Wednesday, July 1, 2015


On the morning of Tuesday, September 11th, 2001, an alarm clock buzzes with Micah waking up. Micah completes his morning routine with his two brothers (older brother (Matthew) and younger brother (Christopher)) and goes off to school, where he sits with his three friends (best friend (Wesley), Sarah, and Jessica) in the bleachers of the elementary/high school’s gymnasium until the aid started dismissing the students to their buses. Upon arriving at their facility, Micah and his friends head to their lockers to pick up their supplies and head off to their first period class afterwards. While in Art, Micah and Jessica paint until 8:46 a.m. when Principal Graves suddenly activates the PA system.

“Good morning, staff and students. Pardon the interruption, but I just received word that a plane has just crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. I know it doesn’t seem that big of deal to most of you, but the United States is currently being attacked by terrorists…with a confirmed hijacking. Authorities have advised all U.S. citizens to be alert, as more attacks may occur elsewhere. As a precaution, we will have indoor recess and all evening activities have been cancelled. Thank you for your time.” said Mr. Graves. Micah and Jessica surprisingly glance at each other with Micah turning his attention to Miss Shadley and raising his hand.

“Yes, Micah?” asked Miss Shadley.

“May I be excused to see Principal Graves?” asked Micah.

“Wanting to help New York?” asks Miss Shadley with a smile.

“Yeah, if you don’t mind.” answered Micah nervously.

“Not at all. Go for it!” responded Miss Shadley. Micah gets up out of his seat with Jessica grabbing his arm and saying, “Are you crazy? Those terrorists will kill you!”

“There are many lives at stake, Jessica. I have to try.” responded Micah. Jessica releases her grip while replying, “Ok. I hope you know what you’re doing.” Micah heads out of the classroom and looks back at his class in the doorway with Miss Shadley nodding while smiling.

“Wish me luck.” said Micah. Micah waves to his class as he makes his way to Principal Graves’ office with Miss Shadley and the rest of the class waving back at him.

“Good luck, Micah. I know you will make us all proud.” said Miss Shadley. Micah pulls out his Micah Phone and contacts Wesley.

“Hello?” asked Wesley.

“Wesley?” asked Micah.

“Micah! Did you hear what happened?” asked Wesley.

“Yes. I’m on my way to Principal Graves’ office right now to see if he will excuse me to help those people.” answered Micah.

“That’s exactly what I’m doing right now!” responded Wesley.

“Oh, sweet! See you there.” replies Micah while hanging up. Upon arriving, Micah knocks on Principal Graves’ door with Principal Graves opening it.

“Hey, guys. What can I do for you?” asked Principal Graves.

“Hi, Principal Graves. May Wesley and I be excused to go help the people of New York?” asked Micah nervously.

“I don’t see why not. You and Wesley save lives on a regular basis and still find the time to get good grades. Have at it!” answered Principal Graves encouragingly.

“Thanks, Principal Graves! We’ll return to school faster than replacing a broken bolt!” responded Wesley.

“I know you will.” replies Principal Graves with Micah summoning his Warp Machine. Principal Graves waves to Micah and Wesley as they enter the Warp Machine, waving back to Principal Graves. Micah and Wesley appear in front of the World Trade Center with Micah pulling out his Klaw Micah Mask and Wesley pulling out his Biking Power Wesley Gloves. Micah and Wesley transform themselves into Klaw Micah and Biking Power Wesley respectively with Micah saying, “Attention, New York! Do not be alarmed! I’m here to save you!” Micah turns his attention to the burning tower while holding out his hands and saying, "Employees, jump onto my hands and I will place you safely on the ground!” The employees inside the burning tower begin jumping onto Micah’s hands with Wesley saying, “I’m going inside to speed things up.”

“Roger!” responded Micah. Wesley enters the tower and approaches the employees while saying, “Attention, employees! I come in peace! Get on my bike and I will get you out of here!” The employees start jumping onto Wesley’s back and dirtbike, being driven out of the burning tower. At 9:03 a.m., Micah hears a plane approaching as he continues to save employees from the burning tower, looking around and finding it heading towards the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Wesley pulls out and looks through a pair of binoculars, finding a terrorist dressed in a white robe and turban in the cockpit piloting the plane. The plane crashes into the South Tower with people starting to panic while Micah hears his Micah Phone ring and answers it.

“Micah?” asked Wesley.

“Yes?” asked Micah.

“There was another terrorist inside that plane!” said Wesley.

“What were they doing?” asked Micah.

“Piloting it! Just like the other one!” answered Wesley.

“Oh, boy.” responded Micah.

“I’m going over to the South Tower. You carry on with the North.” said Wesley.

“Will do!” replied Micah. Micah and Wesley proceed with their rescue missions for the next thirty-four minutes when Micah hears his Micah Phone ringing again and answers it.

“Hello?” asked Micah.

“Micah? It’s Principal Graves. I’m afraid there’s been another hijacking. This plane just crashed into the Pentagon in Virginia.” answered Principal Graves.

“Wesley and I still got our hands full with the World Trade Center. Send help immediately.” responded Micah.

“Right away!” replies Principal Graves while hanging up. Micah contacts Wesley and subsequently says, “Wesley, Principal Graves just called me. There’s just been another hijacking. This plane crashed into the Pentagon.” said Micah.

“I’m still very busy with the South Tower. We’ll have to find help somehow.” responded Wesley.

“Not to worry. I told Principal Graves to send help.” says Micah with his Warp Machine appearing. Micah’s older brother (Matthew) emerges from the Warp Machine with Micah asking, “Matthew?”

“Principal Graves just sent me.” responded Matthew.

“Excellent!” replied Micah.

“How can I help?” asked Matthew.

“Well, as you can see, Wesley and I are still taking care of the World Trade Center. How about you go ahead and help the people at the Pentagon?” asked Micah.

“You got it!” answers Matthew while pulling out a stone. Matthew turns himself into a super-powered alter ego named Flamethrower and warps to Virginia, entering the Pentagon and approaching the frightened employees.

“Attention, employees! I mean no harm! Follow me and I will lead you all out of here!” said Matthew. The employees line up behind Matthew, who leads everyone out to safety while Trekker watches the whole tragedy on a projection screen at his mansion, eating popcorn and drinking soda.

“Ha ha ha ha! This is the best tragedy I’ve seen in my life! Hey, Jr.! Come here! You got to see this!” laughed Trekker menacingly. Trekker Jr. runs downstairs and stops beside Trekker while asking, “Wow! What happened?”

“America’s under attack by terrorists. Three (hijacked) planes crashed with two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the last one into the Pentagon.” answered Trekker.

“Cool! I’ve never seen anything like it!” responded Trekker Jr.

“I know, right?” asked Trekker. The projection screen suddenly shows Micah and Wesley, who are exhausted to the point of collapsing with Trekker saying, “Now that’s a sight to see! It doesn’t look like Micah and Wesley can take any more of this!”

“We should find the leader of those terrorists and see if he will let us help.” said Trekker Jr.

“Jr., my boy, that’s was I was just about to do!” responds Trekker while patting Trekker Jr. on the head. Trekker and Trekker Jr. approach Trekker’s computer with Trekker saying, “Computer, locate the genius behind America’s attacks.”

“Searching for the terrorist leader…” responds Trekker’s computer while scanning the globe. Trekker’s computer suddenly gets a result while saying, “Leader located.” Trekker and Trekker Jr. approach Trekker’s Warp Machine while Trekker’s computer enters the destination on it, warping Trekker and Trekker Jr. to Afghanistan. Trekker and Trekker Jr. appear in front of a group of terrorists dressed in white robes and turbans with Trekker asking, “Greetings, evil doers! May I ask for the name of the brilliant leader responsible for the attack on America?” Trekker and Trekker Jr. suddenly hear a male voice answer, “Gladly!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. turn around and find another man dressed in a white robe and turban with untrimmed facial hair approaching them.

“Greetings! My name’s Osama Bin Laden, and I’m in charge of the attack on America.” said the man.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Bin Laden! My name’s Trekker, and this is my son, Trekker Jr.” says Trekker while shaking hands with Osama Bin Laden.

“Hello!” says Trekker Jr. while waving.

“We’re evil doers, just like you! It would be a great privilege to be a part of your dastardly scheme!” said Trekker.

“Eh, why not? The more, the merrier!” responded Osama Bin Laden.

“And…just a quick heads-up. Three kids are currently saving lives, as we speak. They are Micah and his older brother (Matthew), and his best friend (Wesley).” said Trekker Jr.

“What do you mean ‘three kids are currently saving lives’?” asked Osama Bin Laden.

“Have a look.” answers Trekker while pulling out his Micah Phone. The Micah Phone views Micah, Matthew, and Wesley as they continue to save lives from the burning buildings.

“Micah is our enemy. He’s always stopping us from taking over the world!” said Trekker Jr. Osama Bin Laden watches as Micah, Matthew, and Wesley save lives for a moment and angrily says, “This is unacceptable! Those brats must be stopped!”

“My point exactly!” responded Trekker menacingly.

“Oh! Another one of my henchmen has hijacked yet another plane, and is crashing into the United States Capitol…now!” says Osama Bin Laden while pointing at Trekker’s Micah Phone. The plane crashes into a field in Pennsylvania with Osama Bin Laden angrily saying, “What?! This did not just happen!”

“Is something wrong, Mr. Bin Laden?” asked Trekker.

“That lunatic was supposed to crash into the United States Capitol! What was he thinking?!” asked Osama Bin Laden angrily.

“I have an idea. Why don’t we destroy it ourselves?” asked Trekker Jr.

“I’m in! How about you, Mr. Bin Laden?” asked Trekker.

“Let’s do it! You know, I have a feeling you guys and I are going to get along just fine!” answered Osama Bin Laden. Trekker summons his Warp Machine with Osama Bin Laden drawing his attention to his henchmen and saying, “Guys, stay here and cause all the trouble you want.”

“Yes, sir!” responded a terrorist. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden enter Trekker’s Warp Machine while Osama Bin Laden’s group of terrorists walk off. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden appear above the United States Capitol in Trekker's Trekkercopter while Micah hears his Micah Phone ringing again.

“Micah, it’s Principal Graves again.  I hate to tell you this, but another hijacking has just been reported. This plane, which was aiming for the United States Capitol, just crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Not only that, Trekker and Trekker Jr. are at the Capitol right now, getting ready to destroy it with the help of the culprit behind this whole mess. His name’s Osama Bin Laden.” said Principal Graves.

“Send one more person to help. Matthew, Wesley, and I are still very busy here.” responded Micah.

“On it!” replies Principal Graves while hanging up. Micah calls Wesley again and says “Wesley, I just got another call from Principal Graves. Believe it or not, another hijacking has just occurred. This plane was headed towards the United States Capitol, but ended up crashing in a field in Pennsylvania. I was also told that Trekker and Trekker Jr. are at the Capitol right now, accompanied by the rusty bolt behind this tragedy! His name is Osama Bin Laden, and he’s getting ready to help Trekker and Trekker Jr. destroy the Capitol.” said Micah.

“Still far from done rescuing everyone from the South Tower!” responded Wesley.

“I was afraid of that, which is why I called for more back-up.” answered Micah. Micah sees his Warp Machine appear again with his younger brother (Christopher) exiting from it.

“Principal Sarver sent me over here by request from Principal Graves. Just say the word and I’m there.” said Christopher.

“Go help the people of Pennsylvania. Matthew’s taking care of the Pentagon while Wesley and I take care of the World Trade Center.” responded Micah.

“Consider it done!” replies Christopher while pulling out a wizard hat. Christopher transforms himself into a super-powered alter ego named Fantom and warps to Pennsylvania with the wave of his magic wand. Christopher enters the plane and says, “Attention, passengers! Do not be afraid! I am here to save you!” Christopher waves his wand and makes a hole appear on the plane, allowing everyone to escape quickly. Christopher contacts Micah and says, “Hey, Micah. I just got everyone out.”

“Really? Wow. That was fast.” responded Micah.

“Hey, I’m a wizard. What did you expect?” asked Christopher jokingly.

“Go on over to the United States Capitol. Trekker and Trekker Jr. are there right now getting ready to destroy it. That’s not the worst part. They’re accompanied by Osama Bin Laden, the culprit who planned all this! He must be stopped!” said Micah.

“I’ll be there in a jiffy!” says Christopher while waving his wand. Christopher disappears and arrives in Washington, D.C. in front of the Capitol just as Matthew finishes saving every last employee from the Pentagon. Matthew calls Micah and says, “Hi, Micah. Everyone’s out of the Pentagon.”

“Awesome! Christopher is at the United States Capitol right now to stop Trekker and Trekker Jr., who are accompanied by the rusty bolt in charge of these attacks! His name’s Osama Bin Laden. Wesley and I are still helping people out of the World Trade Center, so you might as well go and help Christopher before the Capitol gets destroyed.” responded Micah.

“Not a problem!” replies Matthew while pulling out another stone. Matthew turns himself into another super-powered alter ego named Electricew and warps to Washington, D.C., arriving next to Christopher and saying, “Micah sent me over here to help you.”

“Cool! Let’s stop those good-for-nothing jerks.” responded Christopher.

“With pleasure!” replied Matthew. Christopher floats up to the Trekkercopter while carrying Matthew and angrily shouts, “Hey, punks! Leave our country alone!”

“Oh! We’ve got company!” taunted Trekker menacingly.

“You heard him. Leave us alone, or else…” said Matthew angrily.

“Don’t waste your time, kids. Why don’t you just go back home and do what you do best?” asked Osama Bin Laden menacingly.

“We’re no ordinary kids. We’re superheroes, so you’d better brace for impact.” responded Christopher.

“Yeah. I can see that.” replied Osama Bin Laden.

“You guys are about to get what’s coming to you.” said Matthew. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden get into position to fight with Trekker taunting, “Have at thee, oh broken bolts of the great beyond!” Christopher flies into the Trekkercopter with Matthew still in his grip and begins fighting Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden with Matthew’s help. Matthew and Christopher are quickly knocked unconscious with Osama Bin Laden saying, “That was easy.”

“But we still got two more broken bolts to deal with.” responded Trekker. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden warp to New York with Matthew and Christopher (still unconscious) next to them. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden appear next to Micah as he continues to rescue people from the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Trekker hands Osama Bin Laden a ray gun with Osama Bin Laden aiming it at Micah and zapping him with it, knocking Micah unconscious. Osama Bin Laden subsequently enters the South Tower of the World Trade Center and finds Wesley, who is still saving people also. Osama Bin Laden knocks Wesley unconscious with the zap of the ray gun and drags him out afterwards. with Trekker saying, “Good work, Mr. Bin Laden!”

“No thanks are necessary, Trekker. In fact, I should be thanking you and Trekker Jr., for coming up with all the brilliant ideas.” responded Osama.

“It’s been an honor working with you, Mr. Bin Laden!” replied Trekker Jr.

“You too!” said Osama Bin Laden.

“Well, I think our work here is done! What do you guys want to do now?” asked Trekker Jr. Trekker pulls out his Trekkercopter Remote and summons his Trekkercopter with it, jumping in alongside Trekker Jr. and Osama Bin Laden and taking off into the sky. Trekker positions the Trekkercopter right above the World Trade Center while saying, “According to my calculations, both towers could give out at any time. I got us a front-row seat in case it happens. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“This certainly is a great view. I wouldn’t want to miss this!” responded Osama Bin Laden.

“I could watch stuff like this all day.” replied Trekker Jr. Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley gain consciousness just as the South Tower begins to collapse. Micah runs over to hold it up to no avail with a lot of people still trapped inside, dropping sadly to his knees afterwards and almost shedding a tear. With a sad look on his face, Micah looks at the crowd as the dust clears, showing a barrier (summoned by Christopher) surrounding everyone that was inside the South Tower.

“Everyone present and accounted for?” asked Christopher. All employees respond and reveal that every single person inside the South Tower had miraculously survived, joining the crowd afterwards as they cheer for Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley. Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley proceed to save people from the North Tower as the rest of the crowd cheers for them. The North Tower begins to collapse after twenty-nine minutes with Christopher waving his wand and suddenly getting knocked unconscious again by falling debris, failing to save anyone inside the building. Using all his might, Micah tries to hold up the building without success with the tower collapsing to the ground while a lot of people are still trapped inside. The crowd bursts into tears as Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden fly away in Trekker’s Trekkercopter while Trekker laughs, “Ha ha ha ha! I love a happy ending!”

“Why don’t we go back to Afghanistan and celebrate?” asked Osama Bin Laden.

“Count me in!” answered Trekker.

“Me too!” said Trekker Jr. Christopher gains consciousness and looks at the rubble of the North Tower with Micah, Matthew, and Wesley, who all revert themselves back to normal with Christopher.

“I let everyone down. I failed as a hero.” says Micah sadly while dropping to his knees and bowing his head. Wesley places his hand on Micah’s shoulder and responds, “No you didn’t. You did your best, which is all you could do. Sad and scary as it is, we can’t save everyone. We’re all going to die someday.” A woman tearfully walks up to Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley while sadly saying, “Thank you for everything you’ve all done.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m sorry we couldn’t save everybody.” responded Micah sadly.

“It’s ok. You kids put your lives on the line for us. That’s a huge deal, and we can’t thank you enough for it.” replies the woman while tearfully smiling. The woman returns to the crowd while Wesley suddenly receives an idea and says, “Micah! Turn yourself back into Klaw Micah! There could be survivors underneath the rubble!” Micah nods and turns himself back into Klaw Micah, digging out the rubble and finding out that every person trapped inside the building had miraculously survived.

“WESLEY, WE DID IT! EVERYONE IS SAVED!” shouted Micah excitedly. Wesley looks at the employees and excitedly responds, “Wow! I guess we CAN save everyone!” Micah removes his Klaw Micah Mask while the entire crowd cheers for him, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley. The crowd then picks up Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley, carrying them over their shoulders with Christopher asking, “Now what?”

“We have to stop Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden. Who knows what they’ll do next?” asked Micah.

“I’m on it.” says Wesley while pulling out his Micah Phone. Wesley pinpoints Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden on his phone and writes it down, contacting the cops afterwards. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden party in a cave in Pakistan with Trekker Jr. noticing cops entering in from a distance.

“Uhhh, guys?” asks Trekker Jr. while tapping Trekker’s and Osama Bin Laden’s shoulder. Trekker and Osama Bin Laden turn their attention to Trekker Jr., who points out his finger to the cops.

“Shoot! We’d better make a run for it!” whispers Osama Bin Laden while running off. Trekker and Trekker Jr. follow Osama Bin Laden deeper into the cave with the cops beginning their search. Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden hide behind a wall as the cops walk by them with Osama Bin Laden swallowing down the wrong pipe and coughing slightly. Osama Bin Laden immediately covers his mouth with his hand with one of the police officers stopping and looking back at the wall where Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden are hiding behind.

“What’s wrong?” asked another one of the police officers.

“I think I heard something coming from that wall.” answered the other officer. The two police officers walk up to the wall while Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden move to another side after noticing them.

“We should be safe here.” whispered Trekker. Flash lights suddenly shine on Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden with Pakistan’s police chief shouting, “Freeze!” Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden put their hands up in the air with the Pakistan police handcuffing them.

“Osama Bin Laden, you’re under arrest for the attack on America. Trekker and Trekker Jr., you two were accomplices, which places you both under arrest as well.” said the police chief. The police chief leads Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Osama Bin Laden to his cruiser while they furiously shout, “BLAST YOU MICAH!!!!!!!” The next day, Micah, Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley return to school with a crowd of staff and students surrounding and cheering for them, going on about their day and the rest of their week and warping back to New York that Friday after being dismissed from school for the weekend. Micah hands Matthew, Christopher, and Wesley his Klaw Micah Masks, allowing them to transform into Micah’s respective super-powered alter ego with Matthew and Christopher warping to Virginia afterwards. Matthew and Christopher begin rebuilding the Pentagon while Micah and Wesley begin rebuilding the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, hoping to make everything bigger and better than they once were.


The End

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