do community service.”

“I’d do anything to get out of this stink hole.” says Trekker while signing some papers.

“ANYthing?” asked the guard.

“Yes! Do I got to spell it out for you?” asks Trekker annoyingly while getting ready to head out. To his dismay, Trekker sees the guinea pigs and their new owners (along with Micah and Wesley) standing before him, as well as Sarah and the class guinea pig from school. The security guard hands Trekker a baton while saying, “That’s the kind of attitude we like to see!”

“What are you talking about? I thought I was doing community service.” asked Trekker.

“You are! And this is your first job!” responded the guard.

“We got a parade today, Trekker. And YOU’RE a part of it.” taunted Micah. Back in Arcanum, Micah watches the parade with his family and friends as participants come down the street with their designs. Trekker shows up in the parade a short while later, conducting the guinea pigs reluctantly while everyone watches.

“I’ll get you, Micah! If it’s the last thing I do!” said Trekker angrily.


The End

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