Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Matthew's Set-Off (Adventure II: Matthew's Adventure)

On a slow Friday, Micah’s older brother (Matthew) finishes up his work at school. A short while later, the bell rings to conclude the day. Matthew and the rest of his peers head to their lockers and to the bus afterwards to be taken to the elementary school, where Matthew meets up with Micah and Christopher. Matthew walks home with Micah and Christopher, talking about his day at school with Micah and Christopher and what he and his brothers are looking forward to for the weekend. Soon after arriving home, Matthew puts away his backpack and watches tv with Micah and Christopher until his mom and stepdad arrive home. Matthew’s mother immediately prepares dinner as Matthew continues to watch tv with Micah and Christopher. Matthew’s mother announces dinner a short while later with Matthew and his brothers walking up to the table and scarfing down their meals. After dinner, Micah goes into his laboratory to do some scientific work while Matthew goes to his room to get some homework done. Later at night, Micah exits his laboratory and dresses in his PJs, subsequently brushing his teeth and going off to bed. Matthew and Christopher also dress in their PJs and go off to bed, awaiting the weekend. With Micah and his family fast asleep, a silhouette peaks up outside of Micah’s bedroom window and opens it, picking up Micah and carrying him off. The next day, Micah wakes up and finds himself cuffed on Trekker’s Concrete Slab.

“Micah! You’re finally mine! Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker.

“Trekker, you get me off of this stupid thing right now, or I’ll…” responded Micah angrily.

“Or what? You’re completely helpless! Ha ha ha ha! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a phone call to make.” says Trekker while walking to his computer. Back at Micah’s house, Matthew looks around for Micah to no avail with Matthew asking, “Mom, have you seen Micah anywhere?”

“No. Not yet, at least.” answered Matthew’s mom. Matthew then goes into Micah’s bedroom with the family dog (Kami) following. Matthew grabs Micah Lab Entrance Cube and turns it upside-down, shaking it while asking, “Micah, are you in here?” With no response, Matthew throws Micah’s Lab Entrance Cube behind him, where it lands on the button and sucks Matthew and Kami into Micah’s laboratory.

“Micah? Where are you?” asks Matthew while looking around in Micah’s laboratory. Micah’s computer suddenly rings with Matthew answering the call.

“Ah, Matthew! I take it you’re looking for...your brother! Ha ha ha ha!” says Trekker while viewing Micah.

“Matthew, I need your help. Get over here as fast as you can.” said Micah.

“I’m on my way!” says Matthew while running over to Micah’s Warp Machine with Kami following. After entering his destination, Matthew steps inside Micah’s Warp Machine and picks up Kami. Matthew and Kami appear at Trekker’s mansion with Matthew setting Kami down and approaching Trekker.

“How nice of you and Kami to drop by on such short notice.” said Trekker menacingly.

“I’m not here to play games, Trekker. Just let Micah go and we can forget this ever happened.” responded Matthew angrily. Trekker walks over to a table and grabs his Teleportation Remote while menacingly asking, “In a hurry, huh?” Trekker quickly turns around, points the remote at Matthew and Kami, and presses its red button while saying, “Let’s see how you like...this!” Matthew and Kami disappear from the mansion and appear in Tokyo, where they see Trekker Jr. as a giant and destroying the city. Matthew suddenly gets a phone call from his cell phone with Trekker on the line.

“Trekker, what did you do?!” asked Matthew angrily.

“Oh, nothing. I just sent you and Kami somewhere else.” answered Trekker angrily.

“If you hurt Micah, I’ll…” said Matthew angrily.

“Don’t waste your time getting smart with me. You know I’m not going to let Micah go that easy. If you want him back, you and Kami are going to have to find your way back to my mansion. Ha ha ha ha!” laughed Trekker. Trekker suddenly hangs up while Matthew thinks of a plan to stop Trekker Jr. Matthew suddenly gets an idea and says “Don’t worry, Kami. Trekker forgot about these.” Matthew pulls out and shows Kami his super-powered Transformation Stones, subsequently stuffing all but one colored yellow with a lightning bolt printed on it into one of his pockets. Matthew taps on the stone three times, transforming himself into an electrified super-powered alter ego named Electricew. Matthew and Kami both approach Trekker Jr. with Trekker Jr. looking down on them and taunting, “Well, what do we have here? Why, it’s Electricew and Kami! Come to stop me, have you? Good luck with that!” Trekker Jr. lifts up one foot, places it over Matthew and Kami, and slams it down with Matthew and Kami barely missing the stomp.

“Oh, you think you’re so smart, huh? Well, how about this?!” asks Trekker Jr. angrily while snatching Kami. Matthew watches helplessly as Trekker Jr. brings Kami closer to his mouth. Trekker Jr. then tosses Kami up in the air, tilting up his head and opening his mouth in an attempt to eat her. Kami opens up all four of her paws and leans forward, landing underneath Trekker Jr.’s nose.

“Get off my face, stupid dog!” shouts Trekker Jr. angrily while curling his fingers up into a fist. Trekker Jr. throws a punch at Kami, who scampers up Trekker Jr.’s face and fools Trekker Jr. into punching himself in the nose.

“Aaaaahhhhh! Playing hard-to-get, huh? So much for man’s best friend!” says Trekker Jr. angrily while throwing another punch to Kami. Kami continues to run up Trekker Jr.’s face with Trekker Jr. inadvertently punching himself in the face.

“Stop moving!” yells Trekker Jr. angrily while Kami runs up to Trekker Jr.’s skull. With Kami sitting on top of his skull, Trekker Jr. attempts to grab her, but narrowly misses while Kami runs toward his ear and jumps inside of it.

“Hey! Get out of there!” says Trekker Jr. angrily while picking at his ear. Kami runs toward Trekker Jr.’s eardrum and barks into it as loud as she could, hurting Trekker Jr.’s ear.

“Uuuuuggggghhhhh! Too loud!” shouts Trekker Jr. while covering his ears and stepping back. With Trekker Jr. stepping backwards, Matthew and some Tokyo residents grab a rope and stretch it out, tripping Trekker Jr. and knocking him unconscious after falling to the ground. Kami jumps out of Trekker Jr.’s ear and runs back to Matthew while Trekker Jr. shrinks and disappears. With the residents cheering for them, Matthew and Kami walk off with Matthew waving at them. Matthew and Kami suddenly disappear and arrive at Sendai, where an earthquake is just beginning to strike. The citizens run for their lives with a child tripping over a crack and falling to the ground just inches from the ground’s opening. Matthew and Kami run to the child’s aid and pull him up just before plummeting into the bottomless pit. While running from the earthquake himself with Kami, Matthew suddenly turns around and summons an electrified bridge to cover the giant gap. Matthew and Kami then run onto the bridge and subsequently turn around to face the residents.

“It’s ok, everyone! This bridge is harmless! Hurry and climb on!” hollered Matthew. The residents run towards the bridge and stand on it until the earthquake stops. Afterwards, the residents cheer for Matthew and Kami as they part ways, disappearing all of a sudden and appearing at a rainforest currently in a downpour. Matthew reverts back to normal and hear cries for help, immediately beginning his search with Kami for the life-form in need. The cries get louder and louder during the search until finally, (to Matthew’s surprise), Mr. Wohlgamuth is seen tangled up in some tree branches.

“Oh, Matthew! Thank goodness!” says Mr. Wohlgamuth in relief.

“Mr. Wohlgamuth? What are you doing here?” asked Matthew.

“Expedition. I was studying this rainforest to see what facts I can collect and teach my class. As you can see, I got a little too close for comfort to these tough branches and can’t seem to break free.” answered Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you down.” responds Matthew while pulling out his Flamethrower Stone. After three taps of the stone, Matthew turns himself into his fire super-powered alter ego, Flamethrower, and burns the branches that Mr. Wohlgamuth was tangled up in.

“Thanks, Matthew! I thought I was a goner!” said Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“No problem, Mr. Wohlgamuth. Kami and I are trying to get back to Trekker’s mansion. He’s got Micah, and we keep getting sent to all these different places.” responded Matthew.

“Mind if I join? You and Kami certainly can’t do this alone.” asked Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“Please. We could use all the help we can get.” answered Matthew. A river suddenly overflows and causes a flash flood to head right towards Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“Yikes! There is no way we’re going to outrun that flood!” said Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“Hang on, guys! Looks like we’re going for a little ride!” responds Matthew while pulling out his Tundra Stone. Matthew taps on his stone three times and turns himself into his ice super-powered alter ego, Tundra, and climbs up a tree.

“Hurry, Mr. Wohlgamuth! Grab Kami and climb up!” said Matthew. Mr. Wohlgamuth picks up Kami and joins Matthew in the tree while the rapid current passes through underneath Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth. Matthew shoots out ice from his wrists and forms an ice boat while the flood violently flows through the rainforest.

“Jump on!” says Matthew while jumping off the tree. Matthew lands in the boat while Mr. Wohlgamuth jumps off the tree and safely lands in the boat, subsequently handing off Kami to Matthew.

“It’s nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.” said Matthew. Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth suddenly disappear and arrive at the bottom of Mount Everest, where Matthew looks up and sees a flag sitting on the top of the mountain.

“We should probably get to that flag. It has to be a sign of some sort.” says Matthew while pulling out his Tundra Stone and presenting it to Kami and Mr. Wohlgamuth. Kami and Mr. Wohlgamuth tap the stone three times and turn themselves into Matthew’s Tundra form. Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth head up the mountain and encounter a snow leopard, along with a group of himalayan black bears, that begin to chase them. Kami turns around at one point and barks at the snow leopard, scaring it away with the bears continuing to chase Matthew, Kami (who runs off), and Mr. Wohlgamuth. Mr. Wohlgamuth kicks one of the bears, after it gets close enough, and joins back up with Matthew and Kami while the bear tumbles down the mountain, hitting the other bears like bowling pins and causing them to tumble down. Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth reach the flag at the top of Mount Everest a while later, disappearing afterwards and appearing on a deserted island. Matthew looks around frantically for a way out, but finds nothing in plain sight.

“Stay on the island with Kami. I’m going to find a way out of here.” says Mr. Wohlgamuth while walking off into the ocean. Matthew picks up Kami and pets her as he stands nervously on the island while Mr. Wohlgamuth swims around the ocean to find a way out to no avail. He swims back to shore and starts walking around the island to search some more.

“There’s got to be a way off of this dump and back to Trekker’s mansion!” says Mr. Wohlgamuth in frustration. Mr. Wohlgamuth gives up after a while and retreats to Matthew and Kami.

“Anything?” asked Matthew.

“No, but we’ll think of something.” answered Mr. Wohlgamuth. The temperature becomes very cold at nighttime with Matthew and Mr. Wohlgamuth setting up a shelter to sleep in.

“That should do it. Now to find something to keep us warm.” said Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“How about Flamethrower?” asks Matthew while pulling out his Flamethrower Stone.

“That’ll do, especially since it will save us the time and hassle of building a fire!” answered Mr. Wohlgamuth. Kami and Mr. Wohlgamuth tap the stone three times and become Matthew’s Flamethrower form, becoming warm and turning in for the night. The next day, Matthew reverts to normal and pulls out his Bane Stone, which he taps three times and becomes his last super-powered alter ego (Bane). Matthew enters a forest on the island, searching for a way out with Kami and Mr. Wohlgamuth still sleeping. Matthew quietly walks through the forest when suddenly, he hears something move through some shrubs. He turns around and finds nothing in sight, so he continues to walk through the forest until he hears a quiet growl close to him. Matthew stops nervously and looks around to find where the noise is coming from, but still finds nothing. Matthew turns around and finds a lion standing right in front of him, immediately running off with the lion chasing him with Kami and Mr. Wohlgamuth still sleeping. Matthew suddenly stops and punches the lion in the face, causing it to fly back and hit a rock. The lion angrily charges after Matthew, who stands his ground after coming up with a plan. With the lion inches away from him, Matthew kicks it up into the air and grabs its tail after landing, twirling and throwing it out into the ocean. Matthew brushes off his hands while saying, “I should probably go back to Kami and Mr. Wohlgamuth before something else attacks.” Matthew runs back to Kami and Mr. Wohlgamuth, who are both now waking up and see Matthew (who is running out of breath) running towards them.

“Did you go somewhere?” asked Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“Yeah, I went into one of the forests on this island to find a way out until this lion came and tried to attack me. But, don’t worry. I took care of him.” answers Matthew while looking out at the ocean.

“Did you find anything?” asked Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“No. It looks like we’re stuck here.” answered Matthew. Matthew, Kami, and Mr. Wohlgamuth suddenly disappear and arrive at Trekker’s mansion.

“We made it! Woo-hoo!” shouts Matthew in excitement while looking around the mansion. Mr. Wohlgamuth looks around Trekker’s mansion and asks, “Looks like we did. Now, where’s Micah?”

“I wouldn’t celebrate just yet if I were any of you.” said Trekker.

“Ok, Trekker. You’ve had your fun watching us go through those worlds. Now, give me back my brother!” said Matthew angrily.

“Who says you three were finished?” asks Trekker menacingly with Trekker Jr. peaking out from behind. Trekker Jr. walks up right next to Trekker with Matthew asking, “What’s this all about?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” asked Trekker menacingly. Trekker Jr. counts heads and says, “Hey, dad. I just did a head count, and…it’s three against two.”

“Oh! You are absolutely right, my boy! This is certainly not a fair fight! We can fix that!” responds Trekker menacingly while pulling out his Teleportation Remote. Trekker points the remote at Mr. Wohlgamuth and presses its red button, causing Mr. Wohlgamuth to disappear and re-appear back behind him and Trekker Jr. tied up with tape over his mouth.

“There! Now it’s fair!” said Trekker.

“And the only company Matthew’s got is that puny little dog of his! That runt doesn’t stand a chance against us!” responded Trekker Jr.

“All right, my boy. Let’s rough them up!” replies Trekker while cracking his knuckles with Trekker Jr. Matthew gulps nervously while Trekker and Trekker Jr. charge after him with Kami running up to Trekker Jr. and biting his left leg.

“Ow! Get off me, you stupid dog!” yells Trekker Jr. while holding up his left backhand. Trekker Jr. slaps Kami, who yelps in pain and rolls off to the side unconscious. Matthew sadly looks at Kami while shouting, “Kami!” Matthew suddenly becomes enraged and says, “Nobody slaps my dog! I’ll slap you jerks so hard, it’ll make your heads spin off like a lid!” Matthew approaches Trekker and Trekker Jr. with Trekker punching him in the face and subsequently throwing him off to Trekker Jr., who kicks Matthew repeatedly as he lies on the floor. Matthew jumps back up onto his feet and punches Trekker Jr. in the face. With Trekker Jr. lying face-down on the floor, Matthew grabs his tail and drags him over to Trekker, twirling Trekker Jr. around and hitting Trekker in the process. Matthew lets go of his grip and runs over to Micah as Trekker and Trekker Jr. both fly backward and hit a wall, knocking them unconscious and subsequently falling face-down onto the floor. Matthew frees Micah from the concrete slab with Micah saying, “Thanks, Matthew! I thought I was done for!”

“You’re welcome, Micah. Let’s go help Kami.” responded Matthew.

“Oh! Right!” replies Micah while rushing to Kami’s aid with Matthew. Matthew gently rocks Kami with Micah nervously saying, “Come on, Kami! You got this! Please don’t leave us!” Matthew rocks her a few more times and says to Micah in disappointment, “It’s no use. Let’s go home.” Micah walks over to Trekker’s Warp Machine in disappointment with Matthew picking up Kami and carrying her while joining up with Micah.

“You two went through alot to save me, didn’t you?” asked Micah.

“More than you know. Battling monsters, rescuing people, even surviving severe weather. They don’t call dogs ‘Man’s Best Friend’ for nothing.” answered Matthew. Micah and Matthew suddenly hear a quiet whimper near them and look down at Kami, who is just now gaining consciousness.

“Kami! You’re all right!” shouted Micah excitedly.

“You had us both worried! Thanks for giving me the upper hand towards Trekker and Trekker Jr.! You really ARE ‘Man’s Best Friend’!” said Matthew excitedly.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself!” responded Micah.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” says Matthew while handing Kami off to Micah. Micah holds Kami and pets her as he watches Matthew run towards Mr. Wohlgamuth. Matthew unpeels the tape from Mr. Wohlgamuth’s mouth and unties him while saying, “Sorry I’m late, Mr. Wohlgamuth. You slipped my mind.”

“Don’t worry about it. Better late than never. Thank you for everything you’ve done. I’m so glad to see you, Micah, and even Kami all ok. It certainly has been an honor to be your teacher.” responded Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“You have been, by far, the best teacher I’ve ever had.” replied Matthew.

“Thank you, Matthew. I’m glad to hear that.” said Mr. Wohlgamuth.

“You’re welcome. Let’s all go home, now. We’ve all had enough adventure for one day.” responded Matthew.

“You said it!” replies Mr. Wohlgamuth while walking to Trekker’s Warp Machine with Matthew. Mr. Wohlgamuth warps himself home first with Micah and Matthew waving goodbye to him after stepping into the Warp Machine and disappearing. Micah and Matthew then warp themselves home with Kami, subsequently stepping out of Micah’s Warp Machine in his laboratory.

“What do you want to do, Micah?” asked Matthew. With a smile on his face, Micah takes Matthew and Kami into the living room, where they all happily play together and enjoy the remaining time they have left in the day.


The End

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