Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Revving up the Engines (Racing Adventure)

It is a nice summer day, where Micah and his brothers are visiting their dad. They jump on a trampoline together while their father works on some go-karts in his shed. After the maintenance, Micah’s father gives the go-karts a test run and subsequently loads them onto a trailer hitched to his van.

“What do you say, boys? Ready to drive the go-karts?” asked Micah’s father.

“We were born ready!” answers Micah while walking to his father’s van with his brothers. Micah and his brothers enter the van just as their father enters, making their way to a nearby school parking lot. Micah helps his father and brothers unload the go-karts while saying, “Matthew, Christopher, one of you can go first if you’d like. You too, dad.” said Micah.

“Ok. Thanks, Micah.” responded Micah’s father.

“Thank you, Micah. I’ll drive first.” said Micah’s older brother, Matthew.

“Not a problem, you too.” responded Micah. Matthew and his father grab their helmets with Matthew’s father starting up the go-karts afterwards. Matthew and his father then race each other in a land of grass for a few laps with Micah driving next.

“You ready to eat my dust, dad?” asked Micah jokingly.

“Oh, you’re on!” answered Micah’s father jokingly. Micah and his father drive their go-karts in the grass for a few laps with Micah winning in the end.

“And so, the student surpasses the teacher! Here, Christopher. Would you like a turn?” asks Micah while removing his helmet and handing it off to his younger brother, Christopher. Christopher takes the helmet and jumps into the go-kart, driving off into the grass with his father and racing a few laps himself.

“Sorry, boys. I’ve had enough. Carry on without me.” says Micah’s father while unloading the third go-kart. Micah grabs the unused helmet, places it on, and jumps into the go-kart with his father starting it up. Micah drives his go-kart into the grass and joins up with his brothers, who race Micah and one another for a few laps as their father watches from outside his van and Trekker watching on surveillance at his mansion.

“Hmmm. This could be quite handy for my next evil plot.” said Trekker to himself menacingly. After getting tired of racing, Micah and his brothers drive their go-karts back to their father’s van and switch them off while removing their helmets, placing them into their go-kart’s seats and helping their father load the go-karts back up onto his trailer.

“Thanks, dad! That was fun!” said Micah.

“You’re welcome, son!” responded Micah’s father.

“We should definitely do this again sometime.” said Christopher.

“I will plan on it.” responds Micah’s father while entering the van. Micah and his brothers jump into the van while their father starts it up and drives back to his house. Micah and his brothers help their father unload the go-karts upon arriving at the house, storing them away in their father’s shed. Micah, his father, and brothers all go inside the house and eat a well-prepared meal made by Micah’s stepmother. The next day, Micah’s father returns Micah and his brothers to their mother’s home, where they continue to live their lives. After watching some TV, Micah goes into his laboratory to do some work while his grandparents work outside their home. Micah’s Grandma Irma takes clothes off the clothes line and does some gardening afterwards while Micah’s Grandpa Everett mows the yard. As Micah’s grandparents do their work, Trekker peaks his head out from the corner of one of their barns with Micah’s grandparents having their backs turned. Trekker sneaks up behind Micah’s grandparents with a ray gun and zaps them with it, turning them into stone figures.

“Heh heh heh! Boy, Micah’s sure going to love this!” chuckles Trekker menacingly while pulling out his Trekker Phone and dialing it. While Micah works in his laboratory, his computer suddenly rings with Micah answering it. Trekker appears on Micah’s computer monitor screen with Micah angrily asking, “What did you do this time, Trekker?”

“I’m glad you asked.” answers Trekker menacingly while viewing Micah’s grandparents.

“Grandma! Grandpa! Trekker, how could you?!” asked Micah angrily.

“I’ve noticed you’ve been go-karting lately.” said Trekker.

“Yeah, so?” asked Micah angrily.

“You and me. Best three out of five.” answered Trekker.

“Oh, no! I am not challenging you to a go-kart race!” responded Micah angrily. Trekker pulls out a pickaxe and approaches his grandma while replying, “Well, in that case, I’ll just turn your grandparents into a pile of pebbles.”

“Stop! I’ll do it!” says Micah angrily while holding out his hands.

“Ahhh, music to my ears! Prepare...to eat...MY dust! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while hanging up. Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, Micah exits his lab and goes into his living room to tell his family about the race that Trekker had challenged him to. He then leads his family into his laboratory and views his grandparents on surveillance. Shocked, Micah’s family contacts more family members and friends with Micah doing the same. At one point, Micah walks to his Warp Machine and warps to his dad’s house, telling him about his go-kart race with Trekker and how Trekker petrified his grandparents.

“Come with me.” says Micah’s father while leading Micah outside to the backyard. Micah’s father opens up his shed and pulls out one of his go-karts while saying, “Let’s get to work!” Micah and his father spend hours working on the go-kart and getting it ready for the race with Trekker.

“There! With these upgrades, Trekker doesn’t stand a chance!” says Micah’s father while putting on the finishing touches to the go-kart.

“Thanks, dad! I won’t let you down!” said Micah.

“I know, son. You never have, and you never will.” responded Micah’s father. Micah warps back to his house and turns in for the night with the rest of his family in the household. The next day, Micah warps back to his father’s house to pick up his go-kart. With Micah arriving at his father’s shed, his father pulls out the go-kart while Micah asks, “I wonder where Trekker wants to race first?” Micah, his father, and some of his family members and friends suddenly disappear and arrive at a disco-themed race track with Micah and his go-kart appearing at the starting line next to Trekker and his go-kart while fans for both Micah and Trekker appear in the bleachers. Miss Zimmer approaches Micah and Trekker while saying, “Welcome to Disco Land. I will be hosting these races. Whoever completes three laps the fastest wins.” Micah and Trekker jump into their go-karts and gear up while Micah’s father and Trekker Jr. approach their respective drivers.

“Gentlemen, start your engines!” said Miss Zimmer. Micah’s father and Trekker Jr. start up their respective go-karts and head back to the pits.

“On your mark...get set...go!” says Miss Zimmer while waving a green flag. Micah and Trekker take off with Trekker immediately cutting Micah off on the straightaway. Shortly into the race, Micah and Trekker encounter a corner, which Micah successfully drifts around while Trekker crashes into a wall. Trekker goes into reverse and gets back in the race, quickly catching up to Micah. Trekker bumps Micah from the side while driving, causing Micah to spin out of control and crash into a wall. Micah quickly gets back into the race and tries very hard to catch up to Trekker, encountering a sharp turn that he and Trekker both drift around. Micah and Trekker suddenly come across another sharp turn with Trekker drifting around it while Micah loses control and crashes again. With Micah way behind, Trekker completes his first lap while Micah makes a desperate attempt to catch up, only for his go-kart to come close to giving out.

“Come to the pits, Micah! I’ll tune you up!” said Micah’s father.

“Roger that, dad!” responds Micah while heading to the pits.

“Jr., I’m coming in for a pit stop!” says Trekker while heading to the pits.

“I’ll be here waiting!” responded Trekker Jr. Micah and Trekker stop their go-karts next to their respective pit crew, who immediately begin maintenance to the go-karts.

“We’re clear! Go go go!” says Trekker Jr. with Trekker rocketing out of the pits.

“Finished! You’re good to go!” said Micah’s father. Micah floors it in an effort to catch up to Trekker, but still falls behind badly. Trekker reaches his final lap while still taking on a huge lead with Micah making another attempt to catch up to Trekker by putting the pedal to the metal. Despite his best attempt, Micah was not able to catch up to Trekker in time with Trekker winning the race.

“Trekker wins.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah angrily pounds the steering wheel of his go-kart with his fist while Trekker approaches him and taunts, “Slowpoke!” Trekker heads back to Trekker Jr., who gives Trekker a high four while Micah’s father approaches Micah.

“Don’t let it get to you, Micah. You still got four chances to beat him.” said Micah’s father.

“I know, but still. Grandma and grandpa’s lives are at stake.” responded Micah.

“We’ll worry about that later, ok? Right now, let’s just focus on the race.” replied Micah’s father. Micah and Trekker, along with their pit crew and fans, disappear and arrive at a track surrounded by tanks of water inhabited with fish and other aquatic animals.

“We are now at Aquarium Land. Drivers, take your positions.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah’s father and Trekker Jr. start up their drivers’ go-karts with Micah and Trekker driving up to the starting line afterwards. Miss Zimmer gives the countdown with Micah rocketing out of the starting line, leaving Trekker behind. Just after starting the race, Micah encounters a sharp right turn and successfully drifts around it while Trekker does the same. Micah and Trekker then encounter a sharp left turn, which they also drift around. Micah and Trekker become neck and neck on their first straightaway with Trekker eventually losing speed due to low gas.

“Uhhh, Jr.? Did you remember to top me off?” asked Trekker angrily.

“Well, uhhh…” answered Trekker Jr.

“Coming in for a pit stop!” sighs Trekker angrily while heading to the pits. With a huge lead, Micah also heads into the pits for quick tune-ups from his father, flooring it out afterwards and keeping up with his huge lead while Trekker continues waiting for his go-kart to be fueled up.

“All right! Your tank is full! Get out there!” shouted Trekker Jr. Trekker puts the pedal to the metal and rockets out of the pits with Micah completing his first and second laps with a huge lead. On the final lap, however, Micah’s go-kart comes close to giving out just as he’s about to cross the finish line with Trekker catching up fast. Micah manages to cross the finish line just in time and wins the race with Micah’s fans cheering him on.

“Micah wins!” said Miss Zimmer. Micah’s father approaches Micah and says, “All right, Micah! Great driving out there!”

“Thanks, dad! Now I just need to win a couple more races and grandma and grandpa will be safe and sound.” responded Micah.

“All you can do is try, son. Just do what you’ve been doing. Keep a keen eye on your surroundings and make pit stops regularly.” replied Micah’s father. Trekker Jr. approaches Trekker and angrily says, “This never would have happened if you would have filled me up before the race!”

“My apologies, dad. Won’t happen again.” responded Trekker Jr. nervously.

“It better not, or you’ll never be my pit crew again!” replied Trekker angrily.

“All right! We should be moving on to our next race really soon!” said Miss Zimmer. Everyone suddenly disappears and arrives at a track on a mountain with Miss Zimmer saying, “Next race is at Mountain World.” Micah and Trekker get their go-karts going from their pit crew and drive off after being given their countdown. They race up, down, and around the mountain with Trekker winning in the end.

“Trekker wins. Two victories for him, one for Micah.” said Miss Zimmer. All participants and the crowd disappear and show up in an environment covered in a sheet of ice.

“Ice World.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah’s father and Trekker Jr. get their go-karts going with Micah and Trekker driving them up to the starting line afterwards. Miss Zimmer gives Micah and Trekker the countdown with Micah and Trekker driving off onto the icey track with Micah winning in the end.

“Micah wins!” said Miss Zimmer.

“This is it, Micah! Give it all you got, just like you do with the boys and I whenever we’re racing!” said Micah’s father.

“I’ll try.” responded Micah nervously. Micah, his father, Trekker, Trekker Jr., and the fans vanish and appear at Trekker’s mansion, which has a race course of its own.

“I’ve been busy over the past few weeks. I know this course inside and out, considering the fact I live here. You don’t stand a chance! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Don’t let him get into your head like that, Micah! Try to have fun with it!” said Micah’s father. Micah grips his steering wheel tight with his father starting up his go-kart while Trekker Jr. starts up Trekker’s go-kart. Micah and Trekker head to the starting line afterwards with Miss Zimmer giving the countdown. Micah and Trekker rocket out onto the course with Trekker immediately cutting Micah off and drifting around a sharp right turn while Micah does the same. Micah and Trekker then encounter a very sharp corner and drift around it with Micah spinning out while Trekker continues to drive on in the lead. Micah puts the pedal to the metal and tries desperately to catch up to Trekker, who has already completed his first lap and continues to stay ahead. Completing his first lap, Micah continues to try and catch up to Trekker, but still falls short with Trekker completing his second lap. Micah completes his second lap with Trekker still in the lead and encountering a loop. Halfway through the loop, Trekker’s go-kart breaks down and plummets to the bottom (along with Trekker) while Micah catches up. Miss Zimmer suddenly waves a black flag and says, “Hold up! Drivers, head to the pits this instant!” Micah drives his go-kart to his father while Trekker gets out of his go-kart, pushing it towards Trekker Jr.

“What did I tell you to do before each race?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“Check and make sure everything is in working order.” answered Trekker Jr. nervously.

“That’s right! And what did you do?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“I...forgot…to…check the engine.” answered Trekker Jr. nervously. Trekker grabs Trekker Jr. by the neck and shakes him while yelling, “YOU ARE THE WORST PIT CREW I’VE EVER HAD! I NEVER SHOULD HAVE LET YOU DO THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE!” Trekker throws Trekker Jr. onto the ground with Trekker Jr.’s eyes watering up while sobbing, “But…but…”

“No buts! Go to your room! You’re grounded!” responds Trekker angrily while pointing to the mansion. Trekker Jr. weepingly runs off to the mansion while Trekker proceeds to work on his go-kart.

“Uuuggghhh! Must I do everything myself?!” asked Trekker angrily. Micah’s father approaches Trekker and angrily asks, “Don’t you think you were a little hard on him?”

“Who asked you?!” asked Trekker angrily.

“What kind of father are you?” asked Micah’s father angrily.

“Will you just shut up and let me do my work?!” asked Trekker angrily. Micah’s father rolls his eyes and heads back to Micah to inspect his go-kart and fix anything wrong. After Trekker finishes repairing his go-kart, Micah rockets out of the pits and takes the lead with Trekker trying to catch up. Micah and Trekker make their way through the loop and encounter another one, also making their way through. Micah gets ahead of Trekker for a little while and then suddenly becomes neck and neck upon approaching the finish line. Just as Micah and Trekker draw near to the finish line, Trekker runs over a sharp nail and gets a flat tire, slowing him down with Micah winning the race and Micah’s mother calling the cops afterwards.

“Micah wins!!!” said Miss Zimmer. Micah waves to his fans as he drives past them, subsequently stopping with his father approaching and picking him up over his shoulders. Trekker gets out of his go-kart and approaches Micah and his father, who are now accompanied by a team of police officers ready to arrest him.

“I know, I know.” says Trekker while gesturing with his hands. Trekker summons his Warp Machine and warps to the household of Micah’s grandparents with Micah and the police officers escorting him while Micah’s father and the rest of the fans are suddenly warped home. Accompanied by Micah and the police officers, Trekker arrives just outside the home of Micah’s grandparents, pulls out his ray gun, and switches it to “Reverse”, zapping Micah’s grandparents with it and restoring Micah’s grandparents to their natural states. Micah’s grandparents look at themselves and then look behind them to see Micah and the police officers standing behind Trekker, who holds his ray gun while its nozzle steams. Trekker puts the ray gun back into one of his pockets and turns around to face Micah and the police officers, holding out his hands while saying, “All right, officers. Take me away.” Marcus Ballinger, the chief of police, walks up to Trekker and places handcuffs on him, subsequently escorting him away with the rest of the officers while Micah approaches his grandparents. Micah’s grandparents look at each other in a daze with Irma asking, “What just happened?”

“It’s a long story.” answered Micah.

“Do tell. We’d like to hear all about it.” responded Everett. Micah tells his grandparents about Trekker’s plot and the race with Irma asking in the end, “You went through all that trouble to save us?”

“We’re very proud of you, Micah.” says Everett with a smile on his face.

“Thanks, grandpa.” responded Micah.

“You’re welcome. Did your mom tell you that she, Kyle, and your brothers are coming over here for a visit?” asked Everett.

“No.” answered Micah.

“We’re going to give her a call as soon as we get our chores done.” said Irma.

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you guys in a little bit.” responds Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah warps back to his house while waving goodbye to his grandparents, who subsequently get back to work on their chores. Micah hangs out with his mother, stepfather, and brothers at his house until his grandparents call.

“Hi, mom! Hi, dad! Finished with your chores already? Ok! We’ll be right over!” said Micah’s mother. Micah, his mother, stepfather, and brothers enter their vehicle and drive over to the household of Micah’s grandparents, where they enter with Irma saying, “Micah told us everything, about Trekker and the race.”

“Oh, yeah! You should have seen it! He did great!” responded Micah’s mother.

“I believe it.” replied Everett. Micah, his mother, stepfather, and brothers visit with Micah’s grandparents until they decide to go home. The next day, Micah and his brothers get a call from their dad, subsequently going over to visit him. Micah and his brothers walk outside to the backyard of their father’s house, where they find their father standing next to his trailer with the go-karts loaded onto it.

“What do you say, boys? You up for it?” asked Micah’s father.

“Let’s race!” answered Micah and his brothers. Micah and his brothers jump into their father’s van and head off to the nearby school grounds, where they drive and race each other merrily in the grass. Meanwhile, Trekker lifts weights in his jail cell while a security guard approaches and knocks on the bars with his baton while saying, “Trekker, you got a visitor.” The guard opens the cell’s gate and leads Trekker to the phone booth, where Trekker sits down and sees Trekker Jr. approaching him from the other end. After Trekker Jr. sits down, he and Trekker both pick up their phones and hold them up against their ears with Trekker asking, “Jr.?”

“Hey, dad.” said Trekker Jr.

“Hey, listen. About yesterday, I’m sorry for what I said. You know, about you being a terrible pit crew and all. I didn’t mean any of it. I was just caught up in the heat of the moment.” said Trekker.

“It’s ok, dad. I can’t stay mad at you.” responded Trekker Jr.

“And you’re not really grounded either.” said Trekker.

“Awesome!” responded Trekker Jr.

“So, what do you say, son? You ready to get back to what we do best?” asked Trekker.

“You mean get Micah?” asked Trekker Jr. menacingly.

“You bet! Here’s what we’ll do…” answered Trekker menacingly. Another security guard grabs Trekker’s shoulder and drags him away while saying, “Sorry, pal. Visiting hours are over.”

“To be continued!” said Trekker. Trekker Jr. walks out of the facility while saying, “That’s my dad!” Trekker Jr. heads back to the mansion, waiting for the day Trekker gets released from jail and hears the next evil trick up Trekker’s sleeve.


The End

Deal Strikes (Super Bowl)

On a cold winter day, Micah and his two brothers (older brother Matthew and younger brother Christopher) visit their father and stepmother, who decide to take them bowling. Micah and his brothers, along with their father and stepmother, play rounds until they’ve had enough. One week later, Micah’s mother and stepfather decide to take Micah and his brothers bowling. The whole family pays for their admission and rental, picks out their balls, and has the time of their lives. They play until they get burnt out and head home to await another day. One day, Micah hears his mother and stepfather screaming while working in his laboratory, turning around and noticing on his surveillance camera Trekker carrying his mother and stepfather off. Micah’s brothers try to fight him off, but are knocked to the ground unconscious to Micah’s anger. Micah runs to his Laboratory Exit Lamp and transports himself back to his bedroom, rushing down the hallway of his house and out the front door to Trekker, who is carrying his mother and stepfather to his Trekkercopter. Micah runs up to Trekker and tugs on his tail while saying, “Let my mom and stepdad go, you rusty bolt!” Trekker smacks Micah to the ground with his backhand and tosses Micah’s mother and stepfather into the Trekkercopter while Micah runs back up to Trekker, who locks Micah out.

“LET THEM GO!” shouts Micah while banging on Trekker’s door. Trekker switches on the Trekkercopter, blowing Micah away back onto the ground while taking off into the sky and flying back to his mansion. Upon arrival, Trekker lands his Trekkercopter and drags out Micah’s mother and stepfather, carrying them to a rocket and tieing them up to it.

“There! That ought to hold you two while I go get Micah’s father and stepmother! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker heads back to his Trekkercopter and takes off into the sky, heading towards the home of Micah’s father and stepmother. After arriving, Trekker positions the Trekkercopter over on top of the house and switches it to “Auto-Hover”, opening up a hatch underneath that drops a ladder connected to the Trekkercopter. Trekker climbs down the ladder and into the house while Micah’s stepsister (Amy) is playing in her bedroom, unaware of Trekker’s presence. Amy suddenly hears Micah’s father and stepmother screaming and runs downstairs to investigate, only to notice Micah’s father and stepmother being dragged off by Trekker.

“Get your filthy claws off my mom and stepdad!” said Amy angrily.

“Make me!” taunted Trekker. Amy angrily approaches Trekker and attempts to throw a punch at him, only to be knocked unconscious from Trekker kicking her in the stomach hard enough to send her flying backward and hitting her head on a wall. The unconscious Amy falls face first onto the floor while Trekker continues to drag off Micah’s father and stepmother. While returning to the Trekkercopter, Trekker grabs the ladder and tugs on it twice with the ladder lifting him up while Micah’s father and stepmother are still in his grip. Upon entering the Trekkercopter, Trekker tosses Micah’s father and stepmother to the back and laughs, “Sit back and relax. You two are going for a ride, whether if you like it or not! Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker switches off “Auto-Hover” and flies the Trekkercopter back to his mansion, where he lands and switches it off and picks up Micah’s father and stepmother. Trekker then carries Micah’s father and stepmother over to the rocket that Micah’s mother and stepfather are tied to, tieing them up to it while laughing, “You four are about to be launched into outer space, where you will freeze to death. Ha ha ha ha!” Trekker switches on the rocket and picks up a remote control, pressing the “Launch” button that triggers a countdown.

“Launch will begin in T-minus ten seconds...nine, eight, seven, six, five.” said the rocket’s automated voice. While the launch counts down, Micah runs back to his bedroom and re-enters his laboratory, where he notices his parents tied to the rocket at Trekker’s mansion on his computer monitor and close to being launched with the rocket’s automated voice counting, “Four, three, two, one...” Trekker suddenly gets a call on his cellphone with Micah shouting on the line, “Stop!”

“What?!!!?!” responded Trekker. Trekker presses the “Abort” button on his Rocket Remote with the rocket’s automated voice saying, “Launch aborted.”

“Don’t you dare launch my parents!” said Micah angrily.

“Why not?” asked Trekker menacingly.

“My brothers and I are too young to be without them. Don’t you get it?!” asked Micah angrily.

“Well, you better start getting used to it because they’re not going to be around forever either way.” taunted Trekker.

“How...dare you talk like that! If you do not free my parents this instant, I’m going to destroy your mansion!” responded Micah.

“Go ahead. It’s just a mansion. See if I care.” replied Trekker. Micah walks to his Warp Machine and warps himself to Trekker’s mansion, on the opposite side of where Trekker and Micah’s parents are. Micah pulls out his Klaw Micah Mask and places it on, turning himself into Klaw Micah. Surprised, Trekker sees Micah growing up past the mansion’s roof with Micah smiling tauntingly at Trekker. Micah then angrily picks up the mansion off its foundation with Trekker’s son (Trekker Jr.) rushing out while screaming in terror, jumping out the main entrance and parachuting himself to the ground. Micah turns toward Trekker Jr. and acts as if he is going to toss the mansion on top of him. Trekker and Trekker Jr. both gasp in fear while Micah lifts up the mansion above his head in an effort to throw it down. Fooling both Trekker and Trekker Jr., Micah tosses the mansion down just inches to the right of Trekker Jr., obliterating the mansion to a pile of rubble with Trekker Jr. passing out afterwards. Trekker becomes very angry and approaches Micah while saying, “How dare you destroy my mansion, and for scaring the broken bolts out of my son! You’re going to pay for this!” Micah removes his Klaw Micah Mask and responds with, “You had it coming, you no-good son of a loose bolt. Like you said, ‘It’s just a mansion.’ And speaking of parents, what kind of father leaves his son like that?”

“Ok, so I forgot about him. Big deal!” replied Trekker angrily.

“Now, release my parents…because I got plenty more where this came from!” says Micah while gesturing to Trekker Jr. and the obliterated mansion.

“Ok, ok...under one condition!” responded Trekker.

“Oh, spare me the details, you rusty bolt!” replied Micah angrily.

“Hmmm, spare…” says Trekker menacingly while thinking for a moment.

“Say, have you ever gone bowling?” asked Trekker.

“I have recently. Why?” asked Micah.

“That is what I challenge you to! Bowling!” answered Trekker menacingly.

“Piece of cake!” responded Micah.

“Best two out of three!” replied Trekker menacingly. Surprised, Micah’s jaw drops and eventually responds angrily with, “Whatever it takes to get my parents back.” Micah and Trekker part ways from each other and begin contacting some of their family and friends. The next day, Micah, Trekker, and their family and friends all show up at “Arcanum Lanes”, the bowling alley closest to Micah’s house. Micah and Trekker pick up their shoes and balls, preparing for their first game with Trekker angrily saying, “I swear, this will be your first (and last) game that you’ll ever challenge me in.”

“Can it, Trekker! My brothers and I have been practicing lately, and it’s going to pay off. You’ll see.” responded Micah angrily.

“Bowlers, take your lanes.” said the announcer. Micah and Trekker pick up their balls and make their way back behind their respective foul lines with the announcer saying, “Bowlers, you may begin.” Micah takes his turn first and walks up to the foul line, rolling with too much spin that causes the ball to go into the gutter.

“You call that a roll? My grandma can roll better than that!” taunted Trekker. Micah rolls his eyes angrily and waits for his ball to be returned through the machine. Micah takes his second chance and walks up to the foul line, but upon release, Trekker startles Micah by growling at him, causing Micah to drop the ball onto his right foot and injure it while the ball slowly rolls down the lane and eventually into the gutter again. Trekker laughs hysterically at Micah, who limps back to his seat while the announcer says, “No points for Micah.” Trekker walks up to the foul line and rolls his ball, which heads right towards the pins and knocks all ten of them down.

“Strike for Trekker.” said the announcer.

“Now that’s bowling!” taunted Trekker. Micah angrily groans at Trekker and picks up his ball, walking up to the foul line and making a roll that heads right towards the pins, but suddenly into the gutter to Micah’s frustration. Micah retrieves his ball from the machine and walks up to the foul line to make his second attempt, making a roll that only knocks down the pin farthest to the right.

“Well, better than nothing.” says Micah while shrugging his shoulders. Trekker steps up onto the lane and walks up to the foul with his ball, making a roll that knocks down half of the pins.

“What?! Darn!” said Trekker angrily. Trekker retrieves his ball from the machine and approaches the foul line, making a roll that knocks down the rest of the pins.

“Eh, a Spare’s still good.” said Trekker. Micah grabs his ball from the machine and approaches the foul line, making an excellent roll that knocks down all the pins to his excitement and his fans. Micah and Trekker continue on with their first game with Micah winning it in the end.

“Don’t celebrate just yet! We have to play again, you know!” said Trekker angrily.

“Don’t remind me.” responded Micah annoyingly. Micah and Trekker get on with their second bowling match with the score being tied as soon as they reach the final frame. Micah takes his turn and gets a Strike on the first frame, subsequently retrieving his ball from the machine and taking his next turn. Micah makes a roll that knocks down seven pins while grabbing his ball from the machine afterwards. Micah takes his next turn and makes a roll that knocks down two pins, frustrating him while walking back to his seat with Trekker preparing for his turn. Trekker walks up to the foul line and makes a roll that knocks down all pins, grabbing his ball afterwards from the machine and taking his second turn, where he makes a roll that knocks down seven pins. The ball makes it way back through the machine with Trekker grabbing it immediately and going straight for the foul line. Trekker rolls the ball and knocks down the remaining three pins with his fans cheering while Trekker does a victory dance and shouts, “Yeah!!! I won, baby!!! That’s how I roll!!!” Micah becomes very nervous while his friends (Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica) approach and comfort him.

“Don’t let it get to you, Micah. You can do this.” said Wesley.

“Yeah, what Wesley said. Believe in yourself.” said Sarah.

“You’ve won one game already, which means you can win another.” said Jessica. Micah gets his confidence back and responds with, “You guys are right! I’m done being scared! It’s time to end this! My parents are counting on me, and if I don’t rescue them, who will?”

“That’s the spirit!” replied Wesley.

“Now, get out there and show Trekker what you’re made of!” said Sarah. The third and final game commences with Trekker taking his turn first. He picks up his ball and approaches the foul line, where he makes a roll that knocks down three pins. Trekker walks to the machine and waits for his ball to make its return, picking it up afterwards to make his second attempt. Upon walking up to the foul line, Trekker slips and lands face-first onto the floor while the ball slowly rolls down the lane and into one of the gutters. Micah makes his way to the machine and picks up his ball, walking up to the foul line and making a roll that knocks down six pins, walking back to the machine afterwards to watch as his ball makes its return. Micah picks up his ball and takes his second attempt, making an excellent roll that knocks down the remaining four pins. Micah breathes in and out with relief as Trekker gets angry and groans. Micah and Trekker go on with their game with the score being tied again at the final frame. With Trekker up, he walks to the foul line and rolls his ball, watching as it makes its way down the lane and knocks down one pin. Trekker walks to the machine afterwards and watches as his ball makes its way back, retrieving it and taking his second attempt. Trekker walks up to the foul line and rolls the ball, causing it to curve right and knock down the remaining nine pins. Trekker menacingly waits for his ball to return and takes his final attempt, making a roll that heads right towards the pins. Near the end of the lane, the ball curves left and knocks down nine pins with Micah nervously approaching the Ball Machine. Micah picks up his ball and rolls it right down the lane, knocking down one pin. After his ball returns to the machine, Micah picks it up and tries again, making a roll that knocks down the remaining nine pins with the announcer saying, “This is a really close game, folks. The only way Micah’s going to win is if he gets a Strike.” After picking up his ball, Micah takes a deep breath out of fear and carefully concentrates on his move. He rolls the ball, which heads towards one of the gutters and miraculously curves right, knocking down all pins with Micah beating Trekker by one point.

“What a turn-out! Micah wins by a hair!” shouted the announcer excitedly. Micah’s fans cheer and applaud for Micah while Wesley, Sarah, and Jessica approach him.

“Way to go, Micah! I knew you could do it!” shouted Wesley excitedly.

“You, my friend, are one heck of a bowler!” said Sarah.

“Ditto!” said Jessica. Micah walks back to his seat and sits down in relief while Trekker becomes furious.

“I can’t believe it! I was so close!” said Trekker angrily. Micah and his friends all approach Trekker with Micah saying, “I beat you fair and square, Trekker. You know what that means.”

“Not going to happen!” responded Trekker angrily.

“Let his parents go, or we’ll call the fuzz!” said Wesley. Trekker knocks Wesley unconscious while responding, “You’re not calling anyone!”

“Hey! No one does that to my best friend!” said Micah angrily.

“Out of my way, you broken bolt!” responds Trekker angrily while picking up and throwing Micah to a shelf of bowling balls. The shelf breaks with the bowling balls rolling off and landing on Micah’s head, knocking him unconscious. Sarah and Jessica stand in front of Trekker with Sarah angrily saying, “You made him a deal, Trekker. Now, do your part!”

“If you want to get to Micah’s parents, you got to go through us!” said Jessica.

“Well, if you insist!” responds Trekker while knocking Sarah and Jessica unconscious. Trekker summons his Warp Machine and warps to his mansion while Micah miraculously gains consciousness. After seeing Trekker and his Warp Machine disappear, Micah gasps in fear and summons his Warp Machine, warping to Trekker’s mansion and running to Trekker, who prepares the rocket for launch.

“It’s over, Trekker! I won! That means you have to set my parents free!” said Micah angrily.

“Beat it, kid! Get ready to spend the rest of your life as an orphan! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“I’m not going anywhere!” responded Micah angrily.

“Oh yes you are!” replies Trekker angrily while running to Micah. Trekker attacks Micah with Micah fighting back. During the fight, Trekker crawls towards the Rocket Launch Remote with Micah pulling him back with all his might. Trekker suddenly kicks Micah in the face, causing Micah to lose his grip with Trekker pressing the Launch Button. The rocket commences its launch with the automated voice saying, “Launch will begin in T-minus ten seconds.” The automated voice begins to count down the launch while Trekker continues to fight Micah. With five seconds left before the launch, a bowling ball is suddenly thrown at Trekker, who gets knocked unconscious. Micah looks past the ball and sees his two grandparents standing in front of a team of police officers.

“Three, two, one…” says the rocket’s automated voice while Micah runs to the Launch Remote. Micah presses the “Abort” button on the remote just in time with the automated voice saying, “Launch aborted.” Micah’s parents, grandparents, and police officers cheer for Micah, who unties his parents from the rocket and embraces them afterwards.

“Boy, that was a close one! I thought I would never see any of you ever again!” said Micah.

“Everything’s all right now, Micah, thanks to you. I’m so proud to have a hero for a son.” responded Micah’s mother. Trekker gains consciousness while Micah’s father says, “Let’s all go home now. I can’t stand another minute of this place.”

“I couldn’t agree more, Jeff.” said Micah’s stepfather.

“This place just reeks with evil. Yuck!” said Micah’s stepmother. Micah summons his Warp Machine and begins to enter it with his parents and grandparents while Trekker runs after them.

“This isn’t over yet!” said Trekker angrily. Some of the police officers step in front of Trekker while one officer angrily asks, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Catch me if you can, you broken bolts!” says Trekker menacingly while running away from the officers. Another group of police officers step in front of Trekker with the rest circling around him. Marcus Ballinger, the police chief, steps into the middle of the circle and handcuffs Trekker from behind with Trekker exclaiming, “What the!?”

“The biggest part of protecting and serving the community is getting ahead of the game. Let’s go.” says Marcus while escorting Trekker to his cruiser with the rest of the police officers. Micah, his parents, and grandparents all warp to Micah’s house with Micah asking his grandparents, “Did you guys call the police?”

“We sure did. We immediately took action after you went and chased after Trekker.” answered Micah’s Grandma Irma.

“Who threw the bowling ball at Trekker?” asked Micah. Micah’s Grandpa Everett raised his hand with Micah asking, “Impressive! Do you think you could do it again?”

“I don’t know. That was a situation that required quick thinking.” answered Everett.

“I think we should get going. We’ve all had a long day.” said Micah’s Grandma Edna.

“Says who? We just got here.” responded Micah’s Grandpa Norman.

“My dad’s right. We should all spend quality family time together.” replied Micah’s father.

“I’ll whip us up a nice meal. I know! This could be a party for Micah! You know, for winning his bowling game and saving us! What do you say, mom?” asked Micah’s mother.

“I don’t see why not.” answered Irma. Micah’s mother begins cooking while Micah and his brothers talk to their parents and grandparents. Everyone chows down the food after it gets served with Micah’s father, stepmother, and grandparents all returning to their respective homes afterwards. Micah, his brothers, mother, and stepfather all wave goodbye to Micah’s father, stepmother, and grandparents as they depart from the house. Micah and his family continue to go bowling every now and then while Trekker serves his sentence in prison with Trekker Jr. rebuilding the mansion with the help of Trekker’s henchmen, awaiting the day for Trekker to get out and plan the next move.


The End