Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Trekker's Independence

On the morning of 4th of July, Micah and his brothers wake up, get their showers, and get dressed, eating their breakfast and watching some TV afterwards. After getting tired of TV, Micah goes into his laboratory to conduct some scientific research until his computer rings, answering the call and seeing Wesley on the screen.

“Hey, Wesley. How’s it going?” asked Micah.

“Good. Ready to see some fireworks tonight?” asked Wesley.

“You bet!” answered Micah.

“I’ll get in touch with Sarah and Jessica to see if they can come. See you there!” responded Wesley. Micah continues working in his laboratory with Trekker watching him on surveillance at his mansion.

“Fireworks. Hmmm. This could really go out with a bang! I’ll give those Micah Friends a show they’ll never forget! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while gathering up some bombs. Trekker Jr. approaches Trekker while asking, “What are you doing, dad?”

“Oh, nothing. Just gathering up some bombs for Arcanum’s fireworks tonight.” answered Trekker.

“I see. You going to destroy 4th of July?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Yep!” answered Trekker.

“Need a hand?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Join the party. Two heads are better than one.” answered Trekker. Trekker Jr. begins helping Trekker gather up bombs and other explosives at the mansion until dusk. With the sky now dark, Micah and his family, along with a crowd of spectators from all over, head to a set of bleachers at Arcanum’s football field with Micah quickly finding his friends and walking towards them.

“Hey, Micah. Ready for the fireworks tonight?”

“Sure am.” answers Micah while sitting down with his friends. As Micah and his friends and the rest of the spectators talk with one another, Trekker and Trekker Jr. appear on the football field in black attire and steal all the fireworks without anyone noticing. Trekker takes the fireworks back to his mansion while Trekker Jr. positions the bombs and explosives that he and Trekker gathered up earlier. Trekker Jr. warps back to the mansion while the host of the event walks over to the bombs and explosives, oblivious that they are not fireworks. The host picks up the microphone and switches it on, tapping it three times to do a sound check and says, “Good evening, everyone, and thank you for coming out tonight to watch the fireworks! We have a big show planned for you all! Before we get started, I ask that you rise for the playing and singing of our national anthem!” Everyone stands up and turns towards the American Flag while removing their hats and placing them over their hearts with their right hand while a woman walks onto the field and takes the microphone, singing the national anthem. After the woman finishes the national anthem, everyone cheers and applauds for her as she makes her way back to her seat while the host ignites the bombs, thinking that they are the fireworks. The bombs explode uncontrollably with the host grabbing the microphone and saying, “Everyone, we have a major situation going on here! It appears I’ve lit bombs by mistake! Please remain calm as we sort this out!” Despite the host’s instructions, everyone panics and scrambles to leave the football field while the bombs continue to explode uncontrollably.

“Please, not another holiday disaster.” says Micah annoyingly while rolling his eyes and pulling out his Warp Machine Remote. After Micah summons his Warp Machine, he and his friends warp to Trekker’s mansion and find Trekker and Trekker Jr. standing in front of the fireworks.

“Step away from the fireworks, you rusty bolts!” says Micah angrily while approaching Trekker and Trekker Jr. with his friends.

“Trust me, the bombs provide a better show. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Maybe to you and Trekker Jr., but not to us!” responded Micah angrily.

“Who said anything about you guys?” asked Trekker menacingly.

“We don’t give a broken lugnut about you or anyone else.” said Trekker Jr.

“That’s right! You just want to help yourselves, which is just selfish!” responded Wesley angrily.

“Uh, guys? I don’t think we should encourage them.” replied Sarah nervously.

“Better do what your friend says if you know what’s good for you.” said Trekker menacingly. Micah looks at the fireworks and runs towards them with Trekker stopping him while saying, “Oh, no you don’t!” As Trekker pulls Micah back, Wesley grabs Trekker’s tail with Trekker slapping him across the face with the back of his hand while saying, “Don’t touch me, you broken bolt!” Wesley gets back up and grabs Trekker’s tail again with Trekker swinging the back of his hand and Wesley ducking.

“I said don’t touch me!” said Trekker angrily. Wesley pulls Trekker back and swings him around, releasing his grip and sending Trekker flying into a wall. Micah and Wesley gather up the fireworks while Trekker Jr. approaches them and says, “Don’t worry, dad! I’ll get them!” Trekker Jr. grabs Micah and Wesley and pulls them back while Trekker approaches them while angrily saying, “You guys will not be getting fireworks this year! Not ever again!” An index finger taps Trekker’s shoulder with Trekker turning around and getting punched in the face by Sarah.

“Let them go!” said Sarah angrily.

“Never!” responded Trekker Jr. Jessica approaches Trekker Jr. from behind and trips him, causing him to release his grip and fall to the floor with Micah and Wesley continuing to gather up the fireworks. Jessica jumps on top of Trekker Jr. and pins him down to the floor as Micah and Wesley finish up gathering the fireworks with Trekker angrily saying, “Get off my son, you broken bolt!”

“Make me!” taunted Jessica.

“If you insist!” responds Trekker angrily while running after Jessica. Sarah grabs Trekker’s tail and slams him down onto the floor, turning herself into Girl Power Sarah afterwards. Trekker Jr. shakes Jessica off and grabs her, throwing her down onto the floor while subsequently going after Micah and Wesley, who have just finished gathering up all the fireworks and are now making their way towards Trekker’s Warp Machine. As Trekker Jr. follows Micah and Wesley, Jessica turns herself into Rockstarica and approaches Trekker Jr. from behind, playing her guitar with Trekker Jr. covering his ears.

“Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! Turn that off!” shouted Trekker Jr.

“Ahhh! Music to my ears!” taunted Micah.

“You said it!” responded Wesley. Micah and Wesley make it to Trekker’s Warp Machine and warp themselves back to Arcanum’s football field with all fireworks that Trekker and Trekker Jr. had stolen while Sarah and Jessica continue to hold off Trekker and Trekker Jr.

“Dad! Micah and Wesley got away with all the fireworks!” said Trekker Jr.

“Why didn’t you stop them?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“I tried, but Jessica hurt my ears with her stupid guitar!” answered Trekker Jr.

“That’s no excuse, Jr.! You should never let music stand in your way!” responded Trekker.

“Oh! Perhaps you’d like a little rehearsal?” taunted Jessica. Jessica plays her guitar again with Trekker covering his ears while shouting, “Stop it! Stop it! You’re going to make me deaf!” As Jessica continues to play her guitar, Trekker Jr. sneaks over to a table and pulls out a pair of ear muffs from a drawer, placing them on and sneaking up behind Jessica while Trekker keeps his ears covered with his hands. Trekker Jr. swipes Jessica’s guitar and smashes it onto the floor, destroying it with Trekker saying, “Nice, Jr.!”

“Thanks, dad! But we’re not done yet!” responds Trekker Jr. while menacingly approaching Sarah and Jessica with Trekker. Trekker and Trekker Jr. grab Jessica while Sarah fires beams at them from her wrists, causing Trekker and Trekker Jr. to release their grip and fly back into a wall and become unconscious upon impact. Sarah and Jessica revert themselves back to normal and warp back to Arcanum’s football field, reuniting with Micah and Wesley as they help the host set up the fireworks.

“Hello there! These two boys told me everything! Thank you for returning our fireworks! We can now get on with the show!” said the host.

“You’re welcome. I hate it when Trekker and Trekker Jr. ruin all the fun.” responded Sarah.

“Don’t we all?” asked Jessica.

“Jessica, you took the words right out of my mouth!” responded Micah.

“Trekker and Trekker Jr. don’t plan on stopping by anytime soon, are they?” asked Wesley.

“Nope. Jessica and I took care of them.” answered Sarah.

“Let’s just say…they’re taking a little nap.” said Jessica.

“You girls never cease to amaze me!” responded Micah.

“Hey! We learned it from you and Wesley!” responded Sarah.

“Believe me. No matter how often you save lives, you never stop learning. Even Micah and I still learn new things everyday.” replied Wesley.

“That’s right. Learning is a never-ending job.” said Micah. Micah, Wesley, and the event host finish setting up the fireworks with Micah saying, “Well, that should do it.”

“I’d say so. Thanks again for all that you’ve done!” responded the host. Micah and his friends head back to the bleachers with the host picking up the microphone and switching it on while subsequently saying, “Sorry for the delay, everyone! As it turns out, Trekker and Trekker Jr. stole our fireworks and replaced them with bombs! If it weren’t for these four kids confronting Trekker, we would have never been able to get our show on the road! Let’s give them a big round of applause for their heroism!” Everyone cheers for Micah and his friends as they wave to the crowd of spectators and head to the bleachers with Uncle Sam suddenly appearing on the field and gathering up the remaining bombs. Uncle Sam approaches Micah and his friends and taps Micah on the shoulder with Micah and his friends turning around.

“Uncle Sam?” asked Micah.

“I saw what you four did. Great job! But, I’m afraid there’s some unfinished business to take care of.” responds Uncle Sam while showing Micah and his friends the bombs.

“Oh, yes! I forgot! We’ll get on that right away!” replies Micah while approaching the bombs with his friends. Uncle Sam stops Micah and his friends while asking, “No, that’s okay. You guys have done enough. Mind if I borrow your Warp Machine, Micah?”

“Anything for you, Uncle Sam!” answers Micah while pulling out his Warp Machine Remote and summoning his Warp Machine with it.

“Thanks! I’ll be right back!” says Uncle Sam while gathering up the bombs and warping to Trekker’s mansion. Uncle Sam approaches Trekker and Trekker Jr. as they continue to lay down on the floor unconscious, setting up the bombs in front of them with Trekker and Trekker Jr. subsequently gaining consciousness, immediately seeing Uncle Sam while exclaiming, “Uncle Sam?!” Uncle Sam points at Trekker and Trekker Jr. with his index finger while saying, “I want YOU to stop committing crimes, Trekker and Trekker Jr.!” Uncle Sam ignites the bombs and heads back to Trekker’s Warp Machine while Trekker and Trekker Jr. back up against the wall with Trekker saying, “Uh-oh!” Uncle Sam warps back to Arcanum’s football field while the bombs at Trekker’s mansion explode and send Trekker and Trekker Jr. flying out into the sky covered in smoke stains. Uncle Sam meets back up with Micah and his friends, sitting down next to them with Uncle Sam asking, “Did I miss anything?”

“Nope! You’re just in time!” answered Micah.

“Alrighty! Without further ado, let’s see some fireworks!” said the host. The host ignites the fireworks, which begin launching into the sky and exploding with colorful lights coming out of them as everyone watches and cheers for them. As the fireworks continue launching and exploding in the sky, Trekker and Trekker Jr. fall towards and lands on one of them, being launched back up into the sky with Trekker saying, “Here we go again!” The rocket explodes and throws Trekker and Trekker Jr. back while they scream and fly out of sight as everyone continues to watch. Shortly after Trekker and Trekker Jr. vanish from plain sight, the exploding fireworks displays an image of Sarah (as Girl Power Sarah) and Jessica (as Rockstarica) fighting Trekker and Trekker Jr. and Micah and Wesley retrieving the fireworks with a message underneath displaying, “Thank you Micah Friends”. After the images of Micah and his friends disappear, the show ends with the spectators applauding and cheering while Uncle Sam points at Micah and his friends with his index finger while saying, “I want YOU to keep up the good work, Micah Friends!”

“We won’t let you down, sir!” responds Micah while saluting to Uncle Sam with his friends.

“As long as we’re around, you have nothing to be afraid of!” said Wesley.

“In our darkest hour (no pun intended)…” said Sarah.

“…through thick and thin!” said Jessica. Uncle Sam leaves the football field while waving to Micah and his friends as they head back home with their families, ready to start a new day in their summer vacation from school.


The End

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