Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Terror-fying Comeback

It has been three weeks since the United States was shook up by Osama Bin Laden and his diabolical plan for 9/11. Micah’s younger brother (Christopher) cleared the crash site in Pennsylvania (while in Micah’s Klaw Micah form) with the help of some local cleaning crew. Micah’s older brother (Matthew) aided a construction crew to rebuild the Pentagon in Virginia while in Micah’s Klaw Micah form also. Both of Micah’s brothers (remaining in Micah’s Klaw Micah form respectively) are now helping Micah and Wesley (who are also in Klaw Micah form) rebuild the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, putting the finishing touches on them with everyone cheering for Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley as they revert themselves back to normal. A limo suddenly approaches Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley with George W. Bush, the president of the United States, stepping out after coming to a complete stop in front of them.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen. I just wanted to say, thank you for the sacrifice you’ve all made to protect our people and our country, and for rebuilding the Twin Towers and Pentagon. They’re bigger and better than before.” says President Bush while shaking hands with Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley.

“No problem, Mr. President. It is our duty to ensure every precious life here on Earth stays safe, no matter the cost.” responded Micah. The parents of Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley watch as their children get interviewed by President Bush back at their houses on live television. The reporter steps in front of the camera right after President Bush gets done interviewing Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley and says, “We are here live in New York City, where these kids have saved thousands of lives from the terrorist attacks that occurred three weeks ago. They’ve also gotten Osama Bin Laden and his accomplices, Trekker and Trekker Jr., behind bars. If you look here, they just got done rebuilding the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania. How did you guys find out about these attacks?”

“It all started when I was in school. I was working on an assignment until my principal activated the PA system, announcing the first plane to hit the North Tower. I asked my teacher for permission to see my principal in regards to this, which she granted, and I immediately sprung into action. As I headed on down to the principal’s office, I called my best friend here (Wesley) to inform him on what was going on. I’ll let him finish the story.” answers Micah while gesturing to Wesley. The reporter places the microphone in front of Wesley, who then says, “I informed Micah that I was aware of the situation and was on the way to the principal’s office, too (with permission granted from my teacher, of course). We then asked our principal for permission to come here and help, and…well, the rest is history.” Micah looks over at his brothers and asks, “Matthew? Christopher? Is there anything you would like to say?”

“Yeah! We’d like to hear from you!” says the reporter while bringing the microphone over to Matthew and Christopher. Matthew leans into the microphone and says, “I was in school, listening to my teacher’s lesson until the principal activates the PA system again, asking me to come down to his office. At first, I was afraid I was in trouble…but as it turns out, he was sending me over here to New York to help my brother, who assigned me a task and…you know the rest.” Matthew backs up with Christopher stepping in and saying, “I too was in school, working on an assignment until I hear a knock on my teacher’s classroom door. My teacher goes to answer it and sees my principal standing in front, calling my name afterwards. I went up to my teacher and she directs my attention to my principal, who then tells me that he had gotten a request from Matthew’s and Micah’s principals to send me over here to New York to help out. Micah assigned me a task and, from there on, I did what needed to be done.”

“Wow! It sounds like your teachers and principals have a lot of faith in you all! Could you tell us a little about the egos you guys turned into to get the job done?” asked the reporter. Micah pulls out his Klaw Micah Mask and answers, “This is Klaw Micah. He can grow to 50 feet tall and shrink to normal size at will. In his biggest form, he is able to lift up most things that other superheroes cannot, such as a house or a building.” Wesley subsequently pulls out his Biking Power Wesley Gloves and says, “With these gloves, I turn into Biking Power Wesley. In my possession during this form is a super fast dirtbike, which allowed me to transport victims out of the Twin Towers faster than replacing a broken bolt.” After Wesley gets done talking, Matthew presents his Flamethrower and Electricew Stones and says, “Who I have here are Flamethrower and Electricew. As Flamethrower, I was able to enter the Pentagon while it was on fire and lead everyone out to safety without any trouble burning up. As for Electricew, that’s my primary choice for most everything. Plus, his electrical attacks could have stopped Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin much faster if they weren’t ahead of the game.” Christopher presents his Fantom Hat and says, “I present to you all…the magical (and stereotyped) wizard…Fantom! With his magical wand, he can stop and fix most things in just the blink of an eye without anyone having to lift a finger! Cliché, I know, but…he does get the job done!”

“Are there any other super-powered transformations you guys make?” asked the reporter. Micah pulls out his Power Micah, Water Micah, Thunder Micah, and Leaph Micah Masks while Wesley pulls out his Westense, Wesunami, Westricity, and Wesid Gloves. Matthew simultaneously pulls out his Flamethrower, Tundra, and Bane Stones while Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden watch the live interview of Micah, Matthew, and Wesley in their jail cells. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden listen as Micah, Matthew, and Wesley talk about their super-powered alter egos with Trekker angrily saying, “Curse you, Micah, and your dumb brothers and best friend!”

“Wait until I get my hands on him!” said Trekker Jr. angrily.

“Have you found a way out yet, Trekker?” asked Osama Bin Laden.

“Oh! Now that you’ve mentioned that…” says Trekker while pulling out his Warp Machine Remote. A security guard walks by and swipes the remote out of Trekker’s hand while saying, “Don’t even think about it. If you bust out of here, we’ll just come after you and put you back in here, just like we do with the rest of the escaped convicts. So, unless you want to stay here much longer, I suggest not pushing your luck.” The guard walks off and stuffs Trekker’s Warp Machine Remote into one of his pockets while Trekker angrily rolls his eyes and angrily responds, “Cops!” On the morning of Sunday, October 7th, 2001, Trekker suddenly receives an idea while working out and says, “Guys! I just thought of another way out of here! I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.” Trekker pulls out and presents his Hypno-Hat to Trekker Jr. and Osama Bin Laden, who asks, “What is it?”

“I call it, the ‘Hypno-Hat’. Just watch.” answers Trekker menacingly while placing the hat on his head.

“Security!” shouted Trekker. The security guard that confiscated Trekker’s Warp Machine Remote approaches Trekker and angrily asks, “What is it this time?” Trekker spins the Hypno-Wheel on his hat, hypnotizing the guard while saying, “Look into the wheel and hear my commands. When I snap my finger, you will do exactly what we say.” said Trekker. Trekker snaps his finger, turning the guard into his own personal slave.

“How may I serve you, Master Trekker?” asked the guard.

“Well, the first thing you could do is let us out of this dump.” answered Trekker.

“Yes, master!” responds the guard while pulling out a key. The guard unlocks and opens the cell gate with Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden walking out while Trekker Jr. says, “Thank you, slave!”

“I live to please.” responded the guard.

“That reminds me…YOU caused 9/11. You know the drill.” said Osama Bin Laden.

“Oh! How very rude of me!” responds the guard while walking into the cell and closing the gate. The guard locks himself in with Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden laughing hysterically.

“Good one, Mr. Bin Laden!” said Trekker.

“Thanks! I must say, that is one wicked hat you got there!” responded Osama Bin Laden.

“Works every time!” replies Trekker while removing his Hypno-Hat and placing it back into one of his pockets. Trekker turns his attention to the guard and says, “All right, fun time’s over! Hand over the key!”

“Yes, master!” responds the guard while giving his cell key to Trekker. Trekker walks over to a window and throws the key out while he, Trekker Jr. and Osama Bin Laden begin to exit the jail hall.

“Oh! Hold up, you guys! We forgot something!” says Trekker Jr. while walking over to the guard.

“You have our Warp Machine Remote. We need it back.” said Trekker Jr. The guard pulls the remote out of his pocket and hands it to Trekker Jr. while saying, “My mistake.”

“Thank you.” says Trekker Jr. while pushing the button on the remote and summoning Trekker’s Warp Machine. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden warp back to Trekker’s mansion with Trekker’s computer saying, “Welcome back, master!”

“Thank you, computer. Nice to see you, too.” responded Trekker.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I say we should make the United States declare war on us!” said Osama Bin Laden. Trekker thinks for a moment and menacingly responds, “Hmmm…interesting! It would make the perfect opportunity for us to get revenge on Micah and his dumb brothers and best friend, not to mention take over the world!”

“Yeah! We’d be killing two birds with one stone!” replied Trekker Jr.

“I’ll assemble my finest henchmen!” says Trekker while contacting his henchmen with Trekker Jr.’s help. The henchmen show up at Trekker’s mansion and line up while Trekker paces back and forth in front of them.

“All right, Trekkies! Listen up! We have a plan to make the United States declare war on us in response to the 9/11 attacks, which is why I called you all here. This is Osama Bin Laden. He’s the one who planned the attacks from four weeks ago. I’m going to turn things over to him right now.” says Trekker while gesturing to Osama Bin Laden. Trekker steps back with Osama Bin Laden stepping in and finishing the meeting with Trekker’s henchmen. Trekker, Trekker Jr., Osama Bin Laden, and their army subsequently warp to Pakistan, in the same cave that Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden were found in. Osama Bin Laden sets up a video camera and broadcasts himself live to the entire United States, talking about his dastardly plans with Micah hearing a ring on his computer.

“Warning! Warning! Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden have escaped from prison!” said Micah’s computer.

“What?! How?!” asked Micah angrily.

“My sensors indicate that a security guard released them under Trekker’s influence.” answers Micah’s computer while showing a surveillance video of Trekker hypnotizing the guard. Micah slaps his forehead and shakes his head while angrily saying, “I should have known!” Micah hears another ring coming from his computer with Trekker, Trekker Jr., and showing up on screen.

“Well, if it isn’t the escaped convict and his stooges!” said Micah angrily.

“Meet us in Afghanistan, or my army and I will come and annihilate you. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker ends the call with Micah subsequently calling Wesley and asking, “Wesley?”

“I know. Trekker, Trekker Jr. and Osama Bin Laden have escaped from prison. They just broadcast their plan nationwide. Question is, how did they get out?” asked Wesley.

“They hypnotized a guard, commanding him to release them! Not only that, they want me to meet them in Afghanistan or I’m dead. They’re accompanied by an army of villains, so assemble as many allies as you can. We got to make this a fair fight.” answered Micah.

“Way ahead of you. Before we go, though, let’s free that guard from Trekker’s control.” responded Wesley. Micah approaches his brothers and tells them everything he told Wesley, leading them into his laboratory afterwards and into his Warp Machine. Micah and his brothers warp to the guard’s jail cell and meet up with Wesley while President Bush makes a nationwide broadcast to declare war on Osama Bin Laden and his terrorists.

“Has anyone seen the key to this guard’s cell?” asks Micah while looking around the prison hallway.

“I have!” answered an inmate. Micah draws his attention to the inmate and asks, “Really? Where?”

“I’m not telling! Cops are such jerks! That stupid guard’s getting what he deserves!” answered the inmate.

“Please don’t be like this.” responded Micah frustratingly.

“Tough luck, kid. There’s nothing you can say, or do, to make me change my mind.” replied the inmate.

“Perhaps we need to settle things a little differently.” says Micah angrily while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Power Micah and pulls out his Fire Whip while angrily saying, “Tell me…unless you want to get burned!”

“Never!” responded the inmate.

“This is the last time I’m going to ask you! Where is the key?!” asked Micah angrily.

“Give it up, punk! I’m not telling, and that’s final! Take it or leave it!” answered the inmate. Micah angrily sighs and rolls his eyes while saying, “Didn’t want to have to do this.” Micah whips the inmate, who becomes fully engulfed in flames and screams around in pain.

“Ok! Ok! I’ll talk! Trekker threw it out that window!” shouted the inmate painfully. Micah pulls out his Water Micah Mask, turning himself into Water Micah and dousing the flames on the inmate by shooting water out of his wrists.

“Thank you. That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” taunted Micah.

“Don’t push it.” responded the inmate angrily. Micah removes his Water Micah Mask while Christopher pulls out his Fantom Hat, turning himself into Fantom. Christopher floats over to the window and waves his wand, causing the key to float into his hand. Christopher removes his Fantom Hat and follows Micah, Matthew, and Wesley to the guard, entering the cell with them.

“Snap out of it, sir! You are under Trekker’s control!” said Micah. Micah slaps the guard across the face, reverting him to normal.

“Huh? Where am I? Why am I in a jail cell? Where’s Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden?!” asked the guard angrily.

“Trekker hypnotized you in order to escape. Wesley, my brothers, and I were getting ready to head over to Afghanistan to meet up with him, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden, and I certainly don’t like where all this is going.” answered Micah.

“Mutiny! Mind if I tag along? I’m going to get those jailbirds back in here and make sure they never escape again!” asked the guard.

“Of course. The more, the merrier.” answers Micah while pulling out his Warp Machine Remote. Micah, with the help of his brothers, Wesley, and the guard, warp to various locations to assemble allies, following Micah to Afghanistan afterwards and confronting Trekker, Trekker Jr., Osama Bin Laden, and their army.

“Trekkies, attack!” shouted Trekker. Micah starts off his battle fighting his evil clone (accompanied by Wesley’s, Sarah’s, and Jessica’s evil clones) and The Trekker Gang, fighting Catherine Padro afterwards with Matthew’s help. Christopher fights The Paporizer while two of Micah’s allies fight Osama Bin Laden to no avail. Micah and other allies suddenly fight Osama Bin Laden, failing quickly after some of Trekker’s henchmen attack them. Micah pulls out his Power Micah Mask and turns himself into Power Micah, whipping Trekker Jr. with his Fire Whip. Fully engulfed in flames, Trekker Jr. runs around screaming in pain until one of Trekker’s henchmen throws a bucket of water on him, dousing the flames with Trekker Jr. collapsing. Micah wraps up Osama Bin Laden with his Fire Whip, twirls him around, and flings him out of sight, landing in a jail cell. The battle continues on until Micah and Trekker become face-to-face with one another with Micah’s allies backing up nervously while watching Micah and Trekker preparing to attack one another. Trekker pulls out a cape and puts it on, turning himself into Anti-Super Trekker and flying up into the sky afterwards with Micah chasing after him. Micah and Trekker attack one another during the pursuit while Micah’s allies watch until they couldn’t see Micah and Trekker anymore. An explosion suddenly occurs with Micah’s allies gasping nervously while Micah remains out of sight. Unable to find Micah, the allies turn around and head home when they suddenly hear a thud right behind them. They turn around and find Trekker lying face-down unconscious and Micah standing behind him with a missile in his hand. The allies cheer for Micah with Wesley asking, “What just happened?”

“There were terrorists in fighter jets shooting at me in the sky. I caught this one and the other hit Trekker.” answers Micah while presenting the missile. Micah drops the missile and removes his Power Micah Mask while the allies pick him up and carry him over their shoulders, subsequently warping home while the prison guard from earlier turns around and drags the unconscious Trekker and Trekker Jr. to the Afghan prison, placing them in the same cell as Osama Bin Laden. The guard calls one of the Afghan prison guards over to the cell that Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden are in and says, “Make sure these guys stay here until their sentence is up.”

“We shall do our best, sir!” responds the Afghan guard while standing up straight and saluting. The Pakistan guard warps back to his prison while the Afghan guard assembles more guards to keep a close eye on Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden. The next day, Micah gets another interview by President Bush with Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden watching it live in their jail cells.

“We’re never going to get that stupid kid!” said Trekker Jr. angrily.

“Never say never son. We just need better plans. That’s all.” responded Trekker.

“Micah’s soon as we find a way out of here!” said Osama Bin Laden. Micah concludes his interview with President Bush a while later and warps home, being thrown a surprise party at his house to celebrate his victory. Micah spends the rest of his day having fun at his party and goes off to bed to await the next day, hoping not to deal with Trekker, Trekker Jr., or Osama Bin Laden for a long, long time.


The End

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