Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wesley the Amnesiac

It is a beautiful day, where Micah spends his time working in his laboratory until Wesley and Sarah walk out of his Warp Machine.

“Hey, Micah! Want to go to the park with us?” asked Sarah.

“Sure. I could use a break.” answers Micah while putting his work to a halt and walking towards Wesley and Sarah.

“No kidding. It’s not easy being a scientist, is it?” asked Wesley.

“You said it.” answers Micah while walking to his Warp Machine with his friends. Micah and his friends warp to the park and sit down at a nearby bench upon arrival while oblivious to Trekker and Trekker Jr. spying on them from the Trekkercopter hovering in the sky.

“Do you have that brick, Jr.?” asked Trekker.

“Yes, dad.” answers Trekker Jr. while holding up a brick.

“Get a good aim at Wesley and really let him have it!” said Trekker.

“Copy that!” responded Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. gets a clear aim at Wesley’s head and throws the brick down out of the Trekkercopter with all his might while chuckling, “Look out below, Wesley! Heh heh!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch as the brick plummets down onto Wesley’s head like a meteor, smashing onto Wesley’s skull with Trekker Jr. excitedly shouting “Got him!”

“That ought to make him lose his memory, allowing us to turn him evil! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while flying off to land the Trekkercopter. Wesley wobbles back and forth and collapses to the ground out-cold, gaining consciousness some time later with Micah asking, “Wesley! Are you ok?” Without a response, Wesley observes his surroundings and subsequently draws his attention to Micah and Sarah while asking, “Are you two talking to me?”

“Yes. Are you feeling alright?” asked Micah.

“My head’s sore for some reason, but other than that, I feel just fine. But…where am I?” asks Wesley while rubbing his head and observing his surroundings again.

“Why, you’re at the park, silly!” answered Sarah.

“The park? How did I get here?” asks Wesley while Trekker and Trekker Jr. hide behind trees and sneak up from behind Wesley.

“You came with us. Remember?” asked Micah.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve never seen you two before in my life. You must be mistaking me for someone else. Not going to lie…this is starting to get kind of creepy. So if you would, please leave me alone as I try to figure all this out.” responds Wesley while walking off.

“But it’s your friends, Sarah and Micah.” replied Sarah.

“I said leave me alone!” shouted Wesley angrily. Micah and Sarah watch as Wesley continues to walk off, sitting back down on the bench with Sarah asking, “What’s gotten into Wesley?”

“I’m afraid he’s got amnesia, which was caused by this brick that fell from the sky somehow.” answers Micah while showing pieces of the brick to Sarah.

“Amnesia?! Oh no! Is it permanent?” asked Sarah worriedly.

“It can be. But I’m not saying it WILL be. Some forms are temporary. There have been many cases where the effects reverse simply by having that person get hit in the head again.” answered Micah.

“Good to know. Let’s find something to hit him with.” responds Sarah while observing her surroundings. Micah stops her while replying, “No. Amnesia or not, we can’t hit Wesley on purpose. It’s just not in our nature.”

“But I want our friend back!” said Sarah.

“So do I. But, it’s not worth putting his well-being at risk. People come and go. I’m afraid we’re just going to have to cope with it.” responded Micah. Sarah begins to cry and walks home with Micah while looking back at Wesley, waving at him while saying, “Bye, Wesley. Nice knowing you.” Wesley continues going his separate way while asking, “What a strange day, waking up in front of two kids who actually think they know me when I don’t even know myself. What’s next? Monsters?” Trekker and Trekker Jr. suddenly jump out from behind a tree and in front of Wesley with Trekker menacingly saying, “Hello, Wesley!”

“I had to ask.” responds Wesley annoyingly while rolling his eyes.

“Where have you been, buddy? We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” asked Trekker Jr. menacingly.

“Look, whoever you two are, this day has been bad enough for me already. So, please step aside and let me be.” responded Wesley annoyingly.

“Hey, come on, buddy! Don’t be like that! It’s your best friends, Trekker and Trekker Jr.!” replied Trekker.

“Oh, great! Even they think they know me!” said Wesley annoyingly.

“We don’t THINK we know you. We KNOW we know you.” responded Trekker Jr.

“How so?” asked Wesley. Trekker turns Wesley’s attention to Micah and Sarah as they walk home with Trekker asking, “You see those two kids down there?”

“Yeah. They think they know me, too.” answered Wesley.

“Don’t hang around them. They’re bad news!” responded Trekker menacingly.

“Yeah! Micah and Sarah there…are evil! They want to take over the world!” replied Trekker Jr. menacingly.

“I knew something was wrong with them!” replied Wesley angrily.

“But, don’t worry. Jr. and I here are the good guys. We’ll stop them for you. We always do.” said Trekker.

“Yeah! We’re your best friends! Always have, always will be!” responded Trekker Jr.

“Well, it is good to have friends.” replied Wesley.

“Now you’re talking!” said Trekker.

“May I get your names, please?” asked Wesley.

“Oh, where are our manners? I’m Trekker.” answered Trekker.

“And I’m Trekker Jr.” answered Trekker Jr.

“And I’m…?” asked Wesley.

“Wesley.” answered Trekker.

“Wesley. Ok.” responded Wesley.

“So, what do you say, buddy? Want to help us save the world?” asks Trekker Jr. while presenting his fist to Wesley.

“You know it! Nobody’s going to hurt my best friends as long as I’m around!” answers Wesley while fist bumping Trekker Jr.

“That’s what I like to hear! Now, come on! We’ve got lives to save!” responds Trekker while leading Trekker Jr. and Wesley away. Micah and Sarah arrive home in Micah’s laboratory with Sarah saying, “I guess we’ll never see Wesley again.”

“We’ll make new friends.” responded Micah.

“But I don’t want any new friends! I want Wesley back!” replied Sarah. Micah’s computer suddenly rings with Micah’s computer saying, “Danger! Danger! Arcanum is under attack!”

“Show us the culprit, stat!” responded Micah. Micah’s computer shows surveillance footage of Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Wesley inside a giant robot wreaking havoc with Sarah asking, “Wesley?! Why is he helping Trekker and Trekker Jr.?! He’d never do that!”

“Something fishy’s going on here, and I think it’s got to do with Trekker and Trekker Jr.! Time to give those two a piece of my mind!” responds Micah while heading to his Warp Machine.

“Wait for me!” says Sarah while catching up to Micah. Micah and Sarah warp uptown in the midst of Trekker’s and Trekker Jr.’s destruction with Wesley asking, “Uhhh…why are we destroying the town?”

“We’re not. This is all acting.” responded Trekker.

“Acting?” asked Wesley.

“Yeah! This isn’t a real town. These are all just props. We’re practicing for a play that we’re in, where we play villains inside a giant robot and destroy towns.” answered Trekker Jr.

“Really?” asked Wesley.

“Yep!” answered Trekker. Wesley looks at the citizens running away in horror with Wesley asking, “What about those people down there?”

“Oh, they’re all actors, too.” answered Trekker Jr.

“Hm. Interesting!” responded Wesley. Micah looks up at Trekker and Trekker Jr. inside the giant robot and angrily shouts, “Hey, you rusty bolts! Stop this madness!” Trekker leans the robot’s head towards Micah with Trekker taunting, “Well, what do we have here? Is that Micah and Sarah trying to stop us?”

“And look! They’re short one member! Heh heh heh heh!” laughed Trekker Jr. Micah looks at Wesley and says, “Wesley, it’s us! Your best friends, Micah and Sarah!”

“You’re not my best friends! You’re evil brats who want to take over the world!” responded Wesley.

“What????!!!!!????!” exclaimed Sarah.

“That is so not true, Wesley! They’re the ones!” responds Micah while pointing to Trekker and Trekker Jr.

“There’s no denying it! I know all your tricks!” replied Wesley.

“You got to listen to us, Wesley! Whatever Trekker and Trekker Jr. told you about us and them is all a lie!” said Micah. Wesley folds his arms and turns his head away with his eyes closed while responding, “Not buying it.”

“Well Sarah…I think it’s time we power up.” says Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Trekker grabs Micah’s Power Micah Mask with his robot and crushes it into a million pieces with Trekker taunting, “I don’t think so! You’re not taking away our best friend that easy!” Sarah pulls out her Girl Power Sarah Shoes with Trekker grabbing them with his robot, pulling them away from Sarah while she pulls them back. After fighting over the shoes for a while, Sarah and Trekker both lose their grip with the shoes flying and crashing through the robot’s window, hitting Wesley in the head and knocking him unconscious with Sarah saying, “I swear, I did not mean to do that!”

“It’s ok, Sarah. I saw the whole thing. I believe you.” responded Micah. Trekker grabs Micah and Sarah with his robot while angrily saying, “Listen here, you broken bolts! This is the last time you stand in my way! Wesley belongs to us now, and that’s not about to change!” Micah and Sarah struggle to break free from Trekker’s grip, crying out for help while Wesley gains consciousness, observing his surroundings and asking, “Where am I?”

“Ah, Wesley! For a second there, I thought you were sleeping on the job.” said Trekker Jr.

“You’re just in time to see the grand finale! We crush the living daylights out of these two villains and become heroes!” said Trekker. Wesley looks at Micah and Sarah, worriedly shouting, “Micah! Sarah!” Wesley then runs towards the window and stops at it while saying, “Don’t worry, guys! I’ll get you down!”

“Wesley! You’re back!” said Micah.

“Back? From where? Oh, you know what? Never mind. You can tell me later.” responded Wesley. Wesley angrily turns his attention towards Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Trekker asking, “Wesley, what are you doing? You’re blocking our view!”

“Don’t you want to see the grand finale?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Oh, you’ll get a grand finale, alright.” responds Wesley while pulling out his Biking Power Wesley Gloves. Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley and drives his dirtbike along the wall inside the robot with Trekker and Trekker Jr. jumping up and trying to stop him.

“What’s gotten into you, buddy?” asked Trekker.

“I’m not your buddy. Never have been, never will be!” responds Wesley while landing his dirtbike on Trekker and Trekker Jr. Wesley picks up Trekker and Trekker Jr. and throws them out the window, causing them to land on the ground and become unconscious while subsequently removing his Biking Power Wesley Gloves.

“Don’t worry, guys! I got you!” says Wesley while taking over the controls of the robot. Wesley places Micah and Sarah safely on the ground and exits the robot with Sarah’s Girl Power Sarah Shoes in his hands.

“I believe these belong to you, Sarah.” says Wesley while handing Sarah’s Girl Power Sarah Shoes to Sarah. Sarah takes her shoes and places them in her pocket, embracing Wesley afterwards while saying, “Oh, Wesley! It’s so good to have you back!” Sarah releases her grip with Micah saying, “Yeah, what she said!”

“So, what happened to me?” asked Wesley.

“It’s a long story, but...” answers Micah while subsequently telling Wesley the events that took place with Sarah.

“So, let me get this straight. I got amnesia, and Trekker and Trekker Jr. tricked me into thinking they were my friends and you guys were my enemies, huh?” asked Wesley.

“Yep!” answered Sarah. Wesley thinks for a moment and asks, “Sounds crazy, but if you guys were there to see it, what’s not to believe?”

“I think we’ve had enough for today. Let’s all go home.” says Micah while walking home with his friends. Trekker and Trekker Jr. gain consciousness some time later and observe their surroundings with Trekker Jr. asking, “Where are we?” Trekker looks at his reflection off of the entry doors to the city building and asks, “I don’t know, but what are we?” Trekker Jr. looks at his reflection and asks, “Are we some kind of cat breed?”

“I’d say so.” answered Trekker. Trekker and Trekker Jr. begin acting like cats during their amnesiac stage while Micah arrives back in his laboratory and continues his work, making one drop of a chemical into a flask full of another chemical and inadvertently causing an explosion.

“Heh heh. Whoops!” chuckled Micah nervously.


The End

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