Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Battle to Save Haiti

The day is Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 (just 12 days after New Year’s), and Micah and his older brother (Matthew) have both graduated from high school. Matthew graduated (Salutatorian of his class) back in 2006 and is already living on his own with a roommate in an on-campus apartment at his college, where he is currently in his senior year at the age of 21. Micah and his three friends (Wesley (his best friend), Sarah, and Jessica) all graduated back in 2008 and are living on their own in apartments as well, where they are currently in their sophomore year of college at the age of 20. As for Christopher, he is now 18 years old and is still in his senior year of high school, so he don’t have much longer until he leaves the house. On this particular day, Micah works on college homework in his apartment and goes into his laboratory afterwards to conduct some scientific experiments until suddenly receiving an alert from his computer.

“What’s wrong, computer?” asked Micah.

“My sensors indicate a 7.0 magnitude earthquake is fast approaching the country of Haiti.” said Micah’s computer. Micah pulls out his Micah Phone and calls Wesley, who asks, “Hello?”

“Hey, Wesley. It’s Micah. My computer just alerted me of a 7.0 magnitude earthquake headed towards the country of Haiti! We got to get there fast!” responded Micah.

“Way ahead of you!” replied Wesley. Wesley hangs up and enters his laboratory, packing up his Hero Transformations and some high-tech gadgets and gizmos he and Micah have built. Wesley then steps into his Warp Machine and transports himself to the country of Haiti, walking around the country and observing the citizens as they remain oblivious to the pending tremor.

“Attention, citizens! You are all in danger! A massive earthquake is on its way here right now!” shouted Wesley. The ground begins to start shaking violently as the earthquake strikes, causing the Haiti occupants to panic and run for their lives.

“W-W-Whoa! P-P-Perfect t-t-timing!” says Wesley to himself sarcastically while being rocked by the earthquake. Wesley turns himself into Biking Power Wesley and starts aiding the citizens while Micah packs up his Hero Transformations and some gadgets and gizmos, warping to Haiti afterwards. Micah approaches Wesley and says, “Sorry I’m late. I just wanted to be as prepared as possible.”

“Don’t worry about it. Better late than never.” responded Wesley.

“We need a plan.” said Micah.

“I’m doing it right now.” responds Wesley while driving off to aid more citizens. Micah turns himself into Klaw Micah and draws his attention to the residents while saying, “Attention, occupants! Do not be alarmed! I know looks can be deceiving, but I’m here to rescue you!” Micah sees buildings shaking violently with people falling out of them, catching and placing them safely on the ground with the citizens thanking him for his heroic act.

“No thanks are necessary, citizens!” said Micah. As Wesley drives his dirtbike through town, the ground underneath him begins to split with Wesley falling into the abyss. Micah catches Wesley and places him back up onto the ground with Wesley saying, “Whew! Thanks, Micah! That was a close one!”

“Don’t mention it, buddy. Make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else!” responded Micah.

“I’ll try.” replies Wesley as he drives off. The ground continues to split underneath Wesley, who is now keeping a sharp eye on it and rescuing more people. At one point, houses and buildings begin falling into the abyss with people still inside with Micah catching and placing them back up onto the ground. As Micah and Wesley continue rescuing people, the ground splits below Micah’s feet with Micah’s and Wesley’s back turned. Micah quickly notices the danger he’s about to encounter and rushes backwards while saying, “Whoa! That could have been ugly!” Micah sees more houses and buildings fall into the abyss with people jumping out and grabbing onto the edge of the ground while Wesley comes to their aid. Wesley pulls up every citizen he approaches while others lose their grip and begin to fall into the abyss with Micah catching them. After Micah and Wesley save every last person hanging onto the edge of the ground for dear life, they hear more screaming and see the ground splitting up in other areas of Haiti with citizens falling. Micah and Wesley grab them just before falling into the abyss and place them with other groups standing clear of the imminent danger. Micah and Wesley carry on with their heroic duties while Trekker watches the earthquake on surveillance through a projector at his mansion.

“Ha ha ha ha! This is pure entertainment! I got to give Jr. a call!” laughs Trekker while pulling out his Micah Phone. Trekker calls Trekker Jr. with Trekker Jr. picking and saying, “Trekker Jr. here.”

“Hey, son. It’s your dad.” responded Trekker.

“Dad! So good to hear from you!” replied Trekker Jr.

“Good to hear from you, too! Are you doing anything right now?” asked Trekker.

“No. Why?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Do you mind coming over here to the mansion? I want to show you something.” asked Trekker.

“Not at all! I’ll be right over!” answered Trekker Jr.

“Ok! See you in a little bit!” responds Trekker while hanging up. Trekker Jr. enters his laboratory at his apartment and steps into his Warp Machine, warping to Trekker’s mansion and approaching Trekker.

“I’m here!” said Trekker Jr. Trekker turns his attention towards Trekker Jr., running towards and giving him a big hug while saying, “Son! Long time, no see!” Trekker Jr. hugs Trekker back while asking, “I know, right?”

“How do you like being on your own?” asks Trekker while releasing his grip on Trekker Jr.

“It’s awesome! I’ve never felt more alive!” answered Trekker Jr. Trekker walks Trekker Jr. to the projection screen and says, “Well, it’s about to get even more awesome, and here’s why.” Trekker presents the live footage of Micah and Wesley saving the Haiti occupants from the earthquake with Trekker Jr. asking, “What’s happening there?”

“This is the country of Haiti. If you look closely, an earthquake is shaking the place up. And (as usual), Micah and Wesley are there to ruin everything.” answered Trekker. Trekker Jr. watches the live footage for a moment and menacingly says, “Hmmm…we ought to do something about that.”

“’We’? As in, ‘you and I’?” asked Trekker.

“Of course, dad! There’s nobody else here!” answered Trekker Jr.

“Sweet! It’ll be just like old times. Eh, Jr.?” asked Trekker.

“Definitely like old times. Shall we get to work?” asked Trekker Jr.

“You bet! There’s not a minute to lose! The sooner, the better!” answers Trekker while running to the Warp Machine with Trekker Jr. following. Trekker and Trekker Jr. both step inside the Warp Machine and warp to Haiti, appearing in the Trekkercopter right next to Micah.

“Awaiting orders, sir!” shouts Trekker Jr. while saluting to Trekker. Trekker looks at a pile of bombs stored inside his Trekkercopter, pointing them out to Trekker Jr. while responding, “Bombs away!”

“Right away, sir!” replies Trekker Jr. while igniting some of the bombs. Trekker Jr. tosses the lit bombs next to Micah’s feet with their explosions causing the ground to split up underneath Micah. Micah falls into the abyss and quickly grabs onto the edge of the ground for dear life, shouting out for help while some citizens rush over to him.

“Ha ha ha ha! Nice work, Jr.!” laughed Trekker.

“Thanks, dad! We need to get back to doing this together more often!” responded Trekker Jr.

“I know. It’s been so long. How about we fly through the entire country and wreak havoc like what we usually do?” asked Trekker.

“I got time on my hands. Let’s do it!” answered Trekker Jr.

“Ok! Here we go!” responds Trekker while flying into town. As Micah hangs onto the edge of the ground, Micah shrinks himself to his normal size in order for the citizens to pull him up. Trekker and Trekker Jr. throw lit bombs at the citizens as they help Micah up onto the ground with the explosions causing them to fly backward and Micah to fall back into the abyss and grab onto the edge of the ground.

“You broken bolts aren’t helping Micah that easy!” says Trekker while throwing more lit bombs at the citizens.

“Yeah! What he said! Micah is a very bad guy!” responds Trekker Jr. while throwing a lit bomb at Micah. Micah dodges the bomb as he continues to hang onto the edge of the ground and subsequently replies, “I’m not a bad guy! You are!” Wesley suddenly shows up in front of Micah and says, “Don’t worry, Micah! I’ll help you up!”

“Oh no you don’t!” responds Trekker while throwing a lit bomb at Wesley. Wesley catches the bomb and throws it back at Trekker, who dodges it while it flies out of the Trekkercopter’s side window and explodes as it falls.

“Ha! Missed me!” taunted Trekker.

“Don’t speak too soon, Trekker! Your luck’s going to run out sooner or later! It always does!” responded Wesley. Some of the Haiti citizens approach Wesley with a man saying, “We’ll distract those two while you go save your friend.” Wesley gives the man a thumbs-up while the citizens throw rocks at the Trekkercopter with the man taunting, “Hey, you green-freaks! Come and get us, unless you’re chicken!” Trekker turns his attention to the man and angrily asks, “What do you mean ‘chicken’?” The man places his hands on his hips and flaps his elbows like a chicken while clucking like one. Trekker angrily pounds the yoke of the Trekkercopter with his fist, groaning and subsequently saying, “I’m going to make you eat those words!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. fly towards the man and the rest of the citizens accompanying him as they run off to lure Trekker and Trekker Jr. away from Micah and Wesley. Micah’s fingers begin to slip off the edge of the ground with Micah saying, “I can’t hold on much longer!”

“Hang on! I got you!” responds Wesley as he pulls Micah back up onto the ground.

“Thanks, Wesley. That would have been a nasty fall.” said Micah.

“No problem, Micah…but now we got Trekker and Trekker Jr. to deal with! As long as they’re here causing destruction, Haiti is in even more trouble than before!” responded Wesley.

“We’ll just have to do our best to keep everyone safe.” replies Micah while growing to his giant size. Micah and Wesley head up town as Trekker and Trekker Jr. throw lit bombs at people as the earthquake continues with people running for their lives. The explosion from Trekker’s and Trekker Jr.’s bombs causes the ground to split up with people and buildings falling into the abyss. Micah catches buildings while Wesley catches people with Trekker angrily saying, “Blast! Micah is still alive!”

“Don’t worry, dad! I got your back!” responds Trekker Jr. while igniting a bomb. Trekker Jr. throws the bomb at Micah’s face, which explodes and knocks Micah unconscious.

“I got him! Yes, I got him! Dad, look!” shouts Trekker Jr. excitedly while pointing out Micah to Trekker. Trekker turns his attention to Micah, who falls backwards onto the ground and causes the ground to shake even more upon landing.

“Good work, son! Victory is ours! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Wesley approaches Micah and taps him while saying, “Micah, this is no time for a nap! Get up!” Wesley taps Micah even more to no avail while Wesley asks, “Why won’t you get up?” Wesley looks at the citizens and asks, “Is any of you a doctor?” A man emerges from the crowd and answers, “I am.”

“Could you help my best friend, please? He’s unresponsive!” answers Wesley while gesturing to Micah with his hand.

“Sure! Let’s see what’s going on here.” answers the doctor while pulling out his stethoscope and wrapping it around his neck. The doctor climbs up onto Micah’s wrist and places his hand down onto it, checking for a pulse. He feels one and goes over to Micah’s other wrist, placing his hand down onto it and feeling another pulse. The doctor then goes up to Micah’s neck and places his hand down onto it to check for one last pulse, feeling one. Then the doctor goes onto Micah’s chest and places the bell on his stethoscope down after putting in his earpieces, hearing a heartbeat. The doctor lifts the bell on his stethoscope off of Micah’s chest and pulls out the earpieces while subsequently shouting, “He’s just unconscious! He’ll be fine!” The citizens cheer while Wesley responds, “Whew! That could have been much worse!”

“Oh, it will be much worse! Just watch! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while throwing more lit bombs with Trekker Jr. at Wesley and the rest of the Haiti occupants. A beam and sound waves suddenly appear out of nowhere and strike the Trekkercopter’s propellor, breaking it down and causing it to plummet to the ground with Trekker grabbing two parachute backpacks, throwing one to Trekker Jr. while shouting, “Jump, Jr.! It’s now or never!” Trekker and Trekker Jr. put on their backpacks and jump out the side door of the Trekkercopter, extracting their parachutes as the Trekkercopter falls to the ground and explodes upon impact. Trekker and Trekker Jr. land on the ground in front of the engulfed Trekkercopter with Trekker looking around while angrily asking, “Ok, who did that?!”

“We did!” answered a female voice. Trekker and Trekker Jr. turn their attention to the voice and find Sarah (as her super-powered alter ego, Girl Power Sarah) and Jessica (as her super-powered alter ego, Rockstarica) standing before them.

“You good-for-nothing broken bolts! Look at what you did!” responds Trekker angrily while gesturing to the Trekkercopter with his hand.

“Yeah? So?” taunted Sarah.

“How can we commit crime without the Trekkercopter?!” asked Trekker Jr. angrily.

“You don’t need it. It’s just a stupid helicopter.” taunted Jessica.

“Ooooohhhhh!!!!! I’m going to crush you broken bolts into a million pieces!” responds Trekker angrily while approaching Sarah and Jessica with Trekker Jr.

“You want us? Come and get us!” taunted Sarah. Trekker and Trekker Jr. become more angry and start running after Sarah and Jessica, who stand their ground. Just inches from Trekker and Trekker Jr. Sarah and Jessica take off into the air and fly away while Trekker and Trekker Jr. chase after them with Trekker Jr. angrily shouting, “Get back here and let us crush you!”

“No! We like being safe, thank you very much!” taunted Jessica. Sarah and Jessica continue to fly away as Trekker and Trekker Jr. chase after them with Trekker angrily yelling, “CURSE YOU, SARAH AND JESSICA!!!!!” A firetruck suddenly drives up to Micah with the firefighters pulling out a hose and spraying water at Micah’s face, causing him to gain consciousness while everyone cheers.

“Great to have you back, Micah!” said Wesley.

“It’s good to be back! Now, where were we?” asks Micah while looking around.

“We were about to save everyone from the earthquake.” answered Wesley.

“Oh, right! I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before!” answers Micah while pulling out his Big Shield Ball. Micah pushes the button on the Big Shield Ball and encases the entire city in a protective barrier while a hole opens up underneath the city. The entire city, now encased in Micah’s Big Shield Ball, falls into the abyss with Micah picking it up and carrying it off, saving every last citizen, home, and business of the country. After the earthquake comes to an end, Micah places the city back onto the ground at its proper foundation with the citizens cheering for Micah.

“Who’s ready to rebuild Haiti?” asked Micah.

“Is that a trick question? We are!” asked a man jokingly.

“You heard the man! Let’s get to work!” responds Micah while starting to repair damages with the help of Wesley and the rest of the Haiti occupants. While helping everyone rebuild the country, Micah suddenly asks, “Wait! Where’s Trekker and Trekker Jr.?”

“Sarah and Jessica are dealing with them, as we speak.” answered Wesley.

“Wait…Sarah? Jessica? They came to help?” asked Micah.

“Yep! Everything worked out for all of us!” answered Wesley. Sarah and Jessica suddenly fly by Micah with Trekker and Trekker Jr. still chasing them.

“Well…almost.” said Wesley. Micah sees Trekker and Trekker Jr. chase Sarah and Jessica by the engulfed Trekkercopter with Micah pointing it out to Wesley while asking, “Did Sarah and Jessica do that?”

“Sure did!” answered Wesley.

“Wow! Sarah and Jessica never cease to amaze me!” said Micah. Sarah and Jessica suddenly fly up to Micah’s face with Sarah saying, “Hi, Micah! Nice to see you active again!”

“Hi, Sarah! Hi, Jessica! What you two did was very cool!” responded Micah.

“I wish we could keep going, but we’re running out of energy.” replied Jessica.

“You two have done enough. I’ll take it from here. Please excuse me, citizens! I have some unfinished business to take care of!” says Micah while approaching Trekker and Trekker Jr. Micah picks up Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Trekker nervously saying, “Please! Don’t hurt us! We’ll do anything!”

“ANY-thing?” asked Micah in disbelief.

“Anything!” answered Trekker Jr. nervously.

“No need. I have just the THING!” taunts Micah while carrying Trekker and Trekker Jr. to the city. Micah removes the Big Shield Ball and places it back into his pocket, subsequently placing Trekker and Trekker Jr. in a jail cell with Trekker angrily shouting, “Hey!”

“You know the rules, you rusty bolts! Crime doesn’t pay!” responded Micah. Trekker and Trekker Jr. throw temper tantrums in their jail cell as Micah walks off to continue helping the citizens rebuild the country of Haiti, covering up abysses in the ground with giant pieces of wood he had in his pocket.

“Sorry I let you down again, dad.” said Trekker Jr. Trekker puts his hand on Trekker Jr.’s shoulder and responds, “You gave it your best shot, Jr. How I look at it, you failed with your own flesh and blood.”

“We just have to try harder. Right, dad?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Right! It sure was nice spending time with you today.” answered Trekker.

“You too!” responds Trekker Jr. while hugging Trekker. Trekker hugs Trekker Jr. back as Micah and his friends continue to help the Haiti occupants rebuild their home. The country of Haiti becomes fully restored at sunset with the citizens throwing Micah and his friends a party after returning to their normal human forms. After the party, Micah and his friends warp back to their homes, dress in their PJs, and go straight to sleep after brushing their teeth, waiting for a new day to rise.


The End

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