Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Tough Sarah

It has been quite some time since Sarah learned to do backflips. But then after that, she faced a new challenge…learning to do frontflips. Thanks to Micah, who went above and beyond to help Sarah achieve her goal, she acquired the skills necessary to perform them. One day at recess, Micah practices fighting with Wesley, who wears and holds up punching mitts with Micah punching and kicking them until Sarah arrives.

“Hey, guys!” said Sarah.

“Hey, Sarah!” responded Micah.

“What are you both up to?” asked Sarah.

“Practicing our fighting moves.” answers Wesley while showing Sarah his punching mitts.

“May I try?” asked Sarah.

“Sure! Show us what you got!” answers Micah while stepping out. Sarah steps in and starts punching and kicking Wesley’s punching mitts as he holds them up while two bullies approach Micah and his friends.

“You guys are such nerds!” said one bully.

“Do you mind?” asks Micah angrily while pointing outwards.

“Come on, guys. Let’s find someplace else to train.” says Wesley annoyingly while leading Micah and Sarah away from the bullies. The bullies step in front of them with one bully asking, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Oh, to a little place called NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” answered Wesley angrily.

“Guys, just go away, ok? We haven’t done anything to you!” says Sarah angrily while pointing outwards.

“Oh, you’d like that, now wouldn’t you?” asked one bully jokingly.

“Guys, we’re trying to be nice here. If you keep bothering us like this, we’re going to have to take drastic measures.” said Micah angrily.

“That’s not a bad idea. I’ll start with you first!” says one bully while grabbing Micah.

“Get your filthy hands off of him, you no-good son of a loose bolt!” says Wesley while attempting to pry the bully’s hands off of Micah. The bully’s friend grabs Wesley while responding, “What’s the big hurry? We’re just getting started!” Sarah walks up to the bully holding Micah and pounds him on the side of the arm with her fist while angrily saying, “Leave them alone, you jerks!” The bully slaps Sarah out of the way while subsequently responding, “Stay out of this, little girl! You’ll live longer!” Micah stomps on his bully’s foot, causing the bully to release his grip and grab his foot while jumping up and down holding it.

“Ow ow ow ow! That’s it! You’re in for it now, you little punk!” says the bully angrily while chasing after Micah. The bully holding Wesley watches as his friend chases after Micah while Wesley asks, “Hey, what’s that on your arm?”

“Where?” asks the bully while observing his arm. Wesley stomps on the bully’s foot, breaking free from his grip while the bully grabs his foot and jumps up and down screaming in pain.

“Ha! Made you look!” taunted Wesley. Wesley runs away, catching up to Micah while the bully chases after him and angrily says, “Get back here, little dweeb! Only my buddy and I can hurt people!” Micah and Wesley meet face-to-face while their respective bullies angrily inch closer to them.

“Ready?” asks Micah while squatting.

“Ready!” answers Wesley while squatting. With the bullies just inches away from Micah and Wesley, Micah and Wesley jump up and frontflip while the bullies inadvertently run into each other, knocking each other unconscious and falling to the ground. Micah and Wesley walk up to Sarah while she sits on the ground with Wesley helping her up.

“I would so love to be able to defend myself like you guys.” said Sarah.

“Don’t worry. We can help you with that.” responded Micah. The whistle suddenly blows, ending recess with all the kids lining up to get to go back to class.

“We’ll have to do this some other time.” says Wesley while running to line up with his class. Micah and Sarah run with Wesley, getting into line and going back to class to finish out the day. After Sarah gets home from school, she goes into her garage and begins punching her father’s punching bag while Micah and Wesley conduct scientific experiments. The next day at recess, The two bullies approach Micah and his friends with one bully angrily saying, “Alright, twerps! We have some unfinished business to do!” The bullies crack their knuckles while Sarah steps in front of Micah and Wesley and says, “Back off! Both of you!”

“Ah, scram, little girl! This is a man’s job!” responds one bully while grabbing Sarah and throwing her aside.

“You want some of this?!” taunts Micah while showing his fist to the bullies.

“Have at thee, oh big, but cowardly bullies!” taunted Wesley. Micah and Wesley run away while the bullies chase after them with Micah encountering two kids tossing a ball back and forth. Micah stands in the middle of the ball’s path as his respective bully inches closer, cleverly stepping back as the bully inadvertently collides with the ball. The bully gets knocked unconscious and falls to the ground while one kid runs up to him while saying, “Oh! Sorry, mister!” The kid grabs his ball and continues tossing it back and forth with his friend while Wesley continues running away from his bully. At one point, Wesley finds two kids tossing a football back and forth to one another, running towards them and standing in the middle as his respective bully continues running after him. With the bully just inches away from him, Wesley does a backwards somersault and causes the bully to collide with the football, knocking him unconscious while one kid runs up to retrieve the football.

“Whoops! Sorry!” said the kid. The kid gets back into his position and continues tossing the football back and forth with his friend while Wesley meets up with Micah.

“Nice work, as usual!” says Micah while fist bumping Wesley.

“Thanks! You too!” responds Wesley while fist bumping Micah back. Sarah approaches Micah and Wesley while saying, “Thanks, guys. That was amazing.”

“No need to thank us, Sarah. We were just getting those rusty bolts off our backs.” responded Micah.

“Now, if we could just get them to leave us alone for good.” said Wesley.

“I can’t see that happening anytime soon. Could one of you teach me your moves? I want to be able to defend myself.” asked Sarah.

“Sure! We can do that!” answered Micah.

“If it’s alright with you, Micah, I’ll meet you in your laboratory tomorrow and help you get set up for Sarah’s training.” said Wesley.

“Sounds like a plan!” says Micah while fist bumping Wesley.

“So, tomorrow in Micah’s laboratory?” asked Sarah.

“We’ll be ready!” answered Wesley. Micah and his friends finish out their day at school, on a Friday, and return home later on, getting ready for Saturday. The next day, Wesley shows up in Micah’s laboratory and helps Micah set up a training arena for Sarah, who shows up later on.

“I’m here.” said Sarah. Micah looks over at Sarah and says, “Ah, Sarah. Step into the arena, please.” Sarah enters the arena with Micah and Wesley, who dress in foam gear with Sarah while Micah says, “Ok, here’s the deal. Wesley and I are going to attack you, and when we do, fight back to the best of your ability.”

“But remember, never, and we mean NEVER, fight to harm, as doing so will lead to dire consequences. Only fight to defend.” said Wesley.

“Why can’t you guys just build a machine or something that will copy your abilities into me?” asked Sarah.

“Well, then you wouldn’t learn anything, now would you?” asked Micah.

“I know it’s hard, Sarah, but we want you to master these skills properly.” said Wesley.

“Ok. But how will I know when to attack?” asked Sarah.

“You’ll know what to do when the time comes. Learning the element of surprise is half the battle.” answered Micah.

“With this kind of training, we will not only train your body, but also your mind.” said Wesley.

“Ok then. Let’s do it!” responded Sarah.

“That’s the spirit!” replied Micah. Micah and Wesley beginning training Sarah, who fails all areas to the point of giving up.

“Don’t give up, Sarah. It takes time.” said Micah.

“Let’s try again.” said Wesley. Micah and Wesley resume training Sarah, who fails in all areas again and gives up.

“Oh, what’s the use? I’m not cut out for this.” said Sarah.

“Maybe you need a different approach. I’ll tell you what. We’ll call it a day and try again some other time. Is that ok?” asked Micah.

“No. Don’t bother training me anymore. I’ll just see you guys at school on Monday.” answers Sarah while walking to Micah’s Warp Machine and warping herself home.

“I’ve never seen Sarah so discouraged.” said Wesley.

“She’ll get the hang of it sooner or later. I just know it.” responded Micah. Sarah enters her bedroom and lies face down on her bed, disappointed about her training. On the coming Monday at recess, the bullies approach Micah and his friends, grabbing Micah and Wesley with Sarah pulling them back from their shirts while they drag Micah and Wesley away. One bully shoves Sarah away while saying, “Beat it, little girl, unless you want us to pound you!” Sarah walks back up to the bullies and trips them both, causing them to release their grip and subsequently jump back up.

“Sarah! Run!” said Micah. The bullies angrily chase after Sarah as she makes a run for it, catching and beating her until she kicks one bully in the stomach. Sarah then stomps on the foot of the bully holding her, breaking free from his grip and subsequently picking him up and throwing him at the other bully. While sitting on the ground, the bullies back away from Sarah as she approaches them while showing her fist and taunting, “You want some of this?!” The bullies scream and run away while Micah and Wesley approach Sarah with Micah saying, “Sarah, that was amazing!”

“See? We told you you’d know what to do when the time came.” said Wesley.

“Fear me, weaklings!” taunted Sarah.

“Whoa, Sarah. Let’s not overdo it.” responded Micah. Sarah observes her surroundings and sees a big kid inadvertently push down a little kid, approaching him while saying, “Hey! Pick on someone your own size, punk!” Sarah picks up the big kid and throws him outward with Micah shouting, “Sarah! Stop!” Sarah runs off while Micah and Wesley approach the big kid and little kid, helping them up with Wesley asking, “You guys ok?”

“What is that girl’s problem?” asked the big kid angrily. Micah and Wesley look at each other nervously and suddenly run off while saying, “Later!” Sarah sees another big kid chasing after another little kid, approaching the big kid and picking him up by the shirt while angrily saying, “Leave that kid alone!”

“Let me go! We’re just playing Tag!” responded the big kid nervously.

“Sure you are! Time for you to be taught a lesson!” replied Sarah angrily. Sarah angrily throws the big kid outward and subsequently runs off again while Micah and Wesley approach the big kid with Micah gesturing with his hand while asking, “Hey, have you seen a girl around here? About yay tall, brown hair, pink shirt?”

“Beating people up?” asked Wesley.

“Is that who you’re talking about?” asks the big kid angrily while pointing Sarah out. Micah and Wesley nervously look at Sarah as she approaches another big kid playing with another little while the previous little kid approaches Micah and Wesley and asks, “You guys aren’t friends with her, are you?”

“Her? Nope. Never seen her before in my life. Uhhh…later!” answers Micah nervously while running off with Wesley. Sarah picks up the next big kid and prepares to throw him outward while Micah and Wesley approach her with Micah angrily shouting, “Sarah!” Sarah turns her attention towards Micah and Wesley with Wesley angrily asking, “What did we tell you about fighting?” Sarah thinks for a moment and gives up with Micah angrily saying, “We told you only to fight defensively, never for vengeance.”

“But all these big kids are picking on all the little kids.” responded Sarah.

“Take another look.” replies Wesley while gesturing with his hand. Sarah observes her surroundings and sees the previous two big kids and little kids she encountered earlier playing with one another and says, “Oh. They’re just playing. My bad.”

“You’ve become just like the two bullies we’ve been dealing with lately.” said Micah.

“We are so disappointed in you.” says Wesley while walking away with Micah.

“Guys, wait!” responded Sarah. Micah and Wesley continue walking off while Principal Sarver approaches Sarah with a frown on his face with one big kid and one little kid by his side.

“That’s her, Mr. Sarver! The girl that hurt me!” says the big kid while pointing at Sarah.

“Yep. I’m in trouble.” said Sarah. A little while later, Sarah walks out of Principal Sarver’s office with a detention slip in her hand and heads back to class, finishing out the school day and serving her detention after all the kids get dismissed. After serving her detention, Sarah walks out of the building and looks at her hands, tearing up and asking, “What I have done?” Sarah starts crying while walking off to find her parents’ vehicle until a giant robotic foot stops in front of her with a voice menacingly asking, “What’s the matter, little girl? Having a bad day?” Sarah looks up and sees Trekker inside a robot that has Micah and Wesley in its grip with Trekker laughing, “Well, your day is about to go from bad…to worse! Ha ha ha ha!”

“Sarah! Do something!” shouted Micah.

“No. I’ve done enough.” responded Sarah weepingly.

“You can’t give up now! This is an emergency!” replied Wesley.

“I SAID NO!” shouted Sarah angrily. Sarah walks off crying while Trekker laughs, “What a baby! Ha ha ha ha!” As Trekker continues to laugh, a rock is suddenly thrown at him through the window, hitting him in the head while subsequently looking down and exclaiming, “What the!?” Sarah stands in front of the robot with a frown on her face and angrily shouts, “Let my friends go, or else…”

“Or else what?” asked Trekker menacingly.

“Come on down here and see!” answered Sarah.

“Ok! You’re the expert!” responds Trekker menacingly while exiting the robot. Trekker approaches Sarah, who picks him up and throws him at the robot, causing it to fall down on its back and release its grip on Micah and Wesley. Micah and Wesley run towards Trekker with Sarah saying, “No, no, guys! I got this!” Sarah grabs and restrains Trekker while Micah and Wesley stand still and watch Sarah in action.

“Impossible! How can this be?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“This is what happens when you mess with my friends, who both taught me very well on how to fight! One of you, call the police, now!” answered Sarah.

“You got it!” responds Wesley while pulling out his Wesley Phone and calling the police. The police arrive a short while later and apprehend Trekker with the chief, Marcus Ballinger, approaching Micah and Wesley and saying, “Thank you, Micah and Wesley, for stopping Trekker yet again!”

“Don’t thank us. Sarah’s the real hero.” responds Micah while pointing at Sarah with Wesley. Marcus approaches Sarah and says, “Great job today, Sarah! Keep up the good work!”

“I’ll do my best, sir!” responds Sarah while saluting. Marcus and his squad load Trekker in a cruiser and drive off while Micah and Wesley approach Sarah with Micah excitedly saying, “Well done, Sarah!”

“You have redeemed yourself worthy of fighting!” said Wesley.

“Thanks, guys! I couldn’t have done it without you! Please forgive me. I really made a mess of things by taking my skills for granted.” responded Sarah.

“It’s all water under the bridge, now. But, now you know not to do that ever again, right?” asked Micah.

“I swear, it’ll never happen again.” answers Sarah while putting one hand on her chest and holding out the other.

“That’s what we like to hear! Come on! Let’s go have some fun at my house!” responds Micah while walking off with Wesley and Sarah catching up to him. Micah and his friends head to Micah’s house, playing with one another in Micah’s laboratory while keeping up with their fighting skills.


The End

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