Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hate Potion #9

On the morning of Valentine’s Day, an alarm clock buzzes with Micah waking up and turning it off. Micah completes his morning routine with his two brothers (older brother Matthew and younger brother Christopher) and heads off to school, sitting in the gym with his three friends (Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica) while waiting to be dismissed to his bus. At one point, Wesley taps Sarah on the shoulder and subsequently presents her a Valentine’s Card while asking, “Will you be my Valentine?”

“Ok.” answered Sarah. Micah nervously looks at Jessica and hesitantly pulls out a Valentine’s Card from his backpack, tapping Jessica on the shoulder afterwards and presenting her the card.

“Uhhh...want to be…my…Valentine?” asked Micah nervously.

“Mmm…ok.” answered Jessica. Micah and his friends get dismissed to their bus while Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch on surveillance at their mansion with Trekker saying, “Valentine’s Day. Puh!”

“I get sick just thinking about it.” said Trekker Jr.

“I have just the cure, my boy.” responds Trekker while holding up a bottle of potion.

“What is it?” asked Trekker Jr.

“This…is Hate Potion #9. Anyone who drinks this...will start hating instead of loving. Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while rotating the bottle and revealing its label. Micah and Wesley go about their day at school and return to the elementary/high school building in town later, thinking about what to give their Valentines.

“So, have you thought about what you want to get Jessica for Valentine’s Day?” asked Wesley.

“I’m thinking flowers and a box of chocolates. It’s the only thing I know that women like.” answered Micah.

“I might as well do the same for Sarah. I don’t know what else to get her.” responded Wesley.

“Now, to make it more special, I’m going to make the flowers and chocolates myself in my laboratory.” said Micah.

“Good idea! The best gifts are the ones you make! I think I’ll do the same!” responded Wesley. Micah and Wesley wave goodbye to each other as they part ways, arriving home some time later and putting their backpacks away in their bedrooms. Micah and Wesley immediately enter their laboratories and do research on how to make flowers and chocolates, grabbing tools and ingredients for preparation with Trekker and Trekker Jr. watching them on surveillance.

“Now’s our chance, Jr. Quick! To the Warp Machine!” says Trekker while grabbing a bottle of Hate Potion #9 and tossing another one to Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. run to the Warp Machine with Trekker saying, “You warp to Sarah’s house and I’ll warp to Jessica’s.”

“Will do.” replied Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. appears at Sarah’s front door while Trekker appears at Jessica’s, placing fake tags and labels on their bottles of Hate Potion #9 and putting them down on the outside doormat. Trekker and Trekker Jr. ring the doorbell at their respective locations and immediately flee the scene, hiding and watching as Sarah and Jessica answer and look around while asking, “Hello? Anybody?” Sarah and Jessica look down at their doormats and find the bottles of Hate Potion #9 with the tags saying they are for them and from their respective Valentines. Sarah and Jessica also read the fake label that was placed on them, which reads, “Strawberry Smoothie”.

“Oooooh! A strawberry smoothie? Yum! Thanks, Micah…whereever you are!” says Jessica while taking the cap off and drinking the potion.

“Mmmmm, strawberry smoothie! I’m parched! Wesley, if you’re here, thank you! Bottoms up!” says Sarah while removing the lid and drinking the potion. Sarah and Jessica consume the whole bottle and get a bad taste in their mouths while saying, “Ugh! Strange-tasting smoothie!” Sarah and Jessica suddenly get a strange feeling in their heads while Trekker and Trekker Jr. head back to the mansion and watch on surveillance as the potion goes into effect.

“Look, Jr.! It’s working!” said Trekker.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Micah’s and Wesley’s faces when they see the surprise they’re in for!” said Trekker Jr. Micah and Wesley arrive at their Valentines’ homes with their flowers and boxes of chocolates shortly after Sarah and Jessica become hateful from drinking the potion, ringing the doorbell and waiting nervously for their Valentines to show up. Sarah and Jessica answer the door at their homes with Micah presenting his flowers and box of chocolates to Jessica while nervously saying, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Jessica. I didn’t know what to get you, so I got you these flowers and box of chocolates. I made them myself.”

“Hi, Sarah. Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you like flowers and chocolates. They’re not just any flowers and chocolates, I made these myself!!!” says Wesley while presenting his flowers and box of chocolates to Sarah. Sarah and Jessica angrily smack the flowers and chocolates out of their Valentines’ hands with Jessica angrily saying, “How dare you show up to my house and give me presents! What are you?! Some kind of creepy lover boy?! Get lost!” Jessica slams the door in Micah’s face while Sarah angrily says, “You creep! Are you following me?! Go away!” Sarah slams the door in Wesley’s face while he and Micah, both heartbroken, pick up their flowers and boxes of chocolates and warp to Micah’s laboratory.

“Did Jessica reject you?” asked Wesley.

“Yes.” answered Micah sadly.

“Sarah did the same thing to me.” responded Wesley sadly.

“This isn’t like them. They agreed to be our Valentines just this morning. Shouldn’t they have told us by now that they changed their minds?” asked Micah.

“I would think so. But, whatever the case may be, I’m sure we’ll figure it out faster than replacing a broken bolt.” answered Wesley. Micah and Wesley stand idle with their hearts broken until Wesley suddenly receives a prediction.

“Wait a minute! I’m pretty sure that’s not the real Sarah and Jessica!” said Wesley angrily.

“It’s got to be their evil clones! Trekker’s mansion, pronto!” responds Micah angrily while running to his Warp Machine with Wesley. Micah and Wesley warp to Trekker’s mansion, searching around for Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Micah angrily shouting, “Trekker, get out here! I got a bone to pick with you!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. make no appearance with Micah and Wesley searching the mansion more until Trekker’s computer says, “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” A ray gun comes out of the computer’s monitor and starts zapping Micah and Wesley, who retreat to Trekker’s Warp Machine while dodging the lasers. Micah and Wesley warp back to Micah’s laboratory with Micah saying, “Computer, locate Trekker and Trekker Jr. this instant!”

“Searching for Trekker and Trekker Jr.” says Micah’s computer while scanning the globe. Micah’s computer quickly locates Trekker and Trekker Jr. uptown in Arcanum while saying, “Trekker and Trekker Jr. located.” Micah and Wesley angrily watch as Trekker and Trekker Jr. place bottles of Hate Potion #9 on everyone’s doormats with Micah asking, “What is that stuff that Trekker and Trekker Jr. is giving everyone?”

“Here’s your answer.” answers Micah’s computer while viewing live surveillance of Sarah’s and Jessica’s front doors. Micah and Wesley look at the empty bottles of Hate Potion #9 on Sarah’s and Jessica’s doormats with their fake labels blowing off from wind and revealing their true name.

“Hate Potion #9? What the monkeywrench is that?” asked Micah.

“I don’t know. But, I certainly don’t like the sound of that. And, from what I see, Sarah and Jessica already drank theirs. That must be why they rejected us.” answered Wesley.

“I still say it’s their evil clones, but I’ll keep this Hate Potion #9 in mind.” responded Micah. Micah and Wesley head to Micah’s Warp Machine and warp uptown to Arcanum while everyone causes chaos to one another with hatred after consuming Trekker’s Hate Potion #9.

“This is not good.” said Micah.

“We’ve got to find Trekker, and fast!” responded Wesley. Micah and Wesley search around Arcanum in the midst of the chaos everyone is causing until Trekker spots them and menacingly says, “Ah, Micah and Wesley! How nice of you to join the party!” Micah and Wesley turn their attention to Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Micah angrily asking, “Alright, Trekker! What’s Sarah’s and Jessica’s evil clones doing at Sarah’s and Jessica’s houses?”

“Evil clones?” asked Trekker. Evil Clones Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica suddenly show up with Evil Clone Micah asking, “You rang, boss?” Micah and Wesley observe the evil clones, noticing Sarah’s and Jessica’s in the group with Trekker laughing, “The Sarah and Jessica you guys saw earlier is the REAL Sarah and Jessica! Ha ha ha ha!”

“So, it was the potion!” responded Wesley angrily.

“Oh, you’ve found out my secret weapon, huh?” asks Trekker menacingly while showing a bottle of Hate Potion #9.

“Yes! You better fix this mess or I’ll break every bone in your body!” answered Micah angrily.

“Whoa! Let’s not be so hasty! Carry on, evil clones!” responded Trekker.

“Roger, boss!” replies Evil Clone Micah while leading the rest of the evil clones into the chaos. Trekker watches for a moment as the evil clones continue to cause chaos with the rest of his henchmen, subsequently turning his attention back to Micah and Wesley while laughing, “Now, where were we? Ah, yes! The potion! Jr. and I are turning Valentine’s Day into a day of hate, and there’s nothing you can do about it! Ha ha ha ha!”

“Oh, yes there is! Wesley and I are going to find an antidote for this contaminant! Isn’t that right, Wesley?” asks Micah angrily while turning his attention to Wesley.

“Absolutely!” answered Wesley angrily.

“Yeah, right! You’d be dead by the time you find one! Heh heh!” chuckled Trekker Jr.

“But, it’s your funeral. So, be my guest!” said Trekker.

“With pleasure!” responds Micah angrily while walking away with Wesley. Trekker Jr. begins walking after them while saying, “Don’t worry, dad. I’ll make sure they won’t find the antidote.”

“Let them go, son. They’ll never find it.” responds Trekker while stopping Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch as Micah and Wesley walk away with Wesley asking, “How are we going to find an antidote for hatred?”

“I say, we head back to Trekker’s mansion. He must have something there that could reverse the effects of the Hate Potion.” answered Micah.

“Ok, but let’s warp from somewhere he can’t see us.” responds Wesley while going around the corner of the building with Micah following. Micah summons his Warp Machine and warps back to Trekker’s mansion with Wesley following, sneaking past Trekker’s computer to a table full of potions. Micah and Wesley search through the whole table until Wesley finds a potion labeled “Fond Potion #9”. As Micah continues searching the potions, Wesley takes the Fond Potion and brings it to Micah while asking, “Hey! What about this stuff?” Micah looks at the potion and answers, “Worth a shot.” With the Fond Potion in Wesley’s hands, Micah and Wesley sneak past Trekker’s computer with Micah tripping over a cord and triggering Trekker’s computer.

“Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” said Trekker’s computer. The ray gun comes out of the computer’s monitor again and begins firing at Micah and Wesley as they make a run for it to Trekker’s Warp Machine. Micah and Wesley warp back to Micah’s laboratory with the Fond Potion still intact, taking it up to Micah’s computer while Micah says, “Computer, analyze.” Micah’s computer consumes a small sample of the Fond Potion with a tube and begins collecting data on it while responding, “Analyzing liquid.” Micah’s computer continues collecting data on the Fond Potion and subsequently gets results while saying, “This is Fond Potion #9. Anyone who drinks this will become fond of one another.”

“But, will it cure hatred?” asked Micah.

“Yes.” answered Micah’s computer.

“Come on, Wesley! Let’s get to work!” said Micah. Micah and Wesley spend a great deal of time making multiple bottles of Fond Potion #9 after getting the ingredients from Micah’s computer.

“That should do it! Let’s head back uptown and put an end to all this hatred!” says Micah while running to his Warp Machine with Wesley following. Micah and Wesley warp uptown to Arcanum and encounter a man and his girlfriend, who are arguing to one another until Micah gives them a bottle of Fond Potion #9 while saying, “Come on, you guys! This is Valentine’s Day! Spread the love!”

“Give me that!” responds the man angrily while swiping the Fond Potion from Micah’s hands. The man drinks half the bottle with his girlfriend swiping it from his hand afterwards while angrily saying, “Save some for me, you self-centered jerk!” The man’s girlfriend finishes off the bottle of Fond Potion #9, restoring her and the man back to their normal selves with the girlfriend asking, “What’s happened to me? I feel like my old self again.”

“I do, too.” responded the man.

“That stuff you guys drank is Fond Potion #9. It’s the antidote to Hate Potion #9.” answered Micah.

“You mean that strawberry smoothie we had earlier?” asked the man’s girlfriend.

“That was no strawberry smoothie. THAT was Hate Potion #9, which is what caused you two to act like real jerks to each other.” responded Wesley.

“Oh! No wonder why it tasted so bad!” replied the man’s girlfriend. The man and his girlfriend exchange their Valentine’s gifts to one another while saying, “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart!” The man and his girlfriend hug and kiss each other with the man subsequently saying, “Thanks guys for saving us from…well…us!”

“Don’t mention it. Sorry to be rude, but we got to get going. There’s a lot more where that came from.” responds Micah while gesturing with his hand.

“Say no more. Go save the rest of the town!” replied the girlfriend. Micah and Wesley warp back to Micah’s laboratory and gather up the rest of the Fond Potions, subsequently warping back uptown to Arcanum.

“This is going to take forever! At this rate, we’ll never get everyone back to normal before the end of Valentine’s Day!” said Wesley.

“Never say never, my friend. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” responds Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask.

“Oh! Duh!” says Wesley while pulling out his Biking Power Wesley Gloves. Micah and Wesley turn themselves into their respective counterparts and begin approaching every couple they see, giving them bottles of Fond Potion #9 and restoring them back to normal with Trekker angrily asking, “What’s going on here?!” Micah approaches Trekker and Trekker Jr. and shows them a bottle of Fond Potion #9 while taunting, “Does this answer your question?”

“Where did you get that?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” taunted Micah. Micah flies off with Trekker angrily shouting, “Get back here, you broken bolt!” After restoring everyone back to normal, Trekker and Trekker Jr. angrily approach Micah and Wesley with Trekker saying, “How dare you steal my Fond Potion! Just for that, I’m going to break every bone in YOUR body!”

“Be my guest!” taunted Micah. Trekker and Trekker Jr. run after Micah and Wesley with Micah flying up into the air and pulling out his Fire Whip while Wesley drives off with Trekker Jr. chasing him.

“Get down here and fight, you broken bolt!” said Trekker angrily.

“No! You’ve done enough!” responded Micah. Micah wraps Trekker with his Fire Whip, twirls him around, and flings him out of sight, causing him to land back into his mansion while Wesley arrives back at Micah with Trekker Jr. on his tail. Out of exhaustion from chasing Wesley around, Trekker Jr. pants heavily and stops, collapsing face-down onto the ground with Micah saying, “I’ll take it from here.” Micah wraps Trekker Jr. with his Fire Whip and twirls him around, flinging Trekker Jr. out of sight and causing him to land back into Trekker’s mansion on top of Trekker. Everyone cheers for Micah and Wesley as Micah lands and removes his Power Micah Mask the same time Wesley removes his Biking Power Wesley Gloves.

“Glad to see we got everyone back to normal just in time to finish off Valentine’s Day.” said Wesley.

“There’s still two people left that need to take Fond Potion #9.” responded Micah.

“Oh, that’s right! Sarah!” replied Wesley.

“And Jessica.” said Micah.

“Come on! There’s not a minute to lose!” says Wesley while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah and Wesley warp back to Micah’s laboratory and grab the remaining two bottles of Fond Potion #9 with Micah subsequently warping to Jessica’s house and Wesley warping to Sarah’s. Micah and Wesley ring the doorbell at their Valentines’ houses with Sarah and Jessica subsequently answering them with Jessica angrily saying, “You again?! I thought I told you to get lost!”

“I just couldn’t stay away. I was going to give you this other strawberry smoothie bottle, but I can clearly see you don’t want it. So, I’ll just go ahead and throw it away.” taunts Micah while turning around and walking away.

“Where do you think you’re going?! You’re not going to leave that easy! Whatever that stuff is, it’s mine!” responds Jessica angrily while swiping the bottle of Fond Potion #9 from Micah’s hand. Micah stands still and smirks as he watches Jessica consume the whole bottle with Jessica subsequently saying, “Not bad, I admit. But I still hate you!”

“No you don’t!” taunted Micah. Jessica suddenly reverts back to her normal self while asking, “Micah? What are you doing here?”

“Come with me. I’ve got something for you.” answers Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah and Jessica warp to Micah’s laboratory while Sarah angrily says, “I said go away, you creep!”

“I figured you’d say that. I guess you don’t want this new and improved strawberry smoothie.” taunts Wesley while removing the lid of the Fond Potion and preparing to tilt it over to pour it out. Sarah angrily swipes the potion out of Wesley’s hand while saying, “Oh, no you don’t! This stuff is mine now!”

“Ok then. But, I wouldn’t drink it if I were you.” taunted Wesley.

“Oh, shut up! I’m going to do with it what I want to do with it, and if you don’t like it, then shove off!” responds Sarah while consuming the whole bottle of Fond Potion #9. Wesley stands and smirks as Sarah drinks the potion and angrily says, “It’s pretty good, but you’re going to have to do better than this to get me to like you!”

“Oh, I doubt that.” taunted Wesley. In the blink of an eye, Sarah reverts back to her normal self while asking, “Wesley? What brings you here?”

“Come. We have some unfinished business to take care of.” answers Wesley while summoning his Warp Machine. Wesley and Sarah warp to Micah’s laboratory with Micah saying, “Good! Everyone’s here! Sarah, Jessica, wait here. Wesley and I will be right back!” Micah and Wesley walk out of sight with Sarah asking, “I wonder what they’re up to?”

“Beats me.” answered Jessica. Micah and Wesley return to Sarah and Jessica with their flowers and boxes of chocolates in their hands, presenting them to their respective Valentines’ while saying, “Happy Valentine's Day!”

“For me?! Thank you, Micah!” says Jessica while hugging Micah.

“Thank you, Wesley! The flowers are just beautiful!” says Sarah while hugging Wesley. Micah and Wesley hug their Valentines back until Sarah and Jessica release their grips with Sarah subsequently asking, “We thought that strawberry smoothie you guys left for us was it. Why didn’t you just give it yourselves?”

“That was not us.” answered Micah.

“It was Trekker and Trekker Jr. That stuff you guys drank was actually ‘Hate Potion #9’, which really messed things up. But, don’t worry. Micah and I took care of everything.” said Wesley.

“A potion that made everyone turn on each other? No wonder why that stuff tasted bad.” responded Jessica.

“But, like Wesley said, everything’s been taken care of. You know what the best part is about those flowers and chocolates Wesley and I gave you two?” asked Micah.

“What?” asked Sarah. Micah and Wesley put their arms around each other and answer, “We made them ourselves!”

“Awww, you shouldn’t have!” responded Jessica.

“I know, but we did.” replies Micah while gesturing with his hands. Sarah takes a bite out of one of her chocolates and says, “Mmm! These are really good! You got to try one, Jessica!” Jessica takes a piece of chocolate out of her box and bites into it, subsequently saying, “Mmmmm! I agree! These are the best chocolates I’ve ever had!” Micah and Wesley celebrate Valentine’s Day with Sarah and Jessica in Micah’s laboratory while Trekker’s wife (Trekker Jr.’s mother), Momma Trekker, arrives at the mansion and approaches Trekker and Trekker Jr., who are just now getting up off the floor with Trekker Jr. looking up and exclaiming, “Mom?!”

“Hi, honey.” said Trekker nervously.

“Where’s my Valentine’s gift?!” asked Momma Trekker angrily.

“Well…uhhh…” answers Trekker Jr. nervously while looking around frantically.

“You guys didn’t get me anything, did you?” asked Momma Trekker angrily.

“No, no. We did. It’s…uhhh…right here!” answers Trekker nervously while looking around frantically and subsequently presenting a pot with a dead flower in it.

“You call that a gift?!” asked Momma Trekker angrily.

“Hey, come on, mom. We’re villains. We all like bad things, don’t we?” asked Trekker Jr. nervously. Momma Trekker starts hitting Trekker and Trekker Jr. with her purse while angrily saying, “You guys are the worst Valentines a troll could ask for!” Momma Trekker then takes the pot with the dead flower and smashes it on top of Trekker’s head, walking away while angrily saying, “If you two don’t get me a REAL Valentine’s gift next year, you’ll wind up looking like that flower!” Momma Trekker exits the mansion and slams the door behind her with Trekker Jr. angrily saying, “Man, I hate Valentine’s Day!”

“Me too!” responded Trekker angrily. Trekker and Trekker Jr. angrily stand motionless with their arms folded as Momma Trekker walks out of sight, hoping to get a real Valentine’s gift from Trekker and Trekker Jr. next year.


The End

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