Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Mysterious Kidnapping

Two months have passed since Micah once again vanquished Trekker and brought peace to innocent lives, and a lot has changed over such a short time frame. As part of growing up, Micah became more and more influenced by his romantic feelings about Sarah and Jessica, resulting in him bullying Wesley and causing a feud between the two. Now, about Trekker…he is not giving up on his dastardly deeds. He sits on a stool, struggling to think of something evil to put into action. With nothing in mind, Trekker walks to his computer and spots a blue pick-up truck moving down the road on surveillance.

“Bingo!” says Trekker while pointing at the truck on surveillance. Trekker walks over to a table, picks up his Teleport Remote, and walks back to his computer. Upon arrival, Trekker presses the red button on his remote. The blue pick-up truck (spotted by Trekker) parks onto the lot of Arcanum-Butler Middle School with Mr. Todd Gruell, Micah’s 8th grade American History teacher, emerging from it. Mr. Gruell suddenly vanishes shortly after stepping out of the truck and appears at Trekker’s mansion, cuffed onto Trekker’s concrete slab with an electrical helmet on his head.

“Why hello, Mr. Gruell. You’re in for something good.” said Trekker menacingly.

“What’s the meaning of this? I got to get to work!” responds Mr. Gruell angrily while struggling to break free.

“Oh, don’t worry. This will only take a second.” replies Trekker menacingly while walking over to a control stick. Trekker pulls down on the control stick, causing a flow of electricity through the wires of the helmet on Mr. Gruell’s head. The electricity electrocutes Mr. Gruell and brainwashes him in the process. Trekker subsequently heads over to a wall rack, grabs his Trekker Key, and releases Mr. Gruell from the slab of concrete.

“Ok, Todd. Here’s what I want you to do...” said Trekker. Trekker leans in on Mr. Gruell and whispers into his ear.

“Oh, no problem…master!” replied Mr. Gruell. Mr. Gruell walks over to Trekker’s Warp Machine and warps to his classroom, sitting down at his desk and laughing maniacally. Not too long after, a school bus arrives at the school with Micah and his two friends (Sarah and Jessica) getting off of it with the rest of the students. Micah and his friends walk into the school and head to their lockers to pick up their supplies. On the way to their first period class (Mr. Tom Flatter’s Science class), Micah and his friends walk by Mr. Gruell’s classroom. They observe as a student’s pencil rolls off his desk with Mr. Gruell subsequently stomping towards him while he leans over to retrieve it.

“Pick that up! PICK THAT UP!” shouted Mr. Gruell. The student quickly and worriedly grabs his pencil and places it back on his desk.

“What did you do?!” asked Mr. Gruell.

“Nothing. It just rolled off. Honest.” answered the student worriedly.

“Uh-huh. I’m sure it did.” responded Mr. Gruell sarcastically.

“It’s true.” replied the student.

“Really, it did. I saw the whole thing.” said another student.

“Quiet! I’m not talking to you! I’m talking to him!” responds Mr. Gruell while drawing his attention and pointing his finger at the witness. Mr. Gruell turns his attention back to the student with the pencil and continues with, “Don’t let it happen again, or else…” Mr. Gruell walks back to his desk while the student takes a big gulp and begins shaking and sweating in fear. Micah and his friends continue to head to their first period class with Sarah worriedly saying, “Gee, Mr. Gruell sure is extra mean today.”

“I am so not looking forward to his class.” responded Jessica worriedly.

“Now come on, you two. Give him a chance. I know he can be pretty hard on us, but he means well. He probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” replied Micah.

“I hope you’re right.” says Sarah while arriving at Mr. Flatter’s classroom with Micah and Jessica. Micah and his friends take their seats with the bell shortly ringing afterwards. In the class, Micah and his friends learn about the moon and its orbit around Earth with the rest of the students. Forty minutes later, the bell rings to end first period with Micah and his friends getting up out of their seats and heading off to their next class.

“Well, time for a little physical education.” said Micah.

“I wonder what we’ll be doing today?” asked Sarah.

“We’ll find out soon enough.” answered Jessica. Micah and his friends head to their respective locker rooms, change into their gym attire with the rest of the students, and make their way to the gymnasium. After all students show up in the gym, the bell rings to start second period. Mr. Jason Schondelmyer, the Physical Education teacher, takes attendance and subsequently announces the day’s activity (Dodgeball). He assigns Micah, Jessica, and 8 other students to Team 1, leaving Sarah and the other remaining students to Team 2. Micah and his friends, along with their classmates, make their way to their assigned half of the gym.

“Too bad Sarah’s not on our team.” said Micah.

“Eh, there’s always next time.” responded Jessica. Mr. Schondelmyer tosses out a number of dodgeballs to each team and subsequently shouts, “Ready…aim…fire!” Micah, his friends, and the rest of the class begin throwing dodgeballs at one another. While everyone in Gym class plays and has fun, a mysterious hand wearing a black glove shuts off the power to the whole school, inducing panic to some of the classmates of Micah and his friends.

“It’s ok, everyone. This school was built in 1926. These things are expected to happen from time to time.” said Mr. Schondelmyer. Micah suddenly hears Sarah and Jessica screaming at the top of their lungs just moments before the power kicks back on. The class sighs in relief while Micah looks around for Sarah and Jessica, who are nowhere to be found.

“Oh no! Sarah and Jessica are gone!” shouted Micah.

“Come again?” asks Mr. Schondelmyer while drawing his attention to Micah.

“I don’t see Sarah and Jessica anywhere!” answers Micah while looking at Mr. Schondelmyer. Mr. Schondelmyer looks around for Sarah and Jessica, but couldn’t find them either.

“I don’t either! We’d better tell Principal Woodin!” says Mr. Schondelmyer while rushing to Principal Woodin’s office with Micah. Halfway to their destination, Mr. Schondelmyer suddenly turns around and heads back to the gym while saying, “Hold on.” Micah remains still and waits for Mr. Schondelmyer’s return in the hallway.

“Guys, we have a major situation going on here. Please use this time wisely as a Study Hall while we sort this out.” said Mr. Schondelmyer. Mr. Schondelmyer catches up with Micah while the rest of the students head to their respective locker rooms to change back into their original clothes. The students subsequently take a seat in the bleachers and begin working on assignments for other classes while Micah and Mr. Schondelmyer enter the main office and approach the Secretary, Mrs. Ruth Collins.

“Hi, Mrs. Collins. Is Principal Woodin here?” asked Mr. Schondelmyer.

“Yes. She’s in her office. May I ask what’s going on?” asked Mrs. Collins.

“Sarah and Jessica have just gone missing!” answered Mr. Schondelmyer.

“Oh! Go right ahead!” exclaimed Mrs. Collins. Micah and Mr. Schondelmyer walk up to Principal Woodin’s door with Mr. Schondelmyer subsequently knocking on it. Principal Woodin opens her door and says, “Hi, Mr. Schondelmyer. Hi, Micah. Come on in.” Micah and Mr. Schondelmyer enter Principal Woodin’s office with Principal Woodin subsequently closing the door behind them.

“So, what’s going on?” asked Principal Woodin.

“Sarah and Jessica are missing.” answered Mr. Schondelmyer. Surprised, Principal Woodin widens her eyes and subsequently responds, “You’re kidding.”

“I wish I was.” replied Mr. Schondelmyer.

“Did you see them any today?” asked Principal Woodin.

“Yes. They were just in my class a moment ago, right before the power went out.” answered Mr. Schondelmyer.

“I’d better come take a look.” replies Principal Woodin while exiting her office with Micah and Mr. Schondelmyer. Micah and Mr. Schondelmyer escort Principal Woodin to the gym and shows her all the students sitting down. Principal Woodin observes every student and then looks around in the gym.

“Yeah, I’m not seeing them either. And they were here before the power outage, right?” asked Principal Woodin.

“Yes, I swear.” answered Mr. Schondelmyer.

“I’ll go call the police. Let me know if they turn up anytime soon.” says Principal Woodin while exiting the gym. Micah heads to the men’s locker room to change back into his original clothes while Mr. Schondelmyer heads to the bleachers to join the rest of the class during their Study Hall. Micah then exits the locker room, back in his original clothes, and joins his class while Principal Woodin contacts the police shortly after returning to her office.

“Arcanum Police Department.” greeted the police chief.

“Hi, this is Teresa Woodin, the principal of Arcanum-Butler Middle School calling. I just got a report of two missing students.” responded Principal Woodin.

“What are their names?” asked the police chief.

“Sarah and Jessica.” answered Principal Woodin.

“When and where were they last seen?” asked the police chief.

“Moments ago in the Arcanum-Butler Middle School gymnasium.” answered the police chief.

“That’s all the information we need. I’ll rally up a team of officers and we’ll be there shortly.” responded the police chief.

“Thank you very much. I’ll see you then.” replied Principal Woodin. Principal Woodin hangs up the phone and heads back to the gym.

“They’re on their way.” said Principal Woodin.

“Oh, good.” responds Mr. Schondelmyer in relief.

“I’d better let the whole school know about this.” replies Principal Woodin while leaving the gym. Principal Woodin enters her office and activates the PA system.

“Good morning, staff and students. Pardon this interruption, but two students have just gone missing and the police will be here shortly to investigate. Do not be alarmed. Thank you.” said Principal Woodin. Principal Woodin heads back to the gym and joins Mr. Schondelmyer and the rest of the class in their Study Hall. A short while later, Mr. Schondelmyer starts to hear sirens that gradually get louder as they approach the school.

“That must be them.” said Mr. Schondelmyer.

“Probably. I’d better go back to the office, just in case.” responds Principal Woodin while heading back to the office. The police enter the school and approach Principal Woodin as she stands outside the main office.

“Hi, are you Principal Woodin?” asked the police chief.

“Yes, sir.” answered Principal Woodin.

“Do you have any photographs of the missing students, by any chance?” asked the police chief.

“I do, but they’re both from last year. We just had picture day not too long ago, so we’re still waiting on the new ones to get developed.” answers Principal Woodin while leading the police to her office.

“That’s ok. We just need an idea on what the students look like.” responded the chief. Principal Woodin and the police enter Principal Woodin’s office with Principal Woodin pulling out Sarah’s and Jessica’s files. Principal Woodin hands Sarah’s and Jessica’s files to the police chief, who then proceeds to look through it to gather as much information as possible.

“Would you direct us to the gymnasium, please?” asked the police chief.

“Absolutely.” answers Principal Woodin while leading the police to the gym. Principal Woodin leads the police to Mr. Schondelmyer and says, “For this period, they’re supposed to be in his class.”

“Hi, Jason Schondelmyer. I’m the Physical Education teacher here.” says Mr. Schondelmyer while shaking hands with the police chief.

“Marcus Ballinger. Nice to meet you.” responds the police chief while shaking hands with Mr. Schondelmyer.

“What were your students last seen wearing?” asked Marcus.

“Sarah was last seen wearing a purple short-sleeve shirt with teal shorts and brown shoes. Jessica was last seen wearing a magenta short-sleeve shirt with blue shorts and black shoes.” said Mr. Schondelmyer.

“Do you know how tall Sarah and Jessica are?” asked Marcus.

“They’re about Micah’s height here.” answers Mr. Schondelmyer while gesturing to Micah with his hand. Marcus turns his attention to Micah and beckons to him while asking, “Young man, would you come here please?” Micah approaches Marcus while one of the other officers pulls out a measuring stick. The officer measures Micah’s height with the measuring stick while Marcus says, “We’re looking at 5 feet, 8 inches tall.” While Principal Woodin and Mr. Schondelmyer interact with the police in the gym, Mrs. Collins goes down to Mr. Gruell’s classroom (during his Conference period) to ask him a question. However, he is nowhere to be seen as well.

“Mr. Gruell? Are you in here?” asks Mrs. Collins while looking around in the classroom. Mrs. Collins heads back to her office and calls Mr. Gruell at his house, but Mr. Gruell does not pick up. Mrs. Collins then listens to Mr. Gruell’s answering machine and subsequently leaves a voicemail with, “Hi, Mr. Gruell. This is Mrs. Collins calling you from the school. I just want to know where you are. Please give me a call as soon as you get this message. Thank you, bye.” Mrs. Collins hangs up and heads to the gym to confront Principal Woodin.

“Principal Woodin…Mr. Gruell’s not here either.” said Mrs. Collins.

“Him, too?!” exclaimed Principal Woodin.

“I went down to his room because I had a question about one of his students, but he wasn’t there.” said Mrs. Collins.

“Did you call him?” asked Principal Woodin.

“Yes, but he didn’t answer. I had to leave him a message.” answered Mrs. Collins.

“Call a substitute. Guys, I’m afraid there’s one more person you need to search for.” said Principal Woodin. Mrs. Collins and Principal Woodin both head back to the office with the police following them. After entering her office, Principal Woodin pulls out and hands Mr. Gruell’s file to the police. The police skim through Mr. Gruell’s information with Marcus subsequently assembling a search party.

“You guys search for Mr. Gruell. We’ll search for Sarah and Jessica.” said Marcus to his crew. The police quickly leave Principal Woodin’s office with Marcus leading his party back to the gym while Mrs. Collins phones substitutes to fill in for Mr. Gruell. Marcus and his party confront Mr. Schondelmyer while the other party begins their search for Mr. Gruell.

“I’ve got one search party looking for Mr. Gruell, and we’ll be looking for Sarah and Jessica.” said Marcus.

“Thank you, gentlemen. I appreciate your time and dedication to this dire situation.” responded Mr. Schondelmyer.

“No problem. Take care!” replies Marcus while leaving the gym with his search party. Principal Woodin returns to the gym and joins Mr. Schondelmyer and his class during their Study Hall.

“If we can’t find Sarah, Jessica, and Mr. Gruell, the police will.” said Principal Woodin excitedly.

“Let’s hope so.” responded Mr. Schondelmyer worriedly. A short while later, the police return to the gym and confront Principal Woodin with disappointed looks on their faces.

“I’ve got some bad news. My crew and I were unable find Sarah, Jessica, or Mr. Gruell anywhere at this school. We’ve looked everywhere inside and out. In classrooms, closets, vehicles, you name it. I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to call off the search. We’ve got other businesses to attend to.” says Marcus in disappointment.

“It’s ok. You did your best, and I’m very grateful for that.” responds Principal Woodin in disappointment.

“We’ll keep our eyes and ears open.” says Marcus while leaving the school with his crew.

“Not even they could find Sarah, Jessica, or Mr. Gruell.” says Mr. Schondelmyer in disappointment.

“Leave it to me, you two. I’ll start investigating as soon as I get home from school.” said Micah.

“Well, if you think you can do it.” responded Principal Woodin.

“I know you can, Micah. With your big brain and saving the world nonstop, I say…go for it!” said Mr. Schondelmyer.

“I’m on the case!” responded Micah. The bell subsequently rings with Principal Woodin and Mr. Schondelmyer giving Micah a thumbs up with a smile on their faces. Micah smiles and gives a thumbs up back to Principal Woodin and Mr. Schondelmyer while he goes to grab his supplies. Mrs. Collins suddenly approaches Principal Woodin as the students head for their third period class.

“I got a substitute for Mr. Gruell.” said Mr. Gruell.

“Excellent! Just in the nick of time.” responded Principal Woodin. Principal Woodin and Mrs. Collins head back to their offices while Mr. Schondelmyer picks up all the dodgeballs scattered on the gym floor. Micah continues on with his day at school with only Sarah and Jessica on his mind. After arriving home, Micah quickly enters his room and goes into his laboratory while setting down his backpack. Micah then approaches his computer and says, “Computer, I need for you to locate Sarah and Jessica, stat!”

“Searching for Sarah and Jessica.” responds Micah’s computer while scanning the globe. Sarah and Jessica suddenly show up on surveillance, tied together and dangling over a giant container full of lava.

“Sarah and Jessica located.” said Micah’s computer.

“Who’s behind all this?” asked Micah. Micah’s computer suddenly shuts off with a mouse jumping out of the computer’s power supply and scampering off.

“What?! Get out of here, you pest!” said Micah angrily. The mouse runs off while Micah attempts to restore power to his computer.

“Darn mice. Why can’t they ever just leave our stuff alone?” asked Micah to himself angrily while struggling to fix his computer. After many attempts and failures of fixing his computer, Micah gives up and says, “I don’t have time for this! I’m just going to have to find Sarah and Jessica without Computer!” Micah frustratingly walks to his computer’s keyboard without noticing that only one set of wires got unplugged by the mouse from earlier. Micah sits down at his computer and starts brainstorming on possible suspects that have kidnapped Sarah and Jessica, coming up with the following:


Wesley – The feud that is still going on between the two.

Trekker – Usually the mastermind behind all the chaos.

Trekker Jr. – Following in his father’s footsteps.

Adam – One of Trekker’s henchmen. The leader of “The Trekker Gang”.

Butch – Another one of Trekker’s henchmen. A member of “The Trekker Gang”.

Chris – Yet another one of Trekker’s henchmen. The other member of “The Trekker Gang”.

Zach – A student in Micah’s grade that’s always getting picked on by bullies, and was once picked on by Micah himself.


Micah turns towards one of his desks and comes across a piece of paper, marked with an “F”, lying on top. Upon further inspection, Micah sees his name written on it with every question having wrong answers.

“This is NOT my paper. Who would do such a thing?” asked Micah to himself. Micah brainstorms briefly while saying, “Somebody would have to be mad at me in order to do something like this.” Micah brainstorms some more and says, “Well, I know Wesley’s mad at me. Zach’s been mad at me in the past, but this would have to be more recent.” Micah does a little more brainstorming and finally comes to a conclusion while saying, “It’s got to be Wesley. He doesn’t always think straight.” Micah heads to his Warp Machine and warps to Wesley’s house, subsequently heading for the front door and ringing the doorbell with Wesley answering it.

“Oh, it’s you. What do you want?” asked Wesley angrily.

“Now, Wesley. I know you’re mad at me, but I’m not here to argue. I just want you to release Sarah and Jessica.” answered Micah.

“What do you mean ‘release Sarah and Jessica’?! I don’t have them!” responded Wesley angrily.

“I’m sorry Wesley, but it’s going to take a lot more than words to get me to believe that.” said Micah. Wesley grabs Micah by the shirt while angrily saying, “Here, I’ll help you clear things up.” Wesley pulls Micah into his house and beats him up, subsequently throwing Micah out of his house while angrily shouting, “And don’t come back!” Wesley slams the door shut while Micah gets up and brushes himself off.

“Wow, he means business. Where to next?” asks Micah to himself while stumbling over an unlit bomb. Micah inspects the bomb while saying to himself, “Only someone evil would be carrying around something as deadly as this.” Micah suddenly comes to another conclusion and says, “It’s Trekker! If not, Trekker Jr…or The Trekker Gang!” Micah picks up the bomb, pulls out his Warp Machine Remote, and summons his Warp Machine. Micah then enters in his destination and steps inside the Warp Machine, warping to Trekker’s mansion. Upon exiting Trekker’s Warp Machine, Micah angrily stomps towards Trekker and shouts, “Trekker, let Sarah and Jessica go…now!”

“What are you talking about?” asked Trekker. Micah presents the bomb to Trekker while angrily saying, “I found this at Wesley’s house.” Trekker looks at the bomb and says, “Never seen that before in my life.” Trekker Jr. suddenly approaches Trekker with Micah drawing his attention to him while angrily asking, “Trekker Jr., where’s Sarah and Jessica?”

“Don’t look at me. Whatever’s going on here, I have no part of it.” responded Trekker Jr. angrily.

“You rusty bolts are hiding something. I just know it.” replied Micah angrily. Trekker angrily grabs Micah and turns him around, gesturing to Trekker Jr. with a nod. Trekker Jr. punches Micah in the face and kicks him in the stomach a number of times, subsequently throwing him out of the mansion with Trekker’s help.

“If you ever come back here again, you’re DEAD!” shouted Trekker angrily. Trekker angrily slams the door shut while Micah gets up onto his feet. Micah summons his Warp Machine with Trekker Jr. subsequently throwing the bomb at him while saying, “And take this stupid bomb with you!” Micah grabs the bomb and enters in his next destination on his Warp Machine, stepping into it and warping to The Trekker Gang’s docks. Micah immediately sees The Trekker Gang walking his way down a trail, subsequently approaching them while angrily shouting, “Guys, I demand the return of Sarah and Jessica this instant!”

“I have no idea what you’re blabbing about, dude.” responded Adam angrily.

“Don’t lie to me! That’s only going to make it worse, and you know it!” replied Micah angrily.

“We haven’t done anything today! Now, get lost!” said Butch angrily.

“I can play this game all day!” responded Micah angrily.

“Ok, so tell us. What makes you think we have Sarah and Jessica?” asked Chris angrily. Micah shows the bomb to The Trekker Gang while angrily saying, “This was at Wesley’s house. It doesn’t belong to Trekker or Trekker Jr., so it must belong to you rusty bolts.” The Trekker Gang looks at the bomb briefly with Adam subsequently asking, “It’s not mine. Butch?”

“Nope. Chris?” asked Butch.

“Negative.” answered Chris.

“I’ve had it with you rusty bolts! Fess up before you go sleeping with the fishes!” shouted Micah angrily. The Trekker Gang angrily grabs Micah with Adam angrily responding, “If anyone’s sleeping with the fishes, it’s you!” The Trekker Gang carries Micah to the dock and tosses him into the water with Adam subsequently throwing the bomb at Micah’s head. The bomb bounces off Micah’s head and sinks into the water with Adam angrily saying, “Good night, punk!” The Trekker Gang walks away while Micah swims to the dock, climbing out of the water while saying, “This can only mean one thing…Zach’s got Sarah and Jessica.” Micah summons his Warp Machine and warps to his school, approaching Zach in the gym while asking, “Zach, why did you kidnap Sarah and Jessica?”

“I didn’t kidnap Sarah and Jessica! Are you crazy?!” answered Zach angrily.

“Zach, don’t make this any harder than it has to be. Just let Sarah and Jessica go, and we can forget this ever happened, ok?” asked Micah.

“Leave me alone!” responds Zach angrily while grabbing Micah and lifting him up off the floor. Zach throws Micah into his Warp Machine and warps Micah home, carrying on with his business at the school afterwards. Micah arrives back at his laboratory and walks out of his Warp Machine while saying to himself, “This is impossible! Zach was the final suspect, and the final suspect should be the one who has Sarah and Jessica! Am I missing something here?! I’ll just try again on computer.” Micah approaches his computer’s power supply and finally notices the single set of wires that got unplugged by the mouse from earlier.

“Was that the problem the whole time?! Why did I not see that earlier?” asks Micah to himself joyfully while plugging in the set of wires. Micah walks up to his computer’s monitor and waits excitedly as she boots up. After Micah’s computer boots up, Micah says to her, “Computer, locate Sarah and Jessica.”

“Locating Sarah and Jessica.” says Micah’s computer while scanning the whole world. Sarah and Jessica show up again on surveillance, still tied together and hanging over a giant container full of lava.

“Sarah and Jessica located.” said Micah’s computer.

“Who’s behind all this?” asked Micah. Micah’s computer suddenly shows Mr. Gruell standing behind a control panel in charge of the rope and laughing maniacally.

“Mr. Gruell?! I mean, sure he’s intimidating, but why would HE do such a thing?” asks Micah to himself. Micah’s computer suddenly shows earlier footage of Mr. Gruell’s encounter with Trekker.

“I knew it! Trekker IS responsible for all this! I’ll deal with him later! Computer, warp me to Sarah and Jessica’s location at once!” said Micah angrily. Micah’s computer types in the destination on Micah’s Warp Machine as Micah steps into it. Due to a glitch in the Warp Machine during travel, Micah appears on a trail leading to a castle. Micah enters the castle and observes its interior until he notices Sarah and Jessica up a set of stairs.

“Sarah! Jessica!” shouted Micah joyfully. Micah runs up the stairs and stops in front of Sarah and Jessica, enjoying his moment with them until Mr. Gruell walks down another set of stairs and approaches Micah.

“Stay away from them!” shouted Mr. Gruell angrily.

“Mr. Gruell, snap out of it! This isn’t you!” responded Micah.

“Oh you’d like that, wouldn’t you? So, how did you like playing ‘Detective’?” asked Mr. Gruell menacingly.

“Honestly, it wasn’t all that bad.” answered Micah.

“Well, you’re in for a real treat. Because…I’m the one who left behind those two clues you found. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Mr. Gruell.

“But why?” asked Micah.

“Just to confuse you. Why else would I do it?” asked Mr. Gruell menacingly.

“Mr. Gruell, you got to listen to me! You are under Trekker’s control, and if you don’t fight back, Sarah and Jessica are done for!” responds Micah while gesturing over to Sarah and Jessica with his hand.

“Speaking of fights…” replied Mr. Gruell menacingly.

“Hang on, Sarah and Jessica! I’ll get you both out of here!” says Micah while running up the second sets of stairs to the control panel. Mr. Gruell chases after Micah while angrily yelling, “Hey! Let me finish!” Before Micah could lay a finger on the controls, Mr. Gruell picks him up by the neck and yells, “Don’t touch the controls!” Mr. Gruell subsequently throws Micah onto the ground and says, “Now that I have your full, undivided attention, I was going to tell you that you must fight me fair and square to get your friends back.” said Mr. Gruell.

“You’re a good person, Mr. Gruell. I can’t do that to you.” responded Micah.

“Well then, you can kiss Sarah and Jessica goodbye.” replies Mr. Gruell while reaching for a control stick on the control panel. Micah suddenly stops Mr. Gruell while saying, “Wait! I’ll do it.”

“Excellent choice, my friend! And just to be sure there’s no cheating…” responds Mr. Gruell while reaching into Micah’s pockets. Mr. Gruell pulls out and throws all of Micah’s Transformation Masks and other inventions into a crusher. Micah watches as his Masks and inventions get crumbled to smithereens with Mr. Gruell menacingly saying, “Right this way, please.” Mr. Gruell leads Micah down the stairs and onto the first floor. Just as Micah steps onto the floor, a hand grabs his right shoulder and pulls him back around the corner of the stairs, revealing itself to be Wesley.

“Wesley? What are you doing here?” asked Micah.

“I want to apologize about beating you up earlier. I got carried away.” answered Wesley.

“I’m going to stop you there, Wesley. I’m the one who should be sorry, not you. I never should have let my feelings towards Sarah and Jessica go to my head. Can you ever forgive me?” asked Micah.

“Of course. It’d be wrong not to.” answered Wesley.

“Thanks, buddy. So, what do you say? Friends again?” asks Micah while holding out his hand with a smile on his face.

“Friends again.” answers Wesley while shaking Micah’s hand with a smile on his face. Mr. Gruell peaks around the corner while angrily asking, “What’s the holdup? I haven’t got all day!” Mr. Gruell quickly notices Wesley and approaches him while angrily saying, “Unh-uh! No! What did I say about cheating a little bit ago?” Mr. Gruell grabs Wesley and drags him to his Warp Machine with Wesley giving Micah a thumbs-up while saying, “Good luck, Micah! I know you’ll do great!” Mr. Gruell tosses Wesley into his Warp Machine and warps him home, subsequently approaching Micah while angrily saying, “Now, without any more further interruptions, let’s fight!” asked Mr. Gruell.

“Your wish is my command.” responded Micah hesitantly. To Micah’s shock, Mr. Gruell makes the first move on him with a long-distance punch.

“Thanks to this here potion, I’m able to extend my arms and legs to great lengths. The effects are temporary, but it should be long enough to finish you off. Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Mr. Gruell while holding out a glass tube full of a red-colored fluid.

“I thought you said no cheating.” responded Micah angrily.

“Oops, I forgot!” replies Mr. Gruell menacingly while kicking Micah from a long-distance. Mr. Gruell suddenly reaches out his arm, grabs a bō from a nearby table, and jabs Micah with it. Mr. Gruell throws the bō back and suddenly headbutts Micah in the stomach, followed by a knee strike. Mr. Gruell then attacks Micah with a long-distance jumping front kick, subsequently protracting claws from his fingers and scratching Micah across the face from a long-distance. Still from a long-distance, Mr. Gruell curls up his right hand into a fist and bashes Micah in the skull with it like a hammer. For his final attack, Mr. Gruell performs an elbow strike from a long-distance into Micah’s stomach. While Micah wobbles back and forth, Mr. Gruell knocks him out-cold by throwing an uppercut punch from a long-distance. Mr. Gruell stares at the unconscious Micah with a menacing smile on his face for a short period of time and walks up the stairs to lower Sarah and Jessica into the container. Micah gains consciousness just before Sarah and Jessica’s feet could touch the lava inside the container, leaving Mr. Gruell to stop the rope and head back down to the first floor. On the way, Mr. Gruell picks up a bag next to the lava container and pulls out a sword from it, holding it out in front of him upon approaching Micah while exclaiming, “Don’t you know when to quit?! Why do I have to do everything myself?! It doesn’t matter! I’m going to finish you off once and for all! Sayōnara weakling! Ha ha ha ha!” Mr. Gruell lifts the sword up above his head and brings it down while Micah grits his teeth and closes his eyes. Without warning, the power goes out at the castle just when the sword was inches from slicing Micah.

“Hey! Who turned out the lights?!” asked Mr. Gruell shockingly. Mr. Gruell subsequently feels a being in the dark grab him with Mr. Gruell shockingly asking, “Huh? What’s going on here?!” Mr. Gruell suddenly gets attacked by the being in the dark with the power coming back on afterwards. To Micah’s surprise, he finds his younger brother (Christopher) wearing a pair of night vision goggles while standing behind Mr. Gruell, who sits on the floor in defeat.

“I got your back, Micah!” said Christopher.

“Thanks, Christopher!” responded Micah joyfully. Micah and Christopher both watch as Mr. Gruell turns back to normal with Micah joyfully saying, “Look, Christopher! You broke Trekker’s spell!”

“Trekker’s spell?” asked Christopher.

“Yes. Trekker brainwashed Mr. Gruell here. Everything diabolical he did was under Trekker’s influence.” answered Micah.

“I see.” responded Christopher.

“By the way, how did you know about all this?” asked Micah.

“I saw the whole thing in your lab. I went in there to find you, but when I asked your computer where you were, she brought up the surveillance footage. That was the moment I sprung into action by grabbing my night vision goggles and came up with a plan as I went along.” answered Christopher. Micah smiles while responding, “Well, you certainly did a great job. I can’t even thank you enough for what you’ve done.” Mr. Gruell, now back to normal, gets up onto his feet with Christopher saying, “Hey, Mr. Gruell. Sorry about attacking you.”

“Say no more. I know why you did. And I must say…thank you for breaking Trekker’s spell.” responded Mr. Gruell.

“No problem, Mr. Gruell.” replied Christopher. Trekker suddenly shows up and gestures to Sarah and Jessica with his hand while menacingly saying, “Job well done, Mr. Gruell!”

“I would never do anything for you!” responded Mr. Gruell angrily.

“You just did. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some important matters to take care of.” says Trekker while picking up Mr. Gruell’s sword off the floor. Trekker approaches Micah while holding the sword out in front of him.

“Micah, run! We’ll hold him off!” says Mr. Gruell while standing in front of Trekker with Christopher. Micah makes a run for it up the stairs with Trekker chasing him while holding the sword up above his head.

“Oh no you don’t!” shouted Trekker angrily. Christopher and Mr. Gruell catch up to Trekker with Mr. Gruell grabbing his tail. Mr. Gruell swings Trekker and throws him the opposite way while Christopher runs after him, subsequently restraining him to the floor with all his might.

“Get off me, you broken bolt!” shouted Trekker angrily.

“Never!” responded Christopher angrily. Mr Gruell quickly approaches Trekker and pins him down to the floor with Christopher’s help while Micah approaches the control panel and moves Sarah and Jessica to safety, subsequently untieing them.

“Thanks a million, Micah!” said Sarah joyfully.

“Thank you so, so much!” said Jessica joyfully.

“You’re welcome, you two. Glad to have you back.” responded Micah. Micah and his friends group hug and head down the stairs, just when Christopher and Mr. Gruell were hogtieing Trekker.

“So, what should we do with this monster?” asked Mr. Gruell.

“Send him back to the mansion.” answered Micah.

“But shouldn’t we call the…?” asked Christopher. Micah cuts him off while saying, “Not yet! We’ll let someone else take care of that.” Christopher and Mr. Gruell pick Trekker up and carry him to the Warp Machine with Trekker worriedly asking, “Call the what?”

“That’s for us to know and for you to never find out.” taunted Mr. Gruell.

“How is this even possible?! I had THEE greatest plan yet, and I still lose! I would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling broken bolts!” said Trekker angrily.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ve heard that a million times already.” said Christopher. Christopher and Mr. Gruell toss Trekker into the Warp Machine and warp Trekker back to his mansion. After Trekker appears back at his mansion, Trekker Jr. approaches and unties him while asking, “How did this happen?”

“You tell me.” answered Trekker angrily.

“Micah stopped you again, didn’t he?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Correctamundo!” answered Trekker angrily.

“Don’t worry, dad. We’ll get him.” said Trekker Jr.

“Never mind that. Let’s just work on our evil experiments.” says Trekker angrily while walking off.

“Ok. You’re the boss.” responds Trekker Jr. while catching up to Trekker. Micah and his friends, along with Christopher and Mr. Gruell, head to the Warp Machine at the castle together with Micah saying, “I think it’s safe to say that everything’s back to normal.”

“Yep. And we owe it all to you.” responded Mr. Gruell.

“Wait until Principal Woodin finds out about this tomorrow. She’ll be stoked.” said Sarah.

“I don’t know. If she finds out what I’ve done, it’s off to jail for me.” responded Mr. Gruell worriedly.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Gruell. We know you didn’t mean to do it.” said Jessica.

“We’ll all show up early tomorrow before school starts and surprise Principal Woodin. Mr. Gruell, try to keep your cool. Everything’s going to be ok.” says Micah while arriving at the Warp Machine with his friends, Christopher, and Mr. Gruell. Sarah and Jessica warp themselves home first, followed by Mr. Gruell. Micah and Christopher subsequently warp themselves home and prepare for bed. The next day, Micah and Christopher warp to Sarah and Jessica’s homes to pick them up and then warp to school. Micah, Christopher, Sarah, and Jessica all appear in the school parking lot and approach Mr. Gruell, who nervously sits in his truck. Micah knocks on the door window of Mr. Gruell’s truck and beckons him to enter the building with him, Christopher, Sarah, and Jessica. Mr. Gruell nervously exits his truck and heads inside the building with Micah, Christopher, Sarah, and Jessica. They immediately head for Principal Woodin’s office and knock on her door.

“Come in.” said Principal Woodin. Micah, Christopher, Sarah, Jessica, and Mr. Gruell all enter Principal Woodin’s office with Principal Woodin joyfully saying, “Sarah! Jessica! Mr. Gruell! You’re all back! I’ve been worried sick about you!”

“We have Micah to thank for our safe return.” says Sarah while turning her attention to Micah with Christopher, Jessica, and Mr. Gruell.

“All in a day’s work.” said Micah.

“I knew you could do it, Micah! I’m very proud of you!” said Principal Woodin.

“Thank you, Principal Woodin.” responded Micah.

“Where were you three yesterday?” asks Principal Woodin while drawing her attention to Sarah, Jessica, and Mr. Gruell.

“We were all at a castle. Mr. Gruell tied Jessica and I together and almost cooked us alive in this container full of lava.” answered Sarah. Mr. Gruell gestures to Sarah with his hand and says, “It’s not what you think. Honest. Skeptical as it sounds, I was under Trekker’s control. I don’t expect you to believe me, so I accept the consequences and am ready to be taken away.” said Mr. Gruell.

“Hold on. I got proof.” responds Micah while pulling out his Micah Phone. Principal Woodin watches as Micah’s phone plays a video of Mr. Gruell’s encounter with Trekker.

“Mr. Gruell…” said Principal Woodin.

“Yes, Principal Woodin?” asked Mr. Gruell worriedly.

“I believe you.” answers Principal Woodin with a smile on her face.

“Really?” asked Mr. Gruell.

“Of course. You’re an excellent teacher. I know you would never do anything bad. Now, go get your class ready.” answers Principal Woodin with a smile on her face.

“Right away, boss.” responds Mr. Gruell while heading to his classroom with a smile on his face.

“This calls for a celebration. Why don’t you guys go decorate the gym and set up the refreshments while I call the police and have Trekker brought to justice?” asked Principal Woodin.

“Cool! We’ll hop to it!” says Micah while exiting Principal Woodin’s office with Christopher, Sarah, and Jessica. Principal Woodin suddenly picks up her phone and calls the police. At one point, Micah heads to his locker to get a pair of scissors while the decorations are still underway. As he is going to his locker, Micah walks by Mr. Gruell’s classroom and observes as the pencil belonging to the same student from before rolls off his desk again. The student leans over to pick it up, but another hand picks it up and returns it to him instead. The student looks up and sees Mr. Gruell handing him his pencil with a smile on his face.

“Thanks, Mr. Gruell. Sorry about that.” says the student while taking his pencil.

“It’s ok. These things happen.” says Mr. Gruell with a smile on his face. Micah smiles at Mr. Gruell and heads off to his locker to get his scissors. After getting his scissors, Micah heads back to the gym to continue helping Christopher, Sarah, and Jessica set up the party. Meanwhile, at Trekker’s mansion, Trekker and Trekker Jr. are working on their experiments together until the cops break in and apprehend Trekker.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“You’re under arrest for kidnapping.” answered Marcus.

“Kidnapping?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“We saw the whole thing. You brainwashed Mr. Gruell and told him to kidnap Sarah and Jessica. This was all your idea. Now, come on.” answers Marcus while escorting Trekker to his police cruiser with the rest of the police officers. After being seated and hauled off in the police cruiser, Trekker furiously growls and subsequently shouts, “BLAST YOU MICAH!!!!!” Back at the school, the day begins with the party that Principal Woodin had planned for Micah with Micah happily hanging out with his friends (Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica) and talking to some people. Jessica walks over to a punch bowl while Micah continues to interact with some of the attendees. As Jessica turns around to head back, she trips over one of the table legs and causes her punch to splash all over Micah, Wesley, and Sarah. Micah, Wesley, and Sarah angrily stare at Jessica as she worriedly stares back at them. Shortly afterwards, Micah, Wesley, and Sarah burst out into laughter with Jessica quickly joining in, happily enjoying the party.


The End

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