Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wesley's Evil Clone

On a quiet, beautiful day, Wesley works in his laboratory at ease…or so he thinks. Little does Wesley know, Trekker appears in his laboratory and sneaks up behind him with a rope in his hand. As Wesley remains focused on his work, Trekker whirls and tosses the rope towards him like a lasso, wrapping him up with Trekker subsequently tying it and carrying Wesley to his Trekkercopter.

“Put me down, monster breath!” shouted Wesley angrily. Raising one eyebrow, Trekker looks up at Wesley and asks, “Monster breath? What kind of name is that?” Trekker tosses Wesley into his Trekkercopter and flies off to his mansion, dropping Wesley onto his concrete slab upon arrival with Trekker Jr. untying and cuffing him onto it. After landing his Trekkercopter, Trekker enters his mansion and heads to his computer, setting up a diabolical experiment on Wesley. As Micah works in his laboratory, his computer suddenly rings while saying, “Red alert! Red alert!”

“What’s the emergency, computer?” asked Micah.

“Wesley’s been kidnapped by Trekker, who appears to be starting a heinous experiment.” answers Micah’s computer while showing live footage of Wesley and Trekker.

“I got to stop him!” says Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. After turning himself into Power Micah, Micah takes off into the sky and flies to Trekker’s mansion, spotting Wesley upon arrival angrily watching as Trekker prepares to press a button on the wall of his mansion. With Trekker’s finger just inches from the button, Micah approaches Trekker from behind and holds out his hand while shouting, “Not so fast, Trekker!”

“What the!?” exclaimed Trekker angrily.

“Release my best friend at once, you no-good son of a loose bolt!” said Micah angrily.

“Certainly…just as soon as I turn him evil! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker menacingly while reaching for the button with his finger. Micah pulls out his Fire Whip and whips Trekker’s hand with it with Trekker subsequently holding his hand in pain while shouting, “Ow! Are you crazy?! That’s my button-pushing hand!”

“You won’t be doing any button-pushing for as long as I’m around!” responded Micah.

“You want to rumble? Fine! Let’s rumble!” replies Trekker angrily while charging towards Micah.

“With pleasure!” taunts Micah while flying towards Trekker. Micah and Trekker battle each other for a while with Micah winning in the end, subsequently freeing Wesley from the concrete slab by whipping the cuffs until they melt. Micah grabs Wesley and flies over Trekker as he gets up off the floor, knocking him back down while exiting the mansion. Trekker walks over to one of his windows and watches as Micah flies away with Wesley while angrily saying, “No one takes my experiments and gets away with it!” Trekker Jr. approaches Trekker from behind while saying, “Hey, dad! I got an idea!” Trekker turns his attention to Trekker Jr. while subsequently asking, “What is it, my boy?”

“Instead of making Wesley evil himself, why not create a doppelgänger?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Hmmm…that should do just as well! Great idea, son!” answers Trekker while walking over to a drawer.

“Thanks, dad! Just wait until everyone sees this Wesley and what he’ll be doing! As soon as they see it…” responded Trekker Jr.

“They’re going to think it’s the real Wesley! And no one will ever love him again, including Micah! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker menacingly. Trekker pulls out a photo of Wesley from the drawer and places it facedown on a scanner, storing it on his computer. Trekker then sets up the experiment and watches with Trekker Jr. as some of their ray guns create the doppelgänger after the computer scans and processes the photo. With the doppelgänger done a short while later, it stands up while Trekker menacingly laughs, “It’s alive! Ha ha ha ha!” The next day, Micah and Sarah go over to Wesley’s house with Micah holding a pie in his hand. Micah and Sarah ring the doorbell with Wesley’s father answering and asking, “Hi, guys! Here to see Wesley?”

“You bet!” answered Micah.

“He’s in his laboratory.” responded Wesley’s father.

“Thanks, Paul!” replied Sarah.

“Anytime!” said Wesley’s father. Micah summons his Warp Machine and enters it with Sarah, warping to Wesley’s laboratory and approaching Wesley with Wesley asking, “Hey, guys! Say, Micah. What’s with the pie?” Micah pretends to trip over Wesley’s rug and jokingly throws the pie in his face with Micah jokingly saying, “Oops! Didn’t see that coming!” Micah and Sarah laugh at Wesley with Wesley angrily wiping off the pie from his face and angrily responding, “Very funny, Micah! You did that on purpose!”

“Aw, come on, Wesley. It was just a joke.” responded Micah.

“Yeah, well, I hate it when you prank me like this! You know that!” replied Wesley angrily.

“Wesley, relax.” said Sarah.

“No! You guys have spoiled my mood! So, just go!” responded Wesley angrily.

“Wesley...” replies Sarah while approaching Wesley. Micah stops Sarah while saying, “Leave him alone, Sarah. You’ll only make it worse.” Micah and Sarah head to Wesley’s Warp Machine and warp themselves home with Micah subsequently working in his laboratory and Sarah looking at magazines while Trekker, Trekker Jr., and the Wesley doppelgänger monitor the Arcanum residents going about their business in town from Trekker’s computer.

“It’s time!” said Trekker. Trekker heads to his Warp Machine with Trekker Jr. and the doppelgänger following, subsequently warping to Arcanum.

“Alright, Evil Clone Wesley! Do your thing!” says Trekker while pointing with his index finger.

“I’m on it, boss!” responds Evil Clone Wesley while saluting to Trekker. Evil Clone Wesley heads into town and causes destruction while Trekker and Trekker Jr. enter the Warp Machine with Trekker saying, “I’ll check back on you later!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. warp back to the mission with Trekker saying, “Come on, Jr.! Let’s get to work on some other evil experiments while Evil Clone Wesley takes care of everything!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. head to the computer while Micah’s computer rings and says, “Red alert! Red alert!”

“What’s going on, computer?” asked Micah. Micah’s computer shows live footage of Evil Clone Wesley wreaking havoc in Arcanum while answering, “Wesley is destroying Arcanum.”

“Wesley?! Why would he do such a thing?” exclaimed Micah. Micah runs to his Warp Machine and warps uptown, subsequently confronting Evil Clone Wesley while asking, “Wesley! Buddy, what are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Look, I know you’re mad at me for throwing that pie in your face, but why destroy Arcanum?” Evil Clone Wesley punches Micah to the ground with Micah getting back up and asking, “Hey! What was that for?” Without saying a word, Evil Clone Wesley swipes Micah’s Warp Machine Remote from his pocket and summons Micah’s Warp Machine, subsequently picking up and throwing Micah into it and warping him back to his laboratory.

“What a baby! Sheesh!” says Micah angrily while rolling his eyes and heading to his computer. Wesley suddenly appears in Micah’s Warp Machine and approaches Micah from behind while saying, “Hey, Micah. I’ve come to tell you something.” Micah turns around and angrily responds, “You don’t have to tell me anything, Wesley! You’ve done enough!”

“Come again?” asked Wesley.

“Don’t play that game with me!” responded Micah angrily.

“Micah, what are you talking about?” asked Wesley.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about!” responded Micah angrily.

“Never mind. I’ll just tell you later.” replies Wesley while heading to Micah’s Warp Machine. Before Wesley could enter Micah’s Warp Machine and warp himself home, Sarah appears in it and holds up pieces of paper while angrily asking, “Why did you shred my magazines?! They were my favorites!”

“What? I didn’t touch your magazines.” responded Wesley.

“Don’t lie to me! I saw the whole thing!” replied Sarah angrily. Micah angrily approaches Wesley with Wesley saying, “Guys, really. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know I got carried away when you threw that pie in my face, but I’ve put it behind me.”

“It’s not about that! It’s about destroying Arcanum and hurting people, including me!” responded Micah angrily.

“Yeah! And shredding my favorite magazines!” replied Sarah angrily.

“I would never do any of those things.” said Wesley.

“I’ve heard enough!” responded Micah angrily.

“Me too!” replies Sarah angrily while stepping out of Micah’s Warp Machine. Wesley steps into Micah’s Warp Machine with Micah angrily saying, “Don’t bother hanging out with us until you get your head on straight!” Wesley warps himself home with Micah asking, “Do you want to do something uptown, Sarah?”

“Why not? This has been a crazy day.” answered Sarah.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” responds Micah while stepping into his Warp Machine. Sarah joins Micah in his Warp Machine and warps uptown to Arcanum with him, subsequently stepping out with Micah and walking through town in the midst of Evil Clone Wesley’s destruction. As Micah and Sarah are walking and sight-seeing in town, Evil Clone Wesley approaches them with Micah angrily saying, “Wesley, I thought I told you to stay away from us!”

“You heard him! Go away!” said Sarah angrily. Evil Clone Wesley suddenly snatches Sarah and runs off with her with Sarah angrily shouting, “Let me go, you creep!”

“Hey! Get back here!” shouts Micah angrily while chasing after Evil Clone Wesley. As soon as Micah reaches Evil Clone Wesley at an intersection, Trekker’s Warp Machine appears with Trekker and Trekker Jr. stepping out.

“Excellent work! And for kidnapping Sarah, I think you deserve a bonus! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“I should have known you were behind all this!” said Micah angrily.

“Hey! In case you’ve forgotten, you’ve ruined my chance to…” responds Trekker angrily while Wesley’s Warp Machine appears with Wesley stepping out.

“Wesley?!” exclaimed Micah and Sarah.

“Ok, what is going on here?!” asked Micah angrily.

“I was just getting to that. As I was saying, you’ve ruined my chance to make Wesley evil, so I created an evil clone of him!” answered Trekker menacingly.

“You madman!” responded Micah angrily.

“I will gladly take that as a compliment.” replied Trekker menacingly.

“But…which Wesley’s which?” asked Sarah.

“That’s for me to know and for you broken bolts to figure out! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while stepping back into his Warp Machine with Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. warp back to the mansion with Wesley angrily saying, “Hey, you imposter! Leave my friends alone!”

“You want to fight? Then let’s fight!” responded Evil Clone Wesley menacingly. Sarah bites Evil Clone Wesley’s hand, causing Evil Clone Wesley to release his grip on her and hold his hand in pain while shouting, “YYYYYOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!” Wesley and his evil clone begin fighting each other while Sarah runs up and joins Micah as he watches the battle go on for a while. At one point, Wesley and his evil clone inadvertently lead their fight into a flower bed, making their clothes dirty from top to bottom with Micah saying, “You got to be kidding me!”

“Micah! Get him! He’s the imposter!” says Wesley and his evil clone while pointing to one another.

“What are we going to do?” asked Sarah. Micah and Sarah think for a moment with Micah quickly getting an idea and saying, “I got it! Sarah, you keep those two busy while I go do some home-cooking!”

“Ok. Hurry back!” responded Sarah nervously. Micah summons his Warp Machine and warps back to his laboratory while Sarah approaches and talks to Wesley and his evil clone, stalling them as long as she could. Using one of his inventions, Micah bakes two pies at lightning-fast speed, subsequently warping back to Wesley and his evil clone with them in his hands and throwing them into their faces while turning himself into Power Micah.

“Uhhh, Micah…” said Sarah. Micah gestures to Sarah with his hand, silencing Sarah while Wesley angrily asks, “Micah! What did I just tell you about this?!”

“Ha ha ha ha! That’s a good one! But a pie is not going to stop me!” laughed Evil Clone Wesley. Micah pulls out his Fire Whip and wraps Evil Clone Wesley with it, twirling him around and flinging him out of sight while subsequently removing his Power Micah Mask and approaching Wesley as he cleans himself off.

“Sorry, Wesley.” says Micah while putting his hand on Wesley’s shoulder. Wesley gestures with his hand while responding, “Say no more, Micah. I know why you did it.”

“Good to have you back, Wesley.” said Sarah.

“It’s nice to be back. There’s only room for one Wesley in this world. But two?” responded Wesley.

“That’s all behind us now. Let’s go home.” says Micah while walking off with Wesley and Sarah following. Trekker’s Warp Machine suddenly appears again with Trekker and Trekker Jr. stepping out, accompanied by Micah and Sarah doppelgängers.

“Evil Clone Micah! Evil Clone Sarah! Attack!!!” said Trekker. Evil Clone Micah and Evil Clone Sarah approach Micah and Sarah respectively with Micah angrily saying, “Not again!”


The End

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