Wednesday, July 1, 2015


The day is Thursday, December 31st, 2015, and Micah and his brothers are home visiting their mother and stepfather. Micah’s older brother, Matthew, is now 27 years old and is working as a Software Engineer in Tokyo, Japan. Micah is now 26 and works as a Video Game Developer in Redmond, Washington. Micah’s younger brother, Christopher, is 24 and works an unknown position in Columbus, Ohio, and is months away from moving to Portland, Oregon after accepting a job offer as a Production Assistant. Micah’s mother sets up a party at the house as other relatives arrive with Micah contacting his three friends, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica. Wesley is now 26 years old and works as a Visual Effects Intern in Los Angeles, California. Sarah is also 26 and works as a Trainer at a factory in Greenville, Ohio. Jessica is 26 as well and works an unknown position at a restaurant in Arcanum, Ohio. Micah’s friends arrive the same time as other relatives and friends do with some of the family members happily greeting Micah and his brothers.

“Hey, guys! Good to see you!” says Micah’s Uncle Rick while shaking hands with Micah and his brothers.

“You too, Uncle Rick!” responded Micah. Rick looks at Micah’s friends and says, “Hi there! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you guys before.”

“Not until now. We’re friends of Micah’s. My name’s Wesley.” responded Wesley.

“I’m Sarah.” said Sarah.

“And I’m Jessica. Nice to meet you.” said Jessica.

“Nice to meet you guys, too!” responds Rick while shaking hands with Micah’s friends. Micah’s mother and stepfather begin the party while Trekker and Trekker Jr., who is home visiting with his dad, watches them on surveillance.

“Jr., my boy, we’ve waited long enough to make 2015 a year to remember.” said Trekker menacingly.

“I agree 100 plus percent! Let’s finish off the year strong! And by finish, I mean keep the year 2015 forever!” responded Trekker Jr. menacingly.

“Exactly! 2016 will never come! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Question is, how are we going to do it?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Watch and learn, my son.” answered Trekker. Back to Micah’s visit, his mother and stepfather turn on the TV to watch the ball drop as 2016 draws near.

“We are coming to you live at Times Square in New York City, where we’re just minutes away of saying goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016!” said the reporter. Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch the livestream on surveillance at their mansion with Trekker laughing, “No, we are not going to be saying goodbye to 2015. We’re going to freeze time and stay in 2015 forever! Ha ha ha ha! To the Warp Machine!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. run to the Warp Machine and warp to Times Square, where they appear high above the ball in the Trekkercopter with Trekker handing one of his inventions, the Time Remote, to Trekker Jr.

“Remember, Jr. Press the Freeze Button the second they count to one.” said Trekker.

“Roger, dad.” responded Trekker Jr.

“We have about ten minutes before they activate the ball. So, in the meantime, just keep doing what you’re doing out there. Whether if you’re having your own party, visiting family and friends, anything. Keep yourself occupied and a keen eye on the time.” said the reporter. Micah and his family and friends continue to watch the livestream on TV at his mother’s and stepfather’s house with Wesley asking, “What will we do for ten minutes?” Micah’s mother places a deck of cards on the table and asks, “Anyone up for a game of ‘Go Fish’?”

“Sounds like fun. Let’s play!” answers Micah while heading to the table. Micah and some of his family members and friends sit down at the table and play Go Fish until the ball was one minute away from dropping.

“This is it! The moment we’ve all been waiting for!” says Micah while turning his attention to the TV. Micah’s relatives and friends turn their attention to the TV and watch excitedly as the ball gradually drops down the pole with Trekker and Trekker Jr. doing the same thing.

“Get ready, Jr.!” said Trekker.

“No need to remind me, dad. I was born ready!” responds Trekker Jr. while pointing the Time Remote at the ball. With the ball inches away from the bottom of the pole, everyone counts down, “Five, four, three, two, one!” The second everyone counts to one, Trekker Jr. presses the Freeze Button on the Time Remote, causing the ball to stop moving and the Earth to stop rotating with all clocks remaining at 11:59:59 p.m. Everyone in Times Square gets confused with Trekker laughing, “Excellent job, my boy! Now, 2016 will never come! Ha ha ha ha!”

“Hey, it was your idea, dad. I’m just following your orders.” responded Trekker Jr.

“I know. I’m just so proud of you for pulling it off so well.” replied Trekker.

“This is all very strange! The ball will not touch the bottom and all the clocks will not change to midnight! What’s going on here?!” asked the reporter in confusion.

“Odd…” said Micah’s mom.

“Something certainly isn’t right here.” said Rick.

“Please excuse me while I go to investigate.” responds Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah warps to his laboratory and asks, “Computer, do you know what’s going on here?” Micah’s computer shows surveillance footage of Trekker and Trekker Jr. freezing time with Micah’s computer answering, “Yes. It appears Trekker and Trekker Jr. have stopped time using a strange remote called the ‘Time Remote’.”

“That figures.” responds Micah annoyingly while rolling his eyes. Micah warps back to his mother’s and stepfather’s house with Micah saying, “Trekker and Trekker Jr. stopped time with some diabolical invention of theirs.”

“Didn’t see that coming.” responded Wesley sarcastically.

“I know, right?” asked Micah.

“So, what are we going to do?” asked Rick.

“You just leave that to me, Uncle Rick. I’ve dealt with these rusty bolts for many years.” answered Micah.

“Mind if I tag along?” asked Wesley.

“Please. There’s no telling what Trekker and Trekker Jr. are capable of.” answered Micah.

“Jessica and I are staying right here. Fighting is just not our thing.” said Sarah. Micah summons his Warp Machine again and enters it with Wesley while waving to everyone at his mother’s and stepfather’s house. Micah and Wesley warp to Micah’s laboratory and says, “Computer, locate Trekker and Trekker Jr., stat!” Micah’s computer scans the globe while saying, “Searching for Trekker and Trekker Jr.” Micah’s computer quickly pinpoints Trekker’s and Trekker Jr.’s location, viewing live footage of them on surveillance while saying, “Trekker and Trekker Jr. located.” Micah grabs one of his Power Micah Masks from his Power Micah Mask Box while his computer enters in the destination on his Warp Machine. Micah and Wesley enter the Warp Machine and appear in front of the ball in Times Square.

“Do you have any of your superpowered transformations with you, Wesley?” asked Micah.

“No, but don’t worry. I have a feeling I’m not going to need them. You go ahead and take care of Trekker and Trekker Jr.” answered Wesley. Micah and Wesley look up with Micah turning himself into Power Micah and flying up to the Trekkercopter. Trekker and Trekker Jr. laugh with one another while Micah appears in front of them while angrily saying, “Yeah, yeah! Laugh it up, you rusty bolts! Party’s over!”

“Actually, the party’s just beginning!” responds Trekker while pulling out a remote and pointing it at Micah. Trekker presses the remote’s red button, causing Micah’s Power Micah Mask to disappear and reverting him to normal. Micah falls out of the sky while Trekker and Trekker Jr. menacingly laugh at him with Trekker saying, “Have fun in 2015…forever!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. take their seats in the cockpit and fly away while Micah pulls out his Grab Shot, firing it at one of the Trekkercopter’s landing skids. The Grab Shot clamps onto the landing skid and pulls Micah up towards the Trekkercopter with Micah climbing back on board.

“Nice try, you rusty bolts!” said Micah.

“Huh?!” exclaims Trekker while looking behind him with Trekker Jr.

“You’re going to have to do better if you want to get rid of me!” said Micah.

“Well, if you insist!” responds Trekker Jr. while approaching Micah. Micah and Trekker Jr. begin fighting each other as Trekker continues to fly the Trekkercopter away. After a while, Micah punches Trekker Jr. and causes him to fly backward and hit the cockpit’s window, knocking him unconscious. Trekker stops the Trekkercopter and switches it to Auto-Hover while angrily asking, “Must I do everything myself?!” Micah begins fighting Trekker, who first punches and kicks Micah in the face and continues fighting him afterwards. At one point, Micah becomes too tired to fight back with Trekker punching him out of the Trekkercopter.

“That’ll show you!” said Trekker angrily. Trekker heads back to his seat and flies off as Micah falls to the ground with Wesley looking up and finding him.

“Emergency! Emergency!” shouts Wesley while pointing up to Micah. The crowd looks up and sees Micah falling with a group of firefighters grabbing a trampoline and positioning it underneath Micah, who lands safely onto it and bounces off, landing in front of Wesley.

“Where’s your Power Micah Mask?” asked Wesley.

“Trekker made it disappear. That good-for-nothing rusty bolt!” answered Micah angrily.

“Here. Warp back to your lab and grab another. I’ll stay here and keep an eye on things.” responds Wesley while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah warps back to his laboratory, grabs another Power Micah Mask from his Power Micah Mask Box, and warps back to Times Square, turning himself into Power Micah and taking off into the sky after Trekker. As Trekker continues to fly away, Trekker Jr. gains consciousness while asking, “What happened?”

“Micah knocked you out. But, don’t worry. I took care of everything. We’ll never see that broken bolt again.” answered Trekker. Micah shows up in front of the Trekkercopter and taunts, “Guess again, you rusty bolt!”

“What would it take to keep you away?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“I should be asking the same thing about you.” responded Micah. Micah flies into the Trekkercopter and kicks Trekker and Trekker Jr. upon entering, sending Trekker and Trekker Jr. flying back. Micah then pulls out his Fire Whip and whips it around Trekker and Trekker Jr., pulling them out of the Trekkercopter, twirling them around, and flinging them out of sight. Micah flies back into the Trekkercopter and switches it off, causing it to plummet towards the ground. As the Trekkercopter plummets, Micah grabs and picks it up, taking it to Wesley and tilting it upon arrival, making the Time Remote fall out and into Wesley’s hands. Micah flies back up into the sky with the Trekkercopter still in his hands, twirling and throwing it out of sight while hollering, “Don’t forget this, you rusty bolts!” Micah flies back to Wesley while everyone cheers for him with Micah gesturing to Wesley with his hand while asking, “Care to do the honors, buddy?”

“I’d be happy to.” answers Wesley while pressing the Resume Button on the Time Remote. The Earth resumes its rotation, making all the clocks resume their time and the ball touch the bottom. Everyone cheers for Wesley the second the year becomes 2016 with Micah saying, “Just in the nick of time!”

“Who would want to live in a world frozen in time, anyway?” asked Wesley.

“Nobody but Trekker and Trekker Jr., and all their good-for-nothing henchmen.” answered Micah.

“I’ll say.” responded Wesley. Micah removes his Power Micah Mask and pulls out his Warp Machine Remote, summoning his Warp Machine and entering it with Wesley as they wave goodbye to the crowd at Times Square. Micah and Wesley warp back to Micah’s mother’s and stepfather’s house with the reporter saying on TV, “The clocks are moving again and the ball has dropped! I repeat, the ball has dropped! The year is finally 2016, and we have these brave souls to thank!” says the reporter while showing footage of Micah fighting Trekker and Trekker Jr. and Wesley pressing the Resume Button on the Time Remote.

“Micah, I’m so proud to call you my nephew!” says Rick while giving Micah a noogy.

“Hey, it’s a tough job. But, somebody’s got to do it.” responded Micah.

“We’re glad it’s you.” replied Micah’s mother.

“Don’t forget Wesley.” says Micah while looking at Wesley.

“No recognition is necessary, Micah. You’re the brains behind the whole operation.” responds Wesley while holding out his hand.

“I’m just trying to be courteous, buddy. You’re always there to back me up when the going gets tough.” replies Micah while putting his hand on Wesley’s shoulder.

“Thanks, Micah!” said Wesley.

“Don’t mention it!” responded Micah.

“Ok, guys. You’ve made your point. May we please continue the party?” asked Sarah jokingly.

“We haven’t been able to do anything while time was frozen. We’re bored!” said Jessica jokingly. Micah looks at his mother and stepfather and asks, “Mom? Kyle?”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Out with the old, in with the new!” said Micah’s stepfather. Micah’s mother and stepfather continue their party at their house until everyone has had enough. Micah’s family members and friends part ways, waving goodbye to Micah and his mother and stepfather, as well as his brothers. Back in New York City, Trekker and Trekker Jr. sit on the crown of the Statue of Liberty, looking up and seeing the Trekkercopter heading right towards them.

“Jump!” shouted Trekker nervously. Trekker and Trekker Jr. jump off the statue and into the lake with the Trekkercopter landing on the other side of the Statue of Liberty. Trekker and Trekker Jr. swim towards the Trekkercopter with Trekker subsequently saying, “My Trekkercopter!”

“Why does this always happen to us?” asked Trekker Jr. Trekker’s temper rises and furiously shouts, “BLAST YOU, MICAH!!!!!” Micah and his brothers and friends return to their normal lives some time after New Year’s while Christopher begins his live anew in Portland, Oregon, making commercials. After a couple more months interning, Wesley accepts a job offer as a Technical Director, beginning a new life making movies.


The End

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