Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Super New Micah Surprises

Micah spends his day creating a new super-powered alter ego after the success of his Giant Water and Tiny Water. He makes a replica model of one of his other masks and places it on a conveyor belt with machines painting it the same color as his skin and engineering it to possess superpowers.

“Masks complete! Time for a test run!” says Micah while taking one mask out of a box. Micah walks outside and places his mask on, turning into a giant with brown hair, no eye pupils, sharp teeth, and claws on his hands, wearing a gray long-sleeve shirt with a “K” logo in the middle, blue jeans, and gray shoes. Micah observes his appearance and looks at his shirt while saying, “Hmmm, this hero obviously needs a name that begins with a ‘K’.” Micah looks at the claws on his hands and says, “I’ve got it! Klaw Micah!” Micah shrinks himself down to the size of an ant at will with his new super-powered alter ego, subsequently growing to his original size and back to his giant size afterwards.

“Awesome! Klaw Micah can grow and shrink at will! I think he’s going to work out just fine!” said Micah. Micah’s mother walks out of the house and pulls out her purse, inadvertently dropping a quarter into one of the cracks in the sidewalk leading to the front door.

“Don’t worry, mom! I got this!” said Micah. Micah shrinks back down to tiny size and enters the crack, pulling the quarter out and growing to normal size while subsequently returning the quarter to his mother.

“Wow! Thank you, Micah!” said Micah’s mother.

“Don’t mention it, mom! Always happy to help!” responds Micah while holding out his hand.

“You look different. Are you feeling alright?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Oh, this is a new super-powered alter ego I’m experimenting with. Say ‘hello’ to Klaw Micah!” answers Micah while posing heroically.

“Cool! What is this Klaw Micah used for?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Well, as you just saw, he can shrink to microscopic size and grow enormous at will.” answers Micah while growing to giant size.

“The tiny size was definitely handy. What’s the giant size for?” asked Micah’s mother.

“For lifting things none of my other super-powered alter egos can, such as a house or an office building. It can also be used to clean piles of debris much faster after a disaster.” answered Micah.

“Very cool, Micah! Thanks again for getting my quarter out!” responds Micah’s mother while entering her vehicle. Micah suddenly hears destruction and people screaming, looking out into the horizon and seeing clouds of dust uptown while heading up to investigate and saying, “Ah! A chance to really put these new superpowers to the test!” Micah’s mother drives by, honking her horn at Micah and waving to him with Micah waving back to her as he continues to head uptown to investigate the destruction. Upon arriving uptown, Micah sees everyone running away from Trekker, who is controlling a giant robot and firing lasers everywhere.

“That’s right! Run, you cowards! Arcanum is mine! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Not while I’m around!” responded Micah. Trekker turns his attention towards Micah and exclaims, “What the!? Micah, is that you?!”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out!” responds Micah while walking towards Trekker.

“Yep, it’s Micah. No doubt about it. Whatever. We’re fair game here. Let’s duke it out, me and you!” replies Trekker while holding up the robot’s fists.

“You’re on!” said Micah. Micah and Trekker begin fighting each other as everyone watches with Micah winning in the end, breaking the robot open and pulling Trekker out while saying, “If I catch you around here again, I’ll squash you like a bug!” Micah holds Trekker out and drops him while flicking him out of sight with everyone cheering.

“No thanks are necessary, citizens! I’m just doing my job!” says Micah while holding out his hand. Micah looks over at the robot while saying, “Now, to get rid of this piece of junk!” Micah picks up the robot and carries it over his head to the closest field he could find, jumping on top of it to crush it into pieces and cleaning it up afterwards. After recycling the robot parts, Micah removes his Klaw Micah Mask and summons his Warp Machine, warping home and seeing Wesley and Sarah standing in front of his computer in his laboratory.

“We saw that, Micah.” said Wesley.

“Yeah! Cool superpower!” said Sarah.

“Thanks, guys. His name is Klaw Micah. I actually created him to grow and shrink at will, after the success of my Giant Water and Tiny Water.” responded Micah.

“Oh, you mean that time you shrunk me?” asked Wesley annoyingly.

“Don’t bring it up like that, Wesley. I did say I was sorry. I made a mistake, what’s done is done…moving on.” responded Micah.

“You’re right…you’re right. It could have been worse. Sorry for getting a little sensitive there.” replied Wesley.

“Apology accepted. Now, where was I? Ah, yes! Klaw Micah! At his biggest size, he can lift things that none of my other superpowers can! Think of all the lives and structures we could save with this!” said Micah.

“That would make a ‘huge’ difference!” responded Wesley.

“Ha ha ha! Wesley, you’re so funny!” laughed Sarah.

“I know, right? Well, with all of that said and done, I’m going to get to work on my next invention. I call it…the ‘Micah Coin’!!! I’m engineering it to provide temporary invincibility, as well as an increase in speed and jump.” says Micah while walking over to a table and grabbing a plain coin that he modeled himself earlier.

“Can’t you make the effects last forever?” asked Sarah.

“No. It’s impossible.” answers Micah while placing the coin on a conveyor belt.

“We don’t want life being too easy, now would we?” asked Wesley.

“You’ve got a point there, Wesley.” responds Micah while activating the conveyor belt. The coin moves through a line of machines with Micah and his friends watching as it gets duplicated, painted gold, dried, and engraved with an image of Micah that gets traced over with a non-hazardous chemical possessing powers.

“Micah Coins completed! You guys can have one if you’d like. There’s plenty for everybody.” says Micah while bringing a box full of Micah Coins to Wesley and Sarah.

“Thanks, Micah! These will definitely come in handy!” responds Wesley while taking a Micah Coin.

“Not a problem! What else are friends for?” asked Micah. Sarah takes a Micah Coin with Micah subsequently saying, “The effects wear off after 16 seconds. So, use them wisely!”

“We will.” responded Wesley.

“You have my word, Micah! But…how do they make us invincible?” asks Sarah while inspecting her Micah Coin.

“Just touch that engraved image of me.” answered Micah. Sarah prepares to do what Micah says with Micah stopping her while saying, “Wait! We’d better take this outside in case we lose control of ourselves.”

“Good idea.” responds Wesley while following Micah to his Warp Machine with Sarah. Micah and his friends warp to Micah’s backyard and touch the engraved image of Micah on their Micah Coins with stars surrounding them afterwards. Micah and his friends then take off running together at lightning-fast speed out into the field with Wesley saying, “This is awesome!”

“Yeah! We’re unstoppable…for 16 seconds, that is.” said Sarah. Micah looks in front of him and spots some tires in his path, along with Wesley’s and Sarah’s, and shouts, “Jump!” Micah and his friends jump very high up into the air with Sarah saying, “Whoa! This is amazing!” Micah and his friends continue running with some vicious coyotes crossing their path, colliding and causing them to fly out of sight with Micah and his friends unharmed. Micah and his friends suddenly stop with Micah pulling out a clipboard with a piece of paper clipped on it.

“Speed, check! Jump, check! Invincibility…check!” says Micah while checking off the boxes on the paper.

“I’d say the Micah Coins are a success!” said Wesley.

“Ditto!” responded Sarah.

“No doubt about it!” replied Micah. The Micah Coin’s effects suddenly wear off with Micah saying, “Well, at least we know everything works. Let’s head back to my place for some lunch or something.” Micah and his friends walk back to Micah’s house until hearing destruction and people screaming, looking out into the horizon and seeing a cloud of dust coming from uptown. Micah turns himself into Power Micah, Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley, and Sarah turns herself into Girl Power Sarah, subsequently heading uptown with Micah and Wesley and notice a giant, monstrous-looking Trekker wreaking havoc.

“Ha ha ha ha! I’ve stolen your Klaw Micah Mask, Micah! Feel the wrath of Klaw Trekker!!!” laughs Trekker while continuing on with his destruction.

“Why, you no-good son of a loose bolt! When I get my hands on you, I’m going to...” responds Micah angrily while flying up to Trekker’s face. Trekker flicks Micah and his friends out of sight with his index finger with Micah angrily shouting, “You haven’t seen the last of us!!!”


The End

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