Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sarah the Dinosaur

One day, Micah works quietly on his computer…that is until his Warp Machine makes a sound. Micah draws his attention to his Warp Machine, but finds nothing in plain sight. Micah shrugs his shoulders and returns to work on his computer until suddenly, Wesley and Sarah rise up behind Micah with Wesley slamming his hands down on Micah’s shoulders and shouting, “Boo!”

“Aaahhh!!!” exclaims Micah while falling down backwards with his chair. While laying on the floor, Micah smirks at Wesley and Sarah and says, “Hi, guys.”

“Sorry to startle you. I just couldn’t help myself.” says Wesley jokingly while smiling. Micah lifts himself off the floor with his chair and jokingly responds, “Yeah, yeah. That’s what they all say.”

“All jokes aside, do you want to go to the park with us?” asked Sarah.

“I still got some work to do. You guys go on ahead. I’ll meet you there.” answered Micah.

“Ok. See you there (I hope).” responded Sarah. Micah continues his work on his computer while Wesley and Sarah head to Micah’s Warp Machine, warping to the front of Micah’s house on the street. Wesley and Sarah walk to the park together with Sarah looking back at Micah’s house and asking, “I wonder how much work he has?”

“Who knows? Micah’s a busy guy.” responded Wesley.

“No kidding, especially with all the hardships he has to put up with when it comes to saving the world.” replied Sarah. As Wesley and Sarah head to the park, Trekker and Trekker Jr. hover above them in the Trekkercopter with Trekker Jr. standing at the side door and looking down at them.

“Hmmm.” said Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. turns his head towards Trekker and asks, “Who should we drop the net on?”

“I’ll take a look.” responded Trekker. Trekker pulls out a pair of high-tech binoculars and looks through them at Wesley and Sarah while saying, “Hmmm…” After looking at Wesley and Sarah for a short while, Trekker presses a button labeled “Random” on the binoculars, prompting them to choose a target without a conscious decision. Inside the binoculars appears a circle with the word “Target” on top, which paces quickly back and forth between Wesley and Sarah until gradually slowing down and eventually coming to a complete stop, landing on Sarah with the word “Target” changing to “Target locked”.

“Not a bad choice, if I do say so myself.” says Trekker menacingly and quietly to himself while lowering the binoculars. Trekker puts his binoculars away and looks back at Trekker Jr. while subsequently asking, “Uhhh, how about Sarah?”

“Fine with me!” answered Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. presses the Net Button and watches as the net lowers down on top of Sarah while chuckling, “You’re coming with us, Sarah, whether if you like it or not. Heh heh heh.” As Wesley and Sarah continue to make their way towards the park from Micah’s street, the net suddenly drops on top of Sarah, trapping her inside with Trekker Jr. shouting, “We got her!” Wesley quickly grabs onto the net while it lifts up off the ground as Trekker and Trekker Jr. fly away.

“Get me out of here!” shouted Sarah worriedly. Wesley pulls out a pocket knife from his pocket and starts cutting the net as it continues to lift up into the Trekkercopter while Trekker Jr. walks back to the cockpit to join Trekker. The net enters the Trekkercopter’s interior with Wesley still cutting it with his pocket knife while the Trekkercopter’s CPU exclaims, “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!”

“Intruder alert?!” exclaims Trekker and Trekker Jr. while looking behind them. Trekker and Trekker Jr. see Wesley cutting the net with Trekker saying, “Jr...”

“I’m on it.” replies Trekker Jr. while getting up out of his seat and walking towards Wesley. Trekker Jr. presses the Hatch Button, opening up the hatch underneath the net with Trekker Jr. taunting, “Hey, wise guy!” Wesley draws his attention to Trekker Jr., who suddenly punches Wesley off the net and causes him to fall to the ground with Sarah worriedly shouting, “Nooooo!!!!!”

“Yeeeeesssss!!!!!” responded Trekker Jr. menacingly. Sarah frowns at Trekker Jr. angrily with Trekker Jr. laughing, “No one can save you now! Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker Jr. walks back to the cockpit while Wesley continues to fall, eventually landing and immediately sitting up. Wesley watches as Trekker and Trekker Jr. fly away and subsequently shouts, “I got to tell Micah!” Wesley runs off to Micah’s house while Micah continues to work in his laboratory.

“Ok! Just one more test and it’s off to the park with Wesley and Sarah!” says Micah excitedly while preparing to drop and mix chemicals. Wesley appears in Micah’s laboratory, out of breath while saying, “Micah! Trekker and Trekker Jr. kidnapped Sarah!” Micah pulls out his Power Micah Mask and turns himself into Power Micah while subsequently saying, “I’ll take it from here.”

“You do that.” pants Wesley while collapsing to the floor. Micah flies out of his laboratory and into the sky, intercepting Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Trekker taunting, “Oh look! It’s Power Micah!”

“Ooohhh! I’m so scared!” taunted Trekker Jr.

“Stop right there!” shouts Micah angrily while holding out his hand. Trekker and Trekker Jr. fly right past Micah with Micah rolling his eyes and shaking his head while angrily sighing, “That’s what I thought.” Micah chases after Trekker and Trekker Jr. to the sidedoor with Trekker Jr. walking to it and pulling off Micah’s Power Micah Mask.

“Heh heh heh heh!” laughed Trekker Jr. While falling, Micah pulls out and shoots his Grab Shot at the net, making a direct hit and being pulled towards it. Micah holds on to the net, accompanying Sarah while Trekker and Trekker Jr. continue to fly the Trekkercopter back to the mansion. After arriving at the mansion, Micah pulls out a pocket knife from one of his pockets and starts cutting the net while whispering, “Don’t worry, Sarah. I’ll have you out faster than replacing a broken bolt.” Trekker suddenly opens the roof of his mansion with Trekker Jr. putting on a backpack and walking to the Trekkercopter’s side door, forcing Micah to hide. Trekker Jr. jumps out of the Trekkercopter and parachutes into the mansion with Micah coming out of hiding and getting back to cutting the net. Trekker opens the net with Sarah falling into Trekker Jr.’s arms and quickly being cuffed onto a concrete slab while Trekker lands the Trekkercopter and walks inside the mansion. After entering the mansion, Trekker walks to his computer and begins an experiment on Sarah while Micah spies on them from outside, peaking his head inside from around the wall. After configuring his settings, Trekker walks over to a ray gun and places it in front of Sarah while Micah sneaks inside the mansion. After aiming the ray gun’s nozzle at Sarah, Trekker walks over to a button on the wall, slowing reaching for it with his finger while Micah runs to him and smacks his hand with his finger inches away from the button.

“Ow!” exclaimed Trekker. Trekker rubs his hand and turns his attention towards Micah, angrily approaching him and swinging his fist backward while subsequently saying, “Oh yeah?!” Trekker punches Micah with an uppercut, sending Micah flying backward and slamming into a wall while subsequently becoming unconscious as he falls to the floor. Trekker presses the button on the wall, prompting the ray gun to expel lightning bolts from the nozzle and painfully zap Sarah, transforming her into a vicious t-rex under Trekker’s influence as Micah gains consciousness. Micah looks at Sarah with big eyes as she roars ferociously with Trekker saying, “Sarah, I order you to destroy Arcanum! And let nothing stand in your way...including Micah! If he tries to stop you...crush him! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker Jr. grabs a remote and points it at Sarah, pressing its button and making Sarah disappear. Sarah appears next to Arcanum’s city building and begins destroying it and everything around her as everyone screams and runs away in horror. Eluding Trekker and Trekker Jr., Micah runs to Trekker’s Warp Machine and warps back to his laboratory, grabbing another Power Micah Mask and placing his other Transformation Masks into his pockets. After turning himself into Power Micah, Micah flies uptown as Sarah continues destroying Arcanum, flying up to her face and holding out his hand while saying, “Hold it right there!” Sarah angrily roars into Micah’s face and whacks him with her tail, sending Micah flying backwards and slamming into a building. Micah flies back to Sarah and flies in circles around her as she tries to attacks him until becoming dizzy and falling to the ground. As Sarah lies on the ground, Micah flies up to her ear and says, “Sarah, I know you’re in there! You got to snap out of it!” Sarah whacks Micah with her tail again (disrupting Micah’s flight pattern and causing him to crash-land onto the ground) while jumping back up onto her feet and pinning Micah down with one of her toe claws. After roaring into Micah’s face again, Sarah lifts up her foot and brings it down fast with Micah miraculously rolling out of the way at the last minute. Micah flies up to Sarah’s face and pulls out his Fire Whip, wrapping it around Sarah’s mouth and using it as a makeshift rein, landing on Sarah’s back afterwards and pulling back on his Fire Whip while shouting, “Heel!” Sarah gets jerked back while roaring, quickly being tamed with Micah flying up to her face and saying, “Sarah! It’s me, Micah! Your friend! You got to listen to me! You are under Trekker’s control, and must fight your way out of it! Please!” Sarah looks at Micah sadly and closes her eyes and shakes her head, growling as she attempts to break out of Trekker’s influence. As Sarah continues fighting off Trekker’s influence, Micah flies up and rubs her head while saying, “You’re a good person, Sarah. Don’t give up. I’m here for you.” Sarah gradually and eventually returns to normal with Micah landing in front of her and removing his Power Micah Mask while Sarah observes herself and excitedly says, “Hooray! I’m me again!” Everyone starts cheering for Micah with a citizen excitedly shouting, “Three cheers for Micah, the almighty dinosaur tamer!”

“Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!” responded the citizens. Sarah looks over at Micah with a smile and suddenly hugs him while excitedly asking, “Thank you, Micah. What would I do without you?” Sarah suddenly kisses Micah on the cheek, surprising Micah with the crowd saying, “Ooooohhhhh!!!!!”

“Sorry! Couldn’t help myself!” responded Sarah. Micah suddenly becomes lost in thought, smiling and blushing while touching his cheek with Sarah walking off and asking, “Hey, Micah! You coming or what?”

“Be right there!” responds Micah while running up to Sarah. Micah and Sarah walk home together with a dinosaur foot stopping right in front of them. With big eyes, Micah and Sarah look up and see another dinosaur standing before them, roaring ferociously with Trekker and Trekker Jr. hovering in the Trekkercopter above its head.

“Wesley, I order you to destroy Arcanum! And let nothing stand in your way! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker and Trekker Jr. fly away while Wesley begins destroying Arcanum, causing everyone to start panicking and fleeing again. After seeing Sarah run away screaming and joining the rest of the crowd, Micah rolls his eyes and shakes his head while annoyingly saying, “Here we go again.”


The End

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