Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Serving up an Ace (Tennis Adventure)

At a community center not far from Micah’s house called the “YMCA” (“Young Men’s Christian Association”), Micah practices tennis on one of the courts with a ball machine while Sarah walks on the walking track just above him. She looks down and notices Micah on the court, subsequently shouting out his name. Micah turns around and looks up at the walking track, noticing Sarah while saying, “Oh, hey Sarah!”

“What are you doing?” asked Sarah.

“Practicing tennis.” answered Micah.

“Cool. Show me what you got.” responded Sarah. Micah makes his way over to the other side of the court and makes some adjustments to the ball machine, returning to his side afterwards. The machine shoots out balls at a faster speed to Micah, who successfully returns all of the shots.

“Awesome! You’re pretty good at that.” said Sarah.

“Thanks! As they say: ‘Practice makes perfect.’” responded Micah.

“Can’t argue with that logic. Well, I’m going to continue my walk now. See you later!” says Sarah while continuing her walk. Micah continues to practice tennis until deciding he’s had enough, shutting off the machine and picking up all the balls afterwards. Micah places the balls back into the machine and rolls the machine off the court, subsequently summoning his Warp Machine and warping back to his house for a well-deserved meal cooked by his mother. Micah watches some TV afterwards and heads off to bed for a well-deserved rest. The next day, Micah returns to the YMCA with Wesley for a practice match in tennis.

“How long of a game do you want to play?” asked Micah. Wesley thinks for a moment and asks, “How about three sets of six games?”

“Sounds good to me.” answered Micah. Micah and Wesley enter the court with Micah making the first serve, commencing the practice match while Trekker observes them on surveillance at his mansion on his computer.

“What are you doing, dad?” asks Trekker Jr. while approaching Trekker.

“Watching Micah and Wesley play tennis to see what evil scheme I should come up with next. What I’m thinking is...whoever wins that match should be the one I kidnap.” answered Trekker.

“Cool! Good luck with that.” says Trekker Jr. while heading back to his bedroom. Trekker turns his attention back to his computer and continues to observe Micah’s and Wesley’s game of tennis. Micah and Wesley play for a while with Wesley winning the game in the end.

“Good game, Wesley!” says Micah while shaking Wesley’s hand.

“Thanks, Micah! Sorry you lost.” responded Wesley.

“Ah, don’t sweat it. It’s just a game. Besides, losing builds character.” replied Micah.

“I don’t know about you, but I think we should call it a day.” said Wesley.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” says Micah while summoning his Warp Machine.

“We should do this again sometime.” says Wesley while summoning his Warp Machine.

“I’d like that.” responded Micah.

“Let’s plan on it. See you later!” replies Wesley while walking to his Warp Machine. Micah walks to his Warp Machine while waving goodbye to Wesley as he warps home. Upon arrival, Wesley exits his laboratory and enters his room, putting away his tennis gear and lying down in bed out of exhaustion. A green hand suddenly covers Wesley’s mouth with a cloth, causing Wesley to fall asleep. The hand then grabs and carries Wesley off, where Wesley finds himself cuffed to Trekker’s concrete slab at his mansion while waking up.

“Trekker! Get me down from here!” shouts Wesley angrily while struggling to break free.

“No!” responded Trekker menacingly.

“Yeah, no!” said Trekker Jr.

“What do you guys want with me?” asked Wesley angrily.

“I’m glad you asked. Jr. and I are going to annihilate you! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“When I get off of this slab, I’m going to...” said Wesley angrily.

“Shut up. I’ve heard enough.” responded Trekker. Meanwhile, Micah warps to Wesley’s house with his tennis gear and rings the doorbell with Wesley’s dad answering it.

“Hi, Micah.” said Wesley’s dad.

“Hi, Paul. Is Wesley around?” asked Micah.

“Yes he is. Wait here and I’ll go get him.” answered Paul. Paul enters Wesley’s bedroom during Wesley’s absence, subsequently searching the entire house for Wesley while calling out his name with Micah waiting patiently at the door. Paul returns to the door and says, “I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to find him anywhere. I’ll keep looking, though.”

“Ok. Thanks, anyway.” responds Micah while summoning his Warp Machine.

“No problem.” replies Paul while waving to Micah. Micah warps home and puts away his tennis gear while saying, “Looks like I’m going to have to play tennis with Wesley another day.” Micah’s computer suddenly rings with Trekker showing up on the screen.

“Hey, Micah. There’s somebody here who’s dying to see you.” says Trekker menacingly while viewing Wesley.

“Wesley!” shouted Micah concerned.

“That’s right! I’ve got your best friend. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Micah opens his mouth and points his finger at Trekker with Trekker saying, “I know what you’re going to say. ‘Let Wesley go.’ Not a chance! I’ll tell you what. If you can beat me in a challenge, Wesley will be free to go. But first, I need to figure out what I should challenge you in.” Trekker looks around and notices Micah’s tennis gear in the background on Micah’s end, subsequently looking at Trekker Jr., who is hitting a tennis ball against the wall with a tennis racquet.

“I challenge you to a game of tennis!” said Trekker.

“Fine.” responds Micah angrily while rolling his eyes.

“Excellent! Ha ha ha ha! We start tomorrow at the break of dawn, and not a minute later! Five sets of six games at the YMCA. See you there!” replied Trekker.

“Whatever you say, Trekker.” said Micah angrily. Trekker ends the call while Micah reaches out to his family, friends, and peers about his tennis match with Trekker Jr. doing the same thing while Trekker practices tennis. All family, friends, and peers for both Micah and Trekker agree to attend the match to support their respective players. Later, Micah, Trekker, and all of their family, friends, and peers planning on attending the game turn in for the night, hoping to get enough sleep for the game. Micah, Trekker, and all of their supporters wake up the very next morning and prepare for the tennis match, subsequently arriving at the YMCA tennis courts. Micah and Trekker warm up with stretches and exercises while their respective supporters make their way to their seats until Miss Zimmer, the umpire, announces to Micah and Trekker to make their way to the court.

“Whoever wins five sets and six games will win the entire match! But first, we will do a coin toss to see who will serve first!” says Miss Zimmer while making her way to the middle of the court. Micah and Trekker subsequently approach Miss Zimmer, who presents a quarter to them and asks, “Heads or tails?”

“Heads.” answered Micah. Miss Zimmer flips the quarter up into the air and catches it with the quarter landing on heads.

“Heads. You will serve first, Micah.” says Miss Zimmer while pulling out a tennis ball from her pocket and handing it off to Micah. Micah and Trekker make their way to their sides of the court with Miss Zimmer subsequently saying, “Let the game commence!” Micah positions himself and aims carefully from behind the baseline and makes an excellent Smash serve. Trekker returns the ball with Micah running up to it and hitting it back over to Trekker’s side. Trekker returns the ball again while Micah runs back to the “No Man’s Land” section of the court. With careful planning, Micah hits a Drop Shot that barely makes it over the net with Trekker reaching and hitting it back over to Micah’s side. Micah then hits a Slice that causes Trekker (who is playing the net) to inadvertently hit a Lob Shot while returning it. Micah places his feet down firmly on the ground and prepares for his shot, hitting a Smash that causes the ball to fly right past Trekker and score Micah a point.

“Smash Ace for Micah! Fifteen Love!” said Miss Zimmer. The ball boy tosses a ball to Micah while retrieving the other one. Micah makes his second serve with a Topspin with Trekker returning it with a Slice. While running towards the ball, Micah trips over on an untied shoe lace and faceplants onto the ground, scoring Trekker a point.

“Return Ace for Trekker. Fifteen All.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah ties his shoe and grabs the ball, subsequently making his way to the baseline to make his next serve. Micah tosses his ball up and changes his angle at the last minute, hitting a Smash that lands on the corner of the Service Box, where the Service Line and Sideline intersect. Trekker gets thrown off guard by this and misses the ball, scoring Micah another point.

“Well, I’ll be! Service Ace for Micah! Thirty Fifteen!” said Miss Zimmer. The ball boy tosses another ball to Micah while retrieving the other. Micah makes his next serve with Trekker returning it with a very hard Topspin. Micah returns the shot, but inadvertently hits it too hard with the ball going out of bounds.

“Out of bounds. Thirty All.” said Miss Zimmer. The ball boy tosses another ball to Micah and goes to retrieve the other while Micah prepares his serve. Micah makes his serve with Trekker returning it, causing him and Micah to return their shots back-to-back for a certain period of time. At one point, Trekker decides to play the net with Micah hitting a Lob Shot to try and make Trekker miss the ball. Just when Micah thinks Trekker was going to miss the ball, Trekker hits a very hard Smash that goes right past Micah.

“Smash Ace for Trekker. Thirty Fourty, Break Point.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah picks up the ball and goes to the baseline for his next serve. Micah hits a Slice with Trekker returning it with a Topspin. Micah then returns Trekker’s shot with another Slice that spins to the Sideline and past Trekker.

“Deuce!” said Miss Zimmer. The ball boy tosses a ball to Micah and retrieves the other one. Micah makes his serve with Trekker hitting a Smash that Micah miraculously returns. The ball hits the top of the net and barely makes it over to Trekker’s side, throwing Trekker off guard again and causing him to miss the ball with Miss Zimmer saying, “Micah’s Advantage! Game Point!” Micah takes a deep breath and plans his serve accordingly, serving an excellent shot that Trekker returns. Trekker plays the net again with Micah hitting an out-of-reach Lob Shot, scoring Micah the point he needed to win the game with Miss Zimmer saying, “Micah’s Game! Players, switch sides!” Micah and Trekker go over to their new sides and prepare for their shots. Trekker makes his serve with a Smash that Micah returns with a Smash of his own, fooling Trekker and causing the ball to fly right past him.

“Neat! Return Ace for Micah! Love Fifteen!” said Miss Zimmer. The ball boy goes to retrieve the ball and tosses it to Trekker, who prepares for his next serve. Trekker serves with another Smash that Micah returns with Trekker hitting yet another Smash, causing the ball to hit Micah in the face and scoring Trekker a point.

“Fifteen All.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah picks up the ball and tosses it to Trekker, who makes his way to the baseline. Trekker serves with a Slice that Micah returns with an excellent Topspin that fools Trekker by going above him out of reach and suddenly dropping down very fast onto the ground, scoring Micah another point.

“Fifteen Thirty!” said Miss Zimmer. Trekker retrieves the ball and makes his way to the baseline for his next serve. Trekker serves with a Smash that hits the net with Miss Zimmer shouting, “Fault!” The ball boy retrieves the ball and tosses it to Trekker, who plans his serve. Trekker serves with a Topspin that Micah returns with a Slice. Trekker then hits a Drop Shot that bumps the top of the net and barely makes it over to Micah’s side. Micah fails to reach the ball with Trekker scoring a point.

“Thirty All.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah grabs the ball and tosses it over to Trekker while he makes his way to the baseline. Trekker serves with a Smash that goes right past Micah, scoring Trekker another point.

“Fourty Thirty. Game Point.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah retrieves the ball and tosses it over to Trekker, who plans his next serve. Trekker serves with a Slice that Micah returns with a Topspin while Trekker returns it with another Slice. Micah attempts to hit another Topspin, but inadvertently hits a Lob Shot that causes the ball to fly right over the court and out of bounds.

“Trekker’s Game.” said Miss Zimmer. The ball boy retrieves the ball and tosses it to Micah, who continues his game with Trekker while the supporters watch nervously for their respective players to win. Micah and Trekker win two Sets each with Micah winning five Games and Trekker winning six Games. With the score at Thirty Fourty during Trekker’s serve, Trekker hits the ball with a Topspin that Micah returns with a Slice. Trekker returns Micah’s shot with a Drop Shot, forcing Micah to rush towards the net. Micah plays the net while Trekker remains in No Man’s Land, hitting the ball rather high that Micah miraculously returns with a Smash that flies right past Trekker.

“Micah’s Game! Because the score is even, you two must play a tiebreaker game in order for us to determine the true winner.” said Miss Zimmer. Micah and Trekker play their tiebreaker with both players having six points in the end. Micah nervously makes his serve with Trekker returning it. At one point, Micah hits a Slice that curves right past Trekker with Miss Zimmer saying, “Micah’s Advantage! Match Point!” While preparing for his serve, Micah takes a deep breath and hits a Smash that heads right towards Trekker, who returns the shot that heads right towards Micah. Micah and Trekker keep returning each other’s shots throughout the game until Micah becomes exhausted to the point of collapsing. Trekker returns one of Micah’s shots with a very hard Smash that heads right towards Micah, who holds out his racquet and miraculously returns Trekker’s shot with a very soft shot that bumps the top of the net, barely making it over to Trekker’s side. Trekker runs up to the net in an attempt to return Micah’s shot with the ball making its second bounce just as Trekker’s racquet could make contact with the ball.

“Game, Set, and Match! Micah wins!” shouted Miss Zimmer excitedly. Micah collapses to the ground out of relief and exhaustion while Trekker gets angry and throws his racquet down. As Micah’s supporters approach and crowd Micah (after Micah’s dad helps Micah up off the ground), Trekker approaches Micah with a smile on his face.

“Hey, Micah.” said Trekker.

“Yes, Trekker?” asks Micah while drawing his attention to Trekker. Trekker holds out his hand while saying, “Congratulations.”

“Oh! Thank you!” responds Micah while grabbing Trekker’s hand. Trekker suddenly swings Micah over and slams him on the ground while subsequently saying, “You really thought I was being nice? Ha! I don’t do nice! Never have, never will!”

“Why am I not surprised?” asked Micah angrily.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a best friend of yours to annihilate!” says Trekker while summoning his Warp Machine.

“What about our deal?” asked Micah angrily.

“Deal, schmeal! It’s just a word! Say goodbye to your friend, punk! Ha ha ha ha!” laughs Trekker while entering his Warp Machine. Trekker warps to his mansion and rolls a giant ray gun in front of Wesley while Micah approaches his supporters and says, “Trekker’s gone, you guys! He cheated me out!” Micah’s supporters gasp with Miss Zimmer asking, “What are we going to do?” Micah pulls out his Power Micah Mask while answering, “Do what we always do. Stop him!” Micah turns himself into Power Micah and summons his Warp Machine, subsequently warping to Trekker’s mansion with his supporters following. Trekker prepares the ray gun while laughing, “All right, Wesley! Prepare...to be..ANNIHILATED!!! Ha ha ha ha!” The ray gun’s nozzle begins to glow while Trekker prepares to press the two trigger buttons. Right before he could touch the buttons, Trekker catches on fire and runs off in an attempt to douse himself off with Wesley seeing Micah (with all of his supporters standing behind him) holding out his Fire Whip.

“Micah! Thank goodness you’re here!” said Wesley excitedly.

“Your troubles are over, Wesley. My fans and I are going to get you out of here.” responds Micah while Trekker Jr. approaches him and his fans.

“Ahem!” said Trekker Jr. Micah and his fans turn around and notice Trekker Jr. standing behind him with Trekker Jr. angrily saying, “Step aside, you broken bolts! I will annihilate Wesley myself, and how dare you light my dad on fire!” Micah suddenly whips Trekker Jr. with his Fire Whip, engulfing Trekker Jr. in flames. While Trekker Jr. runs around with Trekker, Micah flies over to a rack and grabs a key, subsequently returning to Wesley. Micah unlocks all of the cuffs on Trekker’s concrete slab and, with the help of his fans, helps Wesley get down on the floor.

“Thanks, guys. Especially you, Micah, for not giving up on me.” said Wesley.

“Not a problem, buddy. I once heard a character in a movie say, ‘Friends don’t quit’, and he’s absolutely right. Let’s go home. We’ve all had a long day.” says Micah while walking with his fans and Wesley to Trekker’s Warp Machine. Micah and his fans, and Wesley, warp themselves home while Trekker and Trekker Jr. finally put themselves out, lying on the floor with burns from head to toe.

“Come on, Jr. Let’s go do something else.” says Trekker while getting up off the floor and stumbling upstairs. Trekker Jr. joins up with Trekker while Micah and Wesley sit back on their sofas and enjoy a little TV. The next day, Micah and Wesley return to the YMCA and play another practice round of tennis with some of their family members (and Sarah) arriving and watching them, cheering them on as they play and enjoy their friendly match together.


The End

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