Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Trekker Gang Strikes

It’s been one year since Micah defeated Trekker and rescued his friend, Sarah. However, Trekker’s plotting his revenge on Micah. He suddenly sees three teenagers with spiked hair on surveillance at his mansion. One had black hair with a navy shirt, blue jeans, and brown shoes. Another had green hair with a lime shirt, green jeans, and lime shoes. And the last teenager had lime hair with a teal shirt, sky-blue jeans, and teal shoes.

“Hmmmmm…..” thought Trekker. Trekker walks over to a table and grabs a remote sitting on top of it. He then walks back over to his computer and presses the red button on the remote, causing the teenagers to disappear from their current location and appear at Trekker’s mansion.

“Where are we?” asked the black-haired teen while observing the mansion with the rest of the teens. Trekker approaches the teenagers with the black-haired teen asking, “Oh, hey Trekker. What’s up?”

“I’ve got a favor to ask you three…” answered Trekker while beckoning to the teens. The teens circle around Trekker, who subsequently whispers his plan to them.

“Consider it done, Trekker.” replied the black-haired teen.

“Excellent! Now, get to it!” responded Trekker.

“We’re on it!” replied the black-haired teen while leading the other two teens to Trekker’s Warp Machine. They type in their destination and subsequently enter the Warp Machine, disappearing from Trekker’s mansion and appearing on Micah’s street. The teens spot Wesley and Sarah, two of Micah’s friends, not too far from where they were standing. They sneak up on Wesley and Sarah as they walk to Micah’s house. Meanwhile, Micah works quietly on his computer in his laboratory when he suddenly hears cries for help from Wesley and Sarah. He quickly exits his lab and rushes outside onto his driveway to find them, but were nowhere to be seen. Micah takes one step forward and subsequently hears a crumpling sound.

“Huh?” reacted Micah while looking down. He takes his foot off of a piece of paper that appears to have something written on it. He picks up the paper, which reveals to be a letter that reads:


Dear Micah,

We have kidnapped your friends. Come and try to save them if you dare!!!!!


Adam, Butch, and Chris

The Trekker Gang


Micah angrily throws the letter down onto the ground and re-enters his laboratory, approaching his computer while saying, “Computer, I need for you to locate The Trekker Gang.”

“Locating The Trekker Gang.” responds Micah’s computer while scanning the globe. The three teenagers suddenly show up on the computer’s screen, standing behind Wesley and Sarah (who are both tied up) while saying, “Trekker Gang located.”

“Please enter the destination on the Warp Machine.” responded Micah.

“Now entering the destination.” replied Micah’s computer while typing in the location on the Warp Machine.

“Thanks, computer.” said Micah while heading over to his Warp Machine.

“You’re welcome.” responded Micah’s computer. Micah enters his Warp Machine, which is still not fully functional, and gets taken to a trail leading to a dock. However, Wesley and Sarah (along with The Trekker Gang) are nowhere to be found. Micah runs to the dock and dives off of it into a body of water in an effort to find his friends. He swims for a short period of time until finding another dock in plain sight. He climbs up onto a ladder and walks onto another trail, looking for his friends until they suddenly show up before his eyes.

“Guys!” said Micah excitedly.

“Micah! Boy, are we glad to see you!” responded Wesley.

“Don’t worry. I’ll have you both out of here faster than replacing a broken bolt.” says Micah while attempting to untie Wesley. Micah suddenly gets punched in the face and flies back from the impact.

“Hey, what’s the big idea?” asks Micah angrily while looking up. He sees Trekker (revealed to be the being who punched him) with his right arm out and his hand curled into a fist, standing behind Wesley and Sarah with the three teenagers behind him.

“You are the big idea.” answered Trekker.

“Trekker! I should have known you were behind all this. No pun intended.” said Micah angrily.

“I’d like for you to meet somebody. Guys!” says Trekker while drawing his attention to the teenagers (who proceed to step forward in front of Trekker).

“I’m Adam, the leader of this group.” said the black-haired teen.

“I’m Butch.” said the green-haired teen.

“And I’m Chris.” said the lime-haired teen. The three teens subsequently bunch up and say, “And we are The Trekker Gang!”

“Nice to meet you, Now, let my friends go right now!” responded Micah angrily.

“Right away. But first, I need for you to turn around.” replied Trekker.

“Why?” asked Micah.

“Just turn around. It’s a surprise.” answered Trekker. Micah turns around and asks, “Ok. Now what?” Trekker picks up Micah by the shirt and kicks him into the air while saying, “This!” Trekker tosses a warp hole beneath Micah as he falls, causing Micah to fall into it and be taken to a different world infested with green dinosaurs and red pterodactyls. Micah then hears his Micah Phone ring and takes the call with Trekker showing up on his screen.

“Trekker!!!!!” shouted Micah angrily.

“Don’t blow a gasket, kid. You owe me for what you did last year.” responded Trekker.

“I don’t owe you anything! You’re the one who kidnapped Sarah!” replied Micah angrily.

“Whatever. I want my revenge, and I’m going to get it one way or another. To get your friends back, you got to find your way out of my newly-designed worlds. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker hangs up the call while Micah proceeds to explore the world. He comes across a sign that reads, “Normal World corp. limit”. Micah then approaches a green dinosaur and asks, “Excuse me, do you know how I can get out of here?” The dinosaur growls and prepares to attack Micah while he backs away.

“I was just asking. There’s no reason to get offensive.” said Micah. Micah’s Micah Phone rings again with the dinosaur giving Micah a confused look. Micah takes the call and sees Trekker show up on the screen again.

“I forgot to tell you. My Trekkersauruses and Trekkerdactyls are not very fond of tourists.” said Trekker.

“Yeah, I see that.” responded Micah angrily.

“I suppose you’re going to use your superpowers and inventions, huh?” asked Trekker.

“Oh yeah! I forgot!” says Micah while feeling around in his pockets. Micah gets a worried look on his face after feeling emptiness in all of his pockets.

“What’s the matter? Did you come empty-handed?” asked Trekker menacingly. Micah gives Trekker the silent treatment with Trekker subsequently responding, “Ha ha ha! Fool! My revenge is working out perfectly! Have fun in my world!” Trekker suddenly hangs up the call while Micah plans his escape. The Trekkersaurus suddenly chomps at Micah while Micah jumps out of the way.

“You want a piece of me, dino breath? Come and get it!” taunted Micah. The Trekkersaurus charges after Micah, who subsequently jumps straight up into the air and lands on the creature’s head with his feet. Micah knocks the Trekkersaurus unconscious and makes a run for it, finding a way to escape the world. Micah suddenly finds a warp hole and runs towards it while a Trekkerdactyl swoops down on him.

“Oh, so you want to give me a lift, huh? You forgot one thing, you rusty bolt: ‘What goes up…must come down!’” taunts Micah while grabbing the Trekkerdactyl’s talons and slamming it onto the ground. Micah jumps into the warp hole and ends up in another part of Normal World.

“Eh, this is nothing new. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing, Micah.” said Micah to himself. Micah proceeds to walk forward while looking around for another warp hole. He then hears a screech from a Trekkerdactyl and draws his attention to it. He finds the Trekkerdactyl flying around high in the sky with the warp hole in its talons. He then spots a flock of Trekkerdactyls not far from him and says, “There’s only one way to get that warp hole.” Micah whistles loudly at the Trekkerdactyl flock, who suddenly fly towards him and carry him off.

“Just need to get up to the right altitude and I should have that warp hole in no time.” said Micah to himself. The Trekkerdactyl flock carry Micah above the Trekkerdactyl with the warp hole and continue flying up.

“Thanks for the lift, but this is my stop.” says Micah while biting the carrier Trekkerdactyl’s leg. The Trekkerdactyl screeches in pain and drops Micah, who aims his fall towards the Trekkerdactyl with the warp hole.

“Now I just need to fall towards the one with the warp hole.” said Micah to himself. Micah lands on the Trekkerdactyl’s head with his feet, knocking it unconscious and causing it to fall right out of the sky.

“I’ll take that.” taunts Micah while snatching the warp hole from the Trekkerdactyl’s talons. As he continues to fall, Micah positions the warp hole underneath him and falls right into it, being taken to another part of Normal World. Micah explores the world, searching for the warp hole when he suddenly hears a Trekkersaurus roaring. He draws his attention to it and finds the Trekkersaurus standing next to the warp hole. The Trekkersaurus picks up the warp hole with its mouth and carries it off.

“Hey! That’s my ticket out of here!” shouts Micah while running towards the Trekkersaurus. Then, out of nowhere, a flock of Trekkerdactyls shows up in front of Micah.

“Let’s dance!” taunted Micah. The Trekkerdactyls fly towards Micah, who rolls underneath them in their attempt to carry them off.

“Ha! Missed me!” taunted Micah. The Trekkerdactyls quickly turn around and swoop in on Micah, who makes a run for it to the Trekkersaurus with the warp hole. Just inches from being snatched, Micah drops to the ground onto his belly.

“Come on, bird brain! Is that the best you can do?” taunted Micah. The Trekkerdactyls once again turn around and make another attempt to snatch Micah, who grabs one Trekkerdactyl by its legs and swings it around like a baseball bat, knocking out every Trekkerdactyl in its path. Micah then grabs the Trekkerdactyl by the neck while it tries to break free.

“Now listen here, bird brain! You’re going to take me to that Trekkersaurus with the warp hole, whether if you like it or not! If you don’t do as I say, I am going to cook you and feed you to my family! Got it?” said Micah angrily. The Trekkerdactyl worriedly nods with Micah subsequently responding, “Good! Now, be a good Trekkerdactyl and give me a place to sit!” Micah drops the Trekkerdactyl, which then lowers itself to allow Micah to climb onto its back. Micah grabs onto the Trekkerdactyl’s neck while saying, “Follow that Trekkersaurus!” The Trekkerdactyl flies off and heads towards the Trekkersaurus with the warp hole while Micah rides on its back. Inches from the Trekkersaurus, Micah pulls up on the Trekkerdactyl’s neck and swoops down on the Trekkersaurus’ tail. The Trekkerdactyl bites the Trekkersaurus’ tail, which then roars in pain and subsequently drops the warp hole while running around in circles in an attempt to shake the Trekkerdactyl off. Micah jumps off the Trekkerdactyl and grabs the warp hole while the Trekkersaurus, still trying to shake off the Trekkerdactyl, unknowingly heads for a building and runs into it. The Trekkersaurus gets its head stuck in the building and struggles to break free with the Trekkerdactyl still latched onto its tail. Micah walks over to the Trekkerdactyl, sets the warp hole down, and pries its beak open with his bare hands.

“My work here is done. You’re free to go.” says Micah while presenting the warp hole. The Trekkerdactyl suddenly cuddles its head up against Micah.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t come with me. First of all, you belong with your own kind. Second, there’s no room for you at my house.” says Micah while pushing the Trekkerdactyl away. The Trekkerdactyl flies away while sadly looking back at Micah. Micah waves at the Trekkerdactyl while saying, “You’ll see me again. I promise.” Micah jumps into the warp hole and ends up in yet another part of Normal World in front of a man holding a red scanner and wearing a red hat, red shirt, maroon jeans, and maroon shoes.

“You must be Micah.” said the man.

“…yes. And you are?” asked Micah.

“Jack Poster. But please, call me ‘The Paporizer’. Trekker told me all about you.” answered the man.

“I don’t like where this is going.” responded Micah.

“I do! And, I’ll start by telling you how I got my name. This scanner I have with me can turn anything I want into paper. Once something’s paper, I tear it up into tiny little pieces. This process is called ‘paporizing’.” replied The Paporizer while showing off his scanner.

“How very intriguing.” said Micah sarcastically.

“I know, right?” responded The Paporizer.

“That wasn’t a compliment!” replied Micah angrily.

“I know. Now, where was I? Oh, right! I’ve been assigned to paporize you!” said The Paporizer.

“If anyone’s going to get torn to shreds, it’s you!” responded Micah.

“We’ll see about that!” replies The Paporizer while aiming his scanner at Micah. The Paporizer suddenly fires a laser at Micah from his scanner. Micah rolls out of the way, causing the laser to come into contact with the ground and disappear.

“Blast!” exclaimed The Paporizer. The Paporizer fires more rounds at Micah, who dodges every laser in his path. The Paporizer then fires one more laser at Micah, who evades the laser by jumping up into the air. The laser comes into contact with a Trekkersaurus and turns it into paper.

“No! My precious little darling! Look what you made me do, you soggy little brat!” exclaimed The Paporizer.

“Me?! You’re the one firing those lasers at me, you rusty bolt!” responded Micah angrily. The Paporizer runs to the Trekkersaurus’ aid while saying, “Don’t worry. Daddy’s here. He’s going to make it all better.” Micah makes a quick getaway from The Paporizer and stumbles over the warp hole. Just as he’s about to enter the warp hole, Micah looks back at The Paporizer. The Paporizer pulls out a blue scanner and fires a blue laser at the Trekkersaurus, which reverts the Trekkersaurus back to normal.

“Oh, he’s got an antidote. Looks like he’s not such a bad guy after all.” said Micah to himself. Micah enters the warp hole and is taken to the outside of an active volcano. Upon his arrival, he sees a sign that reads, “Lava World welcomes you! Just don’t get roasted!”

“Well that’s delightful.” said Micah to himself sarcastically. Micah approaches the volcano and proceeds to climb up, looking for the warp hole. About mid-way through his trek, Trekkerdactyls swoop down and attempt to attack him.

“Shoo, you pesky rats with wings!” shouts Micah angrily while swatting his hands at them. The Trekkerdactyls fly away while Micah continues to climb. Micah suddenly spots the warp hole hovering in the sky above the volcano, turning his attention back to the Trekkerdactyls while sarcastically shouting, “On second thought, I surrender!” The Trekkerdactyls turn around and swoop down on Micah, carrying him off into the sky. The Trekkerdactyls take Micah above the volcano and prepare to drop him into a giant pool of magma sitting inside. Micah breaks free from the Trekkerdactyls’ talons and swings himself up on top of them while taunting, “You lug nuts! Did you really think I would surrender to the likes of you?” The Trekkerdactyls split up and attempt to attack Micah one-by-one. As the Trekkerdactyls fly past him, Micah jumps on each one until finally reaching the warp hole. He makes his way into the warp hole and ends up inside an active volcano. Micah immediately gets hot from the scorching temperature and drops to his knees while saying, “Boy, it sure is hot in here. I could use Power Micah right about now.” Micah’s Power Micah Mask is suddenly handed to him by a stranger in a fire resistant suit.

“Oh, thank…you.” says Micah surprised while taking the mask.

“You’re welcome.” responded the stranger. The stranger takes off their headgear, revealing themselves to be his friend, Jessica.

“Jessica? How did you know I was here?” asked Micah.

“I didn’t. I was walking around in town, minding my own business, and saw your mask all of a sudden, laying on the sidewalk. I didn’t want it falling into the wrong hands, so I picked it up and kept it with me until I got it returned to you. As I kept on walking, I suddenly saw Trekker Jr. coming my way. He was messing around with this remote and…pressed its button. And next thing I know, I wind up here and…here I am returning your mask to you like I promised.” answered Jessica.

“Well, I sure do appreciate you backing me up here. Thank you.” responded Micah.

“No problem.” replied Jessica.

“Trekker and these three guys called ‘The Trekker Gang’ have Wesley and Sarah. I’m trying to get to them before something really bad happens.” said Micah.

“Oh! I’ll let you get going then!” responded Jessica.

“Will you be all right here?” asked Micah.

“Oh yeah. You go stop Trekker and that Trekker Gang you just mentioned. I’ll try and find my way home.” answered Jessica while putting her headgear back on.

“All right, see you later.” says Micah while waving to Jessica as she walks away. Micah puts on his Power Micah Mask and suddenly gets his energy back. He then gets up off his knees and begins flying forward at a low altitude. Micah is suddenly whacked by a Trekkersaurus’ tail and falls to the ground.

“I’m not ‘grounded’! You are!” taunts Micah while pulling out and twirling his Fire Whip like a lasso. He lassos the Trekkersaurus, swings it over his head, and slams it into the ground with its bottom half sticking out. Micah continues to fly forward at a low altitude when suddenly, a flock of Trekkerdactyls head right towards him.

“Not today, guys!” taunts Micah while his eyes glow red. Micah fires a laser from both eyes, which make contact with the Trekkerdactyls. The Trekkdactyls fall to the ground while Micah continues his search for the warp hole. He suddenly finds it locked away in a flamed cage with a flamed padlock. Using his Fire Whip, Micah picks the lock and pulls the warp hole out, flying into it and ending up outside the volcano again in another area in his normal state.

“Huh? Where did my Power Micah Mask go? I just had it!” asked Micah while feeling his face and looking at himself. Micah hears his Micah Phone ring and answers it, seeing Trekker on his screen.

“I saw what happened, and I most certainly do not approve of it!” said Trekker angrily while showing Micah’s Power Micah Mask. Micah gives Trekker an angry look with Trekker subsequently viewing Jessica in the hands of The Trekker Gang while angrily asking, “Do you see your little friend here?!” Trekker then views himself pointing a remote at Jessica, pressing its button and causing Jessica to disappear. Jessica appears back in Arcanum and carries on with her day.

“If I catch you using any of your superpowers or gadgets again, you and all your friends are dead!” said Trekker. Trekker hangs up the call while Micah carries on with his search for the warp hole. He goes to one side of the volcano, only to find a group of Trekkersauruses waiting for him. Micah then runs to the other side of the volcano, but finds a flock of Trekkerdactyls staring him down. Micah runs away from the volcano while the Trekkersauruses and Trekkerdactyls give chase. He heads to an ocean and sees the warp hole on a remote island. Micah turns around and stands his ground as the Trekkersauruses and Trekkerdactyls approach him. The Trekkerdactyls carry Micah off into the ocean, far and high from the warp hole until Micah shakes free.

“Sorry, got to go!” says Micah while falling into the ocean. The Trekkerdactyls go after Micah as he plummets into the ocean. Right after Micah lands in the water, a dolphin jumps out and whacks one of the Trekkerdactyls with its tail, scaring the entire flock away. The dolphin approaches Micah and gives him a lift to the island.

“Thanks for the ride!” said Micah. The dolphin makes a victory squeal to Micah in response to his gratitude as it swims away. Micah waves goodbye to the dolphin and approaches the warp hole, entering it and ending up on a giant flat rock floating along a river of lava. Micah looks around and says, “This is going to be tough.” Micah suddenly hears a voice respond, “You’re not going anywhere!” Micah draws his attention to the voice and sees doppelgängers of himself, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica standing before him.

“Oh great, The Evil Clones. Just what I needed.” said Micah angrily.

“That’s right. We’re the answer to all your problems. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Evil Clone Micah.

“You’re stuck here with us. Why don’t we make the best of it?” asked Evil Clone Wesley menacingly.

“What do you propose we do, guys?” asked Evil Clone Sarah.

“I say, we throw him overboard!” answered Evil Clone Jessica.

“Hey, that’s a great idea, Evil Clone Jessica! Let’s throw him overboard!” responds Evil Clone Micah while menacingly approaching Micah with the rest of the clones.

“You’ll have to catch me first!” taunts Micah while jumping off the heads of the clones. The clones quickly turn around and run after Micah, who continues to jump off their heads.

“You guys are slow! Let’s pick it up a little!” taunted Micah.

“With pleasure!” responds Evil Clone Micah while running faster to Micah with the rest of the clones. Micah does a side flip out of the clones’ path, causing the clones to come close to falling off the floating rock.

“What’s the matter? This rock not big enough for the four of you?” taunted Micah. Evil Clone Micah becomes enraged and charges after Micah. Micah jumps and front flips over the clone and trips the other three clones accompanying him, causing them to fall to the ground. The rock floats past a tree with a vine hanging down from it, which Micah grabs and ties up Evil Clones Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica with.

“Three down, one to go.” said Micah to himself. Evil Clone Micah charges after Micah again while Micah stands his ground. Micah jumps straight up into the air and lands on his clone’s back, clinging onto him as if he was getting a piggyback ride.

“Hey, get off me! What do I look like, your mommy?!” asks Evil Clone Micah angrily while attempting to shake Micah off.

“No, but you’re about to become a mama’s boy.” taunts Micah while angling his clone’s head towards a lava fall ahead of them. Evil Clone Micah and the other clones start to freak out while Micah grabs onto another vine hanging off a tree and swings off the rock as it continues to float down the river. Micah climbs up to the top of the tree supporting the vine and waves to the clones with a smirk on his face as they quickly approach the lava fall on the floating rock that they remain stranded on. The rock plummets down the lava fall with the clones screaming at the top of their lungs while Micah looks for the warp hole. The floating rock lands on the ground sitting next to the lava river, obliterated into little pieces while Evil Clone Micah hangs on for dear life from a tree branch. As Evil Clone Micah hangs onto the tree branch and to the other clones (who are all still tied up together), the tree branch suddenly breaks apart and sends all four clones falling. They land on the ground across from the floating rock with Evil Clone Micah untying Evil Clones Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica.

“Sorry, boss.” said Evil Clone Wesley.

“Sorry’s not good enough! If you lug nuts would have been a lot smarter, we would have had Nice-Me burnt to a crisp. But, nooooo! You just had to let him get away, didn’t you?!” responded Evil Clone Micah angrily.

“Aw, come on Evil Clone Micah. Lighten up. We gave it our best shot.” replied Evil Clone Sarah.

“Yeah. We’ll get Nice-You sometime. Just…not…today.” says Evil Clone Jessica hesitantly while smiling nervously.

“Ah, shut it! All of you! Let’s just go. I need to blow off some steam.” responds Evil Clone Micah angrily while walking on with the other three clones following. Micah continues looking around for the warp hole while asking to himself, “Now, where could that warp hole be?” Micah hears a glowing sound above his head and draws his attention to it, finally finding the warp hole.

“It was right there the whole time? Heh. Who’d have thought?” asked Micah to himself. Micah pulls down the warp hole and jumps into it, arriving somewhere in the sky on top of some durable clouds during broad daylight.

“Well, this sure beats all those other places I’ve been to.” says Micah to himself while observing his surroundings. Micah suddenly sees a flock of Trekkerdactyls swooping down on him in an attempt to attack.

“Ah! I should have known those rusty bolts would be here!” said Micah frustratingly. Micah runs along the path of clouds laid out for him, dodging every Trekkerdactyl that swoops down on him. After a short while, Micah finds the warp hole out of reach and thinks of a plan to get to it.

“If I could just run fast enough, I might be able to reach it.” said Micah to himself.

“Or, you could use this.” responds a voice behind Micah while handing off a pole vault pole. Micah turns around and sees a man dressed in lab gear, holding the pole.

“Oh, hello! Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?” asked Micah.

“Andy Strawson, at your service.” answered the man.

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Strawson.” says Micah while shaking hands with Andy.

“Pleased to meet you, too. I’ve been watching you on your travels, and have worked tirelessly to help you out in any way possible.” responded Andy.

“I’m very grateful for that. Thank you so much.” replied Micah.

“No problem. I’d help more, but I have other businesses to attend to.” said Andy.

“I’ll take what I can get.” responds Micah while taking the pole.

“Good luck!” replies Andy while walking away and waving to Micah. Micah waves back to Andy and then positions himself with the pole vault pole. After setting his position, Micah makes a run for it with the pole in hand and successfully pole vaults himself into the warp hole, arriving in another area of the sky during sunset. Micah walks on the clouds in search of the warp hole until another flock of Trekkerdactyls swoop down on him.

“Pick on someone your own size, you rusty bolts!” said Micah angrily. The Trekkerdactyls continue swooping down on Micah, who successfully fights them off. Micah continues walking on and eventually finds the warp hole on one of the wings of a passenger jet drawing near. He then gets attacked by the Trekkerdactyls as the jet flies by, fighting them off and chasing after the jet. Micah successfully jumps onto the jet’s wing and enters the warp hole, being taken to yet another area of the sky at nighttime with little visibility.

“Trekker sure knows how to save the worst for last.” said Micah to himself. The clouds underneath Micah suddenly start to disappear.

“Oh, wow! Definitely!” exclaims Micah while running along the trail of disappearing clouds. As Micah continues to evade falling, another flock of Trekkerdactyls swoops down on him with the leader holding a candle-lit lantern.

“I have to get that lantern somehow.” says Micah to himself while running. The Trekkerdactyls swoop down on Micah again, who smacks one of them with the back of his hand and causes it to fall towards the leader. The lead Trekkerdactyl drops the lantern and falls on the disappearing cloud while Micah grabs the lantern just before falling out of the sky. Micah holds up the lantern while continuing to run and avoid the disappearing clouds. He finally finds the warp hole at the end of his path, but is pulled back by the Trekkerdactyls with their talons just inches from entering it.

“Let me go, you rusty bolts!” says Micah angrily while swinging the lantern. Micah hits one of the Trekkerdactyls with the lantern, knocking it unconscious and breaking the lantern in the process. The other Trekkerdactyls fly away out of fear as the disappearing clouds draw near, while Micah struggles to find the warp hole in the darkness.

“I guess this is it! Goodbye, mom and dad! I love you with all my heart! Goodbye, Matthew and Christopher! I couldn’t have asked for better brothers! Goodbye, Kyle and LJ. You two were great stepparents! Goodbye, Wesley and Sarah! It’s been nice knowing you! I’m sorry for letting you down!” says Micah sadly while feeling around for the warp hole. Micah suddenly leaps just seconds from falling out from underneath the disappearing cloud supporting him and miraculously enters the warp hole, being taken back to Trekker and The Trekker Gang.

“Huh? I’m alive?” asks Micah to himself while observing his surroundings.

“Not for long! Come here!” answers Trekker angrily while grabbing Micah’s arm. Trekker drags Micah to a bridge above some raging rapids with The Trekker Gang following. Trekker turns his attention to Chris and points at the bridge while saying, “Chris, you first!”

“You got it, boss!” responds Chris while climbing onto the bridge.

“Uhhh…what’s going on here?” asked Micah.

“You should know, you broken bolt! Don’t think, for one bolt-crushing second, that this is all over just because you made it back here in one piece!” answered Trekker angrily.

“Yeah, what he said. If you want your friends back, you got to go through me.” said Chris.

“Oh, you want to rumble, do you? Ok then! Let’s rumble!” responded Micah angrily.

“That’s what I like to hear.” replied Chris menacingly. Chris abruptly punches Micah and then attacks some more with Micah dodging every move. Micah quickly gets tired and inadvertently lets his guard down, causing Chris to kick him in the stomach and karate chop him on the skull subsequently. After dodging a few more attacks, Micah stuns Chris by kicking him in the stomach and then punching him off the bridge and into the rapids afterwards. Chris is quickly swept away from the raging rapids while Trekker turns his attention to Butch.

“Butch…” said Trekker angrily.

“On it, boss.” responds Butch while climbing onto the bridge. Butch quickly punches Micah and subsequently kicks him with Trekker saying, “Excellent work, Butch! Keep it up!”

“Nothing to it, boss!” responded Butch. Butch attacks some more with Micah successfully dodging every action coming to him. Micah takes a brief rest while Butch karate chops him on the skull, subsequently headbutting Micah in the stomach and stunning him for a short period of time.

“Well done, Butch! Now, finish him!” said Trekker.

“Way ahead of you, boss!” responded Butch. Butch approaches Micah while he still deals with the pain from Butch’s headbutt. Butch makes an attempt to grab Micah, who miraculously recovers quickly from the pain and jumps backwards out of the way.

“I don’t believe this! How could one kid be so unstoppable?!” asked Butch angrily.

“Let’s just say, He who lives high above the Earth is smiling down on me.” answers Micah while glancing up in the sky. Micah runs towards Butch while Butch runs towards him with both hands out. Just inches from each other, Butch widens his arms while Micah tilts his head down and quickly headbutts Butch in the stomach. As Butch deals with the pain, Micah punches him right off the bridge and into the raging rapids.

“Rust buckets!!!!!” shouted Trekker angrily.

“Don’t worry, boss. I won’t let him get away. I promise.” responds Adam while making his way onto the bridge. Adam quickly punches, kicks, and karate chops Micah on the skull with Trekker saying, “Looks like there’s hope after all. Ha ha ha! Way to go, Adam!”

“Thanks, boss!” responds Adam while continuing to attack Micah. Micah dodges some of Adam’s other attacks until he gets tired. While Micah catches his breath, Adam headbutts him in the stomach and subsequently kicks him with a jumping front kick, followed by an elbow strike. Weakened by the attacks, Micah backs away to allow the pain to subside with Adam slowly approaching him while saying, “It’s over, punk! Time to go to sleep…with the fishes!” Miraculously, Micah recovers from the attacks and jumps up into the air before Adam could snatch him. Micah then front flips over Adam and karate chops him on the back of the neck upon landing. While Adam loses consciousness, Micah picks him up and punches him off the bridge and into the rapids. Micah triumphantly walks off the bridge with Trekker abruptly grabbing and picking him up.

“It’s not over yet, you broken bolt! I’m tired of you getting in the way of all my evil plans! I’ve waited long enough for a moment like this, and I am not going to let you ruin it, just like you did last year when I had Sarah! Now, prepare to meet your doom!” says Trekker angrily while holding up a knife. Trekker is suddenly attacked by the same Trekkerdactyl that Micah tamed earlier.

“What are you doing?! You’re supposed to be attacking him, not me!” says Trekker angrily while pointing to Micah. The Trekkerdactyl picks up Trekker and carries him to the raging rapids.

“Don’t you do it! I’m warning you!” said Trekker angrily. The Trekkerdactyl drops Trekker into the rapids and watches with Micah as he gets swept away violently.

“Thanks, buddy.” says Micah while hugging the Trekkerdactyl. The Trekkerdactyl happily chirps with Micah saying, “I told you you’d see me again, just like I promised.” The Trekkerdactyl rubs its head up against Micah like a cat and flies off into a warp hole while looking back at Micah.

“Goodbye! I’ll never forget you!” says Micah while waving to the Trekkerdactyl. Trekker and The Trekker Gang wash up upon shore with Trekker angrily saying, “You guys are pathetic!”

“I know, boss. We failed you. Don’t rub it in.” responded Adam angrily. Trekker angrily splashes water into Adam’s face with Butch saying, “Hey, take it easy boss. It’s not our fault. Micah was just too darn smart.” Trekker then splashes water angrily into Butch’s face while Chris says, “It won’t happen again.” Trekker splashes water angrily into Chris’s face and subsequently walks up into the grass while angrily saying, “Come on, shake a leg you broken bolts! We’ve got a lot of work to do!” Adam, Butch and Chris all look at each other nervously and follow Trekker as he walks on. Micah runs to his friends and unties them with Wesley subsequently saying, “Thank you very much, Micah! You’ve certainly gone through a lot of trouble to rescue us!”

“That could have been worse, but…thank you for saving me again, Micah.” says Sarah while hugging Micah. Micah hugs Sarah back and subsequently responds, “No problem, guys. The number one rule of saving lives is, never give up, no matter the cost.”

“Isn’t that the truth.” replied Wesley.

“What are we all standing around for? Let’s hang out!” said Sarah.

“Sarah and I were on our way to your house when Trekker and The Trekker Gang caught us by surprise.” said Wesley.

“Well, looks like we can finally get on with what you two started. Next stop, home!” replies Micah while pulling out his Warp Machine Remote. Micah summons his Warp Machine and warps home with Wesley and Sarah. Micah and his friends arrive back in Micah’s laboratory and exit from the Warp Machine, subsequently exiting the lab and into Micah’s room.

“Wait here. I’m going to let my mom know that you two are here.” says Micah while exiting his room. Micah approaches his mother and asks, “Hey, mom. Is it ok that Wesley and Sarah hang out here for a while?”

“Yeah! I was just getting ready to make lunch. Are they hungry?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Let me go check.” answers Micah while heading back to his room.

“My mom’s making lunch. Do you want any of it?” asked Micah.

“Boy, do I?” answered Wesley.

“I’m starving.” answered Sarah. Micah heads back to his mom and says, “They’re in.”

“Ok. I’ll have it ready in a little bit.” responds Micah’s mother. Micah heads back to his room and asks, “Lunch will be ready shortly. What do you guys want to do to pass the time?”

“Want to play some video games?” asked Wesley.

“I’m ok with that. Sarah?” asked Micah.

“Sure.” answered Sarah. Micah inserts a game, plugs in some controllers, and powers on the tv and game. Micah and his friends happily play video games together while his mother cooks them their lunch, ready to satisfy their hunger needs.


The End

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