Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hypnotic Wesley

One morning, Wesley works quietly on his computer in his laboratory until hearing his Warp Machine make a noise, looking back and finding nothing in plain sight. Wesley shrugs his shoulders and continues his work while Trekker stands behind his Warp Machine and looks back, holding a black hat with a swirling wheel on the center. Trekker peaks his head out and sneaks up behind Wesley while holding the hat behind his back, tapping Wesley on the shoulder afterwards. Wesley turns around and angrily asks, “Why are you here?” Without saying a word, Trekker puts the hat on and spins its wheel while saying, “Listen to the sound of my voice. When I snap my finger, you will do whatever I say.” Wesley’s eyes begin to swirl with Wesley responding, “Yes, master!”

“You will help me destroy Arcanum!” says Trekker while snapping his finger.

“Must help master destroy Arcanum.” said Wesley.

“Ha ha ha ha! Excellent!” laughs Trekker while removing and kissing his hat. Trekker places the hat into one of his pockets and walks to Wesley’s Warp Machine while saying, “Come on, slave! There’s not a minute to lose!”

“Coming, master.” responds Wesley while catching up to Trekker. Trekker warps himself and Wesley to Arcanum, approaching the city building with Trekker saying, “Alright, Wesley. Listen up. I want you to break some of these windows.” Wesley picks up a rock and throws it lightly at a window, causing the rock to bounce off and leave the window unharmed.

“No. You got to throw harder.” said Trekker. Wesley picks up another rock and throws it at the city building’s wall, which bounces off and hits Trekker in the face.

“Hey, watch it! You got to aim!” said Trekker angrily. Wesley once again picks up another rock and throws it at a window, which bounces off without breaking the window and hits Trekker in the stomach.

“Oh, for crying out loud! Here, let me show you how it’s done!” says Trekker angrily while stepping in front of Wesley. Trekker picks up a rock and throws it as hard as he could through a window, breaking the glass while subsequently handing Wesley a rock and angrily asking, “Kapeesh?” Wesley takes the rock and throws it at Trekker’s stomach with Trekker angrily saying, “Not me, you idiot! The window!” Wesley picks up another rock and throws it at Trekker’s face with Trekker subsequently grabbing him by the shirt and violently shaking him while shouting, “THE WINDOW!!!!!” While Wesley picks up yet another rock, a police officer suddenly comes outside and asks, “What’s going on out here?” Wesley throws the rock at the officer’s face, knocking him unconscious as he falls facedown onto the ground with Trekker placing his hand on Wesley’s shoulder while saying, “Wesley, my boy! You have redeemed yourself! I will never doubt you again!” Trekker continues causing destruction with Wesley’s help with Micah’s computer ringing and saying, “Red alert! Red alert! Arcanum is being attacked!” Micah immediately runs to his Warp Machine and warps uptown in the midst of Trekker’s and Wesley’s destruction with Trekker taunting, “Oh, look! It’s Micah! Wesley, new order! I command you to annihilate Micah!” Trekker subsequently snaps his finger with Wesley walking towards Micah while saying, “Must annihilate Micah.”

“Wesley? It’s me, Micah! Your best friend!” says Micah while backing away from Wesley.

“Ha ha ha ha! Not anymore! He’s under my control!” laughed Trekker.

“Trekker, you no-good son of a loose bolt! What have you done to my best friend?!” asked Micah angrily.

“Oh, nothing. Just a little hypnosis is all! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while showing Micah his hat.

“When I get my hands on you, I’m going to squeeze every last chemical out of you!” responds Micah angrily while walking towards Trekker. Wesley grabs Micah by the back of his shirt, stopping him while saying, “Must annihilate Micah.”

“Wesley, what are you doing? You’re supposed to be helping me, not that rusty bolt!” said Micah.

“You know what? My work here is done. Wesley, keep up the good work! I’ll check back on you later!” says Trekker while summoning his Warp Machine. Trekker warps back to his mansion while Wesley picks up Micah and throws him down on the ground.

“Must annihilate Micah.” says Wesley while walking towards Micah.

“Wesley, how could you?! You let Trekker get away!” asked Micah angrily.

“Must annihilate Micah.” says Wesley while picking up Micah and slamming him down on the ground.

“Wesley…you leave me no choice but to power up.” says Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Power Micah while Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley and subsequently says, “Must annihilate Micah.” Wesley revs up the engine of his dirtbike and suddenly speeds towards Micah, knocking him out of the way while turning back around to prepare for another attack.

“Must annihilate Micah.” says Wesley while revving up the engine of his dirtbike again. Wesley speeds towards Micah again with Micah flying out of the way and pulling out his Fire Whip, wrapping Wesley with it and subsequently removing Wesley’s Biking Power Wesley Gloves. Micah flies off to Trekker’s mansion with Wesley in his arm, crashing in through the roof of Trekker’s mansion upon arrival and approaching Trekker and Trekker Jr. while they play a game of Go Fish. Trekker turns his attention to Micah while subsequently taunting, “Well, look who decided to show up.”

“Playtime’s over, Trekker! You and I have some unfinished business to take of!” responded Micah angrily.

“Oh, Wesley!!!!!” says Trekker while subsequently snapping his finger. Wesley suddenly breaks free from Micah’s arm and Fire Whip, grabbing and slamming Micah down onto the floor while saying, “Must annihilate Micah.”

“That ought to keep them busy. Alright, Jr.! Let’s get back to our game!” says Trekker while drawing his attention to his deck of cards. Wesley continues slamming Micah onto the floor with Micah getting hurt badly, struggling to fight Wesley off. At one point, Micah reaches for the handle of his Fire Whip that’s sticking out of one of his pockets with Wesley grabbing his arm, preventing Micah from pulling it out. Micah grabs the handle of his Fire Whip and attempts to pull it out while Wesley stops him until Micah breaks free of Wesley’s grip and inadvertently slaps Wesley across the face with the back of his hand, reverting Wesley back to normal.

“Huh? Where am I?” asks Wesley while looking around.

“Wesley? Is that really you?” asked Micah.

“…Yeah. Why do you ask?” asked Wesley.

“What’s the holdup, Wesley? You’re supposed to be annihilating Micah, like I told you!” asks Trekker angrily while subsequently snapping his finger repeatedly to no avail.

“Why would I do that? He’s my best friend?” asked Wesley angrily.

“It can’t be!” says Trekker while snapping his finger again repeatedly to no avail.

“I would never do anything for you, Trekker!” said Wesley.

“Nooooo!!!!! Impossible!” says Trekker while snapping his finger yet again without any luck.

“Ha! Looks like you’ve failed again, Trekker!” taunted Micah.

“What did you do, you broken bolt?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“I don’t know…except I’ve slapped him by accident.” answered Micah.

“That cancelled the hypnosis!” responded Trekker angrily.

“Hypnosis?” asked Wesley.

“Trekker hypnotized you to do everything he told you to do, and apparently, an accidental slap across the face was all it took to put you back to normal.” answered Micah.

“Wow. Thanks, buddy!” responded Wesley.

“No problem, pal. Great to have you back!” replies Micah while shaking Wesley’s hand.

“Ok, you’ve had your little reunion! Wesley, prepare to get hypnotized…again!” says Trekker angrily while pulling out his Hypno-Hat.

“Oh no you don’t!” responds Micah while whipping his Fire Whip. Micah whips the hat out of Trekker’s hands with Micah subsequently saying, “You’ve had enough hypnotizing people for one day!”

“Grrrrr!!!!! I hate it when you stop me! Fine! I’ll take you down with my bare hands!” responds Trekker while running towards Micah.

“That won’t be necessary, Trekker.” taunts Micah while whipping Trekker with his Fire Whip. Trekker becomes fully engulfed in flames and rounds around screaming in pain with Trekker Jr. worriedly shouting, “Oh no! Dad!” Trekker Jr. angrily throws down his deck of cards and approaches Micah while asking, “What have you done to my dad?!”

“Can it, shrimp! He asked for it!” taunted Micah.

“Shrimp?! Why, I ought to…!” responds Trekker Jr. while raising up his fist. Trekker Jr. throws a punch at Micah, who turns around at the last minute and causes Trekker Jr. to punch his rocket, hurting his own hand instead of Micah.

“YYYYYEEEEEOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!” shouts Trekker Jr. painfully while holding his hand. With a smirk on his face, Micah whips Trekker Jr. with his Fire Whip, setting him ablaze while Trekker douses his flame with the stop, drop, and roll technique, dropping to the floor exhaustedly afterwards. As Trekker Jr. runs around screaming in pain, Wesley retrieves Trekker’s Hypno-Hat and approaches Trekker, spinning the wheel while subsequently saying, “Listen to the sound of my voice. When I snap my finger, you will do exactly as I say.”

“Yes, master.” responded Trekker.

“You will turn yourself into the police.” says Wesley while subsequently snapping his finger. Trekker jumps up off the floor and walks to his Warp Machine while saying, “Must turn myself in.” Trekker warps to the Arcanum Police Station and approaches the front desk, holding out his wrists while saying, “Must turn myself in.”

“So, you’ve decided to come clean, huh?” asked a police officer.

“Must turn myself in.” said Trekker.

“That’s right. You’re in big trouble, mister. You’re under arrest for damaging property.” responds the officer while handcuffing Trekker. The police officer escorts Trekker to a police cruiser while Trekker Jr. douses his flame with the stop, drop, and roll technique back at the mansion, subsequently dropping to the floor exhaustedly with Micah subsequently saying, “Alright, Wesley! Let’s pack it up! Our work here is done!” Wesley approaches Micah, who grabs Wesley and takes off into the sky to fly home while Trekker enters his jail cell, getting smacked in the face with a rock inadvertently thrown by a rat digging its way out.

“Huh? Where am I?” asks Trekker while observing his surroundings.

“Good question. Where all the other bad guys go.” answered a security guard. Trekker frantically looks around the facility until furiously shouting, “BLAST YOU MICAH!!!!!”


The End

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