Wednesday, July 1, 2015

When a Fresh Egg goes Rotten

It is the day before Easter, and Micah helps his mother and brothers decorate the house. With all decorations complete some time later, Micah and his family grabs some eggs and begins painting them, preparing them for the annual Community Easter Egg Hunt with Trekker and Trekker Jr. watching on surveillance at their mansion.

“Hmmm, Easter. I’m sure we could do a trick or two here. What do you think, Jr.?” asked Trekker.

“Whatever you say, dad. You’re the boss.” answered Trekker Jr.

“Then it’s settled. We’re going to destroy Easter! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker walks towards his computer and says, “Computer, pinpoint the Easter Bunny’s location, stat!”

“Searching for the Easter Bunny.” responds Trekker’s computer while scanning the globe. Trekker’s computer quickly gets results and says, “Easter Bunny located.” Trekker and Trekker Jr. subsequently hard-boil and pack eggs, heading to their Warp Machine with them afterwards and warping to the Easter Bunny’s hole. Trekker knocks on the Easter Bunny’s door and pulls out some eggs with Trekker Jr., who holds them behind his back with Trekker doing the same. The Easter Bunny answers the door and is immediately knocked unconscious after Trekker and Trekker Jr. pelt him with their eggs, dragging him into the Warp Machine and warping back to their mansion afterwards. Trekker and Trekker Jr. cuff the Easter Bunny onto a slab of concrete with the Easter Bunny gaining consciousness and angrily saying, “Trekker! I should have known!”

“Here stays Peter Cottontail, NOT hopping down the bunny trail. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“You, sir, are one heck of a rotten egg!” responded the Easter Bunny angrily.

“I try.” replies Trekker while shrugging his shoulders.

“What do you guys hope to gain here?” asked the Easter Bunny angrily.

“World domination! It’s our life’s dream.” answered Trekker Jr.

“And it starts one baby step at a time.” said Trekker.

“Well, don’t count on it! Because you’re not going to get away with this!” responded the Easter Bunny angrily.

“We just did! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Aren’t you forgetting something, Trekker?” asked the Easter Bunny angrily.

“What?” asked Trekker.

“Micah and his friends WILL find out about this. They’ll come rescue me and stop you, just like they always do.” taunted the Easter Bunny. Trekker takes a metal rod and continuously hits the Easter Bunny in the head with it while angrily responding, “Do not mention those broken bolts in my presence! All they do is ruin the fun!” With the Easter Bunny unconscious again, Trekker and Trekker Jr. empty out the Easter Bunny’s basket and refill it with rotten and prank eggs, preparing for Easter the very next day. With the sun rising on Easter day, Trekker and Trekker Jr. dress in a bunny costume and set out to Ivester Park in Arcanum, replacing every egg they find with theirs. After replacing every egg in the park, Trekker and Trekker Jr, warp back to their mansion and watch as Micah, along with his family members, friends, and Arcanum, make their way to the park to begin the Easter Egg Hunt. As Micah and the rest of Arcanum find and pick up eggs, they get grossed out by the rotten ones as well as harmed or humiliated from the prank eggs.

“What’s going on here?!” asked Jessica.

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out.” answers Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah and his friends warp to Micah’s laboratory and approach Micah’s computer with Micah saying, “Computer, analyze the commotion going on in Ivester Park.”

“Searching for flaws.” responds Micah’s computer while scanning the globe. Micah’s computer suddenly shows footage of Trekker and Trekker Jr. replacing the eggs while saying, “Analysis complete.”

“Of course!” says Micah angrily while rolling his eyes.

“Well, guys. It looks like we won’t be hunting any more eggs until we get this mess straightened out.” said Wesley.

“I’d rather be safe than sorry.” responded Sarah.

“I agree. If those eggs we’re looking for are harmful, then it’s not worth it.” replied Jessica.

“All right then! Let’s get Trekker!” said Micah.

“No, thanks. You guys go ahead.” responded Sarah.

“Yeah. This is YOUR thing. We’ll stay here and keep everyone from finding any more eggs.” replied Jessica.

“Well, it’s a start.” said Micah.

“Don’t worry, Micah. I’m coming with you.” said Wesley.

“Ok then. To the Warp Machine!” says Micah while running to his Warp Machine with Wesley following. Micah and Wesley warp to Trekker’s mansion, approaching the Easter Bunny while Trekker and Trekker Jr. surround him with Micah angrily saying, “Trekker! Trekker Jr.! Release the Easter Bunny and return his eggs…now!”

“I should have known.” sighs Trekker angrily.

“What’s the big idea trying to harm people on Easter?” asked Wesley angrily.

“It puts us one step closer to taking over the world! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Not on my watch.” responds Micah angrily while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Power Micah and Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley, chasing after Trekker and Trekker Jr. as they make a run for it. At one point, Wesley approaches and frees the Easter Bunny while Micah continues to chase after Trekker and Trekker Jr. With the Easter Bunny free, Wesley takes him to Trekker’s Warp Machine and warps back to Micah’s laboratory with Wesley subsequently removing his Biking Power Wesley Gloves. Some time later, Trekker and Trekker Jr. become exhausted after running for so long with Micah taunting, “Had enough yet?”

“Keep dreaming, you broken bolt!” responded Trekker Jr. angrily.

“Yeah! We Trekkers never give up! We won’t rest until we get what we want!” said Trekker angrily.

“By the looks of it, I’d say you guys are ready to surrender.” taunted Micah.

“Never!” responded Trekker angrily.

“Have it your way.” replies Micah while pulling out his Fire Whip. Micah wraps Trekker and Trekker Jr. up with his Fire Whip, twirling them around and flinging them out the window. Micah removes his Power Micah Mask and heads to Trekker’s Warp Machine, warping back to his laboratory and reuniting with Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, and the Easter Bunny.

“Excellent work, Wesley, on freeing the Easter Bunny while I had my hands full.” said Micah.

“Thanks, Micah. I’m glad I got to help you save Easter.” responded Wesley.

“So, what are we going to do about those eggs Trekker and Trekker Jr. put out in the park?” asked Sarah.

“Oh! My basket and eggs are still at Trekker’s mansion! I just hope we’re not too late!” responds the Easter Bunny while heading to Micah’s Warp Machine with Micah and his friends following. The Easter Bunny warps to Trekker’s mansion with Micah and his friends and approaches his basket, which is empty with the Easter Bunny saying, “Well, I just hope my eggs are all right.” The Easter Bunny searches around the mansion for his eggs while Micah and his friends join in with Jessica finding the eggs splattered all over the floor in one spot of the mansion.

“Found them!” shouted Jessica.

“Are they ok?” asked the Easter Bunny.

“I’m afraid not.” answered Jessica.  The Easter Bunny approaches the eggs with Micah, Wesley, and Sarah following him with the Easter Bunny exclaiming, “Nooooo!!!!! What are we going to do?! We have to have these eggs hidden and found before the day ends!”

“Guys, I say we warp back to our homes and give what we have! What do you think?” asked Micah.

“I’m sure our parents will be ok with it.” answered Jessica.

“Hopefully, if we just explain to them what happened.” responded Sarah.

“They can always get more eggs from the grocery store.” replied Wesley.

“So, shall we go through with the plan?” asked Micah.

“I’m in.” answered Wesley.

“Wouldn’t hurt to ask.” answered Sarah.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures.” answered Jessica.

“Ok then! Go ask your parents about the eggs you have! But, make sure you tell them what happened to the Easter Bunny’s eggs first!” responded Micah. Micah’s friends nod to Micah as they head to Trekker’s Warp Machine and warp back to their houses, approaching their parents and telling them their encounter with the Easter Bunny and the egg scene left behind by Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Micah doing the same. The parents of Micah and his friends believe the story and allow them to use up the rest of the eggs they have at their houses for Arcanum’s Community Easter Egg Hunt with Micah turning himself into Power Micah again. Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley again and meets up with Micah, Sarah, and Jessica at Ivester Park with Micah saying, “Attention, citizens! My friends and I have brand new eggs, fresh and no pranks hidden in them! We are going to hide them and restart the Easter Egg Hunt, so please close your eyes as we get to work!”

“No peeking!” said Wesley. The Arcanum residents turn around and close their eyes as Micah and Wesley collect and set all the bad eggs in a pile out of sight, subsequently picking up the good eggs from Sarah and Jessica and hiding them.

“Ok, you can look now!” said Micah. The Arcanum residents turn back around (opening their eyes) and the kids begin hunting the eggs with the Easter Bunny showing up at the park, meeting back up with Micah and his friends. The Easter Bunny happily watches with Micah and his friends as all the kids of Arcanum have fun hunting Easter Eggs with the Easter Bunny saying, “Thanks, Micah Friends for all your hard work! You’ve saved Easter!”

“No problem, Mr. Easter Bunny. It is within our duty to make sure everyone has fun and stays safe during every holiday.” responds Micah while removing his Power Micah Mask with Wesley removing his Biking Power Wesley Gloves.

“I think it’s time we return those digusting, prank-filled eggs to their rightful owners.” said Wesley.

“Couldn’t agree more, Wesley!” responds Micah while approaching the bad eggs with his friends and the Easter Bunny. Micah and his friends, along with the Easter Bunny, pick up the bad eggs while Micah summons his Warp Machine, warping back to Trekker’s mansion with his friends and the Easter Bunny following. Micah, his friends, and the Easter Bunny set down a basket in front of Trekker and Trekker Jr. as they remain lying unconscious on the ground and fill it with all of Trekker’s returned bad eggs, as well as rocks, dirt, and sticks, with the Easter Bunny writing and sticking a note on the basket afterwards. Micah, his friends, and the Easter Bunny then warp back to Ivester Park and continue watching as the kids of Arcanum hunt Easter Eggs until all eggs have been found.

“Thanks, guys for the new eggs!” said a kid.

“Don’t mention it, young man.” responds Micah while subsequently winking to the kid.

“Easter just isn’t Easter without hunting eggs.” said another kid.

“That’s not true. It’s only a holiday tradition.” responded Wesley.

“Then what is Easter about?” asked the kid.

“The resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” answered the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny goes on telling everyone about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, from Good Friday (the day Christ died on the cross for our sins) to Easter Sunday (the day Christ rose from the dead).

“Oh! So, that’s what Easter is all about!” responded a kid.

“Yep!” replied the Easter Bunny.

“If that’s true, then what do you have to do with Easter?” asked another kid.

“I’m just the mascot sent by God to do His work. If you’ve been a good egg, like Micah and his friends here, I will reward you with candy, money, and presents, kind of like what Santa Claus does during Christmas. But, if you’ve been a bad egg, like Trekker and Trekker Jr., I will punish you with a basket full of rotten eggs, rocks, dirt, and/or sticks.” answered the Easter Bunny.

“Are Trekker and Trekker Jr. both responsible for all those rotten and prank eggs we had earlier?” asked a kid.

“Yes. But don’t worry. Wesley and I took take of them.” answered Micah. All the kids cheer for Micah and Wesley as their parents proceed to take them home, concluding the day and enjoying the time they have with one another.

“Well, I should be getting back to my hole. Bye, guys! See you next year!” says the Easter Bunny while hopping off.

“Bye!” responds Micah and his friends while waving to the Easter Bunny. Micah and his friends return to Micah’s house with Jessica saying, “It’s too bad we didn’t get to hunt Easter Eggs with those kids.”

“Yeah. It would have been pointless since we’re the ones who hid them.” responded Micah. Micah’s mother comes out of the house with baskets in her hands while asking, “Who’s ready to hunt Easter Eggs?”

“Is that a trick question? We are!” answered Micah. Micah and his friends, along with his brothers, grab their baskets and begin hunting Easter Eggs at the house as Micah’s mother and stepfather happily watch. Back at Trekker’s mansion, Trekker and Trekker Jr. gain consciousness and find the basket left for them before their very eyes with Trekker Jr. saying, “Ooohhh! We got a basket!” Trekker finds and takes the note placed on the basket while asking, “What’s this say?” Trekker and Trekker Jr. read the note, which reads:


Happy Easter, you bad eggs! Enjoy your gift!

Yours truly,

The Easter Bunny


The prank eggs explode and splatter all over Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Trekker angrily shouting, “Curse you, Easter Bunny!!! And curse you…Micah Friends!!!”

“Yeah! We’ll get you all…just as soon as I freshen up!” said Trekker Jr. angrily. Trekker and Trekker Jr. head back inside their mansion, heading for the bathroom to wash off all the rot and filth left behind by their own failure.


The End

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