Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Battle with Katrina the Hurricane

On the morning of August 29th, 2005, 15 year-old Micah wakes up for his first day of sophomore year in high school. He completes his morning routine and heads off to school with his two brothers (17 year-old Matthew starting his senior year of high school and 14 year-old Christopher starting 8th grade, his final year of middle school). Micah and his brothers go through their day at school with their teachers introducing themselves, what to expect in their classes, and told the supplies needed for the year. At the end of the school day, Micah and his brothers show them their list of supplies to their mother the moment she arrives home from work, subsequently taking them shopping and picking up everything on their list. Micah later arrives home with his mother and brothers, putting away their new supplies into their backpacks and doing hobbies afterwards with Micah watching TV, Matthew working on some personal projects, Christopher shooting basketball hoops outside, and Micah’s mother cooking dinner. As Micah watches TV, a screen with the message “Breaking News!” suddenly shows up with the anchorman saying, “We interrupt this program to give you this urgent report.” The TV cuts to the anchorman and studio with the anchorman saying, “We’ve just received word that Hurricane Katrina is about to strike the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. This storm is expected to be deadly, causing millions of dollars worth of damage and even some fatalities. The residents of New Orleans are to seek shelter immediately until further notice. We know return to your regular program.” Micah stares at the TV screen for a while with eyes wide open and subsequently pulls out his Micah Phone to call Wesley.

“Hey, Wesley? It’s Micah. The news just said Hurricane Katrina is on its way to New Orleans.” said Micah.

“I saw that.” responded Wesley.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” asked Micah.

“If you mean going over there to protect those people, yes.” answered Wesley.

“Shall we get going?” asked Micah.

“We’d better. That storm could strike at any moment. I’ll meet you there.” answered Wesley.

“Ok. See you in a little bit.” responds Micah while hanging up. Micah puts his Micah Phone back into his pocket and approaches his mother.

“Hey, mom. A massive hurricane is about to strike the city of New Orleans. I’m going over there right now to help. Sorry to miss dinner.” said Micah.

“I’ll save you some leftovers. Be careful down there.” responded Micah’s mother. Micah goes to his room and enters his laboratory, grabbing some gadgets and transformations before walking to his Warp Machine and warping to New Orleans. Just as Micah arrives in New Orleans, the hurricane begins to strike while Wesley meets up with him.

“I’ll help the citizens seek shelter.” said Wesley.

“Ok. I’ll see if I can prevent any damage from happening.” responded Micah. Wesley pulls out his Wesunami Gloves and turns himself into Wesunami while Micah pulls out his Klaw Micah Mask and turns himself into Klaw Micah. Houses begin to demolish, light posts begin to fall over, and debris begins to scatter all over the place while Micah and Wesley attend to their roles. Micah attempts to grab some debris headed towards the citizens, but is blown away due to the strong wind. Micah hits a building and sees the whole roof blow off of it, managing to catch it before ripping off and holding it out in front of him like a shield to prevent debris from hitting anyone. The strong wind, however, blows the roof out of Micah’s hands with Micah and Wesley struggling to keep everyone safe while Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch the storm on surveillance through a projector at their mansion.

“Wow. A hurricane. We should do something about that, dad.” said Trekker Jr.

“And I know just what to do. Can you lend me a hand, Jr.?” asks Trekker while walking over to a giant fan.

“Coming, dad!” answers Trekker Jr. while running up to Trekker. Trekker and Trekker Jr. pick up the fan and warp to New Orleans, appearing behind the storm and above the Mississippi River in the Trekkercopter while placing the fan close to the side edge of the city.

“Ok, Jr.! Flip the switch!” said Trekker. Trekker Jr. turns on the fan, creating wind speeds off the scales that blow Micah and all of New Orleans away.

“Ha ha ha ha! Let’s see Micah get out of this mess!” laughed Trekker. As Micah gets blown away, he removes his Klaw Micah Mask and pulls out his Water Micah Mask, turning himself into Water Micah and diving into the flood flowing through the city and meeting up with Wesley underwater.

“I’ve never seen a hurricane this strong before. How are we going to rescue everyone?” asked Wesley.

“I don’t know. Unless we think of something, we’ll just have to do what we normally do.” answered Micah. Micah and Wesley swim forward to look for victims, saving every person they find underwater by bringing them to the surface and onto floating objects such as cars, wooden fences, and crates. The citizens on the surface find sturdy poles and hang onto them for dear life as the hurricane continues to blow through the city while Micah and Wesley keep swimming underwater to rescue trapped victims. At one point, Micah spots Trekker’s giant fan set up and operating from the Mississippi River with Micah tapping Wesley’s shoulder with his hand while saying, “I’m pretty sure that’s not supposed to be there.” Wesley turns his attention to the operating fan while responding, “No, it isn’t.”

“Surely, Trekker is behind all this!” said Micah annoyingly.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he was. Let’s go investigate!” responds Wesley while heading to the fan with Micah. Micah and Wesley make their way to the fan and climb up it, switching the fan off and restoring the hurricane to its natural state.

“Hey! What’s going on here?!” asks Trekker angrily while walking to the Trekkercopter’s side door. Trekker looks down at the fan and finds Micah and Wesley climbing back down onto ground while angrily saying, “I knew it! Jr., keep an eye on things up here while I go and stop Micah and Wesley.”

“Roger that, dad!” responds Trekker Jr. while saluting to Trekker. Trekker Jr. stands his ground and observes his surroundings with a keen eye while Trekker jumps out the side door of the Trekkercopter and positions himself on top of Micah and Wesley during his fall. Micah and Wesley inch closer to the ground with Micah saying, “Now we should be able to get everyone to safety.”

“Not if I have anything to do with it!” responds Trekker while falling towards Micah and Wesley. Wesley looks up and finds Trekker falling towards him and Micah while pointing to Trekker and shouting, “Look out!” Micah quickly draws his attention to Trekker, who grabs Micah and drags him down during his fall while attacking him.

“How dare you touch my fan!” said Trekker angrily. Trekker punches Micah across the face with Micah angrily responding, “How dare you bring it over here and destroy New Orleans!” Micah punches Trekker across the face with Trekker replying, “If I’m going down, you’re going down with me!”

“I don’t think so, pal! It’s time for you to fall off the radar!” says Micah while climbing up on top of Trekker. Micah lifts himself off of Trekker and kicks him down with both feet, sending Trekker plummeting into the water. As Trekker surfaces, Micah shifts himself over to the fan as he continues to fall and grabs onto it, removing his Water Micah Mask and pulling out his Klaw Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Klaw Micah and grabs Wesley, placing him into the water while saying, “Here, Wesley. I’ve got it under control. Go save the citizens!”

“Roger!” responds Wesley while swimming off. Micah looks down at Trekker and says, “You know something else, Trekker? The captain goes down with the ship!” Micah pushes the fan down onto Trekker, who swims out of the way as it lands into the water.

“I may be down, but I’m not out!” said Trekker angrily. Trekker Jr. peaks out of the Trekkercopter’s side and shouts, “Hang on, dad! I got you covered!” Trekker Jr. enables “Auto-Hover” on the Trekkercopter and jumps out of the side door, landing on Micah’s face and pulling off his Klaw Micah Mask.

“That-a boy, Jr.!” said Trekker. After Micah reverts to normal, he and Trekker Jr. both begin to fall with Trekker Jr. shifting himself away from Micah, throwing Micah’s Klaw Micah Mask down to Trekker while shouting, “Hey, dad! Catch!” Trekker Jr. falls into the water next to Trekker, who catches Micah’s Klaw Micah Mask while saying, “Thanks, son!”

“Don’t mention it.” responded Trekker Jr. Trekker puts on Micah’s Klaw Micah Mask and turns himself into Micah’s Klaw Micah form, picking up the fan and Trekker Jr. from the Mississippi River while Micah lands in the water. As Trekker sets the fan back up, Micah swims over to it and climbs up while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Power Micah while Trekker places Trekker Jr. back into the Trekkercopter while saying, “Here you go, Jr.! Keep up the good work!”

“I won’t let you down, dad!” responds Trekker Jr. while saluting to Trekker. Trekker Jr. observes his surroundings with wide eyes while Micah flies up to Trekker’s face.

“Dad! Look out!” shouts Trekker Jr. while pointing Micah out. Trekker turns his attention to Micah, who angrily shouts, “Give me back my Klaw Micah Mask, you rusty bolt!”

“No! I like having this much power, and with it, I’m going to destroy all of New Orleans, and then…the world! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“We’ll see about that!” responds Micah angrily while pulling out his Fire Whip. Micah flies around Trekker and whips him on every place of his body he encounters to no avail.

“Fool! I’m a giant! Your Fire Whip has no effect on me!” taunted Trekker. Trekker swats Micah, who is sent flying backwards while quickly gaining control of himself and responds, “Size doesn’t matter, Trekker! I’m taking you down one way or another!”

“Oh really? Bring it on!” taunts Trekker while posing to Micah. Micah flies up to Trekker’s head and lands on it, standing his ground until Trekker swings his fist up and flies out of the way. Trekker inadvertently punches himself in the head while shouting, “Ow!!!!! That hurt!”

“You’re going to have to do better than that!” taunted Micah.

“Oh, I will! Believe me!” responds Trekker while swinging his hands inward. Micah flies up with Trekker inadvertently clapping while saying, “Hold still, you broken bolt!”

“Make me!” taunted Micah. Trekker swings his hand at Micah, who flies out of the way and continues dodging Trekker’s attacks while Trekker Jr. watches from the Trekkercopter’s side door.

“Get him, dad! Squash him like a bug!” said Trekker Jr.

“Show’s over, Jr.” said a female voice.

“Who said that?” asks Trekker Jr. while looking behind him. Trekker Jr. sees Micah’s and Wesley’s friend, Sarah (in her super-powered form, Girl Power Sarah), standing behind him and saying, “Cooperate with me and I’ll be as nice to you as I can.”

“Like heck I would! Go home and play with your dolls, little girl!” responded Trekker Jr. angrily.

“Always having to do it the hard way.” replies Sarah annoyingly while rolling her eyes. Sarah pushes Trekker Jr., who grabs onto both sides of the side door and stops himself from falling out of the Trekkercopter.

“Ha! I’m not falling for that old trick!” taunted Trekker Jr. Trekker Jr. releases his grip and punches Sarah out of the co-pilot window of the Trekkercopter while subsequently returning to his duties. As Sarah falls, Micah suddenly catches her and asks, “Sarah? What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to help. Why else would I be here?” asked Sarah.

“Glad you could make it. Wesley and I could use all the help we can get.” responded Micah. Micah suddenly sees Trekker’s hands closing in on him and throws Sarah up in the air while saying, “Save yourself!” Micah gets squashed by Trekker’s hands, knocking him unconscious and causing him to fall into the river while Sarah flies after him and says, “Hang on, Micah! I got you!” Sarah grabs Micah and takes him into the city, setting him down on a floating wooden fence with some residents while saying, “Don’t worry. He’ll be fine…I hope.” Sarah flies up to Trekker, who is preparing to turn his fan back on.

“Don’t even think about it, buster!” says Sarah while holding out her wrists. Sarah fires beams at Trekker’s face to no avail with Trekker saying, “You are so stupid! You should have known from the start that your attacks weren’t going to hurt me!”

“You’re right, Trekker. But there is one thing you didn’t know.” taunted Sarah.

“What’s that?” asked Trekker.

“Brains beats brawns!” answers Sarah while flying over to the side of the fan. Sarah lands on the side of the fan and taunts, “Come and get me, slowpoke!” Trekker swings his hand over to Sarah, who flies out of the way and mistakenly hits the fan. The fan falls over and hits the Trekkercopter, causing it to fall out of the sky while spiraling out of control with Trekker Jr. jumping out and saying, “Yikes! I can’t work in these conditions!” Trekker Jr. lands on Trekker’s shoulder and asks, “Mind if I chill here for a while, dad?”

“Not at all, son. Take all the time you need.” answered Trekker. As the Trekkercopter continues to fall, Sarah flies to its tail and grabs it, flying up to the back of Trekker’s head and hitting him with it. The impact causes Micah’s Klaw Micah Mask to fly off of Trekker (reverting him to normal) and land in front of Micah as he gains consciousness.

“It’s a miracle! Hang on, guys! I’ll have you out of this mess in a jiffy!” says Micah while removing his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself back into Klaw Micah and proceeds with rescuing people while Sarah throws Trekker’s Trekkercopter out in the distance as Hurricane Katrina comes to an end with most of New Orleans flooded. As Trekker and Trekker Jr. fall, Sarah catches them with Trekker saying, “Oh, thank you Sarah!”

“Don’t thank me yet!” responds Sarah while swinging Trekker and Trekker Jr. around. Sarah releases her grip and sends Trekker and Trekker Jr. flying out in the distance while shouting, “Now you can thank me!” As Trekker and Trekker Jr. are sent flying, they catch up to the Trekkercopter and grab onto it as they brace for impact. Micah walks through the flooded New Orleans to find survivors, spotting Wesley floating away and shouting for help. Micah picks up Wesley and sets him down on the roof of a nearby house with Wesley saying, “Thank you, Micah. I thought I was going to be sleeping with the fishes.”

“No problem, buddy. You live to see another day. Swim underwater in case there’s any more survivors. I will join you.” responds Micah while removing his Klaw Micah Mask. Micah pulls out his Water Micah Mask as he falls and puts it on, turning himself into Water Micah and diving into the water with Wesley simultaneously submerging. Micah and Wesley swim underwater and search far and wide for any sign of life, finding nothing with Micah saying, “I think it’s safe to say, everyone is safe.”

“That’s what it looks like to me.” responded Wesley.

“We’re not done yet.” replies Micah while swimming to the surface with Wesley following. Micah removes his Water Micah Mask and pulls out his Klaw Micah Mask, turning himself into Klaw Micah again while subsequently pulling out a giant bucket and scooping up the flood waters with it. Micah pours the water back into the Mississippi River while everyone cheers him on, draining the entire city and restoring it to its dry state. After clearing up the flood, Micah and Wesley observe the city’s damages and begin to rebuild it with help from the residents while Sarah approaches them.

“Hi, guys!” said Sarah.

“Oh! Hey, Sarah! I didn’t even know you were here!” responded Wesley.

“Yep! And, Trekker and Trekker Jr. are gone, and so is their fan. I took care of everything.” replied Sarah.

“Way to go, Sarah!” said Micah.

“Thanks, Micah! I’m glad to see you got your Klaw Micah Mask back!” responded Sarah.

“Yep! How did you get it, anyway?” asked Micah.

“Oh, I just took Trekker’s Trekkercopter and hit him on the back of the head with it.” answered Sarah. Micah jokingly slaps his forehead and asks, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Micah, Wesley, and Sarah laugh together as they proceed to rebuild New Orleans while Trekker and Trekker Jr. sit stranded on their Trekkercopter in the Mississippi River.

“We’ll be all right, son. I have this, so we’ll be home faster than crushing a brand new bolt.” says Trekker while presenting his Warp Machine Remote. Just as Trekker could press the button on his remote, a seagull swoops down and snatches it with its beak. Trekker angrily watches the seagull fly away with his Warp Machine Remote and shouts, “CURSE YOU, SEAGULL!!!!!” Micah, Wesley, Sarah, and the New Orleans residents finish rebuilding the city at sunset with Micah and his friends reverting themselves back to normal afterwards while the citizens throw them a party that lasts until bedtime.

“Sorry, guys. I’m afraid it’s time for us to go now. We have school in the morning. Thanks for the party!” said Micah.

“It’s the least we could do, after what you three did for us.” says a woman while Micah pulls out his Warp Machine Remote. While entering the Warp Machine, Micah and his friends wave goodbye to the residents and warp home, subsequently dressing in their PJs and going straight to bed after brushing their teeth. Micah, Wesley, and Sarah sleep tight after a hard day’s work, awaiting their second day of their sophomore year of high school.


The End

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