Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Fairway to Go (Golfing Adventure)

On a nice sunny day, Micah and his older brother (Matthew) hit golf balls together at the Beechwood Golf Course Driving Range, practicing until their basket of balls becomes empty. They return to Beechwood a week later to play an actual round of golf on the course’s “Lakeview” side.

“Show us what you got, Matthew!” said Micah. Matthew makes his way to the tee box and sets up his shot, hitting a beautiful shot right down the fairway.

“Nice!” said Micah.

“Thanks!” responded Matthew. Micah heads to the tee box and prepares his shot, hitting a slight draw that lands on the fairway just a couple hundred yards shorter than Matthew’s shot.

“Not bad.” said Matthew.

“Thank you.” responded Micah. Micah and Matthew make their way to their balls, preparing their second strokes with Micah hitting first. Micah hits a beautiful straight shot that lands on the green with Matthew subsequently taking his turn. Matthew hits a fade that also lands on the green, just a few hundred feet away from Micah.

“Go for it, Micah!” said Matthew.

“You got it!” responds Micah while planning his shot. Micah putts the ball right down the slope and into the hole, scoring a birdie.

“Birdie! Great job!” said Matthew.

“Thanks! Good luck with your putt!” responded Micah. Matthew plans out his shot carefully and makes a nice, easy, hard putt against the slope that causes the ball to roll right and into the hole.

“Wow! Great putt!” said Micah.

“Thanks! On to the next hole!” responded Matthew. Micah and Matthew place their putters back in their golf bags with the rest of their clubs, picking up their bags afterwards and walking over to the next hole.

“Here we go, a par 3. Wouldn’t it be cool if one of us got a Hole-in-One?” asked Micah.

“Yeah, that certainly would be something.” answers Matthew while entering the tee box. Matthew sets up his ball and hits a great shot that pushes a little to the right of the flagpole. The ball lands just several feet from behind the hole, rolls left from the slope, and right into the hole.

“Well, I’ll be!” said Micah surprised.

“Beat that!” said Matthew. Micah enters the tee box and sets up his ball, hitting a straight shot that lands just inches from the hole.

“Oooooh! So close!” said Matthew.

“Ah, well. Maybe another time.” responded Micah. Micah and Matthew make their way to the green with Micah finishing up his second stroke, scoring another birdie. A couple of hours later, Micah and Matthew finish their round of golf and wait for their mother to pick them up at the clubhouse. While arriving home, Micah, Matthew, and their mother notice their house surrounded by a green beam and then lifted up off its foundation and into the sky. As they watch the house levitate, they notice a large spaceship just above it being driven by Trekker, who then flies off with the house.

“Christopher and Kyle are still in the house!” said Micah’s mother.

“Don’t worry! I’ll put an end to this!” responded Micah angrily. Micah’s mother parks her vehicle on the driveway with Micah pulling out his Warp Machine Remote. Micah summons his Warp Machine and warps to his laboratory with Matthew and his mother.

“Computer, track down Trekker’s co-ordinance!” said Micah.

“Tracking Trekker’s co-ordinance...” responds Micah’s computer while scanning the world.

“Trekker located.” says Micah’s computer while showing surveillance footage of Trekker flying into outer space.

“I’ll go after him!” says Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah walks to his Warp Machine and warps to his driveway, turning himself into Power Micah and rocketing into the sky, quickly catching up to Trekker and entering his spaceship.

“Oh, hello Micah. How nice of you to drop in.” said Trekker menacingly.

“I’m going to cut to the chase! Put my house back, and leave Christopher and Kyle alone!” responded Micah angrily.

“Don’t waste your time, kid. You know I’m not going to listen.” replied Trekker.

“What are you even doing, anyway?” asked Micah angrily.

“I’m taking your house to the sun, which will burn it and everything inside, especially your brother and stepdad, to a crisp faster than destroying a bucket of bolts! You and your family will have two less mouths to feed, and…be completely homeless! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Not while I’m around!” responds Micah angrily while approaching Trekker. Trekker pulls out a cape and places it on, turning himself into a supervillain named Anti-Super Trekker. Micah and Trekker fight for a short while with Trekker winning.

“I win! You lose! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Laugh while you can, Trekker! Because I’m not giving up!” responds Micah while preparing to punch Trekker. Trekker grabs Micah’s fist just inches from his face and menacingly asks, “I’ll make you a deal. I will challenge you another way. If you win, you get your brother, stepdad, and your house back. If I win, I let the sun do its thing. What did you have in mind?”

“Well, Matthew and I have been playing a lot of golf lately...” answered Micah.

“Golf, it is!” responded Trekker.

“Fine.” says Micah annoyed while rolling his eyes.

“Excellent. Now, get out of here before I throw you out into the open space.” responds Trekker while pointing his Teleport Remote at Micah.

“Beechwood Golf Course, 18 holes, stroke play. Tomorrow at 8 a.m. You’d better be bright-eyed and bushy tailed by then.” said Micah angrily.

“Consider it done.” responds Trekker while pushing the red button on his Teleport Remote. Micah disappears from Trekker’s space ship and arrives back in his laboratory with Matthew and his mother.

“So?” asked Micah’s mother.

“I’m playing a round of golf against Trekker tomorrow. I need to win, or he’s going to put our house on the sun and burn up Christopher and Kyle!” answered Micah.

“Do you want me to be your caddy? I’ll make sure you have the right club for every stroke and can give you pointers.” asked Matthew.

“Please. I’ll take what I can get.” answered Micah.

“But where are we going to stay with our house gone?” asked Micah’s mother.

“How about dad and LJ’s? I’m sure they’ll welcome us with open arms.” asked Micah.

“Well, it doesn’t hurt to ask.” answered Micah’s mother. Matthew and Micah’s mother walk to Micah’s Warp Machine and warp to the house of Micah’s father, appearing right at his front door and ringing the door bell.

“Hey, guys!” said Micah’s father.

“Hi, dad. Trekker took our house. Can we stay with you and LJ tonight?” asked Matthew.

“Oh, of course! You guys can stay as long as you need to. Come on in.” answered Micah’s father. Matthew and his mother make their way into the house while Micah makes calls to other family members and friends, asking for support towards his golf match against Trekker. They agree and start reaching out to some of their family members and friends as Micah heads to his Warp Machine and warps to his dad’s house. Micah appears at the front door and rings the doorbell with his dad answering it.

“Hello, son! Matthew and Tina told me everything. Make yourself at home.” said Micah’s father.

“Thanks, dad! You’re a lifesaver!” says Micah while entering the house.

“So, Trekker stole your house with Christopher and Kyle still trapped inside, huh?” asked LJ.

“I’m afraid so, and if I don’t win my golf match tomorrow, those two will be goners. Sorry to burden you and dad like this, LJ.” answered Micah.

“Don’t be. You are always welcome here, Micah.” responded LJ.

“Thanks, LJ. I just hope to beat Trekker tomorrow. I’m so nervous!” replied Micah.

“You’ll do just fine, Micah. You got to have faith and believe in yourself. Afterall, you have beaten Trekker lots of times already.” said Micah’s father.

“I know, but I’ve never competed with him in a sporting event before. I’m not an athlete. I just play sports for fun.” responded Micah.

“All you can do is try. No matter what happens, we are all very proud of you.” replied LJ.

“Thank you, LJ. I just hate the thought of letting everyone down.” said Micah.

“You could never let us down, Micah. Just take your time and try to have fun with it. When the time comes, you’ll know what to do. It’s all about instinct.” responded Micah’s father.

“How about I fix us up a nice dinner to get us ready for tomorrow?” asked LJ.

“Good idea. We’re famished.” answered Micah’s mother.

“I could use all the nutrition I can get for tomorrow’s game.” said Micah.

“Great! I’ll hop to it!” responds LJ while exiting the living room and entering the kitchen. LJ pulls out some pots and pans and begins cooking while Micah continues to talk with Matthew and his parents until LJ shouts out, “Dinner’s ready!” Micah, Matthew, and their parents make their way to the kitchen and eat up, subsequently turning in for the night to await Micah’s golf match against Trekker. The next day, Micah anxiously prepares for his game and warps to the Beechwood Golf Course clubhouse with Matthew and his parents, encountering a huge crowd of supporters for Micah and Trekker upon arrival.

“Good luck, Micah. We believe in you.” says Mrs. Dohner while patting Micah on the back.

“Thanks, Mrs. Dohner.” responded Micah nervously. Micah’s Physical Education teacher, Miss Zimmer, suddenly approaches Micah and says, “Hi, Micah! I’ll be hosting the game, and I’m going to have you and Trekker start out on Lakeview.” Micah, Matthew, and all of Micah’s supporters make their way to the golf course’s Lakeview side with Trekker and Trekker Jr. suddenly appearing on Micah’s side and walking with him.

“You ready to lose?” taunted Trekker.

“You’re going down, pipsqueak!” taunted Trekker Jr. Without saying a word, Micah looks at Trekker and Trekker Jr. angrily with Matthew saying, “Don’t listen to them, Micah. They’re just trying to get into your head. Stay focused.”

“I’ll have you know that I’m the best golfer here. Your dumb brother doesn’t stand a chance.” taunted Trekker.

“I’m the best golfer, too. As a matter of fact, I know a lot more about golf than any of you.” taunted Trekker Jr.

“Yeah, right. I’ll believe that when I see it.” responded Matthew angrily. Micah and Trekker, along with their crowd of supporters, finally make their way to the first hole with Miss Zimmer stepping into the tee box.

“Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming out here to support Micah...and Trekker. These two will be playing 18 holes, and will be allowed one mulligan per hole. Whoever has the lowest score at the end of the game wins. Micah, you’re first.” said Miss Zimmer. Matthew hands Micah his Driver and says, “Here, this will help you hit far. Take a deep breath and swing nice and easy.” Micah takes his Driver and makes his way into the tee box, placing his tee into the ground and his ball on top of it. He then prepares his stroke and looks at Matthew behind him, who gives him a thumbs-up. Micah takes a deep breath and remains relaxed, hitting a nice, straight shot right down the fairway. Micah’s supporters clap while Micah makes his way back to Matthew with Trekker stepping into the tee box.

“Good job! Keep this up and you’ll do just fine!” said Matthew. Trekker Jr. hands Trekker his Driver while Trekker sets up his shot. Trekker takes his Driver and hits a shot as nice as Micah’s, but further. Trekker’s supporters cheer for Trekker while Matthew says to Micah, “Don’t worry. We’ve only just begun. It’s brains that beats brawns.” Micah and Trekker make their way to their balls with their caddies and supporters following.

“We got a bit of a breeze blowing right towards us, and there’s also a slope to the right of the pin. This 4 Iron should do the trick.” says Matthew while handing off Micah’s 4 Iron Club to Micah. Micah takes the club with Matthew saying, “Aim for the slope. The ball will bounce right off of it and into the hole.” Micah approaches his ball and prepares his stroke, hitting another nice shot that barely passes the fringe and onto the green. Trekker Jr. hands Trekker one of his Irons with Trekker making his way to his ball. Trekker hits an excellent shot that bounces off the slope and right into the hole. Trekker’s supporters cheer and clap for Trekker while Micah becomes nervous.

“Eagle for Trekker, who is now two under par.” said Miss Zimmer.

“Don’t let it get to you. We still have 17 holes left.” said Matthew. Micah, Matthew, and the rest of the supporters make their way to the green to watch Micah take his third stroke. Matthew hands Micah his putter with Micah walking up to his ball and preparing for his putt. Just as Micah putts the ball, Trekker startles him by faking a cough while saying, “Don’t mess up!” Micah’s putt travels very short with Micah looking back at Trekker with an angry look on his face. Micah looks back to his ball and approaches it while Trekker Jr. gives Trekker a high-five. Micah takes his fourth stroke and putts an excellent shot that goes right into the hole.

“Par for Micah, who holds an even score. End of first hole.” said Miss Zimmer. Everyone makes their way to the next hole with Trekker stepping into the tee box. Trekker grabs his club from Trekker Jr. and prepares for his shot. Despite the wind blowing right, Trekker aims for the hole and hits another excellent shot. The ball is blown right from the hole and lands on the green very far away from the hole to Trekker’s anger.

“There’s a pretty strong breeze blowing right. Your 3 Iron should help you out, and make sure you aim far left from the hole.” says Matthew while handing off the club to Micah. Micah takes his 3 Iron and steps into the tee box, setting up his shot and making a precise aim far left from the hole. Micah hits a nice, hard, excellent shot that lands on the green short from the hole. Upon landing, Micah’s ball rolls right towards the hole at a decent speed with Micah biting his fingernails as he watches. The ball barely makes it into the hole to the excitement of Micah and his supporters.

“Hole-in-One for Micah, who is now tied with Trekker!” said Miss Zimmer. Micah and his supporters make their way to the green and watch as Trekker finishes up his turn. Just as Trekker makes his putt, Micah makes a high-pitched beeping sound that hurts Trekker’s ears and causes him to putt the ball too hard. Trekker’s ball goes over on top of the hole and rolls right onto the fringe. Trekker angrily looks over at Micah, who shrugs his shoulders and holds out his arms while taunting, “You messed me up on the last hole. Let’s see how you like it.” Trekker rolls his eyes and walks up to his ball with his putter still in his hand. Trekker putts the ball right into the hole with Miss Zimmer saying, “Par for Trekker. End of second hole.” Micah and Trekker continue on with their round and end up tied at Hole 18 on Beechwood’s “Creekside” course. Trekker steps into the tee box and makes his shot, duffing the ball due to his tee being too deep in the ground. Trekker lashes out in anger while Micah makes his way into the tee box and taunts, “Awww, did someone hit a bad shot? Do you want me to get you your bottle or pacifier?”

“That’s it! You have pushed me to the limit, you broken bolt! I’m going to get the last laugh right now!” says Trekker while approaching Micah with his Driver. Miss Zimmer steps in front of Micah and says, “Don’t even think about it. There will be no violence during this game. Hit him…and you will be disqualified.” Trekker lowers his club and walks back to Trekker Jr. while saying, “Curses!”

“Proceed, Micah.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah sets up his ball and makes an excellent shot that passes over the small creek in the middle of the course. Everyone remains in the same spot as Trekker makes his way to his ball. Trekker Jr. hands Trekker his 3 Wood with Trekker making a tremendous shot out of the rough and right onto the fairway just 50 yards past Micah. Micah and Trekker make their way to their balls with the crowd of supporters following. Matthew hands Micah his 5 Wood with Micah approaching his ball and preparing his shot. Micah hits another nice shot that barely makes it onto the green with a long putt. Micah’s supporters applaud and cheer for Micah while Matthew says, “Great shot, Micah! This will be your chance to get an Eagle!” Everyone remains in their spot as they watch Trekker prepare for his shot. Trekker makes a nice shot that lands right next to Micah’s ball that’s just a tad short. Everyone makes their way to the green with Micah and Trekker approaching their balls. Matthew and Trekker Jr. hand off putters to their respective players as they approach their ball. Trekker makes his putt with his ball rolling right towards the hole at a decent speed. The ball stops right at the edge of the hole with Trekker and Trekker Jr. approaching it. Trekker putts the ball into the hole and scores a par. Micah prepares for his shot while Matthew says, “This is it, Micah! All you need is a birdie and you win!” Micah carefully analyzes his putting condition and hits his ball, which stops several feet from the hole. Micah walks up to his ball and prepares his shot while Trekker and Trekker Jr. try to distract him with faces, erratic gestures, and taunts. Micah angrily looks at Trekker and Trekker Jr. while Matthew says, “Don’t let them distract you, Micah! Just make this putt and you win! You can do it!” Micah takes a deep breath and remains relaxed as he putts his ball, which makes it way towards the hole at the right speed. With the ball just inches from the hole, Trekker runs up to the hole while angrily shouting, “Oh no you don’t!” Trekker slams his foot down on top of the hole with Micah’s ball bouncing off of Trekker’s foot.

“Hey, that’s cheating!” said Matthew angrily.

“So what? Your brother’s not going to win that easy!” responded Trekker angrily.

“Matthew’s right. Trekker is disqualified! Micah wins!” said Miss Zimmer.

“WHAT?????!!!!!?????!!!!!?” shouted Trekker angrily. Micah’s supporters cheer for Micah with Matthew saying, “You did it, Micah! You have beaten Trekker once again!” Micah’s supporters pick up Micah and carry him over their shoulders while Micah lays back in relief with Trekker angrily breaking his putter in half. Trekker then takes his entire bag of golf clubs and angrily throws it down on the ground, subsequently jumping on top of it.

“Ah, phooey on you people! Let’s go, Jr.! We’ve got a house and two broken bolts to fry!” yells Trekker angrily while throwing his hands at Micah and his supporters. Trekker and Trekker Jr. walk off after Micah overhears Trekker’s yelling, quickly jumping off the crowd’s shoulder and approaching Trekker while angrily saying, “Hold it right there, Trekker! We had a deal! You promised to give Kyle, Christopher, and my house back if I won! Now, hand them over!”

“Well, the deal’s off, kid! Kyle, Christopher, and your house are done for!” responded Trekker angrily.

“You never play fair, do you?” asked Micah angrily.

“Hey, I’m a bad guy! What did you expect?” asked Trekker angrily. Trekker pulls out his Teleport Remote and points it at himself and Trekker Jr., pressing the red button and disappearing with Trekker Jr. Trekker and Trekker Jr. appear inside their spaceship in outer space with Micah saying, “Trekker’s going to burn Kyle and Christopher! We got to act fast!”

“I got you covered.” responds Matthew while showing Micah his phone. Trekker and Trekker Jr. drive their spaceship right towards the sun with Micah’s house while his stepdad and Christopher watch sadly as they gradually draw closer to the sun, awaiting their doom.

“I can’t believe we got disqualified! Stupid Miss Zimmer! She thinks she’s so smart!” said Trekker Jr. angrily.

“Who cares? That golf match was a bad idea from the start.” said Trekker angrily. Trekker and Trekker Jr. get closer and closer to the sun until suddenly, they hear Micah say, “Don’t get so fired up, Trekker!” To their surprise, Trekker and Trekker Jr. look back and find Micah and Matthew aboard their spaceship with cops standing behind them.

“A deal’s a deal, Trekker.” said Micah.

“Put Micah’s house back right now, or it’s off to the big house for the two of you.” says Marcus the Police Chief while presenting a pair of handcuffs to Trekker.

“Just what we need…cops!” said Trekker Jr. angrily.

“You’ll never take us alive, you broken bolts!” said Trekker angrily. Trekker speeds up the spaceship while the cops run up to Trekker and Trekker Jr., pinning them to the ground and apprehending them.

“Come on, Matthew! Now’s our chance!” says Micah while running to the control panel with Matthew. Micah and Matthew turn the spaceship around and fly to their house’s foundation, carefully placing it down safely.

“Thanks, officers. I couldn’t have done it without you.” said Micah.

“No thanks are necessary, Micah. We’re just doing our jobs.” responded Marcus. Marcus and his squad exit the spaceship with Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Trekker angrily shouting, “Blast you, Micah!”

“I hate you dumb cops! All you do is put people in jail! You are such good-for-nothing losers! You shouldn’t even be around!” said Trekker Jr. angrily.

“Tell it to the judge.” says Marcus while loading Trekker and Trekker Jr. into his cruiser. Marcus and his squad drive off while Micah, Matthew, and his mother approach Micah’s stepdad and Christopher as they exit the house. Micah’s stepdad and Christopher hug Micah with his stepdad saying, “Thanks, Micah. That was a close one.”

“Yeah, really close.” said Christopher.

“No thanks are necessary, you two. I’m just doing my job.” responded Micah. Micah and his family laugh as they enjoy their time together during a sunset, ready to carry on with their lives.


The End

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