Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Trekker's Revenge (Adventure III: Trekker's Revenge)

Picking up from “Matthew’s Set-Off”, Micah had just been rescued by his older brother (Matthew) and the family dog (Kami) after being kidnapped by Trekker and held captive at his mansion. Micah and Matthew play with Kami until she gets tired and goes over to her bed to rest.

“Boy, we certainly wiped her out.” said Micah.

“Well, she did help me rescue you afterall. Just look at what we had to go through.” responded Matthew.

“Oh, I know. Been there, done that. Now what do you want to do?” asked Micah.

“Want to play some video games?” asked Matthew.

“Sure. I can’t think of anything else.” answered Micah. Micah and Matthew walk to Micah’s bedroom with Matthew asking, “I wonder what Trekker and Trekker Jr. are up to?”

“Who cares? They’re nothing but trouble.” answered Micah. At Trekker’s mansion, Trekker and Trekker Jr. are lying face-down unconscious on the floor from when Matthew defeated them. A short while later, Trekker gains consciousness and puts his hand on his head while saying, “Oh, my head.” Trekker Jr. then gains consciousness and looks around for Micah, Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“Where is everybody? Micah? Matthew? Kami? Mr. Wohlgamuth?!” asked Trekker Jr. angrily. Trekker looks around and finds nothing while angrily responding, “Drat! Foiled again! And just when we had Micah, too!”

“What are we going to do?” asked Trekker Jr.

“Simple. Get our revenge!” answered Trekker.

“I like the sound of that! So, what’s the plan?” asked Trekker Jr. menacingly. Trekker leans into Trekker Jr.’s ear and whispers to him while Micah and Matthew play video games together at their house until bedtime.

“What do you think? Time to call it a night?” asked Matthew.

“Yeah. I’m beat.” answered Micah. Micah and his family dress in their PJs and go off to bed, falling fast asleep and awaiting Sunday while Trekker and Trekker Jr. observe on their computer.

“Now’s our chance, Jr.!” says Trekker while running to his Warp Machine with Trekker Jr. following. Trekker and Trekker Jr. warp to Micah’s house and kidnap Matthew and Kami while they’re sound asleep, subsequently warping to Mr. Wohlgamuth’s house and kidnapping him while he sleeps soundly. The next day, Matthew wakes up and finds himself, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth all back at Trekker’s mansion, cuffed on Trekker’s concrete slabs.

“Uhhh, what’s going on here?” asks Matthew while struggling to break free from the cuffs.

“I’m glad you asked.” answers Trekker while approaching Matthew with Trekker Jr.

“Trekker????!!!??!!??! Haven’t you done enough?!” asked Matthew angrily.

“No. A villain’s work is never done. Welcome back to my mansion, you broken bolt! And this time…YOU’RE my experiment! And so is your dumb dog and teacher! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“It’s payback time, you broken bolts!” said Trekker Jr.

“You got that right, Jr. We did not appreciate you broken bolts crashing in here and ruining our fun! Time to make up for your mistakes!” said Trekker.

“Excuse me!? You guys made all the mistakes, and you’re making another one right now! If you think you’re going to get away with this, you got another thing coming!” responded Matthew angrily.

“Why don’t you put a cork in it before I shove one in?” asked Trekker angrily. Trekker Jr. walks over to a counter and grabs a cork, bringing it back to Trekker while saying, “Here you go, dad.” Trekker gestures with his hand while responding, “That won’t be necessary, Jr. Save it for when he crosses the line.”

“Gotcha!” responds Trekker Jr. while returning the cork to the counter. Trekker Jr. then returns to Trekker with Trekker asking, “Now, where was I?”

“Save your breath, Trekker. You know Micah’s going to come any minute now and stop you, just like he always does.” responded Matthew angrily.

“Yeah, I know he’s coming. But, he won’t be stopping us. Not this time! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker walks over to his computer while saying, “Come on, Jr. We got a phone call to make.” Trekker Jr. catches up to Trekker, who calls Micah’s computer while Micah wakes up, gets dressed, and goes out to the living room of his house to eat breakfast. Micah’s mother, stepfather, and younger brother (Christopher) join him at the table, but not Matthew or Kami.

“Have any of you seen Matthew or Kami?” asks Micah while looking around.

“No...” answered Micah’s mom concerned.

“They got to be around here somewhere.” answers Micah’s stepdad while getting up out of his chair and walking around the house. Micah, Christopher, and even their mother join in on the search for Matthew and Kami to no avail, subsequently entering Micah’s laboratory. While Micah and his family search for Matthew and Kami in Micah’s laboratory, Trekker suddenly appears on Micah’s computer monitor.

“Hey there, you broken bolts. Lose something?” asked Trekker menacingly.

“Let me guess. You have Matthew and Kami at your mansion.” responded Micah angrily. Trekker views Matthew and Kami alongside with Mr. Wohlgamuth while asking, “How’d you know?”

“Why else would you call me?” asked Micah angrily.

“Let them go, now!” shouted Micah’s stepdad angrily.

“Ah, shut it pops! You don’t know who you’re dealing with here!” responded Trekker.

“What are we going to do?” asked Micah’s mother.

“Get Matthew and Kami back! That’s what we’re going to do!” answered Micah.

“How are we going to do that?” asked Micah’s stepfather.

“Leave it to me. You guys stay here. I’m going after Trekker.” answered Micah.

“Ok. Be careful.” responded Micah’s stepfather.

“We love you very much.” said Micah’s mother.

“I love you guys too. I’ll be back faster than replacing a broken bolt!” responded Micah. Micah’s mother, stepfather, and Christopher exit Micah’s laboratory and go back to the living room to finish their breakfast while Micah remains in his laboratory, talking to Trekker until Sarah appears in Micah’s Warp Machine and approaches Micah.

“Hey, Micah. Oh, is this a bad time?” asks Sarah while looking up at Micah’s computer monitor.

“No. This is the perfect time to talk to us, Sarah. In fact, would you care to join the party?” asked Trekker menacingly.

“Party? What party?” asked Sarah. Trekker pulls out his Teleportation Remote, points it at Micah and Sarah, and presses its red button, making Micah and Sarah vanish and appear in the middle of nowhere.

“Uhhh, what’s going on here?” asks Sarah while observing her surroundings.

“Trekker’s got my older brother (Matthew), our dog (Kami), and our 4th grade teacher (Mr. Wohlgamuth) at his mansion. We got to get to Trekker’s mansion and rescue everyone as soon as possible.” answered Micah.

“How? There’s nothing here.” asked Sarah.

“Not everything is as it seems. We’re just going to have to explore this place.” says Micah while walking forward. Sarah catches up to Micah to search the area until they discover a pit.

“It sure is hot out here. I wish we had some water.” said Sarah.

“Nonsense!” says Micah while pulling out and presenting his Water Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Water Micah and fills up the pit with water by shooting water out of his wrists.

“There! Now we’ll be able to cool ourselves off.” says Micah while removing his Water Micah Mask. Micah and Sarah run to the pit until a group of cobras slither out towards the two.

“Aaaaahhhhh! Snakes!” screamed Sarah.

“Not to worry. We can go around them.” responds Micah while running past the cobras. While Sarah catches up to Micah, more and more cobras slither out and block the entry to the water.

“They’re everywhere!” screamed Sarah. Sarah faints out of fear while Micah rushes to her aid and fans her off.

“Sarah! Can you hear me?” asks Micah while shaking Sarah gently. With no response from Sarah, the cobras approach Micah and Sarah while Micah steps in front of Sarah and fights off the cobras. While Micah fights off some of the cobras, another group sneaks behind Micah and grabs Sarah with their mouths, dragging Sarah away to their hole. With no more cobras in his sight, Micah brushes off his hands while saying to himself, “Good riddance!” Micah turns around while saying, “Sarah, all the cobras are gone! We can get in now!” To Micah’s surprise, Sarah is nowhere to be seen, and then hears hissing and looks over to see the group of cobras dragging Sarah away.

“Sarah!” shouted Micah. Sarah gains consciousness and finds herself being dragged away from the cobras.

“Ew ew ew ew! Get away from me!” screams Sarah while kicking the cobras. The cobras release Sarah and retreat to their hole while Sarah faints again.

“Sarah!” shouts Micah while rushing to her aid.

“Ha ha! You did it, Sarah! You fought off those cobras all by yourself! Let’s get you cooled off.” says Micah while picking up Sarah and carrying her over to the water. Micah sits Sarah down right next to the water and wakes her up by throwing water on her face.

“Huh? Where am I?” asked Sarah.

“We’re still in the middle of nowhere. But look!” answers Micah while showing his and Sarah’s surroundings. Sarah looks around and does not find any cobras in sight.

“Are all those snakes gone?” asked Sarah worriedly.

“Yes. I took care of them.” answered Micah. Sarah suddenly hugs Micah while saying, “Thank you! I hate snakes!”

“You’re welcome, Sarah. It was nothing, really.” responded Micah. Sarah looks at the water and says, “Last one in is a rotten egg!” Micah and Sarah jump in together and swim around for a little while, eventually sitting up against the pit’s bank to relax.

“Let’s sit here and cool off for a while, and then we’ll find a way out of here.” said Micah. Micah and Sarah suddenly disappear and show up on top of a glacier, still wet from the pit and now freezing instead of cooled off.

“W-W-Wow. The t-t-temperature’s really d-d-dropped f-f-fast.” says Sarah while shivering. Micah observes his and Sarah’s surroundings, discovering they’ve arrived on top of some glaciers.

“Y-Y-You might w-w-want to t-t-take a b-b-better l-l-look, S-S-Sarah.” says Micah while shivering. While still shivering, Sarah observes her surroundings and says, “W-W-Whoa. We’re d-d-definitely n-n-not in the m-m-middle of n-n-nowhere anymore.”

“Q-Q-Quick! P-P-Pull out your Hot-Head Sarah M-M-Mask!” says Micah while shivering and pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Sarah (still shivering) pulls out her Hot-Head Sarah Mask and puts it on while Micah puts on his Power Micah Mask. Micah and Sarah turn themselves into Power Micah and Hot-Head Sarah respectively, suddenly becoming warm from the cold temperatures of the glaciers.

“All right, let’s look around! Time’s a-wasting!” says Micah while walking forward. Sarah catches up to Micah, searching the glacier until spotting a baby penguin standing all alone and peeping in sadness.

“Why, hello there little fella! Are you lost?” asked Micah. The baby penguin nods its head while peeping.

“Who are you looking for?” asked Micah. The baby penguin peeps with Micah asking, “Your mother?” The baby penguin nods while peeping. Sarah picks up the penguin while saying, “Don’t worry. We’ll find her.”

“Where did you see her last?” asked Micah. The baby penguin points its flipper in one direction with Micah and Sarah going towards the path. After a while of walking, Micah and Sarah find a colony of penguins lined up and marching with the baby penguin peeping in excitement.

“Is that your colony?” asked Micah. The baby penguin nods its head in excitement with Sarah asking, “So your mother must be there, right?” The baby penguin continues to nod its head and peep in excitement with Micah and Sarah rushing over to the marching penguins. After approaching the marching penguins, the baby penguin with Micah and Sarah peeps loudly with one of the adult females turning its attention towards it. The female penguin then slides towards Micah and Sarah while the two walk up to it with the baby still in their arms. Upon approach, Sarah sets down the baby penguin and it slides towards the female. The female penguin embraces the baby and subsequently approaches Micah and Sarah, squawking out of gratitude to them. Micah squawks back at the penguin while it joins back up with the baby and the rest of the penguins. Micah and Sarah then walk away while Micah says, “Our work here is done.”

“Now to find our way out of here.” responded Sarah. Micah and Sarah suddenly disappear and arrive in front of the entrance to the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

“Hello, and welcome to the Great Pyramid!” said a tour guide.

“Sorry, we don’t have time for tours. We’ve got a troll to catch.” responded Micah.

“Are you sure you can’t stay long enough to enjoy this historical artifact?” asked the tour guide. Micah thinks for a moment and answers with, “Well, I suppose. Sarah and I could use a breather.”

“Excellent! Let us begin!” responded the tour guide. The tour guide then leads Micah, Sarah, and the rest of the tourists inside the Great Pyramid, talking about its origin and artifacts. Shortly upon entering, Micah and Sarah hear mumbling coming from the Ascending Passage, following their ears and separating themselves from the tour while the tour guide says, “Hey, you two. Please stay with the tour at all times. This place can be very dangerous.”

“Sorry to break the rules, but we hear something up here.” said Sarah.

“Like...cries for help.” said Micah. The tour guide and the rest of the tour become quiet and listen carefully with their ears, hearing the mumbling for themselves.

“Oh! I hear it, too! We’d better investigate!” says the tour guide while leading the tour into the Ascending Passage. The mumbling gradually becomes louder as Micah, Sarah and the tour go deeper into the passage, approaching another path and hearing the mumbling coming from it.

“Sounds like it’s coming from here, the Queen’s Chamber! Come on!” says the tour guide while leading Micah, Sarah, and the tour into the room. The mumbling gets louder and louder when suddenly, the entire tour encounters a tomb inside the chamber.

“Odd. I don’t remember this being here.” says the tour guide while approaching the tomb. The tour guide opens the tomb’s lid and sees a mummified person moving around radically and mumbling.

“My word! This person’s still alive! Anybody got some scissors or other sharp utensils to cut this person loose with?” asks the tour guide in fear.

“I do.” answers Micah while approaching the person with Sarah. Micah pulls out a pair of scissors and cuts off a top portion of the linen, subsequently peeling off the rest of it off with Sarah’s help.

“Mrs. Dohner?” asks Micah in surprise.

“Thank you Micah for saving me! You too, Sarah!” responded Mrs. Dohner.

“You two know this woman?” asked the tour guide.

“Yes. She was my third grade teacher.” answered Micah.

“Wow. Small world.” responded the tour guide.

“How did this happen to you, Mrs. Dohner?” asked Sarah.

“It all started when I came to this place to study its layout and Egyptian history. I was with a tour, just like you and Micah here, but then Trekker snatched and dragged me away into this very room, mummifying and placing me inside this tomb while hoping fate would take its course.” answered Mrs. Dohner.

“How awful! Nothing to see here, folks. Next room.” says the tour guide while leading the tour out of the Queen’s Chamber and back to the Ascending Passage. While walking with the tour, Micah, Sarah, and Mrs. Dohner disappear and arrive in a jungle, walking on a path and looking for a way out when suddenly, Sarah and Mrs. Dohner are snatched by an anaconda that attempts to constrict them. Micah pulls out a wrench and hits the anaconda’s coil to no avail, subsequently climbing a tree and hitting the anaconda in the head with his wrench that knocks it unconscious. Sarah and Mrs. Dohner throw the anaconda off themselves while Sarah says, “Ugh! I hate snakes! Thanks, Micah!”

“What Sarah said.” said Mrs. Dohner.

“Not a problem, you two. Onward!” says Micah while leading Sarah and Mrs. Dohner farther into the jungle. As Micah, Sarah, and Mrs. Dohner walk and explore the jungle, Micah suddenly gets snatched by a gorilla that takes him high up in the trees. As the gorilla climbs a tree, Micah pulls out his wrench that immediately slips out of his hand, landing on top of another tree with all of his Hero Transformation Masks and Bolt Shot after falling out of his pockets. The Masks and Bolt Shot land on the same tree as the wrench with Micah angrily asking himself, “Oh great! How am I going to stop this stupid primate?” Micah suddenly sees two people fly upward very fast above the gorilla, revealing themselves to be Sarah as her super-powered alter ego (Girl Power Sarah) and Mrs. Dohner as her ego (Super Kathy). Sarah and Mrs. Dohner snatch Micah from the gorilla and fly him safe to the ground while the gorilla angrily chases them.

“Thanks, guys! I thought I was a goner.” said Micah.

“No thanks are necessary, Micah. You saved us from a giant, hideous anaconda a little bit ago, so we needed to return the favor. And the gorilla is long gone.” responded Sarah. Mrs. Dohner hears the ground rumbling and looks back, noticing the gorilla running towards them.

“I wouldn’t say ‘long gone’ just yet.” says Mrs. Dohner while pointing at the gorilla. Micah and Sarah draw their attention to the charging gorilla with Sarah and Mrs. Dohner turning around and standing in front of Micah.

“Leave everything to us, Micah. You’ve done enough.” said Sarah. Sarah and Mrs. Dohner stand their ground as the gorilla gradually runs closer to them. Just inches away from the gorilla, Sarah and Mrs. Dohner punch the gorilla and send it flying out of sight while Mrs. Dohner flies up and retrieves Micah’s dropped items. Mrs. Dohner returns the dropped items to Micah with Micah saying, “Thanks, Mrs. Dohner. I almost forgot about these.”

“Hey, it’s all in the line of duty.” responded Mrs. Dohner. Sarah and Mrs. Dohner revert to normal and suddenly disappear with Micah, arriving at a graveyard to Sarah’s dismay.

“Guys, I don’t like this place.” said Sarah worriedly.

“We don’t either, Sarah. But unfortunately, the only way out of here is to explore this place, unless you want my brother, dog, and fourth grade teacher dead.” responded Micah. Hands suddenly burst out from under the ground with zombies emerging and walking towards Micah, Sarah, and Mrs. Dohner.

“Speaking of dead…” replied Mrs. Dohner.


“No. WE’RE going to BEAT them!” says Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Power Micah while Mrs. Dohner turns herself back into Super Kathy.

“Look Sarah, I know you’re scared. I am too, but there’s too many of them. We could really use your help.” said Mrs. Dohner.

“Ooooohhhhh…all right! Anything just to get out of this creepy place.” responds Sarah while pulling out her Girl Power Sarah Shoes. After turning herself into Girl Power Sarah, Sarah (along with Micah and Mrs. Dohner) head towards the zombies and fight them off until there were none left.

“Well, that’s settled. Now we can focus on getting out of here.” says Micah while brushing off his hands. Micah, Sarah, and Mrs. Dohner disappear and arrive back at Trekker’s mansion.

“We made it! Hang on, guys! We’ll have you down in no time!” says Micah while rushing over to Trekker’s concrete slabs. Along the way, Mrs. Dohner grabs a key off of a wall rack and tosses it to Micah.

“Thanks, Mrs. Dohner!” said Micah. Micah, Sarah, and Mrs. Dohner suddenly arrive in front of Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“Glad to see you’re all safe.” said Matthew.

“Glad to see YOU’RE all still safe.” says Micah while reaching out with the key.

“I have a funny feeling Trekker could be anywhere. This all seems too easy.” said Mr. Wohlgamuth. Just as Micah could unlock the first cuff from Matthew, a green hand grabs Micah’s wrist and pulls Micah towards him.

“You guessed right, Mr. Wohlgamuth! Keep away from my experiments, you broken bolt!” said Trekker.

“Oh, please! You’re just wasting your time, just like you always do, and you know it!” responded Micah angrily.

“You think this is a game?” asked Trekker angrily. Trekker snaps his finger with Trekker Jr. subsequently rushing over to Micah. Trekker Jr. then snatches the key from Micah’s hand and throws it out one of the mansion’s windows and into a river of lava, melting the key upon contact.

“Who’s laughing now?” taunted Trekker. Trekker throws Micah down on the ground and begins attacking him. With Micah too weak to fight back, Trekker pulls out a ray gun from one of his pockets and points it at Micah.

“It’s been nice knowing you, you broken bolt!” said Trekker. Micah closes his eyes in anxiety as Trekker slowly pulls the trigger on his ray gun. Just as Trekker could shoot Micah, a laser hits the ray gun right out of Trekker’s hand and out one of the mansion’s windows. Micah opens his eyes and looks behind him to see Sarah as Girl Power Sarah and Mrs. Dohner as Super Kathy, whose eyes are glowing.

“Go save everyone, Micah. We’ll hold him off.” said Sarah. Micah jumps up back onto his feet and runs towards Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth while Sarah and Mrs. Dohner go into combat with Trekker and Trekker Jr.

“How are we going to get down without a key?” asked Matthew.

“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” answers Micah while pulling out his Power Micah Mask. Micah turns himself into Power Micah and whips the cuffs on Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth with his Fire Whip until they melt off.

“You saved us, Micah!!! Thank you!” said Matthew.

“I’m sorry, but there’s no time for gratitude. Go, before Trekker and Trekker Jr. see any of you. You all can thank me later.” responded Micah. Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth sneak past Trekker and Trekker Jr. to their Warp Machine, warping themselves home while Micah joins back in the fight with Trekker and Trekker Jr. With Sarah and Mrs. Dohner tired to the point of fainting, Trekker and Trekker Jr. knock them unconscious, subsequently approaching Micah menacingly.

“You’re next, you broken bolt!” says Trekker while slowly approaching Micah with Trekker Jr. Micah stands his ground while Trekker and Trekker Jr. suddenly run at him. With Trekker and Trekker Jr. just inches away, Micah pulls out his Fire Whip and wraps Trekker and Trekker Jr. with it. He then twirls them around and flings them out one of the mansion’s windows and onto a tree floating down the river of lava. With the lava gradually burning up the tree, Trekker and Trekker Jr. frantically climb to the top while Micah removes his Power Micah Mask and checks up on Sarah and Mrs. Dohner, who begin to gain consciousness.

“Guys, it’s over! Trekker and Trekker Jr. are gone!” said Micah.

“It is?” asks Sarah while observing her surroundings.

“It is!” answers Mrs. Dohner after looking around.

“Where’s your brother and dog?” asked Sarah.

“And Mr. Wohlgamuth?” asked Mrs. Dohner.

“Already home.” answered Micah.

“Everybody?” asked Sarah.

“Everybody!” answered Micah.

“Way to go, Micah!” shouted Sarah.

“Ditto, Sarah! And thanks for rescuing us, too!” said Mrs. Dohner.

“You’re very welcome, you two. What else are friends for?” asked Micah. Sarah and Mrs. Dohner revert themselves back to normal with Sarah saying, “I’ve had it with this place! Let’s go home already!”

“I’m sure my husband and kids are missing me like crazy.” said Mrs. Dohner.

“Wait no longer, because that’s exactly what we’re going to do right now.” responds Micah while walking to Trekker’s Warp Machine. Sarah and Mrs. Dohner follow Micah to Trekker’s Warp Machine while Trekker and Trekker Jr. are seen sitting on the lava river’s bank with burn wounds all over their bodies.

“That tree was not tall enough! I’ll be feeling this in the morning!” complained Trekker Jr.

“Forget the burns! We got to figure out a way back to the mansion!” responded Trekker angrily. Trekker and Trekker Jr. stand up and limp on, looking for a way back to their mansion with one thing on their mind: revenge!


The End

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