Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Micah's I's

On a fine school morning, Micah works in his laboratory until Wesley and Sarah come out of Micah’s Warp Machine and approach him with Sarah saying, “Time for school, Micah.”

“We don’t want to be late.” said Wesley. Micah grabs his backpack and exits his laboratory with his friends, walking off to school with them and arriving on time with Micah saying, “Made it!”

“And with only five minutes to spare!” responds Wesley while looking at his watch. Micah and his friends head to their lockers and put away their backpacks, subsequently grabbing their supplies and entering their classroom belonging to their 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Pitzer.

“Good morning, class. Let’s start the day with some math problems.” said Mrs. Pitzer. Mrs. Pitzer grabs some chalk and writes out some math problems on the board while Micah and his friends, along with the rest of their class, pull out a sheet of paper and pencil. Micah, his friends, and the rest of the class solve the math problems and proceed with their next lessons continuously until the bell rings four hours later to dismiss everyone to lunch.

“We will pick up where we left off later. Have a great lunch!” said Mrs. Pitzer. Micah, his friends, and the rest of the class head to their lockers to grab their lunch money and off to the cafeteria afterwards, going through the line with empty trays and heading over to a table after getting their food. With Micah, his friends, and the rest of their classmates done eating a while later, the lunch aids start to dismiss tables with the students lining up at one of the doors to wait for recess. Once Micah and his friends get outside, they head towards the monkey bars until a kid approaches them and asks, “Hey, could one of you help get this stick off of my toy?”

“Sure. I’ll do it.” answers Micah while grabbing onto the stick. Micah struggles with the stick for a while until it suddenly pops off of the toy and slides out of Micah’s hands, flying backward and hitting a big kid in the back of the head. The big kid angrily turns around and looks at the stick laying on the ground behind him, picking it up while angrily asking, “Who threw this at me?!”

“Take it easy there. It was an accident.” answered Micah.

“How dare you!” responds the big kid angrily while stomping towards Micah. Micah nervously backs away while replying, “Look, I don’t want any trouble.” As Micah continues to back away from the big kid, another big kid appears from behind and stops him with the angry big kid saying, “Well, you got trouble!” The angry big kid grabs Micah by the neck and picks him up, choking Micah while Micah asks, “Can’t we talk this over?!”

“Put him down, you big bully!” said Sarah angrily. The bully kicks Sarah away while Wesley angrily says, “Hey! Violence doesn’t solve anything!” The bully’s friend shoves Wesley away, causing Wesley to fall and land on top of Sarah. The bully punches Micah, who flies back and hits the school building, falling to the ground afterwards while the bully and his friend walk away with the bully saying, “There! That’ll teach you not to throw sticks at me! I’m not a dog, you know!” Micah looks up and notices everything is now blurry, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head continuously to no avail.

“Oh no! I can’t see!” shouted Micah worriedly. Wesley and Sarah rush over to Micah’s aid with Wesley asking, “You ok, Micah?” Micah gets up off the ground and looks and feels around with his hands while asking, “Wesley? Sarah? Where are you?”

“Right in front of you.” answered Sarah.

“I can hear you guys, but I can’t see you!” responds Micah while continuing to look and feel around. As Micah looks and feels around anonymously, Sarah looks over at Wesley, who looks back at her and says, “It appears Micah’s vision has been distorted from hitting the building so hard.”

“What are we going to do?” asked Sarah.

“I say, we get him to the nurse this instant.” answered Wesley.

“Yeah! She’ll know what to do!” responded Sarah. Wesley and Sarah grab Micah’s arms and walk him to the nurse’s office with Wesley saying, “We got you, Micah! We’re taking you to the nurse!”

“Thanks, guys! What would I do without you?” asked Micah. Wesley and Sarah arrive at the nurse’s office with Micah a short while later with the nurse asking, “Hi there! Can I help you?”

“My vision’s gone blurry.” answers Micah while looking and feeling around with his hands.

“Goodness! What happened?” asked the nurse.

“A bully punched and made me hit the school building.” answered Micah.

“Ouch! Do you know the bully’s name, by any chance?” asked the nurse.

“I’m afraid not.” answered Micah.

“You leave that to us.” responds Wesley while exiting the nurse’s office with Sarah.

“I’m going to go ahead and test your vision. So, just have a seat right here and I’ll be ready in a little bit.” says the nurse while sitting Micah down on a chair and setting up the eye chart. The nurse starts the eye exam with Micah failing all the tests given to him with the nurse saying, “Yep, it’s pretty bad. Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about it. I will call your mother and have her come pick you up and take you to your optometrist immediately.” The nurse dials the phone number to Micah’s mother while Wesley and Sarah arrive at the office of their principal, Mr. Sarver, telling him about Micah’s run-in with the bully.

“Take me to this gentleman at once.” said Principal Sarver. Wesley and Sarah lead Principal Sarver outside to recess and find the bully and his friend with Sarah pointing him out while saying, “There he is!” Principal Sarver approaches the bully with Wesley and Sarah by his side and clears his throat with the bully turning his attention to Principal Sarver while subsequently asking, “Principal Sarver?!”

“Office, now!” responds Principal Sarver angrily while pointing at the school building behind him with his thumb. Micah sits in the nurse’s office, waiting for his mother to pick him up while Wesley and Sarah return with Sarah saying, “We got the bully, Micah!”

“Yeah! He’s seeing Principal Sarver right now!” said Wesley.

“Good! I hope he gets what he deserves! That no-good son of a loose bolt!” responded Micah angrily. The bell suddenly rings to end recess and resume school with Wesley saying, “Sorry, Micah. We got to get back to class. You’re going to be just fine, alright? Hang in there!”

“Don’t worry! We’ll let Mrs. Pitzer know what’s going on!” says Sarah while heading back to class with Wesley. Micah remains in the nurse’s office while Wesley and Sarah approach Mrs. Pitzer, telling her about Micah’s situation with Mrs. Pitzer responding, “Ooohhh! I hope he’s ok.” The bully angrily walks out of Principal Sarver’s office with a detention slip in his hand and heads back to his class while Micah’s mother shows up, walking Micah to her vehicle with the nurse’s help. After loading Micah into her vehicle, Micah’s mother immediately drives him off to the optometrist while saying, “Everything’s going to be just fine, Micah. There’s always a way out of these things.” Micah and his mother arrive at the optometrist’s office a short while later with Micah’s mother telling the receptionist what had happened to Micah with the receptionist responding, “We’ll get him in immediately!” The optometrist comes out and calls Micah’s name, guiding him back to a room and sitting him down while preparing an eye exam.

“All right, let’s see what we can do here.” said the optometrist. The optometrist begins the test with Micah failing everything given to him with the optometrist saying, “Yep, I’d say your vision is pretty bad. But, not to worry! Every cloud as a silver lining!” The optometrist grabs a pair of glasses and places them on Micah while subsequently asking, “How’s that?” Micah’s vision becomes crystal clear with Micah excitedly answering, “I can see again! Thanks, doc!”

“Anytime, Micah. You have a wonderful day.” responded the optometrist. Micah walks out into the front lobby to his mother, showing off his glasses to her while saying, “I can see again!”

“Really?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Yep!” answered Micah.

“Awesome! I’m glad those are working out for you.” responded Micah’s mother. The optometrist walks out into the front lobby with Micah’s mother approaching her with her purse and asking, “How much do I owe you?”

“It’s on the house.” answered the optometrist.

“It is?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Yeah, Micah’s had a hard day. So, I’ll let him off the hook just this once.” answered the optometrist.

“Well, thank you, doctor! You have a wonderful day.” responded Micah’s mother.

“You too!” replied the optometrist. Micah and his mother exit the optometrist’s office and drive home with Micah saying, “I feel like a new person! In fact, I could even return to school right now!”

“No, you’ve been through a lot today. Take the rest of the day off. You can go back tomorrow.” responded Micah’s mother.

“Are you sure?” asked Micah.

“Absolutely!” answered Micah’s mother. The next day in Mrs. Pitzer’s class, Wesley and Sarah look over at Micah, who still has his glasses on with Wesley giving him a thumbs up while saying, “Looking good, Micah!”

“Yeah! Those glasses really suit you!” said Sarah.

“Thanks, you guys! And best of all...I can see again!” responded Micah.

“Good to know!” replied Wesley. Micah and his friends proceed with their lessons in class and head to lunch four hours later, going to recess after eating. While Micah and his friends happily play at recess, the bully that punched Micah the day before approaches him with his friend on his side.

“Nice glasses, dork! Ha ha ha!” laughed the bully. The bully’s friend looks at Wesley and Sarah while subsequently saying, “How dare you jerks get my pal in trouble yesterday! He had to spend two whole hours in detention after school!”

“Awww, you poor thing!” replied Sarah sarcastically.

“Well, serves him right. That’s what he gets for hurting my friend.” said Wesley angrily. The bully and his friend get angry and prepare to attack Wesley and Sarah with Micah stepping in front of them while angrily saying, “Don’t you rusty bolts lay a finger on them!” The bully and his friend shove Micah aside and grab Wesley and Sarah with Wesley kicking his bully in the gut, causing the bully to release his grip and hold his stomach as he deals with the pain. Wesley goes over to the bully grabbing Sarah and kicks him in the gut, freeing Sarah as the bully goes through the pain while Micah and his friends make a safe getaway. After their pain subsides, the bullies chase after Micah and his friends, who make a run for it with Micah tripping over a ball and falling to the ground. The bullies catch up to Micah and his friends, grabbing and picking up Micah with Wesley getting angry and punching the two bullies. The bullies release their grip on Micah and fly back, hitting the school building that results in their visions becoming blurry. Micah and his friends proceed to play together at recess until Micah suddenly gets hit in the face with a kid’s toy, breaking his glasses with the kid exclaiming, “Sorry! Sorry! It slipped out of my hands!” Micah holds his face in pain with Sarah asking, “Micah? Are you ok?” Micah takes his hands off of his face and looks around with his vision crystal clear again (without his glasses).

“It’s a miracle! I can see again…without glasses!” said Micah excitedly. The kid approaches Micah to retrieve his toy with Micah picking him up and embracing him while saying, “Thank you, little buddy! You got me my vision back!”

“So, you’re not mad?” asked the kid.

“Of course not! If it hadn’t been for your accident, I probably would have been stuck wearing glasses for the rest of my life!” answered Micah excitedly. Micah sets the kid down and watches as he runs off to play with his friends, picking up and throwing away his glasses afterwards and subsequently proceeding to play with Wesley and Sarah. The next day at recess, Micah and his friends walk by the bullies (who are now wearing glasses in poor condition) and laugh at them to no end while they stand and stare angrily at Micah and his friends. After Micah and his friends walk off, the bullies head over to a different part of the playground, being laughed at by the other kids as they begin to tear up and cry like babies.


The End

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