Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Micah the Gigantic

Micah works quietly in his laboratory, filling up two bottles with water and sprinkling a spice into each one with one spice labeled “Giant Spice” and the other one “Tiny Spice”.

“At last! My Giant and Tiny Waters are complete!” says Micah excitedly while holding up his two water bottles. Micah exits his laboratory and walks outside his home while holding his two water bottles, taking one gulp of the Tiny Water and shrinking down to the size of an ant. Micah looks at himself and his surroundings while subsequently saying, “It worked! Let’s try Giant Water now!” Micah pulls out his Power Micah Mask and turns himself into Power Micah, flying up to the lid of the Giant Water and removing it while subsequently flying into the bottle, pulling out a straw, and placing it into the water. With just two gulps, Micah flies out of the bottle and removes his Power Micah Mask, growing 50 feet tall shortly after while subsequently observing himself and his surroundings and saying, “I’d say the Giant Water is a success, too!” Micah suddenly hears a crackling noise and looks to his left, seeing that a tree at one of his next-door neighbors’ house is about to fall over onto their house with the couple watching outside in horror. Micah stops the tree and places it down gently next to his neighbors with the man saying, “Thanks, Micah! You’re a lifesaver!”

“Not a problem. I was just in the midst of testing out my Giant Water, which is why I’m this big.” responded Micah.

“Interesting.” said the man’s wife.

“You invent some pretty amazing stuff, Micah!” said the man.

“Thank you. I just want to make everyone’s lives better.” responded Micah.

“You already are. Keep up the good work!” replies the man while walking inside his house with his wife.

“Will do!” says Micah while waving to his neighbors. Micah pulls out his bottle of Tiny Water and takes two gulps of it, shrinking back down to the size of an ant, pulling out his Power Micah Mask and putting it on. Micah flies around his frontyard while saying, “Now to see if there’s anything I could use this tiny size for.” Micah suddenly sees a baby ant running from a fly while its parents watch in terror, ducking and dodging as the fly periodically swoops down to no avail.

“Hold on there! I’ll save you!” says Micah while flying towards the fly. With the fly just inches away from the baby ant, Micah punches the fly and wraps it up in his Fire Whip, twirling and flinging it out of sight while subsequently picking up the exhausted baby ant and returning it to its parents. The baby ant’s parents chirp to Micah in gratitude with Micah responding, “You’re welcome. Be careful out there!” Micah flies off and observes his frontyard, suddenly seeing another fly stuck on a spider web with a spider coming out to eat it. Micah flies towards the spider and whips it with his Fire Whip, causing the spider to retreat back into its home while Micah fires lasers at the web surrounding the fly from his eyes. Micah frees the fly from the web while it buzzes in gratitude with Micah responding, “Not a problem. Pay close attention to your surroundings!” Micah flies off and observes his frontyard again while spotting another spider laying on its back, struggling to get up while a wasp flies down on it with its stinger hanging out.

“Not on my watch!” says Micah while flying towards the wasp. Micah pulls out his Fire Whip and wraps the wasp with it while subsequently twirling and flinging it out of sight, helping the spider get back on its legs afterwards. The spider pats Micah’s shoulders with its front legs as a means of thanking Micah for saving its life while Micah responds, “Don’t mention it. Keep your eyes peeled for fierce predators like that!” Micah flies back to his driveway and pulls out his bottle of Giant Water, taking one gulp and returning to his normal size while flying uptown to find destruction that would come in handy for his giant size.

“Hmmm. Nothing.” said Micah. Micah suddenly hears another crackling noise and looks over to find a telephone pole giving out, quickly removing his Power Micah Mask and pulling out his bottle of Giant Water, taking one gulp and growing back to giant size. The pole falls over on top of a crowd of people as they watch in horror with Micah stopping it when it was just inches away from them, setting it back up while everyone cheers.

“No thanks are necessary, citizens! I’m just testing out my new Giant Water!” said Micah. Micah hears yet another crackling noise and a gasp, looking over and finding the roof of a house beginning to collapse while the woman standing outside of it watches in horror. Micah picks up the roof and places it back on securely with the woman saying, “Oh, thank you, kind giant! One more second and my house would have been a pile of rubble!”

“Not a problem, ma’am! Always happy to help!” responds Micah while holding out his hand. Micah suddenly walks back to his house while saying, “I got to show this to Wesley!” Upon arrival, Micah leans into the front door of his house and says, “Mom, I’m going to Wesley’s house.” said Micah.

“Ok.” responded Micah’s mother. Micah runs over to Wesley’s house and rings the doorbell upon arrival with Wesley’s mother asking, “Wesley, could you get that?” Wesley approaches and answers the door, observing his surroundings outside while asking, “Hello?”

“Wesley, up here.” responded Micah. Wesley looks up and sees Micah towering over him while subsequently asking, “Micah? How did you get that big?”

“It’s a new drink I invented. I call it…‘Giant Water’!” answered Micah.

“Interesting!” responded Wesley. Micah turns away and pulls out his bottle of Tiny Water, covering up the label with a “Giant Water” sticker while smirking.

“Would you like a drink?” asks Micah while handing Wesley the Tiny Water.

“Sure!” answers Wesley while taking the Tiny Water.

“Just one gulp and you’ll be as big as me.” responded Micah. Wesley drinks the water while Micah turns away and chuckles quietly to himself as Wesley shrinks, bursting into laughter afterwards. Confused, Wesley looks at himself and his surroundings while asking, “This isn’t right. What’s going on here?” Wesley looks over at the bottle with the wind blowing off the “Giant Water” sticker, revealing the “Tiny Water” label while Wesley angrily stares at Micah and says, “You tricked me!”

“See you later, tinyo!” responds Micah while running back to his house. Wesley turns around and jumps up constantly, slamming his fists on the door while shouting, “Mom! Dad! Anyone! Help!” Wesley’s parents sit in the living room with his father reading a newspaper and his mother reading a book until being interrupted by Wesley’s banging.

“Do you hear something, Paul?” asked Wesley’s mother. Wesley’s father holds up one ear and answers, “Sure do. It sounds like something’s banging up against the door.” Wesley’s parents answer the door and observe Wesley with his mother asking, “Wesley? What happened to you?”

“There’s no time to explain! Just take me to my lab posthaste!” answers Wesley while his parents pick up and carry him off with their hands. Micah arrives home and says, “Whew! That was fun! I’d better go back over to Wesley’s and apologize before he kills me.” Micah pulls out his Tiny Water, takes one gulp, and shrinks to his normal size, summoning his Warp Machine afterwards. Micah then warps back over to Wesley’s house and appears where he last saw Wesley, who was nowhere to be seen.

“Wesley? Buddy? You here? Look, I’m sorry for shrinking you. It was just a joke. Here’s the real Giant Water. Take one gulp to return to your normal size and two gulps to become giant.” says Micah while walking around the property looking for Wesley and holding out the bottle of Giant Water. Micah suddenly hears and feels the ground shake and continues to look for Wesley with two giant feet stomping and stopping right behind him, turning around and looking up with big eyes to see Wesley giant and towering over him with a smirk.

“Now I’m big.” said Wesley.

“How did you...?” asked Micah.

“Let’s just say, I’ve invented my own formula.” answers Wesley while pulling out and presenting his own bottle of Giant Water.

“Did you hear what I said?” asked Micah.

“Every word.” answered Wesley.

“So, we good?” asks Micah while presenting his fist. Wesley suddenly stomps on Micah, flattening him like a pancake while subsequently answering, “Now we are.” Wesley runs off and enjoys his giant size while Micah summons his Warp Machine, walking towards it while saying, “That’s the last time I prank him.”


The End

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