Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Scientific Heist (Adventure: Micah's Major Trouble)

It is a beautiful summer day, and 10 year-old Micah spends a portion of it cleaning his laboratory. While Micah dusts off his machines, Trekker sneaks out from behind his Warp Machine (while Micah has his back turned) and heads towards a set of cabinets holding 9 of Micah’s inventions:


Box of Power Micah Masks

Box of Water Micah Masks

Box of Thunder Micah Masks

Box of Leaph Micah Masks

Levitation Bracelet

Water Belt

Breathing Pills

Shield Ball

Big Shield Ball


While Micah continues to clean and has his back turned, Trekker opens up every cabinet and steals Micah’s 9 inventions. He stuffs them into a bag, writes on a piece of paper and places it on one of Micah’s desks, and sneaks back to Micah’s Warp Machine after inserting a disk into Micah’s computer. Trekker types in his destination on Micah’s Warp Machine, steps inside, and vanishes without Micah noticing. Meanwhile, Micah finishes dusting and says, “Finished! Now, to inspect my greatest inventions.” Micah turns around and, to his surprise, finds all his inventions gone with all the cabinet doors open.

“Good grief! What in the laboratory happened here?!” asked Micah. Trekker appears on Micah’s computer monitor and says, “Ha ha ha ha! Looks like someone forgot to lock their doors.” With a frown on his face, Micah turns toward his computer monitor while folding his arms.

“That’s right! I stole your greatest inventions, and I’m going to use them to take over the world!” says Trekker while showing Micah’s inventions.

“Not while I’m around! I’ve stopped you many times already, and I’m going to do it again!” responded Micah angrily. Trekker briefly walks out of sight on Micah’s computer monitor and returns with a black remote in his hand containing one red button. He points the remote at Micah’s inventions and presses the red button, making them disappear.

“What did you do to my inventions?! Spit it out, you rusty bolt!” asked Micah angrily.

“All right, all right. Take it easy, you little brat. The answer to all your questions is right in front of you.” answered Trekker annoyingly.

“What do you mean ‘right in front of me’?” asked Micah angrily.

“The first thing you’ll need to do is go up to your computer’s keyboard.” answered Trekker. Micah approaches his computer’s keyboard and angrily asks, “Now what?”

“Look to your left.” answered Trekker. Micah looks over to his left and finds the paper that Trekker left behind during his heist. Micah then picks up the paper and skims through it, reading all the riddles written on it to his confusion.

“I’ll tell you what. If your inventions mean that much to you, I’m going to give you exactly 48 hours to find them all.” said Trekker.

“And if I don’t?” asked Micah angrily.

“Then I take over the world!!! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“I’m going to find all my inventions and it’ll be easy...just as soon as I figure out what these are.” says Micah angrily while looking at the paper.

“Those are riddles you must solve in order to find your inventions. Did you really think I was just going to hand them back? Don’t answer that. The clock is ticking, so you’d better get a move-on. Ta ta!” taunted Trekker. Trekker ends the call while Micah struggles to figure out the first riddle.

This Micah survives in the hot, but you’re going to have to find the spot. What the screwdriver does that mean?” asked Micah to himself in confusion.

“Oh, forget it! Computer, locate my inventions.” said Micah.

“Locating inventions.” responds Micah’s computer while scanning the globe.

“Error! Error! Unable to find inventions!” says Micah’s computer while glitching and short-circuiting. Micah’s computer then shuts off with Micah attempting to power it back on to no avail until hearing his Micah Phone ring. Micah answers the call and sees Trekker show up on his screen.

“You’re not going to find your inventions that easy! I took the liberty of installing a virus on your computer so you wouldn’t be able to track them down! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker hangs up while Micah groans angrily and says, “If I’m going to get my inventions back with so little time to spare, I’m going to need help...and lots of it!” Micah goes around and rallies up a search party, recruiting the following:


Mrs. Kathy Dohner, Micah’s 3rd grade teacher

Matthew, Micah’s older brother

Christopher, Micah’s younger brother

Mr. Don Wohlgamuth, Micah’s 4th grade teacher

Tina, Micah’s mother

Sarah, Micah’s friend

Stan, Mrs. Dohner’s husband

Aaron, Mr. and Mrs. Dohner’s son

Kristin, Mr. and Mrs. Dohner’s daughter

Irma, Micah’s grandmother

Zach B., Micah’s classmate

Travis, Micah’s classmate

Austin, Micah’s ex-stepbrother

Jeff, Micah’s father

Jacinda, Micah’s classmate

Peg, Mr. Wohlgamuth’s wife

Jordan S., Micah’s classmate

Linda Jo (LJ), Micah’s stepmother

Jodie, Micah’s classmate

Eric, Micah classmate


The recruits meet up with Micah in his lab with Micah walking back and forth in front of them while saying, “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. The reason I called you here is because (how do I put this?)…we are in danger!” The recruits gasp in fear while Micah sets up a projector and screen.

“Trekker has stolen and hidden these inventions of mine.” says Micah while showing a picture of his inventions on the projector.

“The only way I can get them back is by solving these riddles.” continues Micah while holding up the paper he found in his lab.

“And that’s not the worst part! Trekker has given me 48 hours to find all of these inventions! If I don’t find them in time, he’s going to take over the world!” said Micah. The recruits gasp in fear again with Mrs. Dohner subsequently saying, “We’re with you to the end, Micah!”

“We will not rest until all your inventions have been found. Every single one!” said Matthew.

“That’s what I like to hear! Now, let’s shake a leg! The sooner, the better!” responded Micah. Micah and his search party begin reading the first riddle.

This Micah survives in the hot, but you’re going to have to find the spot. I bet that’s Power Micah!” said Christopher.

“The only hot place I can think of are volcanoes.” said Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“Worth a shot. We’ll explore every volcano we can think of.” said Micah. Micah and his search party walk to Micah’s Warp Machine with Micah typing in the destination to the first volcano, subsequently stepping inside the Warp Machine with his search party following. Micah and his search party arrive inside a volcano with Micah saying, “Let’s split up into three groups of seven. Go.” Micah and his search party begin investigating the volcano with every group going different directions. After a while of searching, Micah and his search party meet back up where they started.

“Did you find anything?” asked Micah.

“No. We’ve looked everywhere.” answered Micah’s mother.

“Let’s try another volcano.” said Sarah.

“Yeah, I’d say it’s not here.” responds Micah while pulling out his Warp Machine Remote. Micah summons his Warp Machine and warps to another volcano with his search party, arriving inside another volcano with Micah saying, “All right, everyone. You know the drill.” Everyone begins to explore the volcano in search of Micah’s box of Power Micah Masks, but find nothing after a while. Micah summons his Warp Machine, subsequently warping himself and his search party to the next volcano. Micah and his search party begin searching the volcano immediately after arriving. While climbing a wall, Stan looks up and sees a round table engulfed in flames. He pulls out a pair of binoculars, looks through them, and spots the Power Micah Mask Box (surrounded by the flames) sitting in the middle of the table.

“There it is!” said Stan.

“Really? Let me take a look.” responds Mrs. Dohner while holding out her hand. Stan gives the binoculars to Mrs. Dohner, who looks through them at the box while saying, “Yep, sure is! We’d better let Micah know right away!” Mrs. Dohner gives the binoculars back to Stan and subsequently pulls out her phone, calling Micah while Micah leads his group back to where they started.

“This is hopeless! I’m never going to find my inventions in time to stop Trekker!” said Micah in disappointment.

“Don’t say that. We must not give up hope. We just have to keep looking.” responded Micah’s mother.

“Yeah. I’m sure that any minute now, someone will call and tell you they’ve found your Power Micah Masks.” said Matthew. Micah suddenly hears his Micah Phone ring and answers the call.

“Hello?” asks Micah in disappointment.

“Hey, Micah? It’s Mrs. Dohner. We just found your box of Power Micah Masks!” said Mrs. Dohner. Micah’s jaw drops out of excitement and subsequently asks, “Really?! Where?!”

“Look to your right.” answered Mrs. Dohner. Micah and his group look over to their right and see Mrs. Dohner and the rest of her group waving with Stan pointing up. Micah hangs up his Micah Phone and rushes over to Mrs. Dohner’s group with his group following.

“Careful, Micah. Your box is surrounded with fire.” said Stan.

“How are we going to get it?” asked Aaron.

“Leave it to me!” answers Mrs. Dohner while pulling out a cape. Mrs. Dohner puts on the cape and turns herself into her super-powered alter ego, Super Kathy.

“Super Kathy to the rescue!” shouts Mrs. Dohner while sky-rocketing up to Micah’s box of Power Micah Masks. Mrs. Dohner inhales the fire surrounding the box and exhales it upward and out the volcano. She grabs the Power Micah Mask Box, flies back down to Micah and his search party, and hands it over to Micah while removing her Super Kathy Cape.

“Thanks, Mrs. Dohner! How can I ever repay you?” said Micah excitedly.

“No need. I’m just doing you a favor.” responds Mrs. Dohner while holding out her hand.

“Now, let’s find the next invention.” says Kristin while looking over the riddles.

“Way ahead of you, Kristin. We still got 40 hours left, so no hurry.” says Micah while reading the riddles with the rest of his search party.

At the cliff of the ocean trench, retrieval of this Micah is not going to be a cinch.” said Micah’s grandmother.

“Sounds like the box of Water Micah Masks.” said Zach.

“Which is obviously in an ocean.” responded Travis.

“Looks like we’re going for a swim.” says Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah enters in the destination to the first ocean and steps inside his Warp Machine with his search party following, subsequently appearing underwater in an ocean in scuba gear. Micah signals his search party to split up and investigate, but find nothing after a while of searching. They warp to another ocean and begin searching for the box of Water Micah Masks. Shortly into the search, Austin spots a trench and swims down it with the rest of his group following. He suddenly sees a cliff with another round table sitting on top of it. Austin and his group swim closer to the table and find the box of Water Micah Masks sitting on top of it just as Micah and the rest of his search party begin to swim down the same trench. Austin turns around and swims towards Micah while the rest of his group remains near the box of Water Micah Masks. Upon approach, Austin points out rapidly at the table to Micah and leads him and the rest of the party to it. After seeing his Water Micah Mask Box, Micah gives Austin a high-five and swims towards it to retrieve it. Before Micah could touch the box, a school of Sharkers appear in front of the table and begin circling around it, forcing Micah to retreat back to his search party. Micah’s father pats Micah on the shoulder and then leads Austin’s group to the school of Sharkers, fighting them off. With the Sharkers gone, Micah’s father and the rest of Austin’s group hold out their hands in front of the Water Micah Mask Box while Micah swims towards and safely retrieves it, subsequently swimming to the surface with his search party following.

“Let’s find some land and read the next riddle.” says Micah while swimming off with his search party following. Micah and his search party swim for a while until Micah’s father spots a beach.

“Land hoe!” says Micah’s father while pointing out the beach. After drawing their attention to the beach, Micah and his search party swim towards it, subsequently removing their scuba gear while walking onto land. Micah pulls out the riddles with Jacinda reading, “Don’t make a blunder, or you’ll never find the thunder.”

“This should lead us straight to the Thunder Micah Mask Box.” responded Peg.

“Hmmm...I’m going to warp us to a power plant. It’s the only place I know that revolves around electricity.” responds Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah enters in the destination and steps inside the Warp Machine with the rest of his search party and warps inside the fence of a power plant, where they find the box of Thunder Micah Masks sitting on a round table surrounded by electricity at the very tip top of a tower.

“I wonder if shutting the power off will get rid of all that electricity surrounding the box?” asked Jordan.

“Only one way to find out.” responds Micah while looking around for power switches. He finds and runs towards a giant lever labeled “Main Power Source”, pulling it down and shutting off power to the entire plant. As a result, the electricity surrounding the Thunder Micah Mask Box disappears with Micah saying, “Good thing you pointed that out, Jordan! It’s nothing but smooth sailing from here!” Micah climbs up a telephone pole and grabs his Thunder Micah Mask Box, sliding back down afterwards to his search party. They read the next riddle and warp to the next destination, successfully finding the Leaph Micah Mask Box. Meanwhile, Trekker and Trekker Jr. watch as Micah and his search party retrieve the Leaph Micah Mask Box.

“Blast! They’re catching up fast!” said Trekker angrily.

“What are going to do?” asked Trekker Jr.

“I’m going to change the time on our clock!” answered Trekker. While helping Micah retrieve his Leaph Micah Mask Box, Sarah overhears Trekker talking to Trekker Jr. and sneaks up on them to investigate. Sarah then peaks around a corner and watches as Trekker and Trekker Jr. change the remaining time left for Micah to complete his mission. Sarah gasps and runs back to Micah and the rest of the search party, carrying on with their mission. Micah and his search party find the rest of the items very quickly except for the Big Shield Ball, where they begin to struggle figuring out the riddle.

To find this last doohickey, just try and get past Mother Nature. The place she strikes often is sooner or later.” said LJ.

“Sounds like severe weather…like tornadoes, hurricanes, or even thunderstorms. What state or country would have something like this regularly?” asked Micah.

“I know Iowa has a lot of tornadoes.” responded Jodie.

“Let’s look there.” says Micah while summoning his Warp Machine. Micah and his search party warp to Iowa, appearing in the middle of a storm caused by an F5 tornado.

“All right! Let’s look for my Big Shield Ball! And we’ve still got 24 hours left to spare! So, no hurry!” says Micah while leading his search party on. They search for a short while and find nothing, so they continue walking on into the path of the tornado with Eric spotting another round table sitting on top of a house. He pulls out a telescope and looks through it, spotting the Big Shield Ball sitting on top of the table.

“Found it!” shouted Eric. Micah and his search party draw their attention to Eric, who then points out the Big Shield Ball to them.

“YEAH!!! Way to go, Eric!” says Micah while giving Eric a high five.

“Ok, guys! Let’s get my Big Shield Ball and put an end to this dumb mission!” says Micah while leading his search party to the Big Shield Ball. Upon arrival at the house, Micah and his search party are suddenly sucked into the tornado.

“Don’t worry about us, Micah! Go get your Shield Ball and save the world!” said Micah’s mother. Out of guilt, Micah pulls out his Power Micah Mask and places it on, turning himself into Power Micah. Micah flies over to the table on top of the house and retrieves his Big Shield Ball, subsequently summoning his Warp Machine on the ground and flying back inside the tornado to rescue everyone. Micah and his search party warp back to Micah’s laboratory with all inventions retrieved, cheering and celebrating while Micah puts them away.

“We did it! Ha ha! And only 24 hours left to spare! I couldn’t have done it without you guys!” shouts Micah excitedly while looking at his search party.

“Always happy to help, Micah.” responds Mrs. Dohner while smiling.

“Same here.” replied Matthew.

“What Matthew said.” said Christopher.

“And us!” said the rest of Micah’s search party.

“All right, guys. Mission accomplished. You’re free to go. Thanks again for all your hard work.” said Micah. With Micah and his family remaining, the rest of the search party walk to Micah’s Warp Machine to warp themselves home when suddenly, Micah’s computer rings with Trekker appearing on the screen.

“You’re too late! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“What do you mean ‘too late’?! We found my inventions just in time!” asked Micah angrily.

“Not on my watch.” responds Trekker while showing a video of Micah and his search party retrieving the Big Shield Ball. The video shows Micah and his search party the incorrect day and time they retrieved the Big Shield Ball with Sarah angrily shouting, “You liar! You and Trekker Jr. changed the time! I saw it with my own eyes!”

“Computer, evidence.” said Micah.

“Searching for evidence.” responds Micah’s computer while scanning her hard drive.

“Evidence found.” says Micah’s computer while showing a video of Trekker and Trekker Jr. changing the clock.

“I told you!” said Sarah.

“You rusty bolts have a lot of explaining to do!” said Micah angrily.

“Ok, so we changed our clocks! Big deal! We bad guys don’t play by the rules! It’s in our nature!” responded Trekker annoyingly.

“I’ll say.” replies Micah angrily while rolling his eyes.

“I don’t care if you’ve found your inventions in time or not! Jr. and I are still taking over the world! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while pulling out his Transport Remote. He points it at himself and Trekker Jr., presses the red button, and disappears, subsequently appearing in outer space just above Earth in their Trekker Station. Inside the station, Trekker presses a button labeled “Control”, which causes the Trekker Station to shoot a green wave that travels around Earth, causing whoever makes contact with it to be placed under Trekker’s control. Micah cleverly avoids the wave by hiding underneath one of his chemistry tables, but his entire search party wasn’t so lucky.

“Ha ha ha ha! We did it, Jr.! We finally rule the world!” laughed Trekker.

“Yippee! I thought this day would never come!” responded Trekker Jr.

“And we’re not done yet.” replies Trekker while contacting Micah’s laboratory. Micah’s search party answers the call on Micah’s computer with Trekker saying, “Slaves, find Micah and bring him to me!”

“Yes, master!” responded Micah’s search party. Micah’s search party begin looking for Micah, who attempts to sneak over to his Warp Machine.

“There he is!” said Matthew. Micah quickly types in the destination to Trekker’s mansion on his Warp Machine, but gets captured by his search party just as he could step in. The search party steps inside the Warp Machine with Matthew and Christopher holding onto Micah’s arms, subsequently warping to Trekker’s mansion and appearing on the trail leading to it. The search party walks up to the mansion while dragging Micah when suddenly, they are stopped by a voice shouting “HAAALLLLTTTTT!” Micah’s best friend (Wesley) jumps out of a bush, performs a double front flip in the air, and lands in front of Micah and his search party.

“Unhand him...now!” shouts Wesley while pointing at Micah. Micah’s search party stare at Wesley until Trekker contacts them.

“Don’t just stand there! Bring Micah to me at once!” shouts Trekker angrily. The search party ignores Wesley and continue walking up to the mansion. After Eric passes by, Wesley catches up to Micah with Micah saying, “Boy, am I glad to see you!”

“Same here, especially with the fact I’m not the only one under Trekker’s control! I’m going to get you out of this, so hang tight.” responds Wesley while running inside the mansion and hiding behind Trekker’s Warp Machine. With Micah’s search party feet away from Trekker’s Warp Machine, Wesley walks out from behind it and pretends to be under Trekker’s control from the green waves.

“Hand Micah over to me. I will take him to Trekker.” said Wesley. Matthew and Christopher drag Micah up to Wesley, who then grabs Micah and drags him up to Trekker’s Warp Machine. Micah looks at Wesley, who winks to indicate he is not really under Trekker’s control. Wesley types in the destination to Trekker’s space station and steps inside while Micah’s search party exits the mansion. Micah and Wesley appear inside Trekker’s space station with Wesley saying, “Yeah, I was only pretending to be brainwashed so I could help you get to Trekker. Sorry if I scared you.”

“You didn’t scare me at all. But, you certainly did a good job of fooling the search party! Thanks, buddy! I owe you one!” responded Micah. The Trekker Station’s alarm suddenly starts blaring with its computerized voice saying, “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!” Trekker turns around and notices Micah and Wesley on board while saying, “Look, Jr.! We’ve got company!”

“Why don’t we make them feel right at home?” asked Trekker Jr. menacingly.

“Let’s!” answers Trekker menacingly while approaching Micah and Wesley with Trekker Jr.

“You missed a spot!” taunts Wesley while pointing at himself.

“Yeah, I see that! Don’t rub it in!” responded Trekker angrily.

“Face it, Trekker! There’s nothing you can do to stop me, even if you are ruling the world!” taunted Wesley.

“We’ll see about that!” says Trekker while chasing after Wesley. Trekker Jr. lunges at Micah, who side jumps out of the way and grabs Trekker Jr.’s tail. Micah swings Trekker Jr. around and throws him at a wall, knocking him unconscious while Wesley continues to run from Trekker. At one point, Wesley and Trekker run past Micah, who grabs Trekker’s tail and slams him down onto the floor. Micah and Wesley then restrain Trekker with their Grab Shots and subsequently pick him up. Wesley opens the side hatch of the Trekker Station with Micah tossing Trekker out into space after being freed from the Grab Shots. Wesley walks over to Trekker Jr. and picks him up, tossing him out into space as well. Micah and Wesley watch as Trekker and Trekker Jr. float away, subsequently running over to the Trekker Station’s controls. Micah and Wesley find a button labeled “Undo” next to the “Control” button, pressing the “Undo” button together. The button breaks Trekker’s spell from Earth and restores everything back to normal. Micah and Wesley give each other high fives and warp back to Micah’s laboratory.

“Hooray for Micah and Wesley! They saved us all!” said Mrs. Dohner.

“Thanks, guys. It was nothing, really.” responded Micah.

“Let’s hope Trekker never takes over the world again.” said Wesley.

“If he does, we’ll be ready.” responded Micah.

“Well, guys. We’d better get going.” said Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“I understand. You’ve all done enough. Bye, everyone!” responds Micah while his search party walks to his Warp Machine. Micah, along with the relatives that aided him on his quest, watch as his search party warp themselves home while Trekker and Trekker Jr. continue to float aimlessly in outer space.

“Unbelievable! We had the world right there in the palm of our hands, and that blasted Micah and Wesley ruined everything!” shouts Trekker angrily as he and Trekker Jr. continue to float away in space.

“We’ll just have to try harder to keep Micah and Wesley out, dad. I mean, we DID fulfill our lifelong dream of taking over the world. We just had some flaws in our plan. That’s all. If we’ve done it once, we can do it again.” responded Trekker Jr.

“You’re right, son. We’ll just take what we can get…for now!” replied Trekker. Trekker continues talking to Trekker Jr. as they float away in outer space, waiting for the next plan to take place.


The End

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