Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Micah's I's

On a fine school morning, Micah works in his laboratory until Wesley and Sarah come out of Micah’s Warp Machine and approach him with Sarah saying, “Time for school, Micah.”

“We don’t want to be late.” said Wesley. Micah grabs his backpack and exits his laboratory with his friends, walking off to school with them and arriving on time with Micah saying, “Made it!”

“And with only five minutes to spare!” responds Wesley while looking at his watch. Micah and his friends head to their lockers and put away their backpacks, subsequently grabbing their supplies and entering their classroom belonging to their 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Pitzer.

“Good morning, class. Let’s start the day with some math problems.” said Mrs. Pitzer. Mrs. Pitzer grabs some chalk and writes out some math problems on the board while Micah and his friends, along with the rest of their class, pull out a sheet of paper and pencil. Micah, his friends, and the rest of the class solve the math problems and proceed with their next lessons continuously until the bell rings four hours later to dismiss everyone to lunch.

“We will pick up where we left off later. Have a great lunch!” said Mrs. Pitzer. Micah, his friends, and the rest of the class head to their lockers to grab their lunch money and off to the cafeteria afterwards, going through the line with empty trays and heading over to a table after getting their food. With Micah, his friends, and the rest of their classmates done eating a while later, the lunch aids start to dismiss tables with the students lining up at one of the doors to wait for recess. Once Micah and his friends get outside, they head towards the monkey bars until a kid approaches them and asks, “Hey, could one of you help get this stick off of my toy?”

“Sure. I’ll do it.” answers Micah while grabbing onto the stick. Micah struggles with the stick for a while until it suddenly pops off of the toy and slides out of Micah’s hands, flying backward and hitting a big kid in the back of the head. The big kid angrily turns around and looks at the stick laying on the ground behind him, picking it up while angrily asking, “Who threw this at me?!”

“Take it easy there. It was an accident.” answered Micah.

“How dare you!” responds the big kid angrily while stomping towards Micah. Micah nervously backs away while replying, “Look, I don’t want any trouble.” As Micah continues to back away from the big kid, another big kid appears from behind and stops him with the angry big kid saying, “Well, you got trouble!” The angry big kid grabs Micah by the neck and picks him up, choking Micah while Micah asks, “Can’t we talk this over?!”

“Put him down, you big bully!” said Sarah angrily. The bully kicks Sarah away while Wesley angrily says, “Hey! Violence doesn’t solve anything!” The bully’s friend shoves Wesley away, causing Wesley to fall and land on top of Sarah. The bully punches Micah, who flies back and hits the school building, falling to the ground afterwards while the bully and his friend walk away with the bully saying, “There! That’ll teach you not to throw sticks at me! I’m not a dog, you know!” Micah looks up and notices everything is now blurry, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head continuously to no avail.

“Oh no! I can’t see!” shouted Micah worriedly. Wesley and Sarah rush over to Micah’s aid with Wesley asking, “You ok, Micah?” Micah gets up off the ground and looks and feels around with his hands while asking, “Wesley? Sarah? Where are you?”

“Right in front of you.” answered Sarah.

“I can hear you guys, but I can’t see you!” responds Micah while continuing to look and feel around. As Micah looks and feels around anonymously, Sarah looks over at Wesley, who looks back at her and says, “It appears Micah’s vision has been distorted from hitting the building so hard.”

“What are we going to do?” asked Sarah.

“I say, we get him to the nurse this instant.” answered Wesley.

“Yeah! She’ll know what to do!” responded Sarah. Wesley and Sarah grab Micah’s arms and walk him to the nurse’s office with Wesley saying, “We got you, Micah! We’re taking you to the nurse!”

“Thanks, guys! What would I do without you?” asked Micah. Wesley and Sarah arrive at the nurse’s office with Micah a short while later with the nurse asking, “Hi there! Can I help you?”

“My vision’s gone blurry.” answers Micah while looking and feeling around with his hands.

“Goodness! What happened?” asked the nurse.

“A bully punched and made me hit the school building.” answered Micah.

“Ouch! Do you know the bully’s name, by any chance?” asked the nurse.

“I’m afraid not.” answered Micah.

“You leave that to us.” responds Wesley while exiting the nurse’s office with Sarah.

“I’m going to go ahead and test your vision. So, just have a seat right here and I’ll be ready in a little bit.” says the nurse while sitting Micah down on a chair and setting up the eye chart. The nurse starts the eye exam with Micah failing all the tests given to him with the nurse saying, “Yep, it’s pretty bad. Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about it. I will call your mother and have her come pick you up and take you to your optometrist immediately.” The nurse dials the phone number to Micah’s mother while Wesley and Sarah arrive at the office of their principal, Mr. Sarver, telling him about Micah’s run-in with the bully.

“Take me to this gentleman at once.” said Principal Sarver. Wesley and Sarah lead Principal Sarver outside to recess and find the bully and his friend with Sarah pointing him out while saying, “There he is!” Principal Sarver approaches the bully with Wesley and Sarah by his side and clears his throat with the bully turning his attention to Principal Sarver while subsequently asking, “Principal Sarver?!”

“Office, now!” responds Principal Sarver angrily while pointing at the school building behind him with his thumb. Micah sits in the nurse’s office, waiting for his mother to pick him up while Wesley and Sarah return with Sarah saying, “We got the bully, Micah!”

“Yeah! He’s seeing Principal Sarver right now!” said Wesley.

“Good! I hope he gets what he deserves! That no-good son of a loose bolt!” responded Micah angrily. The bell suddenly rings to end recess and resume school with Wesley saying, “Sorry, Micah. We got to get back to class. You’re going to be just fine, alright? Hang in there!”

“Don’t worry! We’ll let Mrs. Pitzer know what’s going on!” says Sarah while heading back to class with Wesley. Micah remains in the nurse’s office while Wesley and Sarah approach Mrs. Pitzer, telling her about Micah’s situation with Mrs. Pitzer responding, “Ooohhh! I hope he’s ok.” The bully angrily walks out of Principal Sarver’s office with a detention slip in his hand and heads back to his class while Micah’s mother shows up, walking Micah to her vehicle with the nurse’s help. After loading Micah into her vehicle, Micah’s mother immediately drives him off to the optometrist while saying, “Everything’s going to be just fine, Micah. There’s always a way out of these things.” Micah and his mother arrive at the optometrist’s office a short while later with Micah’s mother telling the receptionist what had happened to Micah with the receptionist responding, “We’ll get him in immediately!” The optometrist comes out and calls Micah’s name, guiding him back to a room and sitting him down while preparing an eye exam.

“All right, let’s see what we can do here.” said the optometrist. The optometrist begins the test with Micah failing everything given to him with the optometrist saying, “Yep, I’d say your vision is pretty bad. But, not to worry! Every cloud as a silver lining!” The optometrist grabs a pair of glasses and places them on Micah while subsequently asking, “How’s that?” Micah’s vision becomes crystal clear with Micah excitedly answering, “I can see again! Thanks, doc!”

“Anytime, Micah. You have a wonderful day.” responded the optometrist. Micah walks out into the front lobby to his mother, showing off his glasses to her while saying, “I can see again!”

“Really?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Yep!” answered Micah.

“Awesome! I’m glad those are working out for you.” responded Micah’s mother. The optometrist walks out into the front lobby with Micah’s mother approaching her with her purse and asking, “How much do I owe you?”

“It’s on the house.” answered the optometrist.

“It is?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Yeah, Micah’s had a hard day. So, I’ll let him off the hook just this once.” answered the optometrist.

“Well, thank you, doctor! You have a wonderful day.” responded Micah’s mother.

“You too!” replied the optometrist. Micah and his mother exit the optometrist’s office and drive home with Micah saying, “I feel like a new person! In fact, I could even return to school right now!”

“No, you’ve been through a lot today. Take the rest of the day off. You can go back tomorrow.” responded Micah’s mother.

“Are you sure?” asked Micah.

“Absolutely!” answered Micah’s mother. The next day in Mrs. Pitzer’s class, Wesley and Sarah look over at Micah, who still has his glasses on with Wesley giving him a thumbs up while saying, “Looking good, Micah!”

“Yeah! Those glasses really suit you!” said Sarah.

“Thanks, you guys! And best of all...I can see again!” responded Micah.

“Good to know!” replied Wesley. Micah and his friends proceed with their lessons in class and head to lunch four hours later, going to recess after eating. While Micah and his friends happily play at recess, the bully that punched Micah the day before approaches him with his friend on his side.

“Nice glasses, dork! Ha ha ha!” laughed the bully. The bully’s friend looks at Wesley and Sarah while subsequently saying, “How dare you jerks get my pal in trouble yesterday! He had to spend two whole hours in detention after school!”

“Awww, you poor thing!” replied Sarah sarcastically.

“Well, serves him right. That’s what he gets for hurting my friend.” said Wesley angrily. The bully and his friend get angry and prepare to attack Wesley and Sarah with Micah stepping in front of them while angrily saying, “Don’t you rusty bolts lay a finger on them!” The bully and his friend shove Micah aside and grab Wesley and Sarah with Wesley kicking his bully in the gut, causing the bully to release his grip and hold his stomach as he deals with the pain. Wesley goes over to the bully grabbing Sarah and kicks him in the gut, freeing Sarah as the bully goes through the pain while Micah and his friends make a safe getaway. After their pain subsides, the bullies chase after Micah and his friends, who make a run for it with Micah tripping over a ball and falling to the ground. The bullies catch up to Micah and his friends, grabbing and picking up Micah with Wesley getting angry and punching the two bullies. The bullies release their grip on Micah and fly back, hitting the school building that results in their visions becoming blurry. Micah and his friends proceed to play together at recess until Micah suddenly gets hit in the face with a kid’s toy, breaking his glasses with the kid exclaiming, “Sorry! Sorry! It slipped out of my hands!” Micah holds his face in pain with Sarah asking, “Micah? Are you ok?” Micah takes his hands off of his face and looks around with his vision crystal clear again (without his glasses).

“It’s a miracle! I can see again…without glasses!” said Micah excitedly. The kid approaches Micah to retrieve his toy with Micah picking him up and embracing him while saying, “Thank you, little buddy! You got me my vision back!”

“So, you’re not mad?” asked the kid.

“Of course not! If it hadn’t been for your accident, I probably would have been stuck wearing glasses for the rest of my life!” answered Micah excitedly. Micah sets the kid down and watches as he runs off to play with his friends, picking up and throwing away his glasses afterwards and subsequently proceeding to play with Wesley and Sarah. The next day at recess, Micah and his friends walk by the bullies (who are now wearing glasses in poor condition) and laugh at them to no end while they stand and stare angrily at Micah and his friends. After Micah and his friends walk off, the bullies head over to a different part of the playground, being laughed at by the other kids as they begin to tear up and cry like babies.


The End

Micah the Gigantic

Micah works quietly in his laboratory, filling up two bottles with water and sprinkling a spice into each one with one spice labeled “Giant Spice” and the other one “Tiny Spice”.

“At last! My Giant and Tiny Waters are complete!” says Micah excitedly while holding up his two water bottles. Micah exits his laboratory and walks outside his home while holding his two water bottles, taking one gulp of the Tiny Water and shrinking down to the size of an ant. Micah looks at himself and his surroundings while subsequently saying, “It worked! Let’s try Giant Water now!” Micah pulls out his Power Micah Mask and turns himself into Power Micah, flying up to the lid of the Giant Water and removing it while subsequently flying into the bottle, pulling out a straw, and placing it into the water. With just two gulps, Micah flies out of the bottle and removes his Power Micah Mask, growing 50 feet tall shortly after while subsequently observing himself and his surroundings and saying, “I’d say the Giant Water is a success, too!” Micah suddenly hears a crackling noise and looks to his left, seeing that a tree at one of his next-door neighbors’ house is about to fall over onto their house with the couple watching outside in horror. Micah stops the tree and places it down gently next to his neighbors with the man saying, “Thanks, Micah! You’re a lifesaver!”

“Not a problem. I was just in the midst of testing out my Giant Water, which is why I’m this big.” responded Micah.

“Interesting.” said the man’s wife.

“You invent some pretty amazing stuff, Micah!” said the man.

“Thank you. I just want to make everyone’s lives better.” responded Micah.

“You already are. Keep up the good work!” replies the man while walking inside his house with his wife.

“Will do!” says Micah while waving to his neighbors. Micah pulls out his bottle of Tiny Water and takes two gulps of it, shrinking back down to the size of an ant, pulling out his Power Micah Mask and putting it on. Micah flies around his frontyard while saying, “Now to see if there’s anything I could use this tiny size for.” Micah suddenly sees a baby ant running from a fly while its parents watch in terror, ducking and dodging as the fly periodically swoops down to no avail.

“Hold on there! I’ll save you!” says Micah while flying towards the fly. With the fly just inches away from the baby ant, Micah punches the fly and wraps it up in his Fire Whip, twirling and flinging it out of sight while subsequently picking up the exhausted baby ant and returning it to its parents. The baby ant’s parents chirp to Micah in gratitude with Micah responding, “You’re welcome. Be careful out there!” Micah flies off and observes his frontyard, suddenly seeing another fly stuck on a spider web with a spider coming out to eat it. Micah flies towards the spider and whips it with his Fire Whip, causing the spider to retreat back into its home while Micah fires lasers at the web surrounding the fly from his eyes. Micah frees the fly from the web while it buzzes in gratitude with Micah responding, “Not a problem. Pay close attention to your surroundings!” Micah flies off and observes his frontyard again while spotting another spider laying on its back, struggling to get up while a wasp flies down on it with its stinger hanging out.

“Not on my watch!” says Micah while flying towards the wasp. Micah pulls out his Fire Whip and wraps the wasp with it while subsequently twirling and flinging it out of sight, helping the spider get back on its legs afterwards. The spider pats Micah’s shoulders with its front legs as a means of thanking Micah for saving its life while Micah responds, “Don’t mention it. Keep your eyes peeled for fierce predators like that!” Micah flies back to his driveway and pulls out his bottle of Giant Water, taking one gulp and returning to his normal size while flying uptown to find destruction that would come in handy for his giant size.

“Hmmm. Nothing.” said Micah. Micah suddenly hears another crackling noise and looks over to find a telephone pole giving out, quickly removing his Power Micah Mask and pulling out his bottle of Giant Water, taking one gulp and growing back to giant size. The pole falls over on top of a crowd of people as they watch in horror with Micah stopping it when it was just inches away from them, setting it back up while everyone cheers.

“No thanks are necessary, citizens! I’m just testing out my new Giant Water!” said Micah. Micah hears yet another crackling noise and a gasp, looking over and finding the roof of a house beginning to collapse while the woman standing outside of it watches in horror. Micah picks up the roof and places it back on securely with the woman saying, “Oh, thank you, kind giant! One more second and my house would have been a pile of rubble!”

“Not a problem, ma’am! Always happy to help!” responds Micah while holding out his hand. Micah suddenly walks back to his house while saying, “I got to show this to Wesley!” Upon arrival, Micah leans into the front door of his house and says, “Mom, I’m going to Wesley’s house.” said Micah.

“Ok.” responded Micah’s mother. Micah runs over to Wesley’s house and rings the doorbell upon arrival with Wesley’s mother asking, “Wesley, could you get that?” Wesley approaches and answers the door, observing his surroundings outside while asking, “Hello?”

“Wesley, up here.” responded Micah. Wesley looks up and sees Micah towering over him while subsequently asking, “Micah? How did you get that big?”

“It’s a new drink I invented. I call it…‘Giant Water’!” answered Micah.

“Interesting!” responded Wesley. Micah turns away and pulls out his bottle of Tiny Water, covering up the label with a “Giant Water” sticker while smirking.

“Would you like a drink?” asks Micah while handing Wesley the Tiny Water.

“Sure!” answers Wesley while taking the Tiny Water.

“Just one gulp and you’ll be as big as me.” responded Micah. Wesley drinks the water while Micah turns away and chuckles quietly to himself as Wesley shrinks, bursting into laughter afterwards. Confused, Wesley looks at himself and his surroundings while asking, “This isn’t right. What’s going on here?” Wesley looks over at the bottle with the wind blowing off the “Giant Water” sticker, revealing the “Tiny Water” label while Wesley angrily stares at Micah and says, “You tricked me!”

“See you later, tinyo!” responds Micah while running back to his house. Wesley turns around and jumps up constantly, slamming his fists on the door while shouting, “Mom! Dad! Anyone! Help!” Wesley’s parents sit in the living room with his father reading a newspaper and his mother reading a book until being interrupted by Wesley’s banging.

“Do you hear something, Paul?” asked Wesley’s mother. Wesley’s father holds up one ear and answers, “Sure do. It sounds like something’s banging up against the door.” Wesley’s parents answer the door and observe Wesley with his mother asking, “Wesley? What happened to you?”

“There’s no time to explain! Just take me to my lab posthaste!” answers Wesley while his parents pick up and carry him off with their hands. Micah arrives home and says, “Whew! That was fun! I’d better go back over to Wesley’s and apologize before he kills me.” Micah pulls out his Tiny Water, takes one gulp, and shrinks to his normal size, summoning his Warp Machine afterwards. Micah then warps back over to Wesley’s house and appears where he last saw Wesley, who was nowhere to be seen.

“Wesley? Buddy? You here? Look, I’m sorry for shrinking you. It was just a joke. Here’s the real Giant Water. Take one gulp to return to your normal size and two gulps to become giant.” says Micah while walking around the property looking for Wesley and holding out the bottle of Giant Water. Micah suddenly hears and feels the ground shake and continues to look for Wesley with two giant feet stomping and stopping right behind him, turning around and looking up with big eyes to see Wesley giant and towering over him with a smirk.

“Now I’m big.” said Wesley.

“How did you...?” asked Micah.

“Let’s just say, I’ve invented my own formula.” answers Wesley while pulling out and presenting his own bottle of Giant Water.

“Did you hear what I said?” asked Micah.

“Every word.” answered Wesley.

“So, we good?” asks Micah while presenting his fist. Wesley suddenly stomps on Micah, flattening him like a pancake while subsequently answering, “Now we are.” Wesley runs off and enjoys his giant size while Micah summons his Warp Machine, walking towards it while saying, “That’s the last time I prank him.”


The End

Trekker's Fiasco

Chapter 1

Micah’s Day


Just two short months ago, Micah rescued his two friends (Sarah and Jessica) from an unknown fate, reconciled with his best friend (Wesley), freed his American History teacher (Mr. Gruell) from Trekker’s spell, and got Trekker behind bars. During a fine, peaceful October morning, an alarm clock buzzes with 13 year-old 8th grader Micah and his two brothers (older brother, 15 year-old sophomore Matthew, and younger brother, 12 year-old 6th grader Christopher) waking up. They take turns with the shower and subsequently get dressed while their mother makes their breakfast.

“Boys! Breakfast!” hollered Micah’s mom. Micah and his brothers race to the table and quickly munch away. After breakfast, Micah and his brothers race back to the bathroom to brush their teeth and conclude their morning routine. Micah and his brothers subsequently grab their backpacks and walk off to school while their mother waves and says, “Bye boys. I’ll see you after school.” Micah and his brothers wave back to her as they set off without a care in the world. Upon arrival, Micah enters the elementary/high school’s gymnasium with the rest of the middle school students to await the buses for pick-up and transportation to the middle school building out in the country. Micah quickly finds his three friends seated on the bleachers and subsequently sits down with them.

“Good morning, Micah. You ready for that Math test today?” asked Wesley.

“I was born ready. How about you?” asked Micah.

“Same here.” answered Wesley. Wesley draws his attention to Sarah and asks, “Sarah, did you study for the Math test?”

“Sure did.” answered Sarah.

“How about you, Jessica?” asks Micah while drawing his attention to Jessica.

“Shoot! I forgot all about it, and I don’t even have my notes with me! I, without a doubt, am sure to fail!” answers Jessica in concern.

“Don’t jump to conclusions, now. You can borrow my notes.” responds Micah while pulling out his Math notes from his backpack. Micah hands his Math notes to Jessica while Jessica sighs in relief, “Thank you, Micah! You’re a lifesaver! I don’t know when I’ll get them back to you.”

“Take all the time you need.” responded Micah. Jessica immediately starts studying while the aids start dismissing students to their buses. Micah and his friends are quickly dismissed to their bus while Jessica continues to study nonstop, even while boarding and riding afterwards. Shortly after arriving at their school building, Micah and his friends grab their supplies from their lockers and head to their first period class, which is Mr. Flatter’s Science class for Micah, Sarah, and Jessica and Mrs. Meyer’s Study Skills class for Wesley.

“I don’t think I’ll learn in time for that test, Micah.” says Jessica in concern while sitting with Micah in the classroom.

“Well…whatever happens, you did your best. Look at it this way. We’re only two months into the school year. So, you have more than enough time to bring your grade up.” responded Micah.

“Yeah, but still…” replies Jessica in concern.

“You’ll do fine. I promise.” said Micah. Mr. Flatter walks into the classroom with the bell subsequently ringing to start first period.

“Good morning, my learnarific pupils! I was going to show a video about volcanoes today, but unfortunately, my TV’s shot. So, I’ll just let you all use this time as a Study Hall.” said Mr. Flatter. Jessica smiles with her mouth open while Micah looks over at her and smiles.

“He who lives high above the Earth is smiling down on you.” said Micah. The students start working and studying for other classes while Jessica continues studying off of Micah’s Math notes. A few minutes before the end of first period, Jessica returns Micah’s Math notes to him with Micah asking, “Done already?”

“Yep. I’m ready for the test!” answered Jessica.

“Now that’s music to my ears!” responds Micah with a smile on his face. Micah and Jessica continue studying for other classes with the rest of the students until the bell rings.

“Class dismissed! See you all tomorrow!” said Mr. Flatter. Micah and his friends head off to their second period class, which is Mr. Schondelmyer’s Physical Education class for Micah, Sarah, and Jessica and Mr. Flatter’s Science class for Wesley. In Physical Education class, Micah, Sarah, and Jessica spend all period jogging laps outside with the rest of their classmates. Micah, Sarah, Jessica, and the rest of their classmates change back into their former clothes a few minutes before the end of second period, subsequently taking a seat in the bleachers. The bell rings with Micah saying, “Time to take that Math test!”

“You said it!” responded Sarah.

“I know I’m going to do good on it! I can feel it!” replied Jessica. Micah and his friends head off to their third period class, which is Math with Mr. Hollinger.

“Hello, students. I hope you’re all prepared for today’s test.” says Mr. Hollinger while handing out papers. Micah and his friends give each other a thumbs-up with Mr. Hollinger saying, “You may begin. If you finish early enough, you will get your grades at the end of class.” Micah and his friends start the test quickly and finish it in a short period of time, subsequently turning their papers in to Mr. Hollinger.

“Finished already?” asked Mr. Hollinger.

“We sure are, Mr. Hollinger. We studied long and hard.” answered Micah.

“I bet, especially when you’ve all finished this fast. Like I said, you will get your results at the end of the period.” responded Mr. Hollinger.

“Not a problem.” replied Wesley.

“You guys go ahead and use the rest of the period as a Study Hall while the rest of the class finishes up.” said Mr. Hollinger.

“Will do!” responds Sarah while heading back to her desk with her friends. Micah and his friends study for other classes while the rest of their classmates continue taking their tests. A short while later, the bell rings to conclude third period while Mr. Hollinger hands back the papers to all the students who finished their tests. Just before walking out the door, Mr. Hollinger stops Micah and his friends and shows them their test grades, revealing to them they all aced with a 100% A+. Micah and his friends high-five each other with joy and continue on with their school day. Several hours later, Micah arrives home with his brothers and sits on the sofa with them to watch some TV. A couple more hours later, Micah’s mother and stepfather arrive home from work and head back to their bedroom to change clothes. Micah’s mother immediately starts to cook dinner while his stepfather sits down on his recliner to watch TV with Micah and his brothers.

“Dinner’s ready!” said Micah’s mother. Micah heads to the dinner table with his brothers and stepfather, chomping down every last bite of food he’s served. After dinner, Micah goes into his bedroom and grabs his backpack, taking it out into the living room and pulling out some paper, books, a calculator, and writing utensils from it. Micah does his homework and subsequently places everything, from papers to writing utensils, back inside his backpack, taking it back to his room and setting it down up against a wall. Micah then enters his laboratory and starts conducting scientific research, hoping to make the world a better place to live.

Chapter 2

There’s a Trekker on the Loose!


On a dark and gloomy night, Trekker Jr. angrily sits in his room, grieving for his father’s incarceration while angrily saying to himself, “Curse you Micah for putting dad behind bars! You’re going to pay for this!” Trekker Jr. suddenly receives an idea while asking to himself, “Wait a second! I’m a villain...just like dad! So, I could go down to the prison he’s locked up in...and bust him out! Why didn’t I think of this before?” Trekker Jr. puts on a black eye mask, black shirt with white stripes, and solid black pants and shoes. He then rushes downstairs to Trekker’s computer and says, “Computer, locate my dad.”

“Locating Master Trekker.” says Trekker’s computer while scanning the globe. The prison that Trekker’s incarcerated in shows up on surveillance with Trekker’s computer saying, “Master Trekker located.” Trekker Jr. looks at the destination and runs to the Warp Machine to enter it in. Trekker Jr. steps into the Warp Machine and appears around the left corner of the prison gate, pulling out a shovel. He takes a quick glance around the corner and spots two guards at the gate, subsequently digging and making his way into the prison. Trekker Jr. tiptoes around and searches for Trekker’s cell, quickly finding it with Trekker asleep in his bed. Trekker Jr. then digs his way into Trekker’s cell and gently shakes Trekker while whispering, “Dad! Wake up!”

“Huh? Son! It’s so good to see you!” whispers Trekker while waking up and hugging Trekker Jr.

“I’m here to bust you out!” whispered Trekker Jr.

“Really? How?” asked Trekker quietly. Trekker Jr. points out the holes he dug up and subsequently presents the shovel.

“That’s my boy!” said Trekker quietly.

“I’ve missed you so much, dad. I just couldn’t take it anymore!” whispers Trekker Jr. while hugging Trekker. Trekker hugs Trekker Jr. back while whispering, “I’ve missed you too, son. Now, let’s get out of here!” Trekker Jr. leads Trekker to the holes and quietly takes him out of the building. He then pulls out Trekker’s Warp Machine Remote and summons the device with Trekker subsequently punching in the destination to his mansion. Trekker and Trekker Jr. both enter the Warp Machine and appear back at their mansion with no guards in pursuit.

“Free at last! And it’s all thanks to you, my boy!” shouts Trekker while patting Trekker Jr. on the head. Trekker and Trekker Jr. walk up to Trekker’s computer with Trekker Jr. asking, “You do realize that the police are going to come looking for us, right?”

“Don’t worry. I’ve thought of everything.” answers Trekker while opening a program on his computer. Trekker presses a key on his keyboard, causing the entire mansion to become invisible.

“There! With this Cloaking Device, no one will find us! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker and Trekker Jr. rip off their clothes with Trekker subsequently pacing back and forth while saying, “Now to figure out how I’m going to get my revenge on Micah.” Trekker Jr. watches as Trekker continues to pace back and forth while thinking of a plan.

“I’ve got it, the ultimate plan to get rid of Micah and rule the world!” says Trekker while leaning into Trekker Jr.’s ear. Trekker whispers into Trekker Jr.’s ear with Trekker Jr. subsequently responding, “I like it!” Trekker walks over to some cabinets and grabs some tools, metal, casters, and a circuit board, setting them all down on a table while saying, “This could be a while, Jr. But I promise it’ll be worth the wait.” Trekker Jr. nods and heads up to his room while Trekker begins constructing his project. The next day (on a Saturday morning), a security guard enters the prison cell hallway, blowing his whistle and subsequently hollering, “Rise and shine, everybody!” All the inmates jump out of their beds and approach their cell bars with the guard noticing Trekker’s absence.

“Trekker! Nap time’s over! Now, wake up! We’ve got a lot of work to do!” said the guard. The guard waits a while for Trekker’s response to no avail.

“Trekker! Get up!” shouted the guard. The guard waits a while longer for any sign of activity in Trekker’s cell, but never sees any. So, he approaches it while angrily asking, “What do I got to do to…?” The guard falls down the hallway hole that Trekker Jr. dug up while exclaiming, “What the…?!” The guard climbs out of the hole while shouting, “Trekker escaped! Trekker escaped!” The guard enters the control room that have two security guards present and says, “Trekker’s gone!” The two guards activate the prison siren while a bunch of security guards race out in a frantic search for Trekker. Meanwhile, Micah (enjoying his day off of school) gets out of bed, walks to the living room, and turns on the TV. As Micah watches his show, it is suddenly cut off by a card reading “Breaking news!” and a voice saying, “We interrupt this program for an urgent report.” The TV then cuts to a news studio with the anchorman and co-anchor sitting at a desk.

“Local villain, Trekker, has escaped from the Ohio State Penitentiary. Investigators have found a number of holes inside and outside the building, which lead them to believe that he has dug his way out. If you ever find Trekker, please contact your local police department immediately. We now return to your regular program.” said the anchorman. The TV cuts back to Micah’s show with Micah’s mother exclaiming, “Trekker escaped?”

“That’s what the news said.” answered Micah.

“Keep your eyes open. He could be anywhere.” responded Micah’s mother.

“Way ahead of you.” says Micah while continuing to watch TV. The Arcanum Police Chief, Marcus Ballinger, had also seen the news and subsequently rallies up a team of officers.

“All right, ladies and gentlemen. Listen up. We’ve got an escaped convict running loose, and it’s none other than Trekker. Search the whole village as much as possible. Trekker must be apprehended (unharmed) and returned to jail immediately.” said Marcus. Marcus and the team of officers rush outside to their police cruisers and begin their search for Trekker. At one point, Marcus and some police officers drive down Micah’s street with Marcus activating a PA system and saying, “Attention, Seminole Lane! We are searching for Trekker! Please do not be alarmed!” Micah, his brothers, mother, and stepfather watch as Marcus and his team of officers drive through their neighborhood. Later, Marcus and all police officers participating in the search return to the station.

“Has anyone found Trekker?” asked Marcus. All officers shake their heads with one officer answering, “He’s not in Arcanum.”

“Good job today, everyone. Stay alert.” said Marcus. Marcus and the other officers get to work on other jobs while another police department arrives on Trekker’s property. The police department observe the seemingly empty property with one officer saying, “That’s strange. Trekker’s mansion has always been here, and now it’s not.”

“He’s isn’t here. Let’s look somewhere else.” says the police chief while leading his team back to their cruisers. Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch as the police drive away with Trekker laughing, “What a bunch of lug nuts! Ha ha ha ha!”

“You said it! They’ll never find us!” responded Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. returns to his room while Trekker continues working on his project, menacingly focused on his diabolical plan.

Chapter 3

A Rough Start to Summer


For the past eight months, Micah and his friends got to hang out with one another more often and live life peacefully. The bell rings on a nice, hot sunny day during the beginning of June, dismissing Micah, his friends, and the rest of their classmates to summer break. Micah and his friends walk out of the school building as the rest of the students race to their buses.

“Wow! Summer vacation, at last!” said Jessica excitedly.

“I know, right? And just think, we’ll be starting high school in just two months!” responded Micah excitedly.

“I can’t believe middle school is finally over for us!” said Wesley excitedly.

“It went by so fast! I sure am going to miss it, though.” responded Sarah.

“Yeah, but I’m ready for this new chapter in our lives.” replied Wesley.

“Wesley’s right. There’s only one way to go…forward! Don’t get me wrong, middle school was fun while it lasted, but…sad as it is, these things have to come to an end at some point.” says Micah while boarding the bus with his friends. Micah and his friends talk to each other about their summer plans while the bus drives them back to the elementary/high school building in town. As Micah and his friends talk about their summer plans, Trekker is putting on the finishing touches to his project (a robot that loosely matches his appearance) at his mansion.

“Finally! My greatest creation is complete! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker approaches the stairs and hollers, “Hey, Jr.! Come down here! You don’t want to miss this!” Trekker Jr. slides downstairs on the rails with Trekker subsequently leading him to his project.

“Awesome! Is he going to help us get rid of Micah and take over the world?” asked Trekker Jr.

“You bet! Why else would I have built it?” answered Trekker.

“What’s his name?” asked Trekker Jr.

“I was just getting to that.” answers Trekker while thinking for a moment. Trekker quickly comes up with a name and says, “Because he’s a Trekker, and a robot, I shall call him...Trekkerbot!” Trekker paints the name on the robot and sets it down on the floor, subsequently booting it up.

“Greetings, primitive species! How may I serve you?” asked the robot.

“Greetings to you, too! My name is Trekker. I’m the one who built you.” answered Trekker.

“Greetings, Master Trekker! How may I serve you?” asked the robot. Trekker glances over at Trekker Jr. and answers, “Before we get to that, I would also like to introduce you to my son, Trekker Jr.”

“Hi! Nice to meet you!” said Trekker Jr.

“Greetings, Trekker Jr. How may I serve you?” asked the robot.

“Listen carefully, now. Your name is Trekkerbot, and your job is to help my son and I get rid of our enemy, Micah. He’s always doing mean things to us, and we don’t appreciate it one bit!” says Trekker while presenting a photograph of Micah to Trekkerbot. Trekkerbot’s eyes suddenly glow red and fires lasers into the photo that leaves a hole where Micah’s face sat.

“Must destroy Micah for making Master unhappy!” said Trekkerbot.

“Excellent! Now, here’s what were going to do…” responds Trekker while circling up with Trekker Jr. and Trekkerbot. Trekker whispers his plan to Trekker Jr. and Trekkerbot, who both listen menacingly to every word he says. Later that night, Jessica exits her bathroom (dressed in her pajamas) and climbs into bed, quickly falling asleep. As Jessica and her family sleep soundly, the front door to their house quietly opens with three silhouettes sneaking in. The silhouettes head to Jessica’s room and pick her up with one of them writing on a piece of paper and subsequently displaying it on her dresser, carrying her to a Warp Machine afterwards. The next morning, Jessica’s mother brings clean laundry to Jessica’s room with Jessica’s mother saying “Jessica, here’s some clean clothes for you.” Jessica’s mother enters Jessica’s room with her basket full of laundry, but Jessica is nowhere to be seen.

“Jessica? Are you in here? You better not be pranking me.” says Jessica’s mother while looking around in Jessica’s room. Jessica’s mother suddenly comes across the paper on Jessica’s dresser that was left behind by one of the silhouettes. She reads the paper and sadly exclaims, “Nooooo!!!!!” Micah’s Warp Machine suddenly shows up at Jessica’s front door with Micah, Wesley, and Sarah (all dressed in swim gear) walking out of it with Micah saying, “Boy, today sure is a good day for a swim!”

“I agree! I can’t wait to get to the pool! responded Wesley. Micah rings the doorbell and subsequently waits with Wesley and Sarah for a response. Jessica’s mother (who is in tears) opens the door with Micah asking, “This is a bad time, isn’t it?”

“May we ask what’s going on? I’m sure we can help you out.” asked Wesley. Jessica’s mother hands Micah and his friends the paper she had found on Jessica’s dresser, which reads:


Attention Micah Brats,

We’ve got your friend, Jessica! If you ever want to see her again, come to my mansion at once!

Yours truly,

Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Trekkerbot


“Who’s Trekkerbot?” asked Sarah.

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out. Sorry, guys. The pool’s off today.” said Micah.

“Awww!!!” exclaimed Sarah in disappointment.

“I know, Sarah. I’m just as disappointed as you are, but we’ve got to rescue Jessica.” responded Micah. Micah turns his attention to Jessica’s mother and says, “Don’t worry, Becky. We’ll get Jessica back faster than replacing a broken bolt. You’ll see. In the meantime, try to keep a stiff upper lip.”

“Jessica is so lucky to have friends like you three. I will not give up hope.” responds Becky with a smile on her face. Becky closes the front door while Micah and his friends head for Micah’s Warp Machine. Micah types in the destination and joins his friends inside the Warp Machine, warping back to Micah’s house and changing into regular clothes. After getting dressed, Micah and his friends head back to Micah’s Warp Machine with Micah typing in the next destination. Micah steps inside his Warp Machine and joins his friends as they vanish from Micah’s laboratory and arrive at Trekker’s mansion. Micah and his friends step out of Trekker’s Warp Machine and immediately see Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Trekkerbot standing next to Jessica (who is cuffed on a concrete slab).

“Ah, the Micah brats. I’ve been expecting you.” said Trekker menacingly.

“How in the laboratory were you able to evade the police all this time?!” asked Micah angrily. Trekker leads Micah and his friends to his computer while answering, “See for yourself.” Trekker presses a key on his keyboard, pulling up live surveillance footage of his property.

“That’s odd. We’re inside the mansion, but we don’t see it anywhere.” said Wesley.

“Observe.” says Trekker while opening up a program on his computer. Trekker pushes another key on his keyboard, causing the mansion to appear on surveillance. Trekker then pushes the same key, which causes the mansion to disappear.

“I’ve got this Cloaking Device enabled that fools even the smartest brats like yourselves. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Trekker, you no-good son of a loose bolt! You’re not going to get away with this!” said Micah angrily.

“I already have gotten away with it…for eight months! And it’s all thanks to Jr. for busting me out!” responds Trekker menacingly while putting his arm around Trekker Jr.

“Well, that’s about to change! And this time, stay in jail!” says Micah angrily while walking over to Trekker’s phone with his friends. Just before Micah could grab the phone, Trekker grabs a remote and points it at Micah and his friends, pressing its red button. Micah and his friends disappear from the mansion and appear at a desert during broad daylight. Micah then hears his Micah Phone ringing and answers it with Trekker showing up on his screen.

“Nice try, you broken bolts! You’re not turning me in that easy!” said Trekker.

“Oh, yes we will! Split up, guys! Find the warp hole! It’s our only way out of here!” responded Micah.

“What warp hole? There is none!” replied Trekker.

“Don’t jump to conclusions, you rusty bolt! We’re getting out of here one way or another!” said Micah.

“Yeah! You can’t stop us!” said Wesley.

“All right, I’ve heard enough. Have fun. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker hangs up while Micah and his friends look around the seemingly empty desert. Micah and his friends then start walking forward and find a cactus with a riddle written on it, which reads, “To get to the exit that you will not find, stop the guardians, if you don’t mind.”

“What does that mean?” asked Sarah. Micah and his friends suddenly hear chattering sounds coming from behind them. They turn around and find a swarm of green-colored rats slowly and menacingly approaching them. Micah hears his Micah Phone ring again and answers it with Trekker showing up on the screen.

“Say hello to my cute little Trekrats!”  said Trekker.

“Goodbye, Trekrats!” responds Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah puts on his Power Micah Mask, but it has no effect. Confused, Micah looks around at himself while Trekker angrily says, “All superpowers and inventions are neutralized where you’re at. Thanks to my lousy computer and his tendency to glitch from time to time, they will work in some areas.” Micah removes his Power Micah Mask and places it back in his pocket while taunting, “You certainly got a lot of bugs to work out yourself, you rusty bolt!”

“Don’t push it, kid. Or you, Wesley, Sarah, and even Jessica will not live to see another day!” responded Trekker angrily.

“Whatever you say, Trekker.” replied Micah.

“This conversation is over!” says Trekker while hanging up. Micah and Wesley stare at the Trekrats, thinking of a way to stop them while Sarah screams, “Guys, I don’t like this place! There’s yucky rats everywhere...and no way out! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!” Wesley slaps Sarah across the face and subsequently responds, “Get a hold of yourself, Sarah. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” One Trekrat lunges at Micah, who successfully kicks it away before it could land on him. The Trekrat flies back and suddenly disappears with Micah subsequently saying, “These Trekrats must be the guardians to this area. Get rid of every last one!” Micah and Wesley run after the Trekrats and kick them up into the air, causing them to disappear. As Micah and Wesley fight off the Trekrats, another swarm slowly and menacingly approaches Sarah, who backs away while hyperventilating.

“Sarah, you got to fight back!” said Micah.

“But they’ll kill me!” responded Sarah worriedly.

“Not unless you do something about it!” replied Wesley.

“Oh…..” whines Sarah worriedly while putting on a pair of latex gloves. Sarah picks up one of the Trekrats by its tail and throws it outward, subsequently shaking her hand while screaming, “Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! That is so gross!” The Trekrat that Sarah threw disappears with Micah saying, “There you go! Just keep doing what you did, or do what Wesley and I are doing!” The other Trekrats closing in on Sarah lunge at her with Sarah kicking them away while screaming, “Get away from me, you stupid rats!” Every Trekrat that Sarah kicks goes flying backward and shortly disappears thereafter. A short while later, Micah and his friends clear the entire desert of the Trekrat infestation with the warp hole subsequently appearing right in front of them.

“And there’s our ticket out of here. Good work, guys!” said Micah. Micah and his friends jump into the warp hole and are taken to another desert during dusk.

“What in the laboratory!?” said Wesley.

“I was afraid of this. It’s nothing new.” responded Micah. Micah and his friends are approached by another swarm of Trekrats, which are then defeated by Micah and his friends fighting them off. After the desert becomes clear of Trekrats, another warp hole appears in front of Micah and his friends with Sarah saying, “Please take us back to Trekker’s mansion.” Micah and his friends jump into the desert’s warp hole and are sent to yet another desert during its nighttime.

“This might take a while.” said Wesley.

“You think?” asked Sarah angrily.

“Don’t start an argument, Sarah. It’s not going to solve anything. Besides, we already know how to get out of here.” said Micah.

“Sorry. I’m just so scared.” responded Sarah.

“It’s ok. Wesley and I are scared, too. But we all have to work together if we’re going to rescue Jessica. She’s counting on us. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’” replies Micah while a swarm of Trekrats approach him and his friends. Sarah spots the Trekrats and screams at the top of her lungs with Micah turning around and spotting them himself.

“Good talk! Now it’s time to battle!” says Micah while running after the Trekrats. The Trekrats lunge at Micah and Wesley, who successfully kick them away and cause them to disappear. Sarah worriedly backs away as a swarm of Trekrats approach her. At one point, one of the Trekrats lunges at Sarah, who freaks out and kicks it away while screaming, “Ewww! Nasty! Leave me alone!” The other Trekrats watch as the one Sarah kicked away flies backward and suddenly disappears. The Trekrats then turn their attention back to Sarah with a worried look on their faces and suddenly flee.

“That’s right! Run, you pests! Because the same thing’s going to happen to you!” taunted Sarah. The Trekrats unknowingly run toward Micah and Wesley, who kick them away and cause them to disappear. Micah and his friends later clear the desert of the Trekrats, causing the warp hole to appear in front of them once again. Micah and his friends enter the warp hole and are sent to another desert infested with Trekrats. Micah and his friends quickly get rid of all the Trekrats, but the warp hole does not appear afterwards.

“I don’t understand. All the Trekrats are gone, every single one! Why won’t the warp hole show up?” asked Micah. Four silhouettes peak out from behind a cactus just feet away from Micah and his friends, approaching them from behind while they continue to hide their identities.

Chapter 4

A Cut and Dry Encounter


“The Trekrats aren’t the guardians to this desert.” said one of the silhouettes. Micah and his friends turn around and spot the silhouettes standing behind them, who subsequently reveal themselves to be The Evil Clones.

“You again?!” asked Micah angrily.

“That’s right! It’s payback time!” answered Evil Clone Micah angrily. Evil Clone Micah looks at Wesley and Sarah and says, “Check it out, Evil Clone Wesley and Evil Clone Sarah! You get to fight your nice halves, too!”

“We’ll get them for sure, Evil Clone Micah! I can feel it!” said Evil Clone Wesley.

“Yeah! We won’t lose this time!” responded Evil Clone Sarah.

“We will not make the same mistakes as last time!” said Evil Clone Jessica.

“You better not! Or Master Trekker will not be very happy with us.” responded Evil Clone Micah.

“So, you’ve all come back for Round Two, huh? You’re on!” said Micah. Micah and Wesley begin fighting their counterparts while Sarah backs away from hers.

“What’s the matter, little girl? Scared you’re going to get beat up? Well, too bad! Because you’re stuck here with us! So, why don’t you just suck it up and show me what you’ve got?” asks Evil Clone Sarah menacingly while approaching Sarah. Sarah puts out her arms and fists while worriedly turning her head away with her eyes closed.

“You are so pathetic! Punch me…I dare you.” said Evil Clone Sarah menacingly. Sarah suddenly screams and runs away while Evil Clone Sarah chases after her. Micah and Wesley continue fighting their counterparts with Micah saying, “Sarah, remember what I told you!”

“But this is different!” shouts Sarah while continuing to run away from her counterpart.

“You can’t give up now! Not when we’re this far!” responded Wesley. Without paying attention, Sarah runs towards a cactus and quickly notices it, narrowly running out of the way. Evil Clone Sarah runs into the cactus and quickly pulls herself off, approaching Sarah while covered in spines.

“Oh, you think this is a game? We’ll see who’s laughing after I finish you off!” said Evil Clone Sarah angrily. Evil Clone Sarah lifts up her arm and immediately lets it down after feeling pain from the cactus’ spines.

“Ow!” shouted Evil Clone Sarah in pain. Evil Clone Sarah lifts up her arms once more and feels pain from the cactus spines, causing her to let them down.

“Evil Clone Micah! Evil Clone Wesley! A little help, please?” asked Evil Clone Sarah.

“We’re busy! Don’t bother us now!” responds Evil Clone Micah while continuing to fight Micah.

“But I’m covered in spines! I can’t even lift my arms! It hurts to do so!” replied Evil Clone Sarah.

“Don’t be such a baby, Evil Clone Sarah! Just pull them off!” said Evil Clone Wesley. Evil Clone Sarah begins removing the spines slowly from herself, which cause her even more pain. After glancing at Evil Clone Sarah, Micah suddenly gets an idea and says, “Sarah, you’re a genius!”

“What makes you say that?” asked Sarah. Micah points at the cactus that Evil Clone Sarah ran into with Sarah responding, “Oh!” Evil Clone Micah throws a punch at Micah, who successfully dodges, and gets his arm grabbed by Micah afterwards. Micah then throws his counterpart into the cactus, subsequently getting covered in spines. Evil Clone Wesley attempts to kick Wesley, who backflips out of the way, and is subsequently tripped by Wesley. Grabbing and picking up his counterpart by the leg, Wesley swings his counterpart around and throws him into the cactus, covering him in spines afterwards.

“You’re not taking us down that easy!” says Evil Clone Jessica while running towards Micah and Wesley. Micah and Wesley run towards the cactus and stop right in front of it in an attempt to lure Evil Clone Jessica into it. Just inches from Evil Clone Jessica, Micah and Wesley cleverly sidestep out of the way, causing Evil Clone Jessica to run into the cactus and get covered in spines.

“Curse you, Nice-Me!” says Evil Clone Micah while walking away. The other evil clones walk away with Evil Clone Micah while Evil Clone Wesley says, “You’ll pay for this!”

“Once we get these stupid spikes off of us, you’ll be in a lot of trouble!” said Evil Clone Sarah.

“Worse! You’ll be dead!” said Evil Clone Jessica. The Evil Clones suddenly disappear with the warp hole appearing in their place.

“Good job, Wesley!” says Micah while fist bumping Wesley.

“Thanks, Micah!” responded Wesley. Micah fist bumps Sarah while saying, “And to you too, Sarah!”

“But I didn’t do anything.” responded Sarah.

“Planned or not, you tricked your evil counterpart into colliding with that cactus. If it weren’t for that, Wesley and I would never have thought of luring our evil counterparts into it ourselves.” replies Micah while gesturing to the cactus with his hand.

“See, Sarah? Everything works itself out in the end.” said Wesley.

“Well, if you say so.” responds Sarah while walking to the warp hole with Micah and Wesley. Micah and his friends enter the warp hole, traveling to their next destination.


Chapter 5

Foreign Affairs


Micah and his friends are sent to a town that’s populated by Asian-looking residents, finding a sign that reads, “You are now entering the Chapanese Area”.

“Oh, wow! A foreign place! Too bad it’s one of Trekker’s worlds.” said Wesley.

“Yeah, we need to keep a sharp eye out on Trekrats or any other suspicious activity.” responded Micah. A woman runs towards Micah and his friends while screaming, “AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Rats, everywhere!”

“My point exactly.” says Sarah while rolling her eyes.

“If we’ve done it once, we can do it again.” responded Micah. Micah and Wesley start fighting off the Trekrats while Sarah nervously works up the courage to join in. Later, Micah and his friends clear the town of their Trekrat infestation with the warp appearing in front of them.

“Hooray! The rats are gone! Let’s hear it for these brave little kids!” hollered a woman. The residents start cheering for Micah and his friends, who all wave with smiles on their faces.

“Thank you. You’re all too kind.” said Micah.

“We hate to be rude, but we got to get going. Our friend, Jessica, is in trouble.” says Wesley while pointing to the warp hole.

“Oh! That’s terrible! You best be on your way, then!” responded the woman. Micah and his friends look at the crowd and wave to them one last time as they continue cheering, subsequently jumping into the warp hole and getting sent to another part of the Chapanese Area. Micah and his friends quickly spot more Trekrats and immediately start battling them until they were all gone. The warp hole later appears with Micah and his friends jumping into it, being sent to a part of the Chapanese Area that has a big festival going on. The festival is suddenly interrupted by the Trekrats, scaring off the residents while Micah and his friends jump into battle. Micah and his friends get rid of all the Trekrats and make the warp hole appear once more. Before Micah and his friends could enter the warp hole, the residents return and cheer for them while a man excitedly asks, “Thank you, oh brave little kids, for saving our beloved city from those dreadful rats! The Chapanese Area can once again live in peace and harmony! Won’t you join us for our festival?” Wesley and Sarah look over at Micah, who answers with, “Let’s take a break and have some fun.” Micah and his friends join the residents in their festival, having fun like there was no tomorrow. Later, the festival comes to an end with Micah and his friends approaching the man who invited them.

“Thank you for inviting us, sir. My friends and I are on a mission to save our friend, Jessica. She’s been kidnapped by this evil troll scientist named Trekker. This festival of yours was just what the doctor ordered. However, I’m afraid it’s time for us to vamoose. ” said Micah.

“I understand. Trekker’s the one who released all those horrible rats into our city.” responded the man.

“Why am I not surprised?” asked Sarah sarcastically to herself.

“You’ve all done enough. So, you go save your friend and stop Trekker from wreaking havoc. But before you go, here are some souvenirs as tokens of our gratitude.” says the man while handing hero plaques to Micah and his friends. Micah and his friends wave goodbye to the man and the rest of the residents present as they enter the warp hole. The warp hole takes Micah and his friends to a dock, where they find Trekrats accompanied by The Trekker Gang.

“Who dares enter our turf?” taunted Adam.

“We didn’t mean to. The warp hole brought us here.” responded Sarah nervously.

“Don’t waste your time. Pleading is not going to help.” taunted Butch.

“May we wrap this up, please? We don’t want to fight.” asked Wesley angrily.

“You just said the magic word, Wesley. Let’s fight!” taunted Adam.

“Ok! You asked for it!” responded Micah angrily.

“Leave it to me, boss! This won’t take long!” says Chris while stepping in front of Adam. Chris throws a punch at Micah, who successfully dodges and subsequently grabs Chris’s fist with both hands. Micah spins Chris around and throws him right into Adam and Butch, sending them all flying backward and onto the ground.

“Smooth move, Chris!” said Butch angrily.

“Guys, this is no time for lollygagging! Now, get those brats!” says Adam angrily while throwing Butch and Chris off of him. The Trekker Gang runs towards Micah and Wesley, who cleverly jump out of the way with Sarah still in The Trekker Gang’s path. Sarah panics and jumps out of The Trekker Gang’s way, causing them to run off the dock and into the water.

“Move it, you lunatics! We’re not here to swim!” said Adam angrily.

“Sorry, boss.” responded Butch.

“We’re doing the best we can.” replied Chris.

“Just get to shore and stop those kids!” sighed Adam angrily. Micah suddenly gets attacked by the Trekrats and struggles to fight them off with Wesley springing into action. While attempting to free Micah, Wesley also gets attacked by the Trekrats while The Trekker Gang makes their way back up onto the dock.

“Yes, yes! This is looking good! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Adam.

“Good Trekrats! Keep doing what you’re doing!” said Butch.

“If we can’t stop Micah and his friends, the Trekrats will” said Chris. The Trekker Gang looks at Sarah with Adam saying, “Hey, Trekrats! You missed a spot!” The Trekrats look at Sarah and approach her slowly with Sarah backing away while hyperventilating. Sarah unknowingly backs into a boulder with the Trekrats surrounding her, causing her to faint. The Trekker Gang then picks up Micah and Wesley, who have been weakened by the Trekrats’ attacks. The Trekker Gang then punches Micah and Wesley, sending the two flying back and hitting the boulder. Micah and Wesley fall on top of Sarah and subsequently become unconscious with the Trekrats returning to The Trekker Gang.

“We did it! We won! Ha ha ha ha! Who’s a good Trekrat? You all are! Wait until Trekker hears about this!” laughs Chris while throwing out food to the Trekrats. The Trekrats munch away with Adam pulling out his Micah Phone and calling Trekker while responding, “Way ahead of you, Chris! Way ahead of you!” The Trekker Gang turns away from Micah and his friends while Trekker goes to answer his ringing computer. Trekker presses a key on his keyboard with The Trekker Gang showing up on his monitor screen.

“Yo, Trekker! We just beat Micah and his friends. They won’t be stopping you anytime soon.” says Adam while showing Micah and his friends.

“Excellent! Ha ha ha ha! Why don’t you guys come back to my mansion? I’ve got a very special award for you.” responded Trekker.

“Did you hear that, guys? We’re being rewarded!” says Adam while Micah and his friends gain consciousness. Micah and his friends approach The Trekker Gang from behind while they jump with joy with Trekker still on Adam’s phone screen. Butch looks back and spots Micah and his friends walking up to him and the rest of the gang, subsequently getting nervous and frantically tapping Adam’s shoulder while whispering, “Uhhhhh...Adam?” Adam angrily turns his attention to Butch while asking, “What?” Butch points at Micah and his friends with Adam’s eyes subsequently widening.

“Shoot!” whispered Adam worriedly.

“What’s going on over there?” asked Trekker. Trekker then spots Micah and his friends behind The Trekker Gang and angrily says, “Oh, I see! You didn’t really beat Micah and his friends! You just wanted me to think that you did!”

“That’s not true at all, Trekker. We really did beat them.” responded Adam nervously.

“We didn’t think they’d get back up.” said Butch nervously.

“What they said.” said Chris.

“Stop talking and get to work! Besides, I’m not falling for any more of your lies!” responded Trekker angrily.

“But we weren’t lying.” replied Adam nervously.

“Shut your trap and stop those rusty bolts! Or else…” said Trekker angrily.

“Or else what?” asked Adam nervously. Trekkerbot suddenly shows up next to Trekker with Trekker subsequently answering, “You’ll have to take it up with Trekkerbot here. Looks like he’s got the right punishment for the three of you.” As Trekker hangs up, The Trekker Gang widens their eyes and return to battle Micah and his friends with the Trekrats. With his friends following, Micah runs towards the dock with The Trekker Gang and Trekrats chasing them. Micah and his friends stop at the edge of the dock and wait for The Trekker Gang and Trekrats to catch up while Sarah worriedly asks, “Uh, guys? What are you doing?”

“Stand your ground. Don’t move.” answered Micah.

“Don’t move? Are you crazy? They’ll kill us!” responded Sarah worriedly.

“Trust us, Sarah. We know what we’re doing.” replied Wesley.

“Don’t move until I tell you.” said Micah.

“Ooooohhhhh!” exclaimed Sarah worriedly. Just inches from The Trekker Gang and Trekrats, Micah suddenly shouts, “Now!” Micah and Wesley jump straight up into the air while Sarah worriedly steps to the side, making The Trekker Gang and Trekrats run off the dock and into the water. Micah quickly spots a canoe and says, “Follow me, guys. I’ve got another plan.” Micah approaches the canoe with his friends following while The Trekker Gang and Trekrats swim to the dock. Micah and his friends pick up the canoe and carry it over to the edge of the dock just before The Trekker Gang and Trekrats could climb back up onto the dock.

“Over the river and through the woods, back to Trekker’s mansion you go!” taunted Micah. Micah and his friends drop the canoe onto the heads of The Trekker Gang and Trekrats, knocking them all unconscious and causing them to sink to the bottom of the pond. As The Trekker Gang and Trekrats sink, they disappear with the warp hole appearing in front of Micah and his friends on the dock. Micah and his friends enter the warp hole while The Trekker Gang appears at Trekker’s mansion. Trekker approaches The Trekker Gang and angrily says, “Let me guess. You failed to stop those rusty bolts.”

“Uhhh, I wouldn’t call it ‘failing’. We…struggled! Yeah, we struggled to catch them, but those brats are just so darn smart. And the next thing we know, we end up here for some reason.” responds Adam nervously with Butch and Chris nodding nervously. Trekker stares at The Trekker Gang in disbelief, subsequently snapping his finger and shouting, “Trekkerbot!” Trekkerbot approaches Trekker and asks, “How may I serve you, master?”

“Punish these lug nuts!” answered Trekker.

“Now initiating punishing sequence.” says Trekkerbot while his eyes glow red. Trekkerbot fires lasers out of his eyes at The Trekker Gang, who all scream and run away with Trekkerbot chasing them. Trekker watches as Trekkerbot chases The Trekker Gang while firing lasers, subsequently pulling out a tape recorder and recording himself say, “Note to self: Never send humans to do a troll’s job.” Trekker puts the tape recorder back into one of his pockets and returns to his computer while Trekkerbot corners The Trekker Gang. Trekkerbot’s eyes glow red with The Trekker Gang cowering in fear as they await their consequence.

Chapter 6

Water we waiting for?


Micah and his friends appear at a reservoir while being surrounded by Trekrats. Micah and Wesley begin kicking the Trekrats into the water while Sarah puts on a pair of latex gloves and tosses the Trekrats one-by-one. Micah and his friends later clear the reservoir of the Trekrat infestation and enter the warp hole after it appears in front of them. Micah and his friends get sent to another reservoir infested with Trekrats, immediately going into battle. The Trekrats lunge at Micah and Wesley and attack them, making Sarah conquer her fear and grab a handful of Trekrats.

“Leave my friends alone, you stupid rats!” shouts Sarah angrily while throwing the Trekrats into the water. Sarah then starts kicking other Trekrats going after Micah and Wesley, who then miraculously fight off the remaining Trekrats attacking them. Micah and his friends kick all the Trekrats into the water until there were none left. After all the Trekrats disappear, the warp hole appears in front of Micah and his friends while Sarah throws off her latex gloves and says, “I won’t be needing these anymore. Let’s get down and dirty!”

“That’s the spirit! You go, girl!” responded Micah.

“You see, Sarah? There comes a time in your life where you must face your fear in order to achieve something. This isn’t the first time you’ve done it, and it won’t be the last.” said Wesley.

“I know. You guys were right all along. Life’s too short to be living in fear. Now, let’s kick some more Trekrat butt! What do you say?” asks Sarah while putting her hand in the middle.

“You read my mind.” answers Micah while putting his hand on top of Sarah’s.

“All for one, and one for all!” says Wesley while putting hand on top of Micah’s. Micah and his friends lift their hands up while saying, “It’s butt-kicking time!” Micah and his friends enter the warp hole and get taken to another reservoir inhabited by Trekrats.

“You want a piece of this? Come and get it!” taunts Sarah while gesturing to herself. The Trekrats lunge at Micah and his friends, who kick them away and into the water. Micah and his friends clear the reservoir of the Trekrats, making the warp hole appear in front of them. Micah and his friends then enter the warp hole and get sent to a restaurant at night, where a silhouette walks out and approaches them. The silhouette reveals itself to be a chubby lady wearing a visor with short gray hair and big round glasses.

“Catherine Padro? The owner of ‘Picnic’s Pizza & Grille’? What’s she doing here?” asked Micah to himself.

“You and I have some unfinished business to attend to.” answers Catherine angrily while revealing the restaurant to be an alternate version of “Picnic’s”.

“What are you talking about?” asked Micah.

“Don’t play dumb with me! I’m talking about the day you helped my employees!” said Catherine angrily.

“What was I supposed to do? Let them suffer?” asked Micah.

“You should be thanking him, Catherine. If it hadn’t been for his quick thinking, you and Picnic’s would have been in a lot more trouble.” said Wesley.

“Exactly. Micah saved you, Picnic’s, and all your employees from a dire consequence.” said Sarah.

“You brats stay out of this! This is only between me and Micah!” responded Catherine angrily.

“Please, Catherine. With all due respect, you shouldn’t talk to my friends that way.” replied Micah.

“Speaking of which, why didn’t you two stop him?” asked Catherine angrily.

“Don’t take this out on us. We have no involvement whatsoever.” responded Wesley.

“You can’t punish us for that.” said Sarah.

“Oh, yes I can…and I will!” says Catherine while grabbing and picking up Wesley and Sarah by their shirts. Micah places his hand on Catherine’s chest and says, “Put my friends down, Catherine. We can work this out.”

“Don’t touch me!” responds Catherine angrily while kicking Micah away. Micah gets up onto his feet and asks, “Catherine, you’re making a big mistake! What do you think you’re accomplishing here?”

“My revenge!” answers Catherine angrily while throwing Wesley and Sarah at a dumpster. Micah runs towards his friends and helps them up onto their feet with Micah saying, “Stop it, Catherine! We don’t want to fight!”

“Too bad! You’re going to pay for your wrongdoing one way or another!” responds Catherine angrily while running to Micah and his friends.

“Spread out!” says Micah while running away from Catherine with Wesley and Sarah going in different directions. Catherine trips over a pothole and flies into the dumpster, subsequently jumping out while covered in foul-smelling garbage. Micah and his friends approach Catherine with Sarah saying, “Yuck! I hate to be rude Catherine, but you smell awful.”

“It’s all your fault! All of you! If you hadn’t run away, this never would have happened to me!” responded Catherine angrily.

“I’m warning you, Catherine. The more you try and attack us, the harder we’re going to get on you.” replied Micah. Catherine runs after Micah, who steps to the side with Wesley and Sarah grabbing and restraining her.

“All right, all right! I’ll stop!” says Catherine angrily while struggling to break free from Wesley and Sarah’s grip.

“You promise?” asked Micah.

“Yes, yes! Just this once!” answered Catherine angrily. Wesley and Sarah release Catherine with Micah asking, “What do you mean ‘just this once’? Haven’t you learned anything from this experience?” Catherine starts to disappear while answering, “Just stay away from my restaurant, you brats! If any of you ever come back, I will throw you all into the fryer and serve you to the customers!” The warp hole shows up in Catherine’s place with Micah and his friends subsequently entering it and traveling to their next destination.

Chapter 7

Life’s not all Fun and Games


Micah and his friends show up to an alternate version of their school’s football field and track infested by Trekrats. One Trekrat trips and gets the upper half of its body stuck in a hole on the field while another one runs to its aid. As the assisting Trekrat struggles to help the stuck Trekrat, Micah runs towards the stuck Trekrat and kicks it like a football, sending it flying through the uprights of one of the goal posts. The Trekrat disappears while Sarah holds up her arms and shouts, “It’s good!” Micah and his friends start throwing and kicking all the other Trekrats like footballs until they disappear with the warp hole showing up. Micah and his friends subsequently enter the warp hole and show up at an alternate version of another school’s football field and track infested with Trekrats. The Trekrats lunge and pile up on Micah and his friends, who throw them all off and kick them away until they disappear. Micah and his friends later free the area of Trekrats, making the warp hole show up. They enter the warp hole and arrive at an alternate version of a football field and track belonging to a different school district with Trekrats everywhere they looked. The Trekrats lunge at Micah and his friends with one of them biting Micah in the arm, another whacking Wesley in the face with its tail, and many of them trampling Sarah. Micah and his friends sit on the ground and wait for their pain to wear off while the Trekrats prepare for another attack. Some of the Trekrats lunge at Micah and Wesley, who miraculously get up and kick them away while Sarah gets trampled on by the others. Micah continues fighting off the Trekrats while Wesley saves Sarah from the ones trampling her. Sarah joins the fight and helps Micah and Wesley defeat the remaining Trekrats in the area, making the warp hole appear afterwards. Micah and his friends enter the warp hole and appear at a factory, where they run into The Paporizer accompanied by Trekrats.

“Ah, Micah! How nice of you to drop by on such short notice!” said The Paporizer.

“You know this guy?” asked Wesley.

“Unfortunately. I dealt with them that time you and Sarah got kidnapped by The Trekker Gang.” answered Micah.

“That’s right! You were very rude to me!” said The Paporizer.

“Excuse me, but you tried to kill me!” responded Micah.

“Oh, you’re just making that up!” replied The Paporizer.

“Sir, I don’t want to be rude, but would you please just leave us alone and let us get on with our mission? We don’t want any trouble.” asked Wesley.

“Well you got trouble, Wesley. And, your mission ends here! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed The Paporizer.

“How do you know my name?” asked Wesley.

“Trekker warned me of you and Sarah.” answered The Paporizer.

“That’s enough lip out of you, Jack Poster. Step aside so we can carry on with our business.” said Micah angrily.

“Don’t call me ‘Jack Poster’, you smart aleck! Call me ‘The Paporizer’!” responded The Paporizer angrily.

“Oh, don’t like that name, huh?” taunted Sarah.

“Sarah, let’s not antagonize him.” responded Micah.

“Too late! The damage is already done!” says The Paporizer angrily while aiming his scanner at Micah and his friends. The Paporizer fires a laser at Micah and his friends, who jump out of the way and cause the laser to strike one of The Paporizer’s coworkers. The Paporizer’s coworker gets turned into paper with another coworker rushing to his aid with an antidote.

“I see how you got your name.” said Sarah.

“You got that right! Once we turn something into paper, we tear it up into tiny little pieces! This process is known as ‘paporizing’, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen to you brats!” responds The Paporizer while firing more rounds at Micah and his friends. Micah and his friends continue dodging The Paporizer’s lasers, causing them to strike the Trekrats.

“Would somebody please bring me the antidote?! These darn kids keep making me turn our precious Trekrats into paper!” asks The Paporizer angrily while firing lasers at Micah and his friends. Some of The Paporizer’s coworkers rush to his aid with the antidote and restore the Trekrats to their natural state. At one point, Wesley finds a mirror on the wall and calls out Micah’s name. Micah turns his attention to Wesley, who points at the mirror and says, “Oh! Good idea.” Micah and Wesley remove the mirror from the wall and hold it out in front of them while The Paporizer angrily says, “Hey! Put that back! It does not belong to you!” Sarah jumps in front of the mirror and taunts The Paporizer with faces, angering The Paporizer to the point of firing a laser at her. Sarah jumps out of the way with the laser striking and reflecting off the mirror, subsequently colliding with The Paporizer and turning him into paper. Micah and his friends approach The Paporizer and pick him up while The Paporizer angrily shouts, “Change me back, you good-for-nothing smart alecks! I’ll make you pay for this!”

“And how do you propose on doing that?” taunted Micah. The Paporizer slides his edge across Micah’s hand, giving him a paper cut.

“Ow! That hurt! Eh, what am I saying? Time heals all wounds.” says Micah while dropping The Paporizer and shaking his hand off.

“That’s right! And there’s plenty more where that came from!” responded The Paporizer.

“It’s going to take a lot more than a paper cut to stop us, Jack Poster.” taunted Wesley.

“How many times must I tell you brats not to call me that?!” asked The Paporizer angrily.

“Call you what? Oh, you mean ‘Jack Poster’?” taunted Sarah.

“Yes! Now, stop calling me that!” responded The Paporizer angrily.

“What are you going to do about it? In case you haven’t noticed, you’re a piece of paper!” taunted Sarah.

“I’ll be back, you good-for-nothing brats! And when I do return, you’ll be sorry!” says The Paporizer while transforming into the warp hole Micah and his friends enter the warp hole and arrive at their next location.

Chapter 8

Get your Head out of the Clouds!


After defeating The Paporizer, Micah and his friends arrive somewhere in the sky (standing on clouds) during broad daylight, surrounded by Trekrats with Micah’s Micah Phone ringing.

“I wonder who that could be?” asks Micah sarcastically while pulling out his Micah Phone. Micah answers the call with Trekker showing up on his screen.

“What do you want, Trekker?” asked Micah angrily.

“You see those Trekrats?” asked Trekker.

“Yeah. What about them?” asked Micah angrily.

“Take a better look.” answered Trekker. Micah and his friends look at the Trekrats, who sprout wings with Trekker saying, “Feast your eyes on my army of Trakrats! Ha ha ha ha!”

“Very funny, Trekker. This conversation is over.” says Micah angrily while preparing to hang up.

“Now wait just a bolt-crushing second, kid! I’ve got other minions you will encounter during your quest.” responds Trekker while walking over to a tank full of water. Trekker shows Micah and his friends a shark while saying, “This is a Sharker. They travel in large shivers.” Trekker then walks over to a giant cage, revealing a golden bird while saying, “This is a Goldy Bird. They’ll attack the moment they spot trespassers on their turf.” Trekker subsequently walks over to a container that holds a green-colored martian while saying, “This is a Trekian. Let’s just say, ‘they’re not from this planet’.” Next, Trekker walks over to another cage that contains a blue-colored Trekkerdactyl.

“This is a Treaniedactyl, the cousin of the Trekkerdactyl you’ve encountered before. These guys are more unfriendly than their relatives.” said Trekker. Lastly, Trekker walks over to another containing that holds a green-colored ghost while saying, “This is a Troulker. Good luck trying to defeat these guys! Ha ha ha ha!”

“Ok, ok. We’ve seen them all. May we please get on with our quest?” asked Micah angrily.

“Yeah, sure. Go and try your luck on my army. Toodle-oo!” answers Trekker annoyingly while hanging up. The Trakrats fly towards Micah and his friends, who kick and cause them to fall out of the sky. The Trakrats disappear as they fall to Earth while Micah and his friends fight off more Trakrats. Micah and his friends eventually clear their proximity of Trakrats and make the warp hole appear, subsequently entering it and showing up to another area in the sky during dusk. More Trakrats show up and fly towards Micah and his friends, preparing to attack. Micah punches one of them, knocking it unconscious and causing it to plummet towards Earth while Wesley and Sarah punch and defeat some of the other Trakrats. More Trakrats approach Micah and his friends, who punch them all and cause them to fall from the sky. The warp hole later appears with Micah and his friends leaping into it, getting sent to yet another area in the sky during nighttime. Micah and his friends look around for Trakrats, but do not find any. As they continue their search, Trakrats sneak up and ambush Micah and his friends from behind. Micah fights off the Trakrats attacking him and the ones attacking Wesley and Sarah afterwards. Once freed from the Trakrats, Wesley and Sarah defeat the remaining ones with Micah’s help and clear the sky of the infestation. The warp hole appears and Micah and his friends jump into it, getting sent to a battle arena with a giant Trekrat accompanied by Trekrats and Trakrats.

“Whoa…” says Sarah while staring at the giant Trekrat.

“You got that right! The name’s King Trekker Ratter-Batter. King TrekRat for short. I am the king of all Trekrats and Trakrats!” said the giant Trekrat.

“You don’t scare us.” said Micah.

“Well, that’s about to change! So, brace yourself!” responded King TrekRat.

“What makes you think that?” asked Wesley.

“Just look at me! I’m a monster! Kids your size don’t stand a chance against me! Don’t you get it?” asked King TrekRat.

“Size doesn’t matter. We’re taking you down one way or another.” said Micah.

“Have it your way!” responds King TrekRat while charging towards Micah and his friends. Micah and his friends run past King TrekRat from underneath while King TrekRat quickly turns around and continues his chase.

“I got an idea.” says Micah while pulling out his Grab Shot. Micah runs underneath King TrekRat with his friends following him and shoots his Grab Shot at King TrekRat’s tail. Wesley and Sarah grab onto Micah as the Grab Shot pulls them atop King TrekRat.

“Get off me, you stupid kids! This isn’t a rodeo!” shouts King TrekRat while bucking like a bull. Micah and his friends hang onto King TrekRat with all their might while Sarah taunts, “Bad King TrekRat! You better behave yourself or you’ll be in big trouble! And by big, I mean bigger than you!” Micah and his friends punch and kick King TrekRat to no avail with King TrekRat saying, “Fools! Your attacks have no effect on me.” Micah and his friends jump off King TrekRat with Micah pulling out his Klaw Micah Mask after landing on the ground.

“This better work.” says Micah while putting on his Klaw Micah Mask. King TrekRat suddenly shakes the ground with a hard stomp, causing Micah to drop his Klaw Micah Mask. King TrekRat then stomps on Micah’s Klaw Micah Mask, crushing it into little pieces while subsequently saying, “Don’t even think about it! I know all about your superpowers!” Micah pulls out his Power Micah Mask while Wesley pulls out a pair of gloves with Sarah pulling out a pair of shoes. Micah transforms himself into Power Micah while Wesley puts on the gloves and transforms into Biking Power Wesley. Sarah puts on the shoes and transforms herself into Girl Power Sarah with King TrekRat subsequently saying, “Shoot! I forgot about the others!”

“Attack!!!” shouts Micah while pointing at King TrekRat. Micah shoots a laser at King TrekRat’s face while Wesley runs over King TrekRat’s feet with his dirt bike. Sarah punches King TrekRat’s sides, causing him to fall to the ground. Micah and his friends remove their transformation gear and revert back to normal with Micah subsequently taunting, “I told you size didn’t matter.”

“Brains beats brawns everytime, King TrekRat. Like it or not, it’s a hard truth to live by. So, deal with it!” taunted Wesley.

“Curse you darn kids!!! You’re going to regret this day!” shouts King TrekRat angrily while transforming into the warp hole. Micah and his friends run into the warp hole just before the Trekrats and Trakrats could attack. After Micah and his friends enter the warp hole, it disappears before the Trekrats and Trakrats could enter it themselves. Micah and his friends make it to their next destination after barely escaping King TrekRat’s army of Trekrats and Trakrats left behind from the battle.

Chapter 9

Scuba Thriving


Micah and his friends appear underwater in scuba gear, confronting the Sharkers instead of Trekrats or Trakrats and subsequently swimming to the surface.

“I prefer the Trekrats and Trakrats over the Sharkers.” said Sarah worriedly.

“They’re no different. It’s just another species we need to get out of our way.” responded Micah.

“Exactly. The Trekrats and Trakrats were easy to deal with. How hard could this be?” asked Wesley. Micah pulls out his Water Micah Mask while saying, “Let’s see what this does.” Micah then removes his scuba gear and puts on his Water Micah Mask, transforming himself into Water Micah.

“Awesome! Let’s see those stupid Sharkers stop us now!” said Micah. Wesley pulls out a pair of blue gloves while Sarah pulls out a pair of blue shoes. Wesley and Sarah remove their scuba gear and put on their superpowered gear with Wesley turning into Wesunami and Sarah turning into Aqua Sarah. The Sharkers swim up to the surface and approach Micah and his friends from behind with their dorsal fins poking out of the water. Sarah turns around and sees the Sharkers’ dorsal fins coming to them and screams. Micah turns around and notices the dorsal fins coming to them while shouting, “Whoa!” Micah throws his Ice Boomerang at the Sharkers and encases them in ice.

“Well, that takes care of them.” says Micah while submerging. Wesley and Sarah follow Micah underwater while the frozen Sharkers disappear. Micah and his friends encounter more Sharkers as they swim underwater, defeating them the moment they get close enough. Micah and his friends clear their proximity of Sharkers with the warp hole appearing afterwards, which they swim into and get taken to another underwater area inhabited by Sharkers. The Sharkers approach and attack Micah and his friends with Micah blasting away the Sharker attacking him with a powerful jet stream he blows out of his mouth. The Sharker disappears as it gets blown away by Micah, who then blows away the Sharkers attacking Wesley and Sarah with a powerful blow from his propeller shoes. The Sharkers that were attacking Wesley and Sarah disappear as they get blown away by Micah’s shoes with more Sharkers approaching Micah and his friends. Sarah swims in front of Micah and Wesley and whooshes her arms across, producing a powerful current that traps and sends away every Sharker in its path. All Sharkers trapped in Sarah’s current disappears, clearing the proximity of Micah and his friends of the infestation with the warp hole subsequently appearing. Micah and his friends swim into the warp hole and are sent to yet another underwater area infested with Sharkers. The Sharkers swim towards Micah and his friends as fast as they can, getting blown away by Micah’s Water Blow Attack, Wesley’s Tsunami Attack, and Sarah’s Gulf Stream Attack. Micah and his friends clear the area of Sharkers, making the warp hole appear that they swim into. Micah and his friends are once again sent to another underwater area with Sharkers surrounding a giant one.

“Well, well! Dinner is finally here!” says the giant shark while licking his lips.

“I think you got the wrong species, pal.” responded Micah.

“No I don’t! Trekker has placed you three on today’s menu!” replied the giant shark.

“If anybody’s going on the menu, it’s you!” said Wesley.

“Don’t go turning the tables on me, shrimp! I am the great and powerful King Sharker! I rule all Sharkers of the sea!” responded the giant shark.

“Enjoy it while you can because we’re about to dethrone you!” taunted Sarah.

“Go for it!” responded King Sharker.

“You’re on!” replied Micah.

“Come, my fellow Sharkers! Let’s catch our dinner before it gets away!” said King Sharker. The Sharkers swim towards Micah and his friends and get blown away by Micah’s propeller shoes, angering King Sharker to the point of swimming up to Micah and swallowing him whole.

“Cough him up right now, you rusty bolt!” shouts Wesley while punching King Sharker’s sides. King Sharker turns his head and swallows Wesley whole while subsequently saying, “Mmmmm! Scrumptious!”

“Micah! Wesley!” shouted Sarah worriedly.

“Room for one more?” asks King Sharker menacingly while turning his attention to Sarah.

“Give me back my friends, you big jerk!” shouted Sarah angrily.

“Why don’t you join them instead?” asks King Sharker menacingly while opening his mouth as wide as he could.

“In your dreams, chump!” responds Sarah angrily while swimming up to King Sharker. King Sharker snaps his jaw shut just inches from Sarah while subsequently saying, “If I were you, I wouldn’t come any closer.” Sarah angrily swims closer to King Sharker, who chomps at her and gives chase. While swimming away from King Sharker, Sarah swims up to the surface and jumps out of the water with King Sharker following. While falling back into the water, Sarah kicks King Sharker in the stomach until finally coughing up Micah and Wesley.

“Good work, Sarah!” said Micah.

“What he said!” said Wesley.

“Thanks, guys! I had to do something, or you guys would have been digested.” responded Sarah.

“All right, time to kick some King Sharker butt! Who’s with me?” asked Micah.

“I am!” answered Wesley.

“Don’t start without me!” answered Sarah.

“All right then. Let’s get to work!” responded Micah. Micah grabs Wesley and Sarah and swims up to King Sharker at lightning speed with his propeller shoes, headbutting King Sharker and sending him flying out of the water.

“Curse you, shrimps!” shouts King Sharker angrily while disappearing. The warp hole appears in front of Micah and his friends, who all swim into it and travel to their next location.

Chapter 10

Hooray! We made it! Well, not exactly...


Micah and his friends arrive at a bogus version of Trekker’s mansion without Jessica, Trekker, Trekker Jr., or even Trekkerbot in sight. Micah and his friends revert to normal with Wesley asking, “What is this place? Is it Trekker’s mansion?”

“It must be.” answered Micah.

“But where’s Jessica?” asked Sarah.

“Yeah. And where’s Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Trekkerbot?” asked Wesley.

“Beats me. Search the place. They could be anywhere.” answers Micah while Trekrats approach Micah and his friends from behind. The Trekrats hiss at Micah and his friends, who turn around and immediately go into battle. Micah and his friends defeat all the Trekrats in the area, making the warp hole appear. Micah and his friends enter the warp hole and are sent to another area of the bogus mansion infested with Trekrats. Micah and his friends fight and defeat all the Trekrats in sight and subsequently enter the warp hole after it appears, warping to another area of the bogus mansion. A large group of Trekrats surround and quickly attack Micah and his friends. Miraculously, Micah and his friends fight off the Trekrats piled up on them and kick them away. Micah and his friends later clear the bogus mansion of the Trekrat infestation, allowing the warp hole to appear. Micah and his friends enter the warp hole and get sent back to Trekker’s real mansion with Jessica, Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Trekkerbot in plain sight.

“I was afraid of this.” says Trekker annoyingly while slapping his forehead.

“And you should be! If you know what’s good for you, you’d give us Jessica back, now!” responded Micah angrily.

“No! This isn’t over yet!” replies Trekker while pulling out a remote from his pocket. Trekker points the remote at Sarah and presses its red button, making Sarah disappear with Micah and Wesley shouting, “Sarah!”

“Looks like you broken bolts really have your hands full. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“You’ve really done it this time, Trekker! When I get my hands on you, I’m going to…” says Micah angrily while running towards Trekker. Trekker points the remote at Micah and Wesley and presses its red button while shouting, “Beat it, kid!” Micah and Wesley vanish from the mansion while Trekker annoyingly asks to himself, “What am I going to do with him?”

Chapter 11

Down-to-Earth Heroes


Micah and Wesley appear somewhere on Planet Earth during broad daylight, surrounded by Goldy Birds. The Goldy Birds attack Micah and Wesley, who miraculously fight them off and punch them unconscious. The Goldy Birds disappear as they lay unconscious on the ground while Micah and Wesley fight off more of them. Micah and Wesley clear the area of the Goldy Birds, which makes the warp hole appear. Micah and Wesley enter the warp hole and get sent to another place on Planet Earth inhabited by Goldy Birds. Micah and Wesley fight off all the Goldy Birds in their path and later make the warp hole appear, subsequently entering it and ending up at another place on Planet Earth. Hundreds of Goldy Birds surround and attack Micah and Wesley, who fight them off and defeat them right away. The warp hole eventually appears with Micah and Wesley subsequently entering it, being taken to another area on Planet Earth run by The Paporizer and an army of Goldy Birds.

“Ah, Micah and Wesley! I’ve been expecting you!” said The Paporizer.

“We’re not here to visit, Jack. We’re on a mission.” responded Micah angrily.

“I thought I told you not to call me that!” shouted The Paporizer angrily.

“Well, that is your real name. So, get used to it!” taunted Wesley. Angered, The Paporizer runs up to Micah and Wesley and attacks them with punches and kicks. He then whacks Micah and Wesley with his scanner to the point where they couldn’t fight back. The Paporizer suddenly aims his scanner at Micah and Wesley while saying, “Time for the grand finale!” The Paporizer fires a laser at Micah and Wesley, who miraculously roll out the way and make a narrow escape. Micah and Wesley miraculously get back up on their feet and run towards The Paporizer, dodging all the lasers he fires at them. Micah kicks The Paporizer’s scanner out of his hand while Wesley subsequently crushes it into pieces by stomping on it continuously.

“My scanner!” shouted the Paporizer.

“Who’s laughing now?” taunted Wesley. The Paporizer furiously charges after Micah and Wesley, who jump and backflip over him. The Paporizer quickly stops with Micah grabbing and throwing him down to the ground, subsequently jumping on top of him with Wesley’s help until he had enough.

“You brats are going to regret this day!” shouts the Paporizer angrily while transforming into the warp hole.

“And you’re going to regret messing with us!” taunted Micah. The Paporizer angrily screams as he is transformed into the warp hole, which Micah and Wesley subsequently enter and travel to their next location.

Chapter 12

Out of this World


Micah and Wesley appear somewhere on Planet Saturn in space suits, surrounded by Trekians. Micah pulls out his Power Micah Mask and puts it on, transforming into Power Micah while his space suit rips off. Micah then pulls out a container of Breathing Pills (one of his inventions) and eats one, allowing him to breathe in outer space.

“Want one?” asks Micah while handing Wesley his container of Breathing Pills.

“Yes, please! It’s going to be hard getting rid of those Trekians in this suit.” answers Wesley while taking a Breathing Pill. Wesley eats the Breathing Pill and subsequently pulls out his Westense Gloves, putting it on and transforming into Westense with his space suit ripping off. The Trekians approach Micah and Wesley, who dodge their oncoming attacks. Micah whips some of the Trekians with his Fire Whip, engulfing them in flames while Wesley hits some of the other Trekians with his Westense Racket. The Trekians disappear as they burn from Micah’s and Wesley’s attacks. Micah and Wesley later clear their proximity of Trekians, which summons the warp hole that they subsequently enter. Micah and Wesley arrive at another area on Planet Saturn that’s inhabited by Trekians. The Trekians rush up to Micah and Wesley, who defeat them all before they could attack. The warp hole appears after Micah and Wesley defeat every last Trekian in sight, which they enter and warp to another area on Planet Saturn. More Trekians surround and attack Micah and Wesley, who struggle to fight them off for a short while. After the Trekians tire themselves out, Micah and Wesley fight off and defeat every one they could find. The warp hole later appears (after Micah and Wesley get rid of all the Trekians in the area) with Micah and Wesley subsequently entering it, arriving at another area on Planet Saturn run by The Evil Clones (in their fire superhero forms, just like their counterparts) and an army of Trekians.

“We have returned!” said Evil Clone Micah.

“I can see that.” responded Micah annoyingly.

“And this time, we’ll make sure you don’t go any further!” said Evil Clone Wesley.

“We’re not going to make the same mistake from last time!” said Evil Clone Sarah.

“Yeah! We’ve gotten a lot smarter and stronger since our last battle!” said Evil Clone Jessica.

“Yeah, right. If you guys want to waste your time trying to stop us, be my guest.” responded Wesley.

“You got yourself a deal!” replies Evil Clone Wesley while preparing to attack with the rest of the clones. The clones charge after Micah and Wesley with the clones gaining the upper hand, attacking Micah and Wesley while tieing them up. After tieing up Micah and Wesley, the clones then throw Micah and Wesley into outer space, watching as they float away with Evil Clone Wesley saying, “That was easy.”

“I know, right?” asked Evil Clone Micah.

“Wait until Trekker hears about this!” said Evil Clone Sarah.

“He’ll be so proud of us!” said Evil Clone Jessica.

“You guys are right. Let’s give Trekker the news right now!” responds Evil Clone Micah while flying away with the rest of the clones. While still floating away, Micah fires lasers at the rope from his eyes, freeing himself while subsequently firing lasers at Wesley’s rope. Micah frees Wesley while saying, “All right, let’s stop our evil clones!” Micah and Wesley suddenly find asteroids heading right towards them.

“Quick! Push some of those asteroids towards the clones!” says Micah while heading up to an asteroid. Wesley follows Micah while Micah pushes a giant asteroid toward the clones. Wesley approaches another asteroid and pushes it towards the clones. Micah and Wesley push their asteroids with all their might and speed, successfully directing their asteroids towards the clones.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Trekker’s face when he sees we got rid of Micah and Wesley.” said Evil Clone Jessica.

“Me neither. You guys did great.” responds Evil Clone Micah while the asteroids pushed by Micah and Wesley head right towards them from behind. The asteroids suddenly strike the clones and knock them unconscious, causing them to plummet towards Earth while disappearing. After the clones disappear, the warp hole appears right in front of Micah and Wesley with Micah saying, “And that’s our ticket out of here!” Micah and Wesley fly into the warp hole and make their way to their next destination.

Chapter 13

A Not-So-Interesting Discovery


Micah and Wesley arrive at a planet civilized by females, finding a sign that reads:


Welcome to Planet of the Feminine


“I bet this is where Sarah is.” said Wesley.

“Let’s hope so. Search everywhere.” responds Micah. Micah and Wesley begin looking for Sarah, encountering every girl in their path. A short while later, Micah and Wesley hear a girl say, “Hey Micah!” and another girl say, “Hey Wesley!” Micah and Wesley turn their attention to the voices and find two girls, one named Jordan (who has brown hair and wearing a light-blue shirt, dark-blue jeans, and olive shoes) and another named Heather (who has blonde hair and wearing a lime-colored shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes), waving at them.

“Oh, hi Jordan!” responded Micah.

“Hey Heather!” responded Wesley. Micah and Wesley approach Jordan and Heather with Micah asking, “We’re looking for Sarah. Have any of you seen her anywhere?”

“Yeah, somewhere. Every girl on Earth is here!” answered Jordan.

“Every girl?” asked Wesley.

“Every girl. Trekker put us all here! He’s the one who created this planet!” answered Heather.

“I figured.” responds Micah annoyingly while rolling his eyes.

“Do you two need some help?” asked Jordan.

“Boy, do we?” asked Micah.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” responded Heather.

“We haven’t seen Jessica, though, in case any of you were wondering.” said Jordan.

“You won’t find her here. Trekker’s got her at his mansion!” responded Micah.

“Oh, so you two really have your hands tied, do you?” asked Jordan.

“Without a doubt.” answered Wesley.

“We’re ready to help when you guys are.” said Heather.

“Excellent!” responded Micah.

“Check every girl in your path.” said Wesley. Micah and Wesley continue their search with Jordan and Heather helping. Micah, Wesley, Jordan, and Heather find Sarah a while later with Sarah saying, “Micah! Wesley! Boy, am I glad to see you!”

“Thank goodness you’re all right, Sarah. Micah and I were worried sick about you.” responded Wesley.

“How are we going to get off of this planet?” asked Heather. Micah and Wesley pull out their Warp Machine Remotes with Micah saying, “I hope this works.” Micah and Wesley press a button on their remotes, making their Warp Machines appear with Micah excitedly shouting, “Yes!”

“Your troubles are over, girls!” said Wesley.

“I’d better make the announcement.” says Micah while flying up into the air.

“Attention all girls!” hollered Micah. The rest of the girls draw their attention to Micah with Micah saying, “Wesley and I have summoned our Warp Machines, which will warp each and every one of you home safe and sound! Please line up in an orderly fashion!” The girls line up at Micah’s and Wesley’s Warp Machines with Jordan saying, “Heather and I are going to help the others.”

“Thanks, guys! You’re a lifesaver!” said Heather.

“Not a problem, you two! Be careful out there!” responded Micah. Jordan and Heather walk off and help the remaining girls line up at Micah’s and Wesley’s Warp Machines while Micah, Wesley, and Sarah observe all the girls warping home. Hours later, Planet of the Feminine becomes vacant with only Micah, Wesley, Sarah, Jordan, and Heather remaining.

“Good work, guys!” said Micah.

“Thank you for saving us, Micah!” says Jordan while hugging Micah. Micah hugs Jordan back with Heather saying, “You too, Wesley!” Heather hugs Wesley with Wesley hugging her back.

“You’re very welcome, you two. It’s all in our duties.” responded Micah.

“If we won’t save the world, who will?” asked Wesley.

“Well, Heather and I are out of here. Thanks again!” says Jordan while entering Micah’s Warp Machine. Heather enters Wesley’s Warp Machine and subsequently waves at Micah, Wesley, and Sarah with Jordan as they disappear.

“Sarah, go ahead and warp back to Trekker’s mansion. Wesley and I are going up into outer space to destroy this planet.” said Micah.

“Roger that!” says Sarah while entering Wesley’s Warp Machine. After Sarah disappears, Micah and Wesley send away their Warp Machines and fly up into outer space, attacking Planet of the Feminine with Micah firing lasers from his eyes and Wesley shooting flames from his wrists. A while later, Micah and Wesley destroy Planet of the Feminine after tiring themselves out with the warp hole appearing.

“Finally! We never have to see that dumb planet again!” said Micah.

“I couldn’t agree more!” responded Wesley. Micah and Wesley fly into the warp hole and arrive back at Trekker’s mansion, meeting up with Sarah while Trekker angrily shouts, “Arrrggghhh!!!”

“Zip it, you rusty bolt! You have no right to be angry!” responded Micah angrily. Trekker Jr. looks at the computer monitor and says, “Uhhh, Dad? You might want to take a look at this...” Trekker approaches the computer and watches a replay of Micah and Wesley destroying Planet of the Feminine while angrily asking, “You broken bolts destroyed Planet of the Feminine??!!!?!?”

“Sure did. Another one of your ‘greatest ideas’ have gone down the drain!” taunts Micah while fist bumping Wesley.

“How dare you!” responds Trekker angrily while pulling out his Teleport Remote. Trekker points the remote at Wesley and Sarah and presses its red button, causing Wesley and Sarah to disappear from the mansion.

“As punishment, you got to do this next mission all on your own!” said Trekker angrily.

“Eh, so what? If I’ve done it once, I can do it again!” responded Micah.

“Don’t get too confident, you broken bolt! This mission is so hard, you will not make it out alive!” replied Trekker.

“Uh-huh, sure.” said Micah in disbelief.

“All right, Mr. Smarty Pants! You asked for it!” responds Trekker angrily while pointing his remote at Micah. Trekker presses the remote’s red button, causing Micah to vanish from his mansion and appear at his next location.

Chapter 14

Mission Possible


Micah appears at a stadium infested with Treaniedactyls, which suddenly attack. For a while, Micah struggles to fight off the Treaniedactyls until one of them lets its guard down. Micah seizes the Treaniedactyl’s legs and swings it around, defeating every other Treaniedactyl in its path. After defeating every Treaniedactyl surrounding him, Micah throws the Treaniedactyl in his grip while all the other defeated Treaniedactyls disappear. The Treaniedactyl thrown by Micah disappears with the stadium becoming clear of the infestation. The warp hole appears in front of Micah, who enters it and gets taken to another stadium filled with Treaniedactyls. Micah defeats all the Treaniedactyls inhabiting the area and enters the warp hole after it appears, traveling to another stadium full of Treaniedactyls. After hours of fighting and defeating the Treaniedactyls, Micah makes the warp hole appear and enters it, which takes him to another stadium with Catherine Padro’s presence.

“You again?!” asked Catherine angrily.

“Look, I don’t want any trouble, ok? Let’s talk this out.” responded Micah.

“Stop telling me what to do! I’m the one who gives the orders around here!” replies Catherine angrily while running after Micah. Micah jumps and front flips over Catherine, who quickly turns around and chases after Micah. At one point, Micah stumbles upon a gopher hole and falls to the ground just feet away from Catherine. With Micah on the ground, Catherine attacks him to the point where he couldn’t stand up.

“Boy, that felt good! You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that!” said Catherine.

“Let it go, Catherine! You’re happy for the wrong reasons!” responded Micah.

“I said, stop telling me what to do! Just for that, I’m going to use this on you!” replies Catherine angrily while pulling out a gun filled with pizza sauce.

“How is pizza sauce going to stop me?” asked Micah.

“It’s not just any pizza sauce. Observe.” answers Catherine while aiming the gun at a patch of grass. Catherine fires some sauce at the grass, engulfing it in flames while subsequently saying, “This pizza sauce has been heated to a scorching 2,000 degrees fahrenheit!”

“2,000 degrees fahrenheit?! That’s as hot as lava!” responded Micah.

“Duh! That’s the whole point! Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to finish my explanation! When this sauce spills all over you, you will catch fire like that patch of grass.” replied Catherine angrily.

“You can get in big trouble for this, Catherine! If you don’t change your ways this instant, I’ll have no choice but to call the authorities on you!” said Micah. Catherine angrily fires sauce at Micah, who rolls out of its path before splattering him. The sauce strikes another patch of grass and burns it up as a result while Micah finally gets up onto his feet. Catherine fires more sauce at Micah, who dodges every shot until Catherine’s gun runs out. With Catherine’s gun empty, Micah kicks it out of her hand and subsequently pulls out his Grab Shot, firing it at her and restraining her while saying, “Before you say anything, just let me show you what would have happened if I hadn’t helped your employees.” Micah pulls out his Micah Phone and shows Catherine a video of the incident with Micah and his friends absent from the restaurant. In the video, some employees pass out from being overworked with the paramedics arriving and taking them to the hospital while some of the parents press charges against Catherine for negligence. The video then shows Catherine in court standing before a judge, who asks, “Has the jury reached a verdict?” One of the parents on jury duty answers with, “Yes, your honor. We find Catherine Padro guilty of negligence in the workplace.”

“All in favor?” asked the judge in the video. All the parents on jury duty raise their hands while answering, “Ay.”

“Catherine Padro, I hereby sentence you to six months in jail and the permanent closure of ‘Picnic’s Pizza & Grille’.” said the judge. The video then cuts to Catherine Padro sitting on a curbside of a filthy street, revealing that she’s homeless. The video ends with Catherine asking, “Is that what would have happened to me if you and your friends weren’t there that day?”

“Videos never lie.” answered Micah. Catherine starts to shed tears and responds, “I’m so sorry, Micah! You were right about everything! I should have listened!”

“It’s ok, Catherine. Everybody makes mistakes. It’s never too late to make things right.” replied Micah.

“I’ll never be able to make up for what I’ve done!” said Catherine.

“Hey, Alexander Pope once said, ‘To err is human; to forgive, divine.’” responded Micah.

“Will you let me out of this rope, please?” asked Catherine.

“Oh, right!” answers Micah while unraveling his Grab Shot. Catherine suddenly hugs Micah while saying, “You and your friends can come back to Picnic’s anytime!”

“Thanks, Catherine. Your food is delicious. I’m sure my friends and I will have quite an appetite once this is all over.” responded Micah.

“Well, you know where to find me.” replied Catherine. Catherine suddenly transforms into the warp hole while saying, “Now, go rescue your friends!”

“I will.” responds Micah while waving to Catherine. Catherine becomes the warp hole with Micah entering it, traveling to his next destination.

Chapter 15

The World that Time Forgot


Micah arrives at an abandoned race track infested with Troulkers, which head towards and punch Micah as they make their way over. Micah fights back to no avail due to the Troulkers’ intangibility, which causes Micah’s attacks to go through them. While Micah gets attacked by the Troulkers, a hand gives him a Bolt Shot (one of his inventions) while saying, “Here, Micah. Use this.” Micah looks up past the hand, which reveals itself to be Allen (one of Micah’s classmates).

“Allen? Is that you?” asked Micah.

“Yes it is.” answered Allen.

“What are you doing here? It’s dangerous!” asked Micah.

“I was at my house watching a football game when suddenly, Trekker pops out of nowhere and pushes this red button on this remote…just to cause trouble like he always does! So, here I am.” answered Allen.

“Thank you, by the way, for giving me my Bolt Shot. But, it’s not going to stop these Troulkers.” said Micah.

“Yes it will. I found these bolts laying around and tried them out myself. They’re called ‘Paranormal Bolts’, and they’re just what the doctor ordered!” responds Allen while showing Micah a handful of Paranormal Bolts.

“Really?” asked Micah.

“Yeah! Observe!” answers Allen while loading a Paranormal Bolt into the Bolt Shot. Allen fires the Paranormal Bolt at a Troulker, knocking it unconscious and causing it to disappear afterwards.

“Sweet! Thanks again, Allen!” says Micah while accepting his Bolt Shot and Paranormal Bolts from Allen.

“You’re welcome. I’m going to try and find a way out of here, now.” responded Allen.

“The only way out is to get rid of all these Troulkers.” replied Micah.

“Oh! Do you need some help?” asked Allen. Allen suddenly vanishes from the area and appears back at his house in front of his TV with the football game still going on. Meanwhile, Micah hears his Micah Phone ring and answers it with Trekker showing up on his screen.

“In case you’re wondering, Allen was never meant to help you out! Nor were you meant to run into him! I honestly had no idea he was at that area! You better not get help from anybody or you and your friends are dead!” said Trekker angrily. Trekker hangs up with Micah rolling his eyes and firing some of the Paranormal Bolts at the Troulkers. Micah eventually clears the area of Troulkers, allowing the warp hole to appear in front of him afterwards. Micah enters the warp hole and gets warped to another abandoned track inhabited by Troulkers. Micah aims his Bolt Shot at the Troulkers and fires the Paranormal Bolts at them until the area was free of the infestation. The warp hole later appears with Micah subsequently entering it, getting taken to another abandoned track infested with Troulkers. Micah whips out his Bolt Shot and fires the Paranomal Bolts at the Troulkers until the area was free of them. Micah enters the warp hole after it appears, arriving at another abandoned race track inhabited with Troulkers surrounding a giant one.

“Boo!” shouted the giant Troulker.

“Ghosts don’t scare me.” said Micah.

“You better get scared. Because nobody gets past I, the great King Troulker! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed the giant Troulker.

“Not if I have anything to do with it!” taunts Micah while aiming his Bolt Shot at King Troulker. Micah attempts to load his Bolt Shot with Paranormal Bolts, but had already run out prior to entering the area. Micah gets surprised at the sight of no Paranormal Bolts left with King Troulker laughing, “Ha ha ha ha! Fool! You are completely powerless without those dumb old Paranormal Bolts!”

“Uh-huh, I’m sure I am.” responds Micah annoyingly.

“Come, my fellow Troulkers! Let’s send this kid back from whence he came!” said King Troulker. The Troulkers position themselves next to King Troulker, who then floats after Micah with his army of Troulkers following. King Troulker and his army of Troulkers attack Micah to the point of almost being defeated. Miraculously, Micah searches the entire area for more Paranormal Bolts as King Troulker and his army of Troulkers chase after him. Micah eventually finds a bag underneath a patch of dried-up grass and opens it up, finding Paranormal Bolts inside and subsequently loading up his Bolt Shot. Micah fires the Paranormal Bolts at King Troulker until he was unable to fight back.

“You nitwits! Look at the size of this place! Couldn’t you have found a better hiding spot for those Paranormal Bolts?! Or better yet, just not brought any at all?!” asked King Troulker angrily.

“I’ve heard enough. Be gone, vile creature! And never return!” taunted Micah.

“Avenge me, Troulkers!” shouts King Troulker while transforming into the warp hole. The Troulkers approach Micah, who fires the rest of his Paranormal Bolts at them as he makes his way to the warp hole. As the Troulkers give chase, Micah enters the warp hole and makes his way to his next destination without a single Troulker on his tail.

Chapter 16

Trash Talk


Micah gets sent to a junkyard filled with Treaniedactyls and Troulkers, defeating the Treaniedactyls first and subsequently browsing the area for more Paranormal Bolts to load up his Bolt Shot. Micah finally finds some Paranormal Bolts after minutes of searching, loading up his Bolt Shot and defeating the Troulkers. Micah clears the junkyard of Treaniedactyls and Troulkers, allowing the warp hole to appear. Micah enters the warp hole and gets sent to another junkyard inhabited by Treaniedactyls and Troulkers. Micah defeats the Treaniedactyls and the Troulkers afterwards with the Paranormal Bolts he had found in the last junkyard he had been to. The warp hole appears (after the junkyard became free of Treaniedactyls and Troulkers) with Micah entering it, arriving at another junkyard infested with Treaniedactyls and Troulkers around every corner. Micah defeats some of the Treaniedactyls first and then goes after the Troulkers afterwards. He fires the Paranormal Bolts at the Troulkers until he runs out with some Treaniedactyls and Troulkers still remaining in the area. The Treaniedactyls and Troulkers attack Micah in seconds, weakening Micah for a short period of time. Micah (despite his beatings) searches the junkyard for more Paranormal Bolts and quickly finds some, getting up onto his feet and running towards them. Micah grabs the Paranormal Bolts and loads up his Bolt Shot, defeating some more Troulkers. Micah quickly runs out of Paranormal Bolts, leaving him to search the junkyard again for more. Micah finds some more Paranormal Bolts and approaches them while saying to himself, “Please be enough to get rid of these pests!” Micah loads up his Bolt Shot and successfully defeats all Troulkers remaining with some Paranormal Bolts left over. He then proceeds to defeat the rest of the Treaniedactyls remaining in the junkyard. After clearing the junkyard of the Treaniedactyl and Troulker invasion, the warp hole appears with Micah entering it. Micah appears at a race track, where he finds Wesley and Sarah tied up together inside a car.

“Don’t worry, guys! I’ll get you out of there!” hollers Micah while running up to the car. The car suddenly starts driving around on its own, right when Micah was just inches from rescuing his friends.

“What the screwdriver!?” exclaimed Micah to himself. The car turns around and drives towards Micah, who jumps on top of it and attempts to open up its hood. The car frantically swerves back and forth, causing Micah to lose his grip and fall off. After Micah falls onto the ground, the car turns around and heads towards him again. Micah jumps onto the top of the car again and successfully opens up its hood, spotting a green chip marked with a “T” logo sitting on top of the car’s engine.

“I bet that’s Trekker’s chip. It must be programming the car.” said Micah to himself. The car suddenly throws Micah off again by swerving back and forth, subsequently turning around and heading towards Micah. Micah once again jumps onto the top of the car and opens its hood as it swerves back and forth. Hanging on with all his might, Micah successfully removes the chip from the car’s engine, which switches it off and causes it to coast off the track. The car slams into a set of bleachers and explodes upon impact, causing Wesley and Sarah to fly out of it and land in front of Micah on the track. Micah runs towards his friends and unties them while the warp hole appears.

“Thanks, Micah! That was a close one!” said Wesley.

“Especially with the car driving on its own! Boy, was that scary!” said Sarah.

“No problem, guys. I am willing to look fear in the face if that’s what it takes to save lives.” responded Micah.

“Now that’s a hero!” replied Wesley.

“Come on, guys! There’s no time for chit-chat! Let’s rescue Jessica for crying out loud!” said Sarah.

“Right! To the warp hole!” responds Micah while running to the warp hole with his friends following. Micah and his friends enter the warp hole and get sent back to Trekker’s mansion. Trekker slaps his forehead and shakes his head while angrily saying, “Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better! Where did I go wrong?!”

“You might as well give up, Trekker. As long as you keep doing these dastardly deeds, you’re never going to get anywhere in life.” responded Micah angrily.

“Put a cork in it, you broken bolt! I still got one more assignment for the three of you!” replied Trekker angrily.

“Oh, no! We’ve had enough of your worlds, monsters, henchmen…whatever! Now, let Jessica go right now!” said Micah angrily.

“Accept the mission…or your friend is a goner!” responds Trekker angrily while grabbing a lever. Micah angrily sighs while asking, “What do we got to do this time?” Trekker looks over at Trekker Jr. and Trekkerbot, subsequently snapping his finger with Trekker Jr. and Trekkerbot approaching and standing right next to him.

“You three...against us three! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Micah huddles up with his friends and asks, “Who should we fight?”

“I got dibs on Trekker Jr. He looks to be the weakest.” answered Sarah.

“I’ll handle Trekkerbot.” answered Wesley.

“So, that leaves me with Trekker?” asked Micah.

“You bet. You’re always defeating him and rescuing us, not to mention the great leadership you provided throughout those worlds. Plus, you’re the one that Trekker’s after. What do you say?” asked Wesley.

“Settled. Let’s battle!” answered Micah. Micah and his friends approach Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Trekkerbot, ready for the final showdown.

Chapter 17

It all comes down to This!


Micah and his friends begin their battle against Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Trekkerbot with Trekker quickly punching Micah and knocking him unconscious. Trekker then goes after Wesley and Sarah with the help of Trekker Jr. and Trekkerbot, who are attempting to attack Wesley and Sarah. Wesley and Sarah dodge all the incoming attacks with Wesley taunting, “You guys are slow! You’re going to have to do better than that if you’re going to stop us!”

“If you insist!” responds Trekker angrily while attacking faster along with Trekker Jr. and Trekkerbot. As the fight continues, Micah gains consciousness and watches as his friends dodge the incoming attacks and tire themselves out. Micah looks around the mansion and spots a fully-loaded water gun lying on one of Trekker’s tables, sneaking over to grab it.

“Wesley!” whispered Micah. Wesley turns his attention to Micah, who tosses the water gun to him. Wesley catches the water gun and quickly examines it while subsequently saying, “Yes!” Trekkerbot suddenly attempts to attack Wesley, who side jumps out of Trekkerbot’s path and shoots water at him. Upon contact with the water, Trekkerbot malfunctions and explodes with Trekker yelling, “Trekkerbot!!! No!!!!!” With his face blood red, Trekker angrily turns his attention to Wesley, who nervously smiles and throws away the water gun.

“Wesley, you lugnut! It took me eight bolt-crushing months to build and program Trekkerbot! EIGHT MONTHS!!! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!” yells Trekker angrily at the top of his head while rapidly attacking Wesley non-stop. Wesley quickly becomes unconscious with Trekker angrily saying, “Well Jr., it’s just you and me again!”

“Look on the bright side. At least it’s a fair fight.” responds Trekker Jr. while gesturing his hand to Wesley.

“True.” replied Trekker.

“I’ll make sure Micah and Sarah never save Jessica!” said Trekker Jr.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better son. Back to battle!” responds Trekker while patting Trekker Jr. on the head. Trekker and Trekker Jr. resume attacking with Micah and Sarah dodging every incoming attack. Sarah gets tired after a while and is suddenly punched out-cold by Trekker Jr. while Trekker subsequently puts his arm around Trekker Jr. and says, “That’s my boy!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. slowly approach Micah, who backs away with Trekker saying, “Time to finish you off once and for all!”

“What he said! Once you’re out of the way, dad and I will finally rule the world! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. continue to attack Micah, who continues to dodge until he (along with Trekker and Trekker Jr.) tire themselves out. Trekker and Trekker Jr. suddenly regain their energy and punch Micah unconscious with Trekker laughing, “We won, son! Ha ha ha ha!”

“Finally! I thought this day would never come!” responded Trekker Jr.

“Now, let’s take care of Jessica!” said Trekker menacingly. Trekker and Trekker Jr. head upstairs and enter a room containing a ray gun, picking it up and carrying it downstairs afterwards. After getting back down onto the first floor, Trekker and Trekker Jr. carry the ray gun over and place it in front of Jessica, setting up its power afterwards. Micah and his friends miraculously gain consciousness while Trekker menacingly asks, “Any last words, Jessica?”

“Uhhh…” answers Jessica while looking around nervously. Jessica suddenly spots Micah and his friends, who silently shush her with Trekker responding, “Close enough.” Jessica smiles and nods to Micah and his friends, who turn themselves into one of their super-powered alter egos (Micah as Power Micah, Wesley as Biking Power Wesley, and Sarah as Girl Power Sarah).

“Give me the countdown, Jr.!” said Trekker.

“Five, four, three, two, one…” responds Trekker Jr. with Trekker slowly bringing his thumbs down on the trigger buttons. With Trekker’s thumbs just inches from the trigger buttons, Micah suddenly shouts, “Not so fast, Trekker!”

“What the!?” responds Trekker angrily while looking behind him. Trekker Jr. also looks behind him and sees Micah and his friends while subsequently saying, “You broken bolts were supposed to stay down!”

“Yeah! How is this even possible?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“I can clarify that. We’re the heroes, and you’re the villains. Heroes never give up, even if all hope seems lost! Now, why don’t you two be good trolls and release Jessica this instant?” asked Micah angrily.

“In your dreams! The battle is not over until you broken bolts stay down for good!” answers Trekker angrily while approaching Micah and his friends along with Trekker Jr.

“Oh, we’ll see about that!” taunts Micah while pulling out his Fire Whip. Micah whips Trekker and Trekker Jr. with his Fire Whip, wrapping them up, twirling them around, and flinging them against a wall. After falling onto the floor, Trekker and Trekker Jr. angrily run towards Micah and his friends, who run towards Trekker and Trekker Jr. Once Micah and his friends were just feet from Trekker and Trekker Jr., two frying pans suddenly come out of nowhere with Trekker and Trekker Jr. running their faces into them, knocking them unconscious. Micah and his friends draw their attention to the person holding the frying pans and notice Catherine Padro standing and looking at them with a smile on her face.

“You already gave me an extra hand. I thought I’d return the favor.” said Catherine.

“Thank you, Catherine! How did you know we were here?” asked Micah.

“Your brothers just so happened to come into ‘Picnic’s’ today and showed me the three of you on surveillance off of their phones.” answered Catherine.

“Why did you help us, Catherine? Aren’t you still mad at us?” asked Wesley.

“Not anymore. I’ve turned over a new leaf thanks to Micah.” answered Catherine.

“Does this mean we can come back to ‘Picnic’s’?” asked Sarah.

“Absolutely. You guys can come back anytime.” answered Catherine.

“All right!” responds Wesley and Sarah while giving each other high fives along with Micah. Catherine suddenly hands Micah the key to the cuffs on Jessica’s wrists and ankles while saying, “Here, you’re going to need this.”

“Awesome! Catherine, we can’t tell you how grateful we are for your act of kindness!” responds Micah while taking the key.

“No thanks are necessary, Micah Friends! My work here is done! See you all at ‘Picnic’s’!” replies Catherine while walking away and waving at Micah and his friends. Micah and his friends wave back at Catherine and suddenly run over to Jessica with Micah unlocking the cuffs on her wrists and ankles, freeing her from the concrete slab.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You guys are the greatest friends I’ve ever had!” shouts Jessica excitedly while hugging Micah and his friends.

“It’s all in the line of duty.” responded Micah.

“The power of teamwork!” replied Wesley.

“Monsters and bad guys don’t stand a chance against us!” said Sarah.

“Let’s get out of here already. I’m sick of this place.” said Jessica.

“I couldn’t agree more, Jessica. We can finally get on with our summer vacation.” responds Micah while walking over to Trekker’s Warp Machine with his friends following. Wesley looks back at Trekker and Trekker Jr. (who are still unconscious) and asks, “Uh, Micah? Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Oh! Right! I will get on that!” answers Micah while pulling out his Micah Phone and calling the police department. After talking with the cops, Micah and his friends enter their destination on Trekker’s Warp Machine and warp back to Jessica’s house to drop her off. Micah knocks on Jessica’s front door with Becky answering it.

“Jessica!!! You’re ok!!!” shouts Becky excitedly while hugging and kissing Jessica.

“Sorry to scare you like this, mom. Trekker kidnapped me and made it impossible to get a hold of you.” says Jessica while hugging Becky.

“It’s not your fault. There was a letter left on your dresser.” responded Becky. Jessica gestures her hand at Micah and his friends while saying, “If it hadn’t been for my friends here, risking their lives battling monsters and taking down bad guys, I would never have made it home.” Becky suddenly hugs Micah and his friends while saying, “I knew you guys would save her! Thank you for bringing my daughter home!”

“No problem, Becky. We humans got to look after each other.” responded Micah.

“Boy, it’s hot out here! Now can we go to the pool?” asked Sarah.

“You guys go ahead. I’ll meet you there.” answers Micah while pulling out his Warp Machine Remote. Micah summons his Warp Machine with Wesley and Sarah entering their destinations. After Wesley and Sarah disappear, Micah enters his destination on his Warp Machine and disappears while Jessica runs into her room and puts on her swimsuit. Micah appears in his laboratory and immediately exits from it, entering his bedroom and putting on his swim gear. Micah then heads out the door with his mother asking, “Micah? I thought you were at the pool with your friends.”

“I’m heading over there right now. I was supposed to go earlier, but Sarah, Wesley, and I all got this letter from Trekker saying that he had kidnapped Jessica. So, we had to cancel our trip to go save her. As you would have guessed, Trekker did not make things any easier on us. Sarah, Wesley, and I got trapped in all these crazy worlds with weird-looking monsters and some of Trekker’s meanest henchmen. We got assigned to all these different missions and had to fight our way out of each and every world, which most certainly was NOT easy. But in conclusion, Sarah, Wesley, and I DID rescue Jessica and have returned her home already.” answered Micah.

“You guys found Trekker?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Yep, and I already called the cops. They’re on their way to arrest Trekker as we speak. He was at his mansion the whole time, hiding from the police using a Cloaking Device. Trekker Jr. was the one who busted him out.” answered Micah.

“Wow. Was that what was going on with you all this time?” asked Micah’s mom.

“I’m afraid so.” answered Micah. Micah’s mother hugs and kisses Micah while saying, “I’m so proud of you, Micah! And I’m glad you made it home safe and sound! Run along to the pool, now. You’ve earned it.” Micah heads out the door while waving to his mother, who waves back to him as he makes his way over to the pool. After arriving at the pool, Micah jumps into the water and joins his friends as they enjoy their time together.

“We finally get to have our pool day!” said Sarah.

“It may have taken a while, but it was all worth it in the end.” responded Wesley.

“None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t had you guys around to look after me.” replied Jessica.

“Guys! Less talk, more playing!” says Micah jokingly while splashing water on his friends. Wesley, Sarah and Jessica jokingly splash water back at Micah, enjoying their time with one another. At closing time, Micah and his friends exit the water and grab their belongings with Micah asking, “You guys hungry?”

“I sure am!” answered Wesley.

“Where should we eat?” asked Sarah.

“I think we should go to ‘Picnic’s’.” responded Jessica.

“Jessica, I was thinking the same thing. ‘Picnic’s’, it is!” replied Micah. Micah and his friends head home and rince themselves off in the shower, dressing up in their regular clothes and heading over to ‘Picnic’s Pizza & Grille’ afterwards.

“Welcome to ‘Picnic’s Pizza & Grille’, Micah Friends! May I take your order?” asks Catherine with a smile on her face while pulling out a pen and ticket.

“One 15-inch supreme pizza, please.” answered Micah.

“One 15-inch supreme pizza, coming right up!” responds Catherine while writing down the order on the ticket. Catherine heads back into the kitchen and hangs up the ticket above the toppings with the employees immediately getting to work on it. After the employees take the pizza out of the oven, Catherine examines it and says, “Perfect! Keep up the good work, guys!” Catherine then takes the pizza out to Micah and his friends while saying, “Your pizza, Micah Friends!”

“Why thank you, Catherine.” responds Micah while pulling out his wallet. Catherine gestures with her hand while saying, “It’s on the house.”

“Really? You sure you want to do this?” asked Micah.

“Absolutely. You guys have been through a lot, so I’m going to cut you all a break.” answered Catherine. Micah shrugs his shoulders and puts his wallet back into his back pocket while saying, “Ok.”

“Enjoy your pizza, you crazy kids!” says Catherine jokingly while heading back into the kitchen. Micah and his friends each grab a slice of pizza with Micah raising up his slice while saying, “Guys, here’s to a great summer vacation.”

“To a great summer vacation!” responds Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica while clinking their slices together with Micah’s slice. Micah and his friends gorge themselves into their pizza while Trekker and Trekker Jr. gain consciousness back at the mansion.

“Oh, what happened?” asked Trekker Jr. in a daze. Trekker looks around in the mansion and angrily asks, “Where are those bratty Micah Friends?! They’d better get back here and finish what they’ve started!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. suddenly hear police sirens outside with Trekker Jr. exclaiming, “Uh-oh! It’s the fuzz!” The sirens suddenly stop blaring while Marcus (with a megaphone in hand) and his squad exits their cruisers and surround Trekker’s mansion. Marcus switches on the megaphone and says, “Trekker, this is the Arcanum Police Department! We have the place surrounded! Come out with your hands up!”

“Quick! Upstairs!” says Trekker while running up the stairs with Trekker Jr. following. Trekker and Trekker Jr. hide in a bedroom closet while Marcus says, “Trekker, you better cooperate or we’re going to have to drastic measures!” Marcus and his squad wait a few seconds for a response to no avail.

“Last warning, Trekker! Surrender peacefully or we’re coming in after you! You’re only making this harder on us and yourself!” said Marcus.

“They’ll never find us! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“What a bunch of lug nuts!” responded Trekker Jr.

“All right, Trekker! We’re coming in after you!” says Marcus while approaching the front door with some officers. Marcus and his officers break down the mansion’s double doors with a battering ram and subsequently raid the mansion. Some of the officers go upstairs and enter the room that Trekker and Trekker Jr. are hiding in. As the officers search the room, Trekker suddenly sneezes and nervously covers his mouth while the officers turn their attention to the sound. They approach the closet and quickly open it, apprehending Trekker and bringing him downstairs with Trekker Jr. following.

“You’re in big trouble, Trekker. It’s bad enough that you cause destruction all over the world, but breaking out of jail? Come on.” said Marcus.

“I’m the one who broke him out! I hate being here by myself! Please, take me with you!” responds Trekker Jr. while holding out his hands.

“Very well.” replies Marcus while cuffing Trekker Jr. Marcus and his squad escort Trekker and Trekker Jr. to one of the cruisers and haul them off with Trekker angrily saying, “Foiled again!”

“At least we’re together this time. I love you, dad.” said Trekker Jr.

“I love you too, son.” responds Trekker while shedding a tear.

“So, what’s prison like?” asked Trekker Jr. Trekker suddenly starts to talk about his life in the big house as the cruiser drives down the road, ready to put Trekker back behind bars with Trekker Jr. by his side.

Chapter 18

Back to School!!!


It has been two months since Micah, Wesley, and Sarah saved their friend, Jessica, from the evil clutches of Trekker. After a long period of fun and relaxation, they make their way into the Arcanum Elementary/High School building for their first day of high school. Micah and his friends put away their belongings in their lockers, grab their supplies, and head to their first period class (Mr. Workman’s English class) with the bell subsequently ringing to put first period in session.

“Good morning, students! And welcome to high school! You’re getting that much closer to graduation! Isn’t that amazing? I’d like to start off the day by having you all share what you did this summer. Who wants to go first?” asked Mr. Workman. Micah raises his hand with Mr. Workman saying, “Micah, why don’t you go first?”

“You know him?” asked Wesley.

“Yeah! Mr. Workman’s one of my neighbors!” answered Micah.

“Far out!” said Sarah.

“Small world.” said Jessica. Micah walks up to the front of the classroom and asks, “Before I begin, is it ok I have my friends come up here with me?”

“Sure!” answered Mr. Workman. Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica join Micah at the front of the classroom as he talks about how he, Wesley, and Sarah spent part of their summer stopping Trekker and rescuing Jessica. Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica then start talking about their experiences with the mission and all the challenges they’ve had to overcome to complete it.

“We’ve all heard about Trekker’s escape. But, we had no idea you guys found him! Students, let’s hear it for Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica!” says Mr. Workman while he and the rest of the class start clapping and cheering for Micah and his friends. Micah and his friends press on as other students in their class take turns sharing their summer. Later in the day, Micah and his friends make their way home after getting let out of school for the day.

“What a first day of high school!” said Jessica.

“Totally! I have a feeling this is going to be an awesome year!” responded Sarah.

“So many places to be! I don’t even know where to start!” replied Wesley.

“I’d say we’re off to greener pastures! This is the start of a whole new chapter in our lives!” said Micah. Micah and his friends suddenly hear destruction and panicking coming from uptown and see Trekker and Trekker Jr. inside a giant robot destroying Arcanum.

“Look who’s out of prison…again!” said Micah.

“We’ll stop them, just like we always do!” responded Wesley.

“Suit up!” says Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Power Micah with Wesley turning himself into Biking Power Wesley and Sarah turning herself into Girl Power Sarah. Jessica pulls out a sticker and puts it on her shirt, transforming herself into Rockstarica. Micah and his friends go uptown and fight Trekker and Trekker Jr., working tirelessly to keep the world a safe, healthy, and better place to live.


The End