Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Fight for Freedom

The country of Iraq is ruled by a cruel dictator by the name of Saddam Hussein, who has made many heinous acts that have taken countless lives. On Tuesday, March 18th, 2003, Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch TV together at their mansion, planning their next heinous move.

“I wonder what evil scheme we should do next?” asked Trekker Jr.

“I’m working on it, son. It’s not like it’s going to show up before our very eyes.” answered Trekker. President Bush suddenly shows up on live TV and gives a nationwide broadcast, ordering Saddam Hussein and his sons to leave Iraq within 48 hours or the United States will declare war. Trekker and Trekker Jr. smile at each other menacingly with Trekker Jr. saying, “Evil plans really DO show up before our very eyes.”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” asked Trekker menacingly.

“Let’s go to Iraq and join forces with this Saddam Hussein!” responded Trekker Jr.

“To the Warp Machine!” says Trekker while running to the Warp Machine with Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. warp to Iraq and approach Saddam Hussein and his sons upon arrival with Trekker asking, “Hello there! Are you Saddam Hussein?”

“Yes, and you are…” asked Saddam Hussein.

“Trekker, and this is my son, Trekker Jr. We’re evil, just like you guys!” answers Trekker while shaking hands with Saddam Hussein and his sons.

“Nice to meet you.” responded Saddam Hussein.

“Hi! I’m Uday!” said one son.

“I’m Qusay!” said another son.

“And I’m Ali Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti! Pleased to meet you!” said the last son.

“Pleasure’s all ours! We just watched that doofus Bush on TV, saying you should leave this place within 48 hours or the United States goes into war. What a joke!” replied Trekker.

“I know, right? I rule this country! I do what I want! My boys and I are staying right here! Isn’t that right, my sons?” asks Saddam Hussein while looking back at his sons.

“Ditto!” answers Saddam Hussein’s sons while giving him the “OK” hand gesture.

“I don’t blame you. This will be perfect for our enemy, Micah.” responded Trekker.

“Oh, you guys have an enemy of your own?” asked Saddam Hussein.

“Yes, and his name’s Micah. He’s this 12 year-old brat who’s always getting in the way of our plans. I want him destroyed!” said Trekker angrily.

“I can’t even tell you how many times he got us sent to jail.” said Trekker Jr. angrily.

“It certainly sounds like this Micah is quite the party crasher.” responded Saddam Hussein.

“He is, and a big one at that! So, what do you say? Shall we all join forces?” asked Trekker. Saddam Hussein looks back at his sons, who all nod at him menacingly with him nodding back menacingly, putting his hand on Trekker’s shoulder afterwards and menacingly answering, “Trekker, my friend…we’d be delighted to join forces with you and your boy! Any enemy of yours is an enemy of ours.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear! With your power, my brain, and the watchful eyes of the boys, we will take over the world faster than crushing a brand new bolt!” responded Trekker.

“I agree. All right, everyone. Let’s get to work!” replies Saddam Hussein while leading his sons into town with Trekker and Trekker Jr. President Bush sits at his desk and thinks of a way to make Saddam Hussein and his sons leave the country of Iraq, coming up with an idea and holding in a button on his Pager.

“Mr. Cheney?” asked President Bush.

“Yes, Mr. President?” asked Vice President Cheney.

“Find Micah’s number.” responded President Bush.

“Right away, sir.” replied Vice President Cheney. Micah listens to the lecture being given by his Language Arts teacher at school until Principal Graves activates the PA system.

“Mrs. Lavy?” asked Principal Graves.

“Yes, Mr. Graves?” asked Mrs. Lavy.

“Could you send Micah down to my office? We have a major situation going on here.” asked Principal Graves. Micah nervously exits the classroom and approaches Principal Graves’ door, knocking on it with Principal Graves saying, “Come in!” Micah nervously opens the door and peeks his head in while nervously asking, “You needed to see me?”

“Ah, Micah! Have a seat.” said Principal Graves. Micah gulps nervously and enters the office, sitting down in front of Principal Graves.

“I just got a call from the president. There’s an evil dictator in Iraq named Saddam Hussein that has been ordered to leave said country within 48 hours. If he and his sons don’t comply, the United States will go into war. The president has asked you personally to make sure Saddam Hussein and his sons do what they are told and keep the war from happening.” said Principal Graves.

“Oh, whew!” responds Micah while wiping off sweat from his forehead.

“You thought you were in trouble, weren’t you?” asked Principal Graves jokingly.

“You certainly had me worried.” answered Micah.

“You haven’t done a thing wrong, Micah. Why would I be mad at you? All jokes aside, will you make sure Saddam Hussein and his sons leave Iraq?” asked Principal Graves.

“You can count on me, sir! I’ll have them out faster than replacing a broken bolt!” answered Micah.

“Excellent! You may head back to class now.” responded Principal Graves. Micah exits the office and goes back to class, continuing on with his day. At the end of the school day, Micah approaches Wesley while they head out to their bus and says, “Hey, Wesley. President Bush wants me to make sure Saddam Hussein and his sons leave Iraq. Principal Graves told me all about it.”

“That could be dangerous, so I’m coming with you. Is that ok?” asked Wesley.

“Not a problem. It’s always best to travel in numbers, anyway.” answered Micah.

“Settled. I’ll meet you there.” responded Wesley. Micah and Wesley board their bus and ride it back to their elementary school, heading to their houses afterwards. Upon arriving at home, Micah and Wesley put their backpacks away and enter their laboratories, approaching their Warp Machines and warping to Iraq. Micah and Wesley explore the country of Iraq during their search for Saddam Hussein and his sons with Micah saying, “Saddam Hussein and his sons have to be around here somewhere.”

“Keep your eyes peeled. They could be anywhere.” responded Wesley. Micah and Wesley suddenly hear a voice menacingly say, “Hi, Micah! Hi, Wesley!” Micah and Wesley turn their attention to the voice and find Trekker and Trekker Jr. standing next to Saddam Hussein and his sons.”

“Trekker!? What are you doing here?!” asked Micah angrily.

“Take a guess!” answered Trekker menacingly.

“Don’t tell me. You’re helping Saddam Hussein and his sons with their crimes.” said Wesley angrily.

“Bingo!” responded Trekker. Saddam Hussein steps in front of Trekker and menacingly says, “Greetings, fellas! I’m Saddam Hussein, and I’m...”

“We know who you are and what you and your sons are up to!” responded Micah angrily.

“Oh, really? Found out about us on live television, did you? By that idiot President Bush?” asked Saddam Hussein menacingly.

“I’m going to cut to the chase. Saddam Hussein, Wesley and I have come to stop you and your sons…by order of President Bush. We do not wish to harm any of you, so we’ll ask nicely. Please leave Iraq at once, or face the consequences!” responded Micah angrily.

“Not a chance, kid! As long as you and your little friend are here, you got to do what I say! Why don’t you two just go back home and play with your toys if you know what’s good for you?” asked Saddam Hussein menacingly.

“What he said!” said Trekker Jr.

“You guys are just making it harder on us and yourselves. All we’re asking you to do is leave this country. President’s orders. Failure to comply will probably result in a fatality of your own. Got it?” asked Wesley angrily.

“Give it up, guys! We’re not listening!” responded Trekker.

“Then you leave us no choice.” replies Micah angrily while pulling out his Power Micah Mask.

“Oh no you don’t!” says Trekker angrily while running up to Micah and swiping his Power Micah Mask. Trekker breaks Micah’s Power Micah Mask in half and throws it on the ground while menacingly asking, “There! Not so powerful now, are you?”

“I wouldn’t say that, Trekker.” taunts Wesley while pulling out his Biking Power Wesley Gloves. Trekker immediately swipes Wesley’s Biking Power Wesley Gloves and rips them up into a million pieces. Saddam Hussein holds out his hand to Trekker while saying, “Save your energy. I’ll take it from here.” Saddam Hussein punches Micah and Wesley unconscious while Trekker pulls out his Warp Machine Remote, summoning his Warp Machine. Saddam Hussein throws Micah and Wesley into Trekker’s Warp Machine with Trekker pulling out his Coma Zapper and setting its effectiveness to two days. Trekker zaps Micah and Wesley with his Coma Zapper and laughs, “There. With my Coma Zapper set to last for two days, Micah and Wesley won’t be able to stop us, which means...we go to war! Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker warps Micah and Wesley to their respective labs, where they remain until their parents find them later on in the day. With Trekker and Trekker Jr. by his side, Saddam Hussein and his sons wreak havoc in the country of Iraq for the next two days, when Micah and Wesley wake up in their living rooms on the couch.

“Oh, Micah! You’re ok! I was so worried about you!” says Micah’s mom while hugging Micah tightly.

“Ooooohhhhh. What day is it?” asks Micah in a daze while holding his head.

“March 20th.” answered Micah’s mom.

“Uh-oh!” responds Micah nervously while turning on the TV. President Bush immediately appears on the screen, announcing that Saddam Hussein and his sons have failed to leave Iraq within the 48 hours with the war starting. The screen cuts to live footage of the war with Micah’s mom saying, “Wow. Those poor people.”

“Sorry, mom. But I have to get there now.” says Micah while heading to his bedroom. Micah’s mother grabs Micah’s arm and worriedly responds, “No, don’t. It’s too dangerous.”

“I’ll be ok, mom. Really. Have I ever steered you wrong?” asked Micah.

“Saving the town is one thing, but fighting in a war? You could get killed.” said Micah’s mom.

“I already fought in the War on Terror against Osama Bin Laden. How hard could it be?” asked Micah.

“I’m not letting you go, and that’s final.” said Micah’s mom.

“I can do this, mom. Like I said, I’ve already fought in the War on Terror. If I’ve done it once, I can do it again. You got to believe me. After all, I’m not going to be a kid forever. You have to give me room to grow.” responded Micah. Micah’s mother releases her grip and worriedly answers, “Well, ok. Just be careful.” Micah hugs his mom and says, “I promise I will make it back in one piece. In case I don’t, just know that I love you, Kyle, Matthew, Christopher, and the rest of our family with all my heart.” Micah’s mother tears up and hugs Micah back while saying, “I love you too. I just can’t stand the thought of losing you.”

“You won’t, and you never will.” responded Micah. Micah enters his laboratory and warps to Iraq with Wesley and the rest of Micah’s allies currently into battle.

“Ah, Micah! We thought you’d never show up!” said Wesley.

“Sorry I’m late. Had kind of an emotional moment with my mom.” responded Micah.

“Same here. Better late than never.” replied Wesley. Micah turns himself into Power Micah and Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley, approaching Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Saddam Hussein (who are all fighting off soldiers).

“Stop this bolt-tightening madness right now!” shouted Micah angrily. Saddam Hussein removes a pin from a grenade and throws it at Micah and Wesley, which explodes right in front of them and knocks them unconscious. Micah and Wesley gain consciousness a while later with Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Saddam Hussein surrounding them.

“All your friends chickened out and went home. It’s just you two! Heh heh heh heh!” chuckled Trekker Jr.

“There’s nowhere to run, you rusty bolts. We’re going to finish you off once and for all! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Micah looks past Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Saddam Hussein and taunts, “You and what army?” Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Saddam Hussein look back at their henchmen, who are all running away in terror.

“Cowards!” says Saddam Hussein angrily while rolling his eyes. Micah and Wesley attack Trekker and Trekker Jr. while Saddam Hussein attempts to fight them off. A while later, Wesley starts to attack Saddam Hussein with Micah pulling out his Fire Whip and wrapping Trekker and Trekker Jr. with it. Micah twirls and flings Trekker and Trekker Jr. out of sight, causing them to land in the Iraqi prison while subsequently wrapping Saddam Hussein with his Fire Whip. Micah flings Saddam Hussein out of sight and causes him to land in the same jail cell as Trekker and Trekker Jr. Micah’s allies and the Iraqi residents suddenly come out from hiding and start cheering for Micah and Wesley with an Iraqi man throwing them a party.

“You guys are still here? I thought you all left.” asked Micah.

“Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Saddam Hussein were about to kill you and Wesley, so we tricked them into thinking they’ve won.” answered Sarah.

“And they fell for it big time. What morons! Hee hee hee!” laughed Jessica.

“Thanks for your help, you two. And to the rest of you fighting by our side! Wesley and I couldn’t have done it without you!” said Micah. Micah and Wesley party with Sarah, Jessica, and the rest of their allies until they decide to call it a day and warp home, where Micah and Wesley are thrown another party for their victory in Iraq.

“Mom? Kyle? How’d you know?” asked Micah.

“We saw the whole thing live on TV.” answers Micah’s mom while showing footage of the battle on TV. Micah parties with Wesley, Sarah, Jessica, Matthew, Christopher, and his mother and stepfather with Micah saying, “See, mom? I told you I’d make it back in one piece.”

“I’m so proud of you.” responds Micah’s mom while hugging Micah. Micah parties with everyone until they’ve had enough with Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica warping home while Micah and his family turn in for the night. The next day, Micah and Wesley appear on the news, talking about their fight and victory as Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Saddam Hussein watch from their jail cell. The news suddenly cuts to live footage of the Iraqi residents toppling over Saddam Hussein’s statue with Saddam Hussein angrily saying, “I hate those kids! You were right about them, Trekker.”

“Speaking of kids, whatever happened to your sons?” asked Trekker. A security guard suddenly brings Saddam Hussein’s sons to the jail cell (handcuffed) and asks, “Does this answer your question?” The guard places Saddam Hussein’s sons inside the jail cell with Trekker, Trekker Jr., and Saddam Hussein, removing their cuffs afterwards and locking the gate as he proceeds with his duties.

“Sorry, pop. We failed you.” said Uday Hussein.

“You guys certainly weren’t kidding about that Micah kid.” said Qusay Hussein.

“We feel so ashamed.” said Ali Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti.

“Don’t worry about it, my sons. What’s important is, we’re together again.” responded Saddam Hussein. Trekker Jr. suddenly spots a shovel in the corner and grabs it, presenting it to Trekker, Saddam Hussein, and Saddam Hussein’s sons while saying, “Look, guys! Our troubles are over!”

“Way to go, Jr. Let’s get digging!” responded Trekker. The same security guard from before suddenly rushes over and swipes the shovel while saying, “Don’t even think about it…unless you want the death penalty!” Trekker angrily tightens his grip around the cell gate and shouts, “I WILL GET YOU MICAH…SOMEDAY!” The guard stores the shovel away in a closet full of shovels and carries on with his shift, keeping things in order and making sure none of the offenders misbehave in any form or manner.


The End

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